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Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Sconty09(m): 3:37am On May 11, 2016
Article originally appeared on the Huffington Post 25th April 2016
Did Jesus Predict Muhammad? A Biblical Portal Between Christianity and Islam
by Dr Ian Mevroach
Part 1:
The time has come for Christians and Muslims to make peace between our communities. Christians and Muslims already make up more than half of the global population, and these numbers are expected to grow in the coming decades; according to the Pew Research Center, by 2050, two thirds of humanity, some 5.7 billion people, will be either Christian or Muslim.
Our planet simply cannot afford another century of misunderstanding and violence between these two communities. The challenges we face as a global human family are profound: ongoing warfare and nuclear proliferation, global poverty and economic inequality, climate change and ecological degradation. How will humanity handle these crises and others if our two largest religious communities are embroiled in constant conflict, if misunderstanding defines our relationship? As contemporary theologian Hans Kung has argued for decades, there will be no peace between our nations without peace between our religions. Now is the time to transform the way Christians and Muslims see and relate to each other.
In an earlier blog on the Huffington Post about the problem of Christian Islamophobia, I argue that Christians have the opportunity to transform the way we see Islam and Muslims by accepting Muhammad as “Spirit of Truth.”

Historically, most Christian theologians—including John of Damascus, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Nicholas of Cusa, and Martin Luther—have seen Muhammad not as a “Spirit of Truth” but as a “Spirit of Error,” a false prophet or heretic. There are many Christians today who respect the Islamic tradition and would never make such an offensive statement about Muhammad.

However, the majority of Christians still maintain a fundamentally Islamophobic position on Muhammad. So I believe that the time has come for peacemaking Christians to contradict this position directly. Changing our view of Muhammad—so that we recognize him as a true prophet rather than discredit him as a false prophet—would effectively inoculate Christians against Islamophobia and would help to establish a new paradigm of cooperative Christian-Muslim relations.

In Jesus’ farewell discourse in the Gospel of John (chapters 14 to 16), Jesus speaks about the coming of the “Spirit of Truth” or “Advocate” (in Greek,parakletos). For centuries Muslim interpreters have seen Muhammad as this “Advocate,” based on Qur’an 61:6, a verse in which Jesus predicts the coming of a future prophet named Ahmad: “O Children of Israel! Truly I am the Messenger of God unto you, confirming that which came before me in the Torah and bearing glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me whose name is Ahmad” (61:6, The Study Quran). Ahmad, which is another name for Muhammad, is very close etymologically to the Greek word, parakletos, so it is likely that the Qur’an is claiming that Jesus’ farewell discourse in the Gospel of John predicts Muhammad. The major objection to applying these predictions to Muhammad or any other prophet is that Christians normally read them as part and parcel of Jesus’ promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus’s promise of the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Christian faith and my interpretation of Muhammad as Spirit of Truth affirms this. John 14:16-17 and 14:26 are clearly about the promise of the Holy Spirit: in John 14:16-17, the Advocate or Spirit of Truth is spoken of as an everlasting, invisible, abiding, inner presence; in most manuscripts, this Advocate is even directly called “the Holy Spirit” in John 14:26. But as Jesus’ farewell discourse proceeds these titles become multivalent and, in John 15:26-27 and 16:7-15, they begin to refer more to a future prophet than to the Holy Spirit. Some Muslim interpreters who identify Muhammad with the Advocate argue that this title does not refer to the Holy Spirit at all—and that the text of John has been corrupted so as to obfuscate its direct link to Muhammad. But I believe that the titles Spirit of Truth and Advocate are used in the Gospel of John, first of all, to speak about the promise of the Holy Spirit—and I do not believe that the text has been changed to hide anything. This interpretation of John opens us up to Muhammad as Spirit of Truth in a way that affirms the integrity of the Christian tradition. But before I explain the fine details of my exegesis I want to speak briefly to the big picture of why the Gospel of John, in particular, tells us that Jesus predicts a future prophet.

Part 2:

The Gospel of John is the latest canonical version of the Gospel—it was written at least a generation after the synoptic gospels and probably two generations or more after Paul’s letters. The author of the Gospel of John, often called the beloved disciple, claims to be the last living witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In a passage at the end of the Gospel he tells a story about an encounter with the risen Jesus that made him and others believe that he would live to see Jesus’ second coming.

Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them; he was the one who had reclined next to Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?” When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? Follow me!” So the rumor spread in the community that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?” This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. (John 21:20-24, NRSV)

This passage shows us that the author of the Gospel of John is in a different paradigm than earlier New Testament authors insofar as he no longer expects Jesus’ imminent second coming. Paul, for example, who wrote in the decades immediately following Jesus’ death and resurrection, believed that Jesus would return while most of the people he was preaching to were still alive. The author of the Gospel of John looks for new meaning in Jesus’ promise of the Spirit of Truth or Advocate because he realizes he will die before Jesus returns. When his Gospel was published he was likely already dead and his community was looking forward into a longer and more complicated future than originally expected.

The Gospel of John plays a similar role for the New Testament as Deuteronomy does for the Torah. Deuteronomy is the latest text of the Torah—it reiterates the Law of Moses as told in the four earlier books—and like the Gospel of John it predicts a future prophet:

I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their own people; I will put my words in the mouth of the prophet, who shall speak to them everything that I command.(Deut 18:18-19, NRSV)

Both Deuteronomy and the Gospel of John are reflections on specific revelations—the Torah and Gospel—and both indicate that there is more revelation to come. The Gospel of John’s language for the Spirit of Truth or Advocate is strikingly similar to Deuteronomy’s: “he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come” (John 16:13, NRSV).

Like Deuteronomy, the Gospel of John opens up an expectation for future revelation. John’s prophecy is not so specific that it must apply to Muhammad and only Muhammad. But insofar as the Qur’an makes the claim that Muhammad is the Spirit of Truth or Advocate that Jesus foretold, a strong interpretive option emerges for Christians to receive Muhammad as a prophet that Jesus predicts when he says:

I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. (John 16:12-15, NRSV)

In this passage, the description of the Advocate or Spirit of Truth is qualitatively different than earlier mentions. Here we see the Spirit of Truth speaking not through the disciples but to them. Earlier, in John 14:17, Jesus says that this Spirit of Truth will abide with his followers and be in them; throughout the Gospel of John the Holy Spirit is spoken of as an abiding, inner presence. Again, in 14:26, Jesus says that the Advocate will “remind you of all that I have said to you.” In these passages, Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit who helps his followers understand what he has said. Essentially, this would have been the experience of the beloved disciple, the author of the Gospel of John, who was guided by the presence of the Spirit in remembering and interpreting Jesus’ words and deeds (which he does spiritually rather than literally). However, in John 16:12-15, Jesus is talking about a Spirit of Truth who will bring forth new revelations, who will say the “many things” that Jesus does not say because his followers “cannot bear them now.”

The clear distinction is that the Spirit of Truth in John 16 is predicted to declare new revelations not merely remind Jesus’ disciples of what he already said, as in John 14. The idea that he will “declare to you the things that are to come” is especially important because it acknowledges the uncertainty about the future that Jesus’ followers faced, given the fact that he had not returned as soon as expected. Jesus asserts that this future prophet will glorify him by declaring a new revelation that will come from the same source as his message: God. This discourse is designed to open the minds of Christians to receive a future revelation not as something that competes with or diminishes the Gospel, but rather as something that glorifies Jesus. Unfortunately, these words in the Gospel of John have been totally missed by Christians who reject and belittle the Qur’an; we have for the most part completely ignored the unity of the Gospel and the Qur’an in terms of their common revelatory source. However, if we take Jesus’ words seriously, we have the opportunity to receive the Word of God in the Qur’an in accordance with Jesus’ promise that the Spirit of Truth “will take what is mine and declare it to you.” We can accept the Qur’an as a revelation, not in opposition to the Gospel, but in unity with the Gospel and the will of Jesus.

Part 3:

In the First Letter of John, which was written after the Gospel of John and is very similar to it, we find a continuation of the Gospel of John’s multivalent way of speaking about the Spirit as applying to the Holy Spirit as well as to prophets inspired by the Spirit. In 1 John 3:24 and 1 John 4:13, the author speaks about the gift of the Holy Spirit and how it abides in Jesus’ followers. But in 1 John 4:1-6, in between these mentions of the Holy Spirit, the author speaks at length about testing the spirits. In these verses the word “Spirit” is used to talk about prophets and how to tell whether they are true or false:

By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. (1 John 4:2, NRSV)

The author contrasts “the Spirit of God” with the “Spirit of Anti-Christ,” those who are “from God” with those who are “from the world,” and “the Spirit of Truth” with “the Spirit of Error.” This discourse, again, is strikingly similar to the discourse in Deuteronomy about future prophets that I quoted above.

In Deuteronomy 18:20-22, after the promise of a future prophet in 18:18 and the commandment to listen to that prophet in 18:19, criteria are laid out to distinguish a true from a false prophet. Deuteronomy threatens that a prophet who speaks for another god or who falsely speaks on God’s behalf “shall die” (18:20). It also advises the Israelites to ignore prophets who prophecy falsely:

If a prophet speaks in the name of the Eternal but the thing does not take place or prove true, it is a word that the Eternal has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; do not be frightened by it. (18:22, NRSV)

In the same way, but using different criteria, the author of 1 John defines true prophets and false prophets relative to their allegiance to Jesus, God, and the early followers of Jesus. Part of the dynamic of the early community of Jesus’ followers was that many claimed the inspiration of the Spirit and prophesied. The author of 1 John is especially worried about Docetic versions of Christianity that had developed denying that Jesus “came in the flesh”; in these versions of Christianity Jesus was not an actual human being but rather an angelic being that only appeared to be human. Such a version of Christianity, obviously, would have been quite disconnected from the actual teachings and values of Jesus of Nazareth and his earliest followers, who knew him as a real human being. It is worth noting that Muhammad meets these criteria insofar as the Qur’an affirms that Jesus is the Messiah and that he “came in the flesh.”

In the history of Christianity, all of the negative terms in 1 John 4:1-6 have been used against Muhammad. He has been identified with “the Spirit of Anti-Christ” and the “Spirit of Error.” However, the time has come for Christians to recognize how wrong we have been in these assessments and to correct the record by affirmatively identifying Muhammad with “the Spirit of Truth.”

When we look at Islam as a world religion, and see that 1.6 billion people and growing are following in the way of Muhammad, the time has surely come to recognize him as a prophet. If Muhammad is not a prophet, who is? It is understandable, really, that so many Christians have been defensive and have reacted negatively to Islam. That kind of group-ego, fear-based response is part of human nature. However, it is absurd for us to continue to see Muhammad as a heretical Christian or false prophet given that Islam has lasted for nearly 1,400 years, has supported monumental cultural, spiritual, artistic, political, moral, and intellectual achievements, and has a tremendous and vibrant global following.

There is no better candidate than Muhammad, no one in fact that comes even close, in terms of fulfilling Jesus’s promise of the Spirit of Truth who would bring forth a new revelation from God. I do not have space in this article to explore the many Qur’anic verses directly addressed to Christians, but if we were to receive them our religion would be transformed for the better and would come into balance with Judaism and Islam.

Jesus knew it would be difficult for us to accept his guidance from another source. But he did not want our fear of the apparent otherness of the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an to separate us from the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that is, the Word of God. This is why he spoke to the disciples reassuringly about the Spirit of Truth, saying, “he will glorify me”; and, for the same reason, he emphasized the unity of his teaching with the revelations to come, twice repeating the promise, “he will take what is mine and declare it to you” (John 16:14-15, NRSV). Based on the promises of Jesus, Christians can encounter the Qur’an without fear, knowing that it is a revelation which glorifies Jesus and, in a spiritual sense, is from him.

What we have in the Gospel of John is a biblical portal between Christianity and Islam. If we choose to walk through it in faith we will discover that our religions issue from the same divine source; we will discover that we are siblings in faith, meant to bear witness to the truth side by side (John 15:26-27) and collaborate in manifesting God’s will on Earth as it is in Heaven. I invite Christians everywhere to look carefully at our scriptures, search our souls, consider our history, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in answering this question: “Has the time come for Christians to see Muhammad as Spirit of Truth?”

Christian minister and Theologian, reverend Ian Mevorach writes an interesting article about how Christians reading their scriptures can come to the conclusion that the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) may have been predicted as a coming Prophet sent by God in the Jewish and Christian scriptures. He has argued previously that Islamophobia in the U.S.A may be reduced if Christians learn to accept the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) as a prophet of God.
Reverend Dr. Ian Mevorach, holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Middlebury College, an M.Div. from Boston University School of Theology (BUSTH), and a Ph.D. in Theological Ethics and Constructive Theology from BUSTH. He is the co-founder and spiritual leader of the Common Street Spiritual Center in Natick, MA (www.commonstreet.org). He is the co-founder of the American Baptist Churches Creation Justice Network and represents the American Baptist Churches USA on the board of Creation Justice Ministries, a national, multi-denominational environmental justice coalition.


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by ProfessorPeter(m): 4:57am On May 11, 2016
Op, take your write up to Islamic section and post it there. Christians will never accept Muhammad as "the spirit of truth" . Who is Allah? ,Does the teaching of Muhammad agreed with the teaching of Lord Jesus? How did Islam and Christianity spread?

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by tevinsolt: 5:11am On May 11, 2016
no-sense and one answer, The law of non-contradiction.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by allthingsgood: 5:36am On May 11, 2016
Christianity and Islam are two sides of the same coin. The differences these two religion claim are borne out of manipulations and misrepresentations by political and religious elite. And this has led to unnecessary conflict and wars around the world. We are all one and the same!


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by allthingsgood: 5:37am On May 11, 2016
Op, take your write up to Islamic section and post it there. Christians will never accept Muhammad as "the spirit of truth" . Who is Allah? ,Does the teaching of Muhammad agreed with the teaching of Lord Jesus? How did Islam and Christianity spread?

Both spread by bloody wars and conquest!

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by thorpido(m): 6:37am On May 11, 2016
There should be peace between Christians and muslims.The world needs that peace.

HOWEVER,Jesus did not predict the coming of Muhammad.Muhammad is NOT the 'Spirit of truth'.He was not a spirit in the first place.John 14 did not speak of him because he doesn't fit the description of the Personality in that chapter.Of course the apologetics have to twist it to make him fit just to give that credibility.
It doesn't matter that a so-called christian priest writes any article.That doesn't make him an authority on the scriptures.

Make peace but don't spread falsehood.Muhammad was the only prophet of Allah.

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Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Blackfire(m): 6:37am On May 11, 2016
I ve never seen a confused species like this Muslim atttarche par force...

@op take this sh-it to religious section if u can... I am blackfire i will be waiting for u and your mohamed and his altered ego Allah, packaged in Islam.

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Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Nbote(m): 7:13am On May 11, 2016
I don't understand why dis ppl carry dis so-called theory by one theologian for head. Muslims don't accept Jesus Christ is d son of God and Christians on d other hand don't see Islam as a true religion so what is d theory of predicting Prophet Muhammed trying to prove?
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by shakur4luv(m): 7:21am On May 11, 2016


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by theGuest: 7:28am On May 11, 2016
A totally unrelated piece of information: All Muslims (no matter the sect) place Jesus (SAW) on a platter of Gold. They pray for him ANYTIME his name is mentioned. They will never insult him. They even believe that he, Jesus (SAW), was the saviour . . . But only during his time on earth.

I said this is totally unrelated because real Muslims don't care what names you call Muhammed (PBUH), whether you see him as "spirit of truth" or not.

One thing I love about the Bible is that it is full of wise proverb that holds true in every occasion. For example John 8:32. Swallow your pride, guys, and seek the truth. Don't even go seeking it anywhere except from the bible. Because (Mark 8:36) "what does it profit you to stay in your comfort zone but forfeit your soul to falsehood?"

Let me assure you that alot of Muslims will be punished by Allah for making Islam unattractive to you (false Jihadist, Muslim terrorist, paedophiles, bad-intentioned polygamist, fetish Imams etc) but YOU only will be queried for not seeking the truth.

Millions of Christians around the world, in the last few years have sought after the truth about Islam, some were convinced that Islam really is bad, some otherwise.

My challenge for you is simple: If you're going to defend Christianity and bad mouth Muhammed (PHUB) and Islam, be objective and seek out the truth.

Peace be upon you ✌


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by JahJaa(m): 8:48am On May 11, 2016
A totally unrelated piece of information: All Muslims (no matter the sect) place Jesus (SAW) on a platter of Gold. They pray for him ANYTIME his name is mentioned. They will never insult him. They even believe that he, Jesus (SAW), was the saviour . . . But only during his time on earth.

I said this is totally unrelated because real Muslims don't care what names you call Muhammed (PBUH), whether you see him as "spirit of truth" or not.

One thing I love about the Bible is that it is full of wise proverb that holds true in every occasion. For example John 8:32. Swallow your pride, guys, and seek the truth. Don't even go seeking it anywhere except from the bible. Because (Mark 8:36) "what does it profit you to stay in your comfort zone but forfeit your soul to falsehood?"

Let me assure you that alot of Muslims will be punished by Allah for making Islam unattractive to you (false Jihadist, Muslim terrorist, paedophiles, bad-intentioned polygamist, fetish Imams etc) but YOU only will be queried for not seeking the truth.

Millions of Christians around the world, in the last few years have sought after the truth about Islam, some were convinced that Islam really is bad, some otherwise.

My challenge for you is simple: If you're going to defend Christianity and bad mouth Muhammed (PHUB) and Islam, be objective and seek out the truth.

Peace be upon you ✌
i am a christian but i love all you just said may God bless you with more wisdom.


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by pacretus(m): 9:44am On May 11, 2016
Some theologians are foolish men with knowledge.How can God be divided against Himself.when he said''ahous divided against itself will not stand''.
This is blasphemy of the highest other.we christians love muslims..but we hate islam.because it's a very violent evil spirit that upholds islam.
Muslims on the other hand are mere humans controlled by the dark unseen EVIL powers/spirits of the universe.
Infact any christian who hates a muslim is still in darkness and is no christian at all.if you then love your fellow christian how are you different from an unbeliever who hates christians but befriends unbeliever.
Mohammed is not a man of Truth least to say a spirit of truth.
How can a man who himself preached and carried out JIHAD(holy war) be any good.
How can a man who adviced men to marry anywhere they are just to fulfil there sexual urges,and after some or a night is free to divorce her, be truthful.
Again christians do not hate muslims,we pray for them to come to the truth at least each passing day.
Quote me and you will make heaven at last.

1 Like

Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by jcross19: 10:21am On May 11, 2016
i am a christian but i love all you just said may God bless you with more wisdom.
john 3 vs 18 says: he that believeth on him is not condemn: but he that believeth not on him is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of only begotten son of God. You are not a christian.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by JahJaa(m): 10:24am On May 11, 2016
john 3 vs 18 says: he that believeth on him is not condemn: but he that believeth not on him is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of only begotten son of God. You are not a christian.
So says you bro. Have a nice day
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by nafiachi(m): 11:21am On May 11, 2016
Op, take your write up to Islamic section and post it there. Christians will never accept Muhammad as "the spirit of truth" . Who is Allah? ,Does the teaching of Muhammad agreed with the teaching of Lord Jesus? How did Islam and Christianity spread?

So if I may ask, How did both religion spread?
Before you answer wrongly, pls make sure you have your facts.
As a Muslim though I'll answer the later,
Islam spread across the world more through interactions between Muslim missionaries and their host communities, yes I know your initial thoughts were "Islam was spread by the sword" well that is a complete LIE.
The wars fought in Islam were mostly to guard against aggressors who were hell-bent on seeing Muslims do not practice their faith, and in societies were Islam was adopted as a state religion all other faiths were tolerated, that is why till today there are Christians in the Arab world etc.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by nafiachi(m): 11:25am On May 11, 2016
A totally unrelated piece of information: All Muslims (no matter the sect) place Jesus (SAW) on a platter of Gold. They pray for him ANYTIME his name is mentioned. They will never insult him. They even believe that he, Jesus (SAW), was the saviour . . . But only during his time on earth.

I said this is totally unrelated because real Muslims don't care what names you call Muhammed (PBUH), whether you see him as "spirit of truth" or not.

One thing I love about the Bible is that it is full of wise proverb that holds true in every occasion. For example John 8:32. Swallow your pride, guys, and seek the truth. Don't even go seeking it anywhere except from the bible. Because (Mark 8:36) "what does it profit you to stay in your comfort zone but forfeit your soul to falsehood?"

Let me assure you that alot of Muslims will be punished by Allah for making Islam unattractive to you (false Jihadist, Muslim terrorist, paedophiles, bad-intentioned polygamist, fetish Imams etc) but YOU only will be queried for not seeking the truth.

Millions of Christians around the world, in the last few years have sought after the truth about Islam, some were convinced that Islam really is bad, some otherwise.

My challenge for you is simple: If you're going to defend Christianity and bad mouth Muhammed (PHUB) and Islam, be objective and seek out the truth.

Peace be upon you ✌

Jazaaka Llahu Khairan


Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by thorpido(m): 12:57pm On May 11, 2016
A totally unrelated piece of information: All Muslims (no matter the sect) place Jesus (SAW) on a platter of Gold. They pray for him ANYTIME his name is mentioned. They will never insult him. They even believe that he, Jesus (SAW), was the saviour . . . But only during his time on earth.

I said this is totally unrelated because real Muslims don't care what names you call Muhammed (PBUH), whether you see him as "spirit of truth" or not.

One thing I love about the Bible is that it is full of wise proverb that holds true in every occasion. For example John 8:32. Swallow your pride, guys, and seek the truth. Don't even go seeking it anywhere except from the bible. Because (Mark 8:36) "what does it profit you to stay in your comfort zone but forfeit your soul to falsehood?"

Let me assure you that alot of Muslims will be punished by Allah for making Islam unattractive to you (false Jihadist, Muslim terrorist, paedophiles, bad-intentioned polygamist, fetish Imams etc) but YOU only will be queried for not seeking the truth.

Millions of Christians around the world, in the last few years have sought after the truth about Islam, some were convinced that Islam really is bad, some otherwise.

My challenge for you is simple: If you're going to defend Christianity and bad mouth Muhammed (PHUB) and Islam, be objective and seek out the truth.

Peace be upon you ✌
That you place Jesus on a platter of Gold does not support the truth.The message of Jesus was the gospel which in summary means that He died for the sins of mankind and He is Lord.Islam does not accept that.Being nice and accepting the truth are not the SAME. To place Jesus on a platter of gold or say He was one of the prophets does not STAND in Truth.That is the error we kick against as Christians.

Again praying for Jesus is a waste of prayer.It's useless and unfruitful.The quran says Jesus was received into heaven.How do you pray for someone who is in heaven already?Isn't it a useless prayer?Moreover,Jesus Himself is the answer to prayer.

@second bolded,that's not true.Many islamic scholars spend time and energy trying to prove from John 14 and 16 that Muhammed was who Jesus spoke about.

You seem a nice guy but like i said,being nice and standing in the Truth are not the same.

1 Like

Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Godstraight(m): 1:05pm On May 11, 2016
Christianity and Islam are two sides of the same coin. The differences these two religion claim are borne out of manipulations and misrepresentations by political and religious elite. And this has led to unnecessary conflict and wars around the world. We are all one and the same!
hey we are not one pls,in the meantime this is politics section
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Godstraight(m): 1:12pm On May 11, 2016

So if I may ask, How did both religion spread?
Before you answer wrongly, pls make sure you have your facts.
As a Muslim though I'll answer the later,
Islam spread across the world more through interactions between Muslim missionaries and their host communities, yes I know your initial thoughts were "Islam was spread by the sword" well that is a complete LIE.
The wars fought in Islam were mostly to guard against aggressors who were hell-bent on seeing Muslims do not practice their faith, and in societies were Islam was adopted as a state religion all other faiths were tolerated, that is why till today there are Christians in the Arab world etc.
can compare the peace of mind with Muslims living in America to the peace of mind of Christians living in the middle east
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Godstraight(m): 1:15pm On May 11, 2016

Both spread by bloody wars and conquest!
my friend go and read the 2000 year history of Christianity and the definition of spread, and name a war where Christians took swords to kill people in the name of converting them
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Nobody: 1:19pm On May 11, 2016
My challenge for you is simple: If you're going to defend Christianity and bad mouth Muhammed (PHUB) and Islam, be objective and seek out the truth.

The truth is Jesus
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Nobody: 1:21pm On May 11, 2016

So if I may ask, How did both religion spread?
Before you answer wrongly, pls make sure you have your facts.
As a Muslim though I'll answer the later,
Islam spread across the world more through interactions between Muslim missionaries and their host communities, yes I know your initial thoughts were "Islam was spread by the sword" well that is a complete LIE.
The wars fought in Islam were mostly to guard against aggressors who were hell-bent on seeing Muslims do not practice their faith, and in societies were Islam was adopted as a state religion all other faiths were tolerated, that is why till today there are Christians in the Arab world etc.

This will not sell here you were told be for to take it up north
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Nobody: 1:51pm On May 11, 2016
can compare the peace of mind with Muslims living in America to the peace of mind of Christians living in the middle east
Yes you can't compare! You can never compare! In America, Muslims are oppressed, harassed, constantly arrested for no reason. But in the Middle East, in the Arab world and Persian world, in countries like Syria, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Christians have rest of mind. They go about doing their jobs without fear. No one harasses them. No one discriminates them. No one trash talks them. They live together peacefully, except America decides to "export docracy" to that country, Middle Eastern countries are the most peaceful countries to live.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by cheruv: 4:24pm On May 11, 2016
Yes you can't compare! You can never compare! In America, Muslims are oppressed, harassed, constantly arrested for no reason. But in the Middle East, in the Arab world and Persian world, in countries like Syria, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Christians have rest of mind. They go about doing their jobs without fear. No one harasses them. No one discriminates them. No one trash talks them. They live together peacefully, except America decides to "export docracy" to that country, Middle Eastern countries are the most peaceful countries to live.

Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by pacretus(m): 9:47pm On May 11, 2016
Yes you can't compare! You can never compare! In America, Muslims are oppressed, harassed, constantly arrested for no reason. But in the Middle East, in the Arab world and Persian world, in countries like Syria, Iran, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Christians have rest of mind. They go about doing their jobs without fear. No one harasses them. No one discriminates them. No one trash talks them. They live together peacefully, except America decides to "export docracy" to that country, Middle Eastern countries are the most peaceful countries to live.
guy i know islam forbids alcohol,and ciggaret,so what are you high on,do you know that christians are murdered unjustly in saudi arabia.do you know there is no single church on top of any city in ksa.only underground churches which are not discovrerd by the authorities.iran is almost doing the same with thier so called revolutionary guard,they kill and persecute christians who dares to pray even in his own home.
Mid east is a hell for christian missionaries.but christianity is still growing exponentially over there.praise God.
So please don't meddle or venture into matters that are above your knowledge.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by Nobody: 10:30pm On May 11, 2016
guy i know islam forbids alcohol,and ciggaret,so what are you high on,do you know that christians are murdered unjustly in saudi arabia.do you know there is no single church on top of any city in ksa.only underground churches which are not discovrerd by the authorities.iran is almost doing the same with thier so called revolutionary guard,they kill and persecute christians who dares to pray even in his own home.
Mid east is a hell for christian missionaries.but christianity is still growing exponentially over there.praise God.
So please don't meddle or venture into matters that are above your knowledge.
Guy why you too dey lie like this? The only place where Christians are not allowed in Saudi Arabia are Mecca and Medina. Mos of the construction workers and engineers in Saudi Arabia are Christians from Western Countries. In case you don't know, most of the medical doctors in Saudi Arabia are foreigners and a significant amount of them are Nigerians. Saudis themselves are lazy and less educated but they still manage to have a technologically advanced society thanks to their oil money. They import professionals from Western Countries and these professionals are mostly Christians. In Saudi Arabia, Christian foreigners are well respected and most times are even befriended by young Saudi Princes who love to live lavishly than Saudis themselves. Only 10% of people living in Qatar are Qataris. The rest are expatriates working there and they are mostly Christians. In Dubai, people wear bikinis at the beach and drink and smoke at the clubs. Rihana did had a Photoshop in the biggest mosque in Dubai! Stop saying what you do not know.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by theGuest: 11:07pm On May 11, 2016
i am a christian but i love all you just said may God bless you with more wisdom.

May God bless you too, bro.
You know, good people that say good things get good things. The truth is the best of the good things. My prayer is that God gives you and other nice people the financial freedom and piece of mind for you to have enough time to seek the truth.

You know the funny thing, I use to think that God should be lenient with us in the "poor" countries of the world. Between looking for the basic things of life and self preservation, what time and resources do we have to be seeking out the truth about religion.
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by theGuest: 11:09pm On May 11, 2016
You know, good people that say good things get good things. The truth is the best of the good things. My prayer is that God gives you and other nice people the financial freedom and piece of mind for you to have enough time to seek the truth.

You know the funny thing, I use to think that God should be lenient with us in the "poor" countries of the world. Between looking for the basic things of life and self preservation, what time and resources do we have to be seeking out the truth about Religion?

An average western will have the financial resources to travel around the world, to places where pristine Islam is being practiced.

Not where hungry imams will do despicable things that wont allow anyone to want to explore Islam . . . or where the poverty-stricken preacher, that only want your tithes, will misinterprets the Quran verses to you until you want to harm any Muslim that comes your way.

Even the Christian broadcasting Network is asking why Islam is growing so fast in the west ( http://www1.cbn.com/spirituallife/why-are-so-many-westerners-converting-to-islam )

Tell you one thing, an average 21st century Muslim has studied the bible, basically seeking for the truth. So why don't you?
Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by JahJaa(m): 11:13pm On May 11, 2016

May God bless you too, bro.
You know, good people that say good things get good things. The truth is the best of the good things. My prayer is that God gives you and other nice people the financial freedom and piece of mind for you to have enough time to seek the truth.

You know the funny thing, I use to think that God should be lenient with us in the "poor" countries of the world. Between looking for the basic things of life and self preservation, what time and resources do we have to be seeking out the truth about religion.
well as a christian i strongly believe in what the bible said which is #1 love one another as you love your self #2 do not judge etc so that is just why i live the kinda life i live i believe the world is big enough for all of us to live in peace Religiously

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Re: Christian Theologian Argues That Prophetmuhammed(pbuh)was Predicted In The Bible by pacretus(m): 1:23am On May 12, 2016
Guy why you too dey lie like this? The only place where Christians are not allowed in Saudi Arabia are Mecca and Medina. Mos of the construction workers and engineers in Saudi Arabia are Christians from Western Countries. In case you don't know, most of the medical doctors in Saudi Arabia are foreigners and a significant amount of them are Nigerians. Saudis themselves are lazy and less educated but they still manage to have a technologically advanced society thanks to their oil money. They import professionals from Western Countries and these professionals are mostly Christians. In Saudi Arabia, Christian foreigners are well respected and most times are even befriended by young Saudi Princes who love to live lavishly than Saudis themselves. Only 10% of people living in Qatar are Qataris. The rest are expatriates working there and they are mostly Christians. In Dubai, people wear bikinis at the beach and drink and smoke at the clubs. Rihana did had a Photoshop in the biggest mosque in Dubai! Stop saying what you do not know.
Sorry...didn't quite get you.and i can't seem to find a single sentence that counters mine in all your post.
You accused me of saying things i have no knowledge of.well i think it's the other way round.i lived with missionaries from Niger republic,switzerland nd so on.please ig you have a photo of a single church in ksa,or iran please post it.as for qatar and dubai,they know they can't have a vibrant economy if they openly go against christians.so please don't tell me the mid east is christian friendly.you are just a novice.

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