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Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:29pm On Aug 07, 2017


16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24 And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

A man driving on a highway where the traffic is free-flowing may soon overspeed and have accident if a conscious and deliberate effort is not made to check his speed. Many people have died in accidents arriving from overspeedings like these. Bumps and speed breakers are often deliberately constructed on roads to limit the speeds of drivers on that road in order that road accidents may be avoided. Road warning and caution signs are placed at strategic places to make sure accidents do not happen at all cost. If all these measures are taken to avoid physical road accidents, concerted and deliberate efforts must be taken to avoid spiritual accidents.

To avoid a fatal ‘spiritual accident’, you must deliberately control the speed (desires) of your flesh. You must erect Spiritual bumps and speed breakers for your flesh so that it will not spiritually crash-land you. When you do this, you are crucifying your flesh. All they that are Christ’s must reach this level in faith where the influence of flesh in their lives is reduced to an insignificant level. Then, their spirits can be at work. This teaching is aimed at exploring possible ways of limiting the influences of flesh in our lives.

The Flesh and Its Sinful Nature
The flesh has a natural tendency for sins. The book of Psalm 51 infers so.

Psalm 51:5
5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Most sins that men commit, today, arise from the desire to satisfy the sinful demands of their flesh. I will give some example.

- When you take strong drink, you fulfill your body’s desire for drink.
- When you fornicate, you fulfill the desires of your flesh for pleasure.
- When you dress worldly, you satisfy the desire of your flesh for ego.
- When you smoke, you satisfy the craving of your body for Cigarette.
- Lust of the eye arises from the desire to please your eyes.

Almost all sins arise as a result to please one or the other desires of the flesh.

The Heart and Its Key Role
The role of a man’s heart in overcoming or yielding to sins cannot be over-emphasized. Throughout the Word of God, this truth about heart is underscored. Let us look at a few of them.

Proverb 4:23
23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Mathew 12:34
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Mathew 5:8
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Mathew 15:19-20
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

There are many other scriptures that emphasize the all-important role of the heart of a man either towards salvation if his heart is sanctified or towards destruction if his heart is full of evils.
The Heart as the Chief Flesh Officer
The heart of a man is the one that dictates whatever sinful behaviors that a man does with his body parts. The heart is the chief flesh officer of the body. It is the one that gives signal to the eyes to look lustfully, to the mouth to tell lies, to the flesh to desire strong drink, and to the feet to run to do evils. If you can actually tame the heart you can tame all other parts of your flesh.

Consider what the scripture below says.
32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit (heart) than he that taketh a city.

The scripture above infers that the spirit (the heart) of man is the most difficult to control by a man and that any man that can successfully control such is better than any mighty man. Make every step to crucify your flesh today.

The Heart as a Reservoir For Evils
Though, we mentioned above that the heart of a man is the one giving signals of sins to the members of his body, still, it is worth stressing that those signals are not primarily its own. They are the signals of sins that the members of the body that it controls have stored inside of it. The heart acts like a reservoir of sinful behaviour, if it has not been sanctified, or a reservoir of godliness, if it has been sanctified.

The scripture below suggests such.
Mathew 12:34
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

The 3 Major Gateways to The Heart
The scripture in Mathew 15:19-20 makes us to know that every evil behaviour that a man does proceed from his heart.

Mathew 15:19-20
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

This is why we said that the heart is both the ‘chief flesh officer’ and a reservoir of evil deeds. And again, we said that every evil that proceeds from the heart are in turn what the heart have been fed with.

The three major gateways by which evils are fed to the heart are ‘Mouth’, ‘Eyes’ and ‘Hear’. These are the members of the body that principally feed the heart with all evils and the heart in turn gives it back to them when they need what they have deposited. What you give to your heart is what it gives you back in return.

If you always look at lustful images with your eyes, your heart will be filled with desires of fornication, masturbation, lust, prostitution and the rests. If you always say loose and vain words, your heart will always be filled with such words. If you always drink strong drinks, your heart will always desire to be at the clubs, parties and so on. If you always listen to slanderous and defiling words, your heart will always give you more desires of such.

It is therefore our belief that if we successfully ‘crucify’ our eyes, mouth and hears, then we will have succeeded blocking evils from gaining access to our hearts.

In view of this, we will dealing with how to tame our eyes, mouths and ears from evils. If we are able to successfully tame them, then very soon, our flesh shall be crucified.

The Lord, Jesus Christ, warns us about these three gateways to the heart.

Luke 8:18a
18a Take heed therefore how ye hear: (warning against ears)

Mathew 12:36-37
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. (warning against mouth/tongue)

Mathew 5:28
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (warning against eyes)

How to Tame The Tongue and The Mouth
The tongue and the mouth together play a great role in making a man to sin. If therefore, we can control these two important organs of speech, then very soon, our flesh will be crucified.

The following few scriptures emphasize the gross importance of both the mouth and the tongue.

James 3
2 For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

James 3:6-8
6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
7 For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

James 3:10
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
The following ways are useful in crucifying the tongue and the mouth.

How to tame your mouths/tongues
-1. Fast and Pray
17 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
The first instruments of deliverance and crucifying the flesh are fasting and praying. We have taught about fasting in great details, here.

-2. Always Speak the Word of God
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;

-3. Give thanks always
Ephesians 5:20
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

-4. Sing hymns, psalms and spiritual songs.
Eph 5:19
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

-5. Be slow to speak.
James 1:19
19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
If you are always slow to speak, most of the things you will have said in anger will have been avoided. It is particularly advisable to be quiet when you are angry. Someone was even quoted as saying that, if you are angry, count from one to twenty before you talk. It is believed that before you counted up to twenty, the anger will have soften and you might say any harsh word, any more.

-6. Be a man of few words.
Proverbs 10:19 (NLT)
19 Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.

The scripture above says it all. Avoid too much talk. Talk only when it is necessary and say, also, what is necessary.

-7. Avoid Murmuring and Complaints
Numbers 14:27
27 How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.

God hates murmuring. Rather than murmuring, let us take our petition to Him in prayer.

-8. Do not blaspheme
Most comedies today are blasphemous. Name of God, Word of God, and Spirit of God are used to crack jokes. We must avoid such. Exodus 20:7.

-9. Avoid Swelling Words
Jude 1:16
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

-10. Avoid Vain Words
Words that do not glorify God should be avoided.

-11. Avoid Swearing

-12. Avoid Pride and pompous words.

-13. Avoid Condemnation and judgment.

-14. Do not curse.
Romans 12:14
14 Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.

-15. Avoid Jesting and comedy
Ephesians 5:4
4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:35pm On Aug 07, 2017
How To Tame the Eyes
In these last days, there are constant and deliberate plans by the enemy to attack the eyes of men. Many clothes that reveal the sensitive parts of woman’s bodies have flooded the world. It is almost difficult to walk the whole length of a street without seeing at least a woman wearing the attires of an harlot.

The reason why the enemy has flooded the wardrobes of women with body-revealing clothes has largely to make men disobey the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Mathew 5:28 quoted below.

28 But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

From the underlined words from above, we see how the look of the eyes of man can trigger lust and then adultery of heart. But are we excusable to commit lust because we have no control over the type of clothe that another woman wear? NO! The next verse to the one above Mathew 5:29 infers to us to deal with our eyes rather than falling to sin.

Mathew 5:29
29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Now that we know that we have no excuse based on the shortcoming of our eyes to fall into lust and satan’s deliberate attempt to attack the eyes through women’s body-revealing clothes, our own responsibility as heaven-minded believers is crucify the eyes and make them insensitive to those women riotous end-time clothes.

The following ways are few ways to crucify the eyes.
-1. Fast and Pray
17 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Regular fasting and prayer help to check the spirit of lust from invading our eyes.

-2. Flee appearance of pornographic/lust-inducing images.
Immediately your eyes are exposed to any lust inducing images, quickly take away your eyes. Do not look, the second time, to confirm. If Kind David had flee on catching a glimpse of Uriah’s wife that was bathing, he could have escaped adultery, murder and the judgment God placed on him.

The lust-inducing images include the women that exposed her body on the road, the ones on billboards, televisions, magazines, computers, phones, social media and others.

-3. Avoid eye contacts with strange women/men.
Proverb 7:13,18,19
13 So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him,
18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.
19 For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:

The above scriptures show a prostitute that used her face/eyes to pass a message to a young man of her intention to commit an act of adultery with him.

As it was in the bible days, so it is in these last days. Adulterous men and women still use face to communicate sensuous messages to their potential sin partners. If you are able to avoid their facial communication, you may not fall into their traps.

-4. Always ask why
Job 41:1
1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?

Before you look twice at an opposite sex on the road, always ask yourself why. If the answer is because you think she is ‘sexy’ or exposing some sensuous parts of her body or there is an ‘inviting’ body shape, decide that you will not look at her. By so doing, you can overcome many lustful temptations. Make a covenant with yourself that you will not look the second time at any man/woman that dress in a lustful way. If you are used to this approach, you will soon crucify your eyes.

-5. Walk and Look straight on.
Proverb 4:25
25 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee on. (Prov 4:25)

Many men enjoy sightseeing on the road. They look up and down, left and right, trying to catch a glimpse of everything on the road. If you are such a person, you are exposing yourself to lustful images. Rather than that, focus yourself on your destination and reduce sight-seeing on the road as much as possible.

-6. Don’t read captions on females clothes
Some captions on females’ clothes can be so tempting. Once, I saw a caption like ‘Have a taste’ written along the breast-line of a female clothe. If a man read such a caption, it can easily spark an evil thought. On another occasion, I saw another young lady with the caption ‘love’ written on the buttock side of her clothe.

-7. Be in the Spirit always.
Being in the Spirit always will help you always not to fulfill the desires of the flesh. You can sing in hymns, psalms, spiritual songs and so on.

How To Tame the Hears
-1. Fast and Pray
17 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Regular fasting and prayer help to crucify the flesh. Indulge in it.

-2. Hear the Word of God always.
Romans 10:17
17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Your faith will grow in whatever you keep hearing and that is what your mouth will be professing. If for instance, you love to listen football arguments, before you know what is happening, you will say things along that line. In the same manner, if you cultivate the habit of listening to the Word of God, your mouth will be professing spiritual things and you will grow in faith.

Always excuse yourself where ungodly things are being said. Do not listen to profane songs.

-3. Be in the Spirit always.
Being in the Spirit always will help you always not to fulfill the desires of the flesh. If you found yourself where unholy and unruly things are being discussed and you cannot excuse yourself, for instance in your office, You can start to sing hymns, psalms and spiritual songs and tune your ears to that song alone. By that you will be filtering the ungodly conversations from entering your ears.

How To Crucify the Heart
In addition to crucifying the eyes, mouth/tongue and ears –the three principal gateways to the heart, there is a deliberate need to tame the heart as well. The following few steps are advisable.

-1. Fast and Pray
17 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Regular fasting and prayer will certainly help in crucifying the heart and the flesh at large.

-2. Wash your heart in the blood of Jesus.
Any time lustful or evil thought infiltrates your heart, repent of that thought and just say this simple prayer,: ‘Lord, Jesus Christ, wash my heart with your blood’. By so doing, you will be cleansing and purifying your heart. Remember Mathew 5:8.

Mathew 5:8
8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

-3. Open your heart
Revelation 3:20
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

God is always standing at the door of our heart. He is ready to give us instructions, warnings, corrections, guidance and so on. This may come through pastor’s preaching in the church, bus preaching, song ministration, street cry, tract, and so on. To be able to receive, you must always be of a willing heart. Your heart must be open to Him, always. Be alert.

It is important to stress that as God, through the Holy Spirit, is standing at the door of your heart, Satan also, through the evil spirits, is also standing at the door of your heart. It is who you open your heart to that will eventually enter.

-4. Meditate the Word of God
8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,

-5. Keep your heart.
Proverb 4:23
23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

There is a deliberate spiritual war against the heart of man. Whether you will make heaven or not will depend on who wins the war of your heart; whether God or satan depending on whom you yield the heart to. Therefore, it is your duty to always remember this fact that there are wars, attacks, arrows against your heart, if you did not spiritually keep your heart with all diligence, you will be a spiritual victim in the hands of sin and satan.

Anything that is out of control is a potential source of danger to the user. To be an order, there must be some form of control. Can you imagine a highway where there is no traffic light system or traffic wardens to control traffic at crossroads that is full of volume of vehicles? Certainly there is going to be chaos at that junction!

The wild animals are wild and different from the domestic ones because the former are not subject to any control like the domestic one.

The same goes to human flesh. The flesh of human has to be under control. If this is not done, a man may want to sleep with any man he lusts after just because he lusts after them. He may want to do anything that comes to his heart without restraints and this will ultimately lead to his self-destruction.

Apostle Paul recognized the danger of not bringing his flesh under control and he wrote by the inspiration of Holy Ghost in 1 Corinthians 9:27.
1 Corinthians 9:27
27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

He realized if he did not bring his flesh under control, the result will be an eternal damnation. In similar manner, any believer that has the hope of making the rapture should crucify his flesh and bring it under subjection.

We have seen from above that the human flesh can be subjected to control and indeed a believer must make a deliberate effort to crucify it. We have also seen that the flesh, which is the principal flesh officer, can be crucified by crucifying the three major gateways to it. We have also seen that fasting and prayer are also good effective tools at crucifying the flesh. Always remember the Words of the Lord, Jesus Christ that the flesh profiteth nothing (John 6:63b).

1. Lord, Jesus Christ, wash and purify my heart in your blood.
2. Holy Spirit of God, crucify my flesh on the cross of Jesus.
3. Lord Jesus Christ, refine my spirit, soul and body in the fire of Holy Ghost .
4. Lord, Jesus Christ, deliver me from all works of the flesh and prepare me ready for your return.

Are you an elect of Christ? Are you truly saved? Are you on the narrow road? Do you want to make the rapture/heaven? If your answers are yes, then,
• Make all efforts to heed the warnings of Jesus Christ.

• Be watchful. Pay attention to what is happening around the World and see whether they match what the scriptures say.

• Be filled with the Holy Spirit and be in the Spirit all the time.

• Fast, consecrate yourself, run away from sin and worldliness.

If your answers are NO, then you can repent today. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Kindly sincerely and faithfully pray the prayer of repentance below and make a determination never to commit sin again.

Prayer Of Repentance
Lord, Jesus Christ, I am sorry for all my sins. I confess them with my mouth and I ask for mercy. Please forgive me and wash me in your blood. I accept you as my personal Lord and Saviour. Write my name in the book of life. Give me power over sins and fill me with your Spirit and Joy of Salvation. When rapture trumpet sounds, let me make it. Thank you for saving me. In Jesus name, I pray.

Begin to read bible. Begin with the book of John. Pray always. Fast regularly (you can begin with once in a week). Look for a bible believing church where they teach repentance, holiness, salvation and fellowship with them. Pray before you go. Always run away from SINS.

Need More Information?
For more information, question or contribution, please send email to us at raptureglorious@gmail.com or jesuscoming@yahoo.com or visit us at www.jesuscoming1..com and please tell others to join us. We teach people deep word of God about holiness, righteousness and how to prepare for rapture. You can send email to us to receive the teachings, free.

We also send breaking news of end-time events that happen around the world to people with bible verses that match them. You can send email to us to receive them, free. You can also send email to us to receive this teaching in word document format.

Please, Share This Message. Drop A Comment.
We will like to get as many people as possible ready for rapture. We wish nobody misses the rapture. What are happening now are child’s play. In view of these, please, share our messages on different media to help circulate as fast as possible before Trumpet sounds. Also, you can drop a comment. Thank you. God bless you.


To Make Rapture:
Confess your sins to JESUS CHRIST and ask Him to save you.
Repent of your sins constantly on daily basis and run away from sins.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit
Live in Holiness and Righteousness
Do all Restitutions
Cut off all worldliness.
Forgive all people.
Pray and fast.
Consecrate and study the bible.

Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 7:39pm On Aug 07, 2017
Mortify your flesh
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by TrajansKong: 8:55pm On Aug 07, 2017
Serious question, annyplenty. With all this doom, darkness and hellfire swirling around your head, how do you, y'know, like...live. On a day to day basis, I mean.

What do you do in your time off?

With your friends.

For fun I mean.

Do you [i]have[/i]fun?

At all?




On Earth, I mean...
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 8:34am On Aug 08, 2017
Serious question, annyplenty. With all this doom, darkness and hellfire swirling around your head, how do you, y'know, like...live. On a day to day basis, I mean.

What do you do in your time off?

With your friends.

For fun I mean.

Do you [i]have[/i]fun?

At all?




On Earth, I mean...

I enjoy the best of life, the joy of the Lord, the walk with God. I call sinners to repentance and help people as much as God gives me the grace.
Jesus is calling you. Switch your allegiance to Him.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 4:33pm On Aug 08, 2017
63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

Put your flesh under control and your spirit will come to life.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 7:56pm On Aug 08, 2017
JESUS is coming. Get ready. Stay ready in absolute repentance, righteousness and holiness.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 4:27pm On Aug 17, 2017
the flesh shall return to the dust. mortify it.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by michelz: 6:05pm On Aug 17, 2017
OP, there's nowhere in the Bible the word "Rapture" was ever used. How was it sneaked into Christian belief?
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 12:17pm On Aug 18, 2017
OP, there's nowhere in the Bible the word "Rapture" was ever used.
How was it sneaked into Christian belief?

[url=https://www.nairaland.com/2428501/end-time-study-what-rapture]the answer is in this thread[/u]
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 12:18pm On Aug 18, 2017
OP, there's nowhere in the Bible the word "Rapture" was ever used.
How was it sneaked into Christian belief?

the answer is here
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:40pm On Aug 22, 2017
Kill the desires of your flesh before it kills you.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:14pm On Aug 25, 2017
prepare your body blameless unto the coming of the Lord.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 6:23pm On Oct 10, 2017
The demand of the flesh foe sinful attraction will continue to grow. Tame your flesh.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:29pm On Jan 25, 2018
Kill the evil and lust desires of your flesh before they kill you.

JESUS is coming. Stay ready in absolute repentance, righteousness and holiness.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 4:40pm On Mar 27, 2018
Do away with Pride of life, lust of eyes and lust of the flesh. Don't let them send you to hell.

1 Like

Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 4:44pm On Mar 27, 2018
Do away with Pride of life, lust of eyes and lust of the flesh. Don't let them send you to hell.

1 Like

Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 11:49am On Jun 24, 2018
The mouth of the horse is tied so that it can yield to the control of the owner. Crucify your flesh so that you can do the will of God.

JESUS is coming. Stay ready in absolute repentance and holiness.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:29pm On Sep 07, 2018
For this purpose the Son of God is manifested that He may destroy the works of the devil.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by delkuf(m): 5:45pm On Sep 07, 2018
God bless you Sir. nice write up. any body that look at this with an unbiased mind will learn
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:47pm On Sep 07, 2018
God bless you Sir. nice write up. any body that look at this with an unbiased mind will learn

Amen. God bless you too sir. Thanks for the encouragement. All glories be to God.

1 Like

Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 6:14pm On Dec 07, 2018
Mortify your flesh!
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 12:52pm On Feb 16, 2019
The flesh longs for the things of the world while the spirit longs for the things of heaven.. crucify your flesh
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 6:32am On Apr 12, 2019
The flesh is made from the dust of the earth. Therefore the flesh longs for the things of the earth. But the spirit of Man is from God. Thus the spirit of man should long for God. But if the flesh dominates the spirit, then the resultant effect is worldliness. therefore crucify your flesh.

1 Like

Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:18pm On May 08, 2019
Don't let your flesh kill your spirit. Mortify your flesh.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 7:14pm On Jun 10, 2019
Flesh and sin are like 5 and 6 untill the flesh is crucified with fasting, prayer, Word of God.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 9:42pm On Jun 27, 2019
All sins are committed in the flesh. Therefore, mortify the flesh.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 6:48am On Jun 28, 2019
Don't let your flesh send you to hell. Crucify the flesh.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 6:28am On Aug 14, 2019
Flesh and blood will not enter the kingdom of God. Therefore become born of the Spirit of God.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 11:07am On Nov 09, 2019
Put your body under subjection

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Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 8:15pm On Dec 27, 2019
Once the 7th king is removed, one of the past 6th kings will come back as the beast that goes into perdition and persecution will be at an all-time highest.

Fast and pray. stay prepared. Stay ready.
Re: Preparing For Rapture, Part 11, (crucifixion Of Flesh) by annyplenty(m): 5:51pm On Feb 07, 2020
the flesh profiteth nothing


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