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Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! - Romance (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! (14773 Views)

Dear Men, Marriage Isn't For You. However See This(only Men Please) / Dear Men, Marriage(Wife) is The Weapon Fashioned Against You / Dear Men, Marriage Is Not The Greatest Achievement For A Woman! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Raalsalghul: 9:48am On May 02, 2019

Yea this may bring some stability. However, the other factors still comes in play. The woman will fight you when your own child is rude to her. She may concentrate more resources attention and time towards her own child.

Many single mothers don’t like single fathers - you’d be surprised. Except you are of good financial standing. In fact, I want to be proven wrong on this. Many single mothers remarry because of financial struggles. A wealthy single mother would prefer to concentrate on her children and have male intimacy gadgets or boyfriends.

Bro is easier to avoid these issues from onset and work hard to protect your marriage and family.
This guy seems intelligent and experienced.
Following... cool
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Raalsalghul: 9:49am On May 02, 2019
Pragmatically valid points but everything you listed above is like playing on Defence..
No matter how careful one is,life still finds a way to tease you.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by deltateam: 10:34am On May 02, 2019

I have listed reasons why young men should avoid single mothers. It may be not fault of theirs. However, like I said many single mothers are suffering the consequences of a either a bad relationship or situation. Many get married because they want financial support from men. At some point, a man would begin to struggle for the attention of his wife with his kids and if that child is not his, he becomes spiteful towards the child. My best advice - Avoid them completely if you can. Start your family brand new.

My advice is for men who want to approach marriage logically and not emotionally. Many men who are married will confirm what I am saying. I am married and this is from a practical viewpoint. If a man allows his emotions overwhelm his logical decisions, he would suffer the consequences afterwards.

You have spoken like the boss. You are correct.
Men should understand that when you marry you are marrying the family too.

If you can't provide for them, you are incompetent. Provision is lessened if they are stable and financially okay.

How to know the financial status is simple. Visit them and open your eyes.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by deltateam: 10:42am On May 02, 2019

OP, you are so on point.

Ode must you quote everything?
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Raalsalghul: 11:02am On May 02, 2019
Young man, being great in bed is NOT an achievement to you?

From the way you type, I suspect you're too religious and at the same time you don't know much about relationship.

Though, some of the things you listed in your main post are true and I really appreciate and respect you for that. My reply may seem like an attack, but don't take it that way. I just love being honest and blunt.

Now, let's start.

What do you consider as an achievement? Is it what fetches money, what changes other people's lives, or what makes you happy?

To me, being great in bed is an achievement and any man who lacks it doesn't love his wife and his wife is prone to being violent and the marriage is prone to fail when she'll cheats with a man who knows his onions.

Some Nigerian men are too naive until I left the country for my studies. They are too focused on having a certificate and getting a job to make money. This, to them, is the greatest achievement in the world.

Skills that change people's lives, fetches you money on the process even if you're sleeping is the greatest achievement on earth, not certificate and job as most Nigerians think.

Being great in bed is one of those skills and I'll tell you why. In 2009, in the university, the time Michael Jackson died, I sucked in bed and I was depressed.

I couldn't even concentrate most times in class. It was as if I wasn't man enough. In 2010, I finally and permanently handled my bedroom game and ever since, I couldn't be happier in that department.

What have I achieved with this skill?

1. I have written a book about my unknown bedroom secrets and how I do it. Is writing a book not an achievement?

2. I have restored lots of marriages with the tips in my books because men who read it came back to tell me how I restored their marriages and sex lives. Is this not an achievement?

3. Wives or girlfriends of these men now have a renewed respect for their men. Is this not an achievement?

4. The book will make money even 300 million years from now. Is that not an achievement.

5. God in heaven is happy because I have put smiles in men's faces. Some of these men who buy the book are devoted Christians and some are pastors. Imagine saving the marriage of a pastor. Is that not an achievement?

5. I don't drink or waste money on sex drugs like tram.adol and my clients don't do same anymore. Is that not an achievement in stopping dru.g abuse by married men and the youths? Haven't you heard of men who died during sex? Why did they die? It's because of dru.g overdose. Men who use our method don't die during sex because they're using the natural way.

6. And since you talked a out financial security, I'm happy to let you know that this skill, turned to book fetches money every single day and I get paid on a monthly basis. Isn't that an achievement?

This one book has made us more than a million, but some people's certificates haven't fetched them even 500k. When we all die, our certificates die, but things we created with our skills live.

The bedroom skill, turned to book, will live forever and make money for even the great grandchildren of the author while helping millions of couples or men sexually last longer in bed and satisfy their wives. Yes, this is bad business for dru.g selling companies.

Now, talking about financial security, don't you know this skill turned to book is financial security? Let me show you a screenshot of what Amazon sent me today. They said, "Payment of your book will be sent to you."

See screenshot below.

So, while I sleep, this skill turned to book fetches me money on a monthly basis. On the other hand, my coursemates who refused to acquire a skill, but just a certificate are working day and night, waking too early in the morning just to go to work and work for money as they answer "Sir" to a wicked boss.

They may even lose their jobs any day and any time, but the book can't be lost. These people who only achieved certificates and jobs don't have free time. Someone controls their time in exchange for money.

In my case, I have free time and I sleep however I want while my skill works for money for me.

Most Nigerians get achieving things in life wrong. They think it's by going to Uniport or Unilag and coming out with a first class. What does a first class add to humanity?

Achievement is by what you can offer the world, put a smile on people's faces and at the same time making cool money while you're asleep or even dead.

If your unborn great grand grandchildren and other people's great grand children can't benefit from what you call an achievement in one way or the other, then it's not an accomplishment, but hustle for survival like a jungle.

Certificate without a skill is a hustle, not an achievement. Hustling is what what people with low IQ do while achievement is what people with high IQ do.

Sadly, most Nigerians are hustlers, not achievers. Your certificate and your job is not an achievement, but your hustle.

If you want achievement, have a PRACTICAL SKILL and teach it to the world. In Nigerian universities, there are people who teach theories every single day and it's sad these people see themselves as achievers because they have a job.

Achievers create jobs for themselves and some of the people around.

You made a statement and that is: "As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security"

The above quote is exactly why Nigerians politicians steal more money as they get older in politics and in power. Even Nigerians pastors do it too.

When Buhari will leave office, you'll be shocked at how much he had stolen.

Truly, as a Nigerian man gets older, he gets more desperate in making more money because be spent his youthful days not acquiring a skill, but getting a certificate, watching porn, and watching soccer every single day.

When it's getting too late, he starts looking for a woman to kill and steal her private parts or panties to ACHIEVE wealth by all means.

Now that I'm younger and decided to turn my bedroom skill to money, look at how you're telling me it's not an achievement.

Na when I go kill one innocent girl carry her body go do money ritual na that time I don achieve something, abi? Or na when I get PhD from one of the backward Nigerian universities, abi?

This is one of the reasons our country is backward. We focus too much on theoretical achievement, but forgot great achievements come with skill, not school.

Bill Gate achieved greatness with skill, not school. Jeff Bozos achieved greatness with skill, not school.

Yes, Soyinka achieved greatness with school, not skill. Now, can you compare Soyinka's achievement with those of Gates, Bezos, Jobs, Dangoté, Zuckerberg, etc?

Even Einstein wasn't great with book, but was great with skill.

People who are great with skill always teach the rest of the world their skills in a book. The best books in the word are written by those who have skill, not those who know book.

Jesus didn't go to school neither does he have a job, yet he achieved greatness. All Jesus has is skill and faith.

That is exactly what other great achievers have. SKILL + FAITH.

I have a badroom skill, and I have faith and I help millions on me and that is exactly what I did. I may not be great yet, but I'm happy my bedroom skill is an achievement.

Yes, it's just 1% of my skills. If 1% of your skill can fetch you money for the rest of your life, imagine what the remaining 99% will do?

All of us are meant to be great though our skills, but it's sad Nigerians follow the path of school and ignore skill—especially digital skill.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to have both school (certificate) and skill.

A man with only a certificate is a snail while a man with only a skill is a tortoise.

I have a lot to say, but let me stop here because my fingers run too fast

If you're a man and you want to cure your pre.mature ejaculation and last as long as you want in bed, read our Lasticle book.

Download www.wetclef.com/topic557.html

embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Skepticus: 11:07am On May 02, 2019
I think, Boss 13 and ilegend agree on this topic.

But typical childish male ego is responsible for the back and forths they are having. Lol

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by KHYLE(m): 11:46am On May 02, 2019
Following ooo...
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by sacramento1212: 12:47pm On May 02, 2019
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by dview001(m): 2:18pm On May 02, 2019

Well allow him to enjoy his youth so that he can recount them as memories. However, if he takes this same attitude into marriage, it will not end well. A woman would tolerate all nonsense prior to marriage, but after marriage, you would see her true color.

She is officially and legally married. Before you kick her out, you would perform rites and also go to court. Divorce is not an easy thing. Forget what people say. During divorce, your entire affair is out in the public.

Kids soften a man’s heart. In all sincerity, forget the Facebook and WhatsApp pictures, many men still stick to their marriages because of the kids. Women too, but I’m speaking from a man’s point of view.

When a marriage breaks down, the shame is on both parties regardless of who decided to push the separation agenda. A man who is divorced is still referred to as a useless man amongst his peers and strangers.

Hence, it is necessary to avoid these pitfalls and pick a woman you know is a gem and treat her like a gem because women within the category I mention would majority of the time mess you up.

divorce isn't easy?...for your info leaving a woman is easy, if u don't want her anymore just move out , rent a new apartment and move on , what kids? kids that may not even be yours to begin with...no man has to go through those unnecessary rites u mentioned

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by pre4drums: 4:07pm On May 02, 2019

Ode must you quote everything?

Bros, but you harsh o.... grin grin grin
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Sierusvirus(m): 6:56pm On May 02, 2019

Ode must you quote everything?
You just a kid.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by nkwuocha: 11:42am On May 04, 2019
[[s]quote author=Boss13 post=77706045]I have read about some many sad tales on Nairaland about marriages and I have seen similar pitfalls. Please note that my post is from a man’s view and does not aim to bring down women. I am also posting this because many young men do not get solid advice on how to pick their partners.

It is only when you get married that you begin to understand marriage. However, young men, if you adhere to some of the advices below, you will avoid some marital pitfalls and approach marriage from a logical point of view.

No 1 - Never marry for love. Love should never be the underlying factor to marry a woman. Why - marriage is a long term commitment for the foreseeable future. Love is an emotional situation and just like every other emotions, love comes and goes. There would be days and even months, that your partner irritates and disgust you. If love is the main reason you marry, young man, you would be heading for the divorce court.

No 2 - Never marry a single mother. What ever you do, never ever marry a single mother. Don’t start your family with another man’s family. Start your family brand new. I would love to explain this fully, but it would make this post longer.

No 3 - Assess and conduct proper due diligence on your future in-laws. Know your in-laws properly. Know their source of livelihood. Ensure your future in-laws are doing financially well as well as the siblings of your future wife. You will not enjoy your marriage when excessive financial burdens fall on you. Except you are excessively wealthy, which I doubt as a young man starting off life, and you have a big heart as well as a big house, don’t marry a woman where you cannot verify her family income.

No 4 - Don’t marry a lady from a broken home. Many women will paint a story of not leaving their marriage because they are from a broken home. However, please note these women do not have the knowledge, opportunity or privilege to be in a stable household. Many of them did not see their mothers adore and respect their fathers. Many only get to hear about negative information of their fathers. These are the first set of women to leave their marriage when things take a downward spin. If you want to have an idea of how your wife would treat you, look at how her mother behaves or treat her father and if the father is not around, this is a huge risk.

No 5 - Never marry for beauty. I don’t need to explain this so much. Beauty fades as one age and even if it doesn’t, beauty becomes inconsequential during marriage. Behavioral attitude matters a lot. At some point, your wife’s beauty becomes non existent and you begin to see her as an individual and not because she is beautiful.

No 6 - Assess your future wife’s friends and those who influence her. Women are largely insecure. Many rely on the advices of their friends, family, or spiritual leaders to make decisions. You have to assess the character of the person who has a major influence on your future wife. You have no choice on this because this individual would be running your home from his/her own location. If the individual is of no good and your future wife cannot cut ties, don’t marry such a woman. If the individual is of good standing, befriend such individual.

No 7 - Polygamous home - if the father of your future wife do not have a strong influence over his large family, run away.

No 8 - Never marry for food or sex. These are things a man with good income can easily get. Don’t let this form an opinion for selecting a wife. As you age, your sex drive dwindles down. Also, you get preoccupied with other more important things. For food, we can all agreed many of us eat out either due to the job or recreational purposes. Furthermore, food and sex do not define a man. If this is why you want to get married, think again.

No 9 - Never marry an illiterate, semi-educated or poorly educated woman. This is actually because of your kids. Women play a pivotal role for the early development of kids. An educated smart woman would raise smart kids.

No 10 - Never marry a prostitute. We get to hear prostitutes make fine wives. I wonder the foolish set of people who pushed the agenda. A prostitute has no regards for her body and health. She is highly materialistic and considers money to be her ONLY master. Prostitutes have served a wide range of different men and are only with men for money. A prostitute would marry you for the financial security you bring. She would be the first to sleep with your friends when that financial security no longer exist. She also may continue to indulge in her sexual escapades whilst married because she enjoys the thrills.[/quote[/s]]

Fallacies. Marriage got no manual. What you see in it is what you get. Change remains constant.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 9:41am On May 06, 2019

You have spoken like the boss. You are correct.
Men should understand that when you marry you are marrying the family too.

If you can't provide for them, you are incompetent. Provision is lessened if they are stable and financially okay.

How to know the financial status is simple. Visit them and open your eyes.

this is where i wont agree with you.. yea it is true i am marrying the family too but i didnt come to this world to come provide for another person's family..my responsibility is my wife and my children not extended family.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 9:45am On May 06, 2019

Enjoy your youth. Bragging about being good in bed is equally not an achievement. As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security.

this is what most men wont agree on.. as a man ages so his financial pocket gets enlarge...i have seen old men who don't get sex from their wives because they are broke... financial security makes a woman wet all the time for her man.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by deltateam: 11:03am On May 06, 2019

this is where i wont agree with you.. yea it is true i am marrying the family too but i didnt come to this world to come provide for another person's family..my responsibility is my wife and my children not extended family.

So you mean if your father in law is sick you won't pay his medical bills. The daughter will be sad and it will tell in your own relationship with her. Better adjust to the truth now.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 12:47pm On May 06, 2019

So you mean if your father in law is sick you won't pay his medical bills. The daughter will be sad and it will tell in your own relationship with her. Better adjust to the truth now.

that is why i will never marry from a broke family..atleast..the parent needs to be average before i can marry into their family

if my son and inlaw are sick at the same time, i will go for my son..in law can go and die.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by deltateam: 2:17pm On May 06, 2019

that is why i will never marry from a broke family..atleast..the parent needs to be average before i can marry into their family

if my son and inlaw are sick at the same time, i will go for my son..in law can go and die.

Your wife better not see this post o. shocked

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by ledamaster(m): 5:17am On May 07, 2019
If you are grom the Igbo stock and raised with their traditional foundations. none of tge above lited will be surprising to you. Igbos follow this principkes to the letters. Reason why they have few divorce rates and more successful marriages.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Exempted: 10:12am On May 15, 2019
Young man, being great in bed is NOT an achievement to you?

From the way you type, I suspect you're too religious and at the same time you don't know much about relationship.

Though, some of the things you listed in your main post are true and I really appreciate and respect you for that. My reply may seem like an attack, but don't take it that way. I just love being honest and blunt.

Now, let's start.

What do you consider as an achievement? Is it what fetches money, what changes other people's lives, or what makes you happy?

To me, being great in bed is an achievement and any man who lacks it doesn't love his wife and his wife is prone to being violent and the marriage is prone to fail when she'll cheats with a man who knows his onions.

Some Nigerian men are too naive until I left the country for my studies. They are too focused on having a certificate and getting a job to make money. This, to them, is the greatest achievement in the world.

Skills that change people's lives, fetches you money on the process even if you're sleeping is the greatest achievement on earth, not certificate and job as most Nigerians think.

Being great in bed is one of those skills and I'll tell you why. In 2009, in the university, the time Michael Jackson died, I sucked in bed and I was depressed.

I couldn't even concentrate most times in class. It was as if I wasn't man enough. In 2010, I finally and permanently handled my bedroom game and ever since, I couldn't be happier in that department.

What have I achieved with this skill?

1. I have written a book about my unknown bedroom secrets and how I do it. Is writing a book not an achievement?

2. I have restored lots of marriages with the tips in my books because men who read it came back to tell me how I restored their marriages and sex lives. Is this not an achievement?

3. Wives or girlfriends of these men now have a renewed respect for their men. Is this not an achievement?

4. The book will make money even 300 million years from now. Is that not an achievement.

5. God in heaven is happy because I have put smiles in men's faces. Some of these men who buy the book are devoted Christians and some are pastors. Imagine saving the marriage of a pastor. Is that not an achievement?

5. I don't drink or waste money on sex drugs like tram.adol and my clients don't do same anymore. Is that not an achievement in stopping dru.g abuse by married men and the youths? Haven't you heard of men who died during sex? Why did they die? It's because of dru.g overdose. Men who use our method don't die during sex because they're using the natural way.

6. And since you talked a out financial security, I'm happy to let you know that this skill, turned to book fetches money every single day and I get paid on a monthly basis. Isn't that an achievement?

This one book has made us more than a million, but some people's certificates haven't fetched them even 500k. When we all die, our certificates die, but things we created with our skills live.

The bedroom skill, turned to book, will live forever and make money for even the great grandchildren of the author while helping millions of couples or men sexually last longer in bed and satisfy their wives. Yes, this is bad business for dru.g selling companies.

Now, talking about financial security, don't you know this skill turned to book is financial security? Let me show you a screenshot of what Amazon sent me today. They said, "Payment of your book will be sent to you."

See screenshot below.

So, while I sleep, this skill turned to book fetches me money on a monthly basis. On the other hand, my coursemates who refused to acquire a skill, but just a certificate are working day and night, waking too early in the morning just to go to work and work for money as they answer "Sir" to a wicked boss.

They may even lose their jobs any day and any time, but the book can't be lost. These people who only achieved certificates and jobs don't have free time. Someone controls their time in exchange for money.

In my case, I have free time and I sleep however I want while my skill works for money for me.

Most Nigerians get achieving things in life wrong. They think it's by going to Uniport or Unilag and coming out with a first class. What does a first class add to humanity?

Achievement is by what you can offer the world, put a smile on people's faces and at the same time making cool money while you're asleep or even dead.

If your unborn great grand grandchildren and other people's great grand children can't benefit from what you call an achievement in one way or the other, then it's not an accomplishment, but hustle for survival like a jungle.

Certificate without a skill is a hustle, not an achievement. Hustling is what what people with low IQ do while achievement is what people with high IQ do.

Sadly, most Nigerians are hustlers, not achievers. Your certificate and your job is not an achievement, but your hustle.

If you want achievement, have a PRACTICAL SKILL and teach it to the world. In Nigerian universities, there are people who teach theories every single day and it's sad these people see themselves as achievers because they have a job.

Achievers create jobs for themselves and some of the people around.

You made a statement and that is: "As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security"

The above quote is exactly why Nigerians politicians steal more money as they get older in politics and in power. Even Nigerians pastors do it too.

When Buhari will leave office, you'll be shocked at how much he had stolen.

Truly, as a Nigerian man gets older, he gets more desperate in making more money because be spent his youthful days not acquiring a skill, but getting a certificate, watching porn, and watching soccer every single day.

When it's getting too late, he starts looking for a woman to kill and steal her private parts or panties to ACHIEVE wealth by all means.

Now that I'm younger and decided to turn my bedroom skill to money, look at how you're telling me it's not an achievement.

Na when I go kill one innocent girl carry her body go do money ritual na that time I don achieve something, abi? Or na when I get PhD from one of the backward Nigerian universities, abi?

This is one of the reasons our country is backward. We focus too much on theoretical achievement, but forgot great achievements come with skill, not school.

Bill Gate achieved greatness with skill, not school. Jeff Bozos achieved greatness with skill, not school.

Yes, Soyinka achieved greatness with school, not skill. Now, can you compare Soyinka's achievement with those of Gates, Bezos, Jobs, Dangoté, Zuckerberg, etc?

Even Einstein wasn't great with book, but was great with skill.

People who are great with skill always teach the rest of the world their skills in a book. The best books in the word are written by those who have skill, not those who know book.

Jesus didn't go to school neither does he have a job, yet he achieved greatness. All Jesus has is skill and faith.

That is exactly what other great achievers have. SKILL + FAITH.

I have a badroom skill, and I have faith and I help millions on me and that is exactly what I did. I may not be great yet, but I'm happy my bedroom skill is an achievement.

Yes, it's just 1% of my skills. If 1% of your skill can fetch you money for the rest of your life, imagine what the remaining 99% will do?

All of us are meant to be great though our skills, but it's sad Nigerians follow the path of school and ignore skill—especially digital skill.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to have both school (certificate) and skill.

A man with only a certificate is a snail while a man with only a skill is a tortoise.

I have a lot to say, but let me stop here because my fingers run too fast

If you're a man and you want to cure your pre.mature ejaculation and last as long as you want in bed, read our Lasticle book.

Download www.wetclef.com/topic557.html

U made a very valid point iLegend most especially in the bedroom aspect. That's one aspect of a man's life u can't ignone. Men pls take note.

I am very certain ur book would be a bomb because u did exploits in Importation biz.....

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 7:27pm On Feb 21, 2020
Great post. Thanks a lot, OP.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 2:24am On Jul 13, 2020

Yes boss....very laughable
Anyways let Boys be boys and men be men..
keep speaking bro I'm learning

I have a question though. Thank God you married
what would you say of a marriage whereby the woman is older with 1 or 2 years..would you advise a guy to tie the knot with a woman a little bit older than him?

Remember Love isn't enough is marital concerned decisions...

My sincere apologies for not responding to this question. I guess its over a year old - wow. Let's get straight into it.

I will not advise a man to marry a woman who is older than him. There is something called "SEXUAL MARKET VALUE - SMV". A woman who is your age mate is actually not your mate in the sexual market. An ideal age bracket should be between 7 - 10 years and the ideal age for a man to marry is 35 years. At this age, the man should be able to sort out himself financially and be capable of accommodating and be responsible for another individual and this also includes kids.

A woman who agrees to marry a man who is younger has hit the wall and no longer attractive to successful older men. I am not saying women don't marry younger men, but normally women prefer men who are older and because these men have figured themselves and have their shit together. There may be concerns about RESPECT and the ability of the woman to follow the lead of her husband. The only time I may advise a man to marry an older woman is when such a man is doing extremely well (financially).

However, high-valued men who have enormous financial resources do not go after older women except she is a woman of means or an opportunity to further increase their wealth. These men have more access to exotic younger women and typically go after them.

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 4:43am On Jul 13, 2020

I retract my statement bro. Sorry about that.
But I think you are talking base on ur own personal experience. Honestly, I have seen marriages blossom without these rules. I

correct guy. bless you brother.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by patwilly(m): 5:06am On Jul 13, 2020

I am not trying to bring down single mothers. The present situation might have not been their own fault. Some make wonderful wives. However, my advice is from a man’s point of view. I advice young and even old men to avoid single mothers - why

- They already have children. Mothers are very protective of their children. Regardless of how she professes love to you, a man can never replace a mother’s love.

- The father maybe a third wheel. Some fathers would want to be involved in the lives of their children. They want to know the man close to their children. They may interfere in the marriage and also in the family structure. They may still be sleeping with the mother of their kids. They may be jealous and carry hideous acts.

- The children may hate you. You cannot replace the love a child has for the parent. Some kids may think you are the reason daddy is not going to come back. Some kids may act rudely towards you and remember you that you are not their father. Their mother may take sides when you want to discipline them.

- Financial commitment - whether the father of the child has any financial arrangement with the mother or not, you would still play a huge role financially in bringing up that child or children. Your only reason to spend is because you are in a relationship with their mother. Hence, you are raising another man’s kids when you could start a brand new family. Don’t fall for the nonsense or assist a dead beat dad - Go and start your family afresh - Brand new.

- Many Single mothers are damaged women. You might be in a relationship with a woman who is suffering the effects of previously being in a damage or abusive relationship or she is actually the abuser.
Op say more about the in law background check. Should it be just ascertaining their financial background alone or are there other things to find out?
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 12:55am On Jul 04, 2021

Op say more about the in law background check. Should it be just ascertaining their financial background alone or are there other things to find out?

My apologies for not responding to this on time. I have been busy.

It is extremely important to conduct due diligence on your prospective in-law. As I write this, I'm currently advising a man who failed to implementing this and is now going through a divorce. This man is from a well-to-do family, but married into a poor family. This is a story for another day.

I will strongly warn young men to not marry below their class. Infact, men from poor background should strive to marry into affluent family. Men from rich background should stick to their class.

In-laws from poor background actually seek marriage as an escape route from poverty. They will drain you financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

You can conduct this diligence via finding out where they stay (location). Nature of business or employment of the parents and siblings. Position of your fiance in the family. Who is the main financial sponsor of the family. Educational qualification of the parents, siblings and even extended family. The easiest way or cheapest way of doing this is by asking your fiance/girl-friend and then confirm the information.

Don't marry into a poor family. That's financial suicide.

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by nokspos: 7:17am On Jul 04, 2021
i think what you did to the lady doesn't make much sense. if you continue treating ladies like that , you won't go far
Nice post, but I'm going to shock you.

As a man, you need to be a real man who doesn't take bullshît, yet humorus and outgoing.

As a man, if you're a pushover or a nice guy, even if you follow all the above, you'll still end up in tears.

My advice to all men is: be a real alpha male and be focused on greatness.

Set the rules and let her tag along as long as she obeys them. Even if she's from a broken home or a wayward girl, as long as she knows you're a no-bullshìt real man, her bad behaviors will vanish.

Let me tell you a short story. I don't like getting into a relationship because I'm a heartbreaker.

Why did I say so?

It's because I don't take bullshît or a naggy behavior from women (be you the most beautiful, intelligent, or richest woman on earth), and at the same time, I'm playful towards them.

One of my rules is: don't ever nag and don't ever demand.

I decided to get into a relationship last year with a pretty yellow sisi. Unfortunately, she traveled to another state for a few months. She calls everyday, but I don't pick most times. I hate long distance relationships.

On February, this year, she demanded we meet on the 14th and hang out, but I told her let's see how it goes. She kept reminding me not to disappoint her.

I have told her that I'm a heartbreaker and she said as long as I'm the one breaking her heart, there is no problem.

Since she had missed me and kept reminding me for a meetup on the 14th, I got pissed, called her on the 13th of February and said, "I don't want to disappoint you, Honey. Let's just be friends."

The phone went mute and she couldn't alter a single word. I don't know if she was rushed to the hospital.

Hours later, she sent me a text message with so much pains and tears. I replied by changing the topic and asking her if she has credit on her phone, but she didn't reply. She was in pain. I sent her 1k recharge card so she can use it to call her admirers that there is vacancy.

In her cute head she had already planned how she was going to fùck me on the 14th, but I crushed her plans.

A man who knows how to fùck, but at the same time has the power to reject sex from a beautiful woman is a man with power.

Two weeks later, I sent her another card and she called to ask if I was the one who sent it, but I said no that it's MTN doing bonanza to people who broke up on the 13th—14th of Feb. She laughed and insisted I was the one, but I teased her and we had a fun conversation.

A week later, she called but I didn't pick. The next day, I called her and used humor to entertain her brain. Humor has powerful. Any man who masters the secret of humor and can make a woman laugh on command has a powerful skill.

In the conversation, I teased her and said, "Shey your new boyfriend don dey buy you made in Aba G-string already, abi? Bad girl. I will tell your mommy for you." She laughed and said she doesn't have a new boyfriend.

I asked why and she said, "I haven't found someone like you yet. You're just different and crazy. Too troublesome, yet fun to be with."

That was exactly what she said. Why did she say that? Is it because I'm too rich, too handsome, and too tall? No. It's none of that. In fact, I'm not rich, handsome, or tall, but there is something I have and it's called no-bullshìt from anybody behavior.

Despite being a no-bullshìt person, I don't abuse women neither do I take advantage of them sexually. People think bad boys are abusive and yes, some of them are, but good-bad guys aren't.

The reason I shared this story is to let you know the girl is a stubborn girl, but when she met me, her stubbornness disappeared.

Why? She met a man who has rules and can't lose his power because of a mere vagina or pretty face. But despite having rules, he is not rigid or boring. Most men with rules are too rigid and boring, but in my case, I keep the flow lively while guarding my relationship rules.

I don't reveal my rules to women, but they can feel it through my behavior or body language. Most men are Mr. Weaklings and they don't have rules.

They think all they need for a relationship or marriage to work is money, money, more money, but they don't know it's principle, not money. Money is just a subordinate.

When a woman meets a real man, her past dissolves and she melts for him even if she's from the worst family in the world.

My advice to men is not to follow all the checklists above, but to work on themselves first and have rules. For a man to go into a relationship, he should learn how the dating world works.

When a man wants to hear God, he reads his Bible to understand how God works.

When a man wants to pass his exams, he reads textbooks.

Unfortunately, when this same man wants a woman in his life so he can get married and raise a family, he refuses to read dating books written by real men.

Instead, he'll start looking for counselling from nice guys like him when it's already late.

For any man reading this, why not you learn how women work now, than when it's too late?

If you learn how women work, you'll set the rules yourself like me. I'm in a state where even the worst woman on earth changes and follows my lead. Women don't mess with me because they can't.

You can only be hurt if you allow it. Nigeria as a country is constantly being hurt and raped by politicians because "Nigerians" allowed it. That is exactly how marriage and relationship work.

So, be a real man and be the king.

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 8:04am On Jul 04, 2021
i think what you did to the lady doesn't make much sense. if you continue treating ladies like that , you won't go far

No, I have gone far already. Whatever is left is left for God to handle as far as He wants.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by nokspos: 8:09am On Jul 04, 2021
would you be happy if someone treats your daughter like that ? be honest.

No, I have gone far already. Whatever is left is left for God to handle as far as He wants.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 8:11am On Jul 04, 2021
would you be happy if someone treats your daughter like that ? be honest.

I know your type. You'll soon start insulting and stalking me. Let me quietly give up.

All the best, dear.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by BinamRex: 8:16am On Jul 04, 2021
OP, you are dumb. Thank God this post didn't make frontpage.

I have seen children from broken homes who are responsible. I have seen single mothers raise incredibly wonderful kids. I have seen criminals who were raised by both parents. What is your point exactly?

You are very judgemental! Jeez! People should be judged by the contents of their character, not this rubbish you just posted.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by nokspos: 8:30am On Jul 04, 2021
i'm not jobless why should i stock you, your idea of being a real man is not perfect. you already broke one of the code of being a real man, you didn't fulfill your promise and called off a date a day before an appointment even when she had given you constant reminder. you called it off just to prove that you are a real man. and we all pray to have a female child

I know you're type. You'll soon start insulting and stalking me. Let me quietly give up.

All the best, dear.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 11:52am On Jul 04, 2021
OP, you are dumb. Thank God this post didn't make frontpage.

I have seen children from broken homes who are responsible. I have seen single mothers raise incredibly wonderful kids. I have seen criminals who were raised by both parents. What is your point exactly?

You are very judgemental! Jeez! People should be judged by the contents of their character, not this rubbish you just posted.

Are you a product of a single mom or currently a single mom? I don't deal with outliers. I deal with the majority. The statistics are there for all to see and review. While there maybe a few single moms who change the course of their situation, they make bad parenting decisions and are usually not good spouse. You don't have to argue with me on this.

My advice is for young men considering marriage to avoid pitfalls. Most young men do not understand how to pick their partner. As the world continues to condemn traditional values and pick up liberal idiosyncrasies, you find young men pairing up with the wrong women for the wrong reasons.

There are three things that define an individual - Their family, Their food content (which could defined their body structure), and the environment. Family and Environment are extremely vital in how an individual reason and adapt. For example, an individual from a poor family in a poor environment would need a miracle to break the chains of poverty because everything around that individual is poverty.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 11:59am On Jul 04, 2021

Op say more about the in law background check. Should it be just ascertaining their financial background alone or are there other things to find out?

Though financial due diligence on prospective in-laws is crucial, but other factors should be reviewed. For example, what is the power dynamics between your fiance's father and mother. Who makes the key decisions in the home. If other siblings are married, how do they treat their spouses and how often do external influences creep into their homes. During social gatherings or celebrations, who wedges more control and influences?

How do you elicit these information - through interviewing your fiance about how parents and also through observations when you visit the family. You must do these things, analyze them before you make your decision else you will regret your marriage.

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