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Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! - Romance (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! (14778 Views)

Dear Men, Marriage Isn't For You. However See This(only Men Please) / Dear Men, Marriage(Wife) is The Weapon Fashioned Against You / Dear Men, Marriage Is Not The Greatest Achievement For A Woman! (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 6:55pm On Apr 21, 2019

Utter waste of who you truly are if you decide to be someone else. Just be yourself but open your eyes. There are far more important things in life than trying to be who you are not.

Many of the world's leaders in terms of ideas are betas. The only place where your "alpharism" works is on women. What is the aim then of a so called Real man who fuxks say 1000 hoes? There are far more grounding discoveries and achievements than being a real man. There's no medal nor award for being a REAL man/ alpha male. My honest advice, just better yourself to achieve all your dreams and leave your mark in this world.

i dont agree with you on that..to be on top of that you need to get your real game on but it has nothing to do with alpha or beta


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Estherosev2(f): 6:58pm On Apr 21, 2019
[quote author=Boss13 post=77733777]

The advice was not for you. It’s for young men. Are you a man?[/quote yes and no. The point is if you never marry for this and dat, wetin you gain.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by BdorianGray(m): 7:00pm On Apr 21, 2019
100% misleading gobbledygook post for cretins to swallow..
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 7:08pm On Apr 21, 2019

Very well said. A real man chases and accomplishes his dreams. I didn’t want to tell him that because I believe he is still a boy who would grow up. Sleeping with multiple women is not an accomplishment. It’s a total waste of time and money. Bragging about sleeping with numerous women is plain stupidity.

My comment didn't brag about sleeping around, it discourages it. It focuses on being great in bed, not sleeping around. It also focuses on not yielding to a woman's demand and being controlled by a woman because of sex. At the same time it focuses on self-development.

Yes, reading and comprehension are two different things. I know you can read, but I'm skeptical about comprehension.

This is not an attack, but an advice because you refused to take out the meat in my post, but focused on chewing the bones.

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Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Paramount01(m): 7:11pm On Apr 21, 2019
At op, please can I have your number so that we can chat, I need you right now to talk with. Thanks

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 7:19pm On Apr 21, 2019

My comment didn't brag about sleeping around, it discourages it. It focuses on being great in bed, not sleeping around. It also focuses on not yielding to a woman's demand and being controlled by a woman because of sex. At the same time it focuses on self-development.

Yes, reading and comprehension are two different things. I know you can read, but I'm skeptical about comprehension.

This is not an attack, but an advice because you refused to take out the meat in my post, but focused on chewing the bones.

Enjoy your youth. Bragging about being good in bed is equally not an achievement. As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 7:31pm On Apr 21, 2019

Exactly o....@iLegend. Do not be dismissive of the OP's nuggets ooo. Na experience dey talk here oo. Marriage experience and dating experience no be same. A Woman pre-marriage and post-marriage can be 2 different beasts if she chooses (operative word being CHOOSES). Even the best of Alpha-maleš have ended up losing their lives to the wrong women oo.

It's almost impossible to change another save the changee takes a conscious effort to be changed. And even then you'll also need some help from a higher power cos it's established that Humans are deathly resistant to change
Be guided Sir

I like your reply, but there is something I don't like about it and that is one of the mistake most nice guys make. If you don't want a dramatic woman in marriage, you must be the drama yourself. Men who don't do this always suffer.

I'd advise you to read a short post on our site on 7 Reasons You Should Offend Women. Any man who doesn't read that post will miss a lot in marriage. That post is a Savior.

Read it here: www.wetclef.com/topic251.html


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by myself13: 7:37pm On Apr 21, 2019

You are a psycho, the reason why you were a psycho to that lady was cos you were not attracted or in love with her, and she, having a depressingly extreme low self esteem chose to believe otherwise, do not justify your silly drama as being a real man, you were only playing a mind game to yourself, like a kid bored with life, a real man will concentrate on his career and also be available for his lover, not scheming for unnecessary child's play.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by myself13: 7:41pm On Apr 21, 2019
100% misleading gobbledygook post for cretins to swallow..
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 7:44pm On Apr 21, 2019

I like your reply, but there is something I don't like about it and that is one of the mistake most nice guys make. If you don't want a dramatic woman in marriage, you must be the drama yourself. Men who don't do this always suffer.

I'd advise you to read a short post on our site on 7 Reasons You Should Offend Women. Any man who doesn't read that post will miss a lot in marriage. That post is a Savior.

Read it here: www.wetclef.com/topic251.html

I have read the link you posted. Thanks for posting. However, I would say it was written by someone who is truly not interested in having a successful marriage. As each day goes by women are fighting for more rights and the world is becoming more sympathetic to the feminine cause. Women are not disposable toys. The advice on that post can be successful for dating and not marriage.

The woman would leave you and take the kids with her or even worse leave the kids with you. Your wife is your partner and not a footstool to kick around and disrespect.

Men don’t accept bullshit during dating as they screen out potential wife materials. In marriage, women don’t accept bullshit. This you will come to realize when you marry. Trust me on this. Also, note people are watching. The way you treat your wife is the way society will treat you.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 9:39pm On Apr 21, 2019

Enjoy your youth. Bragging about being good in bed is equally not an achievement. As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security.
Young man, being great in bed is NOT an achievement to you?

From the way you type, I suspect you're too religious and at the same time you don't know much about relationship.

Though, some of the things you listed in your main post are true and I really appreciate and respect you for that. My reply may seem like an attack, but don't take it that way. I just love being honest and blunt.

Now, let's start.

What do you consider as an achievement? Is it what fetches money, what changes other people's lives, or what makes you happy?

To me, being great in bed is an achievement and any man who lacks it doesn't love his wife and his wife is prone to being violent and the marriage is prone to fail when she'll cheats with a man who knows his onions.

Some Nigerian men are too naive until I left the country for my studies. They are too focused on having a certificate and getting a job to make money. This, to them, is the greatest achievement in the world.

Skills that change people's lives, fetches you money on the process even if you're sleeping is the greatest achievement on earth, not certificate and job as most Nigerians think.

Being great in bed is one of those skills and I'll tell you why. In 2009, in the university, the time Michael Jackson died, I sucked in bed and I was depressed.

I couldn't even concentrate most times in class. It was as if I wasn't man enough. In 2010, I finally and permanently handled my bedroom game and ever since, I couldn't be happier in that department.

What have I achieved with this skill?

1. I have written a book about my unknown bedroom secrets and how I do it. Is writing a book not an achievement?

2. I have restored lots of marriages with the tips in my books because men who read it came back to tell me how I restored their marriages and sex lives. Is this not an achievement?

3. Wives or girlfriends of these men now have a renewed respect for their men. Is this not an achievement?

4. The book will make money even 300 million years from now. Is that not an achievement.

5. God in heaven is happy because I have put smiles in men's faces. Some of these men who buy the book are devoted Christians and some are pastors. Imagine saving the marriage of a pastor. Is that not an achievement?

5. I don't drink or waste money on sex drugs like tram.adol and my clients don't do same anymore. Is that not an achievement in stopping dru.g abuse by married men and the youths? Haven't you heard of men who died during sex? Why did they die? It's because of dru.g overdose. Men who use our method don't die during sex because they're using the natural way.

6. And since you talked a out financial security, I'm happy to let you know that this skill, turned to book fetches money every single day and I get paid on a monthly basis. Isn't that an achievement?

This one book has made us more than a million, but some people's certificates haven't fetched them even 500k. When we all die, our certificates die, but things we created with our skills live.

The bedroom skill, turned to book, will live forever and make money for even the great grandchildren of the author while helping millions of couples or men sexually last longer in bed and satisfy their wives. Yes, this is bad business for dru.g selling companies.

Now, talking about financial security, don't you know this skill turned to book is financial security? Let me show you a screenshot of what Amazon sent me today. They said, "Payment of your book will be sent to you."

See screenshot below.

So, while I sleep, this skill turned to book fetches me money on a monthly basis. On the other hand, my coursemates who refused to acquire a skill, but just a certificate are working day and night, waking too early in the morning just to go to work and work for money as they answer "Sir" to a wicked boss.

They may even lose their jobs any day and any time, but the book can't be lost. These people who only achieved certificates and jobs don't have free time. Someone controls their time in exchange for money.

In my case, I have free time and I sleep however I want while my skill works for money for me.

Most Nigerians get achieving things in life wrong. They think it's by going to Uniport or Unilag and coming out with a first class. What does a first class add to humanity?

Achievement is by what you can offer the world, put a smile on people's faces and at the same time making cool money while you're asleep or even dead.

If your unborn great grand grandchildren and other people's great grand children can't benefit from what you call an achievement in one way or the other, then it's not an accomplishment, but hustle for survival like a jungle.

Certificate without a skill is a hustle, not an achievement. Hustling is what what people with low IQ do while achievement is what people with high IQ do.

Sadly, most Nigerians are hustlers, not achievers. Your certificate and your job is not an achievement, but your hustle.

If you want achievement, have a PRACTICAL SKILL and teach it to the world. In Nigerian universities, there are people who teach theories every single day and it's sad these people see themselves as achievers because they have a job.

Achievers create jobs for themselves and some of the people around.

You made a statement and that is: "As you age, these things become less important. As you get older, a woman will not sleep with you because you are Superman on the sheet but because you can guarantee her financial security"

The above quote is exactly why Nigerians politicians steal more money as they get older in politics and in power. Even Nigerians pastors do it too.

When Buhari will leave office, you'll be shocked at how much he had stolen.

Truly, as a Nigerian man gets older, he gets more desperate in making more money because be spent his youthful days not acquiring a skill, but getting a certificate, watching porn, and watching soccer every single day.

When it's getting too late, he starts looking for a woman to kill and steal her private parts or panties to ACHIEVE wealth by all means.

Now that I'm younger and decided to turn my bedroom skill to money, look at how you're telling me it's not an achievement.

Na when I go kill one innocent girl carry her body go do money ritual na that time I don achieve something, abi? Or na when I get PhD from one of the backward Nigerian universities, abi?

This is one of the reasons our country is backward. We focus too much on theoretical achievement, but forgot great achievements come with skill, not school.

Bill Gate achieved greatness with skill, not school. Jeff Bozos achieved greatness with skill, not school.

Yes, Soyinka achieved greatness with school, not skill. Now, can you compare Soyinka's achievement with those of Gates, Bezos, Jobs, Dangoté, Zuckerberg, etc?

Even Einstein wasn't great with book, but was great with skill.

People who are great with skill always teach the rest of the world their skills in a book. The best books in the word are written by those who have skill, not those who know book.

Jesus didn't go to school neither does he have a job, yet he achieved greatness. All Jesus has is skill and faith.

That is exactly what other great achievers have. SKILL + FAITH.

I have a badroom skill, and I have faith and I help millions on me and that is exactly what I did. I may not be great yet, but I'm happy my bedroom skill is an achievement.

Yes, it's just 1% of my skills. If 1% of your skill can fetch you money for the rest of your life, imagine what the remaining 99% will do?

All of us are meant to be great though our skills, but it's sad Nigerians follow the path of school and ignore skill—especially digital skill.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to have both school (certificate) and skill.

A man with only a certificate is a snail while a man with only a skill is a tortoise.

I have a lot to say, but let me stop here because my fingers run too fast

If you're a man and you want to cure your pre.mature ejaculation and last as long as you want in bed, read our Lasticle book.

Download www.wetclef.com/topic557.html


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 9:54pm On Apr 21, 2019

I have read the link you posted. Thanks for posting. However, I would say it was written by someone who is truly not interested in having a successful marriage. As each day goes by women are fighting for more rights and the world is becoming more sympathetic to the feminine cause. Women are not disposable toys. The advice on that post can be successful for dating and not marriage.

The woman would leave you and take the kids with her or even worse leave the kids with you. Your wife is your partner and not a footstool to kick around and disrespect.

Men don’t accept bullshit during dating as they screen out potential wife materials. In marriage, women don’t accept bullshit. This you will come to realize when you marry. Trust me on this. Also, note people are watching. The way you treat your wife is the way society will treat you.

Thank you. A real man who sets the rules from courtship will maintain it, but a weak man who forgets to set the rules "because of love," and realizes he is a pushover, then tries to set the rules after marriage is a failure. The woman will not allow it happen EVER.

If a woman tastes sweat in your presence for years, you can't take it back from her. This is to say, if a woman disobeys you for years, you can't make her respect you as a nice guy. This is while your rules must start from the first day you met her, even before you say a word to her.

A real man's rule starts the first second he's speaking with a woman and he maintains it for the rest of his life.

I'm not preaching for men to control women, but I'm preaching for men to control the dynamics of the game, relationship, and marriage without being domineering.

Any man who refuses to do that is not a real man and will live to regret. In fact, the marriage won't last. Yes, there are time to switch roles just for fun.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 10:25pm On Apr 21, 2019
Go luck with your bedroom skills and continue to conquer the world with it. You are a great achiever

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 10:27pm On Apr 21, 2019

i dont agree with you on that..to be on top of that you need to get your real game on but it has nothing to do with alpha or beta

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc... It's true, greatness has nothing to do with beta or alpha, but why waste your time trying to be alpha when you are beta.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 10:30pm On Apr 21, 2019

My friend you're a boy and plainly stupid..It's only juvenile beings that would get excited and want to emulate this kind of lifestyle...

You better don't incite susceptible minds to destruction with this toxic attitude of yours.

Anyways matured men are talking here so please take a sit, paper and biro and learn. BE HUMBLE
cheesy This is not the first time you've attacked me. It's sad to see a young kid like you wallow in pains and hatred. Now, you can react like chemical let us watch and smile. grin

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 10:35pm On Apr 21, 2019

My friend you're a boy and plainly stupid..It's only juvenile beings that would get excited and want to emulate this kind of lifestyle...

You better don't incite susceptible minds to destruction with this toxic attitude of yours.

Anyways matured men are talking here so please take a sit, paper and biro and learn. BE HUMBLE

I sincerely laugh at him. In 2009 he was a university student. He is yet to grow. What’s so funny with his disposition is that he brags about being skillful with sex. These are what boys do so he is still on track and not yet lost. When he gets married maybe there would be hope for him.

He thinks 10 years from now he would still have the same energy he brags about or the sex interest he so cherish and if he does then he is a pervert.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 10:36pm On Apr 21, 2019
cheesy This is not the first time you've attacked me. It's sad to see a young kid like you wallow in pains and hatred. Now, you can react like chemical let us watch and smile. grin

Nobody is attacking you - you just talk like a boy but claim to be a man.

I can bet you $1000 that you did not gain a traction of what I experienced during my single days. However, why should I brag about irrelevant things. Men don’t do that. Men explore bigger opportunities and not how they bed women. Those are the exploits of boys.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 10:38pm On Apr 21, 2019

Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc... It's true, greatness has nothing to do with beta or alpha, but why waste your time trying to be alpha when you are beta.

and what is this alpha beta stuff, does it bring cash.. if no..then a waste of time
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Limitless72(m): 10:46pm On Apr 21, 2019

I sincerely laugh at him. In 2009 he was a university student. He is yet to grow. What’s so funny with his disposition is that he brags about being skillful with sex. These are what boys do so he is still on track and not yet lost. When he gets married maybe there would be hope for him.

He thinks 10 years from now he would still have the same energy he brags about or the sex interest he so cherish and if he does then he is a pervert.

Yes boss....very laughable
Anyways let Boys be boys and men be men..
keep speaking bro I'm learning

I have a question though. Thank God you married
what would you say of a marriage whereby the woman is older with 1 or 2 years..would you advise a guy to tie the knot with a woman a little bit older than him?

Remember Love isn't enough is marital concerned decisions...
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 10:56pm On Apr 21, 2019

Nobody is attacking you - you just talk like a boy but claim to be a man.

I can bet you $1000 that you did not gain a traction of what I experienced during my single days. However, why should I brag about irrelevant things. Men don’t do that. Men explore bigger opportunities and not how they bed women. Those are the exploits of boys.

You didn't do anything when you were much younger. If you did, share your story. I know you'll say you're too big and old for that.

Let me tell you who you are. You were a nervous nice guy who ended up with the wrong woman because you got no game and now want to advise men on who to marry after clulessly getting married without knowing how women work.

I gained admission at very young age. So, I learned and experienced things at an early stage in life. Even as a grandpa that you are, you still won't have the privilege to experience them. Luckily, you can read them in my books and learn—if you can afford the book.

You, at a grandpa stage, you're finally coming online to tell men things. Grandpa, you're too old for this. I'm disappointed in you. You sounded mature at first, but now you're sounding like a kid. Where has your maturity gone? Kindly check your age and see if what you're doing is right.

Focus on raising your children and stop putting sand on women's food, especially unmarried women with kids.

You've got someone to be on your side in exchanging words and now you're being vocal and running your mouth like the kid you claimed not to be. Aren't you acting like a kid, grandfather? Where has your dignity gone? So, you were pretending to be a matured man all these while?

After this thread dies, your shine stops. I regret engaging you, but at least, I have some posts up there I'll come to copy and turn to a book. One day, your son or grandson will buy it. Trust me.

Have a nice day, Mr. $1000.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by jayextra(m): 1:49am On Apr 22, 2019

You didn't do anything when you were much younger. If you did, share your story. I know you'll say you're too big and old for that.

Let me tell you who you are. You were a nervous nice guy who ended up with the wrong woman because you got no game and now want to advise men on who to marry after clulessly getting married without knowing how women's work.

I gained admission at very young age. So, I learned and experienced things at an early stage in life. Even as a grandpa that you are, you still won't have the privilege to experience them. Luckily, you can read them in my books and learn—if you can afford the book.

You, at a grandpa stage, you're finally coming online to tell men things. Grandpa, you're too old for this. I'm disappointed in you. You sounded mature at first, but now you're sounding like a kid. Where has your maturity gone? Kindly check your age and see if what you're doing is right.

Focus on raising your children and stop putting sand on women's food, especially unmarried women with kids.

You've got someone to be on your side in exchanging words and now you're being vocal and running your mouth like the kid you claimed not to be. Aren't you acting like a kid, grandfather? Where has your dignity gone? So, you were pretending to be a matured man all these while?

After this thread dies, your shine stops. I regret engaging you, but at least, I have some posts up there I'll come to copy and turn to a book. One day, your son or grandson will buy it. Trust me.

Have a nice day, Mr. $1000.
Ohhh mah chest grin
*Tries to stand*
*Faints again and again*
grin grin grin

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 1:54am On Apr 22, 2019

You didn't do anything when you were much younger. If you did, share your story. I know you'll say you're too big and old for that.

Let me tell you who you are. You were a nervous nice guy who ended up with the wrong woman because you got no game and now want to advise men on who to marry after clulessly getting married without knowing how women work.

I gained admission at very young age. So, I learned and experienced things at an early stage in life. Even as a grandpa that you are, you still won't have the privilege to experience them. Luckily, you can read them in my books and learn—if you can afford the book.

You, at a grandpa stage, you're finally coming online to tell men things. Grandpa, you're too old for this. I'm disappointed in you. You sounded mature at first, but now you're sounding like a kid. Where has your maturity gone? Kindly check your age and see if what you're doing is right.

Focus on raising your children and stop putting sand on women's food, especially unmarried women with kids.

You've got someone to be on your side in exchanging words and now you're being vocal and running your mouth like the kid you claimed not to be. Aren't you acting like a kid, grandfather? Where has your dignity gone? So, you were pretending to be a matured man all these while?

After this thread dies, your shine stops. I regret engaging you, but at least, I have some posts up there I'll come to copy and turn to a book. One day, your son or grandson will buy it. Trust me.

Have a nice day, Mr. $1000.

Learn to grow up. You truly need it.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by jayextra(m): 1:56am On Apr 22, 2019
Comments above shaa grin

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 2:17am On Apr 22, 2019

Learn to grow up. You truly need it.
Yes, I truly do. Thanks for that.

For you, focus on training your children and stop coming online to dish out old men's advice in a modern age. I thought age comes with widsom. Or is it different for Nigerian old men?

I'm glad your maturity is gradually returning. For me, my childishness and playfulness is an asset.

I don't take things too seriously, except it's business. People who live a fun and none-rigid life live happier.

Each childish behavior I portray is not free, but a skill. You can buy it for as cheap as 10k. This is less than the $1000 you wanted to bet.

Visit our online shop at www.shop.wetclef.com to purchase any book you want.

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 4:26am On Apr 22, 2019
Yes, I truly do. Thanks for that.

For you, focus on training your children and stop coming online to dish out old men's advice in a modern age. I thought age comes with widsom. Or is it different for Nigerian old men?

I'm glad your maturity is gradually returning. For me, my childishness and playfulness is an asset.

I don't take things too seriously, except it's business. People who live a fun and none-rigid life live happier.

Each childish behavior I portray is not free, but a skill. You can buy it for as cheap as 10k. This is less than the $1000 you wanted to bet.

Visit our online shop at www.shop.wetclef.com to purchase any book you want.

Good to know you are admitting being a child. A huge step. I’m sorry I do not patronize the products of kids because I have outgrown them and they will be of no relevance to me. I wish you well as you seek help to grow. You desperately need it and I hate to tell you that my kids would also not patronize any of your products not now or in the future because the ignorance you have complied into a booklet would not fit into their lifestyle.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by MahatmaGhandi: 7:38am On Apr 22, 2019

You have to put into consideration that some of them were raped or drugged and before they knew what was happening, it was too late... I once had a female colleague who's a single mother: her boyfriend drugged and slept with her on Valentine's day (back in the university) and before she knew it, she was pregnant and had to give birth to the child because she was scared of abortion(killing another life). Another case was that of a girl that was raped by armed robbers and her parents who were born again Christians told her to keep the pregnancy that followed...she gave birth to the child and handed him over to a childless couple...so not all single mothers were/are wayward(there are exceptions).

The OP just pointed the odds against a man that decides to take this uphill task upon himself. If as a man one decides to chose this path no one is stopping him, it is just good to be aware the he would most likely be second fiddle.
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by MahatmaGhandi: 7:48am On Apr 22, 2019
Nairaland is a public forum where people are free to express their opinions based on their own life experience. Hacking down people because they have an opinion different from yours is backward. If you have a different opinion by all means make it known, we will go through it and judge for ourselves what we think is the correct and more informed position. All this insult hauling in the name of countering points that are against private perspectives does not help anyone.


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by iLegendd(m): 11:42am On Apr 22, 2019

Good to know you are admitting being a child. A huge step. I’m sorry I do not patronize the products of kids because I have outgrown them and they will be of no relevance to me. I wish you well as you seek help to grow. You desperately need it and I hate to tell you that my kids would also not patronize any of your products not now or in the future because the ignorance you have complied into a booklet would not fit into their lifestyle.
Despite your old age, you still have a long way to go intellectually, financially, and relationship-wise. Don't worry, your children will buy it. As long as they use Google to search for a relationship solution online, they'll find us. But, if you stop them from using the internet, then they can't find us. Unfortunately, you can't stop them. You can't control their lifestyles for the rest of their lives. A controlling father is what children don't ever want. An understanding father is what they want. Your two days reign is about to fade away, so try to have the last laugh.

The things you shared are things already contained in our 40 Rules of Dump book. Imagine sharing something like that at an old age. Something the younger ones already know. Mr. Man, it seems you were too slow in learning.

1 Like

Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by BonnyWood(m): 2:08pm On Apr 22, 2019
The best thing you can do is to take care and simply love your woman. I do not how it works but they can feel it and accept your warmth. My dear future wife once said that she loved me because I care about her with all my heart. Now we plan our wedding and even have chosen invitations with nice wording https://www.weddingforward.com/wedding-invitation-wording/
I thank God every day that I have found her!
Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Boss13: 5:52pm On Apr 22, 2019
The best thing you can do is to take care and simply love your woman. I do not how it works but they can feel it and accept your warmth. My dear future wife once said that she loved me because I care about her with all my heart. Now we plan our wedding and even have chosen invitations with nice wording https://www.weddingforward.com/wedding-invitation-wording/
I thank God every day that I have found her!

That’s very good for you Sir. However, if she falls within any of the categories listed, you would be coming back with a different story


Re: Men & Marriage - How To Pick Your Wife! by Nobody: 9:36am On May 02, 2019

You have to put into consideration that some of them were raped or drugged and before they knew what was happening, it was too late... I once had a female colleague who's a single mother: her boyfriend drugged and slept with her on Valentine's day (back in the university) and before she knew it, she was pregnant and had to give birth to the child because she was scared of abortion(killing another life). Another case was that of a girl that was raped by armed robbers and her parents who were born again Christians told her to keep the pregnancy that followed...she gave birth to the child and handed him over to a childless couple...so not all single mothers were/are wayward(there are exceptions).

this rape epistle has long been an easy escape route for most girls, and it should stop.

in advanced countries u can't just say u were raped unless u have substantial evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that u were actually raped, unless u will be heavy fined or jailed.

but in Nigeria we use the word anyhow, little wonder most girls I know and in general never complain about rape when the relationship is still rosy but when it turns sour all this allegations comes flying out.

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