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Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 11:29am On Mar 01, 2021
I seek job opportunities endlessly, and was glad when Mr. Richard told me he has a job for me via one of his connects. I was so glad.

He mentioned the job was in one of the top 5 star hospitality industry in Lagos. My joy knew no bound when he stated salary is N80,000 with regular tips from guests.

Here comes the condition: Mr. Richard told me I must sign a written agreement, [with my signature on it] that he gets 50% from my first 4 months salary.

Concluding the phone call, he told me to report to his office by 2PM today if I'm cool with the agreement.

Folks, what should I do

MODIFIED: Mr. Richard said I should not plead or negotiate. It's either I agree to the condition or forget about the offer.

14 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by zealousayo(m): 11:51am On Mar 01, 2021
Haba... Why are people wicked like this?

Negotiate (beg) with him to reduce the percentage

Modified: since he stands on no negotiation, you will have to do his bidding. You should bear with it for that four months... The reason is, if you refuse, many people are ready to take up the job with even worse conditions.

201 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by jaguars(m): 11:56am On Mar 01, 2021
nothing is free in the country again. Kai!!!!!¡
if you really need the job, beg to reduce it to 2-months!

117 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Nobody: 12:25pm On Mar 01, 2021
aye lo maye le. people discomforting people

113 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by willybaby(m): 12:31pm On Mar 01, 2021
wicked humans every where, 4 months is quite long and 50% is definitely huge.
Op please do well to beg him for reductions but alas wetin man go do, take d job o since you no mk mention of anoda job

71 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 12:36pm On Mar 01, 2021
Haba... Why are people wicked like this?
Negotiate (beg) with him to reduce the percentage
I've done that all to no avail.


Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 12:37pm On Mar 01, 2021
wicked humans every where, 4 months is quite long and 50% is definitely huge.
Op please do well to beg him for reductions but alas wetin man go do, take d job o since you no mk mention of anoda job

The man wouldn't accept.

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 12:38pm On Mar 01, 2021
nothing is free in the country again. Kai!!!!!¡

if you really need the job, beg to reduce it to 2-months!

All my efforts to make him come down to 2 months proved abortive.


Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 12:40pm On Mar 01, 2021
aye lo maye le. people discomforting people

My brother, quite sad.
I wish he could change his mind.


Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Ponytail22: 12:45pm On Mar 01, 2021
Dear poster,
4months is a very long time and Jobs are very difficult to come by. Weigh your Options, if you can stick to the agreement fine! But if you can't, move on! Mr Richard is a very wicked Man!

167 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by DhatPeacefuldud(m): 12:45pm On Mar 01, 2021
Since you've been searching endlessly for one i'd suggest you go ahead and sign the agreement, many people will jump on that offer..The issue is you dont even know the work conditions yet..Mr Richard is a callous being, no cap

102 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by omophunky(m): 12:52pm On Mar 01, 2021
Op don't sign any documents.

Don't be in haste to get the Job when you are not even sure of all those he said about the job.

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 12:58pm On Mar 01, 2021
Op don't sign any documents.

Don't be in haste to get the Job when you are not even sure of all those he said about the job.

Thank you sir.
Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Twelfthman: 1:07pm On Mar 01, 2021
Yes... don't settle for less. Better opportunities ahead.


Senior man, I decided to let go. I can't accept to that condition. Never!!!

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 1:17pm On Mar 01, 2021
Yes... don't settle for less. Better opportunities ahead.

cool Many thanks...

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by josh123(m): 1:19pm On Mar 01, 2021
I seek job opportunities endlessly, and was glad when Mr. Richard told me he has a job for me via one of his connects. I was so glad.

He mentioned the job was in one of the top 5 star hospitality industry in Lagos. My joy knew no bound when he stated salary is N80,000 with regular tips from guests.

Concluding the phone call, he told me to report to his office by 2PM today if I'm cool with the agreement.

Folks, what should I do

MODIFIED: Mr. Richard said I should not plead or negotiate. It's either I agree to the condition or forget about the offer.
better agree, or do u have another job somewhere else ? its just 4 months, u are lucky he did not say one year

102 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by DhatPeacefuldud(m): 1:19pm On Mar 01, 2021

Senior man, I decided to let go. I can't accept to that condition. Never!!!
Okay bro, best wishes

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Walkee: 1:19pm On Mar 01, 2021

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 1:27pm On Mar 01, 2021
160k is small money . You could just pay it once or twice if you have the money and the job will be long term. I can't do a job with 100k pay though. I guess I've kinda messed up my lifestyle

shocked at the bolded, God will uplift me to that stage where 160K will be a token. At my level of brokeness, 160K is like 1.6M

I don too suffer cheesy
Chai, E go better.

73 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Mastakija(m): 1:27pm On Mar 01, 2021
Shayb is for the next 4months
Half bread is better dan non
If d guy no gree reduce am, leave him and collect d job and let God be d judge


Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Mastakija(m): 1:29pm On Mar 01, 2021

Senior man, I decided to let go. I can't accept to that condition. Never!!!
abeg connect me
Me i go do am o

36 Likes 1 Share

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Ghengiskhan(m): 1:34pm On Mar 01, 2021
I seek job opportunities endlessly, and was glad when Mr. Richard told me he has a job for me via one of his connects. I was so glad.

He mentioned the job was in one of the top 5 star hospitality industry in Lagos. My joy knew no bound when he stated salary is N80,000 with regular tips from guests.

Concluding the phone call, he told me to report to his office by 2PM today if I'm cool with the agreement.

Folks, what should I do

MODIFIED: Mr. Richard said I should not plead or negotiate. It's either I agree to the condition or forget about the offer.

I believe you are the wicked one here for trying to make him look bad.

Here is my reason:
If Mr Richard said pay me #160,000k one time payment and I give you a #80,000k job, will you call him wicked or look for the money ?
Instead he said pay me monthly installment and you are here calling him wicked.
In this Buhari regime that even government employment is for sale. Obviously Mr Richard is no Santa but that doesn't make him wicked

164 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 1:35pm On Mar 01, 2021
abeg connect me Me i go do am o
Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Flowrider: 1:35pm On Mar 01, 2021
Link me bro, I go still settle you sef

43 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Ghengiskhan(m): 1:36pm On Mar 01, 2021
I seek job opportunities endlessly, and was glad when Mr. Richard told me he has a job for me via one of his connects. I was so glad.

He mentioned the job was in one of the top 5 star hospitality industry in Lagos. My joy knew no bound when he stated salary is N80,000 with regular tips from guests.

Concluding the phone call, he told me to report to his office by 2PM today if I'm cool with the agreement.

Folks, what should I do

MODIFIED: Mr. Richard said I should not plead or negotiate. It's either I agree to the condition or forget about the offer.

I believe you are the wicked one here for trying to make him look bad.

Here is my reason:
If Mr Richard said pay me #160,000k one time payment and I give you a #80,000k job, will you call him wicked or look for the money ?
Instead he said pay me monthly installment and you are here calling him wicked.
In this Buhari regime that even government employment is for sale. Obviously Mr Richard is no Santa and that doesn't make him wicked.

32 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by XshegzzyeeiX: 1:37pm On Mar 01, 2021

I believe you are the wicked one here for trying to make him look bad.

Here is my reason:
If Mr Richard said pay me #160,000k one time payment and I give you a #80,000k job, will you call him wicked or look for the money ?
Instead he said pay me monthly installment and you are here calling him wicked.
In this Buhari regime that even government employment is for sale. Obviously Mr Richard is no Santa but that doesn't make him wicked

Alright sir. Thanks.

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Tobichuks08: 1:45pm On Mar 01, 2021
Your own better i paid someone on this forum to help me get a job, he didn't only fail me it appears am being played too with my refund. Just waiting for time to setttle the dust because i will get my refunds.


Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Fixey: 1:54pm On Mar 01, 2021
You are short sighted. Very short sighted. Is your jobless better than the 50% for four months for goodness sakes

You're part of the people who says you don't want to be taken advantaged of, but this isn't the case.

You are looking at the job, you don't know the relationship he has maintained to have the job and access. Please work on your values. However wrong we may say this is, it's just a short term burden and you'll have your freedom.

I saw your thread where you advertised for a live in job and was going to contact you as I know one in the area. But upon sighting this thread I change my mind.

Go and work on your mind and that attitude of people want to use you by all means as it's a two-stroke approach. One should behave better the employer in thus case, the other you.

Go and look for the novel she stoop to conquer and read up how you can use perspective shift to get what you want out of life.

Even Jesus said in the scripture " Whom shall entrust thee with they own if you've not first been entrusted with another's " Poverty and joblessness hasn't taught you very well. After it has, you'll behave better

He is Greedy, you are also Greedy

If you didn't respond to him early, just forget about it. The setup was a test of character he set as trap for you... You failed, because of your inherent greed. Continue searching since you don't know how tough life is. Smh

Common drop 120k make I change your status
Smh. I know persons who dropped 100% at once salary, 1 Million. Today through the connects are better. One is in Canada, the other oil. Company sends overs like beans. Stay there and be befriending your poverty. Smh

Suffer nor dey tire una. Some people dey drop one of their blood ones in some coded tins to get ahead in life. Just 40k. Chai. Humans can be wicked to themselves

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by AbujaCitiBlog: 1:58pm On Mar 01, 2021
Go ahead with the job. God will uplift you from there. The conditions are tough but it is an opportunity. Don't throw it away.

Be diligent and God will bless you from there. Laban Jacobs Uncle gave him impossible conditions while working for him but it did not stop him from becoming richer than Laban at the end. Jacob excelled even with the tough conditions.

If you are diligent and trust God, you will also Excell. Have a beautiful day. Congratulations in advance!

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Nicklaus619(m): 2:00pm On Mar 01, 2021
See bro, just accept it like that and assume in your mind that your basic salary is 40k for the first four months and after that your salary will be doubled, before u know boom four months don come and pass, don't let anyone discourage you from grabbing this opportunity, work no dey town oh, be wise cool

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Re: Here Is The Wicked Condition Someone Gave Before He Connects Me To This 80K Job. by Dunnytt: 2:11pm On Mar 01, 2021
I don't know if you should accept or not... I'm just here thinking, that if you can do the first 4months with half of your salary. Saving half of your salary, every months onward will be easy in that job.

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