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Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Fvckyouall: 8:59am On Apr 25, 2021

You're wrong.
"we should
not contaminate our bodies with
harmful substances such as the
above which you mentioned since
they are lead cause of disease"

one of the reasons i'm smoking marijuana is because of its health function. It actually cured me of a particular diseases since then i've been noticing other health benefits.


shut up yet you still dey use generator which smoke is harmful, y

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Nobody: 9:21am On Apr 25, 2021
Ascended Master Saint Germain Said:

There are several things that leave a substance in the brain which must be
cleared away if the Full Perfection from
the 'Mighty I AM Presence' is to be released through the personal consciousness.

These are, in the order of their importance: Narcotics, Alcohol, Meat, Tobacco, Excess Sugar, Salt, and Strong Coffee.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Janosky: 9:39am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

Love your neighbor as yourself.
Your smoking is harmful to your neighbor, & to yourself the smoker.
Smoking defiles you.
( proven by science).

When you love your neighbor would you do harm to him?

2 Corinthians 7:1, do not defile yourself because of Romans 12:1, present your bodies to God ,clean and holy.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by femi4: 9:54am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
It's a sin

Smoke defiles the body
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by MANNABBQGRILLS: 9:54am On Apr 25, 2021
A picture speaks more than a thousand words........

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by anochuko01(m): 9:54am On Apr 25, 2021
I dunno know o, but anyone who wants to damage his kidney should go ahead.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Dreyton36: 9:55am On Apr 25, 2021
It's a big sin not to smoke, that's why mist times I have to light up just to be able to cope with y'all

Lights up my kpoli in peace


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by bodaola(m): 9:58am On Apr 25, 2021
It's a big sin not to smoke, that's why mist times I have to light up just to be able to cope with y'all

Lights up my kpoli in peace

You burst my head grin


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Nobody: 9:59am On Apr 25, 2021
Nope. It's not a sin to smoke. But the fact it is not a sin does not make it right.

All things are permissible by Grace, but not all things are beneficial.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by lekki1444: 9:59am On Apr 25, 2021
against your body ? yes. against the LORD ? no. however a man who destroys his temple will not be blessed abundantly by the LORD so you will just be one of these christians who are struggling in life. no breakthroughs. unanswered prayers etc. same applies to fornication and adultery and stealing etc
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by saphiere(f): 10:00am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
I will answer your question. Before I answer, tell me why you chose to use females pictures in your thread.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by pointstores(m): 10:01am On Apr 25, 2021
Smokers are liable to die Young by world health organization popular say whether is a sin or not what about ur health ?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by detectivejones: 10:01am On Apr 25, 2021
Is the bible not supposed to be the rule book and guide to how Christians should live their lives? Is there anything about smoking being wrong mentioned in it? There you have your answer

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by sisisioge: 10:01am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

grin grin grin

My brother, how can the reasons be obvious but only to you? I dont think there is any religious harm in smoking jare...the associated health problems are the real contenders.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Righteousness2(m): 10:02am On Apr 25, 2021
It is Evil! It does not Glorify GOD . It is Sin!
You know it is Sin!

All Unrighteousness is Sin..

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

Even the wordly Evil Wicked world tells you it is Dangerous to your health and that you are Liable to Die young.


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by lakesidepapa(m): 10:03am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by peropoliet(m): 10:03am On Apr 25, 2021
I am afraid you are wrong in your conclusion. It is worse to assume a thing a sin, and tell others that it is so, when it is not. That is akin to adding to the commandments of God and there is a curse attached for those who do such and tell others such lies. undecided

Rather than leaving it up in the air, it would be wiser to learn the Truth of God which clearly detail for your learning what sin is and what is not sin. It is by knowing this Truth that you can be set free from slavery to sin by the Truth, the very teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ Himself. undecided
you are looking for answer to justify yourself and trap someone you won't get any from me cos the brother above just told you the truth

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Perfectbeing(m): 10:04am On Apr 25, 2021
show me where God said you should you should boil water before making eba to eat with soup.

Let's say you are a christian and you caught your pastor smoking, what will be your reaction? Will it be to walk past as if nothing happened or you'll be surprised at him smoking?
Some people would be surprised if a pastor is on dreadlocks. Does that make it a sin?
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by ICEWIN: 10:04am On Apr 25, 2021
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by blackjack21(m): 10:04am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

They smoke in the Catholic church as a religious procedure.

that was probably marijuana in the pot. cheesycheesycheesy

Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Faithful1234(m): 10:05am On Apr 25, 2021

Sir, you maybe quoting your Bible out of context cos; in your words, u make me see persecution, condemnation and stigmatization, which were the reasons i brought the question here.
I have been trying to understand your point as an individual who only concern is that personal interest, every individual with his own opinion, don't be to attach to ur opinion.
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Toks2008(m): 10:05am On Apr 25, 2021
Smoking is a habit and a dangerous one but not a sin.

Nevertheless, because it destroys your body which is God's temple, we may call it a sinful habit but if you smoke a substance that does not destroy your body then you are good.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by jaxxy(m): 10:05am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

Smoking isn’t the problem bt the reason for smoking is and that will determine whether or not.


So barbeque is a sin because it takes hot charcoal to make it happen

Bible said, everything! Forget the mode of preparation
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by essenjack(m): 10:05am On Apr 25, 2021
I will answer your question. Before I answer, tell me why you chose to use females pictures in your thread.

To be honest with you, It's like somebody modified it. I didn't attach any picture to the thread
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by miketayo(m): 10:05am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.

Its a bad habit in my opinion, my priest when I was in India smokes. I won't call it a sin
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by Ohizfly(m): 10:06am On Apr 25, 2021
light my Kpoli
Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by miketayo(m): 10:07am On Apr 25, 2021
Smoking is a habit and a dangerous one but not a sin.

Nevertheless, because it destroys your body which is God's temple, we may call it a sinful habit.

Fast food destroys ur body too


Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by OGWILLS123: 10:07am On Apr 25, 2021
It depends on the type of smoke coming out of your mouth

It’s not a Sin to smoke Igbo , because asometimes you need to be extremely high to attack Devil and his agents undecided

Jesu ! shocked

you are mad cheesy grin
don't be offended pls grin

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by obailala(m): 10:08am On Apr 25, 2021
Are you smoking to glorify God, or to bring more people into God's kingdom?
Lol... If we must be practical and true to ourselves, then we must understand that not everything we do even as Christians must glorify God or bring people into the kingdom.

How exactly does eating meals in a nice restaurant, or watching football or movies, or going on holidays, or playing a game of tennis glorify God? Does that necessarily mean these things annoy God?

The only case against cigarettes is that it has the potential to harm our bodies when consumed in excess. God wouldn't exactly smile at us for harming ourselves intentionally.

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Re: Is It A Sin For A Christian To Smoke? by geunik(m): 10:08am On Apr 25, 2021
Please I need a spiritual/Biblical answer to this question, cos in a society like ours, most Christians tends to judge and condemn smokers.
I smoke (only Marijuana) for obvious reason(s) known to me.
There is a part of the Bible that says we must not harm ourselves. And smoking of any kind have been proven by scientists that it is bad and can lead to poor health hence it is wrong

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