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Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy - Romance (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Idealisttt: 9:14pm On Jul 03, 2023

Always avoid friends who think they can date your ex or gf or women you have a crush on.
It's simply means they not just want what you have, they want it taken away. Some people hate you and may only stop when they also get something , but there are people who don't just want to gain, their only satisfaction is when you lose what you have or they take it from you. Run from those men
I had a friend like this, good riddiance

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by YoungLionken(m): 8:00am On Jul 04, 2023
Firstly, as a man, never you be too friendly/jovial with your female counterparts at work, church, neighborhood, etc. It brings nothing but see finish..

2ndly, avoid/cut off friends who don't honour your invitation (except seriously sick, faraway city/country with evidence). Everyone knows what they're doing, what's important to them and who they can go any length for...

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by macof(m): 8:46pm On Jul 04, 2023
I got to know I was dealing with an enemy when a guy called macof on this site declared he has all the information about me and can easily locate me.

When someone who hates you with passion says he can easily locate you, just put your house in order. You are already dealing with a psychopath whose capacity for evil is not yet known to you. And that's to be forewarned.

Very awkward moment of self searching and reappraisal of my contacts began. And not quite long, a customer on Jeep visited my shop, and made a pass at my wife, I know I'm at the very verge of death and it just seems all my fears were well founded.

Thank God my wife shared that sensitive information with me, it's the curiosity I felt with that experience that really awake me to the risk of my business being infiltrated by enemies acting as customers and friends.

I've threads about the experience. The fellow is hardened and persistent. Be careful who you engage with as friend and be very careful who you engage with as an enemy. Either can set you up and it might be too late to escape.


Just a disclaimer for everyone : this guy is suffering from a mental health issue
If you like go mumu yourself dey believe madman

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by macof(m): 8:49pm On Jul 04, 2023
wetin you do macof?
Na my guy for religion section that year ooo
grin he dey claim Yoruba be descendants of Abraham, I tackle the nonsense him brain knock. Now his madness has gone full blown

Btw what is your handle that time, must have been a long time ago cus I no dey check religion section again

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by pansophist(m): 1:09am On Jul 05, 2023
The good thing about being independent in life is that when fake friends reveal themselves, you aint bothered because you do not depend on them for anything.

Generally, I do not expect much from people, I have studied human nature for most of my adult life, and even if my parents whom I trusted 100% disappoint me today, I won't be shocked. I would only be angry that why this person didn't expose themselves earlier, so I can just move on and stop wasting my time with them.

The more I know about human nature, the more i like my dog.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by absoluteSuccess: 7:25am On Jul 05, 2023

Just a disclaimer for everyone : this guy is suffering from a mental health issue
If you like go mumu yourself dey believe madman


You are the madman in this scenario, who must hunt and kill whoever disagree with your sick projections of reality.

Having faith in an entity you want defeated by the idol you worship is a declaration of war. Your idol is my ancestor, I don't practice ancestor worshipping. I don't have problem you worshipping your idols.

Psychopaths are brilliant liars.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by absoluteSuccess: 7:31am On Jul 05, 2023

grin he dey claim Yoruba be descendants of Abraham, I tackle the nonsense him brain knock. Now his madness has gone full blown

Btw what is your handle that time, must have been a long time ago cus I no dey check religion section again

You wasted your years to help strengthen me. You still have no purpose in life if this is the core of your existence, you are a tool to fine tune the men God uses.

Go and figure out a purpose of your existence, you tackle me with objections you drew from my input, so how could you win? The prowess you revv in here has ended, in your shame.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by absoluteSuccess: 7:40am On Jul 05, 2023


grin he dey claim Yoruba be descendants of Abraham, I tackle the nonsense him brain knock. Now his madness has gone full blown

Btw what is your handle that time, must have been a long time ago cus I no dey check religion section again

Can you by chance say, " in fact, I got all his information that year thanks to him marketing himself and now I can easily locate him"?

A psychopath will never do that.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by DonroxyII: 10:29am On Jul 06, 2023
A lady I dated at work spent on her and we banged only to find out she was a spy to another guy in same office conveying our office gossip to him ! She even threatened to expose me when I found out then I seized all communication with the Baga ! Bared her on every channel
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Baolak(m): 5:37pm On Jul 06, 2023
Do people still keep friends these days?
I wonder, i hope people learn.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by BscHolder: 5:03pm On Jul 18, 2023

grin he dey claim Yoruba be descendants of Abraham, I tackle the nonsense him brain knock. Now his madness has gone full blown

Btw what is your handle that time, must have been a long time ago cus I no dey check religion section again
ProphetUdeme grin

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by luvyaself95(m): 5:46pm On Jul 18, 2023
Back then in uni, I connected my generator to his room so that he can enjoy light at night he had only fan and laptop.

A year later, my generator got knocked and God so good, few weeks later ,he bought a small tiger gen.

I told him to share me light and he said NO.

NOTE : he enjoyed my gen for a whole year without paying shishi for fuel
Just shocked

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by macof(m): 11:13pm On Jul 21, 2023

ProphetUdeme grin
cheesy I hope you have learnt to appreciate African spirituality since then
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by schoolboymatt(m): 11:55am On Oct 22, 2023

I try as much not to be jealous or envious of people. No matter what. I rather use your success to motivate my self.

However, alot of so called friends are actually in competition with you. The earliest you realize it the better for you.

If you are caught in that situation and you still need to keep the friendship for important reasons then do this. Note some people are indispensable due to some circumstances.

Hide your progress
Hide you plans to your progress
When you achieve something good, hide it.
Never emphasize the importance of a step to your progress or discuss it.
Always keep a low profile around them
Never tell your secrets and don't try to know theirs.

If you can not do those.
Cut them off.

They could kill you for progressing and hiding it.

That is why when some people become successful they stay far from close friends.

Because those friends were not really friends but they had to keep up with them due to circumstances

you've said it all wise man.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by schoolboymatt(m): 12:11pm On Oct 22, 2023
You might b getting things wrong.
U an extrovert while your friend is an introvert I guess.

another angle to look at it from
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Godsongang: 1:10pm On Oct 22, 2023
I don't keep friends and I have none, Let friends burn in hell.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Gentlesoul2021(m): 1:32pm On Oct 23, 2023
There is this guy whom we went to university together, graduated together, met in the same hood after education. We were both working and living in the same area even after school. We used to hangout, do so many stuff together. One time we were house hunting, I saw a suitable place then took him to the place to pick a space since he was also hunting for a better place. This guy told the landlord to chase me away and refund my money that he'd like the particular apt I paid for just because we had a little beef( he went behind me to rat me out to a girl I was trying to hook up with). Thank God the landlord knew the genesis of the whole house hunting thing and how I introduced him to the landlord. The man refunded his money and told him never to come close to his compound.

When u know u guys are not in good terms, u shouldn't have show him the house..
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Gentlesoul2021(m): 2:31pm On Oct 23, 2023

Wrong approach to life. An excellent degree is never the only yardstick to make it in life. It may give certain advantages but it will not amount to much if you have a bad attitude.


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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by TeeFriz: 2:38am On Oct 24, 2023

When u know u guys are not in good terms, u shouldn't have show him the house..
We were in good terms before i showed him the house.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Deepocean(m): 4:09am On Oct 24, 2023
I'll like to write this here for reference purpose.

I have this friend that I informed about something that I just started getting into. This is something his close friend has been into with success rate.

I informed him to link me with his friend to show me some things in order to make things fast track the journey for me. Any time I raise the issue, he would subtly use another discussion to cover it up pretending as if he didn't hear what I said. I raised the issue three times loudly.

He would pretend as if he wasn't paying attention and would use another discussion to cover it up. When I noticed this reoccurrence I stopped making the request and tried to talk to myself the reason he was doing that which was obvious and glaring.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by creativehubb: 5:18am On Oct 24, 2023
The fact he doesn't celebrate doesn't mean he wish you bad.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by oluwaseyi0: 7:35am On Oct 24, 2023
Back then in uni, I connected my generator to his room so that he can enjoy light at night he had only fan and laptop.

A year later, my generator got knocked and God so good, few weeks later ,he bought a small tiger gen.

I told him to share me light and he said NO.

NOTE : he enjoyed my gen for a whole year without paying shishi for fuel

He use your gen fo laptop and fan, what do you have in your room that you intend to use his small gen for? Full room electronics I guess ...tv, console, speakers etc

Of course I'll say no too
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by okoroemeka(m): 5:54am On Oct 25, 2023
Do people still keep friends these days?
seriously it does not worth the hassle,human beings are naturally programmed to have competitive jealousy,so the moment you raise more than your friends you will see troubles

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