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Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 7:34pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
Someone who really knows this topic on a deeper level should please teach it here. Should they be ignored? My main question is this: How many spirit husbands can a woman have, and how many spirit wives can a man have? @Mods, If this makes front page, it would help a lot. Thanks! |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Nobody: 7:35pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
This one have gone to carry wahala from brothel 2 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by BOSSkesh(m): 7:45pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
Let us learn Normally I’m still at the fence about this |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by BOSSkesh(m): 7:45pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
@me if this gets to front page |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Benekkk: 7:57pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
onumadu:If you could reference anywhere such a thing is mentioned in the Bible it would help. 3 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 8:22pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
Benekkk: There are many things not mentioned in the Bible, but they exist, or people believe in them still. I guess I should add that this thread should be for people who believe in such things, or have experience with them. 2 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Puremind1225: 8:55pm On Sep 04, 2023 |
Stop wasting your time man, channel that energy to something more fruitful and beneficial 4 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 12:48am On Sep 05, 2023 |
BOSSkesh: Me too. Still researching it, but needs a spiritualist or someone gifted with discerning such things to learn more. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Dtruthspeaker: 6:25am On Sep 05, 2023 |
Puremind1225: Why? You don't want him to discover you abi? 2 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 8:29am On Sep 05, 2023 |
Dtruthspeaker: Heehehe! Abi o. ![]() I wonder why someone would make such a comment on a topic like this. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:53am On Sep 05, 2023 |
onumadu: It's the result of dealing with demons! When people are making covenant with demons they don't know but it's when demons are demanding loyalty that the possessed cries out. There are many ways demons can possess a victim that's why the God of Israel warned His people not to practice magic. In the presence of all Israelites their God gave the head of all the demons in Canaan a life goat as sacrifice to order all demons out of the land the God of Israel is possessing as His domain! Leviticus 16:7-8 But today most people are dining and wining with demons yet they don't want to experience the consequences of spiritism! ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 10:18am On Sep 05, 2023 |
MaxInDHouse: From my little (cursory) knowledge of this topic, even children can have spirit husbands and wives. So, when did they "make covenants with demons" to attach them to these beings? This topic is deep and I've seen people allege that some top pastors with big churches have spirit wives. There is a lot of dishonesty in the religious circles and it is destroying many innocent (ignorant) people. Pastors tell them to do one thing, but they pastors themselves are neck-deep in these things. I know that some are more knowledgeable of this topic, and such knowledgeable persons can help to teach it on a deeper level. Example give us short-cuts and tips etc. Hence this thread. BTW the Bible verse you quoted does not address the topic. 1 Like |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:25am On Sep 05, 2023 |
onumadu: Babies having spirit husbands or wives is just deception, those babies have no business with the demons though the demons may appear to them making them to cry but it's their parents that have invited the demons into the home. So as the child grows if he or she should leave that premises and dedicate his or her life to the true God the demons will disengage him or her because it's not the child who made a covenant with the demon in the first place. But if the child also due to greed for riches should get involved in spiritism then the demon will have double assurance that this one is signing a life contract! 1 Like |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by mysticwarrior(m): 11:12am On Sep 05, 2023 |
Benekkk:Mami water was not mentioned on the bible but yet they exist. 3 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 3:14pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
mysticwarrior: Exactly. The problems of life are versed. My concern is that a lot of double-standards (and outright deceptions) by some top church leaders goes on in churches. One man I know in my village went and burnt the family "Ofo", and established a church in the "Obi" there. He almost ran mad afterwards, and ran away to an African country and refused to return. One thing I know from experience as a Christian is that God (and his entire creation) is a mystery. That is why he should be worshiped with fear and trembling. That is why top "new age church leaders" always hide the real source of their power. You have a problem and they would tell you to go and see the "daddy G.O". But is the GO reading a different Bible from the one every other church member is reading? You see? Why could the GO do things that other serious church member can't do? Even Jesus told his disciples that they could do even greater things than he, if they believed. Time and time again, people come forward to allege that those Gos use mami water (ie spirit wife) power. Let someone prove them wrong here. 2 Likes |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 5:29pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
The concept of spirit husband and wife, which has infiltrated Christianity in Africa and is being used by some Pentecostal pastors in Nigeria and other parts of Africa to scam their gullible followers , is from traditional African religion. No where in the Bible is the idea mentioned or even hinted at, yet it's one of the major subject of discussion amongs Pentecostal Christians who are not even aware of where the notion of a spirit spouse has emanated from By believing in such a thing, they have unknowingly accepted a belief that's antithetical to their religion . Spirit spouse is tied to reincarnation. Within the circle of those who originally hold on to the idea, ATR, practitioners , it's believed that there's a corresponding inner world or spiritual world where people go to once they depart from this physical one through death . According to them ,the other world contains everything that you find here . There are houses ,markets ,farms ,animals ,humans ,male and female you can marry and have children with . And after spending some time there , one may choose to return, reincarnate , back to this physical world. If the returning person is already married over there , he or she must remain faithful by not getting married here . Any attempt to get married ,will result in problems for both the person and the intending partner .The only way out is to appease the spirit spouse without which nothing happens . This is the summary of the idea of a spirit spouse amongs ATR practitioners . If you want to know more, meet with them , and not pastors who have reworked the concept like an old tune and now singing it heartily in churches in order to fleece their members of their hard earned money. I pity the ladies more . They are the ones falling easy victims in churches and elswhere because of the desperation to get married.. Spirit spouse is superstitious belief .Things don't change after any deliverance or rituals . Well, I'm speaking from the many things I have seen both in the village and in the cities I know of some persons who have gone through the necessary rituals or deliverance meant to free them from the so call spirit spouse but nothing has changed . 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:54pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
onumadu: Exactly! |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 7:38pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
triplechoice: EXCELLENT summary in bold. ![]() Thank you! 1 Like |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 7:44pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
triplechoice: The bolded is exactly why I opened this thread. There are lots of people who experience these phenomenon, and what I found out has been that getting rid of them is exceedingly hard. I guess that getting rid of them should start from first establishing that they are actually there to begin with, rather than a figment of mental imaginations. I would share my own experience with the phenomenon next. I had wanted to wait till an authority (a truly informed person - a spiritualist) addresses it, but WTH... |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Dtruthspeaker: 8:27pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
triplechoice: Your post sounds contradictory. Anyway, there is no smoke without fire in nature. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 9:18pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
onumadu: The reason it's difficult to get rid of it is because the problem is not there . In other words ,there's no spirit spouse responsible for problems anyone is facing . It's wrong belief . And until that is eradicated from the mind ,nothing changes for the person who has erroneously attributed their problems to that. Apart from we Africans, who believe in spirit spouse and now exporting the idea beyond the shores of the continent, no where else is it accepted or known that such a thing exist . What I already explained before now about the belief is exactly what it's Anyone coming to tell you otherwise ,is either benefitting from the scam and doesn't want you to know the truth or is clueless about the whole thing . Not everyone who claims to be a spiritualist is truly knowledgeable in such matters . |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 9:23pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
Dtruthspeaker: There is no contradiction in my post . If you have seen it there ,please point it out so I clearly see it. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by descarado: 9:30pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
Because it doesn't exist. When you keep on repeating something, keep imagining it, it become part of u and manifest s real. In the West such are called fantasy and replicated in cartons, fantasy blockbuster movies and novels but here, we believe that with everything in us. I read shifters novels a lot where human transform to animals and see such writers and genius cos they research a lot about such animals and create a human characters for them. That thing makes no sense even as a kid. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by descarado: 9:34pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
triplechoice:Excellent. When you see a well researched topic,nobody will tell you. Bravo. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 9:37pm On Sep 05, 2023 |
descarado: Thanks |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 2:17am On Sep 06, 2023 |
triplechoice: Hmm ... Oga u sure so? ![]() The problem is that when it comes to spirituality, Africans (black Africans) are more open about what they believe and experience. Other races (whites, Arabs and Asians) mostly hide what they believe (the deep dark ones) inside secret societies. And the rest simply don't believe spirituality even if they have been sent to mental homes or pushed to commit suicide by demons or demonic possessions. Though it is not good to believe things easily, it is perhaps worse to not believe things and assume they don't exist. Denying it denies one the first advantage of action which is to IDENTIFY THE EXISTENCE OF THE PROBLEM. How could people solve problem they don't believe exists? I've read some good books on spirituality written by psychologists who conduct hypnosis/exorcism on people possessed by "disembodied entities". My broda, A LOT is going on with those things, and lack of belief in them does not mean they don't exist. I said I'll share my own experiences with spirit wife ... later. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Dtruthspeaker: 6:31am On Sep 06, 2023 |
triplechoice: You are right. I understand you better. You are not entirely saying you do not believe it which is what i thought you were saying. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 8:43am On Sep 06, 2023 |
Dtruthspeaker: What you thought is wrong . I don't believe in spirit spouse causing problems for people |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 12:11pm On Sep 06, 2023 |
onumadu:It's not matter of lack of belief ,but the fact that spirit spouse is superstitious belief . I already explained the origin of the idea to let you know that . If something is real ,your lack of belief won't protect you from being affected by it. However , I also know that if you ignorantly accept something to be real when it's not ,it can affect you as if real . In this part of the world, people are consciously and unconsciously drawn into the belief due to religious indoctrination both in churches and other places where it's mentioned . One just need to protect one's mind in this environment where it's commonly discussed , if not one is affected and then conclude it's real . It's observed that it's only Africans living in Africa and in diaspora who are making the claims of how a spirit spouse is causing their problems .If you can provide evidence of white people , or any other race without such a belief discussing spirit spouse ,then I will begin to listen more In any case ,I will wait until you share your experiences before commenting further . |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by Dtruthspeaker: 12:43pm On Sep 06, 2023 |
triplechoice: You actually have confirmed my thoughts. You do be live that this experience may be true however you are using an overriding knowledge to settle it. Which is the knowledge of The Law (I hope you know that everytime i say The Law I mean God's Law more commonly known as Natural Law. And that Law states that "a person always intends the consequences of his action". So no one can blame any other person but themselves for any ill fortune which be falls them. |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by triplechoice(m): 1:14pm On Sep 06, 2023 |
Dtruthspeaker:Balderdash! You never make sense. 1 Like |
Re: Could Someone Knowleable Please Teach About Spirit Husbands And Wives? by onumadu: 3:06pm On Sep 06, 2023 |
triplechoice: Well, I think that the wrong way of looking at these things is to assume/expect every race or tribe of people to share the same cultural perspectives on them. CULTURE is a huge factor in how these things are dealt with. For example, most whites who even believe in spiritual things simply categorize all such things as "demons" or "evil spirits". What matters to them is that they have effective ways of getting rid of them when they are problematic. I said I've read a lot of books written by whites on such things. One of such books is Dealing With Demons: An Introductory Guide to Exorcism and Discerning Evil Spirits By Bob Larson In the book, the author simply called all of these forces "evil spirits". What intrigued me most about his claims in the book (the man had conducted HUNDREDS if not thousands 0f exorcism, some of them even on religious leaders and the most unbelieving) is that significant numbers of people he helped never believed in them until voices they couldn't control started speaking through them! ![]() So, you are mistaken to say that only Africans or as you put it "Africans living in Africa" believe such things. My "spirit wife" may be a white man's "evil spirit". Does it matter the nomenclature as long as the problem is solved? You need to stop thinking of Africans are uncivilized or superstitious regarding such things. Those things are real and have destroyed the greatest and most intelligent people. |
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