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Romance / Re: What Advise Do You Have For 40 Plus who Is Still Struggling In Nigeria by Drfernandez(m): 5:17pm On Dec 22, 2024

I want to say u are first of all an idiot.
A certified one at that.

Show me the place my wife got me a job and secondly show me where I mentioned she got me a job at the ministry?
In addition to that,u are only angry because u are neither here nor there.( poor soul). Hate filled soul.
I was a banker and good one at that. I was a professional mortgage banker of repute and my
records are there till date.
Before I met my wife, I was already earning close to a million in my side income...I got my wife and my younger brother federal jobs.

Now, I still stand by what I said, anyone who wants to marry and not he is not financially prepared in this economy should pls wait until he is capable. Don't allow idiots like this to deceive u.

Marriage gets tougher by the day especially if u have one income stream.

For u, may u not come out of useless frustration.

A typical foolish and hypocritical wretched girlish man. Continue deceiving yourself.
Romance / Re: What Advise Do You Have For 40 Plus who Is Still Struggling In Nigeria by Drfernandez(m): 4:13pm On Dec 22, 2024
It is not marriage that helped ur guy.

He dated a woman who showed him way...not those urgent 2k with 2million naira phone yet not brain and no future.

Marriage can kill u before ur time...I am a married man with 9yrs experience.

Don't rush ooh...u will rush out the way Russians ran away when Putin was trying to conscript them into the army.

Marriage,hmm...if u no get money pls, don't go closer I beg u in the name of God.

Except u are lucky to marry from a well to do family.

Your hypocrisy is stinking. According to you "Marriage,hmm...if u no get money pls, don't go closer I beg u in the name of God."

The same you that was as wretched as wretchedness itself when you met your wife; the same you whose wife helped got job in the Ministry of Land; the same you whose wife has been carrying financially and otherwise from the beginning to now.


Crime / Re: Two Nigerian Women Arrested With Drugs In India by Drfernandez(m): 9:24am On Oct 30, 2023
They are neither Igbos nor as the news and most commenters have erroneously asserted.

There are no such Igbo names such as Adaze Jaye and Lagantius Chamika.
Crime / Re: Over 50 Decomposed, 20 Headless Bodies Recovered In Lokpanta Cattle Market, Abia by Drfernandez(m): 9:17am On Oct 30, 2023
Lokpanta Cattle Market is a Notherners settlement and daily market. So for those of you already masturbating on the news insulting the Igbos, any crime committed there has nothing to do with the Igbos.

14 Likes 3 Shares

Celebrities / Re: Mohbad’s Wife Cheated On Him With Another Marlian Signee, Dad Tells Court by Drfernandez(m): 10:42pm On Oct 25, 2023
The way they talked that his wife was cheating on him made it seems as if it is no longer common and acceptable for our Yoruba women, married or not, to be sexually involved with men other than their husbands or dedicated partners.

7 Likes 3 Shares

Family / Re: Please What Can I Use To Reduce My Cheeks. They Are Too Big Pics. by Drfernandez(m): 3:31pm On Oct 25, 2023

Seeking whose attention? You're the main attention seeker here cos as for kor kor, we be five and six. He's not seeking no attention because he nor even get time. So get lost and chop shit!

Keziah, take your time before I change it for you.

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Family / Re: Please What Can I Use To Reduce My Cheeks. They Are Too Big Pics. by Drfernandez(m): 3:27pm On Oct 25, 2023
So by bodyshaming her, exactly what do you get for yourself? undecided

Attention seeker, gtfomm.
Family / Re: Please What Can I Use To Reduce My Cheeks. They Are Too Big Pics. by Drfernandez(m): 3:21pm On Oct 25, 2023
It's good that you're worried about it because in addition to your falling breasts, protruding stomach, and short height, they do make you appear like a masquerade.


Religion / Re: Reverend Oscar Mukahanana Commits Suicide As Adultery Leaks On Church’s Whatsapp by Drfernandez(m): 4:08pm On Oct 24, 2023
Taking his life simply showed that he was not born a hardened criminal like president Tinubu.
Crime / Re: Lagos Apprentice Jailed For Life For Defiling Employer's 9-Year-Old Daughter by Drfernandez(m): 7:05pm On Oct 16, 2023
The difference between Igbo people and Hamas is 0.

No difference at all

You are an idi.ot. How is Godwin Ogboniya from Kogi State, in fact from the okun tribe that is part of the Yoruba nation, an Igbo man?



Romance / Re: No Bra Day, Win Three Hundred US Dollars by Drfernandez(m): 8:54pm On Oct 15, 2023

Are you for real

I was serious that day. My post was specifically about the No bra day, unfortunately the first three scallywags that commented decided to deride and derail the thread.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Is There Anything Like Palestinian State Before? by Drfernandez(m): 8:51pm On Oct 15, 2023
"Agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms" was made up on both Jews and Palestinians because they two came from the ancient Canaanites.

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Romance / No Bra Day, Win Three Hundred US Dollars by Drfernandez(m): 1:45pm On Oct 13, 2023
A nairaland woman, whose moniker is not registered today, that has the best standing breast will receive USD300 from me. Post your no bra photo.
Health / Re: #NoBraDay: Nigerians Mark No Bra Day 2023 by Drfernandez(m): 1:20pm On Oct 13, 2023
A nairaland woman, whose moniker is not registered today, that has the best standing breast will receive USD300 from me. Post your no bra photo.


Family / Re: Please I Need Help Before I Run Mad. My Husband.... by Drfernandez(m): 7:45am On Oct 06, 2023

Your twin sister had been married for 7 years and you are still single waiting for a wealthy man to marry, ordinary primary school teacher like you.

At 36 years. You will reach 40 single.

She's 43 not 36. She's a typical example of misery loves company.


Politics / Re: Name Ebonyi Airport after Senator Offia Wali, Ebonyi ex-Govs tell Nwifuru by Drfernandez(m): 9:52am On Oct 02, 2023

I wont descend to your level. If you consider youself any close to the title in front of your moniker, debate issues with superior arguement.

I only demanded such intellecutual arguement and you call me foolish and the higher mortal. Shame on you

Once more, only foolish people hate truth, and only a foolish person will take an offence for being called what he is. Come on, get out of my sight.


Politics / Re: Name Ebonyi Airport after Senator Offia Wali, Ebonyi ex-Govs tell Nwifuru by Drfernandez(m): 9:44am On Oct 02, 2023

I'm not yoruba and will mever be.

Focus on the content and save yourself the hypocrisy. Speak about Martin Elechi and Sam Egwus statement concerning the renaming of the airport and dont deflect talking thrash

Does it matter whether you are a Yoruba or not. There is nothing with the demands of the Sam Egwu and Martin Elechi. Only foolish people hate truth.
Politics / Re: Name Ebonyi Airport after Senator Offia Wali, Ebonyi ex-Govs tell Nwifuru by Drfernandez(m): 9:36am On Oct 02, 2023
Igbos and long term brotherly hatred

Yes, Igbos and long-term brotherly hatred; no wonder the Igbos are the ones that opposed the renaming of University of Lagos that is located in Igboland after the late MKO Abiola from Ogun state that is also a state located in Igboland.

The hatred you and your types has for the Igbos will kill you lots if you do not take time.

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Family / Re: I Am Inlove With Ahnie. by Drfernandez(m): 8:27pm On Sep 22, 2023
Keep on deceiving yourself, Anieh. The next thing will be the use one of your other monikers especially Caaz, to keep the nonsense thread moving on.


Family / Re: If You Are In Your Twenties, Read This. by Drfernandez(m): 1:51pm On Jul 22, 2023
I am more interested about where you said "it is the money I saved during my NYSC and early working days that made me who I am today." I mean, the same you that was as wretched as a church rat at the age of 31 during which time you got married to your sugarmummy, who was relatively financially well-to-do and through whose help you were able to gain employment in the Federal Ministry of Land.

Learn to always give credit to whom credit is due, and stop this your newfound bragging lifestyle because you are yet to attain true financial success.


Sports / Re: Five Things To Know About Sweden Sex Championship by Drfernandez(m): 3:06pm On Jun 05, 2023
The news is fake. There isn't going to be any sex championship in Sweden.
Politics / Re: The Moment Remi Tinubu Resumed Work At Aso Rock by Drfernandez(m): 3:45pm On May 31, 2023
you’re the most daft one and the daft people like you who gives you that likes. The newly elected senators have they been sworn in? Who’s the senate president as at today, the new face of senate are they in office as at today. Next time comment without insulting people.

Daft man, the national assembly is not located in Aso Rock, so senators do not have their offices in Aso Rock, and the first lady has no business "resuming work" in Aso Rock. That is the point.

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Politics / Re: The Moment Remi Tinubu Resumed Work At Aso Rock by Drfernandez(m): 11:10am On May 31, 2023

She is a Senator, not a roadside housewife

A senator, you said. Which senatorial zone is she currently representing under the new government in Aso Rock? Some of you are too daft.

153 Likes 12 Shares

Family / Re: I'm Enjoying My Marriage To The Fullest by Drfernandez(m): 10:29am On Nov 08, 2022
This little boy that says he is from Taraba state and his multiple accounts and endless fictitious stories. Rest abeg, not everyone on Nairaland is daft like you irritants want the world to believe.
Celebrities / Re: Hushpuppi Sentenced To 11 Years In US Federal Prison For Online Scams by Drfernandez(m): 8:49am On Nov 08, 2022
Unfortunately he wasn't even a sophisticated and successful fraudster as he had presented himself before his arrest.

From all that was said, more than 90 percent of his intended actions did not succeed, and the few that succeeded, he got little shares from them. The approximately 1.5 million he was ordered to pay in restitution says it all, and I wager he doesn't have even 1/4 of that amount neither in cash nor assets.

He was mainly an international bank account broker in the fraud schemes. The sentencing serves him right. Kudos to the government.

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Romance / Re: Nairalanders, Can You Proudly Enter This Bus? by Drfernandez(m): 5:16pm On Sep 01, 2022

Keziah, you make me laugh with this answer. Anyway, all is well.
Family / Re: Is It Advisable To Marry A Man Earning 100k In This Present Economy. Ur Sincere by Drfernandez(m): 10:35am On Aug 21, 2022

Hahaha you must be Rozr oss/Iya ebe or Abosedef alade/Ri ghttoReject. I have two monikers this and my main which is still in ban. I use this one to troll stupid people like you and Abosedefalade. Run along crazy biiitch with stupid head

You need urgent mental evaluation because I wonder how what you wrote here and the monikers you mentioned got to do with me and my observation about you. My advice to you is simple:

1. Stop insulting @Blessedmercy8 and others with your numerous monikers.

2. Stop practicing bixesuality.

3. Stop molesting your niece and other minors, and surrender yourself to the authorities for already impregnating your niece.

4. Learn a skill and find a job instead of stealing and disgracing yourself everywhere.

Have a nice century.

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