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As a student, you may be wondering, what are the freelancing jobs that I can do & still have time for my books? Let's quickly explore four flexible freelancing jobs, shall we? 1) Copywriting This means writing for advertisements & publications. Copywriting is broad & you don't have to learn everything. Just pick a niche. You can decide to write product descriptions for eCommerce brands, etc. 2) Content Writing: This is writing SEO-optimised content for websites, blogs, etc. This is quite easy & flexible as you can even have a content calendar which helps you prepare your content ahead of time. You just have to learn how to manage your time properly. 3) Graphics design: You can also decide to be a graphics designer. Design logos, flyers, Youtube thumbnails, etc. You can even upscale to UX/Ui design. 4) Digital marketing: You can help businesses get more visibility on the Internet through digital marketing & you don't have to learn everything. Just pick one e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, etc. So there you go! Four skills you can learn & comfortably do as a student. Don't have any of the skills yet? You can learn the first two in the FFS PROGRAM & all the above skills in the HPF Academy. Which of these skills do you want to start now? Let me know in the comments section below. By the way, I have a FREE video that explains how you can earn $500-$1000 monthly from freelancing even if you don't have a laptop or a skill. Connect with me via the number in my signature to get it.
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3 Books Every Freelancer Must Read 1. The Freelancer’s Bible: Everything You Need to Know to Have the Career of Your Dreams—On Your Terms by Sara Horowitz The Freelancer's Bible is a thorough guide on establishing and operating a freelancing business. Sara Horowitz shows novice freelancers the ropes in this book, covering how to select health insurance, arrange office space, find and keep clients, fire clients, determine rates, draft contracts, bargain skillfully, and more. 2. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen Your productivity determines whether your independent business succeeds or fails. However, being under a lot of stress will hinder your capacity for productivity. David Allen offers insightful advice on organizing and increasing personal productivity in his book Getting Things Done. The book includes a tactical system to assist business owners in streamlining their work and completing tasks with the least amount of stress. 3. Freelance To Freedom by Vincent Pugliese As photojournalists for a newspaper, Vincent and his wife made $30000 a year. They realized they couldn't maintain their way of life for very long with their expanding family. This book tells the tale of how they built a side business photography weddings on the weekends, which allowed them to pay off more than $100,000 in debt in just three years. Which of these books will you read this week? Let me know in the comments section. By the way, I have a FREE video that explains how you can earn $500-$1000 monthly as a FREELANCER even if you don't have skills yet. Check my signature for access.
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How To Sell Yourself As A Freelancer As a freelancer, it is important for you to know how to sell yourself properly. Being great at what you do is not enough, learn how to sell your skill Let's talk about 4 things help you do that in your proposals: 1: EMPATHY The first thing you need to do is to show some empathy: “I understand where you are now, and I know how this is holding you back.” I can’t stress how important it is to show your clients that you understand them (this is why you need to niche down) If a client believes that you know exactly what’s at stake, they’re going to think that you have a good idea of both what needs to be done – and what shouldn’t be done. 2: YOU WILL HOLD THEIR HANDS UNTIL THEY GET THE DESIRED RESULT After making it crystal clear that you understand exactly where they are today, the next step is to paint them a picture of a better tomorrow. Your desire to help them should be crystal clear. They should be able to see you as the Knight in shining armour who has come to save them 3: HOW CAN YOU HELP? You want to make it clear to your clients that you have a plan for how hiring you will yield some sort of financial return. Not just "I'll help you make more money" You’re going to want to make sure that you’re spelling out what your plan is, BY ALIGNING WHAT YOU DO WITH THE DESIRED OUTCOME. This can only be possible if you've done your customer research. (More on this is found in HIGHLY PAID FREELANCER PREMIUM PROGRAM) 4: A WELL-ANCHORED COST It might surprise you to know that putting a price tag on a project is the most straightforward part of this process. Why? Because once you’ve told a compelling story and pointed out 3-4 big ideas (and their associated ROIs), you’re going to be able to come in and offer a price that works for you and makes financial sense to them. Simply put, explain how you can take them from Point A to Point B & how paying you $500 could make them $5000 (This is called value-anchoring.) Don't just sell yourself like a carpenter by estimating how much time it’ll take you to complete a project and then multiplying that time estimate by an hourly rate� STOP EEEET & START SELLING A STORY! By the way, I have a FREE video that explains how you can earn as much as $500 - $1,000 a month as a freelancer. Check my signature for access.
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3 Small Discipline Habits To Help You Stay Organized While Working From Home While working online, it's easy to procrastinate, waste time on online distractions & go an entire day without accomplishing anything � Let's explore 3 Small Discipline Habits that we can use to keep ourselves, on track, shall we? I'm a drama queen so I love talking to myself. You can try it too 1) Tell yourself, “This is what I’m going to do next.” Instead of having a long to-do list of things you want to do today, have just one thing you want to do right now. 2) Ask yourself, “What is the smallest step I can do?” Most of us look at something on our (mental or digital or paper) list and subconsciously think, “That’s too hard.” So we put it off. But that’s because we’re thinking about an entire project, which has many tasks. Break your projects down into tasks. Little by little! 3) Ask yourself, “What is stopping me from focusing on that small step?. Even if you figured out a task to focus on, and you’ve broken it into the smallest step, there will still be distractions or resistance. If you’re not immediately doing the smallest step of the next task, ask yourself why. What’s stopping you? Figure out what the distraction is & shut it out. Repeat this process & take at least 20 minutes off in between. Remember, take it one step at a time. One of the things you can do while working from home is FREELANCING I have a video that explains how you can earn at least, $500 in a month from FREELANCING. Check my signature for access.
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How Can You Be The Best Boss To Yourself? Most times, we get busy, carried away with work and end up being an obnoxious boss to ourselves. Also, because we are doing this to ourselves, we don't notice the damage we are causing until it's too late. So let's explore 5 tips on how you can be the world best boss to yourself 1. Disconnect From Work If your office boss demanded that you check your work email at every waking moment, respond to requests within minutes and work nights and weekends, you will definitely hate your boss Working constantly with no breaks to recharge does not make you more productive or more money. It will burn you out quickly. Set healthy boundaries with your business right from the beginning 2. Have Time For Fun Even if you don’t have lots of money to buy special work treats for yourself, you can think of ways to have fun. For me, it's hanging out with friends at least, twice a month. You can write out a card to yourself saying what an excellent job you’re doing or wishing yourself a Happy Birthday, and asking a friend or partner to drop them in the mail at scheduled intervals. Just do whatever works for you. Problem no dey finish my dear, have fun! 3. Give Yourself a Raise Making good money is not the only way to judge whether a job is good, but it sure does help. In regular jobs, we usually expect to get at least a small raise each year. As our own bosses, we have to advocate for ourselves and our worth and ask for more money just as regularly. 4. Make a Cool Workspace for Yourself You can create a nice workspace for yourself that makes you happy to sit down to work each day. Honestly, something as small as a fresh desktop wallpaper can lighten the mood and make opening your computer feel refreshing. Do what you can to add some little touches to your work area to make you smile. Trust me, it has a way of boosting your productivity. 5. Don’t Forget to Socialize Socializing with other freelancers will not only allow you to learn a lot about how others do business which may help you improve your own, but you’ll get a chance to bounce questions and vent client frustrations and take off that SOLO edge of being a soloprenuer & yeah, this is part of what you will be getting when you get the HPF Program Now is a perfect time to commit to being your best boss ever this year, whether you’ve been freelancing for ages or are still looking for your first paid gig. By the way, if you are looking to start or scale up and earn at least $500 monthly as a freelancer, I have a video that explains how you can do that. Connect with me via +2347015112161
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4 Ways Freelancers Can Keep Clients Coming Back for More You can't keep sending proposals everyday. It will get to a stage that your previous clients will keep coming back for more Here are four ways to ensure your clients come back: 1. Read and listen carefully If a client gives you instructions, a style guide, or anything else that tells you how to complete a project—please listen. Take notes. You’d be surprised by how many freelancers get this wrong. They’ll submit a piece using their own style, forget to include a headline, or fail to include any reported sources—even though the assignment required them. Clients are giving you instructions for a reason. If you follow them closely, they’ll want to keep working with you. 2. Request an outline approval step This piece of advice is simple, but it may be the most important tip I can give. When you’re working with a client for the or on a particularly large project—propose an outline approval step. In other words, get feedback on your plan before you leap straight from getting the assignment to submitting a draft. I cannot tell you how much pain this will save everyone. Plus, it’s just good practice to organize your thoughts. 3. Ask questions, but don’t be helpless It could be something directly related to the content of an article, in which case, Google and many other sources exist. Sometimes it’s related to a style question—if your client did not give you a style guide, ask for it and always reference it before coming to them. If it’s a process question, make sure your client didn’t already answer it. Remember: Whoever you work with deals with headaches on a daily basis. Your job is to not be one of them. Basically, don’t be that person who hits up a client on a Saturday about whether they italicize names of publications. Always try and figure it out on your own first, and then ask if you think it’s truly material to you being able to complete your side of the bargain. 4. Be gracious Let the people who pay for your work feel good about it. Thank them for the opportunity, say you enjoyed working with them, and at the end when a project is about to wrap up, don’t be afraid to try and get another assignment by expressing genuine interest. If a client enjoyed working with you, more often than not, you’ll get the assignment. And showing immediate interest after working with them gives them tangible evidence that, yes, you really did enjoy working with them. Freelancing is as much about producing good work as it is maintaining strong working relationships—so treat it that way. By the way, I have a video that expansion how you can earn as much as $500 from FREELANCING Connect with me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161 1 Like
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SimplePlan34: That is why you have to start with the hourly jobs first before you are able to quit your 9-5 job & focus on your freelancing. Besides, life is not as hard as you think. There are people who have gone before you & have a blueprint that they followed. You don't have do it on your own. This is the era of LEVERAGING. So, leverage and make things easier for yourself. |
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eminikansoso: One year, one block? I don't understand |
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I understand as a student or a 9-5 worker, you have so many things demanding your time and most times when you get back home at night, you are exhausted. So how can you as a highly paid freelancer, juggle work/school and your freelancing business? Let's explore, shall we? Actually, it depends on you. How many hours can you spare in a day? Or should I say, how many hours can you CONSISTENTLY spare in a day? You can decide to dedicate two hours daily, especially as a beginner who needs to learn certain skills. For two hours daily, you won't take on hourly jobs. Rather, you will take projects for which you will be paid around 100 dollars. Of course, You will get to set your own time. This works even better if you are 9;5 worker With time, you will be able to quit your job and focus on freelancing full-time, if you want to. The ultimate goal is freedom. In a nutshell, you don’t need 24hrs of your time to be a freelancer. Two hours per day will suffice. What is most important is CONSISTENCY 1 Like
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Folasadepitan: By the way, I have a FREE video that explains freelancing in detail. How to Get started Skills need How to acquire the skills and most importantly... How to acquire high paying clients If you want this video, contact me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161 2 Likes 1 Share |
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6 Important Things To Know Before You Start Freelancing 1) Have a Safety Net Making a living as a freelancer requires being very selective about the work you pick up, so it’s always a good idea to have some savings on the side to ensure you can still pay the bills while looking for the right gig. Whether you’re working a full-time or part-time job, having income on the side for at least the first 2 months of your new freelancing career will give you the confidence to be able to build a business from scratch. 2. Learn How to Say No When first starting out as a freelancer, learn how to say NO! For example, if you come across a specific project that doesn’t seem like a good fit or if you lack the skill set that is required, you’ll have to learn to reject. Instead, focus on the type of work you’ll enjoy and that’s best for you, that way you can build your business and a healthy/professional relationship with the clients YOU want to work for. 3. Know When to Raise Your Rate In the beginning, rookie freelancers tend to fear that if they charge a significantly high amount for their services, they’ll quickly lose their clients. However, that’s certainly not always the case. In fact, if you establish good relationships with your clients and provide them with the quality work they requested, they’ll be happy to keep you onboard, even if you increase your rate. Work your way consistently towards the goal you want to reach and embrace price increases when you really need them. 4. Niche Down I've said this countless times. With freelance marketplaces overflooding with lots of talented freelancers, you must claim the whitespace within your niche. Carry out some research and find out who exactly is your target audience and concentrate your efforts on them. Whether you’re a content writer or a video editor, emphasize to potential clients the specialities you offer and how you differ from others in your field. 5. Create a Comfortable Workspace If you’re gradually switching from the traditional 9-to-5 office environment to freelancing, you’re going to come across one of the more challenging aspects of starting out as a new freelancer, the transition from working with others face-to-face to working on your own. Whether it be your bedroom or a working space, just find somewhere you feel is quiet and free from distractions, a space in which you see yourself being as productive as possible. A simple desk set up with all the tools you need, will do. 6. Don’t Forget to Network With so many talented freelancers seeking new business opportunities via online marketplaces, how can you stand out from the crowd, especially if you’re new to the scene? It is by networking and creating quality relationships with your contacts and potential clients. By establishing a network of contacts, you can quickly build reviews on your marketplace. The more positive reviews you receive, the more attractive you’ll be to companies seeking your talent. 1 Like 1 Share
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OyeofIkoTuN: There are several work you can do from home. Freelancing is one of them |
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Nwibii: Lol ...You want to see me in pyjamas? It's is a soft cloth, isn't it? |
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RedPill01: Lol... |
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3exe3: Not exactly. You can get yourself a coach or an accountability partner. |
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plsdisvirginme: I'm a digital Marketer and an online coach |
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Dimejimichael: There are several high income skills you can learn. Some of them are: Content writing Digital marketing Copywriting Web design Graphics design, etc With these skills, you can work as a freelancer from the comfort of your home I have a video that explains how you can get these skills, how to be a freelancer and most importantly, how to get clients Contact me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161 to get it 1 Like |
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tctrills: Honestly, it doesn't cost much to work from home. In fact, it is even more cost effective. |
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Chopcy29: Lol... that is not possible. Of course, you can go out & network. That the essence of being your own boss. I'll talk about it tomorrow. Stay tuned |
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Akuneshiobike: Fiverr is saturated. Upwork is the main deal. I have a video that explains how you can navigate your way around not just upwork but social media platforms and get gigs. Contact me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161 to get it. 1 Like |
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FaithBrain1994: That is not exactly true. I'll create a post regarding that tommorrow. Don't miss it |
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Fantazy: Lol... I just didn't want to mention it there ... |
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Edopesin: Eggzactly!!!!! |
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FuckDModz: Lol Tommorrow, I'll make a post on how to effectively deal with this. Stay tuned� |
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condralbedez:There are several jobs you can do while working from home. Some of them are: Freelancing Affiliate marketing YouTube content creation Ecommerce Dropshipping, etc. Contact me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161 so we see the one that suits you the most |
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5 Advantages of Working From Home Most times working from home is underrated. Working from home has lots of advantages that it almost feels like a luxury It can be so wonderful to not have to share workspaces with annoying coworkers and overbearing bosses Let's talk about the 5 Benefits of Working From Home 1. Being Able to Save a Lot of Time Working at home helps save a lot of precious time. That means that you can spend more time doing the things that you actually love in life. If you want to be able to hang out more with your friends and family members, then working at home can open you up to that pure joy. It is so nice to not have to deal with long traffic in the morning and again at night(Lagos people can relate wella) Not having to deal with uber drivers or any other form of transportation daily Not having to leave home as early as 4 am & come back around 11pm 2. Being Able to Work in an Environment You Love: It can be nice to be able to work as you stare at your walls covered in photographs of the people you love the most in the world Staring at pictures of family members all day definitely beats being in a cold and sterile office environment with harsh lighting 3. Being Able to Take Breaks Whenever the Need Arises If you work at home, then you’re in charge of your own schedule. You don’t have to worry much about anyone monitoring you. It can be frustrating to not be able to nap quickly any time your eyelids feel heavy or go for a refreshing walk any time when you feel overwhelmed with work. 4. Not Having to Spend too much on Food: It can be frustrating to have to buy food daily from local restaurants and fast food joints or pack food from home. Paying for food outside can cost a lot. When I was working as a cashier with L.G., I used to spend 2/3 of my salary on T.P & the rest on food. Yes, no savings! 5. Not Having to Pick Out Outfits Thinking of matching colours of shoes, bags & outfit is a herculean task Back then, I used to spend my weekends planning clothes for the week. To think that you have to iron the clothes to look professional At home, you can wear your softest pair of leggings around. You can even keep your pyjamas on. It's just bae One of the things you can do to work from home is FREELANCING. I have a FREE video that explains freelancing in detail. How to get started, skulls needed and most importantly, how to get clients that are willing to pay for this skills. Contact me on WhatsApp via +2347015112161
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5 Advantages of Working From Home Most times working from home is underrated. Working from home has lots of advantages that it almost feels like a luxury It can be so wonderful to not have to share workspaces with annoying coworkers and overbearing bosses Let's talk about the 5 Benefits of Working From Home 1. Being Able to Save a Lot of Time Working at home helps save a lot of precious time. That means that you can spend more time doing the things that you actually love in life. If you want to be able to hang out more with your friends and family members, then working at home can open you up to that pure joy. It is so nice to not have to deal with long traffic in the morning and again at night(Lagos people can relate wella) Not having to deal with uber drivers or any other form of transportation daily Not having to leave home as early as 4 am & come back around 11pm 2. Being Able to Work in an Environment You Love: It can be nice to be able to work as you stare at your walls covered in photographs of the people you love the most in the world Staring at pictures of family members all day definitely beats being in a cold and sterile office environment with harsh lighting 3. Being Able to Take Breaks Whenever the Need Arises If you work at home, then you’re in charge of your own schedule. You don’t have to worry much about anyone monitoring you. It can be frustrating to not be able to nap quickly any time your eyelids feel heavy or go for a refreshing walk any time when you feel overwhelmed with work. 4. Not Having to Spend too much on Food: It can be frustrating to have to buy food daily from local restaurants and fast food joints or pack food from home. Paying for food outside can cost a lot. When I was working as a cashier with L.G., I used to spend 2/3 of my salary on T.P & the rest on food. Yes, no savings! 5. Not Having to Pick Out Outfits Thinking of matching colours of shoes, bags & outfit is a herculean task Back then, I used to spend my weekends planning clothes for the week. To think that you have to iron the clothes to look professional At home, you can wear your softest pair of leggings around. You can even keep your pyjamas on. It's just bae 49 Likes
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Rayban25: I can't find it on YouTube |
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