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Religion / Test Of Trust by FreshGreen: 8:49pm On Sep 02, 2021
Exodus 15:22, “So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea; then they went out into the Wilderness of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness and found no water.”

Before God can entrust greater things into your hands, either in your personal life or in the ministry, He will first teach you how you must trust Him with all your heart and then test if you will eventually trust Him with all your life. The Lord taught and tested the children of Israel in the wilderness, but unfortunately majority of them failed and so they fell in the wilderness.

Do you know that God knows your needs before you are aware of them? Yes, He does! God knows you needed a life partner even before you saw the need for it, He knew you would need children when that was like the least thing you thought about. As a woman, God gave you womb since childhood, even when you did not need the womb, because God knew you would need the womb to conceive at a time; God did not give you womb after you are married. And so it’s applicable to all our needs. God knows what we will need and He has made provision for them even when we do not see the needs.

God brought the children of Israel from Egypt to journey in the wilderness to the Promised Land, as all-Knowing-God, would He not have known that they would need water to drink in the wilderness? But God wanted to teach and test them to trust Him, so He delayed the provision of the water. If the children of Israel were to trust God, they would have cast their need before God in prayer, who just delivered them from the Red Sea and from the bondage of Egypt; but if they were to doubt and disbelieve God, they would complain. Unfortunately, they doubted God, and so they complained. “Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore, the name of it was called Marah. 24 And the people complained against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” Exodus 15:23, 24.

The reason why God delayed in any aspect of your life as a child of God is not because He is trying to denying you, He is not trying to disappoint or destroy you, but He wants to test your love for Him, because He has a special copy of what you need for you, and He wants to know if you actually deserve it. In such a delayed period, if truly you love and trust God, you will continue in prayer and patience before God, and keep working for God. You will not allow the need to drain your love for God, you will not allow the urgent needs to discourage you from working for God with all your strength, and you will not allow the need to drift you into sin against God.

From the Genesis of the Bible, wherever there is a delay for children of God, it means there is a peculiar portion on the way; what it means is that, delay usually serves as a sign for something special for the people of God, right from Abraham to Zacharias. And in the New Testament, this man called Zacharias was a just man, serving God. He married a godly woman called Elizabeth from a good home of Levi. They were both serving God. Now, who do you think is supposed to get the fastest blessing? Is it not the families that are serving God? Yes, but not always the way we expect it.

Luke 1:5-7, "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. 7 But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well advanced in years."

Probably Elizabeth was a virgin, kept herself for her husband, no premarital sex and no abortion; maybe while her friends were messing around, she was only serving God and keeping herself. She was faithful and fervent in the Lord. Now she is married and no child. But her friends who were messing around before marriage, whom she was preaching the word of God to, they are easily having their babies in their different matrimonial homes; these friends committed several abortions and slept with so many men, yet they don’t have problem with childbearing. But why is Mrs Elizabeth Zachariah barren while her unbelieving friends are bearing many children? The truth is that all her friends can give birth to many children but none of them can give birth to John the Baptist, the greatest man born of woman.

Only Elizabeth could give birth to John the Baptist, because her womb was reserved for that special child. But God would not just give John the Baptist to any woman to give birth to, God would want to see if Sister Elizabeth really deserves it. So, God’s delay is to determine if you deserve the best.

Can God entrust you with the best? Then you will have to trust Him with every bit of your life in the time of trial. Zacharias and Elizabeth kept serving God even when they were having delay, they were not discouraged; they did not compromise and they did not allow the delay to distract them. "So it was that while he was serving as priest before God in the order of his division, 9 according to the custom of the priesthood, his lot fell to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord." Luke 1:8, 9.

We can see here that Zacharias kept serving God even when there is a serious delay. It is actually in serving God during the delay that God serves you with the best.

What is your delay? No job? No healing yet? No spouse? No child or what? As long you are a genuine child of God, God is reserving you for the best, get it clear. So, don’t be discouraged. Everything works together to good for them who love God. But you may think, “But is there any good that can come out of my worst situation? Things have gone beyond retrieve, I’m embarrassed and ashamed already, it is already sealed and no solution anymore, all I care for now is just to make heaven, after all”

Beloved, your thinking is humanly right, but biblically wrong. From the history of the world till the world will come to an end, there is no crime as worst, as evil and terrible as the killing of Jesus Christ, to kill the only sinless Man ever born and ever existed on earth; for creatures to use their created hands to slap their Creator and crucify Him on the cross in a painful death. Oh how terrible! But out of the worst historical event, God brought out the greatest historical blessing – salvation of humanity. So, if God could bring good thing out of the killing of Jesus, if God could make the greatest crime on earth to bring about the greatest blessing of justification, then the same God can work good thing out of your worst condition at the moment, if only you can trust Him and stay faithful to Him.

Question time! You might have been asking God, why? God why? You are a child of God, you love God with all your heart but things are not working as expected, why? What is going on? I spoke with a Christian brother few days ago and he said he doesn’t why God is treating him like this. Many questions you cannot answer why God allows this or that. I may not be able to answer the questions on your mind, but I want you to answer these question from your heart:

Romans 8:28, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His Own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or unclothedness, or peril, or sword? For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1, If God is for you, who can be against you? It seems you don’t understand, if God is for you, which weapon formed against you shall prosper? Which sickness formed against you shall prosper? Which conspiracy formed against you shall prosper?

2, He who did not spare His Own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? It means if God so loved you that He gave His Only Begotten Son to die for you on the cross, what is bigger than Jesus that God cannot freely give you?

3, Now the bigger question, who shall separate you from the love of Christ? It means what will you allow or permit to separate you from the love of Christ, to remove your name form the Book of Life? You need to ask yourself. Is it because of the present situation?

God’s delay is to determine if you deserve the best. So what do you need to do now? You need to simply do what Elizabeth and Zacharias did – keeping serving God, keep pleasing Him because your time of divine visitation is on the way, and when He comes He should meet you serving Him, like Zacharias.


Stay blessed in Christ.

Gideon Akande (Evangelist)
RTEM: rtemoutreach.org
Religion / Just As Your Soul Prospers by FreshGreen: 10:23am On Sep 01, 2021
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 2

There are some Bible verses that are more popular than the others, and this one is one of the most popular Bible verses especially in this generation that exalts prosperity more than purity, and seeing a Bible verse to defend the pursue and preaching of prosperity is a sweet thing. So anyone can quote this Bible verse that God even want all Christians to be prospered in all things. Is that not splendid and wonderful?

But as much as many people quote and pray in this Bible verse, so many are ignorant of the meaning, so many Christians who are quoting this Bible verse are doing it out of context, out of ignorance, without clear and deep understanding of the Bible verse.

Let me tell you, Bible is not a newspaper that you can just read and interpret literarily with your human expression or understanding. You can read Bible very well and go to hell fire, because without the help of Holy Spirit, reading Bible with your human or secular understanding will fast track your way to hell and destruction. Bible is an open but a Spiritual book, without the spiritual help and teaching of Holy Spirit, you will read it to your own damnation. There is nothing as terrible as reading Bible without opening your heart to the Holy Spirit for understanding.

Let’s read the Bible verse again, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

What does it really mean? It means God want us to prosper in all things, especially you, God wants you to prosper in all things but just as your soul prospers, you know what that means? It means your financial or physical prosperity must go in line with your spiritual prosperity, it means your material or financial prosperity must be just as your soul prospers.

Why Such Scale?
Why does God base our physical prosperity on our spiritual prosperity? It is because the spiritual controls the physical. Your spiritual life is a pillar that carry the burden of your physical life. That is the reason Jesus said that it is hard for the rich to enter heaven just like it is hard for a Carmel to enter through the eyes of the needle. Eyes of the needle was a narrow gate that the Carmel would need to stoop down to enter.

Financial prosperity is good but if your spiritual life is not sound, it can collapse your soul. Many Christians have had the shipwreck of their faith just because of a little financial blessing they became uncontrollable. That is the reason God will not bless many Christians financially until they grow up spiritually. When your financial life prospers more than your spiritual life, you are in danger, when you career or business progresses more than your spiritual progress, you will soon run into problem. If your body prospers more than your soul, how dangerous will that be? Everybody wants God to prosper them but not everybody position themselves for God’s blessing.

It is easier to manage poverty with humility than to manage prosperity with genuine humility without sanctification. You know there are many wonderful Christians who can manage problem but can’t manage progress, many can put God first in poverty but when prosperity comes, they will put God last. Many can manage failure well more than success. But Apostle Paul says he has learned how to manage both, how to remain godly and humble in nothing and in everything, he said, “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound,” Philippians 4:12. Until we attain to this spiritual level, our physical and ministerial prosperity will be limited.

Some will remain humble in poverty but when prosperity comes they will become something else. And God will not want to lose you to satan, that is the reason He is still delaying the blessing, the progress until you grow up in your spiritual life, until you grow up in sanctification. That is the reason the Bible says we should seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and everything other things will be added? It means God want us to have heavenly vision first, He want us to make Him our everything so all thing things in this world will be as nothing to us and they will not distract us from God.

Many husbands remain intimate with their wives because of the low level of their finances, let little blessing comes, let fine car comes, some will begin to think the car should not be for the wife alone, that another lady can have nice time. Many wives remain submissive today, but if God should promote you in your career, will you remain submissive to your husband? Because financial prosperity is a key that unlock the wild animal in a man, but if the wild animal has been crucified to the cross, if the wild animal has been conquered by sanctification, then physical success or prosperity will not be a problem to you.

You are a child of God, good but you have not dealt with the pride and arrogance in you after all this time, have you settled the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life? Do you think God will be comfortable to prosper you financially to higher level in this your spiritual level? That is the reason the Bible says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." JUST AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS! That is the condition. You are going to be financially prospered, just as your soul prospers. You are going to prosper in all things but just as your soul prospers. If your soul is not prospering, if your spiritual life is not progressing, if you are not growing in sanctification and you are praying day and night for financial prosperity, it like you want to commit spiritual suicide.

But when a Christian is totally broken and he or she is being controlled by the Spirit of God within than the physical prosperity then such a believer can receive prosperity of God without running mad spiritually.

Your financial prosperity must not exceed your spiritual progress or your spiritual growth because when your financial prosperity grows above your spiritual progress, there will be problems, pride or sure perdition.

When your business or career prospers more than your spiritual life, you will not have enough inner strength to control it but it will rather control you, that is the reason many fervent and serious Christians fall away, they grow cold in God's work, they don't have enough time for personal Bible reading, prayer life, daily devotion, personal evangelism or they compromise with the world, turn worldly or become proud as a result of financial prosperity, because they allow their souls to prosper below their finance.

As you see God prospering your business or career or in workplace, that is the time for you to be more spiritually serious and fervent than before lest you fall into danger of ease, perdition of prosperity that ruin many Christians.

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth" 3 John 2- 4

Your soul is more important to God than your body, than your finance, than your business, than your career and even than your ministry. He wants your soul to prospers in the word of God, in communion with God, in the fruit of the Spirit and work of holiness. That should be how focus so that we are well positioned for His earthly blessings and most importantly eternal blessing.

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” Amen

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org
Tel/Whatsapp: +234 704 2000 424

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Religion / Do You Know Why Many Christians.... by FreshGreen: 10:26pm On Aug 27, 2021
Do you know why many Christians are worldly and lukewarm? It is simply because they don’t have heavenly vision. There is nothing as terrible and dangerous in life as being a Christian without heavenly vision.

Do you know why you compromise the word of God, and care for things of this life than heaven? It is because you lack or you’ve lost heavenly vision. Do you know why you pray more on prosperity than purity of life? It is simply because you lack heavenly vision in your Christian life. Do you know why you involve in worldly dress and stuffs and it seems impossible for you to part away with such things? It is simply because you don’t have heavenly vision yet.
Do you know why your priority of life is about getting money, having more possessions of life, getting position or popularity in life? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision.

Do you know why you pray more against enemies in your life than you pray against sinful nature in your life? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision. Do you know why you pray against the witches and wizards in your family to die than you pray for sinners in your family to be saved? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision. You don’t need to speak in tongue before you know Christians void of heavenly vision, it is very obvious.
Religion / The Story Of Martha & Mary by FreshGreen: 10:04pm On Aug 26, 2021
Distraction In The Presence of The Lord
Luke 10:38-42

This is a short study about two sisters with different perspectives and orientations. In the Book of Luke 10, it was written in verse 38, “Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.” From here we could see that Sister Martha was a disciple of Jesus Christ, and Jesus knew her house. Moreover, Martha had a sister with her, called Mary, she was also a disciple of Jesus, “And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word.” Luke 10:39.

When Jesus visited these two sisters in their house, they displayed different attitudes towards Him; while Mary diligently sat at the feet of Jesus Christ to learn the Word of God, Martha was busy with other stuffs. “And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” Luke 10:39, 40.

Why would Martha get herself distracted right in the presence of Jesus while her younger sister was diligently learning at the feet of Jesus? Could she be doing something reasonable? Maybe was a very hospitable woman, busy preparing food for Jesus and His disciples? She was so busy with what she was doing that she couldn’t cope alone, and she was not happy with her sister leaving her alone to the plenty works, so she had to report Mary to Jesus and requested that Mary should come to join her.

As many others would say that Martha was busy preparing food for Jesus Christ to eat. So can we say Martha was wrong to have been busy preparing food for Jesus and His disciples? No! that would not be a wrong thing for Martha to do, but could that have cause her to be distracted? To human eyes, we may justify and excuse people for their actions; people may hide under justified activity to excuse themselves, but God see beyond the outward. To human eyes, we can say Martha was busy doing the right thing, but Jesus sees beyond the outward.

Can we blame Martha for being busy for the welfare of Jesus? Was that the cause of her busyness? The true picture was revealed in verse 41, “And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.” The issue with Martha was not not being busy for Jesus, she was not busy about preparing something for Jesus, but she was worried and troubled about “many things.” Many things? Where did she get many things in the name of serving? And why was she worried, even to the point of being troubled while her sister was hearing the Word of God? It was as a result of distraction from Jesus.

Many Christians and ministers of God today claim to be devoted to God’s work while they are actually distracted from God in the real sense. Here are common distractions mistaken to be devotion to God:

Busy But No Fruit Bearing.
You are a worker, leader or minister in your church, you are so committed to God’s work that you don’t have enough time for your personal life. You are really busy for God’s work and many appreciate it, but what about your personal relationship with Jesus? Are you bearing the fruit of holiness and righteousness as you are busy working for God? Can your spouse, parents, friends, family members, workers, fellow students, co-workers, neighbors and maids at home see the fruit of godliness and holiness in your life? Or you are just busy without bearing fruit worthy of repentance? Busy working for God without bearing fruit worthy of your calling is a plain distraction and self deception. Until others see Christ in you, you cannot see Christ at the end.

Busy But Not Building.
Martha was so busy serving that she did not have time to learn at the feet of Jesus. If you are a worker or minister of God in your church or anywhere, and you are so busy with different programs, preparations and meetings that you don’t have good time for personal Bible reading, Bible Study and good time to pray, because many things are in your care, and many people are waiting for you, it means you are distracted and not devoted. It is of necessity to build yourself up daily in the Lord with good time for personal Bible Study and prayer, before you can build others in the kingdom of God. The day you get so busy that you skip your personal devotional time in order to serve, is a day of distraction from God, even if people are blessed mightily in your ministration or serving.

Busy But Guilty
The system of many churches today has turned to mere serving without caring if the services are acceptable by God. Many Christians work from Monday to Friday, they don’t have time for their family throughout the week, and Saturday and Sunday which they need to spend time with their family, they get themselves busy with several activities and meetings in their churches. As a godly woman, how will you be so busy in your church that you forget to go home early to prepare food for your husband and kids? As a godly man, how will you be too busy and indispensable in your church that you don’t have time for your wife and with your children on Sunday? Sunday is a day meant to (i) serve God, (ii) rest, and (iii) have time with family and friends. That was the original purpose of Sabbath. Exodus 31:15. When we are too busy to fulfill these, then we have become distracted.

You have a career or a business; you have children to cater for, these are good, but when you are too busy serving at work or at home that you don’t have good time for God in daily Bible reading and prayer, then you have been distracted. People may say you are a dedicated mother, others may see you as a diligent business person or career person, but before God, you a distracted person, as long you don’t have time with God before you rush out in the morning, and you are too weak and sleepy in the evening.

Whatever our professions, our positions, or our places, what we must daily put as priority is our personal time with God before anything. No matter how busy the schedule or situation, do not be distracted from your daily reading of God’s word and good time to pray. A day you rush time without time with God is a distracted day which can lead to spiritual destruction.

When you take God first in your day, your day is secured with God. People observed John Wesley that the days he would have a lot to do were the days he would spend more time in his quiet time in the morning; because he knew without the help of God, nothing would be achieved. What can we achieve from the day without God’s help? What can you receive if God does not give you?

Your personal relationship with God is more important than anything. You will be wise to care for your eternal soul more than your temporal business, job, or whatever. Because you can survive if all those things are taken from you, but one things is very important that should not be taken away from you, and that is your personal relationship with God for eternal life.

Luke 10:41, 42, “And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”
Religion / Pray And Expect The Answer! by FreshGreen: 8:26pm On Aug 24, 2021
Do you know you can pray from morning till evening with fasting and yet you are not expecting answers from Him? Yes, this is common even among wonderful children of God, we pray as routine, just to pray because we are Christians, we devote ourselves to pray in our personal life, in our family and in our churches but without faith in God for answer for the prayer, without expectation for the prayer. Prayer without faith is in vain. We pray because we serve God that answers prayer, who delights in our prayer. Prayer is an exciting activity because God listens and answers, but when prayer becomes boring to you, it means you do not have faith that God listens or will answer your prayer.

When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ by becoming born again through genuine repentance and you experience forgiveness of God through Christ Jesus, you have access to the throne of grace.

But many times we pray, as in seriously pray and even with fasting without expecting answers from God. Do you know you can observe night vigil, fasting and prayer without expecting anything from God? Yes, it is possible and many times we are doing such unconsciously. Why will a Christian be praying, be sweating, and yet expecting nothing from God? It sounds funny but it is a fact. And you also wonder why will a Christian be so prayerful and fireful, and even right in the place of prayer he is already planning how to solve his own problems by himself.

Let me give you example of a group of Christians in the Bible, who prayed earnestly, prayed fervently and yet expected no answer from God, is that not funny, but it was so.

In the Book of Acts 12:5, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”

This church of God heard that Peter was arrested by Herod and immediately without wasting time, they gathered together to pray for Peter, and not just prayer but constant, consistent, non-stopping prayer, without going home, prayer was offered to God for Peter. But do you know as seriously as they were praying, they were not even expecting answers for their prayer?

In the same Acts 12:7 to 10, God sent His angel to miraculously deliver Peter from Herod’s prison. And in verse 11, “And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”

Peter said, “Now I know for certain” Do you know for every child of God is an assigned angel of God serving Him? Do you know that? That when you give your life to Jesus and you are living your life to please Him, God assigns an angel for you to keep and protect you?

So what now happened to Peter? He went straight to the prayer meeting of the brethren praying for him. In verse 12, “So, when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying. 13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. 14 When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate. 15 But they said to her, “You are beside yourself!” Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said, “It is his angel.” You know what they meant? They were telling Rhoda like “A beg no dey use that kind thing play, what type of joke is that when we are in the prayer mood?” But Rhoda said, no, this is not a joke, I’m serious I heard his voice, it is Peter’s voice” So when they saw that she was so serious and sure of what she was saying, then they said, “Ok, that must be Peter’s angel then”

These children of God believed Peter had assigned angel just like every child of God, but they thought Peter was already dead and his angel that followed him all around is not unemployed and roaming about. That was the reason they told Rhoda it was Peter’s angel.

You need to know that this church was like this before, but before the matter of Peter, somethings happened which lowered down their faith. From the beginning of the Book of Acts, they were fervent, and after they received the baptism of Holy Spirit, salvation of souls, miracles, signs and wonders were following and they were increasing in number and everything was going on well until Acts chapter 7 that Stephen was killed, what? Deacon Stephen, Evangelist Stephen was stoned to dead just like that? What? What? Then they moved on in serving God and got over it. But not long after in chapter 12 James was killed by Herod. James? Which James? I mean Apostle James, brother of John son of Zebedee who went with Jesus to the Mount of Transfiguration! What? How? Why?

These two events had really affected the church of God so when Peter was also arrested, they were not expecting miracle even though they were praying constantly for miraculous deliverance for Peter.

And this is happening to many children of God today, because of what happened in the past, you have lost your hope and confidence in the miraculous power of God and your faith has gone down, though you are still praying and fasting but you are expecting nothing miraculous again. You served God faithfully in school and you had that great faith for good job but after several unsuccessful job applications with prayer and nothing has happened, your faith has really been affected, though you are going for another job interview but you are not expecting anything.

How can such a wonderful child of God have delay in getting job, have delay in getting married, have delay in getting children? How can this child of God have such sickness? Why? What happened?

Now listen, even though your faith is not as strong as before, yet the Lord will surprise you with a miracle you do not expect in Jesus name. it would be like a joke, like a mistake, but it will be a miracle.

Let me give you another incident from the Bible, there were 2 sisters, Martha and Marry, they had a brother called Lazarus, but bother Lazarus was sick, they tried to reach Jesus as early as John 11:3, but Jesus delayed and delayed until the young man died. But why would Jesus delay in such an urgent situation? Well, I wouldn’t know.

But later Jesus went there, and as Martha met Jesus, in verse 21, “Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”

Martha was like, “Lord, though you came late but I know you can still do something, you can do anything” then in verse 39, “Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” This is the same Martha that said Jesus could still do something to the matter but she is saying something else. “Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” habba!

When Jesus is the Lord of your life, He never comes too late, He turns the lateness into the latest.

You know what the Bible says in Isaiah 43:18? It says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.” This is the word of God for you my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Remember not the failure of old, the sickness of old, the disappointments and delay of old, but then He says,
“Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”

The word of God says, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” Hebrews 10:35. Do not cast away your confidence in the Lord, do not cast away your service, commitment and devotion to the Lord, your time of reward is coming. Stay strong the Lord, do not compromise into sin and do not join the fast track way of the people of the world, find and renew your faith in the Lord them for He who has promised will do exceedingly beyond your expectations in Jesus name.


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Religion / Pray And Expect The Answer! by FreshGreen: 8:18pm On Aug 24, 2021
Do you know you can pray from morning till evening with fasting and yet you are not expecting answers from Him? Yes, this is common even among wonderful children of God, we pray as routine, just to pray because we are Christians, we devote ourselves to pray in our personal life, in our family and in our churches but without faith in God for answer for the prayer, without expectation for the prayer. Prayer without faith is in vain. We pray because we serve God that answers prayer, who delights in our prayer. Prayer is an exciting activity because God listens and answers, but when prayer becomes boring to you, it means you do not have faith that God listens or will answer your prayer.

When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ by becoming born again through genuine repentance and you experience forgiveness of God through Christ Jesus, you have access to the throne of grace.

But many times we pray, as in seriously pray and even with fasting without expecting answers from God. Do you know you can observe night vigil, fasting and prayer without expecting anything from God? Yes, it is possible and many times we are doing such unconsciously. Why will a Christian be praying, be sweating, and yet expecting nothing from God? It sounds funny but it is a fact. And you also wonder why will a Christian be so prayerful and fireful, and even right in the place of prayer he is already planning how to solve his own problems by himself.

Let me give you example of a group of Christians in the Bible, who prayed earnestly, prayed fervently and yet expected no answer from God, is that not funny, but it was so.

In the Book of Acts 12:5, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”

This church of God heard that Peter was arrested by Herod and immediately without wasting time, they gathered together to pray for Peter, and not just prayer but constant, consistent, non-stopping prayer, without going home, prayer was offered to God for Peter. But do you know as seriously as they were praying, they were not even expecting answers for their prayer?

In the same Acts 12:7 to 10, God sent His angel to miraculously deliver Peter from Herod’s prison. And in verse 11, “And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”

Peter said, “Now I know for certain” Do you know for every child of God is an assigned angel of God serving Him? Do you know that? That when you give your life to Jesus and you are living your life to please Him, God assigns an angel for you to keep and protect you?

So what now happened to Peter? He went straight to the prayer meeting of the brethren praying for him. In verse 12, “So, when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying. 13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. 14 When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate. 15 But they said to her, “You are beside yourself!” Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said, “It is his angel.” You know what they meant? They were telling Rhoda like “A beg no dey use that kind thing play, what type of joke is that when we are in the prayer mood?” But Rhoda said, no, this is not a joke, I’m serious I heard his voice, it is Peter’s voice” So when they saw that she was so serious and sure of what she was saying, then they said, “Ok, that must be Peter’s angel then”

These children of God believed Peter had assigned angel just like every child of God, but they thought Peter was already dead and his angel that followed him all around is not unemployed and roaming about. That was the reason they told Rhoda it was Peter’s angel.

You need to know that this church was like this before, but before the matter of Peter, somethings happened which lowered down their faith. From the beginning of the Book of Acts, they were fervent, and after they received the baptism of Holy Spirit, salvation of souls, miracles, signs and wonders were following and they were increasing in number and everything was going on well until Acts chapter 7 that Stephen was killed, what? Deacon Stephen, Evangelist Stephen was stoned to dead just like that? What? What? Then they moved on in serving God and got over it. But not long after in chapter 12 James was killed by Herod. James? Which James? I mean Apostle James, brother of John son of Zebedee who went with Jesus to the Mount of Transfiguration! What? How? Why?

These two events had really affected the church of God so when Peter was also arrested, they were not expecting miracle even though they were praying constantly for miraculous deliverance for Peter.

And this is happening to many children of God today, because of what happened in the past, you have lost your hope and confidence in the miraculous power of God and your faith has gone down, though you are still praying and fasting but you are expecting nothing miraculous again. You served God faithfully in school and you had that great faith for good job but after several unsuccessful job applications with prayer and nothing has happened, your faith has really been affected, though you are going for another job interview but you are not expecting anything.

How can such a wonderful child of God have delay in getting job, have delay in getting married, have delay in getting children? How can this child of God have such sickness? Why? What happened?

Now listen, even though your faith is not as strong as before, yet the Lord will surprise you with a miracle you do not expect in Jesus name. it would be like a joke, like a mistake, but it will be a miracle.

Let me give you another incident from the Bible, there were 2 sisters, Martha and Marry, they had a brother called Lazarus, but bother Lazarus was sick, they tried to reach Jesus as early as John 11:3, but Jesus delayed and delayed until the young man died. But why would Jesus delay in such an urgent situation? Well, I wouldn’t know.

But later Jesus went there, and as Martha met Jesus, in verse 21, “Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”

Martha was like, “Lord, though you came late but I know you can still do something, you can do anything” then in verse 39, “Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.” This is the same Martha that said Jesus could still do something to the matter but she is saying something else. “Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” habba!

When Jesus is the Lord of your life, He never comes too late, He turns the lateness into the latest.

You know what the Bible says in Isaiah 43:18? It says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.” This is the word of God for you my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Remember not the failure of old, the sickness of old, the disappointments and delay of old, but then He says,
“Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.”

The word of God says, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” Hebrews 10:35. Do not cast away your confidence in the Lord, do not cast away your service, commitment and devotion to the Lord, your time of reward is coming. Stay strong the Lord, do not compromise into sin and do not join the fast track way of the people of the world, find and renew your faith in the Lord them for He who has promised will do exceedingly beyond your expectations in Jesus name.

Religion / True Repentance by FreshGreen: 7:31pm On Aug 16, 2021
Have your wondered why you have answered several altar calls and yet you have not gotten the genuine salvation? Do you wonder why you have confessed your sins over and over and you find yourself keep reverting back into the same old life? Do you wonder many people confess Jesus as Savior and still continue in their old sinful habit? It is simply because no repentance; Confession without repentance is empty. You find yourself relapsing in to your sin because you only confess those sins but you didn’t repent. Genuine Salvation is not all about confessing and claiming, but firstly repentance and then confession is made.

Repentance is the key to genuine salvation and new life in Jesus, but modern preachers today ignore this. They manifest the indecent haste process of confession and claim which is unbiblical. That is the reason you see counterfeit born again Christians today whose confession do not square with their ways of lives. Because there is an omission of repentance. The first message delivered in the New Testament by John the Baptist is on repentance. In Matthew 3:3, John started his ministry in wilderness of Judea saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is of hand; Jesus Christ began His ministry with the message of repentance in Matthew 4:17, “From that time Jesus began to preach and say,” Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The First sermon of the Apostles centered on repentance, in Acts 2:38, “Then Peter said to them, Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ” And Apostle Paul said in Acts 17:30, “Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now command all men everywhere to repent.

So why do many preachers ignore this noble command of God?

Many pastors and preaches tell you to just confess and claim, saying some words after them and, hey pesto, you are saved! That is end time error, and you see big preachers falling into this erroneous line. They are oversimplifying the gospel, cheap but fake gospel of salvation is the gospel that omits repentance and jump into confession. They want to make salvation simple and sweet, without bothering or scaring people about forsaking their sins. But there is no essence of confessing sin if no readiness to forsake them.

Jesus didn’t begin His preaching with confessing; when the people asked the Apostle what to do to be saved, Peter didn’t say, confess and repeat these words after me” but he said, “Repent” There is need to first repent before repeating words of confession or prayer of salvation. Repentance is the first step to genuine salvation and new life in Jesus. To repent is for you to realize your sins as sins, to be sorrowful for your sins and ready to forsake those sins. Then you move forward to confess them. If you just make a casual confession without a sincere deep sorrow for your sins and readiness to forsake them, you are not going to arrive at a genuine result of salvation. If you just confess your sin without readiness to forsake them, then you are going to have a sorry case. You must be sorry for your sins and ready to forsake them, without these your confession is superficial. The Bible says, “He who covers his sins will not prosper,
But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.

So at this point, the right question is, “since you have been confessing those sins, have you truly repented? “ Since you have been claiming Jesus as your Lord, Lord, have you abandoned your old sinful life and started a new life in Jesus? Since you have been speaking in tongues, working in church, casting out demons and doing many wonders, are you abiding in the word of God and pleasing Him till date? You can check your claim right now and take the due process into genuine salvation before you are doomed at the gate of Heaven.

Jesus says in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord’. Shall enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” The action word there, “does” which is present tense, it is not a past tense. If you have done the will of God in past and you are not doing it now is as the same as those that never done it. “Does” is personal and present, we must personally be continuing doing the will of God until we get to heaven. it is continuous doing.

Many will say to Jesus on the day of judgment, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, done many wonders in your name?” These many people might have started well doing the will of God at the Beginning and derailed into sin and worldly indulgence, but because those gifts didn’t cease, because they kept speaking in tongues , doing wonders and the words of knowledge, since the anointing and gifts of wisdom God poured them continue, they feel relaxed that everything is fine, until they were dozed with the four words from Jesus, “ I never knew you” Because you are still going to Church and working for God, because you still dress like born again, because you still speak in tongues and receive blessing from God; because God delivers you and protects you, because you are doing many signs and wonders in Jesus name, that is not an evidence that you are still in Him , but are you still doing His will till date?

Your passport to heaven is your repentance and confession, and your visa is you abiding in the will and word of Jesus through new life till the end.

“The Jesus said to those who believed Him, “if you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.” John 8:31

PRAYER: Please, take a time to reflect and pray on the Bible teaching before you proceed to the next activity.

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org

Religion / Don’t Rationalize It, Prayerlize It! by FreshGreen: 8:05pm On Aug 12, 2021
Many difficult situations and problems we are facing are more than human reasoning that we can rationalize, I’m not talking about witches and wizards or “enemies, enemies” mentality but we should not normalize or justify problems in our lives as if they are normal but we should tackle and take them to God in prayer for solution.

Do not rationalize your problems but prayerlize it! When you rationalize your problems, they begin to rise, but when you prayerlize them, they become paralyzed.

Many sicknesses, problems of life and failures are not what we can reason or resolved with our human reasoning but by rising in the place of prayer. Take everything to God in prayer for divine leading, direction and solution.

Do not begin to reason and calculate the type of sickness you are going to have by the symptoms you are having when you suppose to pray against such symptoms, are you eagerly expecting the sickness? That you begin to google it, “What happens when one is feeling like, like that?”

You are googling your problems? Very funny! When you take your problems to google for suggestions instead of taking them to God, google will give you more than 1000 suggested problems so you can pick one them. But when you take them to God, He will give not suggestions but solution through Christ Jesus.

I refuse to google to know more about problems, I refuse to know more about sickness. I refuse to google how to manage poverty, how to cook with $1 without borrowing, I refuse that.

Do not welcome problems, failure and do not rationalize them like, “Economy is tight everywhere”, “businesses are not doing well generally”, “Even my landlord will understand if I don’t renew my house/office rent on time, things are bad generally”, “The school should know that economy is not good now” and so you are drinking your economic failure like that, since it is general? Are you part of the general public or chosen generation? Does your provision come from abroad or from above? Does it come from government or God?

“High BP is common now especially with nursing mothers”, “The sickness is normal with people of old age” And so you begin to normal such into your life. And you are reasoning to accept and agree such in your life without striving with it to short it off your neck? Why na brother and sister?

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

God bless you!
Religion / What Is Secret Sin? by FreshGreen: 7:19pm On Aug 10, 2021
"In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel" Romans 2:16.

When we talk about secret sin here, it concerns Christians, who have associated themselves with Jesus Christ, who have confessed and repented of their sins. It is not about sinners and unbelievers.

Secret sin occurs in the life of a person who has experienced salvation of Jesus Christ, who has confessed and repented from sins, but along the way keeps one or few sins secret. Many Christians have not faced the reality that they are having secret sins in their luggage as they journey to eternity.

Dangers of Secret Sin:
Secret sin hinders many Christians from moving forward in their spiritual growth, many are not growing in the Lord because of hidden secret sins in their lives.

Secret sin blocks Christians from experiencing the power and anointing of God. A life where there is secret sin will not lack the presence, power and anointing of God.

Secret sin hinder God’s blessing in a Christian life, family and ministry. There are many problems, difficulties you are facing in life that may be as a result of secret sin. Many are engaging in marathon fasting and prayer, running from one man of God to a woman of God, from olive oil to coconut oil anointing and yet nothing positive happen in your life. It may be the secret sin you packed inside your load that is causing the problem.

Do you that secret sin can cause a serious and permanent delay in a Christian’s life? Delay in having progress, delay in having pregnancy, delay in possessing your possession just because of that particular secret sin in your life?

Secret sin can be by an individual Christian or involve two or more Christians. Secret sin can be in a Christian family, group or church.

There are two types of secret sin: Past and present, or now and then:

....in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. Romans 2:16.

This type of secret sin is a sin you committed before you gave your life to Jesus, or before you rededicated your life to Jesus, though you have repented and confessed it to God, and you have stopped it, but you are keeping it secret from men. Secret sin is a sin you keep secret, even if it is in the past, even if it has stopped, but as long you keep it secret from men, it is a secret sin - though it is in the past but it is presently haunting you and standing against you. As long you keep a past sin secret, what you are actually doing is that you are making it fresh and present in a cooler.
Until you open up every secret sin of the past to the necessary people, until you confess to the necessary people and put the sin and Satan to an open shame, you are still under the bondage of that past sin. After you are saved, you rededicated your life to Jesus, then you will still have to open up to some people that are concerned. Things you did before you came to Jesus need to be exposed and revealed to some people in your life.

Listen to what Apostle Paul said, "But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God." 2 Corinthians 4:2.

From this Bible verse, Paul did three things which every child of God must do:
1, He renounced the hidden things - those sinful and sinful things of the past were repented of and rejected by Paul. He did not go back to them again.

2, He manifested that truth by making it clear to men, "but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience." This is by confessing to the necessary people about the sinful and shameful things we did in the past, though we have renounced them, but we must make them clear to the right people. Many Christians are being deceived by Satan that, since they have confessed to God, no need to confess to their parents, marital partners, spouses, or boss; they say, "I have confessed and stopped it, so I have a pure conscience before God, and that is all." Beloved, having a pure conscience before God is good, but not enough, you need to have a pure conscience before men too. Paul said, "But by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience".

This is what is called restitution, making your way right with men, having a clear conscience before men.

Some Christians say since they have confessed to God and they are no more doing it, it doesn’t matter. And I will ask you, if it doesn’t matter, why do you then keep it secret. People don’t keep what does not matter as secret, right. Your bank would tell you, keep your BVN, your pin code as secret, why? Because it matters. Nobody will tell you to keep your shoe’s size as secret, because it doesn’t matter. So when you are keeping something of your past as secret to the person you want to marry, to your spouse, or to necessary people that may be concerned, then it means it so matters to you that you keep it secret.

Until you make clear the past before God and men, your past sins are still presently fresh.

3, He manifested that truth in the sight of God, "but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God." He totally repented and never gone back to such sins again, even when no man would see him, even when men would say it does not matter or it is not bad. Paul says he is now commending himself to every man's conscience in the sight of God, IN THE SIGHT OF GOD, meaning before God that sees all things. He knew God saw everything, and he lived in truth before God according to God's standard, not church's standard.

Another secret sin is a sin you commit after you are saved in Christ and you are hiding it, the sin you are secretly committing which you do not want people to see; but even men do not see, God sees. Anything you do secretly which you do not want people to see or hear, that you know it will not honor you if people know, that it will not give glory to the name of the Lord, that is secret sin. It may be a habit like masturbation, fornication, or other sexual immorality; it may be other sins which you are committing and keeping secretly. It may also be a lifestyle which you keep secret from people, like drinking, smoking, lying, anger, jealousy, malice, etc.

If you keep any secret sin of any form, such sin will be following you till the Day of Judgment, it will hinder you from making the rapture, and from entering heaven. But if you open up now before God and men, then that sin will go ahead of you to judgment, it will be condemned by God's mercy and you will be justified.

Hear what the Bible says:
"Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later." 1 Timothy 5:24

But as long you keep it secret because of the fear of what people will say or how they will respond, the sin continues to quietly follow you to put you to eternal shame on the judgment day.
So what is your decision? Do you want to open up and put your sins to open shame or you want to cover up and allow your sin to put you to open and eternal shame? No matter how small the sin may be, it will surely find you out on the judgment day.

But the Lord is asking you to put Satan to shame, to put the sin to shame. Amen

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Religion / What Is Secret Sin? by FreshGreen: 9:53pm On Aug 06, 2021
"In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel" Romans 2:16

Secret sin occurs in the life of a person who has experienced salvation of Jesus Christ, who has confessed and repented from sins, but along the way keeps one or few sins secret. Secret sin hinders many Christians from moving forward in their spiritual growth, it blocks Christians from experiencing the power, anointing and blessings of God. Secret sin can be by an individual Christian or involve two or more Christians. Secret sin can be in a Christian family, group or church.

There are two types of secret sin: Past and present, or now and then:

....in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ. Romans 2:16.
Secret sin is a sin you committed before you gave your life to Jesus, or before you rededicated your life to Jesus, though you have repented and confessed it to God, and you have stopped it, but you are keeping it secret from men. Secret sin is a sin you keep secret, even if it is in the past, even if it has stopped, but as long you keep it secret from men, it is a secret sin - though it is in the past but it is presently haunting you and standing against you. As long you keep a past sin secret, what you are actually doing is that you are making it fresh and present.

Until you open up every secret sin of the past to the necessary people, until you confess to the necessary people and put the sin and Satan to open shame, you are still under the bondage of that past sin. After you are saved, you committed sin and you rededicated your life to Jesus, then you will still have to open up to some people. For example, a premarital sex, but you both have repented and now married, yet, you need to confess.

Listen to what Apostle Paul said, "But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God." 2 Corinthians 4:2.

From this above Bible verse, Paul did three things which every child of God must do:
1, He renounced the hidden things - those sinful and sinful things of the past were repented and rejected by Paul.

2, He manifested that truth by making it clear to men, "but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience." This is by confessing to the necessary people about the sinful and shameful things we did in the past, though we have renounced them, but we must make them clear to the right people. Many Christians are being deceived by Satan that, since they have confessed to God, no need to confess to their parents, partner, pastor, or boss; they say, "I have confessed and stopped it, so I have a pure conscience before God, and that is all." Beloved, having a pure conscience before God is good, but not enough, you need to have a pure conscience before men too. Paul said, "But by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience".

3, He manifested that truth to God, "but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God." He totally repented and never gone back to such sins again, even when no man would see him, even when men would say it does not matter or it is not bad. Paul said he is now commending himself to every man's conscience in the sight of God. He knew God saw everything, and he lived in truth before God according to God's standard, not church's standard.

Until you make clear the past before God and men, your past sins are still presently fresh.

Another secret sin is a sin you commit after you are saved in Christ and hide it, the sin you are secretly committing which you do not want people to see; but even men do not see, God sees. Anything you do secretly which you do not want people to see or hear, that you know it will not honor you if people know, that is secret sin. It may be a habit like masturbation, fornication, or other sexual immorality; it may be other sins which you are committing and keeping secretly. It may also be a lifestyle which you keep secret from people, like drinking, smoking, lying, anger, jealousy, malice, etc.

If you keep any secret sin of any form, such sin will be following you till the Day of Judgment, it will hinder you from making the rapture, and from entering heaven. But if you open up now before God and men, then that sin will go ahead of you to judgment, it will be condemned by God's mercy and you will be justified.

"Some men’s sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later." 1 Timothy 5:24

But as long you keep it secret because of the fear of what people will say or how they will respond, the sin continues to quietly follow you to put you to eternal shame on the judgment day.

So what is your decision? Do you want to open up and put your sins to open shame or you want to cover up and allow your sin to put you to open and eternal shame? No matter how small the sin may be, it will surely find you out on the judgment day. The choice is yours!

If you will like to surrender or rededicate your life to Jesus, please click on this link, read and pray as directedhttps://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252
Religion / Heavenly Vision by FreshGreen: 10:28am On Aug 06, 2021
…. I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. Acts 26:19

Heavenly vision is very important for every Christian, minister and church as a whole. A Christian without heavenly vision will belong among the common Christians, a Christian minister without heavenly vision will remain a carnal minister, and a church without heavenly vision is a worldly and lukewarm church. And the worst is when a Christian or church loses heavenly vision, it become worse than never having it.

When we have heavenly vision, we will want to do everything to enter heaven and to bring others to heaven; when we have heavenly vision, the things of this worldly will be dim to us and things of heaven dearly to us; we will not be encumbered by the cares of this world. When we have heavenly vision like the early Christians, we will go extra miles for the kingdom of God and minds will not be so burdened with the cares of this life.

The beginning of revival in a Christian life and in a church is not more night virgils, more miracles or more program but it is to discover heavenly vision, because without that Christians will remain lukewarm, worldly spiritually frivolous and careless.

What is this heavenly vision is all about? Heavenly vision is when you come to the point of understanding and realizing that making heaven and helping others to make heaven is the paramount purpose of your living on earth, that every other thing apart from working towards making heaven and winning souls to heaven amounts to little or nothing, that it is the most urgent matter that needs the greatest attention on a daily basis. When you grab this heaven vision, your perspective of life will change, your reasoning will not remain the same, your Christian life will turn around, your life view will be of eternity and not on this temporal care, your prayer points will be different from what it used to be, it will center on your Christian growth and winning souls, your ministry will turn different and your message will be heavenly focused.

Do you know why many Christians compromise with the world in their lifestyle and dressing? It is simply because they don’t have heavenly vision.

Do you know why so many Christians today are ready to make it in life at the detriment of making heaven? It is because they don’t have heavenly vision. There is nothing as terrible and dangerous in life as being a Christian without heavenly vision.

Do you know why you compromise the word of God, and you care for and pursue the things of this temporal life than heaven? It is because you lack or you’ve lost heavenly vision.

Do you know why you pray more on prosperity than purity of life? It is simply because you lack heavenly vision in your Christian life. Do you know why you involve in worldly dress and stuffs and it seems impossible for you to part away with such things? It is simply because you don’t have heavenly vision yet.

Do you know why your priority of life is about getting money, having more possessions of life, getting position or popularity in life? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision. Do you know why you pray more against enemies in your life than you pray against sinful nature in your life? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision. Do you know why you pray against the witches and wizards in your family to die than you pray for sinners in your family to be saved? It is because you don’t have heavenly vision. You don’t need to speak in tongue before you know Christians void of heavenly vision, it is very obvious.

Now, let me talk about churches and ministers.
Do you know why many Christian ministers preach more on prosperity of life than purity of life, why they preach more on goodness of life than godliness of life, why they preach more about temporal blessings of this life than eternal blessings of life to come, some even claim their mandate is the mondain things of this world, you know why? It is because they don’t have heavenly vision.

If you are a minister of God, you can see vision of blessing, breakthrough, new cars and new houses for people, but you don’t see vision of repentance, vision of restitution and call for holiness for them, it is simply because you don’t have heavenly vision. You can’t give what you don’t have.

You wander why on the other hand some preach more on overcoming problems of life than overcoming temptations and persecutions of life or why they put witches and wizards
in their lives to death than they put sinful old natures in their lives to death? It is simply because such Christian ministers do not have heavenly vision.

Do you know the reason why most of the preachers today do more of prophetic declarations than repentance declaration? It is simply because they lack or lost heavenly vision. You know what Paul said? He said, “Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance.” Acts 26:19, 20. After Paul got the heavenly vision, his life direction changes, his priority changed, and he was going different places and making declaration, not prosperity declaration, not prophetic declaration as they do today, but declaration of repentance, of turning to God and of doing work of righteousness and holiness. It’s the heavenly vision that makes the difference.

We cannot deceive ourselves. Our priority of life is determined by the vision we carry in our hearts; if it is heavenly vision, automatically we will live, pray and preach more on heaven and eternity, and if it is earthly vision, we will live, pray and preach more on earthly things, that exactly what we are seeing among Christians and pastors today. Where your treasure is, determines the priority and purpose of your living.

The type of vision you have determine the type of life you live, and as a minister, it will determine the type of message you preach and the ministerial pursuit.

Before you can get to heaven, you must get it right on earth. And to get it right, you need to start with the right steps, and repentance from sins and worldliness is the right step to start with. To have heavenly vision, you must start with repentance. I pray for you as you read this message that God will open your eyes to see and seek the heavenly vision and make it to heaven. All you need now is to repent, turn to God and begin to do the works befitting repentance. Amen

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org
Religion / You Are The Sugar Of The Earth by FreshGreen: 7:15pm On Aug 04, 2021
Have you ever heard that in the Bible before, that Jesus said “You are the sugar of the earth”? Since that is what many Christians want to hear, and if that is what you also want to hear, then here you are, you are hearing it now, you are the sugar of the world, you are a Christian sugar, you are a sugar brother, sugar sister; you are a Christian pastor sugar, you are a prophetic sugar, you are a sugary music minister, you are running sugary ministry. Is that not sweet? Then let us dey jolly dey go in a sugar coating atmosphere!

But the Bible didn’t say so, Jesus didn’t call His disciples sugar of the earth, but He called them the salt. He said in Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth” But satan has turned many Christians to the sugar of the earth, he has turned many ministers and their ministries to the sugar of the earth and so many sugary prophetic ministries, so many sugary music ministers, so many sugary messages and so many sugary Christians all over the world. That is the reason we are having a lot of spiritual dysentery and diarrhea.

The gospel of Jesus Christ said Christians are the salt of the world, but the modern, new generational gospel of today says no, we are no more the salt of the world but we are the sugar of the world, we are to make everything sweet and everyone look sexy and satanic.

There are differences between Salt Christian and Sugar Christians?
Salt Christians are the salt of the earth, they season, they are seasoned with grace for purity.
But the Sugar Christians are the sugar of the earth, they sweeten, they are sweetener. They have no other value than to sweeten.

When Jesus said “You are the Salt of the earth” it means a Christ’s follower brings good taste, good meaning to his environment. Where lies and deception abound, a child of God is a salt. Where corruption and immorality are destroying and decaying the society, a child of God is not going to be part of them but uncompromised in this decaying world. Good salt does not compromise its standard.

When you see a woman who calls herself a Christian, wearing all sorts of worldly dresses, dressing half naked, wearing tight trousers leggings, hilly shoes, painting and fixing everything fixable. Yes, she is a Christian, born again and if possible, Holy ghost fire consumed. Yes she can speak in tongues of angels, tongues of Africa, Chinesse and Japanese languages. Such a woman is a sugar Christian. You see, sugar Christian women dress to look sexy, to look sweet because they are the sugar of the world. But a Christian who is the salt of the world dresses to season, dresses in moderation. She is a salt, she is not a candy for everyone to leak.

You see, I don’t waste my time arguing with people on how a Christian woman should dress, nooo. The day you have encounter with the Lord and experience what is called salvation, from that day you will know the difference between a sugar of the world and a salt of the world, that, as a regenerated Christian woman, you don’t dress to look sexy or sweet, you will know that you are no more the sugar of the world but the salt. It starts from inside-out, not from outside-in.

You don’t need to speak in tongues before you know difference between Sugar of the world Christians and salt of the world Christians. Sugar Christians live in comformity with the worldly system, anything that will work, anything that will sell. Sugar of the world Christian read Bible, go to church but live opposite the word of God, no difference between the sugar of the world Christians and the satanic world. They love to listen to sermons and messages of prosperity than messages of purity, they love messages and hot prayers of breakthrough than broken spirit messages, they spend their times to pray more for supernatural miracles than for sanctification. What concerns Sugar Christians with sanctifications, with self-denying and self-crucification?

Sugar Christians don’t like to listen to bitter-truth messages but sweet lies messages, they don’t want anything that will spoil their mood. Sugar Christians are always excited with speaking in tongues than speaking the truth, they want prophetic declaration for miraculous next level, not preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Sugar Christians want to hear more about sudden miracles, not anything about the upcoming sudden rapture. Sugar of the world Christians love anything sweet, either true or false.

There are many things a salt of the earth Christians cannot do, just because they are the salt of the earth, they are not the sugar of the earth. Sugar and salt, the difference is the purpose, they may look alike, but they don’t serve the same purpose. Both may have the same color, but not the same taste, not the same purpose. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth, and the purpose is to season the tastelessness of your generation, not to sweeten it. When your salt loses its purpose on earth, then it becomes useless. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”

A child of God is called to call people into repentance, not to become a comedian. That is never possible, salt can never sweeten like sugar. It is not possible for a child of God to a joker. It is not possible for a child of God to dress to look sexy, we are called for salvation of soul and not to look or dress sexy. Sexy Christians are sugar Christians.

The sugar of the earth Christian loves to go sugar of the earth church, sugar coated preachers. Those who preach sweet things that will tinkle your itching ears. No need to warn people of hell fire, of the danger of missing the rapture, of the second coming of Jesus Christ, of the need for restitution, of self-denying in Christian life. Just preach prosperity, prophesy blessing, breakthrough and unlimited success. Thunder in tongues. Tell them about praises without purity, about grace without godliness. Prophesy a new car, a new house, new promotion. Let them dress as they like, they look sweet. No need to carrying your cross, any cross in your marriage that is too heavy for you to bear, cut if off, divorce and re-marry, you are supernatural liberty in Jesus. Your own is to commit sin, God’s is to forgive. You are walking in power, in liberty, in prosperity, you are destined for greatness, marathon blessing. Then you begin to blast in tongues. You are walking in abundant grace, you are walking in spacious space.” But to where? Sugar Christians walk in sweet broad way that leads to eternal damnation but salt Christians walk sweat on a narrow way to eternal life. In Christian sugar, no sweat, everything is sweet!

Sugar of the world Christians pray more on earthly things than on their spiritual walk with God, they pray more that the enemies in their family and workplace to die than for them to be saved.

When you put a cube of sugar on the floor, in a short period of time, it will be surrounded by many ants. That is the life purpose of sugar Christians, populations, prosperity and earthly power by all means. But as a salt of the world, you should not be after population in your God’s given ministry, you should not run after popularity or earth prosperity by all means because you are not the sugar of the world. You are a different person. You are called for a divine purpose to season your generation and not to sweeten your generation.

Come out of sugary Christian life, come out of sugar coated ministry, come out of sugary. The standard of God remains the same and His heaven is for the salt of the earth Christians not sugar of the earth.

Mark 9:49. ““For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.” You need to be seasoned with salt, you need to be saved and sanctified. Repent and become a new creature in Christ.

1 Timothy 6: from verse 11, “But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” Amen

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org
Religion / Beware Of Electristealing by FreshGreen: 8:06am On Aug 04, 2021
Electricity bill here has skyrocketed that has made is difficult for many people to cope. By so doing the devil is using this situation to trap many Christians by falling into several fraudulent activities and ruining their Christian testimonies.

Here are different categories of fraudulent activities with electricity:

Some people, because of high cost of electricity bill, they were disconnected, yet they are secretly tapping, stealing electricity maybe in the evening time. Now, if you are in this category or considering it, I want you to know you are playing with fire, and will you be surprised if this act exposes your destiny to evil forces to secretly steal your glory or land you in hell fire?

Another group of electricity thieves are people who have prepaid meters but boycott and tap free electricity on some of their electrical consumption, partial thieves are same thieves with armed robbers before God.

You have prepaid meter but because you were unaware, your card got finished at night, and so you tapped light just for the night to pass and you could buy card for your meter, though you only steal electricity just for the night and you didn't intend to, yet before God you are a thief, and a circumstantial thief will not be exonerated before God.

You know many people were angry with outrageous electricity bills that they were in hurry to get prepaid meter which was delayed after they applied for it but they had to bribe their ways to get it faster. Some also bribed to get their electricity bills reduced or suspended so they could pay little or nothing. On other way, electricity workers come to disconnect you because of your unpaid bill, you bribe them so you will not be disconnected. if you are in this category, you are robbing your destiny, not government, because government does not even know but God knows, you are robbing your eternal light because of temporal light.

Bribing is paying for ticket to see hellfire.

Whichever category you are, what you need to know is that as you steal or tap government's or company's light, you are, in the spiritual reality, darkening your destiny and walking towards eternal darkness and doom. You need to repent and stop stealing in any category.

What you need to do: When government or electricity company is bringing you outrageous bill beyond your consumption or your capacity to pay, take it to God in prayer, He will settle it for you and direct you, I can assure you of that.

Also it's better to let your electricity disconnected and stay in temporal darkness than to bribe, manipulate, have temporal light and end up in eternal darkness of darkness.

When you need to do restitution: If you have been tapping your neighbor's light or manipulating government's light, lying or giving wrong impression, you need to repent and confess to the right people.

"But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" Matthew 6:23

I pray your light will not go down at noonday, and you will not spend your eternity in darkness. Amen

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org

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Religion / God Proved Me Wrong by FreshGreen: 10:41pm On Jul 31, 2021
About a week ago, I watched on YouTube revelation of a Christian brother who saw vision of the gate of heaven and how believers who died got to the gate of heaven and how many were disqualified. In that vision played on cartoon form, believers who died were lined up in from of the gate of heaven with two angels standing. Each believer would walk close to the gate, but many were not allowed to enter heaven; they were all in white garments but as many of them walked close to the gate of heaven, their white garments turned to something else. It was so terrific, that different things were said to disqualify these children of God who had served the Lord with their lives before they died.

After watching the revelation, and prayed with my family. I couldn’t go to my bedroom to sleep, I had to go to my office, I couldn’t believe what I saw and I couldn’t sleep with it like that, I had to take time with God to get somethings clear. “God, is this revelation from you? How can born again believers go to hell on the account of those things? Does that mean no one is sure of making heaven? What about me? Am I going to hell with my salvation and all my services to you? If those people could go to hell, then how hard is it to go to heaven?”

The Spirit of God spoke to me, first from Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Lord I trust in Your possibility power and mercy!

Secondly, the Lord asked me, “What are the things you saw in the revelation that disqualified those believers from entering heaven that shock you or that is strange to you?” Then I said that the first believer, her white garment turned to leggings and seductive top as she walked close to the gate of heaven. Then the Spirit of God said to me, “Are you saying she could enter heaven with such immoral dress? Are you saying you didn’t know or you yourself never preach against it?” But she said her husband forced her to wear them, and also I felt since it has become common among wonderful Christian women all over the world, that it’s no longer a sin that can hinder all the Christian women who are fervently serving God from entering heaven. What about all Christian women in America, Europe who wear leggings? What if they don’t know? What if their pastors never told them? What if such dressing is their culture?”

I also saw a Christian woman disqualified from making heaven for engaging in oral and anal sex with her husband, another for divorce, another woman because of make ups and another man for taking his mother as a witch and refusing to love and help his mother because he believed she was a witch. All these people were genuinely saved, and they all went to hell on the accounts of those sins.

Then I said, “Lord, what if they didn’t know those things were sins?” The Lord made me to understand that no one goes to hell without his knowledge, that they all knew what they were doing but they refused to repent.”

I wasn’t sure or convinced that they all knew. So last week I started posting something like, “Do you know every woman who wears leggings will go to hell?” Another day, I posted, “Do you know everyone who engage in anal and MouthAction will go to hell?” And another day I posted, “Do you know that taking your parents as witches and refusing to help them can take you to hell” And some other posts. What responses did I get? So many Christians from different parts of the world were abusing and insulting me for being judgmental, rigid and others. I had to delete some comments that were so abusive with foul languages.

Then the Lord said to me, “Are these the people you said they don’t know?”

Brethren, the Lord made me to understand that nobody goes to hell without his or her knowledge, nobody miss heaven by mistake. God warns and warns through different means, but many ignore God’s warnings and corrections and choose by themselves their own paths of perdition.

With this better understanding, my orientation has changed, there are things or people I spent time with to argue or defend what I preached before which I will not spend my time for such again. Time is short than to compare my life and ministry with others, than to be seeking people’s acceptance and ministers’ approval, than to be looking for popularity; the end is so close and the standard of God never changes even if this whole generation will be disqualified. So I do not have time to compromise God’s word or to consider how people feel about the truth or to lower my message because brethren reactions or people’s responses. It is a matter of now and judgment day.

Hey, I'm not here to argue anything with you, and I'm not here to prove anything to you, I don't have such time again. Live your life as you are convinced to, interpret the Bible you wish, run your ministry as you want, and preach what you believe God want you to preach, and wait for the judgment day! Everyone will face it on that day! Amen.
Religion / God Proved Me Wrong by FreshGreen: 3:22pm On Jul 27, 2021
About a week ago, I watched on YouTube revelation of a Christian brother who saw vision of the gate of heaven and how believers who died got to the gate of heaven and how many were disqualified. In that vision played on cartoon form, believers who died were lined up in from of the gate of heaven with two angels standing. Each believer would walk close to the gate, but many were not allowed to enter heaven; they were all in white garments but as many of them walked close to the gate of heaven, their white garments turned to something else. It was so terrific, that different things were said to disqualify these children of God who had served the Lord with their lives before they died.

After watching the revelation, and prayed with my family. I couldn’t go to my bedroom to sleep, I had to go to my office, I couldn’t believe what I saw and I couldn’t sleep with it like that, I had to take time with God to get somethings clear. “God, is this revelation from you? How can born again believers go to hell on the account of those things? Does that mean no one is sure of making heaven? What about me? Am I going to hell with my salvation and all my services to you? If those people could go to hell, then how hard is it to go to heaven?”

The Spirit of God spoke to me, first from Matthew 19:26, “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Lord I trust in Your possibility power and mercy!

Secondly, the Lord asked me, “What are the things you saw in the revelation that disqualified those believers from entering heaven that shock you or that is strange to you?” Then I said that the first believer, her white garment turned to leggings and seductive top as she walked close to the gate of heaven. Then the Spirit of God said to me, “Are you saying she could enter heaven with such immoral dress? Are you saying you didn’t know or you yourself never preach against it?” But she said her husband forced her to wear them, and also I felt since it has become common among wonderful Christian women all over the world, that it’s no longer a sin that can hinder all the Christian women who are fervently serving God from entering heaven. What about all Christian women in America, Europe who wear leggings? What if they don’t know? What if their pastors never told them? What if such dressing is their culture?”

I also saw a Christian woman disqualified from making heaven for engaging in oral and anal sex with her husband, another for divorce, another woman because of make ups and another man for taking his mother as a witch and refusing to love and help his mother because he believed she was a witch. All these people were genuinely saved, and they all went to hell on the accounts of those sins.

Then I said, “Lord, what if they didn’t know those things were sins?” The Lord made me to understand that no one goes to hell without his knowledge, that they all knew what they were doing but they refused to repent.”

I wasn’t sure or convinced that they all knew. So last week I started posting something like, “Do you know every woman who wears leggings will go to hell?” Another day, I posted, “Do you know everyone who engage in anal and MouthAction will go to hell?” And another day I posted, “Do you know that taking your parents as witches and refusing to help them can take you to hell” And some other posts. What responses did I get? So many Christians from different parts of the world were abusing and insulting me for being judgmental, rigid and others. I had to delete some comments that were so abusive with foul languages.

Then the Lord said to me, “Are these the people you said they don’t know?”

Brethren, the Lord made me to understand that nobody goes to hell without his or her knowledge, nobody miss heaven by mistake. God warns and warns through different means, but many ignore God’s warnings and corrections and choose by themselves their own paths of perdition.

With this better understanding, my orientation has changed, there are things or people I spend time with to argue or defend what I preached before which I will not spend my time for such again. Time is short than to compare my life and ministry with others, than to be seeking people’s acceptance and ministers’ approval, than to be looking for popularity; the end is so close and the standard of God never changes even if the whole generation will be disqualified, so I do not have time to compromise God’s word or to lower my message because brethren reactions or people’s responses. It is a matter of now and judgment day.

Live your life as you are convinced to, run your ministry as you want, and preach what you believe God want you to preach, and wait for the judgment day! Everyone will face it on that day! Amen.


Religion / 4 Ways To Know More About God & Grow In Him by FreshGreen: 6:53am On Jul 17, 2021
"There are unknowns that are known to be unknowns that are never known but are known to be unknown."

“Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits.” Hebrews 6: 1-3

After you give your life to Jesus, you need to know about Him and grow in Him, and the only source is through the Word of God with prayer. If you don't grow in the Lord, you will go back to the world. The following steps will help you to grow in the Lord:

1. READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY - At least 2 chapter. Don't just swallow everything they preach in your church without you searching and confirming in the Bible, don’t depend on what any one teaches you alone, but let the Holy Spirit Himself teach you further and deeper from the Bible.

Acts 17:11“These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”

2. MEDITATE ON THE BIBLE YOU READ - Don't just read the Bible and go your way, but you need to take time to meditate on what you read. It is by waiting on the Lord after reading through meditation, that you get the meaning for what you read. If you just read and rush out, you will not really understand and you will not be fruit.
Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

3. PRAY THE WORD INTO YOUR LIFE – Take time to pray on the Word of God you read. Prayer after reading Bible is like taking water after eating; to water the seed of the Word. You wonder why the Word is not really fruitful in your life as desired? No enough watering by prayer. When the Psalmist talked about “tree planted by the rivers of water”, the water is prayer that helps the seed of the Word to be fruitful.

Psalm 1:1-3
Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

4. BELIEVE AND APPLY WHAT YOU READ INTO YOUR LIFE – Be diligent to apply the Word of God into your life in your daily activities: how you talk, how you react to people and situation; how you behave, how you do your daily business, how you dress, what you watch music you listen to, let the Word of God guide you in everything you do. This is really the subject matter, this is the purpose of reading Bible, meditating and praying - apply it into your life and be fruitful.

James 1:22 “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”

May we be fruitful and be blessed in the Lord as we grow in Him everyday!

if you will like to surrender your life to Jesus afresh to experience genuine salvation, please click on this link, read the article and pray as directed http://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-can-i-be-saved/270674586372252

Religion / The Errors Of Oneness Doctrine by FreshGreen: 10:49am On Jul 05, 2021
Some group of Christians in different parts of the world believe and teach a doctrine called Oneness, that Jesus Christ is the same Person as God and He is also the same Holy Spirit; that there is no Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but is a single Personality performing the roles of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Here is correction from God's Word on this error:

John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

If God is the same personality as Jesus, how can Bible say God sent Someone else called Jesus? That means they are two different Personalities. If they were one, Bible would have said, " For God so loved the world that He came to the world in the person of Jesus" That would have made sense if He were the Father and the Son at the same time.
If the Bible says GOD sent His SON, then God is the Father and His Son is Jesus. The Bible clearly mentioned God and HIS SON, that a GOD sent HIS SON, and you are saying "No, He has no Son, or He is the Son who sent Himself, he was only deceiving us by saying SON, He is the same Person. If God is the same Son, that means there is a deception. But the scripture cannot be broken and God is ever truthful. God was in heaven, He sent His only begotten SON to the Word.
John 17:1 "Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You." If Jesus was the same God, meaning the heavenly God descended to earth in the form of Jesus, that means heaven was empty of God at that period. If God the Father was the same God the Son of Jesus Christ, then how can Bible say Jesus Christ, when on earth, lifted up His eyes to Heaven - meaning there was still a God in Heaven or was He praying to an empty chair in heaven or angels of heaven like Catholics?
If God the Father is same as God the Son of Jesus Christ, then who was Jesus praying to when He lifted up His eyes to heaven? Was He praying to Himself?

John 14:24" He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me." JESUS CHRIST clearly said Somebody sent Him, but the Onesness doctrine people said, No, it is a lie, nobody sent Him, He sent Himself, He is the Father who sent Himself as the Son. That means Jesus was lying? Jesus Christ expressly said He who sent Him was greater than Him, the Oneness doctrine people say that is not true, that He is equal with Himself and no greater Person anywhere else. Jesus Christ said He was going back to His Father, but the Oneness doctrine say it is a lie, that Jesus was only going back to Himself, He was the same Father and Son and there was no Father anywhere He was going back to. What should we believe, the doctrines of Oneness or the scriptures that cannot be broken?

Philippians 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth. The Bible says that Jesus Christ was promoted by God, the Oneness doctrine says it is a lie, He only promoted Himself, He is the same God who promoted Himself. The Bible says Jesus Christ is in form of God, but not equal with God, and He never considered or thought of being equal with God through a robbery means as Satan wanted to do, but the Oneness doctrine people said Jesus is equal with God, that in fact He is the same God.

Concerning the throne, here is what the Bible says, "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne." Rev. 3:21. If you were confused of the statements of Jesus Christ while on earth when He mentioned His Father, now while in heaven He still mentioned His Father, is that not clear enough that He was not the Father?

"as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne." Rev. 3:21. JESUS CHRIST Himself said while in heaven, at this time, that He overcame on earth, and now He is in heaven with His Father, and seating with His Father's throne, and that if we Christians who are still on earth overcome sin, satan and self, that we will also seat with Him.

Rev. 4:9, " Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever" THAT PERSONALITY WHO SITS ON THE THRONE IS GOD, RIGHT?

Rev. 5:1 "And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals." IN THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD WAS A THRONE, RIGHT?

Rev. 5:6, "And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth." THE LAMB HERE IS THE SON OF GOD WHO WAS SLAIN, RIGHT? HERE, WE CAN SEE TWO PERSONALITIES - One who sits on throne and Another Person in the midst of the elders as a Lamb.

Rev. 5:7 "Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. The "He" starting with capital letter, being the Lamb, came to the "Him" who sits on the throne from Rev. chapter 4? That is GOD THE FATHER, and now, another "He" comes to Him who sits on the throne - that is JESUS CHRIST.

Rev. 5:13, "And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and
From there we can see that The Lamb collect something from Him who sits on the throne. Are they still the same Personality? NO!

Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God not the God. John the Baptist said Behold the Lamb of God who took away the son of the world. John 1:29. He did not say "Behold God who took away the sin of the world. So Jesus Christ is the Lamb not the God. In heaven, The Lamb collects a scroll from Him who sits on the throne. Sir, they are two different Personalities but united together in One.

BIBLICAL CONCLUSION: The doctrines of Oneness is not only opposite to the Word of God as clearly stated in the scripture, but it is also a misleading, misguiding and misinterpretation of the scripture. No matter how little or minus a misinterpretation of the scripture is, it can ruin many things in a Christian life and ministry.

Are you ready to rededicate your life to Jesus now or start a new life? Then repent! Confess all your sins, forsake them all and ask Jesus to forgive, cleanse you and save you. Please click on this link and read on how to be genuinely saved and start new life in Jesus and pray as directed
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Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancies by FreshGreen: 4:10pm On Jul 03, 2021
Minimum of SSCE
Living close to Ikeja Lagos.

Minimum of SSCE
Living close to Ikeja Lagos

Interested candidates should send call or WhatsApp 07042000424
Religion / THE REALITY OF Masturbation......please Read This! by FreshGreen: 7:51pm On Jun 21, 2021
THE REALITY OF MASTURBATION......Please read this!
To start with, masturbation is self service by which one derives pleasure, it's usually performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated intimacy gadgets. So the question: Is it sinful for a child of God to masturbate? The sincere and simple answer is that, it is biblically sinful based on these three points:

Pastors and preachers who claim that masturbation is not a sin are the same people who say a godly woman can dress any half naked; their base is that God's is not concern about what you do with your body, watch out! Such people believe God is only after your mind or your heart, and your body is none of His business, you can dress half naked as a woman, you can wear earrings as a man, perm your hair like woman; you can smoke, drink, it is your body, normal habit, and none of God's business.

Such teaching of your body is not God's business is satanic and unbiblical. God is interested in your body as well as your soul, God wants you to keep your heart holy as well as your body. Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Your heart is the throne of God, and your body is His temple; when you defile God's temple - your body - with masturbation or any uncleanness, you expose yourself to God's destruction.

1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."

Any action by which one derives sexual pleasure - orgasm - apart from, between husband and wife, such is sexual immorality. There are several sexual immoralities like fornication, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. Those who involve in masturbation before or after marriage are immoral people before God. 1 Corinthians 5:9, "I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people."

It's something usually done in secret, if after you dedicate your life to Jesus. You can't have fellow children of God in the same room and you begin to masturbate. As Christian brother, you can snore when other brothers are with you in the same while while you sleep, but you can masturbate when you know other Christian people are with you, the same thing with a sister. You can sleep or snore while people are around, but you can't masturbate while good and godly people are around, you can't do that at a Christian camp when you are aware of others around.

Masturbation is generated through immoral imaginations and thoughts, it is committing the sexual immorality in your mind and reflecting on your body.

Another reality about masturbation, it is romancing with demon! Scary but a simple truth. Behind every sin is a demon, when a demon of sexual immorality is romancing with a man or woman, the person will be filled with immoral pictures in their minds and reacting to those immoral thought brings ejaculation.

Some scientists say masturbation is good for health, that it prevents prostate cancer, the reality of this is that any scientific prove that encourages sin is satanic. A child of God is controlled by the unchanging word of God through the Spirit of God, and not by changing science manipulated by Satan to confuse and mislead many.

You can't finish masturbate and you feel free in God's presence, your conscience will tell you something is wrong, that you are defiled. If you now feel no guilt in masturbating, it means you have silenced or killed your conscience, since the Spirit of God will not continue to strive with a man, but you know it wasn't like that at the initial.

Masturbation is satanic anchor by which he uses to grip souls under his bondage. The solution is not to say it is not a sin, the solution is not marriage or attractive spouse, that never solve problem of lust.

The solutions are (1) You repent and rededicate your life to Jesus by admitting it as a sin against God and ready to forsake it. You must repent from all sins and surrender, you can not isolate masturbation. (2) You watch out against it, you detach yourself from immoral materials, movies, music and thoughts. Resist the devil when he brings the pressure on you to masturbate; just hold the feeling and resist the devil, he can't stay long, he will flee. It will come over you as if you can't resist it, but that is not true, you just hold it, don't torch and don't think about. It is a sin and you don't want to bring yourself under the bondage anymore. The more you resist and overcome the feeling, the more you are strong, keep watching, he can go and come after some months, don't relax but resist. (3) Pray about it. You must take it to God in your daily prayer to conquer the sinful notion and nature; pray for grace and strength to resist, to discipline your body and keep it under the Spirit of God.

1 Corinthians 9:27
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

The Reason
The reason why you still fall back into masturbation or any sin after you are saved is because "You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin." Hebrews 12:4. Let me ask you, if you hear that anyone that masturbates will fall down and die immediately, and you see people doing it and falling dead, will you still do it when the pressure comes? I'm sure the answer is capital no, you will not want to kill yourself because of 5 minutes dirty masturbation, no matter how Satan pushes you, you will not want to masturbate and die. That is it! You must resist the devil to bloodshed. No excuse for living under the bondage of masturbation when Jesus has set you free.

If you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link

You can also contact us on email or phone for prayer, counsel or if you need biblical enlightenment on personal issues:

Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries, RTEM
Our Email: realitywithjesus@gmail.com
Our Tel: (+234) (0)803 924 9751
Our website: rtemoutreach.org


Religion / Why You Need To Start Business Now! by FreshGreen: 12:05pm On Jun 21, 2021
- Christian Business Talk With Gideon Akande

As I talk on why you need to start business now, I also need to call our attentions to wrong times so many Christian start business, that is the reason so many Christians fail in business, and many got discouraged as if business is not meant for them. When we start business at the wrong time even with a right business, it will give a wrong result which is usually folding up of the business.

Wrong Time Many Christians Start Business:
1. When We retire from work.
Business is a world of itself that needs practical years of experience. Many people who start business after retirement usually get their invested wasted and the business not successful. What really matters in business is not only money, but also practical experience. So many people spend 30 years working only to build houses, and after they retire, they settle down to collect house rents which will never be enough to sustain them. That is the reason many retiree landlords and landlady are strict in collecting house rent because they have no other means of surviving.

When you are still working, yes in some workplaces you may not be allowed to register company and begin to run business, but you can build it on or with your spouse and family.

Some of the major businesses working class people can build are like long time farming – Palm kernel, Cocoa, etc., private school with a spouse, online marketing, etc.

2, When We Lose Our Jobs.
Many Christians start business after losing their jobs which will lead to unpreparedness, personal and family financial burden on the young business which could overweigh the new business. The best time to start business is when you still have a job doing. You don’t save money and start something when you lose job, it doesn’t always work like that.

3, When We Have Need
We don’t start business to meet immediate needs, we start business to grow the business. If the purpose of starting a business is to raise money to meet a need next month, then the business will soon die.

Sometime this year I met the former MD of Fedex in Nigeria who won the best MD in Fedex sub-Saharan African nations, and now a MD of another major courier company in Nigeria; he told me that courier business is not for traders, meaning people who do buying and selling; he said a person needs about 3 years to run courier company before profit will start coming. He said traders can’t be such patient.

It’s better to start business, grow business into profits before needs come. It is better to start business while you are still a student, it is better to start business while you are still single, it is better to start business while you are still young couple, when you are not yet paying huge school fees for children, when you still have strength to run around.

4, When We Start Business With Loan.
There is nothing as dangerous in business as starting a new business with bank loan, it is absolutely a wrong start. The truth is that, there is a wide difference between a business on paper and a business on practical. No matter how lucrative a business plan or proposal seems, it is still a paper work not practical work. There are so many unforeseen problems in practical business than the profit on papers.

5, When We Start Business With huge Amount of Money.
Many people claim, “Bro, I have a lots of lucrative business ideas but I only need good amount of money to kick start.” The truth here is that if you can’t successfully start a business with little you have, your android phone, your little space and others, starting with a large sum of money will only bring large sum of problem. As children of God, we don’t start business with big money but with a big God. If God will not bless the business with small amount of money, He will not bless it with big amount, or rather, if you can’t manage to succeed with small amount of money, you can’t also succeed with big amount of money.

The best time to start business is when you have little and work it grow. We don’t watch business growing, we work it growing by God’s help.

6, When We Start In A Big Way
I travelled to Ibadan, I saw new shopping plazas with expensive rents, and so many people rushing to rent the shops at such high cost of rents; some of those people renting the expensive shops are just starting the business, some have no idea about the challenges of the business. And at the end of the year they cannot make enough profit to renew the rent. Beloved, why starting big? Big office, big shop, full AC, and employing workers the business does not need now. Who are you trying to impress? Why getting accountant for a small scale business when you have not even started counting the money? So what is the Accountant going to be doing?

As children of God, we do business to improve our finances, and not to impress people on social media or in the society. Reality checks.

7, When We Wait To Finish School Before Starting Business.
One of the major mistakes many young Christians usually make is waiting to graduate from school before starting something and parents also help in the problem. If Mark Zuckerberg had waited to finish school before starting Facebook, it wouldn't have happened.

Some parents will wait until their children graduate before asking what they want to do with their lives, before thinking of establishing something for them. You are a student of a school, you have free access to the students and lecturers and others, make use of it before you sign out, win the campus for Christ and also build your business. This is the best time to start business, to gain experience, to try, to fail and succeed before you get to the real world of business.

To The Full Time Ministers of God
I know a beloved Evangelist who also pastors a church, he used to have problem feeding his family. But when we had minister’s seminars, I challenged everyone to start something small along with our ministries to raise income for our families. This Evangelist was challenged, he later started something with his car, though no capital, he was collecting bottled waters from company and supplying shops. He gradually became popular, receiving calls to supply water, gaining experiences, business connections, customer database – all these are more important than capital. Now, the business is growing up gradually and his ministry is moving forward along.

Ministers of gospel can start something with their spouses that will support their family and help the work of God also. Asking for general public financial donations after ministration on radio, Youtube, etc., is not honorable to the work of God.

Let's think about this brethren!

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8


Another topic next Sunday by God's grace.

Be blessed

Gideon Akande
Religion / Share The Testimony, Put The Devil To Shame! by FreshGreen: 11:07am On Jun 17, 2021
I remember when I joined Deeper Life Bible Church in 1998, active testimonies were part of Revival service on Thursday then. Both adults and youth, leaders, workers and members were sharing testimonies of the goodness of God with brethren for edification. But it got to a period, gradually that the leaders and workers were refraining from sharing testimony, it was then becoming like the activity of only members, new converts or young believers in Christ. No more excitement in sharing testimony with brethren. And same thing also with many churches, in fact some preachers categorically tell their members not to share testimony of God’s goodness in their lives with brethren in the church so that satanic people in the church would not hear about it and destroy the work of God.

There are many notions and ideologies which Satan has used to silent children of God from sharing testimonies of the goodness of God, because Satan knows that testimony is a powerful tool in Christianity, testimony is a practical power of God in manifestation that edify believers and move sinners to salvation to see that God is still doing wonders, that God is still faithful and that God is still good. Not only does testimony serves as great means of ministration to believers and sinners, but it is also a weapon of overcoming and prevailing for the believer who shares the testimony. In the Book of Revelation12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

Why many believers are not prevailing today, why many are not overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and why miracles and blessings of God are becoming absent in the lives of many Christians TODAY is because they refused to share testimony of goodness of God in their lives YESTERDAY.

Do you know why many Believers in the Lord are not sharing testimony of God’s goodness in their lives with people in their churches, on their social media and others? It is simply because of FEAR! You can call it anything, but it is fear. Satan uses FEAR to silent children of God from sharing goodness of God and so many are not being edified or encouraged that God is still doing it or that God can still do it for them. What a funny irony, you are afraid that demonic people in your church or even if Satan himself comes to your church when you share testimony, can he do anything to what God has done? Are we more afraid of what Satan can do than what God has done? When did believers begin to keep silent to declare the goodness of God in their lives because of witches and wizards? This is not Bible.

You are getting married, you can’t share the testimony of how God eventually settled you with the best because Satan tells you, “You better keep quiet, and what if the wedding is cancelled? You will become a fool” So you keep quiet with “Let me wait till I get married, till the testimony is full”. Then you get marry, the Spirit of God tells you that “You need to share the testimony to encourage My single daughters and sons who are weary in waiting, but Satan tells you, “You are just married with no child yet, you don’t even know if you are going to be barren or not, you don’t know how long this your marriage will last, and you want to begin to blow trumpet of God’s goodness in a month old marriage, what a fool. I think Bible says wisdom is profitable for leading.” And that was how Satan silent you till today and your testimony became irrelevant.

We the believers of this generation, we need to go back to the Bible and be assured again that when God does something for us, as long it is God, the God Almighty who made heaven and earth, who created Satan and chased him away from heaven, that no witches, no wizards, no principalities, no powers of darkness, I mean no even Satan can destroy the work of God in our lives, except we allow sin. Only sin can ruin God’s goodness and blessing in a believer’s life.

By God’s grace I will continue the second part of SHARE THE TESTIMONY, PUT THE DEVIL TO SHAME God willing tomorrow. Remain blessed in the Lord

Gideon Akande (Evangelist)
Religion / Priority Of God’s Leading In Business by FreshGreen: 7:46am On Jun 14, 2021
Today’s Topic: Priority of God’s leading in Business

BY THE GRACE OF God I’m going to be having weekly Christian Business Talk on practical and godly ways of succeeding in business by the inspiration of Holy Spirit and my personal experience in business.

Today I’m talking on the topic PRIORITY OF GOD’S LEADING IN BUSINESS.

Why I wanted to do business?
I had the call of God upon my life as an Evangelist since I was about 8 years old, and the calling was obvious to many. As the Lord was preparing me for this evangelical, non-denominational ministry, I had strong and precious desire to run a free of charge ministry, where every ministry material coming from the ministry would be free including free delivery and posting, where nothing would be sold and no money would be solicited for. Just simple ministry with contentment.

When We Started Business
After I got married, my wife and I started a small business, but concerned family members and friends were telling us, “Hey, business is not predictable, your wife needs to get a good job.” After several years of progress in business without my wife getting any job but rather giving jobs to several people, concerned family members still said, “Hey, you need to save money, good savings, because business is not predictable, anything can happen in business, you need something to fall back to.”

With my personal experience, I need to be sincere with you that my concerned family and friends are right, business is not predictable, anything can happen in business and get the whole things fall apart. Business is not as easy as getting a good secured job like Federal Government jobs or telecom or oil company jobs where you go to work and work, collect a sure salary, get promotion and plan your life from January to December ( a business person can’t plan like a government or private worker). Yet with my personal experience, having business is more rewarding and profitable when God is leading you. Business is not predictable, but God’s faithfulness is predictable, profits and planning in business are not as straightforward as having a job, but God’s favours are so certain.

You see, when you allow God to lead you in your business and career, your progress will know no end, when others are folding up, you will be going up, when others are shutting down in business, you will be shooting up. I have come to discover in business that God’s work in a man’s life can never crash or get destroyed. What really matter in business is not to have a plan B, or to save money in case the business folds up or to get job, nooooo, what you need to be sustained and continually succeed in business is God’s leading as your priority. How do we do that? Number one, we don’t follow ungodly practices in business lest we chase God’s presence away in that business, don’t play over-smart against God’s word, don’t bribe, don’t lie or involve in any ungodly acts; don’t cheat, be honest and godly and your business will know no failure. Secondly, follow God’s leading without delay. Don’t lead yourself, let God lead you even when you don’t understand. Don’t try to be a professional business person that follow laid down plans, no; but rather be flexible to follow God’s plan as he leads – trust and obey promptly.

I can plan A in the morning and in the afternoon if God says go to B direction, I go. And people that were with me in the morning with plan A may fill confused when I change to B. That is not professional, but it is profitable. God’s leading as priority, which is what matters in succeeding in business.

My Testimony
The reality of business is that many things about tomorrow we don’t understand, but God knows tomorrow so we follow when He leads even if it seems foolish to men.

Last year, my family and I moved from Abuja to Lagos and then to Ibadan in other to establish the new business He had just given us. It was God’s leading. We spent exactly 8 months in Lagos and Ibadan, and many of our staffs in Abuja could do little or nothing, many might thought the company had packed up, so we ran away, many thought we would never come back again, and all left.

But after 8 months, God led us to move back to Abuja again. You know what? When we came back to Abuja, we finally confirmed that the channel we were using to sell products of our main old company no longer worked again, but God has opened another channels for us in Lagos while we were there. In addition to that, the new company we went to establish is doing better. By the grace of God our ministry is starting weekly ministrations on some radio stations which is going to be sponsored by the new business.

Looking at the whole things, I discovered without God’s leading we would have been stranded, but now we are striving; without God’s leading in our business we would have folded up but we are forging ahead. Sometimes, people get confused about my family’s movements as our plans change, it’s because we don’t lead ourselves; we plan and project, but we surrender to God’s leading – both strange and familiar.

So I can categorically tell you that business is unpredictable, but God’s faithfulness is predictable, it never fails. Business fluctuates but God’s favour is forever. When you take God’s leading in your business and career as priority, persistent progress and profits become permanent!


By God’s grace, next week Sunday, I will talk about another topic in Christian succeeding in business world.

Remain blessed in the Lord

Gideon A
Religion / Norman Vincent Peale by FreshGreen: 3:04pm On Jun 04, 2021
In early 1950s, Norman Vincent came with doctrines of modern church concept believed the sermons and messages in the church should no longer be for conversion and godly sorrow, but for motivating and uplifting people, that church should not scare people away with the true message of repentant, salvation, sanctification and second coming of Jesus, but we talk about abundant blessings, prosperity, healing and earthly success. That the the preachers should not mention hell or hell fire, it should be forbidden, and rapture should be forgotten; that the church should not say what the people need but what they want to hear, what would make them happily scream and shout in the church. His system implied that church services should be of more dancing and entertaining rather than having solemn assembly.

Around 1958, Peale was joined with Robert Harold Schuller, the author of “Though time never last.” Robert Harold Schuller improved on Peale modern church concept, he was the originator of mega church concept. Then many other ministers joined the system including Oral Robert, Billy Graham and many others. Their teachings focus on earthly blessing, breakthrough, success and prosperity; their method is permitted with unguided liberty and indulgences. This strange doctrine began to spread all over the world and right to Africa in late 1980s. It was first called modern Pentecostal system; some denominations call it modern parish or modern church (RCCG). We can call it mega church concept in American, we can call it modern pentecostal system or modern church parish, but the truth is that the system is the same and satanic to pervert the church. Some ministers claimed God gave them the system, some said God directed them to start the modern church. But the Bible warns us in Galatians 1:8, 9, "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed."

Today, the church is having lesser persecution, great population and greater perversion; we are having more churches (denominations), more than ever before but lesser righteousness and godliness. Our society and countries are having more Christianity but less nature of Christ, lesser sincere and decent society. We are building mighty and beautiful Church auditoriums more than any period in the history of the church, but we have become more worldly than the people of the world. Our Pastors are luxurious than the politicians, devoted muslims are more sincere than ordained ministers, our sisters can confidently wear indecent dresses to church which they were ashamed to wear to night parties 15 years ago. Today, the church is more financially and materially richer than any time of the history, but we are poorer and starving spiritually.

Our Pastors are living in luxury, our Bishops and General Overseers are flying with private jets, living in mansions, gorgeously and sumptuously than the rich man with Lazarus. Sincerity, honesty and purity are diminishing while number of churches are increasing. In the past our pastors were content with basic necessities, but today, our senior pastors, G.Os and Bishops are getting richer and richer while the poor in the church are getting poorer .Capitalism and selfishness is now the order of the church; materialism and egoism are the system of our pastors. No more sharing or equity, everybody is on his own .The charity group of the world are more caring than the church, church primary and high schools are so expensive that a full time pastor from the same church can't afford to send his children except he steals from church money. Church universities are more expensive than individual private universities who borrowed money from bank. Our members are being heavily taxed in the name of giving, offering, automatic blessing of giving, worst than the civil society. That is the result of satanic perversion in the church, the modern prosperity system.

RTEM: rtemoutreach.org
Religion / The Miracles Of Praising God by FreshGreen: 10:38am On May 31, 2021
When we are devoted to praising God with quality time in our closet, sorrow will be turned to singing, it is an automatic miracle of praises many children of God are missing. This Psalmist in Psalm 13 started with sorrow of heart but ended it with singing praises. There are two things here: 1, when we are devoted into praising God, our sorrows will be automatically, in a miraculous way turned to singing, we begin to see mighty God than our situation, we begin to see the greatness of God greater than our situation. 2, when we are devoted into praising God, we will begin to see all the bountiful faithfulness of God in our lives and see the present situation as nothing.

The Psalmist in Psalm 13 started with form of complain, "How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?" But when he began to sing praises to God, his eyes were opened to all the bountiful goodness of God. “I will sing to the LORD, Because He has dealt bountifully with me.” Psalm 13:6
Religion / What Happens After Rapture: The Great Tribulation by FreshGreen: 7:20am On May 21, 2021
Do you realize we are in the very end time and this world will soon come to an end? As the Biblical prophesies of the end time are fulfilling right in our eyes and the love of many are becoming cold by the cares and deceptions of the world; the next event we are waiting for is the Rapture, which is the catching away of the saints. As Jesus Christ said, “I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. 36 Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.” Luke 17:34, 35. This event may happen any moment from now.

The big questions are: What happens after the Rapture? What will happen to the unbelievers and careless Christians who miss the Rapture? The Great Tribulation! While the raptured saints will be celebrating the Marriage of the Lord’s Supper with Jesus Christ, and receive rewards over there, the Left-behinds will be suffering Great Tribulation here on earth with Satan. It will be a terrific period of pain and panic that has never existed before. “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. “Matthew 24:20-22

The Great Tribulation will start by the reign of Anti-Christ, a satanic powered personality who will rule the whole world with his evil mark of the beast, 666. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16, 17. Those who refuse the mark will be tormented to death, it will be a horrible period which will be hard to resist, but those who make their stands for Jesus and refuse the mark will make it to heaven after their death. Rev. 7:9, 14. The people that receive the mark will automatically become the enemies of God, they will be given temporal freedom to buy and sell but they are doomed forever.

The better questions to ask are: when will you surrender your life to Jesus? When will you totally rededicate your life to Jesus and settle EVERYTHING with Him? When will you make your way right with God and stand for righteousness in the midst of this unrighteous generation? The answer should be NOW, or never! If you have not genuinely accepted Jesus into your life by becoming a new creature and living above sin, if you are a worldly, careless or modern Christian, if you are afraid or not certain about your eternity, this moment is a greatest time for you to settle everything with Jesus NOW! You are the luckiest person if you are reading this message before the rapture; it means you are still alive; the deaths have no such opportunity, because after death is the judgment. You can’t wait for the Great tribulation, you may die before then, you may not survive it, now is the best and certain time to settle your eternity with God.

You are a Christian? But are you living in line with God's word or in line with the words of modern pastors? Have you settled all and made everything clear before God or there are still some no-go-areas in your life? Any unconfessed sin or unsettled restitution? Any worldliness or compromise? Those Christians who leave some aspects of their live behind unsettled will be left behind on the rapture day.

Your greatest privilege of being alive today is not to make more money but to make your way right with God for genuine salvation of your soul. So what are you waiting for? Repent, rededicate your life to Jesus, restore, recommit, and renew your relationship with the Savior, and be sure of your life after here before it is too late!

Blow the trumpet in Zion,
And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
For the day of the LORD is coming,
For it is at hand:
2 A day of darkness and gloominess,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.
A people come, great and strong,
The like of whom has never been;
Nor will there ever be any such after them,
Even for many successive generations………
“Now, therefore,” says the LORD,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
13 So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and merciful. . .
Joel 2:1-2, 12, 13.

If you will like to totally surrender your life to Jesus Christ and experience total freedom, please click on this link, read and pray as directed https://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252

Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancies @ Lagos, Abuja And Portharcourt by FreshGreen: 9:00am On May 18, 2021
Pishon Courier Express needs qualified applicants for the following vacancies:

@ Ikeja Lagos
Experienced, living in Lagos and conversant with Lagos routes, good driving experience in Lagos with driver's license.
Salary: N60k

@Ikeja Lagos
An experienced dispatch rider at our office in Oregun Ikeja. With rider's permit.
Salary: N50k

@ Lagos, Abuja and Portharcourt.
Experienced in marketing and making sale's with targets.
Salary: Between N70k to N120k

@ Jabi Abuja
Experienced in e-commerce web design, graphic design, digital marketing, website management and others.
Salary: N80,000

Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancies @ Lagos, Abuja And Portharcourt by FreshGreen: 8:51am On May 18, 2021
Pishon Courier Express needs qualified applicants for the following vacancies:

@ Ikeja Lagos
Experienced, living in Lagos and conversant with Lagos routes, good driving experience in Lagos with driver's license.
Salary: N60k

@Ikeja Lagos
An experienced dispatch rider at our office in Oregun Ikeja. With rider's permit.
Salary: N50k

@ Lagos, Abuja and Portharcourt.
Experienced in marketing and making sale's with targets.
Salary: Between N70k to N120k

@ Jabi Abuja
Experienced in e-commerce web design, graphic design, digital marketing, website management and others.
Salary: N80,000

Jobs/Vacancies / JOB VACANCIES Lagos And Abuja by FreshGreen: 4:22am On May 13, 2021
Pishon Courier Express needs qualified applicants for the following vacancies:

An experienced dispatch rider at our office in Oregun Ikeja. With rider's permit.
Salary: N50k

@ Lagos, Abuja and Portharcourt.
Experienced in marketing and making sale's with targets.
Salary: Between N70k to N120k

@ Abuja
Experienced in e-commerce web design, graphic design, digital marketing, website management and others.
Salary: N80,000


Religion / The Most Ugly Music Ever!!! by FreshGreen: 9:12pm On May 08, 2021
This is the most UGLY and frightening song you will ever hear! In a vision, I saw a naked man covered in flaming worms that cannot Die! He turned to me and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him and he sung this song in an emotionless voice! A voice that held NO emotion only the pain and torment he was in! Here are a few lyrics from the song:

Flaming worms crawl in, flaming worms crawl out in the belly button and out the mouth! In the front and out the rear! In the eyes and out the ears! We scream for mercy yet NO one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood rivers of feces, lava, vomit and blood it looks like a flood! Flames everywhere yet they cast NO light! All I have is every kind of pain, terror, torture and fright! I am a Citizen in HELL!

This is the first level of HELL the other levels there are NO words to tell! Hell is so hot it boils the flesh off my skin how do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm so thirsty yet I 've not even urine or tears to drink! And OH my GOD how this HELL stinks! AHHHH, I am a Citizen in HELL!

There's NO water of any kind not even sweat to cool my brow, I know from Hell I will never be set free and demons curse and mock me! I scream to God to help me! Yet He does NOT hear! Instead the voice of Satan laughs and jeers! "HaAa! There's NO GOD and there's NO mercy here! I have torture, terror, and Damnation and every kind of FEAR! But there's NO GOD HERE! Hahaha!"

I am reminded how God in his mercy gave JESUS, His Only Son to suffer crucifixion for my sins and on a cross he hung! Just so from HELL I would be free and Satan would have no claim on me! But I refused JESUS blood to cover my sins. I wanted to live my own life so I denied Him! I know I have no one to blame now forever I 'll live in Satan's evil domain with every kind of torture and shame! Wanting to die but forgetting there is no death, thinking it will be better tomorrow but forgetting I have FOREVER left! This is what its like to be a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!

Where the Horror is so gruesome! NO tongue can tell! Everyone who is coming here will have to dig to their own level before they die! And that is how deep your sins are piled up high! But beware the greatest of all sins is the REJECTION OF JESUS CHRIST! One torture room to the next what seems like your worst nightmare is ONLY satan at his BEST! This is what its like to be a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!!!

- Sherrie Elijah

Flaming WORMS that looked like Snakes! were crawling in and OUT of EVERY OPENING OF HIS BODY! His EYES, EARS,NOSE, FRONT, REAR, I repeat EVERY OPENING! without getting graphically gross here! The screams yet echo in my mind as I am writing this down! The rich man in the bible who went to HELL told God if he would just send a man back from HELL to warn others his brothers of the torment in Hell they would not want to come there, they would live differently! But God said even if he sent someone back from HELL, few would listen and take the warning seriously! Few would believe! In this end time how many has the LORD allowed to see Heaven and Hell to be brought back to life to tell of the Horror!
So many people die everything, and majority are trooping in to hell. Your friends and family members who died without Christ, or who lived sinful and worldly Christian life, are singing the same ugly songs in hell now; you will never see them again if only you also do not go to hell. If you are reading this article before the Rapture, it means you have the chance and choice to make in order to avoid hell, but it all depends on you.

Jesus only is the way to save from going to hell; if you have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you urgently need to do that now. If you claim to be a Christian but still living in sin, you need to rededicate your life to Jesus before it is too late. And if you have dedicated your life to Jesus, but living a worldly life of modern Christianity, hiding your sins, rising and falling into sin or ignoring to do necessary restitution, then you are also at the danger of hell. Until you surrender all to Jesus Christ, ALL!

Are you ready to rededicate your life to Jesus now and start a new life? The repent! Confess all your sins, ready to forsake them all and ask Jesus to forgive, cleanse you and save you. Please click on this link and read on how to be genuinely saved and start have new life in Jesus and pray as directed https://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252
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Religion / Please God And Preaching To Men by FreshGreen: 2:15pm On Apr 17, 2021
PLEASING & PREACHING: The Two Must Go Together Separately!
As children of God, ministers of God, we have two responsibilities to both God and men which we must not fail nor mix up. Our responsibility to God is to please Him and our responsibility to men is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to them.

Jesus showed the example during His earthly ministry, He pleased God and preached to men. “And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” Luke 3:22

What does it mean to please God?
To please God means to seek God’s approval by seeking His will and doing it. Without God’s approval, we can’t enter heaven. We take it as responsibility to seek His approval, we can go to any length to do this.

We get God's approval when we are seeking God’s will and doing it. You know what? You can’t do God’s will without knowing His will, so it means we need to first seek and understand His will then we do it. We can only do God’s will to the extent of which we know, so for us to do the whole will of God we must know more of God’s will.

"We seek God’s will through God’s word."
We know God’s will through His word; by reading, studying and listening to God’s word, we become enlightened in what God want us to do. That is the reason daily Bible reading is a must for children of God. “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:17.

Doing God’s will is the most important aspect of all and that is the climax of pleasing God. Not only seeking God’s will but those who do the will of God are justified by God. “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.” John 6:38.

Jesus Christ pleased God by doing the will of God!

Preaching to Men
We have a sole responsibility on earth to all men after we are saved, and that is to preach to gospel to them, in fact, a child of God who fails to preach the gospel to all men is accursed by God. “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” 1 Corinthians 9:16.

When We Get It Wrong
We get it all wrong when we seek to please men instead of preaching to them. God does not send us to please men but to preach to them. But the gospel of Satan which is modern day prosperity/permissive gospel of sugar coated preaching seek to appease and please men. We can cannot please men and God at the same time, impossible! We can only please God and preach to them. We are not sent to please men but to preach to them. In this end time, the devil is busy making church to turn things upside down - pleasing men and preaching to God - complaining.

Pleasing men will make us displease God, it will make us to compromise the Bible standard and water down the gospel. Those who suffer shipwreck of their faith seek to please men instead of preaching to men; those who fall into the deception of prosperity preaching seek to please men, and those who seek to please men will not get the approval of God nor enter heaven.

In our daily living, let’s get it right: please God and preach to me, simple!

Galatians 1:10, “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.”

God bless you

Religion / Are We Prepared? by FreshGreen: 7:34pm On Apr 11, 2021
A wonderful Christian brother called me on phone yesterday morning and I asked how he was doing and about his Christian life, he answered he was doing fine. Then he said he remembered that he owed me N5000 long time ago and he was ready to make the payment immediately then. I told him I couldn’t remember about the money and he should forget about it as I willingly gave it to him. He appreciated it and thanked me.

That was his last call, according to his younger brother, he died same yesterday evening after a minor sickness as he was rushed to hospital. What a glorious exit to heaven!

Maybe that was the only matter remaining for him to settle before he could enter heaven, maybe his last restitution. And he didn’t delay nor postpone; he obeyed promptly and went to rest some hours later.

Brethren, are we also prepared to meet the Lord? Are we not delaying our salvation, restitution and confessing to one another?

Today is the day of our salvation!
Today is the day of rededication!
Today is the day of settling debts and matters with God and men.

Repent, confess your sins and ask Jesus Christ to forgive and save you!



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