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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 7:11pm On Jun 05, 2023
Team October 2023

Welcome to the month of JUNE. Protocols shall be broken because of us.. we will flourish and prosper, our families will encounter great turn around. Amen

Hope we are fully enjoying the honeymoon stage.. my DH no dey allow me rest for the oza room oo, d knack don reach to dey collect money like this oošŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
The pressure down my lower abdomen is much and is make me walk like a pigeon šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Be serious with your routine drugs, intake of water, fruits and vegetables.

If you have not registered for antenatal, I think is time to do that....I have registered and I'm enjoying the class.

Feel free to ask any questions bothering you... We will be right here to help.

Answer your roll call and tell us how you are doing.
1. sunbestie -------- 30th Oct
2. Fineire ---------- 31st Oct
3. jjaney --------- 10th Oct
4. ableGoddidit22 -------- 5th Oct
5. samieea28 ------------ 25th Oct
6. misskenny --------- 10th Oct

If you are team October and you are hiding just come out now and register before we start collecting fine for lateness oošŸ˜„šŸ˜„

Team God gat us
Team happy Mamas
Team easy pregnancy and delivery

Let's go MamasšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ

Good eveningā€¦please add me to the listā€¦Iā€™m October 8th


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 8:50pm On Feb 08, 2023
Thank you Cappo, we are fine. I've been spitting for three weeks now but I discovered ginger already and it has stopped. I don't eat o but once my craving comes like this ehn, I must get it.
I don't know the gender and I don't plan to know the gender till delivery šŸ˜

Wait, ginger works for spitting?
How do you use it?
Family / Re: How Did You Feel When Your Baby Started Walking? by kinkybabie11(f): 8:34pm On May 30, 2022
My boy started walking shortly before he clocked nine moths. I donā€™t have peace of mind againā€¦seeing him move around with his tiny bow legs is super exciting and funny too but then this young man does not stay at a place anymore. If heā€™s not going towards the speakers at home,heā€™s going to where we charge our devices. We even had to raise our tv before he destroys itļæ½ļæ½


Travel / Re: Dispatch Rider Thrills Motorists On 3rd Mainland Bridge: Pictures & Video by kinkybabie11(f): 9:03pm On Dec 17, 2021
With somebodyā€™s okada ļæ½ļæ½
Romance / Re: Which One Of These Buckets Will Get Filled First? by kinkybabie11(f): 7:34pm On Nov 15, 2021
Number 5 is not blocked

It is
Look at the tip of the tap
Romance / Re: Which One Of These Buckets Will Get Filled First? by kinkybabie11(f): 3:36pm On Nov 15, 2021
The answer is number 3
All other taps or buckets are blocked or leaking but bucket number three is blocked at the side connecting to number 4 and the tap leading to number 5 is blocked.
Or the answer is none.

1 Like

Romance / Re: I Am Having Relationship With My Brothers Wife by kinkybabie11(f): 1:17am On Oct 03, 2021
Lol, this india guy! You're back with your madness. Lalasticlala come and see your guy.

grin grin grin I thought I was the only one that recognized him
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 8:40pm On Aug 24, 2021
I gave birth to my baby boy today by 3:15. Weight is 4.3kg. It wasnā€™t an easy birth but nevertheless,Iā€™m way too happy to notice the tears I got.

46 Likes 1 Share

Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 8:53pm On Aug 20, 2021
Team August
Team Divinely favoured
Team Supernatural delivery

Roll call for the [b]Third week in AUGUST [/b]

We thank God for how far He's brot us.
May His Name be praised!

S/n ... Monikers ... Edd ... Gender ...

1. Twinmommy ..... 09 ..... TeamXY & Team XY āœ… ... 10/07
2. Stellx6 .....14 ..... Team XX & Team XY āœ… ... 28/07

3. sarima07 ..... 04 ..... Team XX ... 28/07
4. Chiamaka321 ..... 19 ..... Team XX ... 29/07
5. mummydes .....18 ..... Team XX ... 07/07
6. Howyeh ..... 27 ..... Team XX ... 11/08
7. Fola90 ..... 07 ..... Team XX ... 13/07
8. Nykeeola ..... 09 ..... Team XX ... 11/07
9. VannywealthDesi .....10 ..... Team XY ... 14/07
10. harlygurl .....08 ..... Team XY ... 13/07

11. Shawrygal ..... 27 ..... Team XY
12. senoraaquila ..... 29 ..... Team XY
13. Modumodu ..... 04 ..... Team ??
14. kinkybabie11 ..... 15 .....Team XY
15. Rhemaville .....30 ..... Team XX

To everyone of us who has delivered, pls lets be getting ready to drop BS abeg...
To the remaining mamas, HOW FAR wink
How r we doing?
Keep on being calm...
Be active in za oza room...
May it be easy for you all (& other belleful mamas,) whenever its time IJN.

@ Modumodu kinkybabie11 Xup mamas?

Iā€™m past my due date and my tired is tiredā€¦itā€™s is even 11 days till I be of month. I hope he pops out before next week abeg. Big congratulations to everyone who has put to bed and I pray Almighty God gives the strength to complete this journey


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 10:30pm On Aug 10, 2021
Rhemaville and kinkybabie11
How are you doing mamas?
....bin long.

The Mighty Hands of the Lord rest upon us all & perfect all that concern us.

It havenā€™t been easy for me this past few weeks but God has been faithful ā€¦my prayer is that my baby comes latest next week. Iā€™ve tried abeg but Iā€™m really worried about his sizeā€¦all the scans Iā€™ve done is indicating a big baby. I donā€™t even know how to go about it.
Health / Re: Enwerem Uju: Sickle Cell Mom Tells Her Story, Reveals How She Defiled All Odds by kinkybabie11(f): 10:08pm On Jul 26, 2021
My God
This baby is very very beautiful
What a strong lady
Literature / Re: The Prince Of Qalul By Angelsss by kinkybabie11(f): 8:40pm On Jul 01, 2021

Thank you
Good evening
Please Iā€™ve been trying to open the blog but itā€™s not reachable undecided undecided
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 5:46pm On Jun 03, 2021
Good evening everyone. I hope everybody is doing fine. I am currently 29 weeks, 4 days. I went for a scan and I discovered that the baby is weighing 2.3kg and his head is still up. Iā€™m really bothered. Please,is it okay to weigh that much at this stage?
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 7:24pm On May 27, 2021
Good evening everyone. Please, am I the only battling with sleeping issues?. To fall asleep is a huge problem and any little movement wakes me up and the funny thing is that I still donā€™t get to sleep during the day. Itā€™s really getting to me these days because I always have headache and I look tired all the time. Is there anything I can do to help?. Iā€™m really really tired and August feels like decades away


Food / Re: Nigerians Who Roll Swallow. by kinkybabie11(f): 10:53pm On May 10, 2021
Itā€™s smoother in the mouth and itā€™s wayyy easier to swallow...I canā€™t take swallow without rolling
Health / Re: Hospital Bag Essentials -Newborn and Nursing mothers by kinkybabie11(f): 7:58pm On Apr 28, 2021

Hi, Apologies for not being able to contact us. We had issues with the old line. Here's the new whatsapp number: 08178346185 and on Instagram as @olivetreekits

We provide all your hospital bag essentials and postpartum care needs!

Thanks again for your interest in our services...

How much do you sell your hospital bag essentials?
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 2:16pm On Apr 28, 2021

Issa new member...
You are welcome to this great team @ kinkybabie11
May God's covenant of easiness work wonderfully well for each and every one of us.
Pls, kindly supply us with Lo's gender so as to input
Welcome mama.
We love u!
Thank you very much
EDD-15th of august
Itā€™s a boy


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 2:16pm On Apr 28, 2021

Try shopping with olivetreekits I got stuff from there for market prices for myself and madam we were delaying on buying stuff. She has a thread on nairaland.

Sheā€™s in Lagos?
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 8:20pm On Apr 25, 2021
Good evening everybody. I luckily stumbled upon this thread this evening and I want to say kudos to everyone and may God bless your efforts . Iā€™m team august by the way .


Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by kinkybabie11(f): 8:12pm On Apr 25, 2021
Good morning to all pregnant women. Team August how are you all doing. let's start updating our babies Sex.
I had another scan on Sunday because hubby wanted to see his baby too. The sex is reconfirmed as XY.
Baby shopping is 99% done. Is only baby wardrobe that's remaining. Am thinking of buying a ready made or furniture Wooden type.

Don't mind my early shopping things , I codely bought everything without my hubby suspecting.I started shopping as early as 3 months.

God will grant everyone of us quick and safe deliveries of our babies in August in Jesus name.

Cappo Howyeh, hope you are good. please update your diary. Have missed the story so much.

Seems like Iā€™m the only unserious person(Iā€™ve not even made up my mind on when to start shopping)...lol. Iā€™m due in august. Iā€™ve confirmed the sex already. I wish all mamas here goodluck

1 Like

Food / Re: Nigerian Lifestyle: Must-have Food Items For Nigerian University Students by kinkybabie11(f): 8:37pm On Apr 22, 2021
You forgot sardines

Omo,sardines are luxuries in mid semester
Health / Re: Is Pregnancy So Difficult? by kinkybabie11(f): 8:25pm On Apr 22, 2021

Lazy woman. Pregnancy isnt a disability

I agree but the kind of fatigue one goes through sometimes is something else. Itā€™s not easy but some women make it seem harder than it is

1 Like

Romance / Re: Lady Poisons Herself & Her Ex-Boyfriend To Death A Week To His Wedding In Imo by kinkybabie11(f): 8:12pm On Apr 22, 2021
Some people sha. I wonder how an ex will invite you for a drink and youā€™ll just go. People should be careful because things are really happening


Celebrities / Re: A Young Lady Lost An Eye Trying To Fix Contact Lens (video) by kinkybabie11(f): 8:03pm On Apr 22, 2021
ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ Iā€™m not sure contact lens can do this...to the extent that the eyeball fell out. Iā€™ve been wearing it for quite some time now and Iā€™ve never heard or seen something like this. Anyways,different strokes for different people
Health / Re: . by kinkybabie11(f): 8:00pm On Apr 22, 2021
Someone should kindly suggest the best remedy for this Aftershave bumps.
Omoh, The thing just tire me its Annoying now.
It has gone before, now is back again.

Before you say whether I shave with blade I don't
I use my own clipper.

Atimes whenever it's itching me, I scratch it.

Any suggestion?

Please,stop whatever youā€™re using. You could get hair removal cream or powder...for example, magic or veet. Your skin is probably reacting to what youā€™re using
Music/Radio / Re: Meet Nigerian Musicians Who Are Talented But Not Popular by kinkybabie11(f): 9:52pm On Apr 21, 2021
If anything can be agreed on, it' s the fact that Nigeria is blessed with an overflowing amount of talented musical artists. However, despite their gift, not many were able to make it to the top and a few who did were unable to stay consistent.

Due to the overwhelming number of artists, the competition became too high and some were unable to go further. These musicians still make entertaining music which their loyal fans love, but in the mainstream music industry, they' re still not as popular as they are supposed to be.


Erigga is an amazing rapper from Delta state, he has been in the music industry for over a decade and has produced several hits along the way. He' s not as famous as some of the heavyweights in the music industry but Erigga is one of the best rappers from the South.


CKay is a natural vocalist, he has several hit songs but somehow he' s not as popular as he' s supposed to be. CKay made his way into the music industry back in 2019, his songs include; Love Nwantiti and Felony.


Chike is a wonderful singer, he hails from the South East and his instrument are his vocals. His songs are heartwarming and his 2020 album ' Boo of the Booless' was simply astonishing. He has received praise several times but still, he' s not as popular compared to other prominent artist because he' s relatively new.


Ladipoe is an eccentric rapper, his rap game is on point. He' s signed under Mavin records, his 2020 song with Simi titled ' Know You' was a smash hit. After his big break with the aforementioned song, not much has been heard from Ladipoe.

Victor AD

Victor AD is a special singer, his songs are very insightful and sends a strong message to his listeners, one which anybody can relate to. His big break was with a song with Erigga titled ' Motivation' in 2018, later that year Victor shocked the nation with his hit single ' Wetin You Gain' , a song which became popular even in Ghana. Since then he has several songs with popular artists like Davido and Patoranking, but currently, he' s still not as famous as he was predicted to be.

Add yours.

You didnā€™t add WurlD to the list...heā€™s amazing but sadly,heā€™s not really recognized

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Literature / Re: So Not Love - Complete Episodes by kinkybabie11(f): 11:39pm On Apr 11, 2021
This is very entertaining. Please, more updates

1 Like

Romance / Re: Stop Helping Barren Or Infertile Women by kinkybabie11(f): 7:08pm On Mar 29, 2021
Some people will just drink rubbish concoction and come online and be spewing rubbish
Family / Re: Russian Man Discovers Wife Faked Pregnancy, Death Of Twins, Finds Dolls In Grave by kinkybabie11(f): 10:06pm On Feb 12, 2021
I donā€™t believe this story. Certain things do not add up. You canā€™t pretend to be pregnant for 9 months...a whole lot of stuffs donā€™t just add up abeg
Crime / Re: Mother Dumps Her Newborn Baby With A Written Note Along A Road In Katsina (pix) by kinkybabie11(f): 9:55pm On Feb 12, 2021
Hausa English dey always gimme headache
I thought I was the only one that noticed...I was not really understanding the ā€œcursedā€ stuff he was saying on the Facebook post

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Romance / Re: Real Experience But Weird by kinkybabie11(f): 10:57am On Feb 07, 2021
Your mother used toothpaste from dustbin to brush according to you grin .... What happened to buying "Mint gum" to chew and use for the day.
Could be true... I donā€™t believe chewing mint gum will keep my mouth clean and fresh for the day
Romance / Re: These Naija Feminist Are Something Else!(my Experience) by kinkybabie11(f): 7:30pm On Feb 04, 2021
You shouldnā€™t generalize the entire gender because the bad experience you that you had.

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