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LisaAnne's Posts

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Health / Re: My Boy Paid 50k and Collected Free STD... by LisaAnne(f): 1:49am On Nov 21, 2021
He should see a doctor asap
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 1:46am On Nov 21, 2021
Literature / Re: Nairaland Literary Award (2020) Winners by LisaAnne(f): 1:45am On Nov 21, 2021
Romance / Re: Has A Lady Ever Treated You Like This Before? by LisaAnne(f): 11:14pm On Jul 25, 2021

Not at all. I just get to see your posts when you do.
From your profile I can see you follow me
Education / Re: Hilarious Final Year Sign Out: Check Photos by LisaAnne(f): 11:13pm On Jul 25, 2021
One thing that is still keeping Nigeria as one is the humour.
Each region contributes jokes and slangs and these have kept us going, no matter the dire situation in the country.
We need actual change in this country, all the jokes aside


Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 11:10pm On Jul 25, 2021
aww sorry
It's no problem

1 Like

Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 12:40am On Jul 25, 2021
And here I was thinking there's update
Romance / Re: Has A Lady Ever Treated You Like This Before? by LisaAnne(f): 12:37am On Jul 25, 2021

Just like you come here once in a while and ghost afterwards undecided
lol are you stalking me
Romance / Re: Has A Lady Ever Treated You Like This Before? by LisaAnne(f): 12:10pm On Jul 14, 2021
Shebi that's how you some of you guys use and ghost girls. Then boast about it.
Now you know how it feels
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 9:14pm On Jun 28, 2021
Loads of appreciation

1 Like

Celebrities / Re: ' U Aren't My Type"- Neo Tells Tolanibaj After She Accuses Him Of Having Feeling by LisaAnne(f): 1:26pm On Jun 23, 2021
What is Aba Morris Chestnut feeling like grin
Celebrities / Re: Bbnaija Reunion: Vee And Tolanibaj Expose Their Dirty Secrets On Live Tv by LisaAnne(f): 1:21pm On Jun 23, 2021
That's their business
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 10:29am On Jun 23, 2021
You can get the rest of the book for just hundred naira on okadabooks

Since I'm eager to find out what happens next i will purchase

1 Like

Celebrities / Re: Uber Driver Who Picked Davido At Airport, Calls His Family by LisaAnne(f): 10:26am On Jun 23, 2021
yeah your aura is mild .
My aura really? You can tell that via the internet grin
Celebrities / Re: Uber Driver Who Picked Davido At Airport, Calls His Family by LisaAnne(f): 9:11pm On Jun 21, 2021
Monikers here seem to gender change easily.
ain't one of those
Celebrities / Re: Nina Onyenobi Undergoes Plastic Surgery (Video) by LisaAnne(f): 10:21am On Jun 21, 2021
They do surgery and be looking like teletubbies with thin legs and oversized butt
Celebrities / Re: Nina Onyenobi Undergoes Plastic Surgery (Video) by LisaAnne(f): 10:21am On Jun 21, 2021
They do surgery and be looking like teletubbies with thin legs and oversized butt


Celebrities / Re: Uber Driver Who Picked Davido At Airport, Calls His Family by LisaAnne(f): 10:12am On Jun 21, 2021
Lisa , are you male?
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 10:11am On Jun 21, 2021
seen grin
Romance / Re: This Is Actually Why Most Women Want To Get Married by LisaAnne(f): 9:40am On Jun 20, 2021
you can always break it off when it gets scary , not all marriages are meant to work.
I'd rather not get married at all than break it off. Hopefully I don't marry the wrong person

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Romance / Re: This Is Actually Why Most Women Want To Get Married by LisaAnne(f): 9:39am On Jun 20, 2021

Is a man who deserves to say this and not a woman who has nothing to worry about in the marriage
Really? Women have nothing to worry about in marriage? Unless she wants to be a full house wife which I don't plan on being
Romance / Re: This Is Actually Why Most Women Want To Get Married by LisaAnne(f): 11:46pm On Jun 19, 2021
You may think most women want to get married because of the society or due to biologic clock,yes you may be right to some extent but no entirely .Most women want to get married for the sole benefit that comes with it. Do you know what it means that as a married woman you have no headache as per how bills are paid and no worries of how you're going to pay for food , rent and the rest .
Financial security is top on the least on why women want to marry as I had a little encounter with a female friend of mine who has been looking for a man she even asked me to match make her if I see someone well to do .Well she specifically told me how she plans relocating and working abroad ,earning more pay and by that time she won't be needing a man because according to her she will now be able to fend fully for herself.

The saying that when a man makes money he feels he needs a woman and when a woman makes money she feels she doesn't need a man is largely true ,know this and know peace .

Lalasticlala mynd44 front page
this thing called marriage scares me
Education / Re: 10 Diseases that cannot be cured by Man by LisaAnne(f): 11:41pm On Jun 19, 2021
Nawa o

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Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 11:38pm On Jun 19, 2021
cry no update today?
Thanks and I will do that tomorrow...
Literature / Re: THE MARKED - White Sight: The Inbetween -- Sneak Peek by LisaAnne(f): 11:34pm On Jun 19, 2021

That's great to hear! Hope you enjoy them grin
yes smiley
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: What Is The Cleverest Salary Negotiation You've Had? by LisaAnne(f): 11:39pm On Jun 17, 2021
If you're not smart these bosses would use you to the last and pay you stipends monthly
Celebrities / Re: Bobrisky Gifts His Father A Lexus Jeep On His Birthday (Photos, Video) by LisaAnne(f): 11:13pm On Jun 17, 2021
She is Such a caring Young Man, god bless Her for surprising His Dad, She is Such a Good Man. Happy Brthday Sir, You Have a Good Man as a Daughter
this sent me rolling grin
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 11:01pm On Jun 17, 2021
ok magrin
Thanks and I will do that tomorrow...
Literature / Re: A BEAUTIFUL FOE by LisaAnne(f): 10:51pm On Jun 17, 2021
Interesting so far gringrin

kindly update
Chapter 2
One of the school's most visited cafeteria was in a usual frenetic state that afternoon, with students eating and talking loudly, but everyone suddenly fell silent when they saw Esther standing by the cafeteria door.
For the past three weeks she has been at the receiving end of their scornful looks.
"There was no getting used to that" She silently muttered to herself as she joined the long queue of people waiting in line for their turn to order food. It soon got to her turn and she ordered jollof rice, fish and a drink. She brought out her purse and paid the attendant who in turn thanked her for the patronage. Esther nodded and looked round in search of an available table to eat. Everyone was seated in twos and threes around a centre table, giving her uninviting glances.
She soon spotted a table with only one student seated, the female student looked engrossed in her food and most likely wouldn't pay attention to Esther.
Esther approached the table and sat opposite the student.
"Hello" Esther smiled at her
The student looked up from her food, gave her a repelling look and hastily carried her tray of food away to another table.
"Ok then,three seats for me" Esther mumbled.
She ate to her fill, savouring the delicious taste of the jollof rice.
"So you finished everything without me" Anita tweaked her ear from behind about twenty minutes later
"Sorry, was so hungry and you didn't come on time. Let me get you another" Esther got up to leave, but Anita pulled her back down.
"No need, it's almost time for class" She reminded.
Esther was not anticipating attending the class, infact she hasn't attended any classes in the last few days, ever since she faced the disciplinary panel. On that day it suddenly became more glaring that everything she had worked for in the last four years might be over in a flash.
If she's expelled, attending classes wouldn't matter anymore.
"It's time" Anita interrupted her thoughts and pulled her up with determined firmness. Esther didn't resist as they walked silently to the lecture hall.
On getting there Esther was greeted with whistles of derision and sneers from her coursemates, their faces not hiding the contempt they felt towards her.
Anita blurted out some words in her defence and Esther gave her a gentle tap on her shoulder, telling her it was best to ignore them.
"You're so strong, most people can't handle this in the stoic manner you're handling it"
Esther half smiled in response.
The lecture hall was stuffy most of the time, but today it felt stuffier than usual.
Esther seethed in silence when she overheard the conversation a group of people were having concerning her. Everyone suddenly had an opinion about her, mostly wrong ones and she had no way of defending herself. Anita noticed the little frown that was starting to form on Esther's face and grasped her hand tightly.
It was her own way of pacifying her.
The lecturer soon came in, restoring normalcy in the hall.
The class ended in two hours with the lecturer giving them an assignment to work on. An assignment Esther might not even get to submit if she's expelled.
As they walked back to the hostel it dawned on Anita she had forgotten to take their room key that morning
"Jeez, I didn't hold my key, did you?" Anita asked Esther?
"No I didn't, but Moni should be around...if she's not we'd wait for her in the next room"
"What If she's not with her key too?" Anita enquired giving her a worried look
"We would break down the door" Esther stated. She met Anita's questioning gaze and quickly added that she was joking.
"You cracked a joke, wow been a while" Anita smiled at her
"I know right?" Esther pondered for a moment before she continued "Anyway Moni is always with her key so there's nothing to worry about" Esther assured her.
The door was locked by the time they got to the hostel. Monisola the third and final occupant of their room was not back from class.
Anita expressed her disappointment as they walked to the next room.
"Where are you guys going to?" an orotund voice called out to them. They turned to look and it was Monisola, giving them a confused look. Anita's face lit up with joy when she saw Monisola.
"Didn't know you were in, the door was locked" Anita explained on entering the room
"You should have knocked" Monisola replied shutting the door behind them.
Esther had been having trouble sleeping in the last few weeks, but that night it was worse.
She had woken up from a nightmare at 1'am and found it hard to go back to sleep again.
Her fate in the school must have been decided by the disciplinary planel already and in a day or two their final verdict would be disclosed to her. Fear and uncertainty filled her and she shut her eyes, saying a silent prayer.
Literature / Re: THE MARKED - White Sight: The Inbetween -- Sneak Peek by LisaAnne(f): 10:47pm On Jun 17, 2021
Reading keenly
Food / Re: 10 Delicious Nigerian Street Foods (Pictures) by LisaAnne(f): 1:39pm On Jun 17, 2021
I stopped eating suya since I found out how dirty the process is


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