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Religion / Re: My Greatest Regret As An Agnostic Atheist by sonofluc1fer: 8:29pm On Mar 06, 2018
It's expected. Deal with it. You'll be stronger for it.


Politics / Re: PDP Governors Meet Over Wike, ‘Packaging’ Dankwambo For Presidency by sonofluc1fer: 11:22am On Mar 06, 2018
My gawd...
grin grin
Religion / Re: DEBATE: Pls Present All The Biblical Contradictions And Lies Here. by sonofluc1fer: 10:11pm On Mar 01, 2018

That scripture says Abijah stood on a mount and his soldiers were in a valley below. Who knows how far his voice carried in this natural setting? But the Bible doesn't say every single one of the soldiers heard Abijah. Does every single soldier need to personally hear the command of the top officer before he carries out orders?

Besides, one would have to assume that Abijah must have had a rather loud voice which was aided by the valley as it must have acted like an echo chamber or a sound magnifier by virtue of it being a valley (naturally).

well played bro. well played.

too much gladiators and god of war don dey worry you.
Religion / Re: Is Sex In Marriage Carnal? by sonofluc1fer: 10:05pm On Mar 01, 2018

And they are shared, but why not during Fasting Prayers?
Have no idea what Fasting prayers means... some sort of new Christian ritual?
Religion / Re: DEBATE: Pls Present All The Biblical Contradictions And Lies Here. by sonofluc1fer: 10:04pm On Mar 01, 2018

You mean the Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus with Superpowers wasn't the same in Abijah?

cheesy cheesy grin grin grin
Religion / Re: DEBATE: Pls Present All The Biblical Contradictions And Lies Here. by sonofluc1fer: 10:00pm On Mar 01, 2018
Hard to find any lies or contradictions once you believe by faith. Faith can make a virgin pregnant, a snake talk, a donkey whine.

A man who shuns logic to reach a position, can rarely be rescued by logic.

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Religion / Re: Faith's Reason by sonofluc1fer: 8:19am On Feb 28, 2018

cheesy grin
episode 2

The Phone Call

ManOfGod: Hello

Cletus: Ah, Daddy, good morning. I hope I didn't wake you up.

ManOfGod: No Brother Cletus, you did not. In fact, I was just about going down for the morning devotion when I saw your call. I hope all is well.

Cletus: Pastor, I wish I could say so. Pastor, I'm very afraid. Something strange happened this morning.

MoG: hmmm... I'll be late for devotion.. but, I think my wife will be able to stand in gap for me.

Cletus: Thank you Pastor. I bless God for you Pastor.

MoG: No, problem, Brother. I'm listening.

Cletus: Sir, early this morning, a loud sound on my roof woke me up. When I got up to check what it was, lo and behold Pastor, it was a big cat... black and white in color. I saw it lying almost dead outside my window, blood all around it...

MoG; Jesus, Holy Spirit, take control, Cletus... this is serious..

Cletus; Pastor, very serious... My body is still shaking from fear, Daddy..

MoG: Hmm, Holy Spirit, rikoko riboobomolotinu sukonu rebsitua, yesss lord.. ummmm...Cletus, where are you right now?

Cletus: Pastor, I'm in my room.

MoG: Cletus, do you have anointing oil around you?

Cletus: Yes

MoG: Get it out immediately....

Cletus: I have it, Sir.

MoG: The weapons of our warfare are not carnal... rubenrobbendrogba heeeysshheeeshh... there are powers from without... a yaya ya Holy Spirit... I'm receving a ministration.. Brother Cletus, I want you to kneel down where you are now, raise both hands and start singing a song of worship..

2 Likes 1 Share

Religion / Re: Is Sex In Marriage Carnal? by sonofluc1fer: 8:02pm On Feb 26, 2018
this is the problem of human beings, they always want to make issues out of nothing, why did God create a man with private parts and went ahead to install hormones in human beings
True, private parts are meant to be shared.
Religion / Re: Lucifer Is Not Satan; Jehovah Not Allah by sonofluc1fer: 4:40pm On Feb 26, 2018

I don't have to make sense to you. The gospel is beyond sense.
Thanks Bro.
Religion / Re: Lucifer Is Not Satan; Jehovah Not Allah by sonofluc1fer: 2:17pm On Feb 26, 2018

Jesus Christ existed from the beginning.
As what? An extraterestrial? An alien? Air? Void? That's nonsense talk.


He only came through Mary to take away what Satan your master stole from man
So the Creator of the World came through the vagina of a14 year old Jewish girl? This is what you call TRUTH?


and to destroy his works since it was through man sin came
I thought sin came Satan?


it is expedient that sun will be taken away through man. So the coming of Jesus as the second Adam.
You sound like a robot. You're really not making sense. Either that or I dont have the faith you have that makes this nonsense make sense.

1 Like

Politics / Re: 80 Million Out Of Nigeria's 150 Million People Are Poor- Special Adviser Buhari by sonofluc1fer: 11:15am On Feb 26, 2018
We spent the last two decades building ministries, pastors, bishops, churches. Dancing, worshipping and praying.. let's continue. God will continue to rise great CROOKS that will tax our foolishness.

15 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: Lucifer Is Not Satan; Jehovah Not Allah by sonofluc1fer: 11:08am On Feb 26, 2018

How I wish people would only search for this truth. All things consist in Christ, whether things created or things yet uncreated; All powers are present in One God. Take away God Almighty, you take away existence. In other words, He is existence Himself.
Yes, existence was trapped in the womb of a 14 year old Jewish Girl gave Mary. Existence came through a virgin and died on a cross.. this is the nonsense you preach as 'TRUTH'. How can it be truth when it violates the basic rules of logic...

That useful piece of magic called FAITH. . Wear it on like glasses and bullshit will become beautiful. EXISTENCE was born by Mary, slaughtered by Romans, killed for your sins, rose so you will be free. Isn't Faith a kind of madness?

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Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan & Banks Trade Blame Over Funds Trapped In 10 Accounts by sonofluc1fer: 10:40am On Feb 26, 2018
More than 1 billion churches, 4
billion members, 4200 religions, for
more than 6000 years fighting 1 Satan
I dey tell you.

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Religion / Re: Mercy Chinwo The Excess Love Crooner Was Shot Yesterday By Robbers by sonofluc1fer: 9:06am On Feb 26, 2018

I don't have a problem with her business of music. I just find the idea that she survived the accident because of 'who we carry' funny. "who we carry", where do Nigerian Christians find these phrases from? grin grin


Religion / Re: Mercy Chinwo The Excess Love Crooner Was Shot Yesterday By Robbers by sonofluc1fer: 8:10am On Feb 26, 2018
lol @ we know who we carry... grin grin grin


Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 8:02am On Feb 26, 2018

Sins against the Holy spirit can never be forgiven i see you roasting in hell fire soon.
Hell's Gateman, put your Holy Spirit and his forgiveness in your empty pockets.
Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 8:01am On Feb 26, 2018

Plz ask God for forgiveness before you die. The way you are going may lead U to painful death. For God is not mocked whatever a man does that shall he reap. Plz I beg U turn back before it's too late.
Lol. That dead Jew you worshipped died a painful death. So did most of his disciples. They were all lovers of God.

Please threaten me with something else abeg, like hellfire. Painful death is old-school.
Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 8:00am On Feb 26, 2018

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lord please have mercy on his damned soul before it is too late.
I rebuke your dead Jesus. I breathe freedom to your soul. May the dead Jew die a permanent death in your life.
Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 7:59am On Feb 26, 2018

I guess missed the path where i quoted what sonofluc1fer said right

grin grin grin

i see you're receiving some good Christian hate right there... grin
Religion / Re: Why Do Most Pentecostal Pastors Perform Unverifiable Miracles? by sonofluc1fer: 1:37pm On Feb 25, 2018
Why do most Pentecostal pastors today claim to perform unverifiable miracles like headaches, ulcer, ear pains etc instead of visible ones like paralysis, raising the dead, making the blind see etc

If they were verifiable, you won't need FAITH. If you don't NEED faith, the Man of God loses his purpose.


Celebrities / Re: Michelle Makun Welcomes Gianni Infantino, FIFA President With A Flower by sonofluc1fer: 12:45pm On Feb 25, 2018

people who are found to be weird or sacarstic always end up to be more intelligent than what people think because they actually think differently from the general populace either stupid or smart. for example sonoflucifer was one of the most hated weirdest guys on this forum then but he made his points...
Nice diary by the way, "the unfettered rambles of nwaamaipke
shocked shocked

Na wa. grin

Thanks, I guess.
Religion / Re: Why Are Children Of Pastors Wayward? by sonofluc1fer: 8:19am On Feb 25, 2018
Because they know better than you do the game their father plays. You are pawns in their parent's kingdom.

Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Let us put the plans of the devil asunder
Let us lift our hands in worship.
Let us give to God our offering.

The words flow from God's annointed. The Lord's chosen follow its motion. They are special. God's children.. they have something others do not have. Something special that unites them. They BELIEVE.

Let us bow our heads in prayer,
Let us put the plans of the devil asunder.
Let us lift our hands in worship.
Let us give to God our offering.

God's Servant. Great and Mighty. Sent to deliver the lost and broken. He who knows Jesus like no other, who listens to the secrets of the Almighty. We BELIEVE.

Let us throw our heads in prayer,
Let us plant the devil amongst us,
Let us drop our hands and worship,
The man who takes our offering.

Is life too difficult for you? Come, listen, I have FAITH. By FAITH, you shall conquer, by FAITH, you will overcome. Faith works. It works, I say it works. But do you BELIEVE?

Let us make a list of wishes,
Let us make our blood our God,
Let us toss our brains and worship
God's tithe-man.

Old Roger is dead and gone to the grave. The apple fell down and Eve ate it. Adam was ashamed, and God was not happy. Holy Spirit came down on Mary, and Jesus came out. Holy Spirit came back and gave us G.O.

13 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 8:16am On Feb 25, 2018

i dunno why i find this funny, i thinks its a deliberate attempt to provoke Christians, but you ended up being very humorous, very far from annoying grin grin grin grin
embarassed embarassed
Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 10:32pm On Feb 24, 2018
Knowledge is progressive
Yeah. Glad to see Nigerian Christians progressing out of the realms of foolishness into knowledge. Good times we live in..

15 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: Pastor Kumuyi: I Will Remove Some Doctrines Of Deeper Life (Throwback Video) by sonofluc1fer: 10:25pm On Feb 24, 2018

Smh for your insensitivity
to what exactly?

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Religion / Re: What Is The Source Of Morality by sonofluc1fer: 11:12pm On Feb 23, 2018

How come? Who is vooks?
Vooks. Smart dude. Christian I think. Your arguments reminds me of his in terms of tone and style.

Btw, could you post the link to the chess site once again? Are you on lichess?
Religion / Re: Billy Graham Was Not Perfect by sonofluc1fer: 9:21am On Feb 23, 2018
Frosbel, jesus washes away the sins of white people.

You see a man who hates blacks, african christians are Gentiles not blacks, if he hates homos and muslins as much as they do, he's of Christ.

You're preaching to the wrong crowd.

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Religion / Re: Let Us Bow Our Heads In Prayer by sonofluc1fer: 9:12am On Feb 23, 2018
can I add to this so we keep this going?
Religion / Re: What Happens When You're Dead? by sonofluc1fer: 8:13am On Feb 23, 2018

Don't you desire a life of eternity after death?
Nope. It's gonna get boring after a while. Just living... death keeps this world interesting... grin


Religion / Re: N8.5bn Fraud: Atewe Gave N35m To Winners’ Chapel – Witness by sonofluc1fer: 10:15pm On Feb 22, 2018
Jesus dined with sinners. Nothing new here..the church of Nigeria dey use Jesus do ashewo work.

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Religion / Re: What Happens When You're Dead? by sonofluc1fer: 10:06pm On Feb 22, 2018

Sorry but your long post still doesn't answer my question

Thanks for trying

Good night smiley

Brutalflylion grin grin grin

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