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Foreign Affairs / Re: US Politics Today! by ycat: 5:38am On Jan 12
Foreign Affairs / Re: US Politics Today! by ycat: 5:14am On Jan 12
Politics / Re: Apostle Chibuzor Disappointed As Lagos Govt Demolish OPM Church & Free School by ycat: 12:51am On Jan 12
You are only deceiving yourself. There's only one person yall have been on with that and that's our leading man, until you pick someone else.

And yes he's successful on every area except the one your people are known for, that's why he has not wasted his money and turn around to blame others.

Did I mention any name? grin
Oh well he is a successful drug lord no doubt.
Politics / Re: Apostle Chibuzor Disappointed As Lagos Govt Demolish OPM Church & Free School by ycat: 12:32am On Jan 12
I said I understand how you could waste your money to build in unsafe places, and that only easy money get used that way. Did you see president Tinubu using his money like you do? No, because unlike you his money is legit. President Tinubu is the poster boy for success, mention it, be it business, politics, health and private life. Yall really have nothing on him, I'm sure you feel like you're invoking a god whenever you mention his name, which you do at least 10 times a day, because there has never and there will never be anyone in your lineage in 10 lifetimes that will attain his height.

But you introduced drug into the topic.
We can't talk about drug without a mention to the grand drug lord.
Politics / Re: Apostle Chibuzor Disappointed As Lagos Govt Demolish OPM Church & Free School by ycat: 12:12am On Jan 12

No correlation.

We know how one Chicago drug lord made his money and use it and bought everyone in Lagos state become their governor.
Politics / Re: See Yoruba Appointees In Tinubu’s Government by ycat: 12:08am On Jan 12
Nigerians are used to Yoruba giving everything to everyone else while Yoruba go without. So it's a shocker that Yoruba finally got something.

Just like a woman that's feeding deadbeats and bumkins on the streets, how dare she eats part of her own food.


Politics / Re: Niger Republic’s Military Leader’s Allegations Against Nigeria Are Baseless - FG by ycat: 11:26pm On Jan 11
MYND or mynd, Seun Osewa

Can someone explain to me why this guy is still here while Wyttcat is banned for responding to him? Is there a special code or status involved? So you guys are now openly bias?

I don't ever call on mods because I can handle this platform all by myself. So why do people who throw insult now are shielded by mods? Justice is when you ban both sides.

Just want to know if it's a mistake or if how it is.

You are either going to ban him too or unban Wyttcat, this injustice can't stand.

"a moderator banned Wyttcat for Blazetrailer This transgender nutcase just made an announcements about his equally foolish pig mother.. Ban expires at March 08, 2025 at 06:56:16 AM.

Banned by a moderator in Politics for God punish your father and mother more, olofo!" Violation of rule 2 . Ban expires on"

Lol.....dude gone fully blown retard.....he has resorted to more imbecility...his true self...lol

When they get found out...they resort to more stupidiy...typical of buffoons that APC employed.

Politics / Re: Apostle Chibuzor Disappointed As Lagos Govt Demolish OPM Church & Free School by ycat: 11:02pm On Jan 11
I actually know it's true, and it's playing before our eyes now as news of any house built on canal, it's them. The ones built on drainage, it's them. Well, I understand how they got there, the evil drug money comes easy and goes demolition way.

You know that isn't true.
Politics / Re: Apostle Chibuzor Disappointed As Lagos Govt Demolish OPM Church & Free School by ycat: 10:54pm On Jan 11
Ibos are the people who don't obey the law.
My Etsako friend told me that ibos will put 2 sticks in the middle of the road and if no one says anything, ibos will put a roof over it.

And the project in Lagos only affects Igbo properties right?
Health / Re: Leprosy: Health Risk At Allen Junction, Ikeja, Lagos by ycat: 10:36pm On Jan 11
I'm not defending anyone, but WHO has eugenics agenda and shouldn't be trusted, we should do the opposite of what they say.

I guess you're now smarter than World Health Organization. Dumb attention seeker.
Health / Re: Leprosy: Health Risk At Allen Junction, Ikeja, Lagos by ycat: 10:29pm On Jan 11
In Yorubaland we used to isolate people with leprosy in far away locations. So whose Idea it is that they should now be in town?

I heard they make the Kulikuli yall love to eat.
Health / Re: Leprosy: Health Risk At Allen Junction, Ikeja, Lagos by ycat: 10:26pm On Jan 11
Govt eyes can't be at every inch of an overcrowded city such as Lagos, yall should have atleast alerted the authority and then yarn here if nothing is done. Something tells me that you would have spoken against it if you see these people with leprosy being removed.
Btw, substandard buildings in crowded are equally dangerous.
Lagos state needs to have its acts right. The state should not be very proative about raising down buildings in the name of developments and urban renewal and relegate health conditions of the residents.

At Allen Junction, just at the bus stop imagine. There is a being with FULL BORNE LEPROSY there seated in the full glare of everyone in the area. Leprosy is an air borne disease. Imagine having such a human being in the open every day, imagine the millions of microbes that this man is broadcasting.

Please lets do something about calling the authorities to the situation by pushing this thread to the Front Page.

Culture / Re: Prince Akeem Abimbola Owoade: Facts About The New Alaafin Of Oyo by ycat: 10:05pm On Jan 11
I just found out he's a Christian, so I say good one from Makinde. Though I still need information about his mother, thank God we dodged the bullet of fulani guy Gbadegesin who was closed to being Alaafin if not for our .noise

I'm not religious, though born and raised a Christian with Muslim aunts, uncles, cousins and married a Muslim. But the Muslims are becoming overbearing which is not typical of Yoruba but imported to Yorubaland through Islam and mixed families.

Oyo is a Yorubaland, not Islamic land so the Alaafin should be rotational between all faiths. The last Alaafin is a Muslim, this us a Christian and the next one should be Isese.
Foreign Affairs / Re: US Politics Today! by ycat: 5:26pm On Jan 11
Mel Gibson @ 3:20 saying fire feels intentional.


1 Like

Foreign Affairs / Re: US Politics Today! by ycat: 5:21pm On Jan 11
They are devil, so let's add BURNT HELL to it.

1 Like 1 Share

Crime / Re: Nigerian Man Sentenced To 11years Imprisonment In US For Fraud And Fake Passport by ycat: 9:01am On Jan 11
The moment his name was not in the topic, I knew he wasn't Yoruba. If he was Yoruba, you would have seen his name before clicking the topic. Also if there's no name at all or it's a funny name, know it's our friend across the niger.The resident bigots have a way of writing stories here and we've figured it out.
Name Checkers Association your seats are in the front 😂
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Fire Is A Cover Up by ycat: 7:55am On Jan 11
Does that make sense to you?

First of all, California always have arsons and the fake fires they set annually to steal money. Lets forget that they manipulate weather. So if they had an info on wild fires, shouldn't they do everything to prepare for it? This is fire that could have been put out in 15 hours or less but there was no water in reservoirs, they wouldn't even let people harvest rain water. Even if we go by what you said, it means the govt, especially the mayor who knew a disaster is coming but chose to go to Ghana for an inauguration is responsible. It was all planned to clean house and destroy evidences of their crimes.
A weather report was given last year as regards the wild fire coming

No business man wants to lose, insurance companies would have accrued debt in billions so even if u own an insurance company u will definitely do same
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Fire Is A Cover Up by ycat: 7:34am On Jan 11
.Ask specific questions or get the hell out of here.

Ive already said they are trying to destroy evidences of crime scenes in their home and backyards. Child sex traficking is big in hollywood, Pdiddy is actually a saint when compared to others, he just stepped on the wrong toes. Also Diddy's sex tapes with TD Jakes, Obama, Oprah, Clives Davis and others are said to be within Palisade where the fire happened.

You didn’t! Coverup for what?
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Fire Is A Cover Up by ycat: 7:29am On Jan 11

You have not explained clearly. Which cover up is in it?
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Fire Is A Cover Up by ycat: 7:29am On Jan 11
Ask specific questions or get the hell out of here.

Ive already said they are trying to destroy evidences of crime scenes in their home and backyards. Child sex traficking is big in hollywood, Pdiddy is actually a saint when compared to others, he just stepped on the wrong toes. Also Diddy's sex tapes with TD Jakes, Obama, Oprah, Clives Davis and others are said to be within Palisade where the fire happened.

You have not explained clearly. Which cover up is in it?


Foreign Affairs / Re: California Fire Is A Cover Up by ycat: 7:24am On Jan 11
This is Mel Gibson saying the fire feels intentional.

@ 3:20 mark

Politics / Re: Lagos Still Lacks Portable Water, 30 Years After - Funso Doherty Laments (Video) by ycat: 8:41am On Dec 06, 2024
What happened to all the water pipes and how difficult is it to connect them?

The best life in Yorubaland was before 1966 and will be after Yoruba go back to regional govt.
Food / Re: Does It Matter If Fish Is Incorporated Into Your Soup This Way? by ycat: 8:37am On Dec 06, 2024
It's called OMOYO but you need a lot of atarodo if you don't want to empty your stomach after eating. Hope it was first soaked in salt water and vinegar.
Majority of people say the fish is supposed to be precooked before adding it to your soup.
What difference does it make? The fish will eventually absorb the ingredients from the soup, still, making it taste great, too.
What do you think, guys?
Does cooking it this way speak to culinary incompetency
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Yoruba Ki Lo De? by ycat: 8:26am On Dec 06, 2024
No, I was told by different people that Yoruba don't do these jobs, I even offered 10k per day when the normal fee is 5k. I had a deep conversation with a community leader who told me that, these youths will just be "yan fanda fanda" than accept to do a security guard job when I offered $100 equivalent when the normal pay is about half of that.

I'm reacting because it never crossed my mind that a jobless person can reject a job.

You are very wrong.

All you need to do is go to any bus stop and offer this job with a loud speaker and see what happens next.

People have been scam many times with this job offers that why is hard to see anyone take it online.

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