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What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by ghettodreamz(m): 4:10pm On Dec 27, 2012
by Matt Slick

The Bible doesn't speak of homosexuality very often, but when it does, it condemns it as sin. Let's take a look.

Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"
1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27[/b]and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. [b]28[/b]And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

Homosexuality is clearly condemned in the Bible. But, it also goes against the created order of God who made Adam, a man, and Eve, a woman -- not two men, not two women -- to carry out his command to fill and subdue the earth [b](Gen. 1:28)
. Homosexuality cannot carry out that command. It is, therefore, a contradiction to God's stated desire in the created order.

Unlike other sins, homosexuality has a heavy judgment administered by God Himself upon those who commit it - and support it. This judgment is simple in that those who practice it are given over to their passions - which means that their hearts are allowed to be hardened by their sins.

"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error," (Rom. 1:26-27).

As a result, they can no longer see the error of what they are doing. They will not seek forgiveness. They will die in their sins. They will face God's holy condemnation. But, that isn't all. In addition to the judgment of being given over to their sin, those involved in it also promote it and condemn others who don't approve of their behavior.

"...and, although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them," (Rom. 1:32).

So, in their hearty approval of homosexuality they encourage others to be trapped in their sinfulness. They will not trust in Christ's redemptive work on the cross. Without Jesus, they will have no forgiveness. Without forgiveness, they will have no salvation. Without salvation, there is only damnation in eternal hell. But, we don't want this for anyone.

Is this politically correct?

No, the Bible's view of homosexuality is not politically correct. The politically correct will say there is nothing wrong with two people just loving each other. Who are we Christians to judge them? But, who are they to say what is morally right and wrong? Do they have an objective standard of morals that all people should follow? No, they don't. They appeal to things like "society" and "common sense" and "basic rights", etc., to promote their opinion of homosexual normality. Well, societies have been wrong before (Nazi Germany, anyone?). What is common sense to one person isn't necessarily common sense to another. And, basic rights? Well, we all have basic rights. But, the homosexuals want special rights. They want laws passed to protect their sexual behavior. They also want to redefine marriage and require everyone else to accept it! (Will the redefinition stop with homosexuality? Don't bet on it. Pedophiles are now asking for rights, too.) Think about it. The pro-homosexuals want laws passed to protect a behavior, a behavior! It is, after all, homoSEXuality. I want to know what right do the politically correct, pro-homosexuals have to impose their values on everyone else? What right do they have to condemn Christians, call us names, and be so very intolerant? They don't have sound arguments, but they do have liberal dogmatism pushed along by the momentum of the liberal media. They are successfully getting homosexuality promoted in schools, TV, and movies as "normal" and healthy. As a result, their confidence and successes have pumped up their bravado so much that they even oppress those who oppose homosexuality - a fact blatantly ignored by the double-standard-liberal-media. But what are we to expect when liberal dogmatism is king and all opposing views are to be condemned? The pro-homosexuals want everyone to think like them and approve of their "inborn sexual orientation" -- and if you don't? Well, then you're labeled a bigot! Yep, they are so tolerant. That is why they want laws passed to ensure that their behavior of pairing a peni-s to a peni-s and a vagin-a to a vagin-a is protected as a special legal right even if the majority of people think otherwise! But hey, its okay if the minority pushes the majority around, redefines marriage, enforces loosening sex-ual morays, hides the harmful health statistics of homosexual behavior, and not-so-gently forces a change in society as a whole while they arrogantly yell, "This is normal!"

....really? It is?

But, believe it or not. We Christians aren't judging them. We are informing them. God has declared that homosexuality is a sin. It isn't our preferences we're declaring. It is God's. I know. I know. Some will say the Bible isn't true, that it is archaic, sexist, homophobic...blah, blah, blah. I've heard it all before. Kill the messenger and let's all jump into bed together and have our fun. Sorry, I'm not interested in freedom without responsibility and the resulting promiscuity and diseases that accompany the politically correct, sexual freedom of abberant liberal morality. Instead, I'll follow my Lord who calls all to repentance (Acts 17:30), myself included.

What is the homosexual's hope?

The only hope for the homosexual, and all people who break God's laws, is to realize that God is holy and he will rightfully judge all who have sinned against him by breaking his law (1 Kings 8:32; Ps. 9:8; 1 John 3:4). If he did not do this, then he would be approving of wrong doing. However, God is loving (1 John 4:cool patient (Rom. 2:4), wanting people to repent (Acts 17:30) and come a saving knowledge of him so they might be redeemed. What this means is that the sinner must turn to Christ, who is God the Son in flesh (John 1:1,14; Col. 2:9), who bore our sins in his body on the cross (1 Pet. 2:24), died and rose from the dead (1 Cor. 15:1-4), and made it possible for sinners to be saved from the righteous judgment of God by faith in what Jesus did on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21) and be forgiven of their sins (Eph. 2:cool. This is done receiving Christ (John 1:12), by believing in him and his sacrifice that is a payment for our sins to God the Father. Like any sinner, the homosexual needs to repent, receive Christ by faith, and be saved from God's righteous judgment by trusting in Christ and the judgment that fell upon him on the cross. They need to pray and ask the Lord Jesus to save them.

What should be the Christian's response to the Homosexual?

Just because someone is a homosexual does not mean that we cannot love him (or her) or pray for him (her). Homosexuality is a sin and like any other sin it needs to be dealt with in the only way possible. It needs to be laid at the cross and forsaken. Homosexuality is not a special practice that is exempt from God's righteous judgment simply because they claim they are born that way, or just want to be free to love, or say that it is normal. People are born with a tendency to lie. Does that make it okay? People want to love each other, but since when is "love" the determiner of what is right and wrong? If homosexuality is normal, then why is it practiced by so few? The great majority of people are heterosexual. Are they "more" normal?

Please understand that I don't hate homosexuals. I wouldn't care if my neighbor is gay. I've had homosexual friends and have loved them the same as I would anyone else. But, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and the solution to the problem of sin (the breaking of God's Law, 1 John 3:4) is found only in Jesus. He is the Lord, the Savior, the risen King. Jesus is God in flesh (John 1:1,14) and he died to save sinners. We are all sinners and we need salvation (Eph. 2:8-9) that is found in receiving Christ (John 1:12-13).

We Christians should pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same as we would for any other person trapped in any other sin. This is not an issue of arrogance or judgmentalism. We don't want anyone to be lost due to their sin and that includes gays, lesbians, and transgenders.

The homosexual is still made in the image of God -- even though he (or she) is in rebellion. Therefore, we Christians should show homosexuals the same dignity as anyone else with whom we come in contact. Don't injure them. Don't hate them. Don't judge them. Inform them that freedom and forgiveness are found in Jesus. Let them know that God loves us and died for us so that we might be delivered from the consequences of our sin.

But, this does not mean that you are to approve of what they do. Don't compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of rationality, godliness, and biblical truth. Instead, stand firm in the word that God has revealed and patiently love him/her biblically, and pray for their salvation. Be kind to them. Be loving. And, when appropriate, tell them the gospel.

Finally, if you are a homosexual, please understand that I do not hate you nor do I judge you. Sin is sin and the forgiveness of our sins is found in Christ.


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Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 4:12pm On Dec 27, 2012
Yawn.... another homophobic bigot
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by ghettodreamz(m): 4:19pm On Dec 27, 2012
Yawn.... another homophobic bigot

Lolz...I hold nothing against them, but love to share and give according to the laid down principle and gospel of Christ in the Bible (what's wrong is wrong, and sin is abomination in the sight of God). If you are one of those that practices such life style, it's high time you retraced your step back to God, give your life to him, and he will never cast you away.

It is well!
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Adufaye(m): 4:28pm On Dec 27, 2012

king james was a gay! U got do research wella......

If i chose 2 b gay,it dosent concern anybody...i wont b d 1st

gay...it hv dey! Even d time of jesus christ
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Akshow: 4:45pm On Dec 27, 2012
let them be. If a guy choose to sleep wit a guy How does that affect me
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 6:39pm On Dec 27, 2012

Lolz...I hold nothing against them, but love to share and give according to the laid down principle and gospel of Christ in the Bible (what's wrong is wrong, and sin is abomination in the sight of God). If you are one of those that practices such life style, it's high time you retraced your step back to God, give your life to him, and he will never cast you away.

It is well!

I am not gay but this homophobic and witch hunting nature has led to castigation and death of a lot of innocent ppl. While the west are trying to hide this dark past for prosecuting and campaigning you guys want to pick up the pace. You will not like where this country is being taken.

There are lots of things castigated in the bible... including worshipping other gods. How soon will they be castigated.... what about heretics like Arian?
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 9:27am On Dec 28, 2012
Okay, let's put the bible aside.
*neatly tucks bible into bag*

Do you need a soothsayer to know that the male organ (pen.is) was meant for the female organ (vag.ina)? Even animals know this truth.

O ye atheists, don't become blinded by your hate for GOD so that you lose every sense of morality. What is wrong is wrong and that's final.


Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 9:31am On Dec 28, 2012
Okay, let's put the bible aside.
*neatly tucks bible into bag*

Do you need a soothsayer to know that the male organ (pen.is) was meant for the female organ (vag.ina)? Even animals know this truth.

O ye atheists, don't become blinded by your hate for GOD so that you lose every sense of morality. What is wrong is wrong and that's final.

They have every right to live their life as they see fit. As long as they are not harming anyone. Why dont you turn your attention to rapists and paedophiles and point the scripture at them.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 9:40am On Dec 28, 2012

They have every right to live their life as they see fit. As long as they are not harming anyone. Why dont you turn your attention to rapists and paedophiles and point the scripture at them.
They all fall under the same category. What is so special about homosexuality that it has to be singled out?
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 9:44am On Dec 28, 2012
They all fall under the same category. What is so special about homosexuality that it has to be singled out?

Homosexuals are NOT the same as rapists and paedophiles..... shocked

Just brilliant logic there.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 3:24pm On Dec 28, 2012

Homosexuals are NOT the same as rapists and paedophiles..... shocked

Just brilliant logic there.
With this your brilliant logic, very soon, paedophiles will slowly also be accepted and rapists will clamour for rights too. Afterall it's a free world and we can throw all morality into the ocean.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 7:41am On Dec 29, 2012
With this your brilliant logic, very soon, paedophiles will slowly also be accepted and rapists will clamour for rights too. Afterall it's a free world and we can throw all morality into the ocean.

Neither paedophiles or rapists can ever clamour for rights in a proper civilised society. Infact paedophilia is almost accepted in many xtian 3rd world countries. Also many 3rd world countries look down on rape victims.

For example countries like Nigeria focus too much on homosexuality (with new laws) but are doing very little in regards to paedophilia and rape.

In civilised socities victims of rape and paedophilia are being given more rights.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Alaafialoro(m): 10:25am On Dec 29, 2012
Adufaye: story

king james was a gay! U got do research wella......

If i chose 2 b gay,it dosent concern anybody...i wont b d 1st

gay...it hv dey! Even d time of jesus christ
...and how does King James being gay change the fact that the bible condemns homosexuality?
It‘s a free world,if you believe that a set of belief practised by a group of people is against you personal believe, why don‘t just leave the group entirely instead of causing more division
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 10:33am On Dec 29, 2012

Neither paedophiles or rapists can ever clamour for rights in a proper civilised society. Infact paedophilia is almost accepted in many xtian 3rd world countries. Also many 3rd world countries look down on rape victims.
Accepted?? What do you mean by that? Do you mean that it is legal in such countries? Where did you get such info?

For example countries like Nigeria focus too much on homosexuality (with new laws) but are doing very little in regards to paedophilia and rape.
Paedophilia isn't all that widespread in Nigeria and cases of paedophilia rarely get to the public. The government might not be doing anything but i've heard of stories of jungle justice being meted out on paedophiles. When they are caught, their life ends (i don't mean that they are killed). The society frowns upon it as much as it frowns on homosexuality; the difference is homosexuals feel that they deserve special recognition because they feel that they are not harming anybody (the reverse is the case).

In civilised socities victims of rape and paedophilia are being given more rights.
True. Why do you think homosexuals should have the same rights? Bottom line is homosexuals, paedophiles & rapists are all demented people (not an insult but the truth).
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 10:37am On Dec 29, 2012

I am not going to waste breath arguing with you.

You are a credit to xtianity.

Bear in mind there are gay bishops. wink
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 11:08am On Dec 29, 2012
^^^^ All in a bid to be politically correct, they accepted nonsense. Who is a gay bishop? The words cancel each other, it is a paradox. You can't be gay and still be a bishop and you can't be a bishop and be gay. A gay bishop is an abnormality and such person is only deceiving himself, a true servant of GOD would know that homosexuality is detested by GOD. Gay bishop kor, gay bisupermaket ni.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 2:58pm On Dec 29, 2012
^^^^ All in a bid to be politically correct, they accepted nonsense. Who is a gay bishop? The words cancel each other, it is a paradox. You can't be gay and still be a bishop and you can't be a bishop and be gay. A gay bishop is an abnormality and such person is only deceiving himself, a true servant of GOD would know that homosexuality is detested by GOD. Gay bishop kor, gay bisupermaket ni.

Ok. We have pastors who cheat on their wives etc. They are sinners too. So what is the difference?
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Duruewurupraise: 3:41pm On Dec 29, 2012
We owe dem one duty.cry and weep on their behalf cos very soo they will cry nd weep 4 themselves
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 6:04pm On Dec 29, 2012

Ok. We have pastors who cheat on their wives etc. They are sinners too. So what is the difference?
difference between what? A cheating "pastor" and an homosexual? Anybody that cheats on his/her spouse irrespective of the position they hold is also an offender before GOD.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 8:02pm On Dec 29, 2012
difference between what? A cheating "pastor" and an homosexual? Anybody that cheats on his/her spouse irrespective of the position they hold is also an offender before GOD.

Precisely so how come they dont get castigated like the gays.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 10:17pm On Dec 29, 2012

Precisely so how come they dont get castigated like the gays.

I don't see them clamouring for rights to cheat and be cheated. Unlike homosexuals, "cheaters" admit that they are doing a wrong thing and are willing to change (the reverse is the case for homosexuals).
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by ghettodreamz(m): 4:25am On Dec 30, 2012
@inspiredbyGod; Bro please let Mr. Atheist be,people like him know vividly that they are on the wrong side of life. Because the devil, their master (see 1 Peter 5:8) has already captured and sealed up their heart, makes them hardheartedness and he'd blindfolded them, never to see into the right path of life that promises eternal life. The book of Romans 1 explains it better,

Therefore,if we continue to preach to them till tomorrow, it wouldn't amount to anything except God himself intervene to save their souls. Just like the parable of the sower, see Matthew 13

Let's just continue to pray for people like him, so that their eyes would be opened, to see the light beckoning (Salvation through Jesus Christ) to save their souls from eternal destructions.

You're blessed.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Kay17: 1:34pm On Dec 30, 2012
The OP has a good point. Homosexuality is bad, its a sin and God doesn't like it.

However, how does that affect the public scene? Should homosexuality be criminalized because the Bible says so? Or should certain human rights of homosexuals be ignored? NO! Homosexuals should be allowed to marry(fulanis yorubas and co marry under traditional customs which secular laws approve, so marriage is not exclusively Christian), merituously adopt kids, drive, be employed etc.

Only the Christian homosexual who feels guilty, that should worry about the bible.

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Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by yommyuk: 2:27pm On Dec 30, 2012

Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by seanet01: 3:18pm On Dec 30, 2012
I heard homosexuality and bestiality is legalized and recognized in ISRAEL the root of christianity, is it true?
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by EvilBrain1(m): 7:25pm On Dec 30, 2012
Okay, let's put the bible aside.
*neatly tucks bible into bag*

Do you need a soothsayer to know that the male organ (pen.is) was meant for the female organ (vag.ina)? Even animals know this truth.

O ye atheists, don't become blinded by your hate for GOD so that you lose every sense of morality. What is wrong is wrong and that's final.

You are totally right.

Why cant more people think like you?


Oh.... wait.

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Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Kay17: 9:36pm On Dec 30, 2012
Okay, let's put the bible aside.
*neatly tucks bible into bag*

Do you need a soothsayer to know that the male organ (pen.is) was meant for the female organ (vag.ina)? Even animals know this truth.

O ye atheists, don't become blinded by your hate for GOD so that you lose every sense of morality. What is wrong is wrong and that's final.

Ok, peni.s enters vulva. Ok. Do you want laws that prohibit MouthAction? Or masturbation? Or artificial insemination? Or punish celibates? Should have laws that mandate everyone to insert their joysticks to vulvas?!

Humans have discretion, hence be permitted to use it as they wish.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 12:04pm On Dec 31, 2012
Now i know atheism isn't just the belief in the non-existence of deities, it is also the belief that humans are nothing but animals and hence should behave like animals. Look at this evil brain and kay17 dudes; people should use their organs as they wish, what nonsense!!! If people are allowed to use their organs anyhow, then there's no point in condemning paedophiles, rapists and those who make love to animals. Hey people, word reaching me from nl atheists: we are all free to use our organs anyhow. In.cest, rape etc are allowed. Behave like animals since we are no better than dogs.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Kay17: 3:04pm On Dec 31, 2012
Now i know atheism isn't just the belief in the non-existence of deities, it is also the belief that humans are nothing but animals and hence should behave like animals. Look at this evil brain and kay17 dudes; people should use their organs as they wish, what nonsense!!! If people are allowed to use their organs anyhow, then there's no point in condemning paedophiles, rapists and those who make love to animals. Hey people, word reaching me from nl atheists: we are all free to use our organs anyhow. In.cest, rape etc are allowed. Behave like animals since we are no better than dogs.

Whether humans are animals or not is clear for all to see. Given our high tendency of self destruction (wW1 and 2. Our discussion was limited to consenual sex, we are talking about what ppl wish to do with their bodies during sex. Both homosexuals and heterosexuals. So stick to the subjects, don't drench yourself with sensationalism.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by inspiredbyGOD(m): 1:33am On Jan 01, 2013
^^^ Are people born gay?
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by Kay17: 10:04am On Jan 01, 2013
That's a scientific question, just as the entire sexuality subject is.
Re: What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? by AtheistD(m): 1:29pm On Jan 02, 2013
Kay 17: ^^
That's a scientific question, just as the entire sexuality subject is.

And a very complex one too. Little is known about sexuality and even gender. There are supposedly 3 genders and 5 sexualities.

Male, Female, Haemaphrodite (both male and female)

Hetero, Homo, Bi and Asexual. There is also a ( extreme Deviant) classification.

It is believed that sexuality is mostly determined prior to birth (pre-natal) and hence is difficult to change (the reason why certain societies are pushing for castration of sex offenders). Some of an individuals sexuality is determined by nurture and some by nature. This has to do with how FLUID a persons sexuality is. A highly FLUID person is likely to be bisexual and can easily be affected by their environment. Men are less FLUID than women.

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