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Jesus: Age 12-30 - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 7:41am On Dec 30, 2008
Just how is what you have written above different from other creation stories?
There is not one single empirical evidence to support what you have said except the words of men.
But before I give my final take I need to understand something,
How did homo erectus come about then?
How did the extraterrestial beings come about, who created them?
The only tangible thing we can both discuss is cydonia, that's is the type of evidence I am looking for.
Now I dare say that Dr york's books on the labs in mars was as a result of the life in mars wave that enveloped most of the United states between 1910 and 1980. The first images of the alleged face on mars was taken by viking 1 orbiter on July 25th 1976, for starters the dots on the picture are data error, also the viking 1 had a very poor resolution so judging the cydonia region by a picture taken in 1976 with a resolution of 850ft/pixel would certainly not give you the right answers.
The mars global surveyor and the mars reconnaissance have taken pictures of the cydonia region with a resolution of about 46ft/pixel or better. Anyone reading can get more info from
Today it is widely agreed that it was a simple case of pareidolia and it means

The term pareidolia(pronounced /pæraɪˈdoʊliə/) describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon, and hearing hidden messages on records played in reverse. The word comes from the Greek para--"beside", "with" or "alongside"- meaning, in this context, something faulty or wrong (as in paraphasia, disordered speech)-and eidolon-"image" (the diminutive of eidos-"image", "form", "shape"wink. Pareidolia is a type of apophenia.
For anyone who wants to read more
So I hope that is settled, there is no single evidence of life elsewhere on this galaxy, if there is bring it forward and lets examine it.
Its up to you kuns don't believe me check it out.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Nobody: 7:54am On Dec 30, 2008

@ poster

Luke 2:51-52

51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.

52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men

Based on the two verses, sounds like Jesus was living a normal liife like anyone of us and learned his father's trade (carpentry) from his dad. 

it seems as though, y'all want the Bible to say

verse 1 ANd Jesus saw a piece of wood
verse 2 Jesus hammered the nail
verse 3 Jesus got cut and was bleeding
verse 4 a piece of board fell on Jesus head (Mary and Joseph were laughing at him)

If the Bible depicted everything, I am sure we'll still be reading the Bible(like a never ending story)   God gave us wisdom and knowledge  so we can figure out what Jesus was doing between 12-30.  The problem is, some of us may know knowledge but doesn't have wisdom.


Whatever, you're banned from posting on my thread. grin grin

The face and pyramids on mars are interesting, I never really paid attention to them before.
As for Malachi York, sad
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:04am On Dec 30, 2008

You have said well, but will they listen?  The Spirit of God has said expressly of these kind of people that will be common in these last days in the Scripture below:

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."

Romans 1:18-32

As they say birds of the same feather flock together.  In as much as they have refused to retain God in their knowledge God has given them over to a reprobate mind which has become vain in their imaginations and their hearts darkened.  That's what becomes of those who have rejected the truth of the Word of God and hold the truth of the Word in unrighteousness.

1 Like

Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:52am On Dec 30, 2008
@Hi Kuns,

Its been a long time that we heard from you, I thought that you've been abducted by the aliens. grin  I hope that you have not forgotten how a Nairalander depicted your rantings here sometime ago?  Here is the remixing or remaking of Kuns in the year 2008 (Part 1).



Well for starters, good ol' Sir Kuns, the Fifth Teletubbie in the Order of Annunaqis of the Tamaerans (falsely called Egypt, of course cheesy) would be-lie-ve you're be-lie-eveing that Yashua (falsely called Jesus by the Cau-asians) existed.

In other words, Kuns would be-lieing-to eve [believe] that you've "been-lie-to-the-descendants-of-eve" [believing] Yashua existed, so therefore Eve would be-lieing-to eve [believe] that you've been to lieing to her which would also mean she been lieing to herself since she believes which is = "be-lieing-to-the-descendants-of-eve". So who's is the believing liar, evey or Sir Kuns?

You don't believe me, check out the facts yourself.

FACTS, FACTS FACTS!!! And not believe. be-lie-fs is what the PG* want u to do, covering up the facts about Teletubbies, the 5 elders of the Order of Teletubbies - Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Lala, Poe and last but not the least, Kuns.

Don't be-lie-eve me, check out the facts yourself.

Watch out for part 2. Grab your Copy now!

To God be the Glory. . . .now it's time for Teletubbie bye bye

cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

*PG - Parental Guidance
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by bindex(m): 11:17am On Dec 30, 2008
Kuns shocked shocked shocked where did you get those pictures from? Mars grin grin grin please stop drinking the cool aide of that child molestor.


Whatever, you're banned from posting on my thread. grin grin

The face and pyramids on mars are interesting, I never really paid attention to them before.
As for Malachi York, sad

grin grin grin grin Malachi York is a maniac.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by IDINRETE: 11:31am On Dec 30, 2008

Long time oh, you just drop in and out, I suspect you read a lot of what's going on anyway.
Cheers guys.

chris my bro

I still dey here o

I do read a lot that is happening here in our forum,

best wishes to you all
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Bastage: 11:52am On Dec 30, 2008
The first images of the alleged face on mars was taken by viking 1 orbiter on July 25th 1976, for starters the dots on the picture are data error, also the viking 1 had a very poor resolution so judging the cydonia region by a picture taken in 1976 with a resolution of 850ft/pixel would certainly not give you the right answers.

Here's what it really looks like:


Even if it was a real face, that mofo looks a bit like a white man to me, Kuns!!! grin grin grin
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Bastage: 1:46pm On Dec 30, 2008
So if someone molested you, do you go to that persons birthday afterwards?

If your parents threaten you, deny what has happened and make you go - YES.

Tell me Kuns: if Malachi York had screwed your kids would you have gone to the authorities? Would you have even believed the words of your own children over York's? Somehow I doubt it.

You live in a world of delusion founded on illogical "belief". Whitey keeps you down yet it was Whitey's photos of the Martian "face" that set you drooling. Whitey gives you the archeological knowledge that you base your Egyptian theories on - it's he who digs and makes the discoveries. Whitey translated the Bible that you take your philosophy from. Your ideas about RNA are taken from Whitey's science. You even quote Whitey in a positive light when it suits your purposes.

Who is the Uncle Tom around here?
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Kuns: 4:28pm On Dec 30, 2008

Just how is what you have written above different from other creation stories?
There is not one single empirical evidence to support what you have said except the words of men. 

But before I give my final take I need to understand something,
How did homo erectus come about then?
How did the extraterrestial beings come about, who created them?
The only tangible thing we can both discuss is cydonia, that's is the type of evidence I am looking for.
Now I dare say that Dr york's books on the labs in mars was as a result of the life in mars wave that enveloped most of the United states between 1910 and 1980. The first images of the alleged face on mars was taken by viking 1 orbiter on July 25th 1976, for starters the dots on the picture are data error, also the viking 1 had a very poor resolution so judging the cydonia region by a picture taken in 1976 with a resolution of 850ft/pixel would certainly not give you the right answers.
The mars global surveyor and the mars reconnaissance have  taken pictures of the cydonia region with a resolution of about 46ft/pixel or better. Anyone reading can get more info from
Today it is widely agreed that it was a simple case of pareidolia and it means

The term pareidolia(pronounced /pæraɪˈdoʊliə/) describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon, and hearing hidden messages on records played in reverse. The word comes from the Greek para--"beside", "with" or "alongside"- meaning, in this context, something faulty or wrong (as in paraphasia, disordered speech)-and eidolon-"image" (the diminutive of eidos-"image", "form", "shape"wink. Pareidolia is a type of apophenia.

For anyone who wants to read more
So I hope that is settled, there is no single evidence of life elsewhere on this galaxy, if there is bring  it forward and lets examine it.
Its up to you kuns don't believe me check it out.

There is not one single empirical evidence to support what you have said except the words of men.

Anywhere , there is water there is life. All NASA recently confirmed that there is water on Mars.
I hope you are checking things out, and I hope you are not expecting me to spoon feed you with all this information, if you are not prepared to check the information out?

Did you check what information is available on the Sumerian Text (Emuna Elish and the Gilgamish Epic) at the British Musemu?

Did you check out the Dogons of Mali for information on the Nommos?

If you are not prepared to check things out there is no point going any further.

There are many authors who have written informative material on these subject.
So if you have problems hearingi this information from a black man, there are many White men 1.e. David Icke, Alexander Sitchin etc, etc who you can go to for info.

The only problem you will find is that they will not answer your questions.

Malachi Z York has been answering question since 1967, however, he is not around now to ask anyones question.

Nevertheless, there are many of his students doing just that.

The best thing to do is to find a class where you can go to and ask questions.

Or log on to supreme FM online there are teachers who will answer these question for you on Mondays 9 PM - 11 PM

The only tangible thing we can both discuss is cydonia, that's is the type of evidence I am looking for.


Well, did you know that Malachi York was teaching this information about the Pyramid and face on Mars since 1967, long before NASA got their Viking probe up there?

I just told you about "Cydonia" to show that NASA is now unto it years after this information was revealed to the world.

Malachi York has answered all these questions you have asked, go and find some materials.

I am not Malachi York, and not even one of this student.

I am also seeking the truth, and I know this man has the answers.

Do you know what is a judicuary lynching? 

How did homo erectus come about then?
How did the extraterrestial beings come about, who created them?

These are good questions, but you didn't check the information out in the last post.

All you did was google "Cydonia". What about the other stuff I told you to check out?

When you have done that I will take the time to ask these questions here.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Bastage: 5:08pm On Dec 30, 2008
Well, did you know that Malachi York was teaching this information about the Pyramid and face on Mars since 1967, long before NASA got their Viking probe up there?

LMAO. What a liar.

here are many authors who have written informative material on these subject.
So if you have problems hearingi this information from a black man, there are many White men 1.e. David Icke

David Icke, the ex-sports presenter who believes that the UK royal family are lizards from space? The guy is just about as much as a total whack-job as York.

Anywhere , there is water there is life. All NASA recently confirmed that there is water on Mars.

The only place we've got to compare life and water together is on Planet Earth. But water only means life on Earth. To say that it means life on Mars or anywhere else is totally delusional. Water is a basis and a requirement for life only. Water is not proof that life exists elsewhere. To say otherwise is misleading.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Kuns: 5:40pm On Dec 30, 2008
Well, did you know that Malachi York was teaching this information about the Pyramid and face on Mars since 1967, long before NASA got their Viking probe up there?

LMAO. What a liar.

here are many authors who have written informative material on these subject.
So if you have problems hearingi this information from a black man, there are many White men 1.e. David Icke

David Icke, the ex-sports presenter who believes that the UK royal family are lizards from space? The guy is just about as much as a total whack-job as York.

Anywhere , there is water there is life. All NASA recently confirmed that there is water on Mars.

The only place we've got to compare life and water together is on Planet Earth. But water only means life on Earth. To say that it means life on Mars or anywhere else is totally delusional. Water is a basis and a requirement for life only. Water is not proof that life exists elsewhere. To say otherwise is misleading.


You don't know anytrhing. Do you ever check anything you read out? Or you just believe everything you read of the web?

LMAO. What a liar.

Prove this is a lie. What you think I'm like you?

Then what you are saying is that all the people in Hollywood are also crazy and liars because they spend billions of dollars on making space films involving Aliens, which often include Reptilians.

Maybe it is the CIA and the Pentagon are Crazy because their have testified about the cover-up of these beings that there have encountered throught the course of their duties.

Alien have been coming to this planet for millions of year, don't believe me, why done you go and ask you pastor what God plans for these extraterrestrials are?

The guy is just about as much as a total whack-job as York.

So why don't they arrest and charge him with slander?

Zecharia Sitchin is an adviser to the US government he is saying the same things and he is Jewish. Maybe you think his is crazy as well?

The only place we've got to compare life and water together is on Planet Earth. But water only means life on Earth. To say that it means life on Mars or anywhere else is totally delusional. Water is a basis and a requirement for life only. Water is not proof that life exists elsewhere. To say otherwise is misleading

You were not paying attention during the Science classes in school.

Water = H20

Between Hydrogen and Oxygen there are six other elements. These elements are the building block for the[b] Human DNA[/b].

An IFO (Identified flying Object) was seen by the police pilots in the summer of 2008 (highly trained, not your local farmers) the crafts spotted were not from this earth.

When the SUN newspaper and the BBC in England start telling you about UFO's (which is really IFO because they have now been identified) you have to start paying attention.

Don't believe me, Mr Be[b]lie[/b]v[b]er[/b], check it out for yourself.

Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Kuns: 5:41pm On Dec 30, 2008

list of UFO Sightings.

don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

Only the fools duck when the facts (truth) is thrown at them.


Also Malachi Z York was teaching about this many years before we had the home computers and the Internet.


Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by bindex(m): 6:08pm On Dec 30, 2008
Kuns  grin grin grin please I will like your to take me on a visit to Mars.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Bastage: 6:28pm On Dec 30, 2008
Prove this is a lie. What you think I'm like you?

I don't have to. You're the one making the weirdo claims. You prove York spoke about the face on Mars before the Viking photos.

Also, the first photo you've posted is of the "Roswell Alien". A confirmed hoax.

Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Kuns: 7:00pm On Dec 30, 2008
You're the one making the weirdo claims. You prove York spoke about the face on Mars before the Viking photos.

I put this here, not for you, but for the benefit of those who care to know. and check things out.

Get the book man from Planet Riqz. This is just one such book that goes into extensive detail on the subject. For those who want the facts.

Malachi York published it long before NASA sent any probes is space. Now again, don't believe me, check it up for yourself.

I don't have to.

Don't ask questions if you don't want to check things out. Stay in your igorance.

Also, the first pictures I have posted that are not only of Roswell.

There have been countless sighting of UFO, there was a sighting in wales this Summer 2008, by Police pilot.
So you go tell them their crazy.

The photo of Roswell was from the movies, the others (pictures) were real life photos?

Maybe these police pilots are so-called weirdos like you would want us to be[b]lie[/b]ve.


The governments are guilty of a cover-up, they don't want people to know about this, because it will blow the lid off their false religions and Geek Mythology.

The[b] Roswell / UFO CoverUp: Why[/b]? - CoverUps.com


For those who want the facts, keep researching "Google: UFO sightings government cover up" for more info.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 7:17pm On Dec 30, 2008
Dude I read a lot about possible life somewhere else on this galaxy and the truth of the matter is there is none, I have asked you to bring forward evidence to show me I am wrong.
Stop misleading people with your assertions about mars, here is a quote from the nasa website about that finding,

Besides confirming the 2002 finding from orbit of water ice near the surface and deciphering the newly observed stickiness, the science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.
I also told you that the sumerian text and all other stories were written by people, what makes it any different from the other stories written by say christianity?
Is that the evidence you base this belief on?
Stop throwing smoke grenades and answer the questions you have been asked or else forever hold your peace.
Just to refresh your memory
Who created homo erectus?
Who created the extraterrestial beings?
Oh and one more thing, give us supports for your claim that extraterrestial beings exists.
We don't believe you, we need to check things out.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by mazaje(m): 7:22pm On Dec 30, 2008
Chris how far? how body? season greetings, no mind kuns him dey another level entirely.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Bastage: 7:23pm On Dec 30, 2008
So the theory that there are UFOs proves Malachi York is not a child molestor?

I put this here, not for you, but for the benefit of those who care to know. and check things out.

Yes. And I tore it down, not for you, but for the benefit of those who care to know what foundation your ideas are built upon.


Get the book man from Planet Riqz. This is just one such book that goes into extensive detail on the subject. For those who want the facts.
Malachi York published it long before NASA sent any probes is space. Now again, don't believe me, check it up for youeself.

I did check it out. Amazon says the book was published in 1996. That's well over 20 years after Nasa sent Viking to Mars.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 7:30pm On Dec 30, 2008
Mazaje I dey bo seasons greetings to you too, men this kuns dude has been worked on, e dey pain me say naija guy like am go fall this kind rubbish. How your lolo busybein, is junior on the way ? cheesy
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 7:34pm On Dec 30, 2008
Kuns we are waiting.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by mazaje(m): 7:47pm On Dec 30, 2008

Mazaje I dey bo seasons greetings to you too, men this kuns dude has been worked on, e dey pain me say naija guy like am go fall this kind rubbish. How your lolo busybein, is junior on the way ? cheesy

i tire for kuns ohh, i bin dey take am seriously initially ohh, me bin think say him be atheist or agnostic ohh, me no know say him na another level him dey entirely. i bin dey watch how jim jones been make people kill their family and their selves for cnn the other day(escape from jones town) i bin dey wonder why people dey believe such cult leaders only for me to come see one for nairaland.

o boi why you dey ask me about busybein? no be your house she dey? tell her say make she no come back here ohh. i suppose dey fight with you sef but me i no dey fight because of woman. so make wuna dey enjoy wuna selves, its obvious say na u she like no be me. so enjoy. . . . . .
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 8:20pm On Dec 30, 2008

i bin dey watch how jim jones been make people kill their family and their selves for cnn the other day(escape from jones town) i bin dey wonder why people dey believe such cult leaders only for me to come see one for nairaland.
o boi why you dey ask me about busybein? no be your house she dey? tell her say make she no come back here ohh. i suppose dey fight with you sef but me i no dey fight because of woman. so make wuna dey enjoy wuna selves, its obvious say na u she like no be me. so enjoy,
I watch the program too and I support goverment to lock up people like this malachi even on false charges before people like kuns drink cyanide.
Abeg oh busybein no dey my house oh , no put me for trouble, I only ask because una dey play love since na. I no wear paynt make una carry my buluku down cheesy
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by mazaje(m): 8:53pm On Dec 30, 2008

I watch the program too and I support goverment to lock up people like this malachi even on false charges before people like kuns drink cyanide.

that one dey ohh, kuns fit shoot himself because of the man.

Abeg oh busybein no dey my house oh , no put me for trouble, I only ask because una dey play love since na. I no wear paynt make una carry my buluku down cheesy

nothing concern me concern busybein ohh. just tell her say make she no near my house. make she remain for ya house the wedding done die i no do again.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by morpheus24: 9:36pm On Dec 30, 2008

I put this here, not for you, but for the benefit of those who care to know. and check things out.

Get the book man from Planet Riqz. This is just one such book that goes into extensive detail on the subject. For those who want the facts.

Malachi York published it long before NASA sent any probes is space. Now again, don't believe me, check it up for yourself.

Don't ask questions if you don't want to check things out. Stay in your igorance.

Also, the first pictures I have posted that are not only of Roswell.

There have been countless sighting of UFO, there was a sighting in wales this Summer 2008, by Police pilot.
So you go tell them their crazy.

The photo of Roswell was from the movies, the others (pictures) were real life photos?

Maybe these police pilots are so-called weirdos like you would want us to be[b]lie[/b]ve.


The governments are guilty of a cover-up, they don't want people to know about this, because it will blow the lid off their false religions and Geek Mythology.

The[b] Roswell / UFO CoverUp: Why[/b]? - CoverUps.com


For those who want the facts, keep researching "Google: UFO sightings government cover up" for more info.

I am suspecting somebody hasn't been taking their Haldol shots on a regular basis. Its amazing the human mind you know. Fascinating, I tell you. How trauma not only manifests physically but neurological as well. I'll keep on this thread, just for mere edification.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Nobody: 9:14am On Dec 31, 2008
@KUNS shocked
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but now I think you're really f*cking LOCO.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by PastorAIO: 12:10pm On Dec 31, 2008

@KUNS shocked
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but now I think you're really f*cking LOCO.

. . . so you see, Kuns. And that is coming from a real Martian.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by KunleOshob(m): 1:34pm On Dec 31, 2008
I think you guys are being really hard on kuns (my name sake) Even tough i think he is a bit over the limit especially as far as his mentorship of Malachi Z york is concerned. I believe there is a lot of credible evidence on this extraterrestrial /Ufo issue. Even though it as not been proven (or made official) there have been thousands of sightings of UFOs in history and there is also a religious bend to it. Any objective and open minded reader can take a look at this website http://www.bibleufo.com/ make sure you have your bible with you for cross referencing when reading. The findings could be quite thought provoking. I aslo watched a documentary on National geographic which was concluded has thus: Even though as at today there is no scientific proof of extraterrestrials, Judging from the size of the universe and the estimated trillions of planets and over a billion stars it contains, the probability is that there are at least a million intelligent life forms in the universe. We just haven't made contact with them. It would be fool hardy of us humans to assume we are alone in the universe when our planet is just like a speck of dust compared to the size of the universe. Another question we can ask ourselves is this: what is the purpose of these stars and planets if it is only earth that contains life?
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 2:39pm On Dec 31, 2008

concluded has thus: Even though as at today there is no scientific proof of extraterrestrials, Judging from the size of the universe and the estimated trillions of planets and over a billion stars it contains, the probability is that there are at least a million intelligent life forms in the universe. We just haven't made contact with them.
I did well to highlight the important parts for you kunle, there is no proof that there is. We have not been able to successfully study other close galaxies like andromeda to know how many planets they have and if there is "intelligent life there". Sadly all you have now are just assertions, what the heck does the bible gave to do with extraterrestial life forms?
There are people who have spent their lives looking for any, I say any form of contact with very sophisticated machines. All I can say is don't hold your breath.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by duduspace(m): 2:48pm On Dec 31, 2008

This is some sick shit yu're into, possibly a lot worse than the other religions we've been talking about.

For someone who claims to be so enlightened you are sounding so stupid to beleive this mumbo jumbo. I do respect your search for knowledge but when you start beleiving in an individual who concocts up interesting stories while molesting children, then you've really lost it man.

Have you ever thought you could make a very interesting movie about your so called knowledge? sort of like an extended version of "Forrest Gump" with an apt title like "Confusion Galore". You could be the leading man and I'm sure you would win an oscar cos your delivery would be so convincing.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Nobody: 1:13pm On Jan 01, 2009


This is some sick shit yu're into, possibly a lot worse than the other religions we've been talking about.

For someone who claims to be so enlightened you are sounding so stupid to beleive this mumbo jumbo. I do respect your search for knowledge but when you start beleiving in an individual who concocts up interesting stories while molesting children, then you've really lost it man.

Have you ever thought you could make a very interesting movie about your so called knowledge? sort of like an extended version of "Forrest Gump" with an apt title like "Confusion Galore". You could be the leading man and I'm sure you would win an oscar because your delivery would be so convincing.

The dude is highly dusturbed.

I did well to highlight the important parts for you kunle, there is no proof that there is. We have not been able to successfully study other close galaxies like andromeda to know how many planets they have and if there is "intelligent life there". Sadly all you have now are just assertions, what the heck does the bible gave to do with extraterrestial life forms?
There are people who have spent their lives looking for any, I say any form of contact with very sophisticated machines. All I can say is don't hold your breath.

I disagree, the universe is too vast for us to be the only intelligent life forms. We probably won't ever make contact with them, but "they" are probably thinking the same thing out there. The truth is no one knows for certain about anything and that's my reason for being anti-religion. If you ever have a chance, look into a clear night sky with night vision googles and see just how many stars you can see.
We can't be alone out here and the religions' belief in the inerrancy of their holy books is just too small minded.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by Chrisbenogor(m): 4:03pm On Jan 01, 2009
I am not certain, I said don't hold your breath because the probability that we will be contacted is very very small. Plus what is the probability that those life forms developed like us?
I am not certain there is no life there is a high probability there is, but for now kuns is a lunatic.
Re: Jesus: Age 12-30 by mazaje(m): 5:01pm On Jan 01, 2009
@ chris
happy new year man.

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