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Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:04pm On May 01, 2016
Pay attention to the emboldened texts while reading . Have fun !

Existence of God

You may be a fundy atheist if....

1.You became an atheist when you were 10 years old, based on ideas of God that you learned in Sunday School. Your ideas about God haven't changed since.

2. You think that the primary aim of an omnibenevolent God is for people to have FUN.

3.You believe that extra drippy ice-cream is a logical proof against the existence of God, because an omniscient God would know how to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, an omnipotent God would have the ability to stop the ice-cream from being extra drippy, and by golly, an omnibenevolent God wouldn't want your ice-cream to be extra drippy.

4.Although you've memorized a half a dozen proofs that He doesn't exist, you still think you're God's gift to the ignorant masses.

5.You believe the astronomical size of the universe somehow disproves God, as if God needed a tiny universe in order to exist.

6. You think questions like, "Can God create a rock so big that He cannot lift it?" and, "Can God will Himself out of existence?" are perfect examples of how to disprove God's omnipotence and ultimately how to disprove God. When someone proves to you the false logic behind the questions (i.e. pitting God's omnipotence against itself), you desperately try to defend the questions, but then give up and go to a different Christian site to ask them.

7.Related to the above, you spend a great deal of your spare time writing to Christian websites asking them these very questions.

8.You declare on a public forum that you are "furious at God for not existing."

9.You spend hours arguing that a-theism actually means "without a belief in God " and not just " belief that there is no god" as if this is a meaningful distinction in real life.

10You consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen him but you reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives.

11.You can make the existence of pink unicorns the center-piece of a philosophical critique.

12.You insist that "the burden of proof is on he that alleges/accuses", and "it's impossible to prove a negative", then state "That's what Christians do. They lie. Their most common lie is that they were once atheists." When reminded about the burden of proof bit, you reply with, "Well, prove Christians don't lie!"

12. You adamantly believe that the "God of the gaps" idea is an essential tenet of orthodox Christian faith espoused by all the great Christian thinkers throughout history.

13.When you were a child, someone came down with a deadly disease and prayed and prayed for God to take it away. God did not remove the disease and your friend died. You ask other Christians why they had to die when they were such a nice person and never harmed anyone. Dissatisfied with their answers, you suddenly decide that there is no God and that all Christians are nothing but lying, conniving con artists and hypocrites....all that is except for your friend who died.

14.You call a view held by less than ten percent of the American public "common sense".

15. You're a spoiled fifteen year old boy who lives in the suburbs and you go into a chat room to declare that, "I know there is no God because no loving God would allow anyone to suffer as much as I...hold on. My cell phone's ringing."

16.You attack your fellow atheists, who hold the "belief that there is no god", calling them "liars," and state that, "I do not deny the existence of any god. I just don't believe in any." Then you tell someone that their God is "made up." When someone calls you on this, you state, "I never made such a claim."

17.Going with the definition of "without a belief in God", you insist that all people are born atheists, and that dogs, cats, rocks, and trees are as well. You make statements like, "My dog is an atheist. Ask him about his lack of belief."

18. You believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist, yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded".

19. You say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, yet your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith.

20 .While you don't believe in God, you feel justified on bashing God or attacking those who believe in something that you KNOW doesn't exist, fighting against or even discussing about a non-existent being are the symptoms of mental illness!

21.You complain when Christians appeal to their emotions when justifying their belief in God yet you feel justified on appealing to your emotions for lack of belief in God.

22.You blame God for the starvation, sickness, pain and suffering in the world...when, indeed, it is MAN's greed, politics, selfishness and apathy that not only causes, but also ignores the sick and the starving masses. We aren't our brothers' keepers....but we should be.
When asked where the big ball of matter (that started the "Big Bang"wink came from, you insist that it popped out of nowhere.

23. You say that the existence of God is a "blank idea", since no one knows the universe's secrets, yet you continue to state your opinion of God not existing as a "fact".

24 . You believe in many things about history (the culture of the ancient Mayans, egyptians, etc.), yet you refuse to accept personal modern-day testimony from someone who has personally experienced God.


You may be a fundy atheist if....

25. You believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution." It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

26.You claim that evolution and the big bang are two entirely separate theories that explain different aspects of the universe, yet, in what school of learning can you find any real separation or distinction between the two?

27 .Isaac Newton does not count as an example of a great scientist who believed in the Bible since he died before the Origin of Species was published.

28. When you watch a punt returner run a 93 yard touchdown, you marvel at what evolution has done for the human race. But when someone gets cancer, you blame God for it.

29. When you're discussing the origin of the world, the phrase "uncaused cause(God)" is a stupid, meaningless thing to say. You will, however, settle for "uncaused effect(the world without God)".

30 .You descended from apes.(Think about it.)

31. You think that humans are products of chance but when it comes to human reason we can believe in logic! (Think about it !)

32. You think you arrived at your position because you are a free-thinker who rationally weighed the evidence, and then freely chose atheism over theism. YET, you also believe that your thinking and actions are nothing more than the FIXED reactions of the atoms in your brain that are governed by the Laws of Chemistry and Physics.

33. When you ask the question "How can life arise from non life" you are told to "get a basic biology textbook". When you ask "if the answer is so easy why don't you tell me?" you are called an ignorant buffoon.

35. You love to castigate Christians for being "anti-science" if they deny evolution from goo to you via the zoo, and to preach that they should adapt their thinking to the "science" of our day. But you also castigate the Church of 400 years ago for being anti-science, when it DID adapt its thinking to the science of ITS day, i.e. Ptolemaic cosmology, then joined with the Aristotelian scientists of the universities in rejecting Galileo!

36 . You claim poker-faced that "social Darwinism" and its spawn of eugenics have absolutely no connection to the biological theories propounded by Charles Darwin in "On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life"

37.You can claim with as straight face on sites like Talk Origins that "Evolution does not have moral consequences" despite the fact that prominent evolutionary advocates like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett vehemently assert that evolution does transcend biology in a way that has a profound effects upon ethics.

38.When the Pope says that God may have used evolution, he is an enlightened religious leader whom Christians should listen to. When the Pope preaches on the sanctity of human life from conception, and thus denounces abortion, he's just a senile religious bigot who should keep his opinions to himself.

39. Concerning the origins of life, you feel that though the chances of life forming without an intelligent creator are small it DID indeed happen that way. And yet you don't believe me when a rock, coming from my direction, hits you in the back of the head and I tell you, "I didn't throw it. There was a sudden shift in the earth's gravitational pull and the rock levitated into your head...Sure the chances are small but it DID happen that way."

40.When you're shown that your view of origins is silly, you can only respond, "Well...at least it's better than believing in some invisible SKY DADDY!"

41. When a Christian points out the impossibility of a biological system (or feature) forming by pure chance you accuse them of invoking a "God of the gaps". YET, when you are asked how a particular feature could come about solely by chance you invoke "Evolution of the gaps" (i.e., we don't know HOW but we do know that Evolution MUST have done it!)

42. You claim antibiotic-resistant bacteria is proof protozoa evolved into a person.

43. You insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities -- except creationism and/or intelligent design.

To be continued ...

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:05pm On May 01, 2016
44. You think that every scientist who believes in Creationism and doesn't mindlessly accept evolution as a fact is a "kook," but you believe that Francis Crick (Nobel Prize winning co-discoverer of DNA), who reached into his nether regions and pulled out the "theory" of Directed Panspermia (which states with absolutely no support that aliens seeded the earth with life - see the movie "Mission to Mars"wink, is a great evolutionist scientist.

45When a creationist points out problems with the evolutionist model you claim that the whole point of science is to answer problems like these. But if you can point out even one problem in the creationist model it should instantly be abandoned as absurd.

46. You are a person who absolutely believes that life came from nonlife, yet absolutely deny the possibility of anyone rising from the dead.

47. You won't bet $10 on the football game because a 50/50 chance isn't good enough, but you have no problem gambling with your life on the nearly impossible odds of a cell randomly generating from nothing.

48 . Engaging the "slippery slope" fallacy, you think you can invalidate the whole bible by discrediting Genesis, since 'the whole bible either stands together or falls apart'. However, when a Creationist tries to invalidate the whole doctrine of naturalistic evolution by exposing the sheer improbability and lack of evidence of abiogenesis, you note this point as 'irrelevant'.

49 . You ignore "Time Magazine's" poll, which states that only 28% of Americans believe in evolution. But of course, "Time Magazine" must been run by creationists.

50 . You think man evolved from apes but get mad when somebody calls you one.

51. You demand that Christians study advanced evolutionary biology before making claims about natural selection. You then claim that their theological ideas, which you have never examined before, are pure nonsense.

52. On the other hand, you demand that Christians who have NOT studied evolutionary biology ought to go ahead and publicly commit to arguments about it, because you want to trap or embarrass them with your own knowledge of the subject, which is limited to quoting Gould and Futuyama.

53. You claim that the 'God' mentioned by Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking is nature and that they were atheists, then claim that you have no religion, which is defined by the dictionary as "Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe."

54. There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe. Each one contains around 250 million stars. Many of these stars have small bits of matter pointlessly circling them, that are commonly referred to as planets. Around one of the smaller of these stars spins a rather smaller than average, insignificant planet. On this unimportant speck, over hundreds of millions of years, which is an insignificantly short length of time when compared to the age of the universe, totally random chemical reactions brought about complex though meaningless organisms who eventually evolved through totally random mutations into bipedal life forms. These life forms engage in a behavior they call thinking, which involves the exchange of tiny bits of electrical and chemical energy being passed from one single cell to another. None of the tiny bits of energy even realize that the bipedal life form exists. And if they did, they wouldn't care. All of these reactions are simply the byproduct of previous events that were also the results of events before them, beginning initially as a random quantum event that happened so long ago that there is really no point at all in trying to conceive of it. If one of these fatuous beings on an inconsequential planet in a faceless galaxy in the meaningless universe, randomly happens to think there is a non existent deity, and you argue with him...............you might be a fundamentalist atheist.

55. You say that you "worship" science.

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:10pm On May 01, 2016
55. You constantly accuse Christians of being liars for saying Archaeopteryx is a fraud, yet you lie and say it's a transitional fossil.
You say there is more evidence disproving God's existence, even though the evolutionary Oparin-Haldane Hypothesis (the one with the "primordial soup," look it up if you want) has no evidence.


You may be a fundy atheist if....

56 . Any scholar who believes in a historical Jesus must be a theist. If they are an atheist, then they must secretly want to be a theist.

57. You insist that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", then claim that Jesus never existed.

58. You contend that no war in history has ever been created by non-belief. Yet, when you are told that 245 million people lost their lives in wars during the last century, created by non-believers like Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Hitler, to name only a few, you reply that those wars fought were fought in the name of ideology and not 'atheism' as atheists "…don't fly planes into buildings or start wars."

59.You accept (and quote back to Christians) any number of works that say Jesus wasn't the Son of God and call them "honest", "thought-provoking" and 'scholarly" proof, even when they completely contradict each other and come to completely different conclusions.

60. You think it's entirely possible for documents dated to the 10th century to have been forged in the 14th. (Used of Tacitus once.)

61. You believe that when our forefathers are framing the Constitution, they're staunch deists, but when they're beating their slaves, they're Bible-believing Christians.

62. When you use a historical point to prove Christianity is false (i.e., pagan parallel to Christianity), history is objective truth. When a Christian uses real historical scholarship to prove you false, history was written by subjective men and therefore cannot be trusted.

63. You reject what Cornelius Tacitus wrote about Jesus, dismissing it as "too late", but you readily accept what he wrote about Tiberius and Augustus.

64. You apparently think the first century AD was in the Stone Age, since you refer to Christianity as "Stone Age beliefs".
When Christians tell you that The Bible is inerrant you go on and list a bunch of "contradictions"; when the Christian shows to you that those are not contradictions but the result of taking things out of context you list more "contradictions" when the Christian does the same with those you complain that he/she is just making stuff up and/or that the answer the Christian gives you are not "satisfactory" and proceed of course to list more "contradictions".

65. You like to complain about the wars and killings found in the Bible and like to claim that this is some sort of proof to conclude that it is not The Word of God. When the Christian points out that the Bible is about reality and that it exposes humanity and all what comes with it, you complain that it is nonsense and that no good God would allow for that to happen. You would then just claim that it is too perfect and not true.

66.You like to list contradictions to Christians like if you some how pretend that Christians are not aware of them or that they are ignorant about their own religion.

67. You refuse to use the word "excruciating" because of its origins in describing the agonies of crucifixion. (ex crucis - "from the cross"wink
When a Christian tells you that in order to fully understand The Word of God you need to open up your heart and allow The Bible to speak to you and to read The Bible by placing confidence in God, you say that the Bible is just a book and that why you don't have to do the same with Harry Potter.

68 You desperately wish that Stalin and Mao hadn't been atheists.

69. You not only spell "God" with a lower case "g," but you also add an "E" to "B.C.," and replace the word "Christ" with an "x." Yet, when asked to name the planets you have no problem with spouting out the appropriate list of Roman Gods. Heck, you'll even spell them with capital letters! Not only that, you can even spell and pronounce the name of the 800-mile-diameter Trans-Neptunian Object 'Quaoar', and are delighted that it comes from the creation mythology of the Tongva people (aka the San Gabrielino Native Americans).
In addition, you say that terms like "AD", "BC" and "christmas" (as opposed to "winter holiday season" cheesy ) are medieval, outdated, bigoted poison and must be eliminated at all costs from the world, yet the fact that our months and days are largely named after Roman, viking etc. figures (eg. Janus - January, Thor - Thursday) is a glowing testimony to the diverse and wonderful nature of human history

70 . You think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes.

71.You think that the Spanish Inquisition killed millions (or at least hundreds of thousands), even though the population of all of Spain at the time of the Inquisition was only about five million, and the actual total killed numbers about 2000. When informed of this, you accuse the informer of belittling or being insensitive to the deaths of 2000 individuals.

72. You bring up the alleged 'horrors' of the Spanish Inquisition to show how evil the church is. When shown that the SI was not the horror that it was painted to be, you switch gears and ask if the believer notes this because they think people are justified to feel moral revulsion with the Spanish Inquisition as it is commonly understood.

73.You desperately confer with other skeptics to try and refute the evidence that Hitler's Holocaust was evolution-inspired, because, darn it, you just GOTTA prove that Hitler was a Christian.

74. You believe that Hitler claiming to be a Christian is undeniable proof that he was a Christian, while George Washington only claimed to be a Christian in order to win the people's favor.

75.You adamantly refuse to recognise the historical fact that "scientific atheism" was both a foundational philosophical position and an actual policy of the Soviet Union from the time of Lenin on, responsible for untold persecution, torture, suffering, humiliation and death far in excess of the numbers of the "victims" of Christianity.

On the other hand you further show your ignorance of history by constantly repeating "whoppers" about the numbers of victims of Christian Inquisitions, crusades and witchhunts dredged up from various unscholarly hate sites and passed off as historical fact.
For example...you can claim with a poker face that 9 MILLION women were put to death as witches by Christian fanatics in pre-Enlightenment Europe.

76. You assert that the 300 Protestants put to death under the reign of "Bloody Mary" in 16th century England stand as absolute proof of the inherent evil of Christianity but the tens upon tens of millions killed by Marxist regimes under Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot in the 20th century have absolutely NOTHING to do with the profound atheism inherent in these regimes.

77.You really believe that the Enlightenment made people more enlightened.

78.You think there's more evidence for the existence of Wonder Woman than for Jesus.

79.You complain about desecrating the Koran while holding a burning Bible.

80. You think religion is "the original war crime".

81. You think that Bible translators whose names, and reasons for their word choices, are unknown to you, provide a much better argument for a specific reading of the text, while Bible commentaries by named authors, with in-depth arguments, are obviously trying to cover up the truth.

82. You are outraged at the slaughters in the Bible ordered by God because of the need at the time (such as the Midianite children's tendency to avenge their parents after growing up), but then vigourously defend the bombing of Hiroshima on the grounds that the Japanese would fight to the death.

83. You want the symbol of the cross to be removed from burial grounds in order to enforce "religious tolerance" all the while claiming that the symbol of the cross now used to symbolize Christianity was copied from earlier pagan religions.

84. You continually argue that Hitler was a "real Christian" even when he and his fellow Nazis were slaughtering millions of people (and you "conveniently" ignore the very obvious distinction between someone claiming to be a Christian and someone actually living as a Christian, and the fact that the Nuremberg prosecutors denounced Nazism as fanatically ANTI-Christian!), but you deny that the scientists who rejected Galileo's work were real scientists.

85. You insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but you then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway.

86 . You say things that supposedly happened about twenty billion years ago are a fact of science, while something that happened two thousand years ago is an ancient religious myth.


You may be a fundy atheist if....

89 . You think if a Christian won't address your arguments, they are too frightened to do so, or know they can't answer them; but if they do address your arguments, you think it is because they are "threatened" by them.

90. You say that if a Christian reads their Bible a lot, they are brainwashing themselves. But if they don't read it much, you accuse them of being ignorant.

91. Missionaries who give up their personal comfort to aid starving, impoverished and persecuted third-world people are actually "corrupting ancient tribal cultures with western religious dogma", while you sit at home and complain about the price of KFC.

92.You believe that any Christian who claims to have once been an atheist is either lying or was never a "true atheist."

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:11pm On May 01, 2016
grin grin
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:48pm On May 01, 2016
To be continued

Plaetton , Johnydon22 , AgentofAllah , cloudgoddess , valentinemary , dalaman , kay17 , Ayomikun37 , logicbwoy , sonoflucifer , hahn ,urahara and others that'll be mentioned later .

Just know that your irrationality never goes unnoticed !

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by Richirich713: 5:42am On May 02, 2016

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by blueAgent(m): 6:30pm On May 03, 2016
Lol..... True. atheist are clueless

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by analice107: 11:35pm On May 03, 2016
Drags a wooden chair, sits with my chewing stick waiting for Frank317 to show here. Where is Ifeness?
These covers everything i hear from these people.
Ple you all should come out and educate us the Century fools

No 51 got me cracking. 'They believe they evolved from Apes, but get angry when called Apes'.

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 7:11pm On May 05, 2016
93. You assert that the crimes and failings of some Christians (acting inconsistently with the teachings of Christ at that!) disproves the whole edifice of Christianity but that the crimes and failings of some atheists (acting consistently with the fact that atheism can provide no basis for objective morality!) should on no account be held against the philosophy of atheism.

94. You assert that there is no absolute categories of good and evil, that all morals are merely personal, social and evolutionary constructs but then you can still describe Christians and Christianity as absolutely immoral, repugnant and evil and a danger to humanity and not feel even a twinge of hypocrisy at the monumental illogic of your position.

95. You KNOW that religion causes violence and repeatedly tell this to everyone, hoping to save the world, but you don't believe that TV violence causes any real life violence. In fact, you are offended by this objection, and you have already started to figure out how to refute it. To increase your fundy factor, you have decided not to study social sciences.

96. You think that taking the Bible seriously is the obsession of a fanatical fringe group of right-wing, extremist Christians who do not represent the views of the historic Church or of contemporary enlightened, liberal, skeptical "Christians" who according to you supposedly "fill" the mainstream churches and who on close inspection pretty much reflect your own politically correct views and values - and skepticism - about God. [Sort of like former Bishop Spong].

97. You claim that the theories and opinions of certain liberal scholars are absolute facts although you shy away from debating such issues with someone equally or better informed than you are.

98.You get angry when Christians tell you you're going to a place that you don't think exists.

99. You're convinced that people only believe in God because they're afraid of going to hell...despite the fact that if there is no God, then there's probably no hell either.

100. You consistently decry Christians for soliciting financial support yet find no problem in atheistic 'missionaries' doing the same thing."

101. You think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites.

102. When a group of Sydney University (Australia) academics, including a historian, sign a public statement saying the Jesus Christ is "one of the great figures of history" and that his claims to be Son of God "bear up under closest scrutiny", this is a gross abuse of their position. But when Richard Dawkins uses his position as an Oxford professor to pontificate on his atheistic religion and related philosophical matters outside HIS field (animal behavior), that is a responsible use of academic freedom.

103. Further to the above, you're paranoid that these Christian academics will discriminate against you, even though their statement hasn't the remotest hint of that. But you applaud Michael Dini, a professor at Texas Tech, who refuses to recommend students for Medical School, even if they got "A"s in their courses, unless they not only understand but BELIEVE in goo-to-you evolution. And you're disgusted that creationist medical doctors have the gall to think they know more about medicine than Dini (who never practised medicine or even went to medical school), because by definition an evolutionist is more knowledgeable than a creationist on ANY subject!

104. You think Christians are narrow-minded for believing in only one religion, but atheists are open-minded for believing in absolutely none.

105. You believe that Christianity discriminates, because you have to join their religion in order to be a member of their religion.
You feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate.

106. You think it is a "slam dunk" proof against God when you ask why He doesn't stop horrible things like, i.e., child rape, but evade the reply that you obviously don't want God stopping your own sins by pointing out that it isn't your problem because you don't believe in God in the first place.

107. You are disgusted with Doctor Paul Vitz's book "Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism" because an educated person with a degree has linked atheism as a psychological condition. Yet, you have no remorse when you tell believers that they are a product of brainwashing, psycho conditioning and wishful thinking.

108 . You believe Freud's theory that all religious experiences are delusions, as the most revolutionary and truthful thought of all times. Yet, you overlook his heavy use of cocaine because "it can't be proven."

109.You recommend Michael Shermer's book "How We Believe" to all of your friends who are believers and believe that somehow his opinion will give insight into how we actually think. Yet of course, you ignore that Shermer doesn't have any education in Anthropology. Must be a coincidence.

110. You're stupid enough to think atheists are treated like second-class citizens. Yet of course, you spend most of your day belittling Christians and other religious people.

111.You're convinced that all Christians are idiots. But when you meet the "rare" Christian who's clearly intelligent, you can only conclude that he was fooled into believing...by the idiots.

112. You think that the words "Christian" and "sane" are mutually exclusive.

113. You're proud of being completely free of predjudice, unlike the "typical sociopathic Christian".

114. You address Christians as "liar","sheepherder", or "looney toon".

115. You refer to Christian leaders as "fuehrer".

116. You think Satanists are Christians because they "worship a Christian god".

117. You can quote the latter part of Psalm 14:1 as proof that the Bible claims there is no God. If a Christian tries to point out the context (ie. "The fool says in his heart 'there is no God'"wink you claim they were already predisposed toward the existance of God and can therefore be safely ignored.

118. You don't like Christians because they are stuffy and judgemental and you don't like judgemental people. You also don't see the irony in this.

Contemporary events

You may be a fundy atheist if....

119. You demand that theists explain news items where bad things have happened to theists, even though no theists on the board have claimed that belief in God is some kind of a lucky charm that wards off bad luck.

120. You demand that theists explain news items where theists do bad things, even though no theists on the board have claimed that it is impossible for theists to do bad things.

121. The only Commandments you know are the ones that are unconstitutional.

122.You can't remember if she was Mother or Sister Teresa, but you can name every pedophile priest listed in the media over the last seven years.

123.You feel that the separation of church and state is a much more important issue than abortion, euthanasia, or infanticide.

124.You label any change whatsoever in Christian theology or behavior as 'secularization.'

125.You deface money by scribbling God off of dollar bills.

126.You think God was cruel for killing all of those innocent babies in the flood, and that Christians are cruel for opposing a woman's right to abort her baby.

127. You think that Reverend Fred Phelps does what he does because of his Christianity, but Reverend Fred Rogers did what he did in spite of his Christianity.

128.You believe that gender roles are the product of Christian patriarchy, but homosexuals are born that way.

129.You support gay rights when they first pushed for ‘rights’, because ‘what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is no one else’s business’. But then you want public approval and want to ban disapproval even in private situations.

130 .You think that it's wrong to execute a convicted serial killer, but abortion on demand is a constitutional right.

131. You uphold a woman’s right to choose, unless a woman chooses adoption, chooses to be a stay-at-home mom, chooses to homeschool, or chooses to start a business.

132. You object to using mice for scientific experimentation but don't mind when babies are killed for stem cell research.

133 .When someone refers to an unborn baby as a baby, you say, "Don't you mean fetus?"


Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by Nobody: 10:16pm On May 05, 2016
The fact that you could go all the way copying and pasting these heap of bullocks here goes to show how much you seek attention... I wonder what this silly thread hopes to achieve... I expect you to be all over the place, preaching the "good news", not junketing to such silly activities... Did you forget the great commission? Come off this shit and do what the Lord commanded...


Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by MaziOmenuko: 10:52pm On May 05, 2016
When you are done, don't forget to quote the source.

We don't allow plagiarism on Nairaland.

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by dalaman: 11:08pm On May 05, 2016
The fact that you could go all the way copying and pasting these heap of bullocks here goes to show how much you seek attention... I wonder what this silly thread hopes to achieve... I expect you to be all over the place, preaching the "good news", not junketing to such silly activities... Did you forget the great commission? Come off this shit and do what the Lord commanded...

Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:14am On May 06, 2016
The fact that you could go all the way copying and pasting these heap of bullocks here goes to show how much you seek attention... I wonder what this silly thread hopes to achieve... I expect you to be all over the place, preaching the "good news", not junketing to such silly activities... Did you forget the great commission? Come off this shit and do what the Lord commanded...

Young atheist , I am sure you are frustrated at the purpose of this thread - to expose dumb arguments your mates , including you make .

If everyone sees how irrational atheism is , do you think anyone would want to go down that path of foolishness ? undecided

Atheism = Irrationality . Choose Christ today .

I'm having fun though , you can wail all day ... close to 200 views . I'll mention you went its close to a 1000 cool .

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:15am On May 06, 2016


Bruh !
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:16am On May 06, 2016
When you are done, don't forget to quote the source.

We don't allow plagiarism on Nairaland.

Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by Nobody: 10:13pm On May 26, 2016
grin Here we go again.......

Do quote the Damn Source!!
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:45pm On May 26, 2016
grin Here we go again.......

Do quote the Damn Source!!

You quote references at the end of an article .

Iyaaf not finish .

Just grasp the point , though its trite
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by Nobody: 10:56pm On May 26, 2016

You quote references at the end of an article .

Iyaaf not finish .

Just grasp the point , though its trite
It's getting long and repetitive, I had to skip like the last 30 to write what I wanted to write cry
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:02pm On May 26, 2016
It's getting long and repetitive, I had to skip like the last 30 to write what I wanted to write cry

Im glad you enjoyed the read .

But I promise there wont be any repetitions in subsequent posts
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by ValentineMary(m): 3:01am On May 27, 2016
Drags a wooden chair, sits with my chewing stick waiting for Frank317 to show here. Where is Ifeness?
These covers everything i hear from these people.
Ple you all should come out and educate us the Century fools

No 51 got me cracking. 'They believe they evolved from Apes, but get angry when called Apes'.
Pls show me any modern evolution text book that said humans came from ape. Ur ignorance is unfathomable


Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by lepasharon(f): 8:15am On May 27, 2016
Too long
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 8:25am On May 27, 2016

Pls show me any modern evolution text book that said humans came from ape. Ur ignorance is unfathomable

And the ignorance shown in your signature is ineffable . There are erudite professors , business men , savants , academicians who believe in God just like me and they have not discarded their religion .

Even thousands of years ago when knowledge of everything was little , there were atheists

Why did you choose to indite such a daft signature ?

Funny enough you have not shown us this recondite knowledge you claim to possess that made you discard religion .
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 8:27am On May 27, 2016
Too long

fine baby , that's why I used the word 'plethora' to give you an insight of what to expect before you click
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by Dekatron(m): 10:10am On May 27, 2016
I was not expecting better...... Well......

Perhaps you might wanna choose which points to discuss... Most are repeated points making no sense..... Besides, nobody has time to waste analyzing over a hundred points to some niggas that keep running in circles

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by ValentineMary(m): 11:51am On May 27, 2016

And the ignorance shown in your signature is ineffable . There are erudite professors , business men , savants , academicians who believe in God just like me and they have not discarded their religion .

Even thousands of years ago when knowledge of everything was little , there were atheists

Why did you choose to indite such a daft signature ?

Funny enough you have not shown us this recondite knowledge you claim to possess that made you discard religion .
*Laffing* Is that all u have to say to defend ur fellow ignorant theist who does not know shit about evolution. What am I saying? both of u rock d same boat.
Obviously u don't know about d exponential rise in atheism in most of Europe and latin America
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:57am On May 27, 2016

*Laffing* Is that all u have to say to defend ur fellow ignorant theist who does not know shit about evolution. What am I saying? both of u rock d same boat.
Obviously u don't know about d exponential rise in atheism in most of Europe and latin America

I know of the rise in irreligiousity and not of atheism . The world is becoming more secular , less of religious practices not disbelief in God .

There are just 7 percent of Europeans who are atheists , so the religious are still preponderant .
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:02pm On May 27, 2016
I was not expecting better...... Well......

Perhaps you might wanna choose which points to discuss... Most are repeated points making no sense..... Besides, nobody has time to waste analyzing over a hundred points to some niggas that keep running in circles

Just read and move on . There is no need for refutation . Its like telling a French man who was born in France and speaks French that he is not a citizen of France undecided . The above describes perfectly what fundy atheists do
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:13pm On May 27, 2016

*Laffing* Is that all u have to say to defend ur fellow ignorant theist who does not know shit about evolution. What am I saying? both of u rock d same boat.

Hilarious indeed ! If I ask for clear demonstration of evolution of humans , i'd be shown the picture below :

Isn't that an ape ?

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Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by ValentineMary(m): 12:34pm On May 27, 2016

Hilarious indeed ! If I ask for clear demonstration of evolution of humans , i'd be shown the picture below :

Isn't that an ape ?
That's d misconception going on for years. That's why I said MODERN EVOULUTION BIOLOGY text book. We did not come from Ape do ur reserch well.
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:38pm On May 27, 2016

That's d misconception going on for years. That's why I said MODERN EVOULUTION BIOLOGY text book. We did not come from Ape do ur reserch well.

Lol . So if you didnt come from apes , where did you come ? Provide proofs of course
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:43pm On May 27, 2016
ValentineMary , you have not defended what you wrote as your signature 'Religion dies as knowledge grows ' . I refuted your claim and a cogent rebuttal was not brought forward . You just made a cavil - atheism is on the rise in Europe and Latin America , which is not quite so .
Re: Hilarious ! A Plethora Of Reasons Why You May Be A Fundamentalist Atheist by ValentineMary(m): 1:38pm On May 27, 2016

Lol . So if you didnt come from apes , where did you come ? Provide proofs of course
From d data we have now according to SNP we have 99.5% similarity in DNA with d Neanderthals.

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