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Is Jesus God? - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Is Jesus God? by lovingJehovah: 6:57am On Nov 07, 2017
Apparently, the Bible is our only authority to learning about God.
Bro, there are many doctrines and we cannot unite them as one. It did not begin today. Jude 1:4 "certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this judgment by the Scriptures; they are ungodly men".
The Bible acknowledges these doctrines and trying to unite them is going against Jesus' teaching in Matthew 13:24-30; "24 He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. .... 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.’”

Hebrews 1:2 Now at the end of these days he has spoken to us by means of a Son,+ whom he appointed heir of all things,+ and through whom he made the systems of things.
waiting for a revelation now is like telling God that the Bible is insufficient for you. The Bible says that God HAS SPOKEN. Who are we to question that?
Romans 15:4 For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance+ and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.
so, the question is, what further instruction do we need?
1 Corinthians 10:11 Neither be murmurers, as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. 11 Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come.
If you are asking for revelations then of what use is the Bible?
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reads, " 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work".
If the Bible can make you completely equipped and competent, what then is the use of a further revelation? Our God is not one of conflict. The Bible says that he last spoke to Jesus and the book of Revelation is a vision revealing things that will mark the end of this system of things and beyond. If we truly love Jehovah, then there should be nothing more special now than seeking that kingdom already revealed to us.
The Bible is our key to survival. Digging into it for spiritual gems is our task and in that way, we will be able to filter the nonsense spread about in the name of religion, philosophy, and doctrine.
Now I know where you're coming from. It's a 'doctrine' thing. If we don't reason from the Bible, then where else do we need to reason from?
It's clear there are now different interpretations of God's word by denominations of course with scriptural backings, which is why we have the Holy Spirit to teach us the truth. I don't believe in division but unity because the last thing Christ wants is for his body to be divided in the name of "doctrines"..

The body of Christ shouldn't be aligned with the difference in doctrines but oneness in teachings and revelatory knowledge of Christ Jesus with the aid of the Holy Spirit.. Why the church is dividing is because of the lack of revelation and the true spiritual form of service. Just like the Samaritan woman in John 4.. Jesus said she knew not the God she worships because she was unspiritual in her service to God hence she can't catch a revelatory glimpse of whom God is...

There's a dimension where you get to commune with the Lord.. As he speaks, you hear clearly because you have in you Christ, with oneness in spirit ..(1corinthians 6:16-17) This is direct revelation... But you must grow by eating God's word and obeying his teachings..

We know Jesus is the Son of God... You know it but you raised up this thread to dispute the claim that he was also God because you were taught to believe what you had to... The scripture is perfect. I eat it, it's milk n neat for spiritual growth. .. But I want to move in a dimension of revelations of God, the author ND inspirer ... Jesus existed before everything was created, who was he? If you can't tell me and I cant find it anywhere, then only him can.. This was the very essence he came to die for the world, to restore the connection man had with God ,with that his kingdom can be established on earth...

John5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. [40] And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.


Re: Is Jesus God? by Maamin(m): 8:28am On Nov 07, 2017
Oh OK, YAHWEH is the Almighty God, while Jesus is THE MIGHTY GOD, in other words, there are two different Gods, Eh? Hear yuasef.

Yes two different entities. Also if you choose to call the two different Gods so be it for you

Yahweh is not Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is not Yahweh

This you must understand. Yahweh sent Jesus the Son.

John 8:42 "Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me."

John 20:17 "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

Eph. 4 :4-6 "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

1 Cor. 15:24 -28 "Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all."

I hope you read and understand those scriptures.

Stop equating the Son to the Father. They are not!

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Re: Is Jesus God? by Nobody: 8:51am On Nov 07, 2017
The bible is complete, did I dispute that? ... Do you know that it was through revelations the apostles and prophets wrote them? Do you know that Paul was well learned in the Law and teachings of Christ, but why did he emphasize on revelations? We have the Holy Spirit to give us this revelations of Christ in our time. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will come to teach us all truth. If I may ask, what is this truth that we don't have yet? It's not my words but the Jesus's...

John16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

@The emboldened the Holy Spirit will speak to us... Isn't that a revelation? Or Jesus didn't mean it.. He will show us.. What is there to show us if we don't know it already?
2Corinthians 12:1 it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.

Same Paul an apostle of Christ prayed for the Church of Ephesus for God's spirit to be poured upon his people in wisdom and revelatory knowledge of him so they can serve him better.... Without this spiritual aid you will serve God like the people of the law who served because it was like a duty or custom.. But in revelation you serve because you have a personal relationship with him. He speaks and you hear him. (John10:27) " My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me"

Ephesians 1:16-17.
16.Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
[17] That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

I'm not mincing words here... It's the scripture..

Galatians 1:11-12.
11.But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

[12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Take note of the emboldened. He didn't say doctrine but revelations of Christ... It's scriptural..
God is not a one pattern God he works in dimensions you can't fathom. When I said one doctrine I know what I meant. There are spirits that are not of God roaming about indoctrinating the body with false teachings... The spirit of God comes to unite and not divide.

God doesn't lie. So when a denomination says "communion is not good" but another says "it is. We do it in remembrance of Christ as the Lord commands" etc .. Now tell me, who is deceiving who, is it the spirit of God? The spirit of God is one and true, it doesn't divide, confuses or segregates...

Apparently, the Bible is our only authority to learning about God.
Bro, there are many doctrines and we cannot unite them as one. It did not begin today. Jude 1:4 "certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this judgment by the Scriptures; they are ungodly men".
The Bible acknowledges these doctrines and trying to unite them is going against Jesus' teaching in Matthew 13:24-30; "24 He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. .... 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and in the harvest season, I will tell the reapers: First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; then gather the wheat into my storehouse.’”

Hebrews 1:2 Now at the end of these days he has spoken to us by means of a Son,+ whom he appointed heir of all things,+ and through whom he made the systems of things.
waiting for a revelation now is like telling God that the Bible is insufficient for you. The Bible says that God HAS SPOKEN. Who are we to question that?
Romans 15:4 For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance+ and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.
so, the question is, what further instruction do we need?
1 Corinthians 10:11 Neither be murmurers, as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. 11 Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come.
If you are asking for revelations then of what use is the Bible?
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reads, " 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work".
If the Bible can make you completely equipped and competent, what then is the use of a further revelation? Our God is not one of conflict. The Bible says that he last spoke to Jesus and the book of Revelation is a vision revealing things that will mark the end of this system of things and beyond. If we truly love Jehovah, then there should be nothing more special now than seeking that kingdom already revealed to us.
The Bible is our key to survival. Digging into it for spiritual gems is our task and in that way, we will be able to filter the nonsense spread about in the name of religion, philosophy, and doctrine.
Re: Is Jesus God? by Nobody: 9:13am On Nov 07, 2017
You are double minded.. You earlier said there was nothing like 'God the son ' , hence denying the deity of Christ.. If Jesus is God and a son to the father whom is equally God, then what is he? Isaiah, 9:6 Says Jesus is the MIGHTY GOD and EVERLASTING FATHER...


Yes! do you have any contrary opinion?

Bring it forth. wink
Re: Is Jesus God? by Maamin(m): 10:10am On Nov 07, 2017
You are double minded.. You earlier said there was nothing like 'God the son ' , hence denying the deity of Christ.. If Jesus is God and a son to the father whom is equally God, then what is he? Isaiah, 9:6 Says Jesus is the MIGHTY GOD and EVERLASTING FATHER...

I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference and implication between God the son and Son of God.

Like I said "God the son" implies that the same father is the Son. Which is wrong

OK let's do it this way
Yahweh= God the father
Jesus = Son of God or Son of Yahweh

I can say Yahweh the Father which is God the father..i will still be making sense.
Now if I say "Yahweh the Son" doesn't that sound incorrect to you and simply implies that same Yahweh is Son? And you and I know that they are two different persons.

You can be called a "son to your father" or " Son of your father" but you can't be called "father the son" or "father of the son"
But still that doesn't make you and your father not being both HUMAN Beings right?. Same applies to GOD the father and his Son Jesus Christ.

You might want to flip through your Bible and dig out at least a single verse from the Bible that calls or address Jesus Christ as God the son. But I can bet you that Numerous verses of Christ confirming that he is the Son of God are well littered inside the scriptures.

Isaiah 9:6 is neither a bone of contention here in fact the verse is in agreement so far. The holy spirit takes what is of Christ and reveal to us, Christ takes what is of God the father and reveal to us.
Re: Is Jesus God? by joshnes(m): 11:39am On Nov 07, 2017
Maamin, what you just said is borderline heretic, there are two Gods? There is only one God, He is Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. No difference. I don't know if you use other translations but if you do, try reading Philipians 2:6 in MSG, TLB, NLT, AMP,GNT etc and see if Jesus and God are not equal.
Re: Is Jesus God? by Nobody: 12:26pm On Nov 07, 2017

I'm sorry if you don't understand the difference and implication between God the son and Son of God.

Like I said "God the son" implies that the same father is the Son. Which is wrong

OK let's do it this way
Yahweh= God the father
Jesus = Son of God or Son of Yahweh

I can say Yahweh the Father which is God the father..i will still be making sense.
Now if I say "Yahweh the Son" doesn't that sound incorrect to you and simply implies that same Yahweh is Son? And you and I know that they are two different persons.

You can be called a "son to your father" or " Son of your father" but you can't be called "father the son" or "father of the son"
But still that doesn't make you and your father not being both HUMAN Beings right?. Same applies to GOD the father and his Son Jesus Christ.

You might want to flip through your Bible and dig out at least a single verse from the Bible that calls or address Jesus Christ as God the son. But I can bet you that Numerous verses of Christ confirming that he is the Son of God are well littered inside the scriptures.

Isaiah 9:6 is neither a bone of contention here in fact the verse is in agreement so far. The holy spirit takes what is of Christ and reveal to us, Christ takes what is of God th ufwfe, e father and reveal to dad.

You are misinterpreting the mind of God with logics... Isaiah spoke the mind of God in 9:6... God told Isaiah a son would be born who will be called The mighty God and everlasting Father...

Take note, 'God' is a title which The father gave to his begotten son Jesus.. "Every son will become a father".. If the spirit of God calls Jesus 'The MIGHTY GOD and EVERLASTING FATHER ', then what do you call that? Must the scripture directly tell u he is God ?

The prophets prophesied according to the mind of God and God did not mince words when he told Isaiah this.. Jesus is the son of God, yes, and he is the mighty God.

You should say you don't believe in trinity and I will know where you're coming from..
Re: Is Jesus God? by lovingJehovah: 12:34pm On Nov 07, 2017
I am delighted to see your dedication to spiritual matters. Your inclusion of Bible verses is a gem and I encourage that.
However, the last revelation was given to apostle John. James 1:25 "But the one who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and continues in it has become... a doer of the work..."
So, we believe that we can draw closer to Jehovah by peering into the deep things of his word.
If you believe that you will receive further revelation, it is your belief and no human can judge you for that.

The holy spirit was poured out in Pentecost 33 CE and so many remarkable works took place as documented in the scriptures. Prophecies were revealed and according to the Bible, we were told that all those special gifts would cease. 1 Corinthians 13:9 For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially, 10 but when what is complete comes, what is partial will be done away with.
And what would be left would be what is recorded in 1 Corinthians 13:13 Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.
Jesus said that by love, his loyal ones would be identified John 13:35.
Furthermore, we have to consistently pray for the holy spirit to help us to gain a deeper understanding of God's word.

The bible is complete, did I dispute that? ... Do you know that it was through revelations the apostles and prophets wrote them? Do you know that Paul was well learned in the Law and teachings of Christ, but why did he emphasize on revelations? We have the Holy Spirit to give us this revelations of Christ in our time. Jesus said the Holy Spirit will come to teach us all truth. If I may ask, what is this truth that we don't have yet? It's not my words but the Jesus's...

John16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

@The emboldened the Holy Spirit will speak to us... Isn't that a revelation? Or Jesus didn't mean it.. He will show us.. What is there to show us if we don't know it already?
2Corinthians 12:1 it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.

Same Paul an apostle of Christ prayed for the Church of Ephesus for God's spirit to be poured upon his people in wisdom and revelatory knowledge of him so they can serve him better.... Without this spiritual aid you will serve God like the people of the law who served because it was like a duty or custom.. But in revelation you serve because you have a personal relationship with him. He speaks and you hear him. (John10:27) " My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me"

Ephesians 1:16-17.
16.Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;
[17] That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

I'm not mincing words here... It's the scripture..

Galatians 1:11-12.
11.But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.

[12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Take note of the emboldened. He didn't say doctrine but revelations of Christ... It's scriptural..
God is not a one pattern God he works in dimensions you can't fathom. When I said one doctrine I know what I meant. There are spirits that are not of God roaming about indoctrinating the body with false teachings... The spirit of God comes to unite and not divide.

God doesn't lie. So when a denomination says "communion is not good" but another says "it is. We do it in remembrance of Christ as the Lord commands" etc .. Now tell me, who is deceiving who, is it the spirit of God? The spirit of God is one and true, it doesn't divide, confuses or segregates...

Re: Is Jesus God? by kefman(m): 1:08pm On Nov 07, 2017
Is Jesus Christ God?
Answer: No
Reason: I Cor: 8:6 " there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, though whom all things are...,"

Was Jesus Created?
Answer: Yes
Reason: Col. 1:15 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation...," Yes, because of all the things that Jehoah God created, Jesus came first.That is why the scripture refers to Jesus as the only begotten son of God (John 3:16)

Is John 1:1 Right that Jesus is God?
Answer: No in the sense of being God Almighty, Yes in the sense of being a God
Please note "In the beginning was the word... and the word was God" It is only KJV that say " the word was God"
Reason: Other translations put it more correctly " and the word was a god" , "and the word was a logos (or divine being), etc. Note also that Jehovah God does not have a beginning, so John 1:1 could not have referred to Him because the bible calls Him " king of eternity " (Rev. 15:3, Psm. 90:2)

So Dear Friends, Jesus is not the Almighty God but the son of God, he is also referred to as a Mighty God, as Isaiah 9:6 rightly put it, our hope of everlasting life depends on our putting Faith in him and in obeying God's commandments. I Jon. 5:3


Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 1:35pm On Nov 07, 2017

Verse 22 or chapter 22...be more specific.

And what direct statement of who? God, Jesus, Angel or John? Pick one

Rev 22:12 I mean...who made the statement??
Re: Is Jesus God? by Maamin(m): 1:37pm On Nov 07, 2017
Maamin, what you just said is borderline heretic, there are two Gods? There is only one God, He is Jehovah, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. No difference. I don't know if you use other translations but if you do, try reading Philipians 2:6 in MSG, TLB, NLT, AMP,GNT etc and see if Jesus and God are not equal.

Equal in what sense?

Philipians 2:6 does not say they are/were ever equal... it says Christ did not consider it right to drag equality with God..in other words just like Satan considered it right to be equal to God and ascend his throne to the highest. But in the long run, he is not equal either.

I have been posting 1 Cor 15:24-28 have you been reading it at all?

The father is always dishing out command and instructions to the Son and never the other way round so how and when did they become equal and even the same person?

Even Christ said this himself...God is one and only true God Deu.6:4

1 Like

Re: Is Jesus God? by Maamin(m): 1:41pm On Nov 07, 2017

You are misinterpreting the mind of God with logics... Isaiah spoke the mind of God in 9:6... God told Isaiah a son would be born who will be called The mighty God and everlasting Father...

Take note, 'God' is a title which The father gave to his begotten son Jesus.. "Every son will become a father".. If the spirit of God calls Jesus 'The MIGHTY GOD and EVERLASTING FATHER ', then what do you call that? Must the scripture directly tell u he is God ?

The prophets prophesied according to the mind of God and God did not mince words when he told Isaiah this.. Jesus is the son of God, yes, and he is the mighty God.

You should say you don't believe in trinity and I will know where you're coming from..

You are the one misinterpreting the mind of God.

It is glaring through out the entire scripture that Christ is the Son of God...he is distinct from Yahweh that is to say they are not the same person as you assumed.
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 1:42pm On Nov 07, 2017
Mr lovinJehova refused to answer my question...because he doesn't want to see the truth, he knows answering my question will box him into a very tight corner
Re: Is Jesus God? by Maamin(m): 1:56pm On Nov 07, 2017

Rev 22:12 I mean...who made the statement??

I already answered that make your deduction from the below persons involved in the conversation.

And what direct statement of who? God, Jesus, Angel or John? Pick one
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 2:33pm On Nov 07, 2017

I already answered that make your deduction from the below persons involved in the conversation.

Pls dnt try to be smart here, the person who spoke is Jesus..in 12 he said, I will be coming soon and will reward all men...we all know this statement can be accredited to the person Jesus.

The same person who spoke in verse 12, went further to say in 13..I'm d Alpha and Omega, d First n the Last. I had to refer to 12 so that u cannot refute this fact that this was Jesus's own statement, referring to himself as the Alpha and Omega, First and Last.

This statement doesn't only quash the JWs believe that Jesus is a god but also quashed that heresy and insult that Jesus was created. A created being cannot lat claim to be the Alpha and the Omega and The First and Last.

In as much as u try to say this revelation was given by the Father, to d Son....Rev 22:12, clearly shows Christ speak
Re: Is Jesus God? by joshnes(m): 2:39pm On Nov 07, 2017
Maamin when you want to study the bible, you don't use only one version. So if you will, let me take you on a trip through Philippians 2:6. "Christ was truly God...." (CEV). "...although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes - the entire nature of deity]......" (AMP). "Although He was in the form of God and equal with God...." (GWT) "For He who had always been God by nature....." (PHILLIPS). "Who though He was God....." (TLB). "...He had equal status with God...." (MSG). "Who being in very nature God...." (NIV). "Though He was God....." (NLT). Have you seen the equality now? Try and read other translations eh, it will broaden your view (unless you don't believe in other translations). And also ask the Holy Spirit for help.

1 Like

Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 3:10pm On Nov 07, 2017
Maamin when you want to study the bible, you don't use only one version. So if you will, let me take you on a trip through Philippians 2:6. "Christ was truly God...." (CEV). "...although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes - the entire nature of deity]......" (AMP). "Although He was in the form of God and equal with God...." (GWT) "For He who had always been God by nature....." (PHILLIPS). "Who though He was God....." (TLB). "...He had equal status with God...." (MSG). "Who being in very nature God...." (NIV). "Though He was God....." (NLT). Have you seen the equality now? Try and read other translations eh, it will broaden your view (unless you don't believe in other translations). And also ask the Holy Spirit for help.

Maami has refused to ansa me on Rev 22:12....he wants to stick to his ansa of God to Jesus to Angel to John...but then I asked him, verse 12 says I am coming soon to reward all men....so who is to come soon??....Jehovah or Jesus??
Re: Is Jesus God? by Nobody: 3:56pm On Nov 07, 2017


You are the one misinterpreting the mind of God.

It is glaring through out the entire scripture that Christ is the Son of God...he is distinct from Yahweh that is to say they are not the same person as you assumed.
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:08pm On Nov 07, 2017
Is Jesus Christ God?
Answer: No
Reason: I Cor: 8:6 " there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, though whom all things are...,"

Was Jesus Created?
Answer: Yes
Reason: Col. 1:15 "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation...," Yes, because of all the things that Jehoah God created, Jesus came first.That is why the scripture refers to Jesus as the only begotten son of God (John 3:16)

Is John 1:1 Right that Jesus is God?
Answer: No in the sense of being God Almighty, Yes in the sense of being a God
Please note "In the beginning was the word... and the word was God" It is only KJV that say " the word was God"
Reason: Other translations put it more correctly " and the word was a god" , "and the word was a logos (or divine being), etc. Note also that Jehovah God does not have a beginning, so John 1:1 could not have referred to Him because the bible calls Him " king of eternity " (Rev. 15:3, Psm. 90:2)

So Dear Friends, Jesus is not the Almighty God but the son of God, he is also referred to as a Mighty God, as Isaiah 9:6 rightly put it, our hope of everlasting life depends on our putting Faith in him and in obeying God's commandments. I Jon. 5:3

This is what ur heretic elders taught u Abi, now lemme prove u wrong with just two verses.

Rev22 :12-13......pls read and paste it here.....den you will ansa just one question that will shake the foundation of all your heretic teachers have taught u
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:10pm On Nov 07, 2017
Maamin when you want to study the bible, you don't use only one version. So if you will, let me take you on a trip through Philippians 2:6. "Christ was truly God...." (CEV). "...although He existed in the form and unchanging essence of God [as One with Him, possessing the fullness of all the divine attributes - the entire nature of deity]......" (AMP). "Although He was in the form of God and equal with God...." (GWT) "For He who had always been God by nature....." (PHILLIPS). "Who though He was God....." (TLB). "...He had equal status with God...." (MSG). "Who being in very nature God...." (NIV). "Though He was God....." (NLT). Have you seen the equality now? Try and read other translations eh, it will broaden your view (unless you don't believe in other translations). And also ask the Holy Spirit for help.

Did u notice they have a.avoided me....lemme c if kefman will be bold enough to challenge me
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:12pm On Nov 07, 2017
All these JWs have been avoiding me, they know I have dem in d corner they dnt want to go....hahahaha.....wen u have been fed false doctrine, u begin to shy away from some straight questions, because u know answering it, will put a crack on all u have believed all along
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:13pm On Nov 07, 2017
Were are they.... Pls Rev 22:12-13 is the ansa to all these ur false teachings
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:15pm On Nov 07, 2017
Do I instill fear in all Jws, some came to my house that day, wen I fired dem, dey said they will get back to me, wen dey came next they went to bring their scholar, kai!!.....wen I finished their scholar, he stopped greeting me on the road wen he sees me
Re: Is Jesus God? by joshnes(m): 7:15pm On Nov 07, 2017

Did u notice they have a.avoided me....lemme c if kefman will be bold enough to challenge me
they probably have had their eyes opened now, or are probably frantically searching for more points.
Re: Is Jesus God? by achorladey: 7:16pm On Nov 07, 2017

Maami has refused to ansa me on Rev 22:12....he wants to stick to his ansa of God to Jesus to Angel to John...but then I asked him, verse 12 says I am coming soon to reward all men....so who is to come soon??....Jehovah or Jesus??
glory and medal seeking christ by mouth follower. Even the christ you are raising and trying to raise to status ALMIGHTY GOD did not please himself. When you ask question dont direct it to receive the glory in your own self. That is not what the thread is meant for.

1 Like

Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:17pm On Nov 07, 2017
they probably have had their eyes opened now, or are probably frantically searching for more points.

Hahaha....let dem ansa the question...who made the statement in Rev 22:12-13
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:19pm On Nov 07, 2017

glory and medal seeking christ by mouth follower. Even the christ you are raising and trying to raise to status ALMIGHTY GOD did not please himself. When you ask question dont direct it to receive the glory in your own self. That is not what the thread is meant for.

Hahahaha....this one I dealt a serious blow in that other thread!!!.....hope u remember waht I did to u....oya ansa now

Rev 22:12.....who made that statement
Re: Is Jesus God? by achorladey: 7:20pm On Nov 07, 2017
Do I instill fear in all Jws, some came to my house that day, wen I fired dem, dey said they will get back to me, wen dey came next they went to bring their scholar, kai!!.....wen I finished their scholar, he stopped greeting me on the road wen he sees me
christ by mouth follower, always seeking medal to suit his own innermost desire
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:22pm On Nov 07, 2017

christ by mouth follower, always seeking medal to suit his own innermost desire

Oga forget all this one ur saying
..I'm.only here to point out ur false

Rev 22:12.....answer am now....who made.that statement

I have defeated this one now, he knows....he is my customer, I told him to beg for forgiveness for teaching this heresy.

Others maami the man who speaks from two sides of the mouth, lovinJehova, and others come now, come and ansa...if u cannot ansa den ur JW is a failed cult. It proves ur teachings r wrong
Re: Is Jesus God? by achorladey: 7:23pm On Nov 07, 2017

Hahahaha....this one I dealt a serious blow in that other thread!!!.....hope u remember waht I did to u....oya ansa now

Rev 22:12.....who made that statement
quick to make reference to a thread you eventually abandoned. Hahahahahahaahahahaa. Peacefullove, jman05 raised questions concerning this verse. Did you answer? I raised questions concerning this same conversation? You said am answering qusetion with question. Hahahahahahahaaha.
Re: Is Jesus God? by achorladey: 7:25pm On Nov 07, 2017

Oga forget all this one ur saying
..I'm.only here to point out ur false

Rev 22:12.....answer am now....who made.that statement
go and bring my answer on that thread. Let us see!!! Hahahahahahahaah man up to do so.
Re: Is Jesus God? by saintmark88(m): 7:26pm On Nov 07, 2017

quick to make reference to a thread you eventually abandoned. Hahahahahahaahahahaa. Peacefullove, jman05 raised questions concerning this verse. Did you answer? I raised questions concerning this same conversation? You said am answering qusetion with question. Hahahahahahahaaha.

There was nothing to ansa......u all failed to ansa d question, instead u resulted to quoting long bible verses wen I requested for only just a name

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