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Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? - Religion - Nairaland

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Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Nobody: 12:10pm On Aug 13, 2011
Wherever you go you hear about the “great revival” and end-time “harvest” that will soon come upon the world. All churches and denominations are predicting it. Some are even claiming that it has already started. Is the teaching of a great end-time harvest and revival actually based in the Scripture?  Or is it another one of our “traditions.”

Though the Bible has much to say concerning the “last days” you will search in vain to find such a doctrine taught. Considering that everyone, everywhere, talks about this wonderful end-time event, one would assume that it would be clearly alluded to in the New Testament.  But it isn’t.

But shouldn’t we care about the lost? Shouldn’t we want to see revival? Of course! But the issue is not whether or not we have a heart for the lost. Rather, the issue is whether or not we  have a heart for the truth. Should our desire for revival and love for the sinner take precedence over our love for God and His truth?

The Scripture does not teach that a  revival will sweep multitudes into the Kingdom of God. It teaches the opposite; that a world-wide spiritual delusion  will sweep multitudes into the arms of anti-Christ. Jesus taught the disciples exactly what the great “end-time harvest” would be like.

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. . . Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field. He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:29-30 & 13:36-43

The “good seed” are the children of the kingdom, the “tares” are the children of the wicked one, the “field” is the world, the “harvest” is the end of this world or the end of this age. What did Jesus say about the tares and the wheat? “Let both grow together until the harvest.” So shall it be at the end of this age. The tares will continue to be tares, and ripen into maturity. The wheat will continue to be wheat, and ripen into maturity. Which group will the “reapers” gather first?  Jesus told the angels to gather together First the tares.

The purpose of the “harvest” is not to turn the tares into wheat. The purpose of the harvest is to “gather out” of the Lord’s kingdom “all things that offend and them {tares} which do iniquity” so that the “righteous” {wheat} can “shine forth as the sun” in that kingdom. The first harvest at the “end” of this age, which is also the next harvest on the Lord’s calender of events, will not be a harvest of “tares” into the kingdom but a harvest of “tares” into the flames. One of the most detailed descriptions of the events which lead up to the Lord’s return is found in Matthew 24:3-24.

Take heed that no man deceive you.  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.  And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.  And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come….For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets Muhammad included ) , and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

The Lord paints the opposite picture as the one being painted by those looking for the great revival – and those claiming that it has already started. The scenario He laid out reveals that in the latter days great darkness will engulf the nations and the nominal church. This darkness will continue to intensify. He said the world would be full of false prophets and false “Christs”{anointings}. He said that deception and sin among God’s people will become epidemic and as a result, the love of many {believers} shall wax cold. We shall be hated by all nations. Some of us will be betrayed by fellow believers and put to death. Some of us will be the ones who do the betraying. We will betray other believers to save our own skin and cause them to be killed.

Yet in the middle of all this chaos and delusion, some believers will remain steadfast. These are the “elect.” It is these of whom Jesus speaks when He says that the “gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Even so, the days will become so evil that God will have to shorten them. For if He does not, even the elect will be deceived and all flesh would be destroyed!

How does a world-wide, end-time, “latter rain” revival and harvest fit into this picture? Not very well! The fact that God has to “shorten” the days to keep all flesh from being destroyed puts the lie to our cherished tradition.

Jesus never said that the “gospel” that is to be preached in “all nations” will be accepted or that the nations would repent when it is preached. He merely stated that it would be preached. Since things continue to deteriorate after this witness has been given, it should be obvious that the world will reject it.  As a matter of fact, this is exactly what John sees in Revelation. The nations reject the testimony and kill the “witnesses” who are bearing it.  They rejoice and throw a big party to celebrate the death of the “two” witnesses and the end of their testimony. [Revelation 11:3-10]

If that testimony had produced a world-wide “revival” and brought into the Kingdom a  “great harvest” of sinners, then those who rejoiced over the death of the witness would be a minority, not the majority as the Word implies.

Jesus made two more revealing statements concerning the days just before His return. First He said “as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” [Matt. 24:37-41] Exactly what happened in the “days” of Noah? Noah “preached the gospel,” [II. Peter 2:15] he had a testimony, he was a “witness” to and against his generation. But none repented! No one was listening! Life continued on for them as normal; eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day of the flood. The Lord compares that generation to this present generation.

In another place Jesus asks His disciples a very shocking question; “when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” [Luke 18:8] In other words, faith will be so rare, Jesus asks if there will be any left at all by the time He returns. Such a condition is certainly not the hallmark of a world-wide revival and harvest of souls.

Paul says there will be a great “falling away” not a great “revival.” He says God will send a “strong delusion” to all who love not the truth.  [II. Thess. 2:3&11]

Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.  And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  Hebrews 12:26-28

The writer of Hebrews is quoting the prophet Haggai here. Haggai prophesied that God would shake heaven and earth, land and sea and all nations. That He would send the “latter” and the “former” rain and fill His house with glory and that the glory of the “latter” house would be greater than the glory of the “former” house. Finally, that all nations would come to Zion. [Haggai 2:6-9] It is from this prophesy, primarily, that so many have drawn the erroneous conclusion that there will be a world-wide revival before the return of the Lord.

Yet we must notice carefully when this great move of God is to take place. It happens after God shakes all nations, after everything that can be shaken has been shaken, after everything that can be removed has been removed. Then the “wheat” will shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of God. Then nations shall be swept into the kingdom. 

The teaching of a world-wide “revival” before the return of the Lord has left many sincere believers wide open for deception. Since we were taught to look for this revival and to be ready to participate in it when it comes, many have embraced the Brownsville phenomena, the Toronto Blessing, Promise Keepers and various other aberrations of the hour as the long awaited “revival” of the last days.

At best these movements are a deadly mixture of truth and error. Those who have not become entangled in them are still in danger of being stumbled, for when they realize that the revival they have been waiting for is not coming, many will be thrown into confusion and lose heart.

Those who believe signs, wonders and sensual spiritual experiences are proof of God’s presence are believing a lie. They are looking in the wrong direction!  Both Jesus and John warned that the “spirit” that would produce the greatest “signs and wonders” in the latter days would be the False Prophet…Is anybody listening?

Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Joagbaje(m): 5:39am On Aug 14, 2011
The rivival is on already, the fire of the gospel is burning from africa to the world
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by nuclearboy(m): 11:48am On Aug 14, 2011

Was actually puzzled at the title of your thread but thank God, you just wanted to clarify the truth - the "end-time revival" is that of the enemy trying to deceive; most will fall but those who remain faithful and do not worship the false prophet and beast that sent him will be saved.

Truly, God is calling His own out of Babylon and true worshippers will do so in spirit and truth, not with fine fancy words seeking treasures in this world and denying the Cross. The Old time Religion that included denial and looking to the coming world was good enough for the Apostles and is good enough for those who belong to God

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Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Nobody: 3:41pm On Aug 14, 2011
Absolutely, the bible does say that before the coming of Christ , many will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, it also says that the love of many will wax cold because immorality will increase.

I do to a certain extent believe that the word of GOD has almost spread to the 4 corners of the globe with a few exceptions.

Unfortunately like in the days of Noah this present world is just too attractive to some and they cannot let go, hence they fall prey to prosperity pimps and their likes, they also worship men as almost gods.

However the LORD knows those who are his, let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity, yes, it's in the bible.
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by LagosShia: 4:02pm On Aug 14, 2011
Matthew 16:27-28
27For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28Verily I say unto you, there be[b] some standing here,[/b] which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

[size=18pt]False Prophecies Of The New Testament (bible)[/size]
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Nobody: 4:16pm On Aug 14, 2011
ah here we go, defacing Christian threads , you must truly be desperate grin grin grin grin
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by nuclearboy(m): 4:16pm On Aug 14, 2011

After His crucifixion, Jesus came back - undefeatable because He had already conquered death and some of those who heard the promise above saw Him.

"he always spoke in proverbs when the crowds were there"- the "Glory" flesh expects is honor, riches, power etc whist with the Spirit, it is Glorious Righteous Eternity.

So I cannot blame your mistake. We have pastors who have no clue to the truth so "donkeys" can be excused
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by LagosShia: 4:45pm On Aug 14, 2011
[size=18pt]"the Christian God:blood And Human Sacrifice":[/size]
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by LagosShia: 5:05pm On Aug 14, 2011
[size=18pt] "Jesus Never Told Anyone He Will Die For Them"!: [/size]
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by nuclearboy(m): 5:15pm On Aug 14, 2011

This matter of hellfire being assured for all Muslims is really paining this guy.

Your new "reality" is throwing everything including your beard at us? cheesy

Bring them ONE by ONE and you will get educated. But for eacg you bring, will you allow us bring one too? Or will you start crying "they are insulting and mocking us" when we send you into fire right here on NL?

Next one please grin
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by balium(m): 5:52pm On Aug 14, 2011
[b][/b]For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets Muhammad included ) , and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

if the prophecy was talking about end times then muhammad[s.a.w] should not be there because he came 1400 yrs ago and you cant tell me the prophecy started since then cos if it was then the world should be long gone.
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Nobody: 6:09pm On Aug 14, 2011

Again educate yourself , prophecy started right from the time Adam and Eve sinned till Jesus Christ came and continues to be fulfilled until now.

You see why education is important.

Google and Wikipedia are free tools, use them.
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by GrayBeard: 6:58pm On Aug 14, 2011
Lagoshia, stop trying to paint Jesus black simply because the 9-year-old-girl-nacking prophet mo' has been exposed 2deda wit his koranic manual of violence and terrorism
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by LagosShia: 11:34am On Aug 15, 2011
"Killing Children Is Bible Miracle"!:

Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Udomarcon: 4:14pm On Dec 02, 2013
Old generation people. We are already in a new generation when the revival wil begin.You said that it is not in the bible.Why dont you listen to what the the spirit is saying to the church now. Now joel 2.All joel chapter fortell this revival and it says in verse 3, nothing excape the revivalists.In the days of the early apostles they even run away from villages when chased away but not now. James 5:7, if we had had the early rain, we must wait patiently for the latter rain which is the second revival. Jesus said that before the return of the sun of man the gospel must be preach to every tribe and tonque.Rev 14:14. This revival which is going to be bring by endtime army will shake and remove every so called religion in the world even muslim. Every christain church that is not found on holyspirit will be removed. If you care much about rapture and hellfire go and read Mary Baxter revelation of hell. Jesus said all this in her book. Read chapter 16, 17, about the people God is training to do exploit. Google Mary Baxter revelation of hell .
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Udomarcon: 4:19pm On Dec 02, 2013
[/color]Old generation people. We are already in a new generation when the revival wil begin.You said that it is not in the bible.Why dont you listen to what the the spirit is saying to the church now. Now joel 2.All joel chapter fortell this revival and it says in verse 3, nothing excape the revivalists.In the days of the early apostles they even run away from villages when chased away but not now. James 5:7, if we had had the early rain, we must wait patiently for the latter rain which is the second revival. Jesus said that before the return of the sun of man the gospel must be preach to every tribe and tonque.Rev 14:14. This revival which is going to be bring by endtime army will shake and remove every so called religion in the world even muslim. Every christain church that is not found on holyspirit will be removed. If you care much about rapture and hellfire go and read Mary Baxter revelation of hell. Jesus said all this in her book. Read chapter 16, 17, about the people God is training to do exploit. Google Mary Baxter revelation of hell .[color=]Old generation people. We are already in a new generation when the revival wil begin.You said that it is not in the bible.Why dont you listen to what the the spirit is saying to the church now. Now joel 2.All joel chapter fortell this revival and it says in verse 3, nothing excape the revivalists.In the days of the early apostles they even run away from villages when chased away but not now. James 5:7, if we had had the early rain, we must wait patiently for the latter rain which is the second revival. Jesus said that before the return of the sun of man the gospel must be preach to every tribe and tonque.Rev 14:14. This revival which is going to be bring by endtime army will shake and remove every so called religion in the world even muslim. Every christain church that is not found on holyspirit will be removed. If you care much about rapture and hellfire go and read Mary Baxter revelation of hell. Jesus said all this in her book. Read chapter 16, 17, about the people God is training to do exploit. Google Mary Baxter revelation of hell .Old generation people. We are already in a new generation when the revival wil begin.You said that it is not in the bible.Why dont you listen to what the the spirit is saying to the church now. Now joel 2.All joel chapter fortell this revival and it says in verse 3, nothing excape the revivalists.In the days of the early apostles they even run away from villages when chased away but not now. James 5:7, if we had had the early rain, we must wait patiently for the latter rain which is the second revival. Jesus said that before the return of the sun of man the gospel must be preach to every tribe and tonque.Rev 14:14. This revival which is going to be bring by endtime army will shake and remove every so called religion in the world even muslim. Every christain church that is not found on holyspirit will be removed. If you care much about rapture and hellfire go and read Mary Baxter revelation of hell. Jesus said all this in her book. Read chapter 16, 17, about the people God is training to do exploit. Google Mary Baxter revelation of hell .
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by Candour(m): 4:35pm On Dec 02, 2013
Udomarcon: Old generation people. We are already in a new generation when the revival wil begin.You said that it is not in the bible.Why dont you listen to what the the spirit is saying to the church now. Now joel 2.All joel chapter fortell this revival and it says in verse 3, nothing excape the revivalists.In the days of the early apostles they even run away from villages when chased away but not now. James 5:7, if we had had the early rain, we must wait patiently for the latter rain which is the second revival. Jesus said that before the return of the sun of man the gospel must be preach to every tribe and tonque.Rev 14:14. This revival which is going to be bring by endtime army will shake and remove every so called religion in the world even muslim. Every christain church that is not found on holyspirit will be removed. If you care much about rapture and hellfire go and read Mary Baxter revelation of hell. Jesus said all this in her book. Read chapter 16, 17, about the people God is training to do exploit. Google Mary Baxter revelation of hell .


Dominion theology and Joel's Army Doctrine taking center stage.

When did this revival start? @the bolded, So Christianity will become the world religion under one leader right? and all this will happen before Christ comes abi?

I have a book by Oyedepo sitting on my shelf at home titled 'Walking in Dominion'. After years of believing it hook, line and sinker, Now i read just the introduction and shake my head at the gross deception and misinterpretation contained their-in.

DLBC Christian women mirror of November 2013 is on my table here even as i type and it's cover page is titled 'at the Close of the age'. I see it as a more accurate description of the times we are in.

This endtime Christian dominion message only benefits the proclaimers. Its a pack of lies. Wish Christians will read the handwriting on the wall and not be deceived.

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Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by oaroloye(m): 9:52pm On Feb 14, 2017

Just because the Ancients saw Visions of The Future, that does not mean that they have to dictate OUR Future.

If we take appropriate measures, we can determine our own Destinies.
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by MrG247: 2:35pm On Sep 12, 2020
So i have recently been thinking after all these years of being told that there will be an end time revival - Where, When, What?

Adam to the Flood = 2000yrs Flood to Jesus = 2000yrs Jesus to Now = 2000 yrs and then soon Jesus Reign = 1000yrs
So In the times of the disciples they were right and Joel, they were in the later days Jesus will son return.
Prophesies repeat themselves continously until the end. Joel 2 seems to be speaking about after Israel being restored and maybe just pouring out his spirit on all flesh in that land.

Out of all the many scriptures about apostacy and falling away from the truth we are picking one or two scriptures to spark a massive revival.
Revelation 14:6 says an Angel will preach the everlasting gospel to every nation and tongue but it doesnt tell them to repent, he is telling them to worship God for the hour of his judgement has come

We know every knee shall bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord, even satan himself - will he repent and turn from his ways.
satan will not love Jesus or God but will bow down and worship and admit Jesus is the Christ the Messiah
Rev 14:6 does not say many will repent and turn, B
ut then says If any man worship the beast and his image, and recieve his mark on his forehead or in his hand - The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God
Re: Is There Going To Be a Great Revival Before Jesus Comes ? by MrG247: 2:45pm On Sep 12, 2020

Just because the Ancients saw Visions of The Future, that does not mean that they have to dictate OUR Future.

If we take appropriate measures, we can determine our own Destinies.

Why would you want to determine your own destiny?. what will your own destiny bring you that the Almighty God cannot?
You cannot serve two masters you will either lover the one or hate the other.

Sermon on the mount teaches forsake your own life, forsake your own free will and live for him as he asks. Let God determine your future
You were made for his pleasure, to give him Glory

You are not a free man - If you belong to God you are a servant, you was bought with a price and that price was the life & blood of his own son
You are free only from the curse of sin not not free to do what ever you please

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