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Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. - Romance (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. (67662 Views)

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by flokii: 5:35pm On Apr 01, 2023
I feel there is a devil always pushing married guys into having extramarital affairs.. plus the useless women and girls that flock around them once they see ring on their fingers.

Most of these side chicks go with the intent of becoming the wives by either hook or crook but most brothers just want to have fun and go. Las las na women still get the blame.


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by highchief1: 5:35pm On Apr 01, 2023
Is this supposed to be news. True some of this married women throw themselves to these men

Married people (men/women)don't always ask for money. So, many of them are doing it for the pleasure not for financial gains. Those of them who are good financially, especially older ones, would even pamper you finish.

If a married wo/man makes herself available to u for sex, and it is not against ur principle, f@ck the hell out of them. U don't ve any moral obligation towards their partner. Karma won't affect u. It is them who took an oath of faithfulness to themselves infront of God and man not u. U re only a passerby.
lol u bad o bros.
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Johnholt909: 5:38pm On Apr 01, 2023
Nigeria is worst
No, they aren’t. White men do.

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by highchief1: 5:40pm On Apr 01, 2023
It's very common these days especially in offices.

For the women, they see dating a single guy as distasteful but no big deal in frolicking with a married man.

Both of them are married and will be very discrete/mature about the affair so as not to break their homes. It balances out according to them.

BTW, it's expensive to maintain Aristos or Boytoys. With fellow married cheating partner, you don't need to spend a dime.

Iranu 😔
in hype man’s voice.wahala

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by highchief1: 5:43pm On Apr 01, 2023
Face it, who are fucking the girls in Nigeria only broke single men. Go to Abuja, Island, Abeokuta, Asaba to Enugu girls that call themselves small girl with big GOD
wby did u include Asaba
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by highchief1: 5:44pm On Apr 01, 2023
marriage is like gamble. You win or you lose. Searching thoroughly or not, what will be will be
full gamble.the thg na luck

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by highchief1: 5:45pm On Apr 01, 2023
Quite rampant!... Such a weird society.

If not that it contradicts my personal principles, I would have bedded over a dozen of married women !

One shockingly confessed to me that she and her hubby haven't been intimate for over 2 years and counting , yet they reside under same roof.
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Nairalandite: 5:51pm On Apr 01, 2023
Is this supposed to be news. True some of this married women throw themselves to these men

Married people (men/women)don't always ask for money. So, many of them are doing it for the pleasure not for financial gains. Those of them who are good financially, especially older ones, would even pamper you finish.

If a married wo/man makes herself available to u for sex, and it is not against ur principle, f@ck the hell out of them. U don't ve any moral obligation towards their partner. Karma won't affect u. It is them who took an oath of faithfulness to themselves infront of God and man not u. U re only a passerby.

Think of it this way, when someone stole money and shared it with you and told you that it was stolen. When that person is caught, you know what will befall you. Now, when the husband catches you with his wife, you will say it is his wife that brought herself to you not to talk of what you will tell God if you cross over in the process. Be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows he will reap.


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by diggindeep: 5:52pm On Apr 01, 2023
I don't even understand the English sef
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by yemi1504: 5:57pm On Apr 01, 2023

I used to think karma is real but I'm beginning to doubt that.
The more I see and experience things in this world, the more I realise no one size cap fits all.
Some will suffer the consequences of their acts, others will go scot free and even prosper.
Bottom line, don;t let your wife/girlfriend to be mounted by another man. Ditto for husbands and girlfriends.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen (As long as it is consensual).

Rich men and women have sex (cheat) the most. Yet they and their children continue to prosper and rule people.
Don't rely on karma. It may never come.

Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by NaBanga: 5:58pm On Apr 01, 2023
Married men and women are cheating all over Nigeria. It's nothing new. PASTOR Suleman is a leading man in this national behavior. Most Nigerians are pretenders and liars. If you want to do good, face your family and don't cheat on your wife. One person at a time can change things for everyone.


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by mbos: 6:07pm On Apr 01, 2023
Go to the book of proverb chapter 6...read all...you will see
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by izubext007: 6:08pm On Apr 01, 2023
wen u marry a woman with plenty body count

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Aurelius1(m): 6:08pm On Apr 01, 2023

I used to think karma is real but I'm beginning to doubt that.
The more I see and experience things in this world, the more I realise no one size cap fits all.
Some will suffer the consequences of their acts, others will go scot free and even prosper.
Bottom line, don;t let your wife/girlfriend to be mounted by another man. Ditto for husbands and girlfriends.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen (As long as it is consensual).

Rich men and women have sex (cheat) the most. Yet they and their children continue to prosper and rule people.
Don't rely on karma. It may never come.
If you are from the Niger Delta you won't be saying this. In my tribe, a man who habours a cheating wife is playing with fire. The end result is severe stroke or an incurable sore on the leg which WILL utimately lead to his death. I have witnesssed up to 12 cases. In most of these cases I witnessed, the woman had to buy a goat to appease the ancestors and the man was healed in a couple of days.


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Chetas81(m): 6:13pm On Apr 01, 2023
Welcome to Lagos Nigeria
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by eleniyan2020: 6:13pm On Apr 01, 2023

Karma will show up if the wife is 'innocent'.

On the flip side, she can't say she didn't see these signs before marrying him.
It's almost impossible for most men to hide their promiscuity coz it somewhat boosts their ego.

The women in turn, ignore these signs and follow these men probably because he's rich or skillful at wooing them.

So, if you think you want to pity the wife, pity wisely.
and what if the husband is innocent and the wife cheat!


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by AngelicBeing: 6:15pm On Apr 01, 2023
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by eleniyan2020: 6:15pm On Apr 01, 2023
Married men are sweeter that single men

They are more matured knowing whats at stake with regards to risk involved in the relationship.

They more experienced, energetic when it co;es to treating a lady right. And they are safer, issue cant come up cos it can easily be transferred to the wife at home.
100%...young single ladies will also Bleep your husband when you get married... No offense!


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by pikechukwu6(m): 6:16pm On Apr 01, 2023
grin grin I have no choice than to laugh


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by ibechris(m): 6:22pm On Apr 01, 2023
What happens to the men when married men sleeps with people's wife ..

There is this man i used to work with, he is married with 3 kids but a chronic womanizer, there was a time i counted his side chicks as being up to 13, inclusive of like 3 actively married women, he gave the excuse of one having issues with her husband who she opened a provision store and bought a car for but he ended up squandering everything on young girls such that the shop closed down, he sold the car and bought a bike with the proceeds(mind you, at the height of the business booming, he decided to rent the adjoining room to the shop, thereby abandoning his home, only came back when things went burst).

What karma awaits this my boss if the karma that awaits unmarried guys is other young guys would lash their future wives in return.

Lavishing money and dating women whether married or not aren't the same,your oga lavished money that was why he ended badly. Toasting multiple women and spending money on the would surely wrecked anyone if u don't prioritise your finance.

Therefore,adultery and fornication are on the same level. Dont think u are better either. If u know u are having sex with a woman u are not married to,don't ever think u are better than those married men and women who are cheats.

Na the same God who says thy shall not fornicate,equally says,thy shall not commit adultery.

So,know and have peace.

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Spanki(f): 6:26pm On Apr 01, 2023
Is this supposed to be news. True some of this married women throw themselves to these men

Married people (men/women)don't always ask for money. So, many of them are doing it for the pleasure not for financial gains. Those of them who are good financially, especially older ones, would even pamper you finish.

If a married wo/man makes herself available to u for sex, and it is not against ur principle, f@ck the hell out of them. U don't ve any moral obligation towards their partner. Karma won't affect u. It is them who took an oath of faithfulness to themselves infront of God and man not u. U re only a passerby.

This is what happens when you do not have the fear of God. Haven't you been told? It is the quickest way to die. A very disgraceful death. But not all of us understand the meaning of ending well, so nicoomps can still like the nonsense you're assuming and preaching here. Be very careful. Now you can't say you haven't been told. I don warn you!!! Ja wó!


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Emeka71(m): 6:34pm On Apr 01, 2023
We must search thoroughly before getting into marriage.

Be painstaking
April fool.
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by otabuko(m): 6:36pm On Apr 01, 2023
[quote author=luizpippo post=122214680]What happens to the men when married men sleeps with people's wife ..

There is this man i used to work with, he is married with 3 kids but a chronic womanizer, there was a time i counted his side chicks as being up to 13, inclusive of like 3 actively married women, he gave the excuse of one having issues with her husband who she opened a provision store and bought a car for but he ended up squandering everything on young girls such that the shop closed down, he sold the car and bought a bike with the proceeds(mind you, at the height of the business booming, he decided to rent the adjoining room to the shop, thereby abandoning his home, only came back when things went burst).

What karma awaits this my boss if the karma that awaits unmarried guys is other young guys would lash their future wives in return.[/quote.

What would happen is that you should mind your business. Lol
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by lavylilly: 6:36pm On Apr 01, 2023
100%...young single ladies will also Bleep your husband when you get married... No offense!
Look up the sky is so wide for all to fly.


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by lavylilly: 6:37pm On Apr 01, 2023

This is what happens when you do not have the fear of God. Haven't you been told? It is the quickest way to die. A very disgraceful death. But not all of us understand the meaning of ending well, so nicoomps can still like the nonsense you're assuming and preaching here. Be very careful. Now you can't say you haven't been told. I don warn you!!! Ja wó!
A lot of hypocrites here on NL. Work in a hotel and you will understand what I wrote


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by AZControversial(m): 6:38pm On Apr 01, 2023
and what if the husband is innocent and the wife cheat!

Then karma will also do justice.

Until then, my response is based on OP's story.
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by lavylilly: 6:38pm On Apr 01, 2023
wby did u include Asaba
The town is the HQ Lekki dey learn.

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by lavylilly: 6:39pm On Apr 01, 2023
No, they aren’t. White men do.
John, how many white people have you met. The average Nigerian man has a side chick at least two. Without us the bars and hotel may not sell


Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Naijagoodman: 6:40pm On Apr 01, 2023
The ref is getting more stupid
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by Alliswell248: 6:44pm On Apr 01, 2023
Is this supposed to be news. True some of this married women throw themselves to these men

Married people (men/women)don't always ask for money. So, many of them are doing it for the pleasure not for financial gains. Those of them who are good financially, especially older ones, would even pamper you finish.

If a married wo/man makes herself available to u for sex, and it is not against ur principle, f@ck the hell out of them. U don't ve any moral obligation towards their partner. Karma won't affect u. It is them who took an oath of faithfulness to themselves infront of God and man not u. U re only a passerby.

Clamp for yourself for speaking the mind of the devil.
One day u would give an account of your life before God.
I pray you won't climb magu.

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Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by teeshet: 6:46pm On Apr 01, 2023
Shege jam banza.
I know what you did last nite imabong. I will tell your unless I collect my share
Re: Married Men Sleeping With Married Women. by LalaSnakeLala(m): 6:50pm On Apr 01, 2023
Is this supposed to be news. True some of this married women throw themselves to these men

Married people (men/women)don't always ask for money. So, many of them are doing it for the pleasure not for financial gains. Those of them who are good financially, especially older ones, would even pamper you finish.

If a married wo/man makes herself available to u for sex, and it is not against ur principle, f@ck the hell out of them. U don't ve any moral obligation towards their partner. Karma won't affect u. It is them who took an oath of faithfulness to themselves infront of God and man not u. U re only a passerby.
See the rubbish you're spewing. So if a married woman took an oath of faithfulness, what did her also married male partner take? Try and be frank and unbiased next time. Both of them are guilty!


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