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Romance / Re: My Butt Cheeks Still Hurt, Days After Taking These Through The Butt. Any Remedy? by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:43pm On Jun 03, 2023
Drfunmisticglow help her
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:40pm On Jun 03, 2023

I don't know anything about them, except I have been attacked probably by a group.

My energy dropped from 100 to 5. It's not a one-person attack I believe.

I have been astral projecting and I feel totally fine.

But once I returned to my body, the weaknesses will immediately return.

This is my first time getting attacked, and I feel so terrible.

You are taking a big risk trying to die through poisoning.

You can help by projecting healing energies.

All you have to do is mediate, then imagine healing energies into me.
... I will do something but I'm not into meditation due to noise in my surroundings. Going to mountains will be good but no time. I will try some imaginations.
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:38pm On Jun 03, 2023

Great having you here.

Right now I need help.

I was psychic attack.

Right now I feel so incredibly weak.

I can't even walk.

If you can share some healing energies, I will appreciate.

My mistake was not building a protective cover before sharing my story.

... I went to a prison realm through dark sightings with the unconscious souls of my 3 students to see Yahweh aka Satan in his prison and I was flogged and abused by universal entities kept to protect the prison till 3017AD ( not dark entities ) I was flogged with a pentagonal casket papannamdi saw earlier before I left...
I have many protective cover like flying with wings and they brought me down and shattered my wings , I ran teleportically and they caught up with me .
Then the 3 souls I went with saved me through diversion and I teleportated many light years away from that planet to my bed and I fell sick for 2weeks and the girl with the two guys were sick also ...I knew who the girl is and also the guy but I don't know the other soul ...

Why did I tell u this?

Some Secrets of universal manoveurs are not with the dark cults but in our brains . I didn't have these spiritual advantage by being a higher being but with the power of imagination.

In reality when cooking I will imagine that entities attacked me ,then what will I do to escape them? I will spring of a wing or hide behind a sun rays or behind the sand or teleport which is speed of light .
It has been automatically fashioned in me , when I sense an attack in any plain I ran as fast as speed of light .

They wont love to attack me physical because of what I do with death , so they do that cowardly spiritually so I won't track them if I die.
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:19pm On Jun 03, 2023

My memory was shut,

I am in a body that posses a horrible memory,

Everything here is right,

We have a thread,

Where we light seekers communicate with our dear runesh,

Before I saw light,

I suspected a flaw

Why is everything in a recycle state
Even the so called time in our space is recycled

Post more

I intend to leave my body too.

Ppl will think it's cos of the state of our country but it's not.

My body is a faulty one

Limited in all ramifications

I astral project by mistake

But when I do, I'm in perfect control, meaning my soul is used to it, but the body limits every light action in me,

great papa Nnamdi the master of astral projection. I don't know if u have any mechanism about healing because death has been my weapon from time immemorial, I treat myself with the power of death and I don't know if he can make use of my darling force of death like I do . I will darksight to know how I can help .I am just too helpless on earth and that's the fault of Yahweh that's y no wise nephilim likes coming to this curse place known as earth .

Oluwole wolesmile my spiritual friend you have to come here .

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Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:10pm On Jun 03, 2023

I am currently bedridden.

I was attacked by people or entities who didn't want the truth out.

I couldn't sleep last night.

i was feeling so nauseous and weak.

My mistake was not building a protective cover before sharing my experiences.

If you can share some healing energies I will appreciate it.

I have been practising mudra but I am so weak to even effect a change.
Who are these entities ? Are there of Manhattan?

Can you tell us what really went wrong?

So the story I narrated to u about death healing me is truth and nothing but the truth my problem as my time on earth has come to an end is will I die If I drink a corrosive poison , I dreamt of drinking poison and not dying which scares me to my bone , AT LEAST IF I DIE I CAN DEAL WITH THOSE ENTITIES DEALING WITH U
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:03pm On Jun 03, 2023

I am currently bedridden.

I was attacked by people or entities who didn't want the truth out.

I couldn't sleep last night.

i was feeling so nauseous and weak.

My mistake was not building a protective cover before sharing my experiences.

If you can share some healing energies I will appreciate it.

I have been practising mudra but I am so weak to even effect a change.
... Oh my dear sorry, I dark sight when in trouble spiritually ( weird mechanism ) and any other spiritual techniques are blurted out against me by nature .

Lastly I was healed by death ( I heard u talking about it in ur write ups ) ,that was on February I was so helpless with great high blood pressure and strange illness that gives me high fever which shakes me in my bone marrow, I have been to many hospitals but the problem it still there and I prayed to death himself not to wake up in the morning ,then I woke up the sickness is gone , I came back to nairaland to narrate my testimony but even my students thought I was drunk...and I kept quiet till then enjoying my good health with just slight headache... This happened to me in a society where almost everyone (including maggots called atheists ) pray to Yahweh n Jesus to protect them from death . I have been using death as my weapon during dark sightings , attack me spiritually and face thousands of dead Snakes . For almost a year no one has attacked me spiritually . It might work for u since I'm a lazy light madam.
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:33am On Jun 03, 2023
There are more answers than questions if you go behind the veil.

This urge to share... Does it ever go away?
Do you have something to share ?

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Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:27am On Jun 03, 2023

Yes, it's frustrating to create posts now on nairaland

But it's even more frustrating when you see a nice post like this and op no gree finish am

For the issue at hand, there are many deep questions

We believe that miracles are real

But why is it that we have many Christian girls praying everyday not to be molested or raped by their relatives and yet such a relative continues to have his way with them?

Why is there no miracle to save the girl from the situation?

This is just one of the many complex questions of our reality

Godwrites, I like d way u dey yan. We fit connect on whatsapp?
...he might have no time to answer u , these questions are for me because I deal with this miracle and exorcism when I am an enemy of Christ .

If he can answer u that will be fine .
Romance / Re: What Is The True Nature Of Our Reality? Thread Updated! by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:22am On Jun 03, 2023
No day has passed without a ponder on my existence.

Growing up, I was indoctrinated into Christianity since my parents were Catholics.

Then, I believed in the creation story, gave my life to Christ, and even taking a baptism in a river.

I considered myself an evangelist and a music minister, and every Sunday as a lead the choir, I speak in tongues and develop goosebumps which I believed to be the Holy Spirit.

When I started questioning the nature of my existence, and why I am on a planet that's floating through space.

Religion could not answer my questions, and this led me to the deepest rabbit hole.

I discovered that we are but atoms, the very thing that made the universe.

And not only are we the universe, we have the capacity to control them.

Edit. Having issues with the editor. Will continue this later. Anyone having the same issues creating a post?


I saw religion for what it is, a tool for power and control, and I left the church.

After many years of crusade and winning souls for the kingdom, I quit.

As a worker my absence caused a big downturn, and I was offered money compensation which I turned down.

Music is very important in this ministry, and I was a very powerful music minister.

When I lead worship and praises, people fall, most prophecy, some speak in tongue, while others simply cry.

It was no wonder that they wanted to keep me by all means necessary, but I knew I would be living a lie, going by what I know.

3 months after leaving the church, I delved into the Occult, the world of the hidden, and I worked with a very powerful coven in India.

Not as anything, but as a mere student.

My taste and hunger for knowledge compelled me, and during my time, I had the opportunity to visit libraries in the astral plane.

As a ferocious reader, I devoured as many as I could. I discovered that the human body has a root command.

After learning about the chakras, and how I could balance and align it, my world changed.

At this stage, the ultimate goal was to raise my kundalini, as that will give me full access to my body.

It took me 8 years to raise my Kundalini. I suffered in the mountains.

Trying to subdue my body through power meditations, yoga and mudras.

After 8 years it was raised, and I felt like God. I can remember vividly that day.

Deep inside meditation, my consciousness left, and my body stayed without food for 28 days.

I was exploring dimensions of existence, and didn't even feel like returning to my body.

What brought me back was the thought of leaving my family, an attachment I found very hard to let go.

One day during my walk in the forest, I found a mushroom, and I knew this was a gift from the universe.

I recognised it almost instantly, and when I took it I was immediately teleported to what I believe to be another plane of existence.

I also met strange entities who shared their wisdom with me. Which can be easily lost if you fail to document.

During my trip, I realized that attachment is a human attribute, but my goal was to become a God, and Gods have no attachment.

Upon this realisation, my spine awoke, and it was the most painful thing ever.

When I went back to my masters, they threw a party for me, and they told me my journey is just beginning.

It was during this period of my life that an exclusive group reached out to me, the one percent of the one person, which many believe to be the Illuminati.

I had no money, but everything was paid for me. I had access to experiences, and they were ready to fund my study into witchcraft.

I have always wanted to learn spells, to work with entities, and control the matter around me.

Spells are game changers. With spells I can automate my life, and live a more balanced life.

And mastering spells was going to take me decades of study. After 12 years, I was invited to a female-only coven in Los Angeles.

A very powerful coven made of powerful witches who no longer need eyes to see.

They were all blind, and yet they could see better than me.

It was this coven that refined my skill, and after learning about spells my world changed.

There is a grimoire in the astral plane, a book which contains spells of all kinds, including necromancy.

I have been tempted to use necromancy to raise my late mother.

But the price is too heavy. I would have to kill someone, so my mother could possess the body.

I can't do it. Sometimes I wonder how Yahweh was able to kill billions.

Until I realized that he was a malevolent God who uses fear to control his followers into worship.

When I left the church he even came to me in a trance while I was deep into mediation.

He was so angry, and he promised me heaven and earth.

I told him I was God, and a God doesn't worship another God.

Unlike what most people believe Yahweh doesn't know everything.

That was why his creation was a massive failure, a project of suffering and pain.

He draws power when there is more suffering and pain in the world, because the energies they emanate can be very powerful.

Earth is actually an energy-harvesting project, but that will be a thread for another day.

However, I want you to know that right now, the ultimate goal for me as a human is to finally face the grim reaper – death.

There is a meditation to remain aware upon your time of death so that when you pass into the afterlife, you are able to experience it consciously.

How would you know when your time of death is?

Years of meditation and knowing oneself to a masterful degree such as some monks that have dedicated their lives to live in peace, on their quest to enlightenment.

There is a story of a monk who realised his time was due, he explained this to his pupils who all proceeded to laugh, they thought he was joking.

So the Monk asked “what position do you want me to die in?”, one of his disciples jokingly shouts “on your head!”,

“Ok” he says. He assumes an upside-down lotus position, balancing himself on his head and proceeds to let himself slip into the afterlife.

Facing death is frightening. It's the ultimate goal as human, and I hope to first live a hundred years before transitioning into the afterlife.

The afterlife is where I truly become a God, as I will no longer need a physical body filled with limitations.

It's the reason I astral project a lot, cause our astral form is limitless and all-powerful.

I can travel round the observable universe with the speed of consciousness, and could watch as the Universe stretches into the darkness.

After death, I hope to create, and to experience my creation.

Will I make the same mistakes that Yahweh made?

We shall see.

I often don't talk about my experiences, because the average mind can't understand it.

It's like something straight out of a movie.

If you resonate with my story, it means you are awakening, and there is massive awakening happening around the world.

People are realising that we live in a matrix, a prison planet, and the controllers are losing control of the system.

In my next thread I am going to share the different mudras and how they work.

This is my gift to you, dear reader.

With mudra you can perform magic.

You can heal, attract, create effortlessly.

The last thing you will have to worry about is money, because it will come in abundance.

Till then, feel free to drop your monika so I will mention you in my next thread.

Cc: 9182736455O1999 Geovanni412
... Hello , how are you doing ?

You caught me there ,cos I wanted to know if u are fake ...but u are so real with this words on Yahweh growing darkness( light ( -1,000,000 ) which u called energy from his sacred schemes though he is a laughing stock till date amongsts the real immortals , immortals a million time stronger than him don't fight him not because they are scared of him but he descends on tiny creations called humans and also nature to vent his anger or shame.

2: How did u come to know he killed billions?

3: You talked about not trying to open up because it will look as if u are reading from the marvels book , to hell with that " I know their are oceans in many planets of our milky way which taste not of salt but of something glucose and bitter caramel , 98% of humanity are cursed to be fools 60% alone is from Africa ,
So my dear They are 98% of fools in nairaland and their opinions don't count when seeking greater light , my students will love to hear from u inorder to actualise their light ,
Don't be scared of fools start I will defend u with my students here ,who don't want anyone attacking me here because I know Satan is same as Yahweh

Sporad8 orion7 leiylau wolesmile papannamdi motivate this man now I'm about to die and I don't know if death will grant me a metaphysical body to fix things on earth before going to afterlife when I drink the poison

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Romance / Re: Which Of These Picture Puzzles Can You Guess Correctly A Thread �� by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:28pm On May 30, 2023
Ist one

As I wan steal gold na so deja see me
Religion / Re: Why Does God Allow Evil People To Prosper And Good People To Suffer by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:00pm On May 30, 2023
Today's world is full of all kinds of evil. Evil people do evil without facing any consequences whatsoever. They also ask for God's mercy which He dispenses almost instantly on them. Some even ask for more blessings, they are given. Good people ask for God's favour and mercy, they are delayed and sometimes not given. As it is , I don't think this is just and fair. Good people should get what they deserve and bad people should have their portion too. It looks as if God is indifferent or does not care about us one bit. If He truly does as He says in His Books, there's no ways He will sit down idly on His Throne and do nothing about the evil occuring every day in the world.
Tell me, what is God's justice all about?
Talking of ignorants...they said tinubu hate igbos , but his son is marrying an Igbo and his dark business is handled by igbos.
He knew the poor Yoruba loves tribalism so he injected what they love and they fall for it . Who is more wicked in the two, tinubu chasing power or Ignorant poor yorubas who rather die than allow igbos rule?
Religion / Re: Why Does God Allow Evil People To Prosper And Good People To Suffer by husbandsnatcha(f): 4:57pm On May 30, 2023
Today's world is full of all kinds of evil. Evil people do evil without facing any consequences whatsoever. They also ask for God's mercy which He dispenses almost instantly on them. Some even ask for more blessings, they are given. Good people ask for God's favour and mercy, they are delayed and sometimes not given. As it is , I don't think this is just and fair. Good people should get what they deserve and bad people should have their portion too. It looks as if God is indifferent or does not care about us one bit. If He truly does as He says in His Books, there's no ways He will sit down idly on His Throne and do nothing about the evil occuring every day in the world.
Tell me, what is God's justice all about?
their is no evil or good , we have wise and ignorant , the ignorant through stupidity and love to be enslaved made the wise suffer and the wise ( knowledgeable ) vow to make the Ignorants suffer.
We have two types of wise group
A: those who rather stay on earth to punish the ignorants( they build more churches and mosques for the Ignorants )
B: those who chose to commit suicide to avoid the tortures of the ignorants who love to be enslaved by few.
The wise are 4% and the Ignorants are 96% .

So where do you belong .
Yahweh aka Satan has no power to determine shit remember.
Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:40pm On May 30, 2023

The title "CHRIST" was given to Jesus by those following him not the Jews because till today the Jews don't accept him as the promised Messiah (Christ)
So to know a real Christian why not go for a research on the real meaning of the word they translated Hellfire?
Those PRACTICING what Jesus taught are the real Christians not those claiming so! wink
... Who are the real christians ?

So Christ was given to Jesus by people who love him ie the real christians?
Do you know I have held myself too long from bursting like a grenade, do you know me?
If not nature took everything attributes and power from me I would have manifested myself but I will keep hiding till I finally drink that peaceful poison.
I know his real biological name billions of yrs back as a nephilim which can't be called with human tongue( because a talking husky dog can never pronounce a human name no matter wat it tries ) I have worked upon it so human can call the name of their greatest mind slaver which he hid away from the bible & it's Færalkirixinsçu Behassescu

Christ he answered is the name of a wise Reincarnated winged humanoid vishiniscu (of the same Hindi- triangle with brahma and lord shivå )who was called kristi as a human and Jesus he answered was gotten from zeusus name of a great magician son of a deceitful nephilim like him you call Zeus but we know him as Hellasgeuscu .

At the grave all these I say awaits u but remember that name Behassescu Færalkirixinsçu.

Call it with L l l l it will strike a nerve in him .
Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:07pm On May 30, 2023
What have u to say about this photo here?

1 Like

Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:05pm On May 30, 2023
...so you mean Jesus Christ is good with his disciples just that Politicians are the evil ones?

Do you know christians has no record of persecutions against them?
How do people in your neighbourhood treat Jehovah's Witnesses? Well that's the one and only group practicing what Jesus taught so when you think of Christians think of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Why are Politicians of today( we live to witness ) don't fight Christianity but build many churches for them , don't say south kaduna and Jos are being persecuted because it's a tribal thing.
Politicians still fights true Christians it's because Satan's agents have transformed into agents of light so politicians have enough people to fight their wars and stick their necks out for them but when Jehovah's Witnesses are catching their subjects and turning them to peacelovers the politicians will turn against Jehovah's Witnesses. This happened in Russia when most Russians were listening to Jehovah's Witnesses teachings Vladimir Putin (Russian president) began attacking Jehovah's Witnesses even banning the organization and arresting any Russian who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, jailing them. Few years later he started attacking Ukraine. Please do you think Jehovah's Witnesses will support him in killing their neighbours?

Why are Nigerian Politicians so in love with Christianity and Islam than any Politicians of this world and beyond but Nigeria is the worst country in our milky way?
Those people are politicians so politicians will like them! John 15:19

I don't know of yesteryrs Politicians but I haven't seen any Religious head fight these evil Politicians disguising as christians in Nigeria , G.O adeboye Fr mbaka said is the most holy man in Nigeria after pastor weavér even supports tinubu the most corrupt politician on earth!
They're not Christians but politicians!

.. So all Jesus said about hell fire was all lies and delusions by misinformed religionists ?
.. But Jesus said many things about hellfire in new testament or was that misconstructed by dull christians ?
Jesus spoke Hebrew not English so will you like to know the Hebrew word mistranslated Hellfire? smiley
... Yes I know Jehovah witness were persecuted by the originators of Christianity based in Vatican .

Do you know Jehovah witness as a christian organization tried teaching Vatican( who took X -mind control known as Christianity directly from Jesus Christ through Petrascu known as peter ) how to run Christianity ? It's like ish•ishetscu a demon and his vosod groups trying to teach Lucifer how to be like Lucifer a partner of satan while Satan watches in total astonishment.

Maybe jehovah witness should go the way of grail message don't u think? Because we can't have christians killing my light members and also persecuting Jehovah witness and Jehovah witness is still been seen as christians

Max you have denied almost everything in the bible and two of ur many reasons are

1 , Jesus spoke hebrew and he wasn't translated properly
2 , people outside Jehovah witness are dull christians because that's wat I understand by that unchristian tag .

Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:26am On May 30, 2023

You go soon know say na yourself you dey chop. Ijeójo!
ijeojo kk
Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:25am On May 30, 2023

Those politicians who brought the first copies of the Bible to Africa weren't Christians that's why they misrepresented Christ who taught his disciples to be cautious as serpents and harmless as doves {Matthew 10:16} so wicked people forcing their religious ideologies on others aren't true disciples of Jesus!
...so you mean Jesus Christ is good with his disciples just that Politicians are the evil ones?

Do you know christians has no record of persecutions against them ?

Why are Politicians of today( we live to witness ) don't fight Christianity but build many churches for them , don't say south kaduna and Jos are being persecuted because it's a tribal thing.

Why are Nigerian Politicians so in love with Christianity and Islam than any Politicians of this world and beyond but Nigeria is the worst country in our milky way?

As i've said earlier that's not Christianity but politics disguised using religion as cover up
I don't know of yesteryrs Politicians but I haven't seen any Religious head fight these evil Politicians disguising as christians in Nigeria , G.O adeboye Fr mbaka said is the most holy man in Nigeria after pastor weavér even supports tinubu the most corrupt politician on earth .

Tormenting living creatures in fire is something detestable to the true God {Jeremiah 7:31} Jesus taught his Jewish listeners in parables {Matthew 13:13, 34} but misinformed religionists took his words literally thereby misconstruing what Jesus meant!

It's misinformed religionists that misrepresented the true God He is merciful!
... So all Jesus said about hell fire was all lies and delusions by misinformed religionists ?

The Hebrew word mistranslated "Hell" is "Sheoul" it simply means "Grave" and all those going there are unconscious in there! Ecclesiastes 9:5-10
... But Jesus said many things about hellfire in new testament or was that misconstructed by dull christians ?
Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:09am On May 30, 2023
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ . Ephesians 6:5

The Jews has Judasaim and Christainity has nothing to do with Jewdaism that why the Jews have alway rejected it.
... Max do you know the afore mentioned quote is in the bible ?
Woh av u to say?

Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 11:02am On May 30, 2023

See stupid demon, your horrible living has only increased for worser and all the evil you generate is for you to eat!
... U go soon know say no be by mouth " I must write mumu on ur forehead with a burning knife after dealing with u " I am about to leave earth and u are whining me okwaaya?
Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:54am On May 30, 2023

You are an abomination and should have been burnt since. Thus, you are just having a devil family meeting because jws are just devils hiding and claiming Christianity, so carry on.

And even they have exposed you that you are a crazed demon.

I will show you shege . Mark today , after I'm done with u ur likes will never follow ur footsteps.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: UNIVERSAL CODES,INVERSE WORLD,NATURE, SCIENCE ETC ASK ME WAT DISTURBS U♥ by husbandsnatcha(f): 10:49am On May 30, 2023
I want you to throw so much light on this movie episode....is lilith truly correct on her submission as against religious slavery

... Lilith is just like any other girl the difference is the height ,weight and wings I don't kñow y a horrible looking creature shud be Lailath ? She is an anakhim
Religious slavery was when the stereotype was dawn on the women and she saw evil on Religion of the triangle that be.
Oppressions and segregations opens the brain of humans to truth .
Romance / Re: This Is The Biggest Scam Of All Time! by husbandsnatcha(f): 9:45am On May 30, 2023
Yes marriage is the biggest scam of all time, argue with your phone. You put a woman in the house & feed her till thy kingdom come. All for what? Free sex and the title Mr. When bills start rolling in, your body go tell you. And finally don’t ever think going into this scam called marriage if you are not financially stable. I repeat don’t try it.
tinubu emerging is the will of god and not a scam ba? You yorubas are so cruel

1 Like

Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 6:25am On May 28, 2023

YES, I know {Matthew 5:6} but then calling out one person out of millions is uncomfortable for me please.
If you don't know please ask someone to help you out because i also don't know how to edit the headings, i may have to run away from your thread and stop commenting.
So please edit the topic just remove my profile name i know you've noticed something in me just as these people also have but you have no evil intentions unlike them:





It's like MaxInDHouse reigns in their hearts but they're just feeling bad simply because of the talent i received {Matthew 25:14-15} which any faithful, loyal and honest hearted truth seeker will surely receive from the father of celestial light.

Please i really feel how concerned you are and i'm sure the true God has taken note of your love and interest in discussing about him {Malachi 3:16} but please please please edit the topic! undecided

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Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 9:05pm On May 27, 2023

Please kindly edit the topic of this thread and remove my profile name i don't like it when Nairalanders makes me look like someone special!

Please! undecided
... Every truth seekers are special don't u think?
Education / Re: University Of Abuja Rusticates Cyprian Igwe For A Post He Made On WhatsApp Group by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:52pm On May 27, 2023
Dem send you go school, you dey go do aluta. Shey dem don expel you from school, go continue the aluta for your papa house
injustice shall reach u Mr Yoruba man .

1 Like

Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:43pm On May 27, 2023
Religion has not fallen on nairaland, what is this here? Just 6 of us , I am a hater of Jesus and kobojunkie is confused, bubblylady visits pagan prophetess that means we have 3 Religious entities as of 5:43 pm Saturday .

Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 5:40pm On May 27, 2023

Even Christ pointed out that the children of devils appear to be smarter than those who wish to follow The Light and who wrongly call themselves Christians because Christianity is a person who goes to church on Sunday.
... I don't wanna talk to u Mr man let me be I'm talking to a JW person who still has brain upthere . You disgust me you devil .
And forgive me for talking to u first .
Religion / Re: 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:54pm On May 27, 2023

Didn't see this in time but now i'm at a meeting will respond later
just take ur time
Religion / Re: Religion Has Fallen Finally on Nairaland It Should Be Replaced With Light Work by husbandsnatcha(f): 3:53pm On May 27, 2023

Well even though i'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses i still don't want us to discuss about religion but humanity.
So what do you think could make people have this unconditional love and help one another even though the person has questionable lifestyles?
... Max max this you want us to talk about ....hmmm
Romance / Re: Miss Anas09 Explain To Me Why We Have Just 9 Religouslanders? by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:59pm On May 27, 2023

Religion is higher than romance. Any one who has it right in religion has also solved all the problems in all the other sections whether romance, family, business section.

Thus, religion is greater than all others for it is life and death therefore, it is a very serious place and every unserious and crazy person should be thrown out.
but Religion section has collapsed and romance section is overpopulated... Don't u think u are wrong because I can count 6 topics talking about repentance here.
Romance / Re: Miss Anas09 Explain To Me Why We Have Just 9 Religouslanders? by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:58pm On May 27, 2023

As soon as pleasurable feelings start, people are thrown into romance but religion is not painfuller and thus, people will not easily get into it.

It is only because most people start seeing that their lives and living is horrible and becoming terrible, that is when they remember religion and God.
Christianity is not a painfuller which means it dosent reduce pain .
Religion / 80% Of Our Ancestors Got our Religion Through This ( Photo ) by husbandsnatcha(f): 2:54pm On May 27, 2023
Maxindhouse Now my question is "

A: Why do we keep up to these Religion when it was handed to us in blood ?

Is it fear of hell fire or what ?
Fear of the uncertainty ?

You as a sinner Can you place your son in a Gas fire to burn him for 2weeks for raping a girl? When Our lord god full of love and compassion has placed billions on eternal fire from time immemorial for lesser offence.

Why do you still follow whom u have more compassion than ?

Another question

Since ur soul tells u that hellfire is kept for wicked people, do you think our lord god of mercies compensates the poor masses with heaven and keeps only the evil politicians who made them( poor souls ) do terrible things to feed in hell?

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