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Jesus Saves. - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Jesus Saves. by Image123(m): 4:00am On Mar 14, 2020

Very good it seems your brain cells are activating. Why is everyone not like Lionel Messi? Why don't all players score in every match? Why is Jesus magic selective? Ponder those questions very well. Ruminate on them.

Rather you should be pondering the obvious from your assertion, why is everyone not like Jesus Christ. Messi scores and Jesus saves. He saved me and He can save you. Ponder, ruminate, simply dare to think.

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Re: Jesus Saves. by Image123(m): 4:17am On Mar 14, 2020

Yes sin is A MADE UP CONCEPT. The concept is not what is the reality. Indeed people commit homicide and genocide, it in no way indicates the sin concept is real. We humans are the only ones here and now capable of giving value to anything in the universe. The universe does not care nor is there anyone besides ourselves who cares. The sin concept is just a means to give power to external agents eg Yahweh and Satan so that you can absolve yourself of guilt for your actions. The solution to a made up problem is a made up sacrifice so that you can pretend that all the bad things you do on a daily basis has been wiped away. LoL such delusion.

You are free to say any rubbish you like about what atheism means, it only indicates your ignorance or your dishonesty.

It's all made up and chance isn't it? Jesus Christ, formation of the universe, DNA and Leo Messi. People sin but it is not a reality. How can it be a reality? Homicide, genocide, crime, theft and corruption are indeed made up, they are not sins according to the rudderless reed. Destroyed homes through immorality, killings, treachery and corruption are just a means to give power to external agents. Wake up reed and be free from sin. Jesus sacrifice delivered and still delivers from sins like the above mentioned. Imagine if your heroes like Stalin, Osama bin Laden, Shekau and Hitler were saved from sin. The difference it may have made. The reality of the great change from a sinner to a saint has saved many homes and lives from pain, misery and more darkness. These are not delusions but every day reality. Two cult boys(friends) in secondary school had the gospel preached to them 10years ago. One was saved and is today preaching and living a decent life and family. The other has since being in prisons and detentions, hurt many families, destroyed many youths, killed a few people and parades a vicious and sorry influence. You call that a delusion. You should be a comedian if you weren't so pathetic.

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Re: Jesus Saves. by Image123(m): 4:27am On Mar 14, 2020

Yeah the truth is I am a goat right? LoL. You must think me a simpleton. You qualify as a dumbass and that's the truth so don't kick against it.

You are so eager to give agency to some external power you cant even see that the "miracle" is within you. There is no Jesus doing shit. You simply reached for a source of motivation and it worked. See placebo effect for more understanding.

I'll not intimate you on your goathood, your experience should help with that. This placebo effect that made a hopeless girl grow two unequal legs, that destroys the power of sin, that radically changed hardened sinners like Paul, that turned an addicted chain smoker hooligan to a preacher. i think we both agree that we need more of this effect. Jesus saves.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 7:47am On Mar 14, 2020

I'll not intimate you on your goathood, your experience should help with that. This placebo effect that made a hopeless girl grow two unequal legs, that destroys the power of sin, that radically changed hardened sinners like Paul, that turned an addicted chain smoker hooligan to a preacher. i think we both agree that we need more of this effect. Jesus saves.

'Born again' Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc have also been radically changed and delivered from drunkenness, smoking and careless living. So, tell us again; what is so special about your PET delusion?

Re: Jesus Saves. by LordReed(m): 7:51am On Mar 14, 2020

Rather you should be pondering the obvious from your assertion, why is everyone not like Jesus Christ. Messi scores and Jesus saves. He saved me and He can save you. Ponder, ruminate, simply dare to think.

That's for your brain cells to work on. Ponder on why your Jesus magic is so limited and doesn't work for everyone.
Re: Jesus Saves. by LordReed(m): 8:31am On Mar 14, 2020

It's all made up and chance isn't it? Jesus Christ, formation of the universe, DNA and Leo Messi. People sin but it is not a reality. How can it be a reality? Homicide, genocide, crime, theft and corruption are indeed made up, they are not sins according to the rudderless reed. Destroyed homes through immorality, killings, treachery and corruption are just a means to give power to external agents. Wake up reed and be free from sin. Jesus sacrifice delivered and still delivers from sins like the above mentioned. Imagine if your heroes like Stalin, Osama bin Laden, Shekau and Hitler were saved from sin. The difference it may have made. The reality of the great change from a sinner to a saint has saved many homes and lives from pain, misery and more darkness. These are not delusions but every day reality. Two cult boys(friends) in secondary school had the gospel preached to them 10years ago. One was saved and is today preaching and living a decent life and family. The other has since being in prisons and detentions, hurt many families, destroyed many youths, killed a few people and parades a vicious and sorry influence. You call that a delusion. You should be a comedian if you weren't so pathetic.

The pathetic one here is you since you reason like a broken clock. Where did I say homicide and the rest are not a reality? Where did I say people are not responsible for the crimes they commit? Your deluded pathetic head cannot reason that's why you are writing rubbish and attributing it to me. That sin is a made up concept doesn't say people don't commit crimes. Its deluded pathetic dumbasses like you who think the only way to hold people accountable is by introducing a fairytale god and his fairytale judgement day. We as humans are very much capable of holding ourselves accountable. Indeed no god has come down to hold anybody accountable. Osama bin Laden was killed by men, Hitler was defeated by men, Stalin died of natural causes/illness at 74. If your god was so interesting in saving lives why did he not intervene? LMFAO!

Jim Bakker televangelist went to prison so your Jesus magic is not insurance against people committing crimes and being jailed for it. Myles Monroe preacher, leader of leaders of nations, bishop, teacher of Jesus magic, died in a plane crash on approach to landing with his wife and everyone on board the plane. Jesus magic did not save them.
Re: Jesus Saves. by LordReed(m): 8:35am On Mar 14, 2020

I'll not intimate you on your goathood, your experience should help with that. This placebo effect that made a hopeless girl grow two unequal legs, that destroys the power of sin, that radically changed hardened sinners like Paul, that turned an addicted chain smoker hooligan to a preacher. i think we both agree that we need more of this effect. Jesus saves.

Your dumbassery will continue to resonate throughout all you write like the broken clock you are.

Go and check out all the recovering addicts secular institutions help day in day out without any Jesus magic before you start celebrating like a two year old seeing cake for the 1st time.
Re: Jesus Saves. by objectivechrist: 2:08pm On Mar 14, 2020
Re: Jesus Saves. by oaroloye(m): 3:34pm On Mar 14, 2020


Jesus can save you now. Why wait?


I am a Born Again, Full-Gospel, Pentecostal Christian, with Knowledge of Carlos Castaneda's NAGUALISM, L. Ron Hubbard's SCIENTOLOGY, and James Redfield's CELESTINE PROPHECY.

Therefore, I am uniquely qualified to explain SIN, and show why It can never be a "Made-Up Concept."


LoL! Faith in what? Chance? No thank you, don't need faith for that. Besides sin is a made up ridiculous concept so that faith in Jesus magic can be sold as a cure, furthering the delusion. You and all the other Christians will continue to "sin" because none is perfect but you'll deny it in favour of a ridiculous fairytale.


. GENESIS 17:1-14.

AND when Abram was
ninety years old and nine,
The LORD appeared to Abram,
and Said unto him,

"I am The Almighty God;
walk before Me,
and be thou perfect.
2. "And I will make
My Covenant
between Me and thee,
and will multiply thee exceedingly."

3. And Abram fell on his face:
and God Talked with him,

4. "As for Me,
behold, My Covenant
is with thee,
and thou shalt be
a Father of many Nations.
5. "Neither shall thy name
any more be called "Abram,"
but thy name shall be "Abraham;"
for a father of many nations
have I made thee.
6. "And I will make thee
Exceeding Fruitful,
and I will make
nations of thee,
and kings shall
come out of thee.
7. "And I will establish
My Covenant
between Me and thee
and thy seed after thee
in their Generations
for an Everlasting Covenant,
to be a God unto thee,
and to thy seed after thee.
8. "And I will give unto thee,
and to thy seed after thee,
the land wherein
thou art a stranger,
all the land of Canaan,
for an Everlasting Possession;
and I will be their God."

9. And God Said
unto Abraham,

"Thou shalt keep
My Covenant therefore,
thou, and thy seed after thee
in their Generations.
10. "This is My Covenant,
Which ye shall keep,
between Me and you
and thy seed after thee;


11. "And ye shall circumcise
the flesh of your foreskin;
and it shall be
a Token of The Covenant
betwixt me and you.
12. "And he that is
eight days old
shall be circumcised
among you,
every man child
in your Generations,
he that is born in the house,
or bought with money
of any stranger,
which is not of thy seed.
13. "He that is born
in thy house,
and he that is bought
with thy money,
must needs be circumcised:
and My Covenant
shall be in your flesh
for an Everlasting Covenant.
14. "And the uncircumcised
man child
whose flesh of his foreskin
is not circumcised,
that soul shall be cut off
from his people;
he hath broken My Covenant."


The participants swear Oaths to each other, with Promises and Curses.


He created the Nation of Israel from a Centenarian and his hitherto barren Nonagenarian wife.

His stated purpose was to have ONE Nation on the Earth to follow His Laws and keep His Commandments.

. GENESIS 18:17-33.

17. And The LORD Said,

"Shall I hide from Abraham
that thing which I do;
18. "Seeing that Abraham
shall surely become
a great and mighty nation,
and all the nations of the Earth
shall be Blessed in him?
19. "For I know him,
that he will command his children
and his household after him,
and they shall keep
The Way of The LORD,
to do Justice and Judgment;
that The LORD may
bring upon Abraham
that which He hath
Spoken of him."

20. And The LORD Said,

"Because the Cry
of Sodom and Gomorrah is great,
and because their Sin
is very grievous;
21. "I will go down now,
and see whether
they have done altogether
according to the Cry of it,
which is come unto Me;
and if not, I will know.
22. And the men turned
their faces from thence,
and went toward Sodom:
but Abraham stood yet
before The LORD.
23. And Abraham drew near,
and said,

"Wilt thou also destroy
the Righteous with the Wicked?
24. "Peradventure there be
fifty Righteous within the city:
wilt Thou also destroy
and not spare the place
for the fifty Righteous
that are therein?
25. "That be far from Thee
to do after this manner,
to slay the Righteous
with the Wicked:
and that the Righteous
should be as the Wicked,
that be far from thee:
Shall not the Judge
of all the Earth do right?"

26. And The LORD Said,

"If I find in Sodom fifty Righteous
within the city, then I will spare
all the place for their sakes."

27. And Abraham answered
and said,

"Behold now,
I have taken upon me
to speak unto The Lord,
which am but dust and ashes:
28. "Peradventure
there shall lack
five of the fifty Righteous:
wilt thou destroy all the city
for lack of five?"

And He Said,

"If I find there forty and five,
I will not destroy it."

29. And he spake unto Him
yet again,
and said,

"Peradventure there shall be
forty found there."

And He Said,

"I will not do it
for forty's sake."

30.And he said unto him,

"Oh let not The Lord be angry,
and I will speak:
Peradventure there shall
thirty be found there."

And He Said,

"I will not do it,
if I find thirty there."

31. And he said,

"Behold now,
I have taken upon me
to speak unto The Lord:
Peradventure there shall be
twenty found there."

And He Said,

"I will not destroy it
for twenty's sake."

32. And he said,

"Oh let not The Lord be angry,
and I will speak yet but this once:
Peradventure ten
shall be found there."

And He Said,

"I will not destroy it
for ten's sake."

33.And The LORD went His Way,
as soon as He had left
communing with Abraham:
and Abraham returned
unto his place.


.     EXODUS 20:1-7.

AND God Spake
all these Words,

2. "I (am) The LORD thy God,
Which have brought thee
out of The Land of Egypt,
out of The House of Bondage.

3. "Thou shalt have
no other gods before Me.

4. "Thou shalt not
make unto thee
any graven image,
or any likeness (of any thing)
that (is) in the Earth beneath,
or that (is) in the Water
under the Earth:
5. "Thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them,
nor serve them:
for I The LORD thy God
(am) a Jealous God,
visiting the iniquity
of the fathers
upon the third and fourth (generation)
of them that Hate Me.
6. "And shewing Mercy
unto thousands of them
which Love Me,
and Keep My Commandments.

7. "Thou shalt not
take The Name
of The LORD thy God
in vain;
for The LORD will not
hold him guiltless
that taketh His Name
in vain."


. NUMBERS 15:27-31.

27. "And if any man Sin
through Ignorance,
then he shall bring
a She Goat of the first year
for a Sin Offering.
28. "And the Priest
shall make an Atonement
for the Soul
that Sinneth Ignorantly,
when he Sinneth
by Ignorance
before The LORD,
to make an Atonement
for him,
and it shall be
forgiven him.
29. " Ye shall have one Law
for him that Sinneth Ignorantly
(both for) him
that is born
among the Children of Israel,
and for the Stranger
that sojourneth
among them.
30. "But the Soul
that doeth
(ought) presumptuously,
(whether he be)
born in the land,
or a Stranger,
the same reproacheth
and that Soul
shall be cut off
from among his people.
31. "Because he hath
despised The Word
of The LORD,
and hath broken
His Commandment,
that Soul
shall utterly be cut off;
his Iniquity
(shall be) upon him."


Wow, sin is made up? The whole world must be made up then because the whole world apparently lies in sin. All the crime, homicide, genocide, killings, thefts, corruption are all made up? Because of Jesus? You do have a lot of faith/belief for an atheist, only that your faith is in the absurdity.


If you do certain things, the benevolent gods favour you, and fellowship with you; if you do the opposite, then the benevolent gods shun you, and evil gods come to either patronize you, do do their evil will, or else destroy you.

Is that so hard to understand?


Yes sin is A MADE UP CONCEPT. The concept is not what is the reality. Indeed people commit homicide and genocide, it in no way indicates the sin concept is real. We humans are the only ones here and now capable of giving value to anything in the universe.


1. ANIMAL AWARENESS: Animals damp down their vibrations to synchronize themselves with their environment, in order to perceive it.

2. THE FIRST ATTENTION: This is the everyday state of awareness of the ordinary, "normal," (i.e. sinful) Human being. All such a person can Perceive, Conceive, and Recall is Physical Universe phenomena, and nothing Spiritual at all.

This category of Knowledge is called "THE KNOWN."

3. THE SECOND ATTENTION: The First Attention uses no more than 10% of the Mind's Capabilities. Beyond that is THE SECOND ATTENTION.

The least manifestation of SECOND ATTENTION is TOTAL RECALL. It develops into four other capabilities:


Developing these capabilities is dangerous, without proper guidance and supervision- WHICH THE GOSPEL PROVIDES.

Without It, the Mind can break down tear itself apart, or go completely insane. It can even kill the person.

THE TORAH does not provide similarly adequate protection.

Blindly "JUST FOLLOWING THE LAW" allows for ASYMMETRICAL JUDGMENTS, which will ultimately destroy one.

The Mind must be PERFECTLY BALANCED, to pull this off.

This category of Knowledge is called THE UNKNOWN.

4. THE THIRD ATTENTION: TOTAL RECALL permits the complete review of one's entire life in as little as twenty minutes.

Assuming one were, say, twenty years old, that means one would be reviewing, or rather RECAPITULATING, one year of one's life in a MINUTE, and thus ONE MONTH every five seconds.

About SIX DAYS per second.

Therefore, the Mind is able to PROCESS the vast amount of data EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION grants access to very rapidly.


That is not because of CHAUVINISM.

This Knowledge is DEADLY TO MORTAL HUMAN BEINGS- it will literally KILL them, just because they SAW it. Therefore, it is called "THE UNKNOWABLE."

Attaining THIRD ATTENTION allows a person to safely perceive It.

[See: THE EAGLE'S GIFT, by Carlos Castaneda.
THE FIRE FROM WITHIN, by Carlos Castaneda.]


Entities don't exist, because YOU haven't seen them?

Only what YOUR senses perceive CAN exist? What did you ever do to extend the scope of your perceptions, to see if anything existed that you weren't currently aware of?

Every Culture in the World attained the Belief that Spirit Beings exist, and developed people who could perceive them- BUT YOU SAY THAT ALL OF THEM ARE DELUSIONAL OR LYING!

You had rather believe THAT, than that YOU ARE BEING LAZY AND STUPID!

SIN REDUCES Ability to perceive beyond the Natural Perceptual Range.


How is that so hard to understand?


The universe does not care nor is there anyone besides ourselves who cares. The sin concept is just a means to give power to external agents eg Yahweh and Satan so that you can absolve yourself of guilt for your actions.


Each of these is a lecture in itself.

A Course Study.

[See: TALES OF POWER, by Carlos Castaneda.]

What do you know about them?


Like as your arrogant Oyinbo Massas taught you, you trample the Knowledge underfoot, because it does not instantly bow down and serve YOU!



The solution to a made up problem is a made up sacrifice so that you can pretend that all the bad things you do on a daily basis has been wiped away. LoL such delusion.


Your Massas are Spiritually-Ignorant, therefore, so are you.

They don't know The Spiritual Truths behind Sacrifices, THEREFORE, NEITHER DO YOU.

There are several factors you are unaware of.


If you communicate Significance into the Spiritual Realm, the Spiritual Realm MUST respond.


A Sheep or Goat sacrificed will elict a greater response than a Pigeon or Dove. An OX... (*Heh!*) an OX is like: "NOW WE'RE TALKING!!!"

The Cattle used to be like FAMILY to the Herdsmen; to kill one of them was almost like killing one's OFFSPRING.

One would be loath to commit Sin, if it meant one must destroy one's cherished Beast as a result.

When the Israelites lost that, their Sacrifices became worth less and less, until they meant nothing.


If one did not know the Protocols, all one would be doing would be TRAINED CHIMPANZEE THEATRE- one might wear the costumes right, and go through the motions more or less correctly- but one would just look like an IDIOT, to anyone with the REAL KNOWLEDGE- because they would understand that one DIDN'T know what one was DOING.


You are free to say any rubbish you like about what atheism means, it only indicates your ignorance or your dishonesty.


. 1st JOHN 3:4.

4. Whosoever committeth Sin
transgresseth also The Law:
for Sin is
the Transgression of The Law.


. 2nd CHRONICLES 16:9.

9. "For The Eyes of The LORD
run to and fro throughout
the whole Earth,
to show Himself strong
on behalf of those
whose heart
is perfect toward Him.
Herein thou hast done foolishly:
therefore from henceforth
thou shalt have wars.”

. AMOS 3:3.

3. "Can two walk together,
except they be agreed?"





MUCH THAT ARE "SINS" prevent us from doing that.
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 3:39pm On Mar 14, 2020
When were you released ? I thought you were still in there ??


1 Like

Re: Jesus Saves. by sonmvayina(m): 5:27pm On Mar 14, 2020
Please don't take this the wrong way.. Is there anywhere in the old testament that God ask humans to believe in the death in other to be saved?.. I have checked and I can't find any.. But instead I found this.

"Why would there be? First of all Jesus was a PRACTICING Jew. That is obvious. Practicing JEWS NEVER had a blood sacrificing PAGAN belief of a half human half god. Only Greco/Roman'sbelieved that hogwash...Zeus, Poseidon and their offspring....the OLD TESTAMENT God repestedly said " I am THE ONLY GOD...NONE BEFORE ME, NONE AFTER..NO OFFSPRING.......this was Paul of Tarsus often referred to as PAUL THE LIAR! People can do their own research....its pretty easy and simple but theyve been LED by their PASTORS as to what they should, ought and must believe and HOW TO INTERPRET THE MEANING which would fall in line with Pauls idea in order to be " saved" from a God who created the mess in the first place....but Jews never ever had a human blood sacrifice. They had laws against it. They also believed NO ONE CAN ATONE FOR THE SINS OF ANOTHER...Christians are following Paul and what he said Jesus said...not Jesus...not Christianity but PAULIANITY..its highly probable Jesus never said anything like what Paul wrote....if Jesus even existed..totally made up."
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 8:14pm On Mar 14, 2020
Please don't take this the wrong way.. Is there anywhere in the old testament that God ask humans to believe in the death in other to be saved?.. I have checked and I can't find any.. But instead I found this.
"always checking learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."
- 2 Timothy 3:7

You checked and couldnt find because you arent checking with a sincere heart, lol. You're just like the women in 2 Timothy 3:7 above, you are never able to arrive at a full knowledge of the truth.

"Why would there be? First of all Jesus was a PRACTICING Jew. That is obvious. Practicing JEWS NEVER had a blood sacrificing PAGAN belief of a half human half god. Only Greco/Roman'sbelieved that hogwash...Zeus, Poseidon and their offspring....the OLD TESTAMENT God repestedly said " I am THE ONLY GOD...NONE BEFORE ME, NONE AFTER..NO OFFSPRING.......this was Paul of Tarsus often referred to as PAUL THE LIAR!
You're by the day lol, becoming increasingly more confused than a fart let loose on the production floor of a fan making factory.

People can do their own research....its pretty easy and simple but theyve been LED by their PASTORS as to what they should, ought and must believe and HOW TO INTERPRET THE MEANING which would fall in line with Pauls idea in order to be " saved" from a God who created the mess in the first place....but Jews never ever had a human blood sacrifice. They had laws against it. They also believed NO ONE CAN ATONE FOR THE SINS OF ANOTHER...Christians are following Paul and what he said Jesus said...not Jesus...not Christianity but PAULIANITY..its highly probable Jesus never said anything like what Paul wrote....if Jesus even existed..totally made up."
"12... Individuals among you are saying,
“I follow Paul,” “I follow Apollos,” “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.”
13Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul?
- 1 Corinthians 1:13

"5What then is Apollos? And what is Paul?
They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role
6I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
7So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
8He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose,a and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.
9For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.
10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.
But each one must be careful how he builds.
11For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 3:5-11

Look at you slipping on the Constantine christianity banana skin, now you actually are more confused than a goat on astroturf, lol.
Re: Jesus Saves. by Image123(m): 4:47am On Mar 15, 2020

'Born again' Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists etc have also been radically changed and delivered from drunkenness, smoking and careless living. So, tell us again; what is so special about your PET delusion?


So you agree that Jesus saves, your anguish is that He's not the only one?
Re: Jesus Saves. by Image123(m): 4:50am On Mar 15, 2020

That's for your brain cells to work on. Ponder on why your Jesus magic is so limited and doesn't work for everyone.

Why ponder when He works for me? You should ponder that He works at all. My testimony is that Jesus saves. Chew it till you receive it.
Re: Jesus Saves. by LordReed(m): 11:02am On Mar 15, 2020

Why ponder when He works for me? You should ponder that He works at all. My testimony is that Jesus saves. Chew it till you receive it.

Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 11:50am On Mar 15, 2020

So you agree that Jesus saves, your anguish is that He's not the only one?

Anguish ? grin grin

Delusion grandeur.

Jesus saves *JACK*.
Re: Jesus Saves. by sonmvayina(m): 11:53am On Mar 15, 2020
"always checking learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."
- 2 Timothy 3:7

You checked and couldnt find because you arent checking with a sincere heart, lol. You're just like the women in 2 Timothy 3:7 above, you are never able to arrive at a full knowledge of the truth.

You're by the day lol, becoming increasingly more confused than a fart let loose on the production floor of a fan making factory.

"12... Individuals among you are saying,
“I follow Paul,” “I follow Apollos,” “I follow Cephas,” or “I follow Christ.”
13Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul?
- 1 Corinthians 1:13

"5What then is Apollos? And what is Paul?
They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role
6I planted the seed and Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
7So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.
8He who plants and he who waters are one in purpose,a and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.
9For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.
10By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.
But each one must be careful how he builds.
11For no one can lay a foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
- 1 Corinthians 3:5-11

Look at you slipping on the Constantine christianity banana skin, now you actually are more confused than a goat on astroturf, lol.

Stop rambling like a rabid dog you know you have not answered my question..
I ask again, is there any whee in the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved.. Yes or no.. If yes, give me old testament references..
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 11:55am On Mar 15, 2020

Stop rambling like a rabid dog you know you have not answered my question..
I ask again, is there any whee on the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved.. Yes or no.. If yes, give me old testament references..

Let me help the pentecostal man. NO.

There is NOWHERE "in the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved ". And that is why 99% of Jews reject the bull shit.

In fact , they call this concept of a man dying for others HUMAN SACRIFICE which God forbade them to.

The pentecostals are not worshipping a Jewish God, they are inadvertently following the god of the ROMANS


1 Like

Re: Jesus Saves. by sonmvayina(m): 12:10pm On Mar 15, 2020

Let me help the pentecostal man. NO.

There is NOWHERE "in the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved ". And that is why 99% of Jews reject the bull shit.

In fact , they call this concept of a man dying for others HUMAN SACRIFICE which God forbade them to.

The pentecostals are not worshipping a Jewish God, they are inadvertently following the god of the Romans

Don't mind the animal in human skin he knows the answer is NO, he is just turning his back on the question just as reality turned his back on him...
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 3:18pm On Mar 15, 2020
Stop rambling like a rabid dog
Of course, you know the popular saying: "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words, will never hurt me" so my dear ignoranus friend, you can have your kind and comforting "... rambling like a rabid dog" words back and shove them up your .... Never mind that, have a good morning anyway, lol!

you know you have not answered my question..
Be careful what you wish for

I ask again, is there any where in the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved.. Yes or no..
Emphatic and/or resounding capital letters YES

If yes, give me old testament references..
"Moses continued, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him."
- Deuteronomy 18:15

"18I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him.
19And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him
- Deuteronomy 18:18-19

"16Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone,
A costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.
17I will test you sonmvayina with the measuring line of justice and the plumb line of righteousness.
Since your refuge sonmvayina is made of lies, a hailstorm will knock it down.
Since it is made of deception, a flood will sweep it away.
- Isaiah 28:16-17

It will be a helpful observation to know that the bible advances that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide world, came to die. Not come to earth, to have a woman, not to have a thing for men, but that God gave Jesus, His only begotten Son, to die for our sins, period.

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.
He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”
- Genesis 3:15

Now, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide world, confirmed this, at the ninth hour, on the cross at Golgotha, the skull-shaped hill in Jerusalem, when He said "Eli Eli Lama sabachthani"

"Eli Eli Lama sabachthani," fyi, when correctly translated, means:
"My God, My God, this is why You kept me"
or "My God, My God, this is My destiny (i.e. I was born to do this)"
or "My God, My God, this is what You permitted"
or "My God, My God, this is what You allowed"What you dear

What you my dear friend, lol, who snivellingly, lol, doesnt stop rambling like a rabid dog, dont know nor get the sense of, is that all that, the Old Testament death sacrifices were types and shadows of a real thing, lol.

They were done and carried out in anticipate the death of the Messiah, lol, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, through Whom the whole wide world will be saved. Now just as those Israelites who believe were saved, so will be saved any that have faith and belief in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide world, that He died and resurrected from death, lol.

Let me help the pentecostal man. NO.
Barking up the wrong tree as usual and behaving just like a goat on an astroturf, that's got more confused, lol.

There is NOWHERE "in the old testament where God ask people to believe in the death of a Messiah in other to be saved".
"7On this mountain He will swallow up the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations;
8He will swallow up death forever. The Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from every faceb
and remove the disgrace of His people from the whole earth.
9And in that day it will be said, “Surely this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He has saved us.
This is the LORD for whom we have waited. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.”
- Isaiah 25:7-9

Birds of the same feather flock together, then the "ologini" cat... Pow! Comes along, lol.

On a serious note, when animal follow hog waka, hin must to eat bullshit, that wan nah dandan and you fit take am go bank lodge, hin be sure banker, lol. The way I see it, is that you are, what and who you gravitate to, lol. Be conscious of who you associate with, because personalities, words, traits would naturally rub off on you, lol. Yes, birds of feather flock together, but the hard part is being picky about who you gravitate to and/or identify with, lol. Piece of advice, flock wisely, lol, flock together and/or align yourselves with peeps you can learn from, who are stretching, searching and seeking higher grounds in life

You, frosbel2 and your equally lagging behind just as you are, friend sonmvayina have no idea, You wouldnt know anything and/or understand anything about prophecies like in Genesis 3:15 and Isaiah 25:7-9, etcetera, lol, so I expect everything in this post, to swoosh fly over your heads, as if, like its a Naija airforce fighter jet, lol.

... And that is why 99% of Jews reject the bullshit.
Now you should begin to understand why our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide word, Jesus Christ, in Matthew 15:24, when His disciples came and urged Him, “Send away the Canaanite woman, for she kept crying out after them" declared that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.

The 99% of Jews who reject this good bullshit are dead bones, lol. This is exactly what, I keep hinting my two beloved Muslim brothers and friends, namely Empiree and AntiChristian with, that our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide word, Jesus Christ, was not sent to gather in Gentiles, that this task was delegated to Apostle Paul to do, and this was after Apostle Peter hesitated to accept the idea to reach out and initially was unwilling to accept the undertaking, to bring into the fold the Gentiles, lol

In fact, they call this concept of a man dying for others HUMAN SACRIFICE which God forbade them to.
Lets see who has real balls between frosbel2 and sonmvayina, that is man enough and aint a bwoy to answer the following simple easy, direct, straightforward and walk in the park questions

1/ What is the difference between how Judas and our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide word, Jesus Christ died?
2/ At whose hands did Judas die?
3/ At whose hands did our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide word, Jesus Christ?
4/ What's youse understanding of the programmatic verse 1 Corinthians 15:21, lol "Since a man brought death, a man also brought life back from death."

The pentecostals are not worshipping a Jewish God, they are inadvertently following the god of the ROMANS
I concede you this, lol, but I prefer using the superlative "penterascals" for those following the Constantine Christianity,
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 3:25pm On Mar 15, 2020

Improvised 'truth's to support a LIE. Interjecting MYTHs into the JEWISH scripture which is REJECTED by the Jews as a FRAUD.

Be specific, where is this prophet called JESUS CHRIST ? Why did the Jews reject him if this prophet was raised up specifically for their salvation ?

Most of the verses you quoted do not point to Jesus Christ. Stop your fraudulent exposition of a so called faith based on myth. Besdies, if this truth you preach is so foundational to the salvation of MAN, why did 70% of the world not know about Jesus until 1000 years plus after his resurrection, LOL.

Keep deluding yourself Pal.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Saves. by sonmvayina(m): 3:40pm On Mar 15, 2020
Your insanity is legendary.. So an address to the Jews in Moses time has now become the whole world.. The passages in deuteronomy was referring to Joshua who God raised to continue from where Moses left off..

And the passages you referenced in Isaiah has not happened, or has it?.. Has death been swallowed up..
Read in context, it shows how shallow you are..
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 3:42pm On Mar 15, 2020
Your insanity is legendary.. So an address to the Jews in Moses time has now become the whole world.. The passages in deuteronomy was referring to Joshua who God raised to continue from where Moses left off..

And the passages you referenced in Isaiah has not happened, or has it?.. Has death been swallowed up..
Read in context, it shows how shallow you are..

He will come back with more convoluted, random quotes intermingled with insults and subtle abuse , all the while pretending to be a holy man of gog.

Take this guy for what he is , a Joker or even one of the biggest jokers on this forum - grin

1 Like

Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 4:09pm On Mar 15, 2020

Improvised 'truth's to support a LIE. Interjecting MYTHs into the JEWISH scripture which is REJECTED by the Jews as a FRAUD.

Be specific, where is this prophet called JESUS CHRIST? Why did the Jews reject him if this prophet was raised up specifically for their salvation ?

Most of the verses you quoted do not point to Jesus Christ. Stop your fraudulent exposition of a so called faith based on myth. Besdies, if this truth you preach is so foundational to the salvation of MAN, why did 70% of the world not know about Jesus until 1000 years plus after his resurrection, LOL.

Keep deluding yourself Pal.
Delusion fall off you, delusion I pray fall off you frosbel2 and sonmvayina, lol

Your insanity is legendary.. So an address to the Jews in Moses time has now become the whole world.. The passages in deuteronomy was referring to Joshua who God raised to continue from where Moses left off..
"17I will surely bless you, and I will multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies.
18And through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
- Genesis 22:18

Try me at your peril. I've got more ammo the sort suited for Armageddon, lol, from where that Genesis 22:18 above came from, lol

And the passages you referenced in Isaiah has not happened, or has it?.. Has death been swallowed up..
Read in context, it shows how shallow you are..
Smh, I am sure you have heard or just pretending you've never heard of the second death and the aftermath in the lake of fire, mtcheew, olodo upon twenty.

He will come back with more convoluted, random quotes intermingled with insults and subtle abuse , all the while pretending to be a holy man of gog.

Take this guy for what he is, a Joker or even one of the biggest jokers on this forum - grin
This is what happens, when bwoys are sent to do work and to do work thats meant to be done by men with real hard steel balls, not instead what we have here, two puny weak and floppy tools, hiding behind their mommas' wrappers and afraid to outrightrightly mention monikers they are responding to, lol.

Kettle frosbel2 and pot sonmvayina, trying hard so playing and pretending, not soot, lol.
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 4:16pm On Mar 15, 2020

This is what happens, when bwoys are sent to do work and to do work thats meant to be done by men with real hard steel balls, not instead what we have here, two puny weak and floppy tools, hiding behind their mommas' wrappers and afraid to outrightrightly mention monikers they are responding to, lol.

Kettle frosbel2 and pot sonmvayina, trying hard so playing and pretending, not black, lol.

There was a time when I spent hours replying people like you with detailed, well laid our arguments. I did this for the benefit of the younger ones as well as deceived believers. I think ample time was spent doing this in the past and very satisfied that the message has been conveyed. Many contacted me privately and showed great appreciation. For me this was a great achievement, turning away folk from delusions to truths.

As for you religious minions, keep holding onto your delusions, not my problem and I don’t care, lol.

There is no intent on my part to sound like an intellectual or defeat you in an argument.
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 4:38pm On Mar 15, 2020
There was a time when I spent hours replying people like you with detailed, well laid our arguments. I did this for the benefit of the younger ones as well as deceived believers. I think ample time was spent doing this in the past and very satisfied that the message has been conveyed. Many contacted me privately and showed great appreciation. For me this was a great achievement, turning away folk from delusions to truths.

As for you religious minions, keep holding onto your delusions, not my problem and I don’t care, lol
I've been here as long as you have, if not longer. I know all about your antecedents. Who is who, warned you when you were gravitating on the edge and towards the proverbial slippery slope.

We all know that once you let shitheads slide, they begin to think they can iceskate, lol. Now, you particularly frosbel2, your problem is that you dont that the truth is slippery and wet, that you will slide, but when you slide, just get up from the fall, dont stay down, lol, but just dust yourself down, get up and straighten up yourself. If you dont, you'll lose the faith and sell your soul to a willing bidder, the devil, lol. You’re heading and journeying straight to the lake of fire brother, trust me you wont finding many admitting to you that you're living in a distorted reality of yours. Repent before its too late. Repent before the Owner of your breath asks of it back

There is no intent on my part to sound like an intellectual or defeat you in an argument.
I make time especially for someone like you, I suffer gladly someone especially like you. There is every intent on my part to go toe to toe, shoulder to shoulder, head to head etcetera with someone especially the likes of you frosbel2, sonmvayina et al. Will happily run you down, down until the dark, chase you back to the abyss of darkness you crawled out from, lol. If I should find you on hypothetically set on fire, I'll gladly hypothetically piss on you, in order to put the fire out, lol
Re: Jesus Saves. by sonmvayina(m): 5:03pm On Mar 15, 2020
Delusion fall off you, delusion I pray fall off you frosbel2 and sonmvayina, lol

"17I will surely bless you, and I will multiply your descendants like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess the gates of their enemies.
18And through your offspring all nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
- Genesis 22:18

Try me at your peril. I've got more ammo the sort suited for Armageddon, lol, from where that Genesis 22:18 above came from, lol

Smh, I am sure you have heard or just pretending you've never heard of the second death and the aftermath in the lake of fire, mtcheew, olodo upon twenty.

This is what happens, when bwoys are sent to do work and to do work thats meant to be done by men with real hard steel balls, not instead what we have here, two puny weak and floppy tools, hiding behind their mommas' wrappers and afraid to outrightrightly mention monikers they are responding to, lol.

Kettle frosbel2 and pot sonmvayina, trying hard so playing and pretending, not soot, lol.

So where did it say a Messiah will die for sins... When the prophet speak of salvation, they mean from physical danger.. Just like the passages you cited... When David wrote the psalms, he was running from Saul who wanted to kill him..
David says in psalm 104:29-31, "send forth your SPIRIT, and they are created.. Take it and they die.. The spirit is God's it doesn't need saving from anything, it will return to God at death just as the preacher says in Ecclessiatics 12 :7
Re: Jesus Saves. by Empiree: 5:18pm On Mar 15, 2020
The 99% of Jews who reject this good bullshit are dead bones, lol. This is exactly what, I keep hinting my two beloved Muslim brothers and friends, namely Empi.ree and AntiCh.ristian with, that our Lord and Saviour of the whole wide word, Jesus Christ, was not sent to gather in Gentiles,
You continue to validate what muslims have long preached to you. That Jesus was not sent to the whole world as bible rightly said but some christians would twist that he was. But below you admitted to this fact again

that this task was delegated to Apostle Paul to do, and this was after Apostle Peter hesitated to accept the idea to reach out and initially was unwilling to accept the undertaking, to bring into the fold the Gentiles, lol,
By who?. Where is your evidence that God sent Paul to mankind?
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 5:25pm On Mar 15, 2020
So where did it say a Messiah will die for sins... When the prophet speak of salvation, they mean from physical danger.. Just like the passages you cited... When David wrote the psalms, he was running from Saul who wanted to kill him..
David says in psalm 104:29-31, "send forth your SPIRIT, and they are created.. Take it and they die.. The spirit is God's it doesn't need saving from anything, it will return to God at death just as the preacher says in Ecclessiatics 12 :7
1/ Do an exegesis and hermeneutic of Genesis 22:18 for me please, while at it, also please explain how exactly is through Abraham's offspring that all nations of the earth will be blessed
2/ What part of you is the devil after? Is it your spirit or is it your soul, hmm?
3/ When you inhale your last breath, what returns back to God? Is it your soul or is it your spirit, erhn?
4/ The _ _ _ _ that sinneth, it shall die. Please fill in the blank. Sorry no prizes for the right answer though, lol
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 5:38pm On Mar 15, 2020
You continue to validate what muslims have long preached to you. That Jesus was not sent to the whole world as bible rightly said but some christians would twist that he was. But below you admitted to this fact again
You're headstrong in hugging and sticking to your delusion sha, even in light of scriptural evidence like Romans 1:16 that states: "... the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile" you still hang pick-axe put for head dont and wont accept a helpful truth, smh.

By who?. Where is your evidence that God sent Paul to mankind?
"Paul, an apostle--sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead
(i.e. I was not appointed by any group of people or any human authority, but by Jesus Christ himself and by God the Father, who raised Jesus from the dead)
- Galatians 1:1

Everytime just has to be a school time for our beloved and blessed Muslim brother and friend here Empiree sha. Hmm.
Re: Jesus Saves. by Nobody: 5:44pm On Mar 15, 2020
You're headstrong in hugging and sticking to your delusion sha, even in light of scriptural evidence like Romans 1:16 that states: "... the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile" you still hang pick-axe put for head dont and wont accept a helpful truth, smh.

Says a deluded man to another - grin grin grin


I keep saying that Africans lack ORIGINALITY, thats why you folk are "tossed about with every wind of doctrine". cool
Re: Jesus Saves. by MuttleyLaff: 6:04pm On Mar 15, 2020
Says a deluded man to another - grin grin grin
I keep saying that Africans lack ORIGINALITY, thats why you folk are "tossed about with every wind of doctrine". cool
I've been here, registered to post content, as long as you have, if not longer. I know all about your antecedents. Who is who, warned you when you were gravitating to the edge and towards the proverbial slippery slope.

We all know that once you let shitheads slide, they begin to think they can iceskate, lol. Now, you particularly frosbel2, your problem is that you dont that the truth is slippery and wet, that you will potentially slide, but when you do slide, just get up from the fall, dont stay down, lol, but just get up, dust yourself down, straighten up yourself and move along without staying down, because, if you dont, you'll lose the faith and sell your soul to a willing bidder, the devil, lol. You’re heading and journeying straight to the lake of fire brother, trust me you wont finding many admitting to you that you're living in a distorted reality of yours. Repent before its too late. Repent before the Owner of your breath asks of it back. Heed the warning before its too late!

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