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Politics / Re: Yorubas Are The Most Industrious,Richest & Educated Tribe in Nigeria & Africa by slurryeye: 1:16am On Aug 23, 2017
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!

That's all I can say. This is very impressive


Crime / Re: Uniosun Kidnap: Police Nabs Three Suspects (see Photos) by slurryeye: 10:10pm On Jul 04, 2017
Wickedness in the hearts of men

People like this should be sentenced to death. Their mentality is too fvcked up for them to be allowed to live freely in the society

8 Likes 2 Shares

Crime / Re: 4 Staff Of First Marina Trust Limited Defraud Employer Of N175m (Photos) by slurryeye: 10:02pm On Jul 04, 2017
Na them.....' armed with pen ' don't be surprised der might don even use the money do party...owambe

Guy where you see that poster....the guy look don make me crack my ribs
Celebrities / Re: Photo Of Omoni Oboli's Son Cooking As She Advises Women To Teach Their Sons by slurryeye: 9:13pm On Jul 04, 2017

please drop this ideology......meant know harm

What ideology? Sit there and be acting all gentlemanly
Celebrities / Re: Photo Of Omoni Oboli's Son Cooking As She Advises Women To Teach Their Sons by slurryeye: 9:06pm On Jul 04, 2017
So that he can be cooking for his wife? undecided

Men in the house, learn how to cook but don't do so with the aim of sharing cooking rotation with your wife. Even if you start with 30% to 70% rotation, by the time you spend few years together, trust me, it will be 50-50 or 60-40. Women naturally knows how to play life to their advantage, this is from personal experience. You should cook for the family when she is sick, when she is pregnant or when she is tired from work but never make that mistake of rotating the responsibilities. The important skills we men need to know are time management, money management, home fixing and relationship management. And every man should be able to fix basic things in the house without wasting money on professionals to fix them.

27 Likes 3 Shares

Politics / Re: Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke Is Dead! (Osun Ex-Govermor) by slurryeye: 10:25pm On Apr 23, 2017

My name is 1freshdude, I'm not fresh and I'm a certified mo.ron

Politics / Re: Biography Of The Late Isiaka Adeleke by slurryeye: 2:28pm On Apr 23, 2017
Politics / Re: Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke Is Dead! (Osun Ex-Govermor) by slurryeye: 2:27pm On Apr 23, 2017
Whether you see him as a bad politician or not, respect the dead, type RIP and leave. We don't speak ill of the dead in African because no one knows when he or she will die
Celebrities / Re: Biography Of Late Actor, Olumide Bakare by slurryeye: 3:34pm On Apr 22, 2017
Very good actor

Husky voice, highly charismatic and always execute his role with touch of professionalism

Rest on Sir

30 Likes 2 Shares

Crime / Re: Police Offer N10 million Reward For Capture Of Wanted Serial Killer 'Ghana'. PIC by slurryeye: 9:09pm On Apr 21, 2017
Education / Re: Facts We Really Need To Know About Slavery. by slurryeye: 8:39pm On Apr 21, 2017
Celebrities / Re: Olayode Juliana 'Toyo Baby' Leaves Funke Akindele's Jenifa's Diary by slurryeye: 5:19pm On Apr 21, 2017
Both characters compliment each other

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Politics / Re: Fayose Gives Ekiti Beer Sellers N10m Loan (Photos) by slurryeye: 4:28pm On Apr 21, 2017
Let's just say this guy is running charity organization

The cost of making the worthless plastic giant cheque is even more than the 20000 naira printed on it

Only Fayose can have this kinna reasoning

12 Likes 2 Shares

Nairaland / General / Re: Problems Associated With Gap-teeth by slurryeye: 1:53pm On Apr 21, 2017
Gap teeth
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 11:24pm On Apr 20, 2017
Could you just read your bolded conclusion again and tell me how it makes sense in the context of your own narrative?

If Zik could not stop Biafra, what sort of dull historians could think that the man who could not stop his own son from joining the army when he was barely a man, could suddenly stop him from doing one thing the vast majority of his people had mandated him to do within the context of 1967?

Until you realize that 1967 Biafra declaration was more of an ideological reaction than a premeditated choice prior to 1967, you'd keep missing the point.

The structure of today's Nigeria (which, by the way, was implemented shortly before the war in order to subjugate the old Easterners) is a world apart from what it was in 1967 - just 7 years after independence. So quit interpreting the actions/reactions of 1967 from the lenses of 2017.

It does not make sense.

Let me explain why I believe that the war might have not happened if Emeka Ojukwu's father was alive in 1967. First of all, his father didn't stop him from joining the army, he only tried to discourage him from joining the army which is what a reasonable father will do having sent his son to the UK to obtain his BSc and MSc from prestigious schools. But since Emeka persisted in becoming a soldier, what any good father will do is to leave him and allow him to follow his heart desire which explained the reason why the 2 didn't have a sour relationship till his father demise. Trust me, if Sir Louis wanted to stop his son by all cost from joining the army, he will do it. We are talking of a man that was arguably the richest man in Nigeria then. A man that wined and dined with power that be in pre-independent and independent Nigeria. Secondly, don't compare Zik influence to his father influence. Zik was just an influential political figure from his tribe while his father made him who he was. As a matter of fact, he decided to join the military because he wanted to set a legacy free from his father influence. He wanted to be remembered in history as Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu and not as son of Sir Louis Odumegwu Ojukwu. Whether you like him or not, he did set a legacy that would be remembered for a long time. Lastly, which is the most critical reason was that if his father was alive, Chukwuemeka wouldn't have had access to massive wealth that he used to finance the war. Believe me, war is a very expensive endeavor. After his death in 1966, Sir Louis left a huge amount of money that I'm quite sure will be up to billions of dollars in today's market value. So an intelligent, bold but proud 32 year old Chukwuemeka with military training and control of a region of the country with such massive amount of wealth at his disposal believed he had what it takes to fight a war. I have to give it to him, he did hold his ground against a national army. But like I always say, the war was very unnecessary and egoistic. Without his father's death, the only way the war could have happened was if Sir Louis supported the secession 100%. And trust me, I believe he won't have supported it because not only did he believe in one Nigeria, he actually became wealthy as a result of the creation called Nigeria.
Politics / Re: Al-Mustapha Floats Green Party Of Nigeria Ahead Of 2019 Elections by slurryeye: 7:59pm On Apr 20, 2017
How would he not?

Is only in Nigeria that a criminal that shouldn't see freedom again in his life will come out and flag off a political party

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Help!!!! Two Interviews On The Same Day! by slurryeye: 5:48pm On Apr 20, 2017
Foreign Affairs / Re: Colorized Photographs From World War I & II by slurryeye: 4:50pm On Apr 20, 2017
When people that have experienced war tell you they don't want war, they surely know what they are saying.
The first world war was a stupid and unnecessary that resulted in fighting with no dignity where millions died in trenches and diseases from the trenches, while second world war was an aftermath of the treaties from the first world war. If human being has continued the trend of fighting such large scale wars, we would have exterminated ourselves from the surface of earth.
With nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction on many people's hands, such a global war this time around will exterminate almost all human beings if not all which is the reason why everyone is telling idiotic president "orange face" trump to mellow down on his airheadedness and approach issues diplomatically. The world hasn't experienced a global war for over 70 years, and we will like to keep it that way Mr "grab 'em by the puss.y"

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Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 9:16am On Apr 20, 2017

Lol,I didn't mention all this because it was impertinent to the discussion, not cos I don't know it,
No matter what is said,you would see as a proud man,but you never met the man,I did way before his death,he was confident in his abilities yes,but proud or arrogance is not a word to describe DIM,intact he was a happy go lucky type of individual who loved a good laugh,even with someone who was young enough to be his son.

Surely I like his boldness and supported the fact that he stood up for his people when they needed someone to stand up for them during the pogrom. However, I believe the Biafra war was an ego war between Emeka and Jack. Mind you, the guys were in their early 30s with so much responsibilities on their necks.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 8:47am On Apr 20, 2017
You may choose to see pride, others might see courage and confidence,
BTW,the Aburi videos actually prove that they were not intellectual equals not by a long shot,
Also, if he was ''proud'' as you say,he would not have joined the army as an ordinary recruit after having obtained his Masters from Oxford.that is not the attitude of pride but of selfless service.I dare you to try it and have secondary school dropouts telling you to frog jump and sit on your head,I doubt with your humility,you would last one week,yet he pulled thru to become the first indigenous Quartermaster general of the Nigerian Army.that takes character and discipline

I'm glad you brought up the issue of Emeka Ojukwu joining the military as a Non Commissioned Officer despite being a Masters graduate. But there are some things you don't know that I will be glad to explain. See, when C.O Ojukwu returned to Nigeria after finishing his Masters from Oxford, he didn't join the Army immediately. He first worked in the civil service as administrative office for about 2 years. In 1957, he decided to leave civil service and join military because of his father's influence in his civil service career. He wanted to become a man free of his father's influence, and he believed the best way to go about it was to become a soldier. His father wasn't happy with the decision, and knows Emeka Ojukwu temperament wasn't good for a soldier. in order to discourage him, his father pulled string with the then governor general of Nigeria Macpherson to prevent him from being listed as Officer cadet which explain the reason why Chukwuemeka Ojukwu joined the army as an NCO. His father and Macpherson thought that he cannot withstand the rigorous NCO schedule and that he will later leave the army but Emeka persevered. He will however get commissioned when he was recommended by a british depot commander after he corrected a drill sergeant for mispronunciation of a word (element of boldness and pride he has always displayed). Sir Louis Ojukwu (Emeka Ojukwu's father) believed in one Nigeria and made his millions from one Nigeria. Many historians believe that if his father was alive, Emeka Ojukwu wouldn't have declared secession in 1967. His father died in 1966, a year before Chukwuemeka declared Biafra.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 2:31am On Apr 20, 2017

Crying louder and more bitter than the bereaved is never a befitting approach to your monologue.

How to go about it is in every lips. Both the high and the downtrodden.

1. Restructuring of the country or

2. Referendum for the people to decide their own fate.

We can't, and in all fairness, nobody can live in the past.

So spare your needless advise for now and watch as nature takes its course. You can defy this advise only if you have the power to stop the Rising of the Sun tomorrow morning!


In all honesty, I will be glad if you guys secede. But can you go about it without war. And can you at least find someone reasonable with right temperament to lead you
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 11:18pm On Apr 19, 2017
killing and chasing a group of people from your land is not d same thing as invading a group of peoples land and killing them in their own land. d legitimacy that gowon needed to invade and kill in our land was if ojukwu should stupidly break d law by seceeding (which is an act of war). hassan katsina actually dared him to seceed at aburi and he foolishly obliged because he is a warmonger

Chukwuemeka Ojukwu had always being full of himself since he was young. Born into wealth, he was a bold, courageous and outspoken boy, however, he was proud and believed to be better than others. He showed this attribute of pride almost throughout his lifetime. These attributes of boldness and pride made him slapped a white teacher that humiliated a black woman at the age of 12. The same pride made him believe he was not only better than the other 3 military governors but also better than Yakubu Gowon. You could see in the Aburi accord video that he was more eloquent and believed to be more intelligent than the other 4. As a matter of fact, the biafra war was Ojukwu ego war against Yakubu that he believed wasn't supposed to be the head of state
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 9:01pm On Apr 19, 2017
No authority has the legitimacy to deprive indegineous people the righr to self determination. No law under the sun is superior to the need for preservation of lives (even if it means bearing arms to preserve those lives).

If you cannot understand those two points, then keep on fanning the embers of anarchy.

Do you say right to self determination? Did Ojukwu consider that right to self determination when he lumped up other minority tribes in eastern Nigeria to a war they didn't ask for.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 8:58pm On Apr 19, 2017

Is marriage by force?

Marriage is not by force, as a matter of fact, I will be glad if you guys secede. If you want to leave a dissatisfied marriage as a wife, you have 2 options. Is either you file for divorce through court and follow the court proceedings for the separation, or you physically fight your way out of the marriage. Since secession plan is not in Nigerian constitution, the first option will be to review the constitution, vote on a referendum to include secession plan and you guys dialogue with Nigeria on how to secede. The 2nd option will be to declare your independent state under Nigeria which is a treason and engage in a war.
Ojukwu opted for the 2nd option, got beat by the husband, and forced to remain in the marriage. If you guys are conscious of history, what happened during the civil war should make you realize that physical fight is not the way to go about it. Now, the wife is taunting the husband, calling him different names and daring him to fight. And if in you guys myopic mind believe that the 2nd option of going to war is the option, can you for God sake provide a credible candidate to lead the movement and not some nonentity like Nnamdi Kanu. If Ojukwu, a well trained soldier could lead you guys to a total beatdown, what will be your fate if Nnamdi Kanu with no single military training lead you to war. Nobody wants another massacre which is the reason why many people are shouting you guys are not going about it in the wrong way. And we don't want to hear the usual cock and bull story of how Nigeria starved millions to death because I haven't seen any war where a warring party blamed the other party they are fighting war with for not feeding them except during Biafra war.
Politics / Re: Nigeria Will Never Break Up: Here Is Why by slurryeye: 8:24pm On Apr 19, 2017
You are lying.

Ojukwu did not declare the civil war. Gowon did. Ojukwu merely declared the independent state of Biafra - and the West was NOT part of the terriotry.

The Biafran army that moved towards Lagos was led by a Yoruba man, and Ojukwu's aim was to liberate the West from nothern domination. He thought you guys would stand up for yourselves in the West the way he was doing in the East. But obviously he over-estimated your folks.

The bolded is so funny that calling it ridiculous is an understatement. The west doesn't know how to liberate themselves that they have to wait for Ojukwu to come and liberate them. The west that have been in existence before Ojukwu fore father was born doesn't know how to liberate themselves that they have to wait for one 33 year old boy to come and liberate them. You see, comment like yours is the reason why people take your guys as joke.


Travel / Re: 5 Ways To Spice Up Your Trip To Uyo by slurryeye: 2:29pm On Apr 19, 2017
More pics Op

1 Like

Politics / Re: Court Ruling On The $48M Recovered From Osborne Towers, Ikoyi by slurryeye: 8:51pm On Apr 18, 2017
Nice ruling
Celebrities / Re: Regina Daniels & Osita Iheme As Maid Of Honour & Best Man As Prince Nwafor Weds by slurryeye: 8:01pm On Apr 17, 2017
This shortingo dey do best man

Is he not a human being?


Celebrities / Re: BBNaija: My Take On What Happened Between Tboss & Kemen And The Rabble-Rousers by slurryeye: 5:27pm On Apr 17, 2017
Shame on this generation angry


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