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MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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The Trichotomy Of Man: Spirit Soul And Body / The Difference Between The Soul And The Spirit / Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by pastormustwacc: 1:47pm On Nov 01, 2012
Interesting that reyginus.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Image123(m): 3:51pm On Nov 01, 2012
So, the summary of the thread is that man is made up of spirit, soul, and body. The goal of the thread is to show that. It is good knowledge, it is important knowledge, but it's not saving knowledge. That means thankfully that you do not need it to get to heaven smiley I'm saying that because there are many divisive people on nl. If they're not going on tribal melees of how one language is more superior than the other, they come also in trying to show us how their own church, sect or group is superior to others. How they've seen the light, and anyone who does not support their viewpoint is a scam, a twister and a pestilent fellow.
Man, i refer to huMANs, man and woman, boy and girl. Man is created in the image of God. He is the 'crown' of the earth. He was put on earth to reign over every other creature on earth. Man was made to reign and in that reigning, fulfill God's purpose. The angels were made to serve/minister, and in that way fulfil God's purpose. Yet, in hierarchy, man is made a little lower than the angels. You see, in God's eyes, its not really what you do but who you are. In man's eyes, we love to focus on the do unfortunately. To God, unity matters more. The eye has its role to play, so too does the heart, the head, the legs, the kidney. Well, God made the angels as spirits essentially/basically. Angels are spirit beings, and God Himself is a Spirit. Man was not made as a spirit being, He was made as a living soul essentially. Man was made with a natural body, the angels have spiritual bodies.

1Cor 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

Spirit beings have their body. Human beings also have their specie of body, made from dust and perishable. there is no argument as to whether man has a body, or at least, no argument that i know of. So, i wouldn't dwell on man's physical body much. We all know of our bodies and how to take care of them. We have the physical senses of ear, eyes, nose, mouth, skin etc. Where there is 'debate is on whether there is anything other than the physical senses. In the beginning, God made man.
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
The bolded 'man became a living soul' is proof from the Bible that man was made essentially as a soul. the soul is the man himself, the centre of his individual or self. The verse shows something else also, it shows that man is made up of and from, composed of soul, spirit, and body. Inside every man, we have a body, a soul, and a spirit. The dust of the ground BECAME man's physical body. The breath of life BECAME man's spirit. The dust was changed and the breath of life was changed. And they produced the real man, the soul. MAN became a living soul, having a spirit and a body. The body is not still dust, but made from dust. Same goes for the spirit made from the breath of life. This breath of lif e IS NOT God's own life, neither is it eternal life. Our spirit though permanently existing and having life, DOES NOT HAVE eternal life.
The fact that man is made of spirit, soul, and body is stated in scriptures though not emphasized.

1Th 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is gleaned here that the whole man is made up of spirit, soul and body. Every man has a body, not debateable. Every man also has a spirit and a soul. And this whole man can be sanctified. The arrangement Paul gives is catchy, Spirit, Soul and Body. Man's spirit is like his God sense, our sense organs to the spirit realm. You can only truly contact God or worship God in spirit. So it is the spirit of man that contacts/senses God. The physical body is not the primary means of contacting, seeing, hearing from or experiencing God. Communion, real fellowship is in the spirit. Not in the body, not in the soul. Man's body is of course our world's sense. We communicate with the world through our physical senses. Man's soul is our self sense, we know ourselves, perceive ourselves, and even understand ourselves better through the soul. The soul is more of the real you, you better not lose your soul. God designed man to function in the order of spirit, soul, and body. The soul is like, or supposed to be like a pivot, a seamless connection of the spirit and the body. But since the fall of man, there ha s being a mutiny as it were. Now in most men, the soul is king, or the flesh. Man lives by the basic desires of his body, or of his soul. The spirit is relegated to the backgroung, or worse still connected to spirit forces that are not of God.
In the original design, the soul is meant to be the link between the spirit and the body. The soul is where we have freewill. It is the place of decision and choosing. The spirit is noble and ought to commune with God. The body ought to be disciplined, and put under in the language of Paul. Man's soul is so powerful in volition that it can decide to resist God or humble itself and follow God. Without humility, faith may not manifest and profit the individual.
Act 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Rom 13:2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
2Timothy 3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Our souls have uncommon power to resist God, and resist the truth. Of course, we also have the power to resist the devil. It's all a choice, what do we yield to when the test comes to decide. The Bible shows us plainly that each individual possesses a spirit and a soul. Consider the passages below as examples.

1Co 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.
The spirit of man which is IN man. Man has a spirit in him.

1Co 14:32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
the spirits of the prophets. The individual has a spirit. Your spirit is not the spirit of God. Observe the difference in the previous verse. You have your own spirit just as you have your own body.

Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Over here again, is one God's Spirit, and two our spirit.

Pro 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
his own spirit. You have a spirit. Man is made up of spirit, soul and body.

Heb 12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
The spirits of men still exist even when they die. The spirit of man is the 'pneuma'. It is different from spiritual life which they term 'zoe'. It is different from the soul which is human life 'pscuche', or natural life 'nephesh'. Every human being also possesses this natural human life/soul, just the same way you have a body. Actually, the soul is the real you. It is what man is essentially, a soul. The scriptures severally refers to man as a soul. Tis does not take away THE FACT that every man has a soul, a spirit and a body. Its just who we are. Sometimes also we are referred to as flesh/body.
Gen 12:5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

Gen 46:27 And the sons of Joseph, which were born him in Egypt, were two souls: all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were threescore and ten.
Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Notice that the father has a soul, the son has a soul in the latter passage, thought they are primarily referred to as souls. there are dozens of Bible references where man is shown to possess a soul, or with the expression 'my soul'. Like the popular bless the Lord o my soul passage in psalms or Genesis12v13, Job 10v1, Psalm 42v1,2, Luke 1v46 and 2Corinthians 1v23.

When God refers to man as a temple, and in the fashioning of the temple, it is evident that man is made up of three parts.
1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
The old testament temple, though real and existing, is actually a symbol or type of who we are as human beings. We are God's real temple. The temple is made up of the outer court, the holy place, and the Holiest/holy of holies. The outer court is the outside,the body. It is in the broad daylight, seen by all and accessible to all. the Holy place is the inside, the soul. It is the place where the priests come to, and eat or offer sacrifices. It is outside the veil though. The holiest is symbolic of the spirit, the place of communion. No man can get there except the high priest once in a year, till the veil was rent. No human light here, its a place of quietness. Not like the soul where there is a lot of busy activity. My next post will try to examine the functions of the soul and the spirit. hopefully though, i wish its been clearly shown that every man has a spirit, a soul and a body.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by pastormustwac: 3:58pm On Nov 01, 2012
Holy mother of god! Na summary long like this?

Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 4:32pm On Nov 01, 2012
frosbel: MAN is made up of :

1. A Body
2. the life of GOD

7 Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

notice here :

- MAN was formed from the dust of the ground - at this time he was inanimate , no soul , no spirit , no life

- God breathed life into this MAN who was inanimate - MAN became a living SOUL , not a living spirit or a living body but a living SOUL.

By inference from this clear scripture , MAN was 'dead' until the breath of GOD entered his nostrils.

Same thing happens at death, the breath of GOD leaves from the nostrils of MAN when he/she dies and the body returns to the dust. This is why Daniel could say ' those who are asleep in the dust of the earth ' , they are actually DEAD.

Once a MAN/WOMAN dies , that's it . There is no other life in the dead body for this life has returned to GOD.

beautifully said.

Once a MAN/WOMAN dies , that's it . There is no other life in the dead body for this life has returned to GOD.

just a little addition to the last sentence :

"for this life(force) has returned to GOD"

Good one.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 4:34pm On Nov 01, 2012
Image123: ^
thanks for the inputs which I largely agree with BTW.

hahaha. Awoffe.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 4:37pm On Nov 01, 2012

After Death is a resurrection to damnation or a resurrection to life.

In other words the wicked will not get away with their wickedness, they will one day be raised in mortality ( not immortality ) for judgement , punishment and destruction.

They will realise the error of their ways and alas it will be too late for repentance.

you may have to adjust you post up there that reads:

for this life has returned to GOD.

Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 4:44pm On Nov 01, 2012
I will help you.
1. The mind is located in the brain.
2. When we die, our souls die too, but not our spirit.
3. Lol. No. A part of our tripartite nature will. That part is the spirit-the only thing that survives physical death.
4. Lol. The above will answer you.

Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 4:56pm On Nov 01, 2012

This is probably the first time I am ever hearing that the soul dies.
And the spirit lives?
Please, kindly explain to us the difference between soul and spirit. And also, kindly explain to us why you think the soul dies and the spirit lives.
Thank you.

to ilustate, look at it this way:

1. the hard ware or body is just material(inanimate) eg radio body.

2. The battery gives a driving force to the hardware.

The output is the live (soul) the live that came as a result of the battery.

(and the man came to be a living soul)

when the battery is removed(life force) from the Redio what happened to the talking radio? (live) Does it go any where?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 5:05pm On Nov 01, 2012

to ilustate, look at it this way:

1. the hard ware or body is just material(inanimate) eg radio body.

2. The battery gives a driving force to the hardware.

The output is the live (soul) the live that came as a result of the battery.

(and the man came to be a living soul)

when the battery is removed from the Redio what happened to the talking radio? (live) Does it go any where?

Does not compute.
If you want to define soul ,spirit, the differences between them , and why the sould dies and the spirit lives, pls do so simple english.
You can use an Anology to suppliment, not as a subsititute for a simple explanation.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Image123(m): 5:31pm On Nov 01, 2012
My major aim is to show from scriptures that man is made up of spirit, soul and body. The Bible shows us that man has a spirit. Man also has a soul. And of course a body. Man was made to work seamlessly but unfortunately fell from Adam, literally. Today, we have man fighting with himself.
Rom 8:8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
Gala 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Gala 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Rom 7:21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
Rom 7:22 For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:
Rom 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.
Rom 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

Man's spirit ought to be in communion with God. It still has that inkling, but it receives stiff opposition from the flesh, and even from the soul. So much that man is regarded as 'flesh', even by God, not as a LIVING soul.
Eph 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins
The heart/spirit of the natural man is blind. It needs to be re-born, and the soul renewed continually. The heart, in scriptures, is not reference to the blood pumping physical organ. The spirit and the soul are not physical organs, though it is not wrong to tend to refer to the spirit as the heart, and the soul as the brain. It's almost the sponteneous thing to do, though not exactly true.
Man's spirit is the place of communion. It's function is to fellowship. It can commune with the spiritual world. It can communicate with spirits, even an unbeliever's spirit. Man in general has all these functions though more alive/pronounced in some than others. Just like some people naturally have long nose, or fast legs, or sharp vision. Some of these physical qualities can be improved/developed by training, time, exercise etc. But the FACT is that some come naturally gifted. Some people are ambidextrous, some are left handed, some have very distinct taste buds. there is of course the geneal seeing, tasting, using the hand etc but some come naturlly gifted. In man's spirit's also, some people are naturally gifted. They can easily 'enter the spirit'. They can sense things, they can almost know that something is going to happen, they can dream of something while others will never have a single dream all year. Man's spirit communes with the spirit world. It was built to commune primarily with God. It was made to worship.

Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Luk 1:47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.

1Co 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

Our spirit connects us to God. True worship is done or achieved by our spirit, in fellowship with the Lord.

Rom 1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers;

Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Rom 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

The spirit also functions as the not too popular conscience. Your conscience is not from knowledge. It is not a rational thing. The conscience just knows for no obvious reason that something is good, or bad. The conscience of course can be silenced or deadened or hardened or neglect.
Act 17:16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.
here is Paul's spirit functioning as conscience.

Psa 34:18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Deu 2:30 But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.

Everyman needs a good conscience, a repentant, broken, contrite, soft conscience. The above passages show us that softness or hardness of conscience is done in the spirit of the man, not in the body or soul.

2Co 2:13 I had no rest in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother: but taking my leave of them, I went from thence into Macedonia.
Here is Paul again, being pric.ked in the spirit/heart. the spirit functions as conscience. Your conscience is proof that you have a spirit in you. Your communion with the spirit realm is proof that you have a spirit within you. Please not that i'm not sanctioning, condemning or approving anything here. I'm trying to show the funtions of the man and his constituents. Being able to commune or having conscience is not a proof of being close to God. Its simply proof that you have a spirit, and it is still performing some basic functions. Like in the physical, some are deficient, with poor vision, or slow, etc. it may be so in the spirit too.

Over to the soul, the YOU. We all have a soul, My soul magnify the Lord etc. The soul functions in three main things; Will, Mind, and Emotion
having a will, or a mind, or emotion shows that you have a soul. The soul functions as the WILL. The Will is the place of volition and decision. Man has a free volition, a free will. Every man has ability to choose. this choosing is basically a function of the soul.
Job 7:15 So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life.

Psa 41:2 The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

The word translated as WILL in the later passage is actually 'soul' in the original. The soul is the will. Some people are strong willed.
(MKJV) Jehovah will watch over him and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed on the earth; and You will not deliver him to the soul of his enemies.

Also, the soul functions as the mind. The mind is where you think, your intellect. It is where you exercise rationalism and brilliance. it is the place and seat of knowledge.
Pro 19:2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.
Pro 24:14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

The soul functions as the mind. It knows, it thinks. Qute unlike the spirit or conscience. little wonder, God has little love for our thinkings and rationalizings and logics. Faith is of the spirit, the heart. With the heart, man believes. Without faith, you cannot please God, you cannot connect to God. Many try to connect with their thinking, that's a very hard thing to do. God fellowships with the spirit, not with the soul. Conscience hardly has a reason, it simply knows. But in the intellect, there is an exact reason to do anything.

Psa 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
The soul knows. it is the place of the mind. It is the place of self also. You discover yourself through the mind. You 'discover' God through the spirit.

Lam 3:20 My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me.

It is the soul that remembers. It is the storehouse of knowledge.

The third function i want to write on is the emotion. The soul is the centre and function of emotions. It is the soul that likes and hates. It is the soul that is happy, sad, love, grieved, angry, elated, anxious etc. We all have emotions. This is all performed by the soul. God gave us the spirit, soul and body. It should all be used to glorify God, not self or the devil.

Note the bolded in the passages below to observe the 'emotion' function of the soul.
Son 1:7 Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thyflock to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions?
2Pe 2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds);
Psa 86:4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

Isa 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
2Sa 5:8a And David said on that day, Whosoever getteth up to the gutter, and smiteth the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind, that are hated of David's soul, he shall be chief and captain.
Joh 12:27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.

i've tried to extract and show that man is made up of the spirit, the soul and the body. It's all yours, all things are yours as it were. i've also tried to outline the basic functions. Man was made to work seemlessly, so its not rare or wrong to say "i did this", whether it is the spirit or soul or body that did it. They are not supposed to compete with or try to contradict one another. If i love you, my soul loves you, but my spirit and my bidy also loves you. No big deal. i'm not trying to alienate them oh(i understand what i'm saying better in a way). It's like in the Godhead, if the Father does something, the Son or the Holy Ghost can also be said to have done it. Hope you understand, cause i can imagine people who will only try to look for loopholes or phrases to rebut instead of learning and gaining something. i'll appreciate honest questions, and try to answer posts generally if i'm privileged to.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 5:34pm On Nov 01, 2012

Does not compute.
If you want to define soul ,spirit, the differences between them , and why the sould dies and the spirit lives, pls do so simple english.
You can use an Anology to suppliment, not as a subsititute for a simple explanation.

when the radio comes to life its as a result of the force (battery) ,

when man comes to life its as a result of the live force (spirit)

when you remove the battery the radio dies and we know it is only bakery that goes out and the radio has died.

Eg, take the life of the radio as the soul and the spirit(life force) as the battery

what that goes out from man is the live force (spirit), this spirit belongs to God.

Does the battery takes the shape of the radio when it is removed? No.

Put the battery back and the radio comes to life.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 5:38pm On Nov 01, 2012

when the radio comes to life its as a result of the force (battery) ,

when man comes to life its as a result of the live force (spirit)

when you remove the battery the radio dies and we know it is only bakery that goes out and the radio has died.

Eg, take the life of the radio as the soul and the spirit(life force) as the battery

what that goes out from man is the live force (spirit), this spirit belongs to God.

Does the battery takes the shape of the radio when it is removed? No.

Put the battery back and the radio comes to life.

There we go again.

Ok. just imagine that were no radios or batteries, how would you define soul, spirit,their differences etc.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 5:38pm On Nov 01, 2012
Soul = the life

and there will be no life when the spirit goes out. = The life is dead = dead soul.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 5:40pm On Nov 01, 2012
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 5:44pm On Nov 01, 2012

There we go again.

Ok. just imagine that were no radios or batteries, how would you define soul, spirit,their differences etc.

no spirit = no life (soul)

let us use light bulb.

Bulb/material = body

current = spirit

light = soul.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 5:51pm On Nov 01, 2012

no spirit = no life (soul)

let us use light bulb.

Bulb/material = body

current = spirit

light = soul.


where does the light go when no current? No where

it simply varnish.

The light was as a result of the action of the current.

The soul is also as a result of the ACTION of the spirit.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 6:11pm On Nov 01, 2012
The mind is a function of the brain.

It is only when the body is alive (activated by the spirit) that the brain can function.

No live (soul) no functional brain.

Another way to look at it is this:

"and God blew into his nostril the breath of life(spirit) and the man came to life"
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 6:17pm On Nov 01, 2012

no spirit = no life (soul)

let us use light bulb.

Bulb/material = body

current = spirit

light = soul.

i think you are confusing yourself with these analogies.
Light cannot equal soul simply because light is manifestation of the current. It is simply energy conversion from electrical to light and heat energy.
Light is visible and can be isolated and measured. Can we say the same of soul?

Also, Current cannot equal spirit because current itself is energy generated from another source, usually from kinetic, chemical or solar source.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 6:23pm On Nov 01, 2012


where does the light go when no current? No where

it simply varnish.

The light was as a result of the action of the current.

The soul is also as a result of the ACTION of the spirit.

Wrong sir.
What do you mean by "Vanish"?
Out of plain sight or ceases to exist?

At the most basic level, Nothing ever vanishes.
The most fundametal laws of the universe implies that every atom, every particle and every unit of energy is accounted for.
Nothing is ever created nor ceases to exist.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 6:40pm On Nov 01, 2012
plaetton: i think you are confusing yourself with these analogies.
Light cannot equal soul simply because light is manifestation of the current. It is simply energy conversion from electrical to light and heat energy.
Light is visible and can be isolated and measured. Can we say the same of soul?

Also, Current cannot equal spirit because current itself is energy generated from another source, usually from kinetic, chemical or solar source.

is that the way you equate analogies?

I only related them to create something to enable visualisation.

My statement is base on what the bible says:

"His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." (Psalm 146:4).

Can you find the soul there?

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7).

The soul was not in existance till the spirit activated the mold.

Beside, can you state ur beliefs and source of authority?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 6:44pm On Nov 01, 2012

is that the way you equate analogies?

I only related them to create something to enable visualisation.

My statement is base on what the bible says:

"His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." (Psalm 146:4).

Can you find the soul there?

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7).

The soul was not in existance till the spirit activated the mold.

Beside, can you state ur beliefs and source of authority?

You know I'm an atheist, so I dont buy into that creation whopper.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 7:01pm On Nov 01, 2012

Wrong sir.
What do you mean by "Vanish"?
Out of plain sight or ceases to exist?

At the most basic level, Nothing ever vanishes.
The most fundametal laws of the universe implies that every atom, every particle and every unit of energy is accounted for.
Nothing is ever created nor ceases to exist.


Can you explain what or were the light in the bulb went to?

Ok! I see, according to you, the light went inside the filament

O! The light bodily travels through the cable to the substation and into the generator/turbine

Naaaa! It is the current that the substation gave that they take. No?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by truthislight: 7:05pm On Nov 01, 2012

You know I'm an atheist, so I dont buy into that creation whopper.

how then did you come to know what the soul is?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 7:30pm On Nov 01, 2012

Haba. You made a claim. I asked you to kindly explain your claim.
You decline and then aks me to define your claims for you?.
Are you shy?

That tells us that you can neither define soul nor spirit, nor the difference between them.

Just what are you guys drinking?
You guys seem to be breaking new records everyday with your convoluted logic.
Why bother to come on a public forum to make bold claims that you cannot defend.
Another way to say you dont know. I understand. Now stay back and learn or run.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 8:14pm On Nov 01, 2012
Reyginus: Lol.
Another way to say you dont know. I understand. Now stay back and learn or run.

I dont know because you have not explained your claims.
So can you please indulge us now?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 9:23am On Nov 02, 2012

I dont know because you have not explained your claims.
So can you please indulge us now?
I know what I'm doing. So many of us sound smart when attacking but when made to defend, our ignorance begin to stink. I wanted to see how bold you can stand when defending.
Btw, I wouldn't thread the line of the poor in mind. To the point.
You see, the spirit is the part of man that survives literal death. It is what distincts us from animals. The spirit can function beyond the dimension of time and the universe.
On the other hand, the soul is an entity fully dependent on the body. It is the life giving factor to the body. It is what makes man similar with the animal.
And to moderate the strength of your fists, you can tell me your idea of the nature of man. If tripartite, why, if bipartite, why, if a whole, why, if none, why?
And pls dont tell me you are not making claims. I'm asking you to.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 1:14pm On Nov 02, 2012
Reyginus: I know what I'm doing. So many of us sound smart when attacking but when made to defend, our ignorance begin to stink. I wanted to see how bold you can stand when defending.
Btw, I wouldn't thread the line of the poor in mind. To the point.
You see, the spirit is the part of man that survives literal death. It is what distincts us from animals. The spirit can function beyond the dimension of time and the universe.
On the other hand, the soul is an entity fully dependent on the body. It is the life giving factor to the body. It is what makes man similar with the animal.
And to moderate the strength of your fists, you can tell me your idea of the nature of man. If tripartite, why, if bipartite, why, if a whole, why, if none, why?
And pls dont tell me you are not making claims. I'm asking you to.

You know , you guys really amuse me. I really dont get this tactic of asking your opponent to explain something that you have introduced in a thread.
I think its quite silly.
I am not in any silly contest with you about who knows more about this or that.
This is your show. You made the claims.
Just take your time and explain yourself in simple english that we can all understand.
How can you mention a word like bipartite and then ask me to explain it?.
Is this how you were educated?.
You decide to give a presentation to your class, and then you end up asking your audience or fellow students to explain
terms or ideas that you have introduced?.
Which school did you go to?

The spirit can function beyond the dimension of time and the universe?
Are you stating this as your own personal opinion or as a fact?
Are you saying that the spirit of animals don't survive death? How do you know this?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 1:26pm On Nov 02, 2012

You know , you guys really amuse me. I really dont get this tactic of asking your opponent to explain something that you have introduced in a thread.
I think its quite silly.
I am not in any silly contest with you about who knows more about this or that.
This is your show. You made the claims.
Just take your time and explain yourself in simple english that we can all understand.
How can you mention a word like bipartite and then ask me to explain it?.
Is this how you were educated?.
You decide to give a presentation to your class, and then you end up asking your audience or fellow students to explain
terms or ideas that you have introduced?.
Which school did you go to?

The spirit can function beyond the dimension of time and the universe?
Are you stating this as your own personal opinion or as a fact?
Are you saying that the spirit of animals don't survive death? How do you know this?
oh I see ! It is confirmed. You sound smart only if on the offensive. I like to see a man stand on something(not on other persons shoulder) so I can beat him down.
Thanks anyway.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by plaetton: 1:49pm On Nov 02, 2012
I will help you.
1. The mind is located in the brain.
2. When we die, our souls die too, but not our spirit.
3. Lol. No. A part of our tripartite nature will. That part is the spirit-the only thing that survives physical death.

4. Lol. The above will answer you.

May I remind you, sir, that the above is where you came into the thread.
I asked you to explain your claims on points 2 and 3.
Since then, all you have been doing is clumsily dodging and throwing the tasks back to me.
lol. shocked

What do I need to defend here? Where have I made any claims about soul and spirit on this thread?
Back to you.
We are still waiting. cool
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 2:04pm On Nov 02, 2012
Reyginus: I know what I'm doing. So many of us sound smart when attacking but when made to defend, our ignorance begin to stink. I wanted to see how bold you can stand when defending.
Btw, I wouldn't thread the line of the poor in mind. To the point.
You see, the spirit is the part of man that survives literal death. It is what distincts us from animals. The spirit can function beyond the dimension of time and the universe.


"Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless." - Ecclesiastes 3:19

the spirit is the breath of life that comes from God, it is not an independent being that exists apart from the body. MAN is not a Trinity and neither is GOD.

We are ONE as individuals. God is ONE and a Spirit, MAN is ONE and a Mortal.

A soul is a combination of two ingredients, a body and a spirit, spirit here denoting the breath or life that comes from GOD.

A man who is void of the spirit is dead and totally dead in the true sense of the word, he is oblivious to all stimuli with no memory or thought process existing outside the body.

Stop this LIE about MAN's immortality, only GOD is immortal.

On the other hand, the soul is an entity fully dependent on the body.

FALSE again.

We are a SOUL , when we die, we are called a BODY.
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 4:41pm On Nov 02, 2012

May I remind you, sir, that the above is where you came into the thread.
I asked you to explain your claims on points 2 and 3.
Since then, all you have been doing is clumsily dodging and throwing the tasks back to me.
lol. shocked

What do I need to defend here? Where have I made any claims about soul and spirit on this thread?
Back to you.
We are still waiting. cool
I will answer every question asked. All I want is to have a surety that I'm not wasting my precious time on somebody using arrogance as a weapon of learning .
What is wrong in asking you to describe your version of the nature of man?
Are you afraid of anything?
Re: MAN Is Made Up Of Spirit, Soul And Body by Nobody: 5:19pm On Nov 02, 2012


"Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal. Everything is meaningless." - Ecclesiastes 3:19

the spirit is the breath of life that comes from God, it is not an independent being that exists apart from the body. MAN is not a Trinity and neither is GOD.

We are ONE as individuals. God is ONE and a Spirit, MAN is ONE and a Mortal.

A soul is a combination of two ingredients, a body and a spirit, spirit here denoting the breath or life that comes from GOD.

A man who is void of the spirit is dead and totally dead in the true sense of the word, he is oblivious to all stimuli with no memory or thought process existing outside the body.

Stop this LIE about MAN's immortality, only GOD is immortal.

FALSE again.

We are a SOUL , when we die, we are called a BODY.

Aha. This is what I'm talking about.
Now to business.
1. By this you are creating many loopholes for yourself and the entire christendom by perceiving the verse literally.
Let's play the game. The same book also say 'life is useless'. 2vs17. Following your logic. If life and all therein is useless, the book as well is useless. If the book is useless, quoting from it is a stupid thing to do. If qouting from it is stupid, those who use it as a guide are chasing the wind. A book that is self-refuting belong to the trashcan. In that sense, mr, stop ascribing the ecclesiastes a literal explanation.
2. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. The bible never gave any account of God breathing his spirit into animals. If you insist we still have the same fate, you would have to agree that goats and dogs were made in the image of God.
3. Now you are contradicting yourself. You say we are ONE and also we are a COMBINATION. Are you hearing yourself?
4. Lol. If after death is nothing, what then is the purpose of christainity?
5. 1 thessalonians 5 vs 23:
'May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being-SPIRIT, SOUL, and BODY-free from every fault at the coming of our lord jesus Christ'.

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