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The Word For Today - Religion (13) - Nairaland

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Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:10am On Apr 15, 2019


Monday, 15th April, 2019

'I trust in God and am not afraid.' Psalm 56:4 GNT

David said, 'I trust in God and am not afraid... What can a mere human being do to me' (Psalm 56:4 GNT)? And David should know, because God enabled him to defeat a lion, a bear and a giant. The story is told about the man who approached a farmhouse and every few yards he noticed signs that read, 'Beware of Dog'. When he finally reached the farmhouse, he discovered the dog was a tiny Chihuahua. 'You mean to tell me that little dog keeps people away?' he asked. The farmer smiled and said, 'No, but the signs do!' Fear roars like a lion, but much of the time when we confront it, it's just a Chihuahua!

The truth is, you can face anything when you know God has promised: 'I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not; I will help you"' (Isaiah 41:13 NKJV). So instead of fearing the worst, start believing God for the best. And you do that by personalising his promises: 'Do not fear [anything], for I am with you...I will strengthen you... I will certainly take hold of you' (Isaiah 41:10 AMP). 'And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his plan and purpose' (Romans 8:28 AMP).

Don't let fear get the upper hand. Instead of giving in to it, stand on the word of God and believe he's going to bring you through your circumstances and make you stronger.

Soulfood: Dan 8-10 Luke 22:54-62 Ps 103:13-22 Pro 10:14.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by volorunfemi: 9:54am On Apr 15, 2019
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:43am On Apr 16, 2019


Tuesday, 16th April, 2019

'They...come to...Calvary, there they crucified him.' Luke 23:33 NKJV

The word 'Calvary' appears only once in the New Testament, but what happened there changed our destiny. In spite of the myths and misunderstandings, the truth is clear and life-changing. Let's look at it.

First, Calvary was voluntary. Those who watched it thought Jesus was a victim of circumstances beyond his control: the collusion of Jewish hatred and Roman might. How wrong! Jesus rejected Peter's well-intentioned but misguided defence, saying, 'Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels' (Matthew 26:53 NIV)? Jesus could have chosen to live without hardship, pain or death. No one coerced him into going to the cross. He said, 'No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again' (John 10:18 NLT). Calvary was certainly unjust and unfair. But it wasn't assassination; it was atonement! His enemies intended Calvary to end his life, but Jesus intended it to save us from a lost eternity. And after they had done their worst and failed to stop him, Peter confronted them on the day of Pentecost with this victorious truth: 'In accordance with his own plan God had already decided that Jesus would be handed over to you; and you killed him by letting sinful men crucify him' (Acts 2:23 GNT).

Even the Father didn't force him. Jesus 'gave himself as a ransom for all people' (1 Timothy 2:6 NIV) - including you!

Soulfood: Dan 11-12 Luke 22:63-71 Ps 16 Pro 10:15.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 9:45am On Apr 17, 2019


Wednesday, 17th April, 2019

'He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross.' 1 Peter 2:24 NLT

Second, Calvary was vicarious, which means 'an act undertaken by someone in another's place'. Seen through the lens of sentiment or superstition, the cross may affect your emotions but it can't save your soul. But seen as substitution, the cross can save any soul!

The apostle Peter writes, 'He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right' (1 Peter 2:24 NLT). Had Jesus reneged at Calvary, God would have been forced to sentence us to death for our sins. Instead, as our substitute, Jesus suffered our justly-deserved punishment, freeing us and giving us eternal life. Substitution was historically God's idea to deliver his people from the penalty of their sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, God substituted an animal to cover their iniquity. He accepted Abel's sacrifice of the 'firstborn of his flock' (Genesis 4:4 NKJV), and Abraham's ram caught in the thicket in exchange for Isaac's life (see Genesis 22:13). But without question God's greatest soul-saving theme - substitution - was once-for-all-time demonstrated when Jesus offered himself at Calvary. Because of Christ's atoning death, God expunged our record and pronounced us innocent in his sight! God 'made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him' (2 Corinthians 5:21 NAS). On the cross Jesus became what we were - sin - so we could become what he was - righteousness! Everything Jesus did from his virgin birth, sinless life, redeeming death, miraculous resurrection, glorious ascension, and priestly ministry in Heaven, he did as a substitute and saviour.

Soulfood: Jam 1-2 Luke 23:1-12 Ps 7:1-9 Pro 10:16.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 10:02am On Apr 18, 2019


Thursday, 18th April, 2019

'Without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.' Hebrews 9:22 NAS

Third, Calvary was vital! Exactly how vital? As vital as life or death, hope or despair, Heaven or hell. It's our only means of salvation! 'There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under Heaven by which we must be saved' (Acts 4:12 NLT).

Without Christ's death, our sins would have separated us from God forever. But for his death we'd be subject to the full penalty of God's law, pronounced guilty for every sin we've ever committed and as condemned sinners, lost forever. Paul writes, 'Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses, and to show that the entire world is guilty before God' (Romans 3:19 NLT). No exceptions - 'the entire world', including you, stands guilty in God's sight. But because Jesus fulfilled every requirement of God's law on our behalf, we have been forgiven and declared righteous. That's vital information.

And you only have two options when it comes to Jesus: accept or reject him! He said, 'Anyone who believes and is baptised will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned' (Mark 16:16 NLT). Jesus' sacrifice resolved the sin question; now it's up to you to resolve the Son question: 'What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ' (Matthew 27:22 NKJV)? The answer is simple: put your trust in him and be saved.

Soulfood: Jam 3-5 Luke 23:13-25 Ps 7:10-17 Pro 10:17-18.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 6:29am On Apr 19, 2019


Friday, 19th April, 2019

'Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he... gave up his spirit.' John 19:30 NIV

Calvary was victorious! The cross may look like the triumph of evil over goodness, the powerful over the powerless, but only to those who don't understand Christ's mission. Never was courage greater or strength stronger. When he cried, 'It is finished' (some translations read 'It is completed'), he didn't mean, 'I'm finished, my cause is defeated.'

Far from being crushed at Calvary, Jesus triumphed in three ways: (1) He conquered his own human desire to avoid unspeakable suffering: 'He...bowed with his face to the ground, praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine"' (Matthew 26:39 NLT). (2) He conquered the demonic powers of darkness. 'In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross' (Colossians 2:15 NLT). (3) He conquered the law's stubborn demands against sinners. 'Christ...brought the Law to an end, so that everyone who believes is put right with God' (Romans 10:4 GNT).

At Calvary love triumphed over law, forever freeing us who could never live up to the Law. 'It is finished' was the cry of a victor instead of a victim! It didn't look that way to the crowd or to his devastated disciples. But it did three days later when the empty tomb proved Jesus had won the victory over death. It all comes down to this: 'If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved' (Romans 10:9 GNT).

Soulfood: Gen 22:1-18 Luke 23:26-49 Ps 22 Isa 53.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 6:59am On Apr 20, 2019


Saturday, 20th April, 2019

'I died, but look - I am alive forever and ever!' Revelation 1:18 NLT

The fact that Jesus arose from the dead isn't what makes him unique. The Bible records seven other resurrections. Jesus was number eight (the biblical number for new beginnings).

In two amazing ways his resurrection was unlike any other. Let's look at them: (1) His was the only resurrection foretold in advance. David prophesied of Jesus: 'For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave' (Psalm 16:10 NLT). And Isaiah foretold life for him beyond his crucifixion. 'When you make his soul an offering for sin...He shall prolong his days' (Isaiah 53:10 NKJV). Jesus actually forecast his resurrection from death. 'Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem...be killed and on the third day be raised to life' (Matthew 16:21 NIV).

(2) Only Jesus raised himself from the dead! His enemies deemed him a helpless victim of their determined efforts to eradicate him and his mission. But they were wrong on all counts! He said, 'No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again' (John 10:18 NLT). All of Rome's might and the hatred of his Jewish persecutors couldn't eliminate Jesus or nullify his cause. He needed no help. In his death and in his resurrection, he was always at the helm. 'Destroy this temple [my body], and in three days I will raise it up' (John 2:19 NLT). And he did! He's alive forevermore!

Soulfood: Num 1-2 Luke 23:50-56 Ps 144:1-8 Pro 10:19-21.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 1:48pm On Apr 28, 2019


Sunday, 28th April, 2019

'He heals the broken-hearted.' Psalm 147:3 NKJV

If you're trying to recover from a broken relationship, don't rush into another one. As you become healthy you begin to make healthy choices. Some hurts take a long time to heal, but don't be discouraged; 'He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds' (Psalm 147:3 NKJV). Give God a chance. Take time to search his Word and find out how he feels about you, for that's the true basis of all self-worth. If God can love and accept you with full knowledge of your imperfections, then the message is: 'Lighten up on yourself!' You can love, and be loved again, but only with the same wholeness with which you love yourself (see Matthew 22:39)!

Next time make sure your choices are healthy ones, and not based solely on need, or the fear of being alone. And be careful; when you don't value yourself, you attract people who feel the same way about you, including those who seek to control you. You deserve better, so hold out for it. Remember, you train others how to treat you by how you treat yourself. As you become whole, you'll start to see how unwholesome some of your relationship choices have been. If some people walk away, 'so be it'. Sometimes you have to give up less so God can give you more.

God has new relationships in store for you, but he's waiting until your values, perceptions and self-worth line up with his Word. So take it step by step, one day at a time. And rejoice - your best days are ahead!

Soulfood: Exo 20:8-11 Exo 16:1-31 Mark 3:1-6 Luke 13:10-17
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 6:57am On Apr 29, 2019


Monday, 29th April, 2019

'Who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves?' Luke 22:27 NKJV

The world reveres wealth, power, talent and fame. And sometimes it regards service as demeaning. But Jesus used a different yardstick when he asked his disciples, 'Who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves' (Luke 22:27 NKJV)? Then he answered the question by saying, 'I am among you as the one who serves.' Paul said that Jesus 'emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant' (Philippians 2:7 GWT).

To be a servant we must first be emptied of self-centredness, and that calls for dying to self. As Christians we like to call ourselves servants, but how do we react when we're treated like one? In the upper room the disciples all looked for a prominent place to sit, but Jesus looked for a place to serve! And as they waited to be served, he took a basin and washed their dirty, calloused feet. Can you imagine how they felt? The world bases importance on the number of people serving you, but God is much more interested in the number of people you are serving. He honours those who minister selflessly without complaining or seeking recognition. The truth is, it takes more character to serve others than to sit around waiting to be served.

So here's the question: are you doing more 'sitting' than 'serving' these days? If so, it's time to ask God for a selfless spirit and a servant's heart, and start looking for opportunities to serve wherever he places you. Why? Because Jesus lived to serve and his word to you is, 'A servant is not greater than his master' (John 15:20 NKJV).

Soulfood: Num 14-15 Mark 3:1-6 Ps 37:1-7 Pro 11:1-2.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 8:47am On Apr 30, 2019


Tuesday, 30th April, 2019

'Be interested in others.' Philippians 2:4 TLB

Paul writes: 'Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing. Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus' (Philippians 2:3-5 TLB). Becoming more unselfish begins with the decision to stop thinking about yourself so much and start looking for ways to help others.

If you want to become more Christlike and unselfish, start doing these two things: (1) Put yourself in situations where people have needs. Is that risky? Sure. You risk rejection. You risk being misunderstood. You risk making mistakes. But becoming unselfish requires putting yourself in a position where you can see a person's need and do something about it. In other words, get involved! (2) Give quietly or anonymously. Jesus said: 'Don't do your good deeds publicly, to be admired...for you will lose the reward from your Father in Heaven...Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you' (Matthew 6:1-4 NLT). It's easier to give when you receive recognition than when no one knows about it. But those who give for recognition and applause have already received any reward they will get (see Matthew 6:2). There are spiritual, mental and emotional benefits that come to those who give anonymously. Try it. The fulfilment you'll receive will encourage you to make it a lifestyle.

Soulfood: Num 16-18 Mark 3:7-19 Ps 37:8-15 Pro 11:3.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:23am On May 01, 2019


Wednesday, 1st May, 2019

'Though I have fallen, I will rise.' Micah 7:8 NIV

We all get despondent from time to time. It can happen on the heels of a great success or victory. Counsellors say that for every high there is a corresponding low. Or it can be caused by disappointment in people; someone we trusted lets us down and we experience anger and resentment. When we lose a job, we don't just lose our financial security; sometimes we lose our identity and sense of worth as a person. The cause of our despondency is often physical. When we don't get enough rest, proper food or exercise, we get run down. Sometimes the cause is chemical. When the brain's chemical messengers that are called neurotransmitters are healthy, we are too. But when some of those transmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, are absent, low or imbalanced, we struggle and feel depleted. In this case medication may be needed to correct the chemical imbalance.

And the cause can also be spiritual. Jesus said that Satan comes to 'steal, kill, and destroy' (John 10:10 GNT). That's why the Bible says, 'Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against...spiritual forces of evil' (Ephesians 6:10-12 NIV). Often spiritual warfare is either at the root of our problems or is exacerbating them.

So each morning when you get dressed, be sure to put on your spiritual armour and draw on 'his mighty power' throughout the day. When you're down, that's how you get back up.

Soulfood: Num 19-21 Mark 3:20-35 Ps 37:16-24 Pro 11:4.

Happy New Month!

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:40am On May 04, 2019


Saturday, 4th May, 2019

'Be ready...the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.' Matthew 24:44 NIV

Jesus warned, 'Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many' (Matthew 24:11 NKJV). In our generation there have been high-profile preachers who set dates for Christ's second coming, and the press jumped all over it. That having been said, Jesus is coming again! In Scripture it is referenced more than 300 times.

Charles Swindoll says: 'Critics have denied it. Cynics have scorned it. Scholars have ignored it. Liberal theologians have tried to explain it away (they call that "re-thinking it"wink. Fanatics have perverted it. And some have sarcastically said, "Where is the promise of his coming?" (2 Peter 3:4). Jesus' return has always been attacked, misused and denied. But still it stands, solid as a rock, offering real hope in the midst of despair and unbelief. You say, "What should I do while I'm waiting?" First, understand what you shouldn't do. Don't sit around listening for a bugle call or looking for a rapture cloud. Don't quit your job, and don't set a date. Instead use the time to get your act together. Live every day like it's your last, but work like Jesus isn't coming back for another ten years. Shake your "salt" and shine your "light" wherever you go (see Matthew 5:13-16). Remain balanced, cheerful, pleasant, committed and stable, anticipating the day of his return. And if you're not sure you're ready, get your ticket immediately. As long as they're available, they're free. But if you're wise you won't wait! What good is a ticket when the event is over?'

Today accept Jesus as your Saviour and be ready when he returns.

Soulfood: Num 27-29 Mark 4:26-41 Ps 44:1-8 Pro 11:9.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 1:25pm On May 05, 2019


Sunday, 5th May, 2019

'Whenever I journey to Spain, I shall come to you.' Romans 15:24 NKJV

The world isn't going to devote itself to making us happy, and only when we accept that can we begin to move forward. Much of the time life doesn't work out the way we plan. Paul wrote, 'Whenever I journey to Spain, I shall come to you' (Romans 15:24 NKJV). But he never got to Spain; instead, he landed in prison. But it was from there he wrote the epistles.

So your disappointment may turn out to be God's appointment! The Bible says, 'In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps' (Proverbs 16:9 NIV). Aren't you glad God's in charge of your life? Let the philosophers argue over why life works as it does; just you focus on how to live it! If you live to be 100, what good is it if resentment and regret keep you from enjoying it? And what good is more time, if you're just wasting the time you've got?

Do you know how an oyster makes a pearl? When a grain of sand gets into its shell and irritates it, the oyster wraps the sand in layers of beauty until a pearl is formed. An unknown poet wrote, 'This tale has a moral, for isn't it grand, what an oyster can do with a morsel of sand? What couldn't I do if I'd only begin, with all of the things that get under my skin?' God is at work in what you're going through today - for your good and his glory. All you need to do is trust him.

Soulfood: Exo 20:12 Eph 6:1-3 Matt 15:1-9 John 19:25-27.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 6:35am On May 07, 2019


Tuesday, 7th May, 2019

'Lift the boy up...for I will make him...great.' Genesis 21:18 NIV

When you read the story of Hagar and her son Ishmael, you realise how much God cares about single parents. Although Abraham was Ishmael's father, he sent the boy and his mother away without child support: '[he] took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar...and...sent her off...She went on her way and wandered in the desert' (Genesis 21:14 NIV). In many ways Hagar typifies those who walk through the desert of past mistakes, shame, abandonment and fear of starting over. The Bible tells us when 'the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she...sat...about a bow-shot away [50-60 feet], for she thought, "I cannot watch the boy die." And...she began to sob' (Genesis 21:15-16 NIV).

As a single parent you may be tired and lonely. Humanly speaking, you've done the best you can with what you have, but you've nothing left to give. The good news is God's divine resources are inexhaustible: 'He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak' (Isaiah 40:29 NIV). 'God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from Heaven..."Lift the boy up...I will make him...great"...Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water' (Genesis 21:17-19 NIV).

God loves your child even more than you do, and when you turn to him, he'll show you a 'well of water' you never knew existed. He has plans for your children, so encourage them and lift them up. The God who made Hagar's child 'great' can do the same for yours!

Soulfood: Num 32:25-42 Num 33:1-56 Mark 5:11-20 Ps 44:17-26 Pro 11:12-13.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 9:45am On May 08, 2019


Wednesday, 8th May, 2019

'For you are all one in Christ Jesus.' Galatians 3:28 NLT

If you limit yourself only to people who think exactly like you, you'll never grow personally or accomplish what God has in mind for you. You need people who have 20/20 vision where you have blind spots. The way to offset your weak areas is by being able to work with people who are strong in those areas. Instead of looking for those who conform to your opinions, you need someone who loves you enough to challenge your opinions from time to time. Why? Because you still have a lot of learning and growing to do!

Think of the people Jesus picked. Luke was a doctor, and Peter and John were fishermen. If you prided yourself on your image, which would you have picked? But Jesus needed them all to accomplish his mission. He knew we need people who complement us, not duplicate us. It is estimated that even if you had the genius of Einstein, you'd still know less than one per cent of all there is to know. And if you were mega-talented, you'd only be able to achieve less than one per cent of what can be achieved. Yes, we need harmony. But there's a difference between harmony which is derived from two or more distinctly different notes that blend together, and unison, the same note made at the same time. Harmony is far more appealing to the ear than unison.

So your relationships should be harmonious without being in unison. Think about it: you are uniquely different from anyone else. So if you want others to love and accept you, start loving and accepting them. The greatest wisdom is found in diversity, not conformity.

Soulfood: Num 34-36 Mark 5:21-30 Ps 57 Pro 11:14.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 8:17am On May 10, 2019


Thursday, 9th May, 2019

'We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.' Romans 12:6 NIV

Different people expect different things from us. And when a lot of people are pulling on you, those expectations can build up like a mountain and bury you. Is that how you're feeling today, buried under everybody's expectations? If so, read this Scripture: 'Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the [level of] faith God has given [you]. Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body' (Romans 12:3-5 NLT).

We all want people to be pleased with us, but we must also realise that they frequently have unrealistic expectations and sometimes selfish ones. So why don't we just say no? (1) Fear of people. We want to be loved and we are afraid of being rejected. (2) Pride. If God made you a one-talent person, he won't give you a two-talent assignment. Don't allow pride to make you take on more than you can handle in order to have people's approval. (3) Not knowing God's will for you. Jesus said, 'I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will' (John 5:30 NLT). You must know God's will and be committed to it, or people will try to impose their will and agenda on you. (4) Trying to be like someone else. 'Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them' (Romans 12:6 NKJV).

Unless God has 'graced' you to do it, you'll fail or collapse under the weight of it. Realise that you are not called to meet everybody's expectations.

Soulfood: Jonah 1-4 Mark 5:31-43 Ps 62 Pro 11:15.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 8:52am On May 10, 2019


Friday, 10th May, 2019

'If a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness.' Galatians 6:1 NKJV

We are often too quick to criticise people because of what they've been through in life. In some cases it's because of what they have done to others, and in some cases because of what others have done to them. If you've been to a second-hand shop you know there are quality items at discounted prices; you just have to know what you're looking for. Jesus does. In his eyes the down-and-out may be 'down' but they're not 'out'.

Peter's sorrow over denying Jesus ran so deep that he decided to go back to his old job as a fisherman. Can you imagine the gossip around the harbour? 'That's him, the guy who turned his back on Jesus.' Peter eventually became the leader of the New Testament church. But be honest. Would you have voted him in as your pastor, or been willing to listen to anything he had to say? Yet the first person Jesus went looking for after he rose from the dead was Peter. Why? Because he looks beyond our immediate problem and sees our long-term potential. Jesus remembered the words he had spoken to Peter: 'Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to me, strengthen your brethren' (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV).

The foundational principle of practising medicine is 'First, do no harm'. When someone is damaged, don't damage them further. Love them, pray for them and seek to restore them.

Soulfood: Titus 1-3 Mark 6:1-13 Ps 150 Pro 11:16-18.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:38am On May 11, 2019


Saturday, 11th May, 2019

'Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.' 1 Timothy 1:15 NKJV

The apostle Paul writes, 'I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it' (Galatians 1:13 NKJV). Paul had a criminal record. He had the blood of innocent men and women on his hands. Yet God used him to write half the New Testament, establish the church and carry the name of Jesus into the courts of Caesar. But would you have trusted him to be the leader of your denomination, or envisioned him teaching great truths and introducing you to revelations he received from Heaven?

The Bible says, 'God's gifts and his call are irrevocable' (Romans 11:29 NIV). God never cancels our calling and he never withdraws the spiritual gifts he gives us. And if he does not, we must not. How should we handle a brother or sister in Christ who goes astray? With gentleness! 'Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ' (Galatians 6:1-2 NKJV).

Is restoring people sometimes messy? Yes. Is it easy? No. Paul says it's a 'burden', especially when they've brought embarrassment to God's redeemed family. But that's the point - they are still our spiritual family! And the world is watching to see how we treat them. If we throw away those who stumble, why would the world believe we wouldn't do the same to them? Think about it. If you can't find grace in the family of God, where are you going to find it?

Soulfood: Heb 1-4 Mark 6:14-29 Ps 18:1-29 Pro 11:19-21.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 12:27pm On May 12, 2019


Sunday, 12th May, 2019

'He needed to go through Samaria.' John 4:4 NKJV

Why does the Bible say Jesus 'needed to go through Samaria' (John 4:4 NKJV)? To redeem a damaged woman who was called to introduce the gospel to Samaria for the first time. Think about the situation Jesus faced; the heat was smouldering, the journey was long and he was on foot. He knew he wouldn't be welcome there because of a long-standing animosity between Jews and Samaritans. Women in those days veiled their faces and were forbidden to speak to men outside their own family. This woman was already the talk of the town because she'd been through five divorces. So why did Jesus feel he 'needed to go through Samaria'? Because he saw her as a diamond in the rough. He looked beyond her problem and saw her potential for his Kingdom. The Bible says, 'Many of the Samaritans...believed in him because of the word of the woman who testified' (John 4:39 NKJV).

There's an important lesson here. The schedule didn't control Jesus; the will of God and the needs of hurting people did. He was willing to go out of his way, turn tradition on its ear and break new ground to do it. Notice what Jesus told his disciples afterwards: 'Do you not say, "There are still four months and then comes the harvest?" Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together' (John 4:35-36 NKJV).

Soulfood: Exo 20:13 Gen 4:1-15 Matt 5:21-22.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:25am On May 13, 2019


Monday, 13th May, 2019

'He wanted to see who Jesus was.' Luke 19:3 NIV

The Bible says, 'Zacchaeus...was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was...So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree...since Jesus was coming that way' (Luke 19:2-4 NIV). The story of Zacchaeus teaches us that being rich doesn't protect us from being damaged. How some wealthy people got damaged is in the story of how they got rich.

When you violate your conscience, it's hard to live in your own skin. When you trade your core values for money, your success can be hollow and your guilt heavy. Zacchaeus struggled with this: 'Lord...if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount' (Luke 19:8 NIV). If that's how you feel today, Jesus is saying to you the three things he said to Zacchaeus: (1) 'Make haste.' Don't put your salvation off a day longer. At any given moment you're as close to eternity as a faulty heartbeat or a malignant cell. Don't gamble with your soul; get right with God while you can. (2) 'Come down.' Humble yourself. Kneel at the feet of the one who loves you and gave his life to redeem you. It doesn't matter how badly you've failed: 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness' (1 John 1:9 NKJV). (3) 'Today I must abide at thy house' (Luke 19:5 KJV). The word 'abide' means 'to take up residence'.

Refuse to live another day without the assurance that Christ lives in your heart, directs your steps and watches over all that concerns you.

Soulfood: Heb 5-8 Mark 6:30-44 Ps 18:30-50 Pro 11:22.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:46am On May 14, 2019


Tuesday, 14th May, 2019

'But they all alike began to make excuses.' Luke 14:18 NIV

Jesus told the story of a man who planned a banquet and invited several guests. Listen to some of their excuses for not attending. 'I've purchased a field.' 'I've bought some oxen.' 'I just got married.' So the host said, 'Not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet' (Luke 14:24 NIV).

Maybe you think you're different, that you have a good reason for saying no to God. But is it worth missing your destiny for? When God speaks to you, that's the moment of truth! At that point you either make a commitment or make an excuse. There and then you're deciding your destiny! What is God asking you to do? What's making you hesitate? Fear of failure? Fear of being criticised? Fear usually comes dressed up as an excuse. And every time you waver or pull back, you lay another brick in the wall that will ultimately keep you from reaching your God-ordained destiny.

Author John Mason says, 'Opportunity is often lost in deliberation.' So if God's telling you to do something, take his hand and move forward in faith. You can't control the direction of the wind, but by God's grace you can adjust your sails to take you where you need to go. The great educator and scientist George Washington Carver said, 'Ninety-nine per cent of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.' Remember, opportunity is a visitor: don't assume it will be back tomorrow. Now is the time - move while the door is open!

Soulfood: Heb 9:1-28 Heb 10 Heb 11:1-16 Mark 6:45-56 Ps 75 Pro 11:23.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:59am On May 15, 2019


Wednesday, 15th May, 2019

'Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.' Psalm 149:6 NKJV

The Christian life is a battlefield with an enemy who's out to defeat us every day. But God has given us strategies for winning, and praise is one of them. When Israel's army went into battle, the tribe of Judah led the way. The name 'Judah' means 'praise the Lord'. So when you go into battle, go with 'the high praises of God' in your mouth and he will go before you. This is the 'praise strategy' that toppled the walls of Jericho for Joshua, and caused Jehoshaphat's enemies to destroy one other before the battle even began (see 2 Chronicles 20).

It's a decision to praise God when you face a situation you can't handle; to focus on him instead of on your problem. You may not feel worthy - but he is! You may not feel able - but he is! Remind God of his promises. Nothing moves him like the sight of his children praising his name and claiming his promises in the face of adversity. Jesus said, 'I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, and God in Heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth' (Matthew 16:19 CEV). Praise invites God to intervene, so use it. And find somebody to join you in praise (see Matthew 18:19). Multiply your impact before the throne of God. The Bible says, 'About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God...Suddenly...the doors opened' (Acts 16:25-26 CEV).

So, the word for you today is: use the 'praise strategy'!

Soulfood: Heb 11:17-40 Heb 12 Heb 13-13:25.
Mark 7:1-13 Ps 88:1-9a Pro 11:24-26

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation

1 Like

Re: The Word For Today by Odunharry(m): 1:43pm On May 15, 2019
Kudos. God bless you for this
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:23am On May 17, 2019
Kudos. God bless you for this

God bless us all!
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:23am On May 17, 2019


Thursday, 16th May, 2019

'If [your gift] is helping people in need, help them cheerfully.' Romans 12:8 GWT

You say, 'It's not my responsibility. I'm not getting involved!' Psychologists call this 'compassionate disengagement', the tendency to avoid helping someone in trouble. Whether your motivation is inconvenience, self-protection or indifference, it's wrong.

'Being there' is how you demonstrate your love for God and your neighbour. And helping requires recognising three kinds of crises: (1) Accidental or situational crises. These involve things like sudden threats to our well-being, disruptive events, unexpected losses, the discovery of a serious illness, the death of a loved one, a family breakdown, the loss of livelihood or security. Job experienced all these events together and wondered why God allowed so many bad things to happen to him. (2) Developmental crises. These occur in the course of everyday life. Moving house, going away to university, adjusting to marriage, parenting, retirement, ageing, declining health and the loss of friends. Abraham and Sarah moved many times. They also endured years of childlessness and family stress, including the challenge of sacrificing Isaac. (3) Existential crises. These are when we face disturbing truths about ourselves. We may see ourselves as failures, grapple with being divorced or widowed, learn that our illness is incurable, experience rejection because of our race, class, age or gender, or realise we may be getting too old to fulfil our life goals.

True 'helpers' understand, get involved, and encourage. They keep their eyes open, and are quick to help people in need.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 1-2 Mark 7:14-23 Ps 88:9-18 Pro 11:27-29.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:33am On May 17, 2019


Friday, 17th May, 2019

'Offer each other a helping hand.' Galatians 6:2 CEV

Your aim should be to help people cope with their crisis and grow through it. This means lowering their fear level and helping them to function normally again by: (1) Making contact with them. People in crisis tend to withdraw rather than ask for help. So you may have to make that first move, showing them understanding and genuine interest. You don't have to be a professional; two simple steps can make a big difference. Listen attentively to their concerns and perceptions, and maintain eye contact. These two things will make them feel valued and understood.

(2) Helping reduce their anxiety. A calming presence can lower their stress. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and offer hope. For example, say, 'There are ways to deal with this situation.' Chances are the person's outlook is distorted or overly pessimistic, so gently suggest other perspectives. For example: 'May I suggest another way of looking at this?' Whenever possible give them hope for the future: 'I realise it's tough, but with God's help I believe you can handle it.' Then give them a Bible promise to back it up (see Jeremiah 33:3).

(3) Focusing on real issues. In a crisis people are often overwhelmed by the array of confusing facts, potential problems and necessary decisions. By offering them assistance in deciding what issues must be faced first, and what problems need to be solved now, you help alleviate their distress. Rather than discussing the past or worrying about the future, concentrating on the present and helping them take action can lessen their anxiety and empower them to cope better.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 3-5 Mark 7:24-37 Ps 93 Pro 11:30-31.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 11:33am On May 18, 2019


Saturday, 18th May, 2019

'He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others.' 2 Corinthians 1:4 GNT

In a crisis people often fail to see the resources that God has made available to them.

Here are three types: (1) Spiritual resources. 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble' (Psalm 46:1 NKJV). This 'very present' God illuminates our darkness and confusion. His love is the source of all comfort (see 2 Corinthians 1:3). His presence addresses our loneliness and his power addresses our helplessness. (2) Personal resources. People in crisis forget that God has given them strengths and abilities which include faith, skills, memories of past triumphs, empowering attitudes and motivations. Reminding them of these encourages them to 'take back their power'. (3) Interpersonal resources. Most people already have support networks; they just need to be activated. There are family members, friends, business associates and neighbours willing to pitch in when asked. Community resources are also available for medical, financial and material assistance. And the church can find ways to apply the 'great commandment' in crisis times (see Matthew 22:36-39). Members can be invited to pray, give money, and provide practical assistance like meals, help with the children, transportation, etc.

People are reluctant to ask for help because they're embarrassed and feel they should be able to handle their own problems, or think they're failing by 'accepting charity'. Help them to understand that others are happy to help, and that one day they can 'return the blessing'.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 6-7 Mark 8:1-13 Ps 97 Pro 12:1-3.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 11:32am On May 19, 2019


Sunday, 19th May, 2019

'I will bless you with a future filled with hope.' Jeremiah 29:11 CEV

Here are three more helpful steps for people in crisis: (1) Encourage action. Sometimes we over-function in crises, making the needy person dependent and undermining the very self-reliance that can strengthen them. One psychiatrist says, 'We must do for others what they cannot do for themselves, but we must not do for them what they will not do for themselves.' Becoming proactive in a crisis arms people against despair and powerlessness. Encouraging manageable action steps builds emotional and spiritual muscle. Helping them evaluate their actions and validating their efforts rebuilds their confidence. When the crisis involves irreversible losses (like death or divorce), the work of getting through each day and gradually adjusting to the changes is action enough.

(2) Impart hope. Often there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel and a sense that the suffering will go on endlessly. What people need at that moment is hope. Hope brings relief based on the conviction that things will improve, and provides energy to deal with the crisis. The Bible is a book of hope. It energises us when we feel like, 'This is the worst thing imaginable. It will never get better.'

(3) Do the follow-up. Crises are seldom resolved instantly. Life may soon return to a semblance of normalcy, but there may be episodes of relapse into sadness, helplessness or loneliness. Your words may bring comfort and hope, but it's your abiding interest that helps people to maintain their faith and progress!

Soulfood: Exo 20:14 Pro 6:23-35 Matt 5:27-28 John 8:1-11.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:10am On May 20, 2019


Monday, 20th May, 2019

'You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come.' Psalm 102:13 NIV

All of your life can be training for one season, one God-given assignment, one purpose. You may determine the number of years required to graduate from university with your degree. You may know the amount of effort and the approximate timeline required to rise to the top of your profession. But when it comes to experiencing the favour of God, He sets the time. 'But you, Lord, sit enthroned for ever...You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come' (Psalm 102:12-13 NIV). One moment of God's favour will do more for you than a lifetime of striving.

In his book Still Standing: 8 Winning Strategies for Facing Tough Times, Dr James Merritt writes: 'In a meeting that took less than twenty minutes, Pharaoh made Joseph prime minister of the entire country - second in authority only to him! Pharaoh's act catapulted Joseph from the pit to the palace. God works, in hindsight, through a beautiful story arc. His way of getting Joseph to the palace was through the pit and the prison. As with Joseph, what we so often see as stumbling blocks are really stepping stones God uses to accomplish his plan and fulfil his purpose in our lives.'

It's your obedience to God that brings his favour, and your faithfulness in difficult times: 'For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.' So be faithful and press on; God has set a time to favour you!

Soulfood: 1 Ki 8-9 Mark 8:14-26 Ps 47 Pro 12:4-6.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:45am On May 21, 2019


Tuesday, 21st May, 2019

'Do not turn aside; for then you would go after empty things which cannot profit.' 1 Samuel 12:21 NKJV

In order to succeed in what God has called you to do in life, you must recognise your gift and know your goal. When you're clear about and committed to these two things, you need to demonstrate two qualities: discipline and determination.

Fritz Kreisler, one of the greatest violinists of all time, had them. Crowds packed Carnegie Hall in New York to hear him. But the road to success was a bumpy ride. As a boy, he wanted to do nothing more than play the violin, so his parents paid for him to have music lessons. But he didn't make as much progress as they hoped, and after a few years he quit the lessons. Over the next several years, through college and early adulthood, he studied medicine but failed to complete medical school. He joined the army and failed to be promoted. He tried and quit many other pursuits. Realising that the one piece of success he had enjoyed in life related to the violin, he went back to his instructor and said, 'I want to play.' She said, 'Fine, I'll take you back as a student, but only if you acquire the irreplaceable quality that is necessary for you to become a great violinist. You must exhibit undefeatable determination.'

So once again, here are your steps to success: (1) Recognise your gift. (2) Know your goal. (3) Dedicate yourself to the process no matter how long it takes. (4) Trust God to bless your efforts.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 10-11 Mark 8:27-38 Ps 45 Pro 12:7-9.

Courtesy: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 6:27am On May 22, 2019


Wednesday, 22nd May, 2019

'But with you there is forgiveness' Psalm 130:4 ESV

The psalmist wrote: O Lord, out of the depths I call to you... hear my voice. Let your ears be open to my pleas for mercy. O Lord, who would be able to stand if you kept a record of sins? But with you there is forgiveness' (Psalm 130:1-4 GWT).

But God's forgiveness is worthless unless you receive it by faith - and then forgive yourself! You say, 'But what about my past?' The moment you receive God's forgiveness you no longer have a past - you only have a future.

However, you must do three things: (1) Realise that everybody fails. Samson failed by getting too close to the wrong woman (see Judges 16). Jonah failed by trying to run from the assignment God gave him (see Jonah 1:3). Peter failed when he denied Jesus (see Matthew 26:34). Yet God forgave and used each of them for his glory. (2) You must process your emotions. Regret: 'If only I hadn't done it.' Frustration: 'I did my best. Why wasn't it good enough?' Self-pity: 'Nobody loves me so I'll just sit here and lick my wounds.' Paralysis: 'I've done it too often. My mistake is too big. I'll never get beyond it.' Your emotions are lying to you - don't believe them! (3) When you fall, get back up again. 'A righteous man falls seven times, and rises again' (Proverbs 24:16 NAS). Notice, the righteous as well as the unrighteous fall. So be like the lady who said, 'I'm never down. I'm either up, or I'm getting up!' How about it - are you ready to get up and try again? If so, God will work with you.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 12-13 Mark 9:1-13 Ps 128 Pro 12:10-11.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation
Re: The Word For Today by Moneyfem: 7:49am On May 23, 2019


Thursday, 23rd May, 2019

'Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone.' Galatians 6:10 NLT

Have you ever watched a train switch on to the same track as several disconnected carriages, hook up and together move forward? The truth is if you want to help people you've got to get on the same track, connect with them and help move them forward.

But before you can do that there are two rules you need to observe: (1) Never take anyone for granted. Tip O'Neill, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, said that during an election one of his elderly neighbours told him, 'I voted for you again today even though you didn't ask me to.' Surprised, O'Neill replied, 'But I've known you all my life, Mrs O'Brien. I took out your garbage and mowed your lawn - I didn't think I had to ask.' In a motherly tone she replied, 'It's always nice to be asked!' (2) Believe that everyone has potential. Mother Teresa said, 'We don't have to be extraordinary in any way. I can do what you can't do, you can do what I can't do, and together we can do great things.' You may not be able to help everybody, but you can help somebody. The thing Andrew is most noted for in Scripture is introducing his brother Peter to Jesus. But Peter ended up bringing multitudes to Jesus. In the New Jerusalem you'll see the name of each of the apostles written above its twelve foundations (see Revelation 21:14). And Andrew's name will be there. How come? Because he believed everybody has the potential to make a difference once they know Jesus.

Soulfood: 1 Ki 14-15 Mark 9:14-29 Ps 101 Pro 12:12-13.

Credit: Grace So Amazing Foundation

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