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Romance / Re: Tribal Bias At Nigeria Info 99.3 by MRosario(m): 1:15pm On Jan 29, 2021

You need to understand the angle he's coming from.
Just like you've said that the station stuck with the policy that's worked for them.
Same goes with the president.

Nigerians re elected the president in 2019 this can only mean something that the majority of Nigerians felt that the president and his team where successful in their first tenure.
Nobody should then begrudge what's has been successful

We are saying the same thing, it is the tribalism that made some people vote twice for people who are incompetent. It is tribalism, right from 1960 till date.

It is the same tribalism that's making the OP to suggest the current competent people in the radio station should be changed on the basis of their tribe.

It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that the people currently in power have no business being there, both in their first tenure or their current one, so I honestly don't get the "successful" part.

Thank God you said "same goes with the president"
The president stuck with the policy that worked for Him not the Nation, there's a very great difference.
Romance / Re: Tribal Bias At Nigeria Info 99.3 by MRosario(m): 12:08pm On Jan 29, 2021

Yea true but certain people complain about the president's appointments being mainly from the north?
If the president feels the people from the north are better in occupying some key positions. I see no reason why people should complain

Thank you for bringing up this point, but it is not about what the president feels, but what has been proven to be good for the nation/company/radio station etc.

Since this particular set of people who come from a particular region were appointed, have there been improvements in the Nation or have things been going from bad to worse?

Since Nigerian info started employing these set of people has the radio station being improving or declining?

Your answer to the above will tell you if these people are qualified or at most best for the positions they occupy.
It is this same tribalism that will make most persons give a false answer.

I really hope you're getting my point, because if you were, you would not make this statement given the situation of things in this country.


Romance / Re: Tribal Bias At Nigeria Info 99.3 by MRosario(m): 9:28am On Jan 29, 2021

Yes the radio station is owned by the Lebanese . He isn't gonna recruit people himself. Femi Obong Daniels the head of stations and others will definitely be the ones recruiting there

Bro stop your tribalism, stop seeing tribalism in everything, you will just be bitter for nothing. Allow people to flourish where they are good in.

The major criteria for recruiting OAP's is diction/phonetics, should they compromise their standard because of quota system?

According to you, an Indigenous Warri radio station should employ someone who can't speak fluently in Warri pidgin just so they won't be tribalistic?

It's just like the Nigerian music industry, 90% of the songs contain Yoruba language which we all enjoy, should they now force hausa/igbo words so they won't appear tribalistic?

I'm very sure you will say Nollywood is tribalistic because most of their movies are produced in Asaba and they insert slight Igbo into Africa Magic movies.

Allow people specialize in what they are good at, that is the very reason why we choose one course out of 100's in the University to study.
If some certain people are know to do well in some certain areas, encourage them, it improves productivity.
Do away with all this Quota system rubbish, that is what has dragged our country to where it is today, incompetent people in high places.

Please OP learn something today.

10 Likes 1 Share

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: NCDMB 2020 Oil and Gas EH & GT Jobs by MRosario(m): 6:05pm On Jan 26, 2021
what will they gain ? R u kidding me ? Do u know how many millions they would make from people entering their site? Or u are not exposed to that extent?

They won't gain anything, it's not that kind of site.
Romance / Re: UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH -this Is Why Ladies Hate Redpillers By PUSSYHOE by MRosario(m): 7:36am On Dec 25, 2020
my major issue with redpill is that it tries to formulate a principle. In life, there is no universal principle. Just do whatever is good and works for you.

Actually there are universal principles in life. Our universe is governed by universal principles. Physics, chemistry and biology all contain constant principles that don't change on a whim.


Romance / Re: A COUNTER TO: Uneducated Men Who Sponsor Ladies To School by MRosario(m): 1:53pm On Dec 17, 2020
.....You can also learn from Tobechi's post if you read it critically.

You're very correct, I really learnt alot from that thread. There are few men who still subscribe to that ideology, I'm very sure their hearts will change if they read that thread.


Romance / Re: A COUNTER TO: Uneducated Men Who Sponsor Ladies To School by MRosario(m): 1:19pm On Dec 17, 2020
tobechi74 kindly listen and learn from this OP.
Your main thread on the subject matter was very sickening to read, please change your mindset.


Family / Re: Ladies Can You Be A Surrogate Mother For 1.2million Naira. by MRosario(m): 10:36am On Dec 17, 2020
I will do it. And I am not even a woman. grin grin

grin grin grin grin grin

1 Like

Travel / Re: What's The Worth Of 270 Dollars In The US by MRosario(m): 1:02am On Dec 15, 2020

I didn't come here to know if the money is big alone. I want to know the purchasing power of that money over there. It helps me understand certain demographics and the state of their economy.
Your cousin has answered the question, he said the money is big money and he can't afford to give out. So I see no reason why you're asking strangers online, our answers will not change anything because $270 is not considered as big money to me, but to your cousin who is the Person of Interest, it is big money.

To answer your question, it would take someone earning minimum wage in Maryland roughly 3 days to make that money, but I can assure you he will spend roughly 70% on Bill's as a single person

Friendly advice: stop your entitlement mentality, I can smell it from here and I don't even know you, imagine how those who know you feel?
He probably won't send you $10, not necessarily because he doesn't have it but because of your attitude.
A young struggling guy abroad hustling per hour to pay Bill's should cough out $270 because you asked nicely?

I pray you go abroad to hustle legitimately for your money, then you will be disgusted at yourself for creating this post.

At least you are Nigerian, you should know the value of this one.
Imagine I ask you to borrow me 127 thousand naira, you refuse, then I go about asking how valuable 127k is in Nigeria. Does the value take away the fact that you cannot borrow me that amount probably because you don't have it?
Even if its 10 naira, what matters is you consider it big money and you don't have such to spare. I didn't work the money for you, so what gives me the right to dictate if it is big money for you or not?


Romance / Re: Dye Your Hair Without Facing The Wrath Of African Mothers by MRosario(m): 2:09pm On Dec 13, 2020
I searched your store and I couldn't find the regular black dye. Is it available?
Family / Re: Governor Ortom And His Shameful Normalization Of Domestic Violence by MRosario(m): 12:27pm On Dec 11, 2020
Career / Re: How Did You Cope And Adapt With Work From Home Policy? by MRosario(m): 11:33am On Dec 11, 2020
You and who is going on another lockdown again?


Politics / Re: Philip Shekwo: Kidnapped Nasarawa APC Chairman Found Dead by MRosario(m): 2:59pm On Nov 22, 2020
Food / Re: See The Bush Meat I Killed In My Compound by MRosario(m): 10:24am On Nov 21, 2020
See as you just waste onions on top big rat...

1 Like

Romance / Re: Where Them Dey? Idowuogbo, Tpia And Kanwuliajara? by MRosario(m): 5:54pm On Nov 20, 2020
I remember MrsChima. Those days when Naijaboy won Mr Nairaland if I remember correctly, Baba is a barrister now.
TV/Movies / Re: What Movie Are You Watching Now? by MRosario(m): 5:22pm On Nov 06, 2020

Just finished this. 6/10
Career / Re: By Rank, Here Are How Much Merchant Navy Officers Earn Per Month. by MRosario(m): 4:47pm On Oct 31, 2020

Yes, you can join job at sea as rating either OS , WIPER, OILER, AB. What is your department, Deck or Engine? note- it also depends on your watchkeeping level and experience on your rank.

Hello, I have all my papers in order just like the guy you answered, I also have Engine Room Watchkeeping III/4 and I last went onboard as an Oiler.
The lockdown situation destabilized my plans. I've been through your website, but the office location is in Ukraine, is there any way you could be of assistance to me in Lagos Nigeria.
Politics / Re: Throwback: When Nairaland Boss Wanted To Escape Nigeria by MRosario(m): 6:58pm On Oct 13, 2020
Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:43pm On Oct 11, 2020
Your last line is wrong

Ejaculation is not the same as orgasm

Yes it isn't. I never said it was.

That is why I said in my previous post that orgasm is nature's way of rewarding us for voluntarily releasing sperm...

...which by the way is a foolish thing to do if we consider man as an individual, but if we consider man as a specie, it is the right thing to do.

Nature sees man as a species, not as individuals, that's why males are cursed with high testosterone, ejaculation and libido and in the same vein are rewarded with orgasm.

Mother nature didn't waste so much time fine tuning the sexuality of males in a specie, for the male to be celibate or monogamous.

But we can't have randy males roaming the world with erect organs looking for the nearest female to impregnate, that's why we invented marriage.

Marriage is totally a social construct, so you can't bring it up when discussing biology, you will never win.

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Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:34pm On Oct 11, 2020
Heck!Males don't need to reach orgasm to reproduce.

Where'd you get your info from?

It's the peak of sexual pleasure, not all sex leads to orgasm - when will guys get this!

Keep sentiments aside

We are in the 21st century, artificial insemination is possible. Both men and women don't even need to be present to reproduce.

But we are talking about biology and the natural order. For the males of any species, All sex leads to ejaculation/orgasm.
Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:29pm On Oct 11, 2020

let me explain to you!
The animals such as cats (lions, hyenas,panted dogs) are basically social animals and do not follow this your promiscuous logic.The male animals usually have the high testosterone levels which hell them to develop huge mass of muscle,sex organs and an inbuilt fight or flight Dynamics .These they further develop from childhood and they understand the roles that each gender should perform.
while the females in the lion pride(basically sisters) are grown to become expect hunters and bring food to the table ,thereby keeping the pride alive.the male lions are ussaly useless because they just not the successful hunters.But when it comes to fight the male lion is unrivaled.the social problem being solved in between lion goes like this.the female pride members(sisters) cannot take down cape buffalos and ward off hyena stealing their food and male lions commiting infanticide.Solution is to get a male lion(with high pumping testosterone)

the testosterone in animals is not for promiscuity at all.it is for the solution of a threat to the social existence of the pride.with a high testosterone the manes are darker and muscles bigger .these is backed up with its ability to fight.That is the rule.
the testosterone is not related to promiscuity at all

Promiscuity is not libido

I don't know if testosterone is related to promiscuity, but testosterone is definitely related to libido and sex drive, this is basic biology. What you do with the libido depends on you as an individual.


Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:24pm On Oct 11, 2020
Okay, so a man cheats and he can tell his wife he cheated because it's his nature undecided

No not atall.
As long as you took an oath to be faithful to one woman, you should be faithful to it.

I'm just trying to let you know that Mother nature was not part of that agreement and she will not reduce your libido because you chose to stay with one woman.


Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:15pm On Oct 11, 2020
Well said, but you can't blame cheating on a high libido.

You can actually...

It is nature's way of ensuring the survival of our species.
Orgasm is a reward for Mating and reproduction. It is nature's way of rewarding us with dopamine for losing vital nutrients in form of Sperm.

This is why males must achieve orgasm for a new life to be created but females don't necessarily have to...


Romance / Re: Cheating! Some Men Are Something Else by MRosario(m): 7:10pm On Oct 11, 2020

How then do you explain the usual scenario of a male animal mating with many females? Very few species are monogamous. In fact 8 out of 10 species of mammals are polygamous and that's as a result of the steep difference in the testosterone levels between these genders.

Testosterone drives libido. A highly libidinous male isn't compatible with a female with low libido. Therefore he cools off with many different females to balance off the scales. It is what it is. You can't dispute nature.

Please educate him some more. Testosterone level is directly proportional to libido in males


Romance / Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by MRosario(m): 1:18pm On Oct 08, 2020


If only the man in this youtube video had read this thread...Western men are really suffering.

22 Likes 5 Shares

TV/Movies / Re: Who Is Marvel's First Black Superhero? by MRosario(m): 10:49am On Jul 14, 2020
Travel / Re: My Glorious Years In Nigeria...written By A Ghanaian. by MRosario(m): 11:57am On Jul 11, 2020
Nice write up
Romance / Re: Can A Man Love Two Women Equally? by MRosario(m): 8:21pm On Jul 07, 2020
A lady just asked for advice on the above topic Can A Man Love Two Women Equally?.
Join the discussion and give her your own piece of advice.
Follow the link

Very possible
Travel / Re: Foreign Students Fear Germany's Tuition Fees Damage Diversity by MRosario(m): 10:58pm On Jul 06, 2020
it's like you are mad or something worse

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Religion / Re: Should We "Cancel" Charles Darwin? by MRosario(m): 1:09pm On Jul 03, 2020

Similar to why the big bang happened or why gravity pulls downwards and not the other way around, we don't know. You could make a perfectly convincing argument that God or an intelligence made things to operate...

May wisdom never depart from you and yours. Amen

No need arguing with the OP, he has chosen his path, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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