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Politics / Re: Protest At Total Egina FPSO Project Site Over Maltreatment Of Nigerian Workers by oduastates: 9:30am On Feb 15, 2018

However, all Nigerians, including graduates, masters holders and skilled workers are rated below the least Korean, irrespective of their skills or qualification, who are in most cases barely educated and can not communicate in English, the official language for the project. The Nigerians are said to carry out all the hard labours

That bit about useless paper.
People should learn that it is useless in the modern world .
Can you show that you have done similar work for sustained period of time ( experience) ?
Can you show what you can do with your hands( technical skills) ?
Were you part of the team who delivered a similar project ?

Local content = quota
If you want to avoid this situation , start developing Nigeria.korea was once like Nigeria.

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Politics / Re: First modern Britons are BLACK, new DNA analysis reveals by oduastates: 8:22pm On Feb 07, 2018
How they come white


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Politics / Re: Lagosians Complain To Desmond Elliot About The Dirtiness Of Lagos by oduastates: 9:57pm On Feb 02, 2018
You can check how well run a facility is by checking the toilet .
The waste disposal system has always been a yardstick for measuring the quality of leadership in Lagos.
Ambode is multiple levels below Fashola.
Of all the issues affecting or afflicting Lagos , this man went after one of the visible success stories and broke it .
Stuffs to keep this clown busy

Town planning ,zoning , replanning and regeneration
Paving inner street
Upgrading the school system
Building an independent quality healthcare system
Ambode is a bad downgrade.
Politics / Re: Our Lagos Your Lagos Unveils ‘ambo 1 More Time’ Social Media Challenge by oduastates: 4:59pm On Feb 01, 2018
Just like the rubbish and cringeworthy advertisement that is running CNN
Politics / Re: I Didn't Hand Over A Collapsed Nation To Buhari - Dr. Goodluck Jonathan by oduastates: 4:43pm On Feb 01, 2018
Just a reminder.

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Politics / Re: Obasanjo's New Coalition Is Dead On Arrival - Pulse by oduastates: 4:19pm On Feb 01, 2018
There is nothing clean and fresh about Donald Duke .
people talk about this guy as if he is any different from the others but a look at his regime in cross river leaves a lot to be desired..............

A game changing nation builder or developmental politician /expert, he isn't.

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Politics / Re: Power Grid Collapses Six Times In Eight Days by oduastates: 7:58am On Jan 30, 2018
We need another obasanjo telecom treatment in the power sector.
Get rid of all the parasites with licenses without the capacity
Politics / Re: Benue APC Leaders Search For New Party Over Threat For Hosting Mass Burial by oduastates: 8:03am On Jan 28, 2018
Form your own parties .
I have always canvassed for independent parties that are domiciled in regions without any links with national parties.

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Politics / Re: Support The Bill To Vote Anywhere You Are During Presdential Election by oduastates: 7:57am On Jan 28, 2018
Bad idea .
So that people can be loaded from one state to the other to alter the results

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Politics / Re: Benue APC Leaders Search For New Party Over Threat For Hosting Mass Burial by oduastates: 7:51am On Jan 28, 2018
Crime / Re: Herdsmen: Husband Cries Out Over Killing Of 8-month Pregnant Wife In Ekiti by oduastates: 2:31pm On Jan 27, 2018
Politics / Re: Appropriate Response To OBJ By Simon Kolawole- OBJ As Nigeria's Moral Compass by oduastates: 3:43pm On Jan 26, 2018

Your aguement falls on its head for the following reasons

If during OBJ regime that lasted 8 years when crude was selling at an average of $90 he could not revamp the railway, he could revive the refineries after spending about $12b, he could not revamp power sector after spending over $16b. For goodness sake he could not complete Lagos-Abeokuta Road the passes through Ota (his farm) and Ifo-Ibogun (his birth place) not to talk of East-West Road or 2nd Niger Bridge, why is he now condemning PMB regime achievements within 3 years with crude at an average $55 per barrel.

His letter is the height is hypocrisy. He is just playing on gullible Nigerians intelligence. He is not in a position and we never be able to match PMB achievements.

OBJ that I know will condemn anything that will shade him. Remember, after June 12 election he said Abiola was not the Messiah, does he think he is the Messiah?

I do give it to him he made savings in ECA and foreign reserve, so PMB is doing with our merger earnings now on top of all the loft projects and the ongoing diversification of economy.

We should learn to give kudos to whoever that deserves it. I give the highest kudos to PMB and his team for he courage and drive to move Nigeria from the brinks of total collapse and setting us on the path of recovery which will ultimately lead to bouyancy. I have to say we are not there yet, but we are on the way there the way we are going in Agric, mining of other minerals, building of refineries, North-South Rail projects, Lagos-Calabar Rail projects, 2nd Niger bridge, road repairs and constructions, blocking of leaks in government spendings, etc.

Remember, these are all happening when our main source of income (crude oil) crashed.

Error xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Crude oil never averaged $90 under Obasanjo .
On the day Obasanjo became president , the price of crude oil was $9 / barrel .
He started saving at $15/ barrel
It rose to a maximum of 30something dollar a barrel by the end of his first term

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Politics / Re: If Obasanjo Was The President Now... by oduastates: 3:38pm On Jan 26, 2018
You think I have any sympathy for those good for nothing nincompoops?
You do not know but you are indirectly pointing out why OBJ was able to achieve his limited success.
He made sure all the clowns knew who the boss was .

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Politics / Re: Appropriate Response To OBJ By Simon Kolawole- OBJ As Nigeria's Moral Compass by oduastates: 11:43am On Jan 26, 2018
I will not bother responding to the obvious flaws in the article . The writer in trying to impress revealed himself to lack knowledge of the complicated working of Nigeria and even the underlying economy.

********He did not add one coach to the national railway ***********
Is this writer for real?
Is this writer expecting the coaches to be put on rail lines which were under repairs after being abandoned for over 20 years .
A coach does not a railway system make .

How did he become a moral compass?
It is simple to answer .
He left Nigeria better than he met it .
From a few jobs in oil ,gas , civil service( That was about all there was)
By the end of Obasanjo tenure there was millions of new jobs in

Telecommunications ( mobile and internet)

He also left an healthy bank balance .
You can fault Obasanjo's politics but his handling of the economy and national security is not one of them.

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Business / Re: NAIRA Vs Other African Currencies In Africa by oduastates: 11:14am On Jan 26, 2018
This only matters when you are addicted to importation .
If everybody starts buying Nigeria today , exchange rate will go single digit
Politics / Re: Watch: Obasanjo 2015 declaration for Buhari's election and 2019 letter to Buhari by oduastates: 10:51pm On Jan 25, 2018
Everyone has something to say about obasanjo's letter to Mr President recently I have heard a lot of criticisms, why should he say that, why now, it's his usual political style, etc All of that aside was there any truth in what was written? Did you honestly find yourself nodding or shouting yes! Or like me did it give you the chills as you read teary eyed the sad summary of the last four years in this country.

What is important is that at any level you tell yourself the truth most nations had to learn this art through blood through pain and hunger. But we are a special breed we always want to colour truth, bury it,silence it, kill it what we haven't learned sadly is truth can't be coloured,or silenced or killed or buried it will always come back back Full Circle!
You should not wait till you have lived a "full life" to speak the truth without fear or favour! That's what makes great leaders and a great nation! That and how well they pass this quality on to the next generation.

There are people whose entire claim to relevance is criticising Obasanjo . They have no legitimacy apart from being anti -Obasanjo . That is their meal ticket.


Politics / Re: Watch: Obasanjo 2015 declaration for Buhari's election and 2019 letter to Buhari by oduastates: 10:37pm On Jan 25, 2018
People think OBJ will back down. I am laughing... now this is a torque of war between two Military war lords... a people who know you have to stand your ground, no matter what... we shall see who will win this battle!

Buhari would lose woefully if an election is held right now .
For me , it is getting closer to midnight for the nationality question to be answered


Politics / Re: Watch: Obasanjo 2015 declaration for Buhari's election and 2019 letter to Buhari by oduastates: 10:27pm On Jan 25, 2018
Awo On Nigeria As Created By The British
"It is incontestable that the British not only made Nigeria, but also hand it to us whole on their surrender of power. But the Nigeria, which they handed over to us, had in it the forces of its own disintegration. It is up to contemporary Nigerian leaders to neutralize these forces, preserve the Nigerian inheritance, and make all our people free, forward-looking and prosperous. "
- The Peoples' Republic, 1968.

Awo On Future Conflicts
"The seed for a future minority problem in the North has been sown by the Government. It will grow with growing political consciousness on the part of those who settle permanently in the North."
- Path to Nigerian Freedom. 1947

You can see Obasanjo is angry.
The main points of his letter. The letter is almost over the same as Jonathan's but herdsmen have replaced boko haram .

1 Nepotism and Clannish tendencies of Buhari
2 Herdsmen
3 Poor handling of the corrupt National Assembly
4 Economic renewal and progress

I can never respect any president who leaves a power vacuum to be exploited by non-state actors.
Like Jonathan, like Buhari.
If there is no sovereign to protect lives, how do you enjoy rights?
How do you build civilisation?
His administration sounds more and more like a Fulani/herdsmen presidency rather than a Nigerian presidency .
I criticised Jonathan for his sectional , incompetent and thieving government

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Politics / Re: FG Blames Anti-Open Grazing Law For Killings By Herdsmen by oduastates: 8:56pm On Jan 25, 2018
I have ruminated over this issue for a long time . I have gone deep and come out of the other side .
First things first .
Buhari like Jonathan and his SE goons ,Yar adua before him ,has shown himself incapable of going beyond crude nepotism .
Just like Jonathan, he is running an extremely clannish government .
Buhari must be a one term president.

To my main point . After much analysis , I have come to the conclusion That someone somewhere ordered these so-called herdsmen to forcefully settle on other people's land and if they meet any resistance, murder ,plunder and destroy.
This new terror started under Jonathan with the Fulani/ herdsmen using the vacuum of leadership to continue their expansionist tendencies. It has continued .
The cattles are just occupational disguise . The mission is to forcefully occupy the people's land.
The villagers did not steal their cattle.Those are just made up excuses to continue their terror .
Anyone who has travelled widely in Nigeria will tell you that there are thousand of hectares of unoccupied grasslands in the north that are faraway from human habitation. But it is exactly where people live and settle that they want to graze their cow .
Tell that to the dogs
These herdsmen not only kill , they slaughter their victims in a Textbook Jihadist style .
Even the single roaming herder rapes women(kufirs) .
The Fulanis are not only involved in jihadist /ISIS related activities in Maiduguri, they are active in Mali , Central African Republic,Chad ,Nigeria etc .
Did people actually listen to that professor of nonsense who claimed Benue belong to the Fulani ?
Can you remember that Rep who said that Bayelsa's oil belongs to Jigawa?
People laughed that away as if it was clown talking .I have heard that deluded supremacist crap many times . Believe me , they are serious and they act to that ideology .They really do believe that they are special and Nigeria belongs to them to lord over.

What should be done ?
Everybody must put pressure on their governors to pass the anti grazing law . After more than 50 years of putting up with the self entitled antics of a minority ,

1 nomadic education, we fund it

2 No religion in census ,we allow it .

3 money on a self inflicted NW/NE boko haram wound , we waste money to fight it .

4 A Minority with more representation in parliament, we allow it .

5 Change the structure of the country for progress to happen , they fight it

6 More states and LG to siphon funds , we Sidon dey look .

7 Sharia in a country that is supposed to be secular , we do nothing .

8 They ban beer , Ban wine yet partake in sharing the funds from alcohol thereby allow the petulance of the Fulani elites to continue to use religion to emasculate and lord over their masses .

At what stage do we say that
enough is enough .

Everybody must send a clear message to their leaders ,Obas , politicians .
Enough is enough .
And they must be ready to exchange these myopic, corrupt and idiotic self serving leaders with people who are ready to make a stand .

No cattle colony
No government funded ranches ( apart from normal technical assistance to Nigerians.)
No killers to be allowed to settle in our midst .

The issues we have ended up dealing with is to support the medieval culture of a minority/non indigenous tribe who have shown an unwillingness to move beyond the 9th century.


After my comment , I came about this video saying exactly what is happening from those at the receiving end .
Please watch this video.


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Politics / Re: Agbakoba, Utomi, Duke, Falana, Others To Lead NIM Steering Committee by oduastates: 3:12pm On Jan 25, 2018
I already see the names of the usual suspects on the list


Pets / Re: Top Most Dangerous Dogs In Nigeria (beware Of Dogs) by oduastates: 1:27pm On Jan 25, 2018
Tibetan mastiff


Politics / Re: My Hands Are Clean Over Fulani Herdsmen Killings Of Innocent Nigerians -buhari by oduastates: 11:38am On Jan 25, 2018
Nobody cares about your cleans hands .
do the jobs you were employed to do .
The Security of lives and property is the number item on the oath of office .

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Politics / Re: Irigwe Militants In Miango Attack Fulani. Disturbing Pixs by oduastates: 10:49am On Jan 25, 2018
Cattle is a cultural thing to the Fulani Man, they are a symbol of wealth and a source of pride, and a person's entire life revolves around the herds.

To a real Fulani, any pursuit other than a pastoral one, specifically the herding of cattle, is regarded as demeaning to themselves and insulting to Fula culture. Even sex, colour of the cattle and where they graze is ritually significant

To a Fulani Man, cattle are a major sign of wealth, and are exchanged between a groom and his bride's family as a symbol of their bond (bridewealth). Essentially, their social use is to create or strengthen ties and loyalties.

Without Cattle, a Fulani Man is Mr, nobody, a outcast and a failure to the family. The Minority tribes in the NC, are aware of this, they still attack and rustle their cows. We the Fulani by our nature will always see an attack against our source of survival as an attack on our lives. This belief, understandly is cruel, because to me, no amount of herds of cattle can ever equate to the life of a single human being.

This is one reason why we should support any initiative, whether colony, protectorate, ranching, or whatever as long as its going to stop this cycle of madness.

You did not complete the culture aspect.

Cattle herding , depriving other people of the sustenance and killing them on their indigenous lands seems to be the full culture .
Then should Keep that barbaric culture to their land

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Politics / Re: Kwankwaso’s Kano Visit: Dambazau Heads Security Committee by oduastates: 2:32am On Jan 25, 2018
Yeah right.
The founder of sharia police in Kano!
Culture / Re: Alaafin Of Oyo Reveals What Traditional Rulers Should Do About Herdsmen Killings by oduastates: 1:40pm On Jan 24, 2018
Someone should go and educate this man that these are not the nomad that used to graze in plateau. They have invited their non Nigerian cousins from all over west Africa because for the better part of 10 years , there has been a vacuum of sovereignty in Nigeria and what you are seeing are uncultured aliens who are still stuck in the 15th century.
Perhaps we should also give landed rights to Yorubas and Dahomeans were cut off in 1914.

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Politics / Re: "Restructure Nigeria or We Leave" Punch Advert by Yoruba Elders by oduastates: 7:50pm On Jan 22, 2018
All those talking about balls.
If we decide to go all in and secede , just watch as we take down the evil foundations on which Nigeria is built ,one brick at a time .


Politics / Re: "Restructure Nigeria or We Leave" Punch Advert by Yoruba Elders by oduastates: 7:09pm On Jan 22, 2018
Oil oil oil.
That is the glue that binds all the elites benefiting from the country


Politics / Re: "My Fulani Story"; Pastor Narrates His Experience With Herdsmen In His Farm.PICS by oduastates: 8:50pm On Jan 21, 2018
Miyetti Allah have already indicted themselves and have claimed responsibility.

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Politics / Re: Awolowo Caused All The Problems In Nigeria - - Unongo by oduastates: 8:44pm On Jan 21, 2018


Politics / Re: Distribution Of Cleaner Lagos Initiative Thrash Bags Begins by oduastates: 8:43pm On Jan 21, 2018
After breaking what was working .
This Ambode na original Dundee.
Motor park and flyover governor.


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