Romance / Re: Disadvantages Of Fat Ladies by quintybabe(f): 10:45am On Feb 01, 2021 |
Op no get sense o! What kind of rubbish is this? No one choose there gene and shouldn't be body shamed for it. The fact that you don't like it doesn't make it a disease. Leave them for someone who appreciated them. It is not your fat bro! |
Food / Re: How To Prepare Garden Egg Sauce (Pictures) by quintybabe(f): 7:37pm On Jan 30, 2021 |
This is my garden egg sauce with boiled plantain 5 Likes 1 Share
Education / Re: World Teachers Day 2020 - How Do You Relate With Your Teacher Now? by quintybabe(f): 4:51pm On Oct 05, 2020 |
Let me also use this medium to appreciate some of my teachers. God bless Mrs Ladega of Grace Nursary and Primary school and all my primary school teachers. God bless Mr dada my Yoruba teacher in my junior secondary(AGS), Mr saliu, the biology teacher and Mr Aboderin the physics teacher (ICHS). May you all live long to reap the fruit of your labour, May your children not lack help where ever they may go! Amen 1 Like |
Romance / Re: Married But Lonely by quintybabe(f): 5:47pm On Sep 18, 2020 |
You should be grateful you aint married to a lazy woman, i want to assume her reason for refusing to relocate is not to be idle at home. So, If you want her to relocate then help her secure a job at Lagos or go out of your way to make sure she will have something doing when she leaves kaduna. |
Literature / Re: Dominic Onyekachi Creates Digital Collection Of African Stories For Kids - CNN by quintybabe(f): 11:55am On Aug 22, 2020 |
Nice job but i would have prefered the traditional African folktales, we were told a few while growing up but i doubt if children born in the 90s and 20s were that privileged. Tales about innovations and gender equality or what a view is good to make our children aware of IT and all the modern stuff but tales with moral lessons and that promotes core African values is very important because looking at the present generation, there is no morals and traditional values anymore. 1 Like |
Romance / Re: Relationship/marital Goals One: Have You Asked Yourself These Important Question by quintybabe(f): 9:39pm On Jul 06, 2020 |
bebeto94: U are a perfectionist. Nobody has everything all figured out. Trust God and be with a hardworking person. No one knows everything. Just leave urlife one step at a time and keep moving forward. U will not see any partner who knows everything or has everything. But be with someone whos willing to put an effort and be with u and grow together with u. This is thought provoking! Thanks sis |
Food / Re: Puffpuff Making Gone Wrong Because Of Instant Yeast by quintybabe(f): 9:35pm On Jul 06, 2020 |
lifenajeje: The fact that it's written instant yeast does not mean immediate usage ..
U need to wait for it to rise ..
Probably yeast went bad due to storage . I did but may b it wasn't long enough |
Food / Re: Puffpuff Making Gone Wrong Because Of Instant Yeast by quintybabe(f): 9:34pm On Jul 06, 2020 |
okirewaju: The third pics looks better. Where is the Chi exotic drink you had it with? Lol! |
Food / Re: Puffpuff Making Gone Wrong Because Of Instant Yeast by quintybabe(f): 9:33pm On Jul 06, 2020 |
Mariangeles: @quintybabe, the problem was not the yeast, you made a mistake by not allowing the batter to rise. Instant yeast means that you don't need to activate it before using, you can just add it straight to the flour, but then you have to let the batter rise before frying.
See the ones I made with instant yeast: Hmm I did o! I left it for about 7minutes isn't that long enough? |
Food / Puffpuff Making Gone Wrong Because Of Instant Yeast by quintybabe(f): 4:29pm On Jul 02, 2020 |
Just few minutes ago, I decided to make puffpuff and this is not my first time of making it but because I was hundry and wanted to make it fast, I opted for instant yeast. With instant yeast you can fry your puff immediately, no need to wait for it to rise. The whole thing looks ok till I decided to fry. First I noticed that the look wasn't nice but then I thought it could be the quality of the floor but after I took a bite, I knew something was wrong. I decided to put one into two pieces and i wasnt pleased with what i saw. If you have ever tried making akara from a beans floor, you know it doesn't look the same as your fresh blended beans, not only that, the inside of the akara looks like rubber. That was exactly what i got. A rubber looking puffpuff on the inside. I have attached pictures. The first picture is that of the puffpuff I made with the instant yeast The second picture is what it looks on the inside The third pix is the one i made with the regular dry yeast. I feel there is a lesson to this and that is, there is no short cut in life! No more instant yeast, I will be patience next time. 3 Likes
Romance / Re: What's That Secret You Are Hiding From The Person You Are Dating Right Now? by quintybabe(f): 10:47am On Apr 13, 2020 |
The act of secrecy isn't a woman thing at all. I always spill my gut, I don't keep secret but my elder bro has a degree in secret keeping, how about that? And as for those men on this trend running their mouth, I feel sorry for you. Those of you in your 20s that kind you are a hot cake and are treating women like trash, enjoy yourself now cause u will soon find yourselves miserable and lonely in the future and those women would have long moved on. Ask men in their 30s and 40s, the broke ones hardly get a girl cause at that age no woman would want to settle for them and the rich ones can't tell who truly loves them.
What goes around comes around! 17 Likes 3 Shares |
Family / Re: 22-Year-Old Lady Finally Finds Her Dad Who Impregnated Her Mum And Ran Away.PICS by quintybabe(f): 8:57pm On Dec 08, 2019 |
there is always two sides of a story, unfortunately the one who raises the child never, tells the bad part they contributed to the break up
I know that but it is not enough excuse to abandon your child. You have to make effort to be in there life but to leave and not look back for years, isn't excusable as far as I am concern |
Food / Re: Quick Easy Recipe On How To Make Sweet Donuts by quintybabe(f): 11:55am On Apr 16, 2019 |
You mentioned rolling pin as one of the equipment to be used but didn'eventually use it during the instructions |
Education / Re: Is Marking Scheme Necessary For Lecturers? by quintybabe(f): 8:18am On Feb 26, 2018 |
If actually you taught the course and you are the same person to mark, I see no point in a marking scheme. Are u saying u can't remember what you taught your student? Marking scheme is necessary where the lecturer or teacher is indispose, someone else will be able mark the scripts using the marking guide but aside that i see no point in it. Truth be told even with the marking scheme any other person marking the scripts aside the lecturer cannot do the job well, where the lecturer would have considered a student as having an idea of the question being asked, the other person will consider it a total nonesense and mark the student wrong. |
Family / Re: 22-Year-Old Lady Finally Finds Her Dad Who Impregnated Her Mum And Ran Away.PICS by quintybabe(f): 12:29pm On Feb 24, 2018 |
Epique: How do you give birth to an innocent child, abscond and continue living like nothing happened? What happened to taking responsibility for your actions? And to think this one is just a minute part of so many out there. When the child starts making headway in life, they run back to beg whilst shifting all blames on the devil. People join in too reminding you how, according to the tenets of your religion, it is important for you to forgive and forget. No, never!
Pay them back in their own coin so they realise the dire consequences of irresponsibility. Others learn from it too, they avoid it and that would be saving a lot of our innocent children.
I detest irresponsible men! my opinion exactly! |
Family / Re: 22-Year-Old Lady Finally Finds Her Dad Who Impregnated Her Mum And Ran Away.PICS by quintybabe(f): 12:28pm On Feb 24, 2018 |
I can never go in search of any man that aband on me as a child, what do I simply need him for as an adult. any man that leaves his child/children (even if it their mother that misbehave) and didn't make effort to stay in contact with them his merely a sperm donor and not a father. 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: How Many Men Get Married As Virgins? by quintybabe(f): 7:00pm On Feb 12, 2018 |
TheSuperNerd: I disagree that being a virgin as a guy is embarrassing. It is a choice for some of us. While for some it is a given because they are shy to woo.
But again you make a good point about virgin guys marrying a lady who has tasted dicks and may thus struggle to please his woman in the bedroom... Honestly, this is a challenge and I believe it is best for Virgin guys to seek their romantic joy and love in Virgin ladies. I believe destiny should pair him with a woman that will love him and not compare him to other men in the bedroom... That is one of the worst things one can put a man through sexually.
u need to understand one thing, virginity isn't a guarante of a good marriage. Virginity is a choice u make to honour God with your body and getting married to a virgin like yourself doesn't mean your partnet will be forever faithful to you or make a good wife. Character n godliness it what makes a good wife, a virgin can still seek for sexual pleasure outside marriage. What most men doesn't understand is most female virgins are very well informed about sex n sexuality, some have masturbated, watch porn, given a mouth job, done anal and had MouthAction. So don't think u are a marrying a sexually pure lady even if she is a virgin. virginity doesn't necessarily mean PUrity. finally bro, don't miss out on a good woman just because u want a virgin. your yardstick should be how much of Christ she knows and how obedient to his word and committed to his work she is. #shalom# 1 Like |
Romance / Re: How Many Men Get Married As Virgins? by quintybabe(f): 6:57pm On Feb 12, 2018 |
TheSuperNerd: I disagree that being a virgin as a guy is embarrassing. It is a choice for some of us. While for some it is a given because they are shy to woo.
But again you make a good point about virgin guys marrying a lady who has tasted dicks and may thus struggle to please his woman in the bedroom... Honestly, this is a challenge and I believe it is best for Virgin guys to seek their romantic joy and love in Virgin ladies. I believe destiny should pair him with a woman that will love him and not compare him to other men in the bedroom... That is one of the worst things one can put a man through sexually.
U need to understand one thing, virginity isn't a guarante of a good marriage. Virginity is a choice u make to honour God with your body and getting married to a virgin like yourself doesn't mean your partnet will be forever faithful to you or make a good wife. Character n godliness it what makes a good wife, a virgin can still seek for sexual pleasure outside marriage. What most men doesn't understand is most female virgins are very well informed about sex n sexuality, some have masturbated, watch porn, given a mouth job, done anal and had MouthAction. So don't think u are a marrying a sexually pure lady even if she is a virgin. virginity doesn't necessarily mean PUrity. finally bro, don't miss out on a good woman just because u want a virgin. your yardstick should be how much of Christ she knows and how obedient to his word and committed to his work she is. #shalom#
Family / Re: My Parent Wants Me To Move Back Home At 30. Please Advise by quintybabe(f): 5:06am On Nov 14, 2017 |
Are U Sure,you Were Not A Rascal mania? No Be That One We Dey Talk Here Abeg. you are free to assume what u want, my comment is meant for the poster and not you and u ain't the one to determine if it were relevant or not. |
Family / Re: My Parent Wants Me To Move Back Home At 30. Please Advise by quintybabe(f): 5:04am On Nov 14, 2017 |
Family / Re: My Parent Wants Me To Move Back Home At 30. Please Advise by quintybabe(f): 8:18pm On Nov 12, 2017 |
This remind me of my dad and I, my own worst pass yours. We use to fight about everything from my hair style to my choice of clothe, make up and Jewry. I have been called names such as Bastard, prostitute, just name it. I have been threatened with curse much more than i can count. My dad usual sings it to my hearing that his spirit isnt happy with me whenever he sees me and will even tell me God isnt happy with me either. There was a time I dread my hair and my dad told me to loose it and I told him I can't, all hell was let loose, everybody at home beg me to listen and just do what he wants but i stood my ground and carry that harhair for 3 month, i was expecting the worst But nothing happened. after service year I told my dad I wanted to visit a guy, there's nothing he didn't say, imagine after serving in northern Nigeria for a whole year, I can't even go out but now they are all praying I get married in my mid thirty. When I got tired of their drama, I moved out of the house at 32. See you will bethe to suffer the consequences of their actions cause it is your life.i Advice you to stand your ground, they will quote scriptures about obeying ur parent and blabla but they won't mention where bible admonish them to not provock their children to anger. Your case is even better you are a man, you better learn to make decisions for yourself else they will control you like a puppet. I forgot to mention that my dad is a pastor too!
Family / Re: My Parent Wants Me To Move Back Home At 30. Please Advise by quintybabe(f): 8:17pm On Nov 12, 2017 |
oprah007: Hi everyone. Happy Sunday. I am a guy of 30 years of age who graduated with BA Degree last year. I couldn't go for youth service because of my age. So I decided to get myself an apartment and started hustling and hunting for job. I recently got a job which promise a great future even though the pay at the moment is not much. I also have a girlfriend who school in one of the federal polytechnics. My father is a Pastor, pastoring a small church in the same state I live.
Now the issue at hand is that my father wants me to leave my apartment and move back home (until probably when I am ripe for marriage I guess). He has been on this for quite sometime of which I told him I can't move back home with them at my age and moreover, its a rented apartment (My parents never build house).
Today, he dropped a bomb. He commanded me to pack all my things and move back home to come and help him with d church within 7 days else, he will see to it that I am sacked from my new work in one way or the other and also threaten to pray to God to make my girlfriend jilt me (coz she is one of d reasons why I don't want to move back home according to him).
I don't want to move back home at my age. I always pray against it as I see such act as pointing to a backward step in my life. I have managed to setup my apartment to taste and also aiming to marry my present girlfriend.
Do I yield to my father's "come back home" instruction or do I stand on my decision not to? PLEASE ADVISE. This remind me of my dad and I, my own worst pass yours. We use to fight about everything from my hair style to my choice of clothe, make up and Jewry. I have been called names such as Bastard, prostitute, just name it. I have been threatened with curse much more than i can count. My dad usual sings it to my hearing that his spirit isnt happy with me whenever he sees me and will even tell me God isnt happy with me either. There was a time I dread my hair and my dad told me to loose it and I told him I can't, all hell was let loose, everybody at home beg me to listen and just do what he wants but i stood my ground and carry that harhair for 3 month, i was expecting the worst But nothing happened. after service year I told my dad I wanted to visit a guy, there's nothing he didn't say, imagine after serving in northern Nigeria for a whole year, I can't even go out but now they are all praying I get married in my mid thirty. When I got tired of their drama, I moved out of the house at 32. See you will bethe to suffer the consequences of their actions cause it is your life.i Advice you to stand your ground, they will quote scriptures about obeying ur parent and blabla but they won't mention where bible admonish them to not provock their children to anger. Your case is even better you are a man, you better learn to make decisions for yourself else they will control you like a puppet. I forgot to mention that my dad is a pastor too 9 Likes |
Food / Re: Cook In Your Kitchen, Take Pictures And Post It Here. SIMPLE! by quintybabe(f): 8:36am On Oct 28, 2017 |
Bitter leaves soup n garri for dinner rice n beans with Ofada stew for breakfast 3 Likes
Literature / Re: Onyeka Nwelue: "A Lady Asked For Sex Before She Could Give Me Loan" by quintybabe(f): 3:23pm On Oct 17, 2017 |
kay29000: Of course there will always be double standards. I remember a couple of years ago, I was in my room, nursing a hangover from the night before, and my friend's female friend came into the room. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see her standing there. I had seen her for the first time a few hours before then when my friend asked me to help her turn on the TV/DSTV in the parlor as he was leaving the flat.
So, there she was in my room, asking me if I am okay and all that. I told her I had a little too much to drink last night and needed to sleep it off, then she asked if she could lie down beside me on the bed. I thought I wasn't hearing well, but I sha nodded. She lay down beside me, and I turned around to continue my sleep. A few minutes later, she tapped me, I turned around, and she slowly kissed me. I didn't want to embarrass her, so I played along...long story short, we had sex.
If it was the other way around, the female in the equation would have shouted rape. Because, really, that was like rape to me. That wasn't rape but a consensual sex, if u didn't want it you would have said No and if she then force herself on u that when you were raped. |
Food / Re: Cook In Your Kitchen, Take Pictures And Post It Here. SIMPLE! by quintybabe(f): 3:23pm On Oct 16, 2017 |
Come and join me, it E wa agonyin and agege bread 5 Likes
Food / Re: Cook In Your Kitchen, Take Pictures And Post It Here. SIMPLE! by quintybabe(f): 1:39pm On Oct 11, 2017 |
casby: White soup with poundo for dinner. Enjoy Can you pls share the recipe of the white soup with me, thanks |
Food / Re: Cook In Your Kitchen, Take Pictures And Post It Here. SIMPLE! by quintybabe(f): 1:36pm On Oct 11, 2017 |
luciouscookie: No going to the kitchen till next week  Hello pls can i get the recipe for the banga and oh a soup, thanks |
Celebrities / Re: Breaking News Don William Is Dead by quintybabe(f): 6:14pm On Sep 12, 2017 |
fait10: can i know u better quinty?? No, you can't |
Celebrities / Re: Breaking News Don William Is Dead by quintybabe(f): 2:24pm On Sep 10, 2017 |
fait10: whats up quinty Am fine and you |
Celebrities / Re: Breaking News Don William Is Dead by quintybabe(f): 11:48am On Sep 09, 2017 |
My favourite country musician RIP to him!  |
Nairaland / General / Re: What Decisions Have You Taken That Have Affected Your Life Positively? by quintybabe(f): 5:35pm On Sep 08, 2017 |
Breaking up with my ex  1 Like |