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Religion / Hewned By False Repentance! by topshore(f): 12:30pm On Jun 20, 2023
Scripture Text: Luke 3:7-9

John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 9 The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

Repentance means having a change of heart or feeling bad about things you did in the past. It is turning around and going the other way to show that you are sorry for your sin. It includes admitting wrongdoings from the past and deciding not to do them again. Repentance also means to turn away from sin, disobedience, or revolt and turn back to God.

Have you turned to the positive? If so, have you really changed your mind? Turning away from wrongdoing and dead works is what it means to repent. With the help of the Holy Spirit, a mind that has truly changed will bear some fruit. Love, hope, self-control, patience, and so on are some of these fruits. Men should pray and not give up. A person who wants to change prays always, whether it's the right time or not.

You no longer have to cheat or lie to people with whom you do business. You have to be honest, whether they are Christians or not. As the Spirit of God comes over you, righteousness, joy, and peace are also fruits of repentance. Repentance shows itself in ways like being kind and gentle. Do you always tell the truth, or do you sometimes lie? Today, you have to do a U-turn. Today, walk in love and decide to let your gifts show so they can change lives and the world. People will know you have changed based on what you do now.

Without being truly sorry, there is no good fruit in you and may be hewned by your ingenuine repentance. True repentance is the way to become holy. When you decide to follow Jesus, you must also decide that you will always have a repentant heart. God makes us holy, and the benefits of true repentance are the reward we get here on earth. Restitution must also be done to complete a true repentance.

God bless you!

If you would like to give your life to Christ just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take contol of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, i enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Lord Jesus, in Jesus' name I pray, amen!



Also see //flatimes.com/mfm-devotional-20-june-2023-fruits-of-true-repentance/
Religion / 10 Facts About The Word: The "Gospel" by topshore(f): 4:04pm On Jun 13, 2023
Scripture Text: 1 Corithians 15:1-5

The Gospel is also called in the Bible a "word," a "doctrine," a "seed," the "good news," and "the truth." Because God uses the word of the gospel to bring people back to himself, it must be taught, heard, understood, believed, confessed, and defended.

You might wonder what the word "Gospel" means when you want to learn more about God or tell other people about Him. And how do you make sense of it? Here are 10 things about the Gospel that you should know.

1. Meaning of the Gospel
It is also called "Good News"? The meaning of "Good News" can be found in 1 Corinthians 15:1–5, the Apostle Paul wrote, "I want to remind you of the gospel I taught to you, which you accepted and on which you have built your lives. By this faith, you will be saved if you stick to what I told you. Otherwise, you have trusted in vain. For what I learned, I passed on to you as the most important thing: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas and then to the Twelve [disciples]." Christ also showed up to other people, but the most important thing is that He died for our sins and rose again so that we can live forever.

2. The Gospel is very Simple
You will notice right away that the Gospel has two parts: Christ died for our sins, and then he came back to life.

3. The Gospel is not a Religion
Religion is how people try to find God. The Gospel is the good news that God is looking for lost people through Jesus Christ. Religion can only change how people look on the outside. The Gospel changes how people feel on the inside.

4. The Gospel is Free
No one can buy their way to God. It is a free gift from God, given to us when we put our faith in Christ.

5. The Gospel is for Everyone
It is called the "Gospel of our salvation" because it is "the power of God that saves everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

6. The Gospel will set you Free!
It's called the "Gospel of peace" because it brings peace between a criminal and God through Christ. Christ is the way for us to get to God.

7. The Gospel is Once and for All Time
It happened only once, and it will never happen again. It was a one-time thing that gives us a way to live forever now and always.

8. The Gospel is Unique
The most important thing that sets our faith in God apart from other religions is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

9. The Gospel Has Been Fulfilled
Through the Gospel, Jesus Christ made peace with God by dying on the cross 2,000 years ago, and we are just living in that peace. We need not do anything more but to just submit our lives to Christ and serve Him alone.

10. The Gospel can be Received
If you accept Christ, He will accept you, and you will find that this Gospel, which talks about His death, burial, and resurrection, is the power of God for eternal salvation. "He gave the right to become God's children to all who received Him and believed in His name" (John 1:12).

God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Do you want to accept Jesus Christ? The Gospel is presented to you today for you to receive wholeheartedly.

Just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, and I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus, in Jesus name I pray: amen!



Also read https://goingfarther.net/basics-of-christianity/the-gospel/
Religion / Common Questions During Evangelism: Q2- What Does It Mean To Be Born Again? by topshore(f): 7:17pm On Jun 06, 2023
Scripture Text: John 3:1-21

Another common question asked by people during evangelism is : If you are already alive, how can you be "born again"? You're only born once, right?

Being born again is not a physical rebirth. Instead, it is a mental rebirth. It means that our hearts have changed from being indifferent or hostile towards God to loving Him and wanting to do what is best for us.
But how does it happen?

First, we need to know where we are as people right now. We all have the same problem, and Jesus said it starts in our minds. Sin is the trouble, which means missing the mark or not doing what we should do. We try to fix this problem on our own, whether we know it or not. We try to make up for it or put it out of our minds, but deep down, we still feel like something is missing. Nothing will make us happy unless we have Jesus in our lives and find out that we can spend eternity with Him.

In the Bible, there's a story about a man named Nicodemus. He was a religious leader and a good person. One night, while talking to Jesus, Nicodemus asked Him what he needed to do to get to heaven. Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (John 3:7). In fact, Jesus said, "Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).

Jesus was telling Nicodemus that he needed to change on the inside, no matter how good he was on the outside. That can only happen when God's Holy Spirit convicts us of wrongdoing and gives us new life from the inside out.

So, what should we do?

First, we have to recognise that we are sinners and can't live up to God's perfect standard on our own. Then we have to ask for forgiveness for that sin and change, which means to do everything we can to stop doing that sin. The last thing we do is ask Jesus to be a part of our lives.

The Spirit of God comes into our hearts at that time to guide us and make us more like Him. We start over again at that point.

God says it this way: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you" (Ezekiel 36:26). From that point on, He gives us new goals and a new reason to live. We don't live for ourselves anymore; we live for God (2 Corinthians 5:15).

You can have a spiritual rebirth today:


God bless you.

If you would like to give to Christ, just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus Christ, in Jesus' name I pray! Amen!



Religion / Common Questions During Evangelism: Q1- Is Jesus God? by topshore(f): 9:40am On May 30, 2023
Scripture Text: John 10:30

Some people say that Jesus Christ was just a person or a great teacher. He was and is a lot more than that, though. The Bible says that Jesus is special because of who He is and what He came to do. During His time on earth, He wasn't just a spiritual person. He was both God's Son (John 3:16) and God (God in a human body, 1 Timothy 3:16). He was both fully human and fully God (Colossians 2:9).

Jesus' Claims

He said that He was God. It might be hard to understand how this could be true, but it's important to remember that God is much bigger and stronger than we can understand. We do know that Jesus said in John 8:58 that He was around before Abraham. He said that He and His Father are the same (John 10:30) and that He is the same as His Father (John 5:17–18).Not only did he say he was God, but he also said he had God's power. (Matthew 25:31–46) He said that he has the power to judge the people. He says he has the power to bring the dead back to life (John 5:25–29) and forgive sins (Mark 2:5-7), which are things only God can do (1 Samuel 2:6; Isaiah 43:25).

Jesus also says in John 14:13–14 and Matthew 28:20 that He has the power to hear prayers and that He will always be with those who follow Him. Jesus is compared to the creator of the world in the New Testament (John 1:3), and in John 16:15, He says, "All that belongs to the Father is mine."

But what's the evidence?

Even if someone says they are something, like Jesus said He was God, that doesn't make it true. What proof is there that He is God? What Jesus does, not just what He says, tells us about who He is. He has left behind a lot of proof that He is God. Some of these pieces of proof are fulfilled prophecies and written accounts of Jesus doing miracles that broke the rules of nature. He also didn't do anything wrong (Hebrews 4:15). No one else has ever done that.But His rising from the dead after dying on the cross was the best proof of all that He was God. No one has ever come back from the dead on their own.Did Jesus ever tell anyone, "I am God?"If someone told you, "I am God," would you believe them? Many people who believe in one God would think the person was blaspheming. Even if Jesus had said, "I am God," in those exact words, many people would not have believed Him or even listened to what He was saying. He didn't say these words, but he did give us reasons to believe this claim.

In Luke 4:8, Jesus says, "The Bible says, 'You must worship and serve only the Lord your God.'" Many times, He said and did things to show that He is the Lord. Jesus, for example, says that He is "the first and the last" (Revelation 1:17; 22:13), which is what God the Father says in Isaiah 44:6. But maybe you are looking for a place in the Bible where Jesus says, "I am God; worship me," in those exact words. If we say that Jesus could only claim to be God by saying that one line, we might also ask where He says, "I am a great teacher, but I am not God," or "I am just a prophet; don't worship me." That's also not what the Bible says.The good news is that Jesus has told us many times that He is God. He has made it clear that He and God the Father are the same (John 10:30), and in John 14:6, He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Who else but God could say these things?Does this mean that there is more than one god?Even if you believe Jesus is God, that doesn't mean there is more than one god. Followers of Jesus think that there is only one God who has three parts."God has shown Himself to us in three ways: as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," Billy Graham once said. Each one does something different, but they all work together as one God."Let me show you what I mean. Have you ever thought about how some things we see are both three and one at the same time? St. Patrick taught the Irish about this many centuries ago by showing them a clover leaf, which has three leaves but is still only one leaf. Or consider water. It doesn't matter if a quart of water is ice, water, or steam—it's still a quart of water."

Heaven is real, and there's only one way to get there—one way to be free of your sin and have a connection with God. This is because of Jesus Christ.

If Jesus is God's Son, how can He be God?

Does the fact that Jesus is God's son mean that God had a wife?God's never been married. Jesus' status as God's Son is evident from the title. Jesus, unlike us, did not have two parents on earth. Instead, he was miraculously born to a woman who had never been pregnant. He was born holy and sinless. Even Jesus' mother, Mary, asked, "How will this happen?" (Luke 1:34), but God is all-powerful and made a way for the holy Jesus to be born as a person. In Matthew 1:20, an angel tells Joseph, who is engaged to Mary, that what she is carrying "is from the Holy Spirit." God and Mary did not have a sexual relationship that led to the birth of Jesus. Instead, God performed a miracle through the Holy Spirit that led to the birth of Jesus. Jesus was fully God and fully human at the same time.Luke, a doctor, wrote the most detailed gospel account of the birth of Jesus without a father. This is also important. Luke knew that a baby being born without a father was impossible, but after doing a lot of study, he came to the conclusion that it was true. The same God who had enough power to make the universe also had enough power to bring Jesus into the world without a human father. His birth was a miracle, which is just one more sign that He is God.What's the point of knowing who Jesus is?

Heaven is real, and there's only one way to get there—one way to be free of your sin and have a connection with God. This is because of Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12 says, "No one else can save you, because there is no other name under heaven by which you can be saved." You must trust in Jesus if you want to live forever in heaven. This is why: We all sin, which means that none of us measure up to God's perfect ideal. Romans 6:23 says that because of sin, people die. That means being cut off from God forever. But because Jesus never did anything wrong in His life, His death on the cross was the best way to pay for our sins. Because He overcame death by rising from the dead, we can have Eternal Life with God if we believe in Him.

Want to believe in Jesus?

After His death and resurrection, hundreds of people saw the risen Christ and believed in Him. Over the past 2,000 years, millions of people have learned that only Jesus can satisfy the deepest desires and wants of the human heart. Colossians 2:3 says that "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ."What the Bible says about Him—can we trust it? We have a lot of reasons to think that the Bible is true, and many people find that God speaks to them when they read it—maybe not audibly, but through His words.Even though the Bible is written in many different ways, the main lesson is always the same: God loves us and gives us eternal life for free if we accept Jesus as our Saviour. There are different versions of the Bible to help different people understand it, but the main teachings and the person of Jesus Christ stay the same.Read the Bible's book of John if you want to know more about Jesus or what the Bible says about Him. It's a great starting point.

Also see https://goingfarther.net/common-questions.
God bless you.
If you would like to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer:
"Lord Jesus, I come before You now; I acknowledge that I am a sinner; I repent from all my sins; I believe and accept You today as my Lord and personal Saviour; I confess that You are the Son of God; come into my life and take control. I say bye-bye to the devil, and I enter the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus; in Jesus' mighty name, I pray, amen!


Religion / The Principles Of Prayer by topshore(f): 10:14pm On May 23, 2023
Scripture Text: Luke 18: 1

Calvary greetings Brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Bible reading for today tells us how Jesus Christ told us why we should pray and not give up. But even though Jesus Christ told us to pray, there are some rules about how to pray. Even though I think that God answers prayers because of his mercy and grace, we still need to do certain things when we pray to him.

The first rule is to have nothing to hide from God. Make up with God for any sins you've done, and be sorry for them. Tell Him about your known and unknown sins so that you can get His forgiveness and the cleansing He promised in John 1:9: "if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all our righteousness".

Second id to accept that we are sinners and never try to justify ourselves whenever we come to God in prayer. 1 John 1:8 says: "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us". This Bible verse may be talking to people who say sin doesn't exist or who think their bad actions aren't really sin but just a way to show how they feel.

Another principle is praying to God without wavering faith. Hebrews 11: 1,6 says: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evident of things not seen...but without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Faith is simply putting all of your trust and reliance on God to answer your prayers, even if what you think He will do doesn't happen right away. God will answer when it's right for Him. Believe, because it can move mountains.

The fourth principle is to get rid of any idols you have in your heart when you pray. Idols are things that you put ahead of God in your heart. Ezekiel 14:1-6 tells us that some of Israel's most important leaders had idols in their hearts and turned away from God's plan to live their own sinful lives. God wouldn't help them or answer their prayers because of this. To pray to God and do anything else, you have to get rid of all the idols in your life.

We must abide in Christ and the Word of God to answer our prayers. This is the fifth principle. John 15:7 says: "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, then you shall ask what you need and I will do it unto you". To stay with Christ, we have to be a branch on His vine. This is the only way to live.

The sixth principle of prayer is to love our neighbours as ourselves. John 15:12 states: "This is my command that ye love one another, as I have loved you. " For prayers to be answered, we need to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Another principle of prayers is the golden rule in Mathew 7:12 which states that we should do to our neighbours what we would like them to do to us. This is good for all relationships.

The seventh principle of prayer is to be clear about what you want from God. This is clear from the question Jesus Christ asked Bartimaeus, a blind man who got his sight back in Mathew 10:51 "And Jesus answered and said unot him, what will thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight". He didn't talk around the subject. He told Jesus what he wanted, and Jesus gave him what he wanted.

Last, when we pray, we shouldn't give up on God. Luke 18:1–8 tells the story of a dogged widow who kept bugging a bad judge to take care of her or her enemy. The bad judge finally gave her what she asked for. If we ask God for something and He doesn't give it to us, we shouldn't give up. Instead, we should keep asking, and the merciful God will do more for us than we could ever think. Paul asked God three times to take the thorn out of his side, but God didn't do it. He told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corithians 12:9). Paul was happy to hear what God said. God won't always do what we ask if He doesn't think it's best for us. After praying in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was arrested (Matthew 26:44), Jesus Christ finally gave in to God's Will.

God has a lot of kindness. When we know how to pray, God can answer us more quickly. In the name of Jesus Christ, let's put our trust in Him. He will never let us down.

God bless you.

If you want to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer: "Lord Jesus, I come to You now. Come into my life, take control of my life, and change the world. I'm leaving the devil behind and moving into the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.



Dr. D.K Olukoya: Mountaip Top Life Daily Devotional, Volume 8: 2023.
Religion / Put Your Life On The Line For Your Friends! by topshore(f): 8:09am On May 16, 2023
Scripture Text: John 15: 11-17

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"- John 15:13 (AKJV)

Our Scripture reading for today shows how far love needs us to go. This kind of love is called "agape" love, not "worldly" love. This is the kind of "agape" love that Jesus Christ told us to have for each other (John 15:12).
Jesus Christ showed us how much He loved us by giving up His life for us so that we wouldn't be destroyed or die. So He told us to put our lives on the line for our friends. He called this "The Greater Love."

So, does Jesus literally want us to die for our friends? No! Jesus did all of the dying so that we could enjoy all of the living. He died once for all of us, so no one else has to die for anyone else. Jesus Christ is just telling us to die to ourselves by putting someone else's needs ahead of our own.

Jesus Christ makes it clear that a friend is someone who deserves this kind of love. As Jesus told us in the story of the Good Samaritan, a friend is not just someone close to us but also the person next door who needs help and love. Jesus Christ didn't die just for the people He was close to. He died for everyone, no matter how broken, bad, or evil they were. Even though none of us were good enough to deserve His death, He died for us while we were still bad.

Most of the time, we miss what John 15:13 really means. We think a lot about what we should do for ourselves, but the most important thing is what we can do for others, just like Jesus did for us. Jesus died on the cross for us. We should do the same for the people around us.
This means we have to give up our own wants and needs for the sake of those around us. We don't fight for our rights or what we earn. Instead, we give these things up for the good of others, just like Jesus Christ did for us on Calvary.

Think about how much the church could change if we did this. How beautiful would it be in the Church of God if we gave up our lives, our rights, and our wants for the sake of others instead of fighting for what we deserve? What if we did our best? What if we loved each other? What if we gave up something? Think about how these things could have changed the world for the better.

Jesus led us to the right path. He had the right and the power to stand up for Himself and fight back when people tried to hurt Him. Yet He didn't. Even when His followers tried to fight for Him, He told them to stop. He gave up His right to save us, and this made the world different for the better.

If Jesus was able to do it, so can we! He says that in this world, we will do more greater than these (John 14:12).
Are you willing to give up your life? Go do it! In the name of Jesus Christ, God's kindness is enough for us. Amen!

God bless you.

Please, say this short prayer if you want to give your life to Christ:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now. Come into my life, take charge of my life, and change my world. I'm leaving the devil behind and moving into the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in Jesus' name, amen."



Also read: https://www.rethinknow.org/meaning-of-john-15-13-no-love-greater-than-this/
Dr. D.K Olukoya: Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional Vol 8. 2023.
Religion / Apostates, Beware! by topshore(f): 7:59pm On May 09, 2023
Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:26-31

"26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[b] 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."- Hebrews 10:26-31

"For if we choose to sin after knowing everything there is to know about the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sins." The sin of apostacy is talked about in Hebrews 10:26–29. Apostasy is when someone chooses to leave their faith. Apostates are people who move towards Christ and are on the verge of saving faith because they hear and understand the Gospel, but then reject what they have learned and turn away. These are people who may even be aware of their sins and say they believe in God. But instead of growing spiritually, they start to lose interest in Christ and become more interested in the things of the world. Eventually, they stop caring about the things of God and turn away. The second and third grounds in Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23, show how these kinds of people act. These are the people who "receive with joy" the things of the Lord but who are turned off by the worries of the world or the problems they face because of Christ.

In this text, "willful sinning" means that a person rejects Christ on purpose. To turn away from God's way after knowing it, hearing it taught, studying it, and thinking of oneself as a believer is to become an apostate. Willfully failing means that you do it over and over again and on purpose. This kind of person doesn't sin because they don't know any better, and they don't give in to short-term temptations because they are too weak to fight. Willful sinners sin because they have a set way of thinking and acting that they don't want to change. On the other hand, a true Christian is someone who sins and temporarily falls out of touch with God. But he will finally repent and return to God because his heavenly Father will keep trying to win him back and show him the truth until he can't stay away any longer. The real apostate will keep on sinning on purpose, gladly, and with no shame. John says in 1 John 3:9, "No one who is born of God sins, because His seed lives in him, and he can't sin because he is born of God."

Apostates know things, but they don't know how to use what they know. You can find them where Christ's light is shining, which is mostly in the church among God's people. Judas Iscariot is the best example of this. He knew a lot, but he didn't have real faith. Judas saw God's love and kindness more and better than anyone else who didn't believe the truth. He was one of Jesus' closest friends and ate, slept, and travelled with Him for years. He saw Jesus do miracles and heard Jesus, the best teacher the world has ever seen, speak the words of God, but he didn't follow Jesus. In fact, he helped plan to kill Jesus.

The apostate is beyond salvation because he has turned his back on the truth and continues to sin even though he knows better. He has also refused the only true sacrifice for sins, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. If Christ's death is turned down, there is no way to be saved. If you turn away from this sacrifice on purpose, there is no sacrifice left. There is only sin, for which the punishment is death for all time. This text isn't about a believer who stops believing, but about someone who says they believe but really doesn't. If you give up your faith, you show that you never had it in the first place (1 John 2:19).

The verdict of God for apostates is written in Hebrews 10:28-31 "28 Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30 For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”[b] 31 It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

Repent today for the judgement of God is at hand.

Say this short prayer if you want to give your life to Christ:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now. Come into my life, take charge of my life, and change my world. I'm done with the devil. I join the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in Jesus's name, amen."

Congratulations!!! Now that you've been reborn, you have a new life in Christ.

God bless you.


You can also read: https://www.gotquestions.org/Hebrews-10-26.html
Religion / Godly Leaders! by topshore(f): 11:16am On May 02, 2023
Scripture Text: Romans 13: 3-7

"It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness. For a throne is established by righteousness.- Proverbs 16:12 (NKJV)"

Leadership is simply the intentional act of having a good effect on people's character, development, or behaviour without using force or direct power. It's not a title, but a job, because the leader has to be many things to many different people. Godly leadership means supporting good and staying away from bad, even though you have been giving certain authority over people.

Are you a godly leader?

Godly leaders usually possess positive attitude and embed the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) in their leadership skills.

- A godly leader is the one must do what he says he will do and be consistent and reliable. People should be able to look up to a leader and get godly and valuable information from him.
- He must be able to solve problems and make decisions. A leader needs to be able to keep track of people and resources and not mess them up.
- He must be humble, making himself available to his people and avoiding being arrogant or proud.
- A godly leader shouldn't get angry quickly, but should be patient.
- He can't be mean, but he must be aware of what his people need by being loving and kind towards them.
- He must be able to bring out the best in his people and not put them down. He can't just leave people the way he found them, people should have faith in him.
- He has to help his team, build it up, teach them, and really care about them, not just ignore or look down on them.
- He must be able to point people in the right way and never lose his balance.
- He should set an example by taking the lead instead of sitting in the back (2 Samuel 11:1).
- Nehemiah 2:17 says that a leader should not mislead or take advantage of people. Instead, he should set out a goal, share his plan, and inspire others to work towards that vision. Nehemiah pushed his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem without fear.
- A leader shouldn't think that everything depends on him or her. He must be selfless. If he doesn't understand the idea of "service before self," the people he leads won't trust, respect, and stick with him.
- He must take responsibility for things that go wrong while he is in charge (1 Samuel 15:21).
- He should be honest and good at what he does (Psalms 78:72).
- He should listen to what people say and think about him to find out if his actions and life are hurting other people. At one point in His life, Jesus Christ wanted to know what people and His friends were saying about Him. Self-evaluation is a key part of being a leader.

Are you a leader who has nothing good or holy about them? You need to repent. You need to show God's people how to live by getting reborn. Leaders who are based on Christ don't rely on what they know (Proverbs 3:5–6). Most of the time, the Holy Spirit tells them what to do and what to avoid doing. For them to do well as leaders, their whole heart is set on God. Until you become God's friend, you won't be able to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say. To become God's friend, you have to give your life over to Jesus Christ, who is the Author and Finisher our faith.

Say this short prayer if you want to give your life to Jesus Christ:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now. Come into my life and redeem it. I'm sorry for all my sins, I'm leaving the devil behind, and I'm entering the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in Jesus's name, amen.


God bless you.


Also Read:mfm-devotional-2-may-2023-leaders-are-a-terror-to-evil
Religion / 20 Signs Your Are A Modern Day Pharisee by topshore(f): 12:04pm On Apr 25, 2023
Scripture Text: Mathew 23

Identifying Pharisee spirit today is crucial. We must avoid them since Jesus Christ says so much about them. Pharisees were stereotypically preoccupied with holiness. They didn't care about heart holiness or God's law, just external compliance to their own rules. They weren't righteous enough, according to Christ. He also states that we must "exceed" the Pharisees in righteousness to "enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:20).

The Pharisees, known as Perushim in Hebrew, were a Jewish "sect" that strictly followed the Law and were often portrayed as "holier than thou" in church pulpits.

Pharisees and scribes made considerable efforts to appear holy. The truth is that they only made conscious of external compliance (Matthew 5:21) and even then, only in connection to some commandments (Matthew 15:3).

But most of us are Pharisaical. Legalists become Pharisees. We all think we deserve heaven. Because grace says terrible things about us, we oppose grace from birth. John Piper defines legalism as “the conviction that law-keeping is the ground for our acceptance with God — a failure to be amazed at grace.”

How Can You Tell If Someone Is a Modern Pharisee?

1. You think that going to church every Sunday will make God happy with you.
2. You talk more about what you're against than about what you're for.
3. You think God really does need you. The Pharisees of today think that God needs them on his team. They think that the church needs them to keep going.
4. You don't turn away from sin because you think you haven't done anything "serious" enough to turn away from.
5. You see things in a black-and-white way. In many ways, the Bible is not clear. But Pharisees of today don't live in a world of grey. They need everything to be clear-cut. Come in or leave. Yes or no. Either way.
7. Your safety depends on what you do, not on what Jesus did.
8. You read the Bible to prove what you already believe, not to become like God.
9. You think that people outside of the church should live a certain way before they can be called "Christian."
10. You don't know that a convert is different from a move.
11. Everyone you know who is a Christian looks and acts just like you.
12. You get angry and hurt when someone tries to correct you.
13. You like seek honour among men
14. You are easily angered.
15. You live out your faith so that others can see it.
16. You urge moral duties without the Gospel.
16. You care about how you look than how you act.
17. You love status and celebrity
18. You mix religion with selfishness.
19. Pharisees use their own ideas to define sin.
20. Pharisees will go to hell if they don't change their ways.

Are you on your way to becoming a Pharisee? Do you recognise yourself in any of these signs? You need to repent now before it's too late.

God bless you.

If you would like to give your life to Christ just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus Christ, in Jesus' name I pray, amen!



Religion / Mission Accomplished! by topshore(f): 6:06pm On Apr 18, 2023
Scripture Text: John 19:30

What was Jesus' mission on earth?

Jesus Christ's mission was extensive, and when He completed it, He declared, "It is Finished!" (John 19:30).

Let's examine the many missions accomplished by Jesus Christ so that we can daily appreciate Him more.

-To proclaim the good news to the impoverished (Luke 18:14).
-He came to give us a fuller existence (John 10:10b).
-He was sent to proclaim the truth (John 18:37).
-He arrived to convey fire to the earth (Luke 12:49).
-He came as the Lamb of God to atone for the sins of the world (John 19:30).
-He consented to being pummelling and wounded; blood flowed from His incisions; water flowed from his side; a crown of thorns was placed on his head and caused blood to flow from it; and the nail in His feet caused blood to flow. All of these had significance for the Lord's redeemed who accepted His death, burial, and resurrection (John 19:33–39).
-He removed all of our tribulations and carried them all (Isaiah 53:4).
-With His stripes, we are cured physically, spiritually, and emotionally (Isaiah 53:5). He provided healing for all of our ailments.
-His sacrifice was ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME; even future generations will benefit from accepting Him as Lord and Saviour.
-By His sacrifice on the cross, He has given us a new lease on life.

What is your attitude towards Jesus Christ? He paid the price for your sin with His own life on Calvary's cross. He completed everything. Then, is your spirit in the proper place with Him?

If not, now is the time for repentance. If so, by "His Grace," persevere in His excellent task. We must rely on Him, not on our own fortitude or righteousness (Isaiah 64:6, Romans 5:19). What physical, mental, and spiritual burdens are you currently carrying? Now, Jesus can remove them. Just say:

"Now I come to You, Lord Jesus Christ. I recognise that I am a sinner, but I have repented of my crimes. I acknowledge You as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my existence, rule my universe, and complete me. Thank You, Jesus, and I pray in Your name, amen!


God bless you.


Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional: Vol 8, 2023.
Religion / Rule For Christian Household by topshore(f): 2:41pm On Apr 11, 2023
Scripture Texts: Colossians 3:20-25; 4:1-6

A Christian household is Christ-centred. Christian households are not religious. It is not ruled by a "restrictive" religion. Instead, it is a place where family members live under the "bright shadow" of the presence of the Son of God, speaking, acting, and relating to one another in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is intimately connected with all they do. In this family, "Christ is the head of this house, the unseen guest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation."

Christian households have huge traits. These distinguish Christian families from secular ones. Christian families are joyful. Every marriage and family has challenges, but nothing can take away our delight in the Lord. Christian households are organised. God does not confuse. (1 Corinthians 14:33). All Christian households are simple, holy, and tyrant-free. Grace defines Christian homes. Christian households are places of refuge, respite, and healing despite the world's hostility. Christian homes also serve. Christ is first, and serving God requires compassion, respect, humility, and love. All things are sacred, including basic tasks like washing, housework, and lawn mowing. Christian households also practise spiritual discipline. Studying the Bible, praying, meditating, and spending time with God are how we live. A Christian family also follows God's plan for each member. Their dreams of meeting Jesus Christ reflect God's purpose.

Rules for Christian Households
Our Scripture verses today outline Christian home rules:

- The Lord requires wives to submit to their husbands.
- Husbands must love their lives.
- Obeying parents pleases the Lord.
- Fathers should not anger their children to avoid discouraging them.
- Servants must follow their lord without eyeservice or menpleasers, fearing God. They must do everything for the Lord, not mankind. All actions are rewarded.
- Masters should treat their subordinates fairly, knowing they have a Heavenly Master.
- Christian families must pray and watch with thankfulness.
- Christians must pray for God's men (pastors, apostles, prophets, preachers, teachers, etc.) to keep sharing the secret of Christ and making - - - Christ's words clear in them.
- Redeeming time, Christian households must act wisely towards the unwise.
- Christian homes must speak with grace and salt to know how to respond to everyone.

God bless you.

If you would like to give your life to Christ or redicate your home to Him just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, I know that I'm a sinner, forgive me all my sins and have mercy upon me. Take control of my life and members of my household, as i I hand it over to You now. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus' precious name I pray, amen!



Holy Spirit
Dr. D.K Olukoya: Mountain Top Daily Devotional Vol 8, 2023.
Religion / Has Anyone Told You? by topshore(f): 3:39pm On Apr 04, 2023
Scripture Text: John 3:16-17

Memory Verse- "Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved"-Acts 4:12.

Has anyone told you about Jesus, God's one and only Son, and how he atoned for your crimes by dying on the cross? If that doesn't happen, the gospel of John will be presented to you. Because "God so loved the world," He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him might not die but might have eternal life.

Some people are unhappy, so they find the idea of eternal life repulsive. Dearly beloved, everlasting life is not merely a continuation of the wretched existence of earthly man. There is no end to eternal existence. There is no suffering, no evil, and no guilt in the afterlife. Eternal existence consists of spending all of eternity with God, where you will experience unending bliss beyond your wildest dreams.

In the absence of Christ, we tend to treat this world as though it were the only one. This existence is really just a warmup for the next. Therefore, to be truly adored, to believe in Christ, and to accept the gift of eternal life, the only way to access the eternal pleasure that comes from trusting in Jesus as your personal Saviour is by embracing Him as your Lord and Saviour. As we see in today's Scripture memory, He is the only one who can save us.

Putting one's faith in Jesus Christ means that a person knows they can only be saved by Him. It means making Christ the focus of your existence and letting Him direct your actions and decisions. To believe is to have faith that what He says can be relied upon. That's also trusting in His ability to bring about transformation. If you have never put your faith in Christ, now is the time to do so. Say this simple prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now. Come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world. I leave the realm of darkness and make my way into the realm of light. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen!



Dr. D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional, Volume 8: 2023 .
Religion / Have Perfect Hatred For Sin! by topshore(f): 6:09pm On Mar 28, 2023
Scripture Text: 1 John 1:4-10

"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us."-NIV.

Memory Verse: "Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour."

Sin is the one thing that God hates more than anything else. And the Bible tells us to be like our Father, who is perfect. "Be perfect, then, as your heavenly Father is perfect," says Matthew 5:48. You can't become closer to God if you enjoy things that He dislikes. So, sin is not something to mess around with. Sin is our worst adversary because it lets the devil into our lives and causes trouble.

Sin is so strong that you can't beat it with your own strength. Thinking you can beat sin is like playing with fire if you're sure you can. Whoever plays with fire gets burned, and whoever gives in to sin in any way will be destroyed. Consequently. God says that we should try to live holy lives. In other words, do all you can to stay away from sin. He advises us to ask for forgiveness when we sin so that we won't catch fire from it. Sin will carry you deeper than you want to go, because if you let it, it will take you to hell fire, which is a place where you will be forever separated from God. In the name of Jesus, you won't have to deal with it.

The way out is to focus on things above instead of things on this earth. Col. 3:1-3 says that if you have a heavenly mentality, you will do all you can to please God. Look for God, and don't give up until you discover Him. When you are focused on doing what is right and won't let the joys of the world take your attention away, you will develop spiritually.

Sin will keep you from getting closer to God and will put you on the road to hell. Do you want to have a close connection with God? You can get out of this. First, read 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and right to forgive us and wash us clean of all wrongdoing."

Repent today! Tomorrow may be too late.

God bless you.

Say this simple prayer if you want to dedicate your life to Christ: "Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. Come live with me. Take charge of my life and make it different. I'm done with the devil. In the name of Jesus Christ, I join the Kingdom of Light. Amen!



Dr. D.K Olukoya: "Mountain Top Daily Devotional: Vol. 8, 2023.
Religion / Growing Spiritually! by topshore(f): 11:50am On Mar 21, 2023
Scripture Text: John 6: 48-48

Making Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior is the first step to spiritual growth.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away; behold all things are become new"- 2 Corinthians 5:17

You must give your life to Jesus Christ before you can talk about spiritual growth. You won't be able to grow spiritually if you don't choose to follow Christ and put Him first. So, being born again in Christ is a very important part of spiritual growth.

How do you surrender to Christ? Romans 10:9-10 says "That if thou confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart a man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation".

You must not only say "Lord Jesus Christ" with your mouth and heart, but you must also feel strongly about it. Only then can you stay true to Him until the end. If your conviction isn't strong enough, you won't be able to make a firm decision to follow the Lord to the end. If you're not careful, this could throw you off track on your Christian journey. You have to turn away from the world and towards the Lord Jesus Christ.

Another is for you to abide in Him so that He can abide in you. You can abide in the Lord Jesus Christ by dwelling in His Prensence every day, thereby growing deeper in Him as you seek Him more. John 15:4-5 says: "Abide in me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I an the Vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for wothout me you can do nothing."

When you give your life to Jesus Christ as Lord. He takes over and becomes the Commander-in-Chief, the person who everyone must listen to. So, are you a new person? As such, start a new life, and as you keep looking for Him, you will grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you taken a step back or turned cold? Now is the time to turn back to Jesus Christ. Jesus is always ready and willing to take you back into His flock.
God bless you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

If you want to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now. I confess You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I confess my sins to You. Please forgive me and accept me as Your Child. Step into my life and take charge of it. I tell the devil goodbye and enter the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in Jesus's name, amen.

Congratulations!!! You're safe now!


Dr.D.K Olukoya: Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional Vol 8: 2023.
Religion / Lessons From The Life Of Sarah by topshore(f): 12:49am On Mar 14, 2023
Scripture Texts: Genesis 12:5-20 (KJV); 1 Peter 3:1-6 (KJV); Genesis 12:11-20 (KJV); Genesis 16:1-6 (KJV); Genesis 21:1-7 (KJV).

MEMORY VERSE: “Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.” – Isaiah 51:2

Sarah teaches submission and trust first. The matriarch's faith and complete devotion to God's plan are unusual in our age. Following someone who claims to have heard God but is unclear takes confidence. Sarah accompanied her husband who had heard from God to leave his father's land but wasn't sure where (Hebrews 11:8-11). She complied. Our generation's faith is unusual. Sarah followed Abraham everywhere to Canaan. That wasn't a perfect trip. Not all women can! Because God didn't speak to her. Abraham alone heard God. Why would she kill herself chasing her husband around? She deserves praise. Unlike Moses' wife Zipporah, who returned when the path seemed unclear.

However, submission isn't subjugation. Subjugation—forced control—is tyrannical. Marriage doesn't oppress. Submission is not a woman agreeing on everything, placing her husband's will above Christ's. Surrender is not sacrificing her mind. She's not afraid. The woman draws power from God, not man.

What is Biblical submission? It's heavenly advice for married women. According unto the Lord, a woman must honour and support her husband. As the church is subject to Christ, so should women submit to their husbands in everything (Ephesians 5:24). Sarah, the matriarch, modelled Christian wifehood. "She honoured him as "lord." Likewise, wives. For in this fashion in ancient time, the holy women likewise, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:” Virtuous women respect and honour their husbands. Proverbs 31 describes a virtuous woman who respects and honours her husband (v. 11-12,23,28).

Today, Christian marriages are falling at an alarming pace. No one wants to submit to anybody—husbands, wives, children, or anyone else. Everyone wants their way. This is disrespectful of God's marriage and family rules. We received a different gospel. Home order is not heavenly. To have happy homes and marriages, many Christian spouses should return to God and obey Him. In Jesus' name, may God help us return.

Mother Sarah's beauty, cleanliness, and humility are another striking trait. Sarah was so beautiful at 65 that Egyptian princes praised her before their lord. This spiritual lady must have taken care of herself to look that lovely at that age. Pure women are lovely. She didn't focus only on spirituality. She didn't focus on spirituality when her surroundings were messy. She was well-rounded.
As heaven-bound virtuous women (and men), we must learn to live a balanced life so that while the spirit flourishes, the body does not deteriorate and vice versa (3John 2). Souls need bodies. Consuming the correct nutrients may enhance scripture comprehension (1 Kings 19:cool. A well-decorated house and properly dressed clothes may set the mood for togetherness. Sleep would help! The body must be valued and maintained. Sarah excelled at this. She proved godliness and beauty are possible. Sweetheart, take care of yourself.

Sarah was barren. She felt she might have children by having her maid sleep with her husband. She erred badly. She tossed her pearl out cheaply, a mistake the world is now dealing with. Although waiting long, she should have been more patient. She should have stayed with God. Her flesh took control, causing the big error.
She wanted a child with Hagar, but all she received was shame and contempt. "When she realised that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her," the Bible states. Hagar, like everyone else, considered her position a right to insult her employer. She was carrying Abraham's child. She could speak and act freely. Sarah contacted an Egyptian for aid (Isaiah 31:1). Impatience costs. The globe still struggles with Ishmael's descendants. Beloved, you may have waited long for a desire, and it is possible you are thinking that God is coming too late. You are thinking of trying a plan-B. Don’t do it! Please hold on to God and trust His timing. He will come through for you. A little more patience, a little more prayer, and your Isaac will arrive in grand style. It shall end in laughter, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Let's discover what God can achieve in apparently impossible circumstances as we conclude Sarah's life study. Our God never loses. In Ezekiel 37, God inquired whether the bones could live. “O Lord God, thou knowest,” Ezekiel said. He stated this because everything seemed hopeless, but with God, nothing is impossible! He will follow His word. Jesus always keeps His word. Our God is powerful! The Lord visited Sarah and did as he declared. Beloved, God will keep His word. His word never fails. Sarah had Isaac, symbolising laughter, at 90. Lazarus, who was rotting, was resurrected after four days. When all hope was gone in Samaria's famine, God provided abundantly. Even now, God visits His people and fulfils His promises. Miracles! God still performs miracles.

What challenges are you experiencing? In Jesus' name, that issue and disgrace will stop today. In Jesus' name, you shall laugh, and others will laugh with you. God will accommodate you. He will expand your coast and tongue to surpass your opponents and mockers. Start mocking your foes right now by laughing at them! God still performs miracles! Believe Him!

You need to give your life to Christ as your own way of showing total submission to God. If you would like to repent confess your sins, just say this short prayer with great faith: “Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter the Kingdom of Light, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!


God bless you.

Ref: Dr. D,K Olukoya: “Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional”: 2023 Vol 8
Religion / Do You Need Divine Healing? Here Is The Best Prescription! by topshore(f): 12:13pm On Mar 07, 2023
Scripture Texts: Proverbs 4:20-23; Jeremiah 37:17

Are you tired of your health issues? Goodnews! Read this Prescription carefully, connect and make use of it. It is 100% effective and Has never failed.

A prescription is a direction written by a physician to the pharmacist for a patient to use for healing of any medical condition.
It is a written order by a doctor. It's like a formula, instuction, specification and remedy to medical conditions.

Today, the best Prescription we offer for your healing is God. God, through the Bible and His Word, offers us the special and best prescription to all ou problems and challenges.

God, through His Son, Jesus Christ- The Great Physician, gives us the best prescription and divine healing.

There are reasons why Jesus Christ is called the Great Physician through the Power of God- The Great Presciption.

Reasons are:
- The Great Physician never sends anyone away unhealed.
- He heals immediately with just one "Word". He sents His Word and heals our diseases (Psalm 107:20).
- He heals all those who come to Him.
- He heals permanently.
- He heals without cahrging you any money.
- He heals without medicine or operation.
- He heals emotional diseases.
- He heals physical diseases.
- He heals spiritual diseases.
- He heals generational diseases.
- He heals financial diseases.
- He heals career diseases.
- He heals national diseases.
- He heals 'PERFECTLY'.
- His Clinic name is 'WHEREVER WE GO'.
- He Has a complete Pharmacy. There is no prescription you can't find there, none!
- He heals demonic diseases.
- He touches the untouchable.
- He Himself is touchable.
- He is a 'Persistent Healer'.
- He can raise the dead to live.
- He heals whether you have faith or not.
- He examines His patients without mesical tools.
- He helas every wound completely.
- His Diagnosis is always accurate.
- His Consulting Hour is "ANYTIME, ANYDAY".
- He Alone Has unfailing Prescription.

Now that you have known these? Why can't you come to Him to receive total healing and be made whole?

However, He only needs one thing from you- commitment. Jesus needs you to be available to Him for your own healing. You have to present and submit yourself to Him first so that He can heal you. He Has given you freewill to chose, but He needs your cooperation with Him so that He can heal you. That is why He used to ask people He Had healed in the past: "Will thou be made whole?", "what do you want?" and so on.

So, to commit yourself to Him is to give your life to Christ, if you have not done so. And this is a simple process. Having acknowleged that you are a sinner, now say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life, change my life and make me whole. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus! in Jesus' name I pray, amen!

Congratulations!!! Please, don't go back to your vomit-sin (2 Corthinans 5:17)

God bless you.


Ref: Dr. D.K Olukoya: Culled from Manner Water Message, 1st March 2023.
Religion / Getting Your Priorities Right! by topshore(f): 2:12pm On Feb 28, 2023
Scipture Text: Luke 10:38-42 KJV

"Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Brethren, if we look at today's Scripture text, we may conclude, ordinarily that Martha wasn't entirely wrong about being hospitable or concerns that she needed he sister's (Mary) help at the kitchen to entertain Jesus Christ who is a guest in their house. However, when it comes to the things of God, we need to set our priorities right. God's Way is entirely different from our ways, and that is why self-righteousness is very dangerous. We need the Holy Spirit to always fill us and direct us to do the right thing at the right time, so that we don't waste time doing things necessary but unneedful in the eyes of God.

A lot of the things people do in their lives are not important. Because of the wrong choices and decisions they have made, they are busy doing things that won't help them in the long run. Luke 10:42, which is about Martha and Mary, backs up this point. Jesus stayed at the house of the two sisters. Each made a choice and was busy with something to try to make Jesus Christ happy. The Lord told Martha, "Martha, Martha, you worry about a lot of things." But one thing is important: Mary has chosen the good part, which will not be taken away from her (Luke 10:41–42). Martha was busy getting food and drinks ready for Jesus to eat and drink. She also told Jesus that her sister, Mary, left her alone to make food and do chores around the house while she sat at Jesus' feet and learned from Him. Jesus praised what Mary was doing and said it was the "one thing" that was both important and rewarding.

Beloved, this story has important lessons to teach us. First, the Lord wants us to put spiritual things ahead of physical ones and give them more importance. The physical comes from the spiritual. Many Christians today are so busy with their jobs, businesses, and trying to make money that they've stopped doing things that are important for their spiritual growth and development, like quiet time or Bible study, fasting, prayer, evangelism, and giving. You are told to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Your salvation or redemption should be the most important thing to you because the world and everything in it are temporary.

Mary made the right choice! By making that decision, she was expressing, like the Psalmist, her belief that God will always be her portion (Psalm 73:26).She put His word first, which is the source of salvation, eternal life, and a lot of other spiritual blessings. She chose hope, faith, and love. She chose Jesus Christ! I suggest that you do the same.

Anyone can be taken away from their everyday things. They only last for a short time. Their reward won't go anywhere else in the universe. If you choose Jesus Christ, no one will be able to take you out of His hands or take your place in the kingdom.

If you want to make things right with God, you must first give your life to Christ by saying this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You right now. Please come into my life, take charge of it, and change it. I tell the devil goodbye and enter the Kingdom of Light. In the name of Jesus Christ, I say "Amen."



Mountain Tope Life Daily Devotional, Vol. 8, 2023, by Dr. D.K. Olukoya
Religion / The Truth About God's Heritage by topshore(f): 1:32pm On Feb 21, 2023
Scripture Texts: Psalm 127:3; Psalm 2:8; Psalm 16:6; Psalm 136:22-23; Matthew 25:34

How is the "Heritage" of God explained?

"And if you are children, you are also heirs, both of God and of Christ." (Romans 8:17)

Christians are God's children. We are God's children, and at the same time, this makes us sharers in Christ's inheritance or heritage. Along with Jesus, we get what God the Father wants to give away.

What do you think this gift will be, dear reader?

God gives us a lot in the New Testament: eternal life, the Holy Spirit, redemption, and many other blessings. In reality, the real heritage is the Kingdom of God. God has made it ready for the righteous, but they won't get it until the end of time: "Come, you who are blessed by My Father, take possession of the kingdom that was made for you before the world was made!" Matthew 25:34 says: But God has given His children the Holy Spirit as a "down payment" on their inheritance. God is already setting up His rule through the Holy Spirit, and He will finish it at the end of time. So, Christians already have a taste of what God's kingdom will be like one day.

The Legacy of the Community of Jesus

God's Gift to Israel

The word "heritage" is used in the Old Testament in two different ways:

1. God told the people of Israel that they would live in the land of Israel (Canaan/Palestine). This is the land that the State of Israel calls home again today (Psalm 136:22–23). This land was given to Israel as a gift. That doesn't mean that God doesn't care about the other nations. On the other hand, God only gives Israel a certain amount of land, but this makes room for other nations to also get their share. In this way, everyone can get along and live in peace.

2. God thinks of Israel, both the people and the land, as His own inheritance. In Jeremiah 10:16, it says, "For He is the one who made everything, and Israel is His tribe." Israel is owned by God. In other places, God's "heritage" is sometimes seen as the people and sometimes as the land. So, when other countries attack Israel, which is God's property, they are punished (Joel 4:1–3). No one should even try to touch it.

"Christ has become a servant to Israel to make God's promises come true. This shows that God keeps the promises he made to our forefathers.

God's gift of heritage to Israel in the New Testament

God has promised His people a new covenant. This means that one day, God will forgive His people's sins and write the Torah on Israel's heart. When the judgement is over, Israel will go back to its land and be God's nation for all time (Jeremiah 30-33). Israel reaches its destiny!

The author of the Letter to the Hebrews makes it clear that Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, is the one who made the new covenant possible: "Christ, the mediator of a new covenant." For what? So that "those who have been called" may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. For Israel, the land that God had already promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the inheritance that will last forever. This means that Israel joins the new covenant through Jesus and is brought back as a nation to the promised land. As the prophets have always said, this is Israel's land.

Paul says in Romans 15:8 that Israel's inheritance is tied to her Messiah: "Christ has become a servant to Israel to make God's promises come true." This shows that God keeps the promises he made to our forefathers (translation T.K.). This means that Jesus is the way for Israel to finally take possession of the land that is their inheritance.

This is not a new idea. Because every Jewish child knows that it is the job of the Messiah to bring Israel together and fix it. Paul only says things that are clear.

"Ask me, and I'll give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession."

The Global Dimensions of God's Kingdom as Messiah's Legacy

On the other hand, Jesus is not only the King of Israel but also of the whole world. Not only does Israel belong to him, but so do all the other countries on earth. Even in the Old Testament, this is how the inheritance is seen by everyone. In Psalm 2, God says to His Messiah, "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your possession" (verse cool. The Messiah will not only rule over Israel but also over the whole world. because the whole world is his (Daniel 2 and 7).

When does this happen? simple answer: when Jesus comes back. Then He will give Israel back its kingdom (Acts 1:6). And he will spread God's kingdom over the whole world. In 1 Corinthians 15:20–28, this is talked about in more detail. Jesus, the Messiah, will first do a full "clean up." He will save the world from sin, the devil, death, and the fact that everything changes. After that, Jesus will give God control of the kingdom. God will then be "all in all" (1 Corinthians 15:28). Then everyone will get their share of the money, and everything will be fine. for Israel and the rest of the world. for everyone who lives in the kingdom of God. Forever.

Brethren, the question is: are you a child of God? Are you qualified to partake in this portion of God's inheritance? Only those who are heirs to the throne of God can inherit it. And no sinner will ever stand before His throne.Therefore, it is better to repent of your sins today and give your life to Christ so that you can have access to the "heritage" of God in eternal life.

If you would like to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now. Come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world." I say bye-bye to the devil, and I enter the Kingdom of Light. Thank You, Jesus; I pray in Jesus' name, amen.


You are now in Christ, a new creature. So, don't return to your vomit and old ways that you've just abandoned.Accept the new life in Christ, which is infused with joy.

God bless you.


Ref: https://www.c4israel.org/_teachings/the-heritage-of-god/
Religion / The Lies We Believe by topshore(f): 10:17pm On Feb 13, 2023
Scripture Text: Isaiah 36

Many people have been tricked into believing the lies of the devil in these last days, especially when they are going through hard times. Today, we will learn about how Sennacherib almost got the armies of Judah to give up by telling them lies.

King Sennacherib cursed God because Judah didn't have any power or allies to help them. Senacherib's words of defiance against the Living God made Judah feel helpless and insulted. Sennacherib spoke badly about the One True God. First, he said that Judah had no reason to trust God since it had lost a small battle in the past. "Do you believe in God?"Didn't your king get rid of all the high places and altars? And on top of that, the Lord told me to kill you!" In other words, he is telling Judah, "Your God is against you!" Again, this is true to some extent. Hezekiah did tear down the altars, and Isaiah had been preaching that the Lord would punish Judah with Assyria.

Beloved, this is exactly how the devil tries to trick us—by twisting the truth and telling lies that sound like they could have come from God. Even though Hezekiah did what he was supposed to do and got rid of the high places, and even though Assyria was a tool in God's hands, this didn't mean that God was against Judah! Even though some of the truth was told, the real enemy of God's people was the devil. In his first speech to all the people, the king said that they shouldn't put their faith in the Lord. In his second speech, he said that their God couldn't do anything. Here, he questions whether God can save them. In Isaiah 37:10–13, he gives his second and third speeches. He lists all the countries he has conquered and says, "Do not let your God, in whom you put your trust, trick you" with promises of salvation.

Here, though, Sennacherib not only lies but also makes a huge mistake. Yes, none of the gods of the different nations had ever been able to stop Assyria from taking over their land. But the Lord Yahweh is not like any other god. The God of Israel is the only one who is real and alive! He is the Holy One. He has always been there and is beyond everything. Now, Sennacherib's argument is deadly if Israel's God is just another god and their worship is the same as any other religion. But since Yahweh is the living God, all of Assyria's victories don't matter! "Sennacherib's power has nothing to do with Jerusalem's salvation," says the prophet, "but everything has to do with whether or not they will trust in the Lord."

Since the Garden of Eden, this is what the devil has done to people: he makes us doubt God's word, his promises, his character, and his love, especially when we are going through hard times. He gets us to doubt what God has really said and who God really is by telling us half-truths and tricks. When we sin, he tries to accuse us in front of God and make us doubt God's grace. When we fail, he makes us feel bad about ourselves and makes us want to give up. He makes us angry and unable to forgive when others wrong us.When we do good, he makes us believe we are self-sufficient. "You think God is good?" he hisses in our ears. Look at how much pain he's causing you! Does he love you? You'd know if he did it, right? It's better to give than to get. No, live your own life! Give your time and money to a local church? Do what you want! Do you love your enemies? It's not fair to them! If you obey, will you be happy? You need freedom! Repent? "That's only for other people." He shows us a cheap copy of all the good things God has promised us, like joy, peace, rest, and security, and tries to get us to think that the only way to get these things is to not trust the Lord and not believe what he says. Instead, we should just do what seems right to us.

So, Sennacherib gives his wicked ultimatum: 36:16 "This is what the Assyrian king says: Make peace with me." "Don't put your faith in God." Don't listen to Hezekiah. Trust me. If you don't, we'll surround your city and cause you pain and suffering you can't even imagine. If you don't follow me, you will die. But the Lord wasn't really against the people who had made a deal with him. He hadn't been lying to them. Instead, he had taken away all of their resources so that Judah could completely trust in her God. This is what "the God who waits to be gracious" does. He shows us how much we need his grace by making our idols and false allegiances fail. In Ephesians, Paul tells us, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might." Put on all of God's armour so that you can stand up to the plans of the devil (6:10–11). And Hezekiah does this very thing.

Are you feeling like God Has forsaken you? No He Hasn't! He's right beside you and loves you despite all. He only needs you to come back to Him and realise that He is the only One that can save us. So, put your trust in Him and don't fret.

If you would like to give your life to Christ, just say this prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil. I enter into the Kingdome of Light, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord, In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen."


Religion / Re: Year 2023: Refuse To Be Lazy! by topshore(f): 6:22pm On Feb 07, 2023
Omo, I have those attributes. Thank God I've found a place Im now working. Meanwhile, I love your Bible translation. What translation is that?

Thank God for your life. I actually converted the NLT version to a very simple language for ease of understanding.
Religion / Don't Stop Your Harp! by topshore(f): 6:16pm On Feb 07, 2023
Scripture Text: 2 Chronicles 20:22

Don't Stop Your Harp! No matter what you're facing right now, don't stop praising God!

There are things in life that we can't handle on our own. There are strange battles that require strange ways to fight and strange weapons. There are some puzzles in life that can only be solved by playing a harp. Jehoshaphat's battle with Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who were all on the same side, only needed the weapons of praise, worship, and thanksgiving. When they started singing, God set traps for their enemies. Israel would have lost if Jehoshaphat had used a different weapon. Who would have thought that praise and worship were all that was needed for this mysteriously big battle? God doesn't do things the way we do. May God break our pride and make us realise how much we don't know. In Jesus' name, may we not be dumb on the battlefield of life.
What does a harp have? You may be asking In Psalms 49:4, David wrote, "I tuned my ear to the words of the wise." "With the help of a harp, I solve life's puzzles" (MSG). "I listen carefully to many proverbs and get ideas for solving riddles from a harp," says the NLT. Are there ideas that can solve life's problems on a harp? There are, yes. There are levels of spiritual inspiration that you can only reach by deeply praising and worshipping the Lord God Almighty.

There are many stories of people whose long-awaited blessings came true when they took part in the praise and worship parts of the church service. What you're looking for in fiery prayers and powerful sermons might be in the harp, which you've been ignoring. The answer to that life's riddle could be as close as the click of a harp. Don't ignore the "harp" talent you have. It's your weapon, so use it every day to fight. I want you to sing high praises to God in the language you understand best, right where you are. In Jesus' name, as you do this, the God you trust will suddenly come through for you.

You need to give your life to Christ so that you can have access to His full mercy and He will receive your praises.

If you would like to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen!


If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold! All things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

God bless you.


Reference list
Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional, Vol 8: 2023.
Religion / Year 2023: Refuse To Be Lazy! by topshore(f): 12:04pm On Jan 31, 2023
Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Memory Verse: "The soul of the lazy wants, but has nothing; but the soul of the hard worker will be made fat." – Proverbs 13:4

Being lazy kills your dreams.

How can we tell if someone is lazy?
Here are some things we can look for:

First, a lazy person always has an excuse for why he or she doesn't do anything. For example, a lazy person might say it's too cold or too hot (bad weather). In Proverbs 20:4, it says, "The lazy person won't plough because it's cold. Because of this, he'll have to beg in the harvest and get nothing." Also, a lazy person will find faults with his tools in this way. According to an English saying, a lazy worker fights with his tools.

Second, a lazy person loves sleep. Being lazy and sleeping too much make people poor. In Proverbs 20:13, it says, "Do not love sleep, or you will end up poor; open your eyes, and you will be full of bread."

Third, a lazy person is fails to study the Bible and to pray. These two things can lead to spiritual dryness, helplessness, and even death. Lastly, lazy people often don't have a plan, a goal, or their own drive.

How do you overcome the spirit of laziness?
Beloved, laziness leads to poverty, dependence on others, begging or "sponging" off others, low self-esteem, and dishonour.

1. Pray the negative traits of laziness and their consequences out of your life. The Bible says in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that people who don't want to work shouldn't eat either.

2. Put your hands to action and get to work. If you have to, try twice as hard. God will give you a lot of food. You will not labour in vain, in Jesus’ name.

3. Surrender your life to Christ and let Him help you heal all your weaknesses and loose you from your infirmities.

If you wolud like to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you now, come into my life, take control of my life. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter into the Kingdon of Light. Thank You Jesus, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

Congratulations!!! You're now a new creature and free!

God bless you.


Reference list:
Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional, 2023: Vol 8.
Religion / How Family Allows The Devil To Enter by topshore(f): 10:20am On Jan 24, 2023
Text of the Bible: Deuteronomy 6:4–9.

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in the middle of them."

Prayerlessness! This is a big way that families let the devil in. When the whole family prays together, they win and stay together. A world where people pray is a peaceful world.

On social media and in newspapers, we've read about families with constant fights that led to assaults and sometimes death. Today, the enemy is attacking many families over and over again. At other times, the enemy goes after the children. Parents who are at odds with each other and whose homes have become battlegrounds for the enemy can't raise morally sound and good children.

There are a lot of separations and divorces. Today, there are so many broken homes, single parents, and families that don't work that it's scary. The devil is clearly at war with families and the people in them. Families need acidic prayers to fight well against the enemy and take away their weapons.

God has great plans for families. A family that prays together is a strong family. He wants everyone to know Him, serve Him, and be greatly blessed by Him. In the same way, He has good intentions for every family and desires for them to maintain a strong, enduring relationship with Him by abiding by His Word, praying for Him, and serving Him.

There are ways in which families make room for the enemy, such as:
1. Not knowing what the devil is trying to do when a fight breaks out between two people (Ephesians 4:27).
2. Not making God the most important thing in their lives and homes (Matthew 6:33).
3. The family doesn't have a place to pray, study the Bible, or pray together.
4. Friendly with the world and everything that doesn't come from God.
5. They are too busy for God and too shy to be connected with Christ because they don't want to be called "Churchy" or "spiritual," especially when they are with their worldly friends.
6. Neither cold nor hot for Christ—a lukewarm family, always on the fence about issues related to the Truth—Christ—and never on fire for God.

What do you need to do?
Come back to God now! Make sure everyone in your family has real salvation (Genesis 18:19). Bring your family's prayer altar back to life and keep it burning for God. Family Bible study, prayer, and worship should be done every day and regularly.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen, God will protect our homes and family members from attacks from the devil.

God bless you.

If you want to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer: "Lord Jesus, I come to You now." "Come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world." I'm leaving the devil behind and moving into the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."


Reference list
Dr. D.K. Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional: Vol. 8, 2023.
Religion / Let God Rewrite Your History This Year by topshore(f): 6:21pm On Jan 10, 2023
Scripture Texts: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 (KJV); 1 Samuel 16:1-13 (KJV); Exodus 3:7-9 (KJV)

MEMORY VERSE: “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.” – 1 Samuel 2:8

Again, Brethren, happy new year!

God is the best storyteller, plain and simple. When someone's life or future is shattered, he has the power to make it into something beautiful.

God can change the way people, families, and nations live.

God, the Great Rewriter of History, stepped into Jabez's life at a low point, and the rest of his story is a happy one (1 Chronicles 4:9–10). God brought Jabez out of obscurity and put him at the centre of the Bible. Christians all over the world still pray the prayer that Jabez wrote. God took a man who started life in misery and without benefits or honour and turned him into someone who is much more blessed, favoured, and respected than his peers. He went from being a nobody to a famous person because of how history was changed.

According to the Bible, God also changes people's lives and rewrites their family histories. And the Lord said to Samuel, "How long will you cry for Saul when I've told you I won't let him rule over Israel? "Oil your horn and go; I will send you to Jesse and the Bethlehemite, for I have found a king among his sons," says the Bible. When Prophet Samuel made David king over his brothers, he changed the story of Jesse's family for the better. After this, David became a man after God's own heart. He became the great king of Israel, a great psalmist, and an unbeatable warrior. He was also one of Jesus's ancestors.
Does your home have a lot of idols and bad things? Abraham and Gideon both came from strong families that believed in idols. These men gave their whole lives to God and turned into powerful tools that God could use. God gave them a reward by rewriting their family history in a wonderful way. Does your family tree show signs of long-term suffering, such as slavery, famine, poverty, illness, early death, etc.? Here to help you is the best Historian Who Has Ever Lived. If you're tired and stressed, He can help you feel better. He will change your account so you can sleep well.

We've seen that God changes the way history goes in a way that is clear and that the Bible backs up. We'll also hear about the amazing things that the Narrator and Rewriter of History has done in the past, present, and future to change national politics. The God we serve is amazing, no doubt about it.

In all, the Jews were slaves in Egypt for 430 years. Hard work, agony, and pain brought them to their knees, and they cried out to God, who makes new starts possible. God heard their prayers, and in the person of Moses, he sent them a rescuer. He said, "I have seen for sure how bad things are for my people in Egypt, and I have heard them scream because of their slave masters. I know their pains." And I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians and bring them up from that land to a good land and a big land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites (Exodus 3:7-cool.

The future of Israel was shackled, tortured, and changed. The Israelites were all against the Egyptian Pharaoh, who was a scary strong man, the Egyptian gods, and the Egyptian magicians and sorcerers. They needed help to deal with the hostile environment and the hostile people they were up against. So, they prayed to the Supreme Being to save them from the cycle of servitude, pain, shame, and misfortune that had been going on for four generations with their ancestors. God woke up with Moses to free Israel from slavery in Egypt. As a dramatic ending, God drowned the stubborn Pharaoh in the Red Sea.

Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon got the same kind of harsh punishment because the king thought he was as great as God. Soon after that, God showed how merciful He is by bringing the king back to life. The king then started to praise and thank God, and the kingdom grew again (Daniel 4:28-37).

Is it time for the One who can change the past to step in and help our country, my dearly loved ones? Let's pray to God about the wrongs our country has done and promise to do so often. In the name of Jesus, God will come out of hiding and change the past of your country, amen!

If you let God into your life in this new year, He will change it for the better.

You have to give your life to Christ if you want to meet the One who changes history. Say this short prayer if you want to give your life to Christ:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now. Come into my life, take charge of my life, and change my world. I'm leaving the devil behind and moving into the Kingdom of Light. Thank you, Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, "Amen."



Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional, Vol. 8, 2023, by Dr. D.K. Olukoya.
Religion / Benefits Of Being Grateful To God by topshore(f): 11:53am On Jan 03, 2023
Scripture Texts: Philippians 4:6-7; Luke 17:11-19

MEMORY VERSE: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Happy new year to you Brethren!

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” – Psalms 136:1. It's a great privilege to be alive today. His mercy and grace brought us into year 2023 as it had been in ages past, and not by the works of our own righteousness. You may be thinking or saying: why should I be grateful when certain things happened or did not happen but I have a word from the Lord today from our memory verse: "In everything, give thanks to God..."

This new year- 2023 is another opportunity God Has given us to bring forth good fruits and that's why He didn't hew us down because of His mercy. We should be grateful for another chance to live right. In addition, when we show our gratitude to God no matter what challenges we may be passing through, there are many benefits that are attached to it, and that is what we'll be looking at today. I pray that God that brought us into this new year will see us through by the same grace and mercy. He will preserve us from all evils and will never allow any grief or sorrow befall our hearts and loved ones this year and beyond, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Benefits of Being Grateful to God
(1) Staying grateful to God and expressing genuine thanks to Him always glorifies Him. When we glorify God, He is always provoked to bless us more. 2 Corinthians 4:15 underscores this point: “For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.”
(2) It helps you to see God. The more you thank Him, the more you see Him working in you and around you.
(3) It helps you sense God’s presence, love and care.
4) It fully positions you in the centre of His will. It is God’s will that you are thankful on good days and bad days (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
(5) You will see God’s hands in all situations and circumstances and He will give you supernatural peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
(6) It will draw you closer to God and qualify you for more of His blessings. In Luke 17:11-19, out of the ten lepers that Jesus healed, one stayed grateful. He returned, glorified God and thanked Him. He did not take the favour of the Lord for granted like the other nine. Jesus put a divine seal on his healing – he was made completely free from leprosy!
(7) It brings contentment and makes what you have enough. It will save you from incurring God’s wrath like the Israelites who murmured against Him in the wilderness. Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6-cool.
(cool It deepens faith. I encourage you to keep a record of God’s faithfulness. It is called gratitude or testimonies journal. Read them from time to time and you will never forget that God is forever faithful. This will boost your faith (Psalm 136:1).
(9) It leads to joy. Psalm 126:1-3 confirms that the Hebrew exiles were thankful to God for turning around their captivity, and the result of their gratitude was their hearts being filled with joy.
(10) It protects you from falling prey to the devil’s lies and deceits.
(11) It guards you against envy. You will be happy with what you have and will not want what belongs to someone else. A heart that is truly grateful has no room left for envy.
(12) It helps you live in the present and appreciate God’s goodness every time. Ungrateful people ask, “Why were the former days better than these? For it is not from wisdom that you ask this” (Ecclesiastes 7:10).
(13) It is a way of giving your testimony. Every time you openly thank God and acknowledge His goodness in your life, you make yourself evidence of a changed or blessed life and that is a testimony.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. It is the key to your divine increase and all-round fulfillment. Let's thank God profusely for what you have on a daily basis. He will give you what you want and your joy will be full this year and beyond, in the name of Jesus. I pray that the Lord that made us see this year will make us enjoy His life and give us grace to do His Will. He will give us the grace to see next year and many years to come, in Jesus Christ name, amen!

In case the mercy of God has brought you into this new year but you have not given your life to Christ, please do so now to enjoy God's maximum blessing. Say this short prayer after me:

"Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. Give me a new beginning and translate my life to the Kingdom of Light. I say bye-bye to satan and darkness , in Jesus Christ name I pray, amen!


God bless you!


Reference List:
Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional 1&2 January 2023, Dr. D.K Olukoya
Anon, (n.d.) https://flatimes.com/mfm/ [Accessed 3 Jan. 2023].
Religion / How To Know You Have God's Wisdom by topshore(f): 10:09am On Dec 27, 2022
Scripture Text: James 1: 5-6

Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge or information that comes through understanding. There is wisdom of man or earthly wisdom and there is wisdom from above.

Characteristics of the Wisdom of God
- The fear of God constitute His Wisdom (Job 28:28).
- Experience augments God's Wisdom (Job 32:7).
- Wisdom is the believer's supreme acquisition (Proverbs 4:7).
- Divine wisdom enables believers to understand divine truth (Hosea 14:9).
- Wisdom of God makes believers to lay immovable foundation (Mathew 7:24).
- The Scripture is the source of God's Wisdom (2 Timothy 3: 15-16).
- Wisdom is full of spiritual fruit (James 3:17; 1 Cor. 3:19).

Some Biblical examples of those who enjoyed God's Wisdom are Solomon (1 Kings 4: 29-34), Stephen (Acts 6: 10), Daniel (Daniel 1: 17-20), and Our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:24; Colossians 2:3).

How Do You Know You Have God's Wisdom?
These are signs that the Wisdom of God dwells in you.
- The ability to hold one's tongue (Proverbs 29: 11)
- The ability to make good decisions (Isaiah 30:21).
- The ability to impact wisdom to others |( 1 Kings 4:34).
- The ability to lean on God in trials (Proverbs 3:5-6).
- Ability to fight one's and others' battles (Psalm 46:10).

Now, there are some benefits enjoyed when we possess God's Wisdom

Wisdom delivers happiness to those who apply it (Proverbs 3:13-16). Wisdom also gives us access to long-life. The wiser we are, the more grace we will have. God's Wisdom can make one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city (Eccl. 7:19). It also preserves the life of the possessor (Eccl. 7:12).

What Do You Do To Obtain God's Wisdom?

- Repent from all known sins and be a friend of God.
- Admit that you lack God's Wisdom and ask Him to give you (James 5:1).
- Ask God for His Wisdom faithfully (James 1:6).
- You must be a God-fearing person (Psalm 111:10).
- Be humble (Psalm 147:6)
- Be prudent (Proverbs 8:12).
- Be peaceful and considerate ( James 3:17).
- Know the Word of God and live by it (2 Timothy 3:15).
- Know the Lord better (Colossians 2:2-3).
- Preach and practice God's Word (Colossians 3:16).
- To your best to get the Wisdom of God.

Remember! To get God's Wisdom, you need to be in Christ. If you would like to give your life to Christ just say this short prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, I enter to the Kingdom of Light, in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank You Jesus, for in Jesus' name I pray, amen".

God bless you.



Ref: Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional, Vol 7, 2022.
Religion / Re: Symptoms Of Spiritual Dehydration by topshore(f): 12:31pm On Dec 20, 2022
Scripture Text: John 4:1-10

"For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty; and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thy offspring".- Isaiah 44: 3.

Dehydration is insufficient water in the body which could be mild or very serious, depending on the level of water one has in his or her body. In the same vein, spiritual hydration is the insufficiency of the Word of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit in a believe's life. You need to know that spiritual dehydration is not something you handle nonchalantly. It is a critical condition that needs concerted attention.

Let's look at the symptoms of spiritual dehydration which conditions are critical:

1. Spiritual Fever: These are people who have allowed the mosquitoes of sin and evil habits to bite them. Many Christians are suffering from this fever today because of their constant exposure to the mosquitoes of sin and iniquity. Remember that fever has killed and still killing several people.

2. Spiritual Diarrhoea: These are symptoms connected to verbal indiscipline. A lot of people have brought different kinds of problems upon themselves because of the wrong use of their tongues. Diarrhoea in the physical makes one lose fluid. Spiritual diarrhea also causes dehydration because many are given to too much talking which drains them grace and unction of the Holy Spirit.

3. Spiritual Vomiting: This happens when you have fed yourself with the wrong spiritual diet through watching of obscene movies, listening to polluted music or feasting on social media garbage. When you engage in any of these you throw up spiritually and get sapped.

4. Spiritual Thirst: This is when a person begins to crave and lust after those things Lord forbids us from engaging in. Many believers today have spiritual thirst for worldliness and sensual pleasure that drain them of the Word of God and make the Holy Spirit depart from them.

5. Spiritual Headache: This is another symptom. Figuratively, headache speaks of trouble and stress of any form. A Christian suffering from spiritual dehydration will have a lot of headache to contend with from this world, satan and the old man. He may move from trouble to trouble, from time to time and continuous spiritual headache.

6. Spiritual Dry-skin: This is a symptom of spiritual dehydration that talks of fading life. Spiritual dry-skin will take the shine out of one's life.

7. Spiritual Muscle cramp: This symptom of spiritual dehydration affects mobility. The progress and advancement both in physical and in the spiritual will be hampered.

8. Spiritual dry-tongue and dry-mouth: Anyone suffering from spiritual dehydration will not be able to function as the Oracle of God. Spiritually, the mouth will be so dry that he or she won't be able to praise and worship the Almighty God. He or she won't be able to pray and intercede and won't be able to evangelize for Christ.

What are the solutions to the symptoms?

1. Give your life to Christ now!
2. Confess your sins and desist from all forms of sins and iniquities.
3. Study the Word of God, ask and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. The Word of God in your life and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in you, just like natural water in the body, will help regulate and maintain your spiritual temperature and functions. The Word of God cleanses the heart, the imagination and the thought pattern of a believer who daily drinks from the Fountain of the Word of life. As you take in this spiritual water everyday, your spirit-man is well lubricated to avoid internal pressure and friction which could damage your spiritual life.

Are you suffering from spiritual dehydration? Come to Jesus now and let Him give freely of the fountain of life.

Say: "Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil. I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Living water of God, overwhelm my life. Thank You Jesus, in Jesus name I pray, amen"!

God bless you.



Ref: Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional Vol. 7.

Religion / Symptoms Of Spiritual Dehydration by topshore(f): 12:29pm On Dec 20, 2022
Scripture Text: John 4:1-10

"For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty; and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thy offspring".- Isaiah 44: 3.

Dehydration is insufficient water in the body which could be mild or very serious, depending on the level of water one has in his or her body. In the same vein, spiritual hydration is the insufficiency of the Word of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit in a believe's life. You need to know that spiritual dehydration is not something you handle nonchalantly. It is a critical condition that needs concerted attention.

Let's look at the symptoms of spiritual dehydration which conditions are critical:

1. Spiritual Fever: These are people who have allowed the mosquitoes of sin and evil habits to bite them. Many Christians are suffering from this fever today because of their constant exposure to the mosquitoes of sin and iniquity. Remember that fever has killed and still killing several people.

2. Spiritual Diarrhoea: These are symptoms connected to verbal indiscipline. A lot of people have brought different kinds of problems upon themselves because of the wrong use of their tongues. Diarrhoea in the physical makes one lose fluid. Spiritual diarrhea also causes dehydration because many are given to too much talking which drains them grace and unction of the Holy Spirit.

3. Spiritual Vomiting: This happens when you have fed yourself with the wrong spiritual diet through watching of obscene movies, listening to polluted music or feasting on social media garbage. When you engage in any of these you throw up spiritually and get sapped.

4. Spiritual Thirst: This is when a person begins to crave and lust after those things Lord forbids us from engaging in. Many believers today have spiritual thirst for worldliness and sensual pleasure that drain them of the Word of God and make the Holy Spirit depart from them.

5. Spiritual Headache: This is another symptom. Figuratively, headache speaks of trouble and stress of any form. A Christian suffering from spiritual dehydration will have a lot of headache to contend with from this world, satan and the old man. He may move from trouble to trouble, from time to time and continuous spiritual headache.

6. Spiritual Dry-skin: This is a symptom of spiritual dehydration that talks of fading life. Spiritual dry-skin will take the shine out of one's life.

7. Spiritual Muscle cramp: This symptom of spiritual dehydration affects mobility. The progress and advancement both in physical and in the spiritual will be hampered.

8. Spiritual dry-tongue and dry-mouth: Anyone suffering from spiritual dehydration will not be able to function as the Oracle of God. Spiritually, the mouth will be so dry that he or she won't be able to praise and worship the Almighty God. He or she won't be able to pray and intercede and won't be able to evangelize for Christ.

What are the solutions to the symptoms?

1. Give your life to Christ now!
2. Confess your sins and desist from all forms of sins and iniquities.
3. Study the Word of God, ask and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. The Word of God in your life and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in you, just like natural water in the body, will help regulate and maintain your spiritual temperature and functions. The Word of God cleanses the heart, the imagination and the thought pattern of a believer who daily drinks from the Fountain of the Word of life. As you take in this spiritual water everyday, your spirit-man is well lubricated to avoid internal pressure and friction which could damage your spiritual life.

Are you suffering from spiritual dehydration? Come to Jesus now and let Him give freely of the fountain of life.

Say: "Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil. I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Living water of God, overwhelm my life. [b][/b]Thank You Jesus, in Jesus name I pray, amen"!

God bless you.



Ref: Dr. D.K Olukoya, Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional Vol. 7.
Religion / Fulfilling The Greatest Commandments by topshore(f): 12:17pm On Dec 14, 2022
Scripture Texts: Mark 12:28-34; Mathew 22:34-40

The two Greatest Commandments is to:
1. Love God with all in you
2. Love your neighbour as yourself.

These days Christians don't want to learn more about loving God. Most of us go to church, listen to sermons and take some jottings but after closing our Bibles, that's all. We don't revisit the Word of God again to learn more about how to love Him (2 Timothy 2:15). This explains why there's a lot of misbehaviour and indiscipline among Christians today.

Many of us claim to be busy but we've forgotten we're in the digital age where God Has provided us room to get knowledge at our fingertips. We can decide to study the Scriptures, read godly books, biographies, and watch Christian programmes online using our mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. This is knowing God on the go, anywhere at any available time.

Wickedness is advancing in this world so Christians should take heed to study and meditate deeply on God's Word to know Him better to able to remain in His love. The Bible says, for in the last days the love of many would be wax cold. We need to hold fast to God for the constant reminder of who God is, the depth of His love and His promises through His Word will sustain us in these evil days. Through this, we obey the Scriptures to express our love back to God.

The more we know God, the more we love Him, and the more we seek to know Him. To be central in our hearts, He must be foremost in our minds. We must continue to renew our hearts and minds through God's Word daily to know what God's love is. We can only give out the love we have experienced to our neighbours. If you don't know how to love God how do you want to know how to love your neighbour?

Let's stop forming busy and get serious in fulfilling the Greatest Commandments.

God bless you.

In case you want to give your life to Christ just say this short prayer:
" Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life, and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil and I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank You Jesus, in Jesus mighty name I pray, amen".



Ref: Mountain Top Daily Devotional Vol 7, 2022.
Religion / Signs You Are Drifting Apart From God by topshore(f): 6:08pm On Dec 06, 2022
Scripture Texts: Revelations 3:14-16; 1 John 2:15-20; John 6:60-66; Proverbs 28:9-14

Many today are drifting apart from God day by day and this is no more news. The Bible also attests to this through the prophecy in 1 Timothy 4:1 that people will give-in to seducing spirits and depart from faith. This prophecy is being fulfilled.

However, there is danger! The Word of God to the backsliders is to "spit them out" of His mouth. I pray we will not encounter the wrath of God in Jesus name, amen.

There are signs to take note of that make you know if you're drifting or have drifted away from God. You need to be conscious of these signs because they make you lose your faith in Christ. You need to avoid them for they're dangerous.

They include but not limited to:
1. Cooling off and losing your "first-love" for Jesus as well as being lukewarm, neither cold or hot (Revelations 2; 4-5). For instance, whenever you discover that your interest in the things you were fervently doing before to serve God (evangelism, soul-winning, etc.) has waned out and you have become lukewarm, you must turn to God in prayer to recover your fire of enthusiasm, repent and return to your first love for Christ.

2. Being filled with your own way and desires (Proverbs 14:14). When you have idols in your heart, stiff-necked, stubborn, and unteachable to God's Way, Word and Instructions, you're going towards perdition and need to repent asap!

3. Losing sight of heavenly goals for temporary gains. When you take your eyes off Jesus and the vision of Heaven, you drift away from God (Proverbs 29:18; Malachi 3:14; Mathew 6:33; Hebrews 12:2). Keep your eyes and focus on the vision of heaven and keep eternity in view.

4. Quitting when the going gets tough (John 10:12-13). Heed God's Word in Mathew 24:13 that assures that those who endure to the end shall be saved. When the going gets tough, do not quit neither be discouraged. Trust God because it will end well. Remember, quitters do not win; winners do not quit!

5. Desiring worldly pleasures and riches and materialism can ship-wreck your faith and relationship with God. Lot's wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Because of materialism and worldliness, she lost her life (Genesis 19:26). Take to God's warning in 1 John 2:15-17 and obey it: "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" Care for this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke God's Word in people's lives and they eventually lose faith and drift away from God (Mathew 13:22).

6. Not being grounded in the Word of God. If you are not grounded in God's Word, whatever anyone throws at you is what you swallow, and you'll become vulnerable. To be grounded in God's Word is to be like the house built on the rock. Despite the rain, wind and storm, it was not swept away. It stood firm. Stand firm on the Word of God!

7. Unbelieving attitude! Without faith, it is impossible to please God and have successful walk with Him. When you lack courageous trust in God and in His ability to all things, you're drifting apart from Him bit by bit. Repent and trust the God of all possibilities.

8. Hardening of your heart to the truth. The Bible says you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. Jesus is the Truth! When you reject the Truth (Jesus Christ) people are sharing or have shared with you, you're drifting apart from God and close to darkness and falsehood. Your ears are dull to hearing and your eyes have been shut (Mathew 13:15)

9. Double-mindedness and Instability on God's Promises to you. Joshua and Caleb exercised unwavering faith and they captured, entered, dwelt and enjoyed their Promised Land. Is your heart and spirit right with God?- Psalm 78:8.

10. Refusing to receive correction (Proverbs 15:10). This is tantamount to rejecting God's instructions, His Word, His warnings and chastisement. This is dangerous and drifts you apart from God. Therefore, always have the right attitude towards corrections.

11. Failure to confess sins and problems. We are to confess our sins to one another, according to the Scripture. When sins are not confessed or forsaken, they will grow and multiply until they push the victim into the pit of backsliding and ruin.

12. Failure to respond to God's reproof. God reproofs us His children out of His love for us. He does this for our own good. But when you don't accept reproof from God with appreciation and make the necessary adjustment, this is a dangerous sign. God is not happy with the offender He reproofs but still continue in his or her wrongdoings (Proverbs 29:1).

13. When you allow bitterness to grow in your heart towards an offender, it drifts you apart from God. Bitterness is a negative emotion and shows that God is no longer occupying your heart but the devil. Bitterness is a counter-productive spirit that breeds hatred, strife, division and destroys peaceful co-existence. Avoid it! I pray that the Lord will deliver us all in Jesus mighty name, amen!

God bless you.

In case you have not given your life to Christ and you will love to do so, just say this short prayer with me:
"Lord Jesus, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and changed my world. I say bye-bye to the devil, and I enter into the Kingdom of Light. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus name I pray, amen!"



Ref: Mountain Top Daily Devotional, Vol 7, 2022.
Religion / 70 Maxim Of Success by topshore(f): 5:23pm On Nov 29, 2022
Scripture Text: Joshua 1:8

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."- Joshua 1:8

What is Success?

Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. If you come to this world and fulfill your divine purpose before you then you are a successful man or woman.

Let's quickly delve into the maxim of success

1. Ability can get you to the top. But it takes character to keep you there.
2. If you can do as you please then success is far from you.
3. You must go straight. Every crooked way delays your arrival at success.
4. Any success that goes into a man's head usually pays a very short visit.
5. The shortest route of success is the straight road.
6. You cannot climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
7. To reach the front many have to be kicked at the back.
8. Ninety percent of success is correct positioning.
9. The road to success is almost always under construction.
10. Success comes to those who make the greatest profit from the lowest mistakes.
11. If you have no enemies then success have given you a red card to depart from the field of play.
12. You cannot have a real success without making real enemies.
13. He who does not sacrifice is not likely to succeed.
14. The room of success has many doors to opposition.
15. One secret of success is the consistency of purpose.
16. If you are thinking you cannot succeed you are probably right.
17. Work while others are playing. Study while others are sleeping. Prepare while others are playing. Pray while others are gossiping.
18.Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
19.The ladder of success is never crowded top.
20. There is always a room at the top.
21. Chances favour the prepared mind.
22. It is only when you develop others that you permanently succeed.
23. Success is like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
24. There is no success without hardship.
25. Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down but made by walking.
26. What comes out of you when you are squeezed is what is inside of you.
27. If you can do something good better than everyone else no matter where you live, people will look for you.
28. To expect defeat is 9/10 of defeat itself.
29. No other success can compensate for failure in the home.
30. The best way to escape from the problem is to solve it.
31. The most successful man is the man the best information.
32. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.
33. Our life is what our thoughts make it.
34. To give your best is to receive the best.
35. The lift to success is always out of order. You need to use the stairs.
36. The first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.
37. If you know how and when to speak and when to remain silent, you will increase your chance of real success.
38. You can never have real success till you meet the real person in you.
39. The seven areas to concentrate if you want to achieve success are: physical, spiritual, mental, family, financial, personal and career success.
40. For success, you must commit yourself to quality.
41. Watch you attitude if you want to succeed. It is the first thing people notice about you.
42. Do not resist a temporary inconvenience if it is going to result in permanent improvement.
43. Deadlines are important. So make sure you meet them.
44. Every man created by God is a solution to an existing problem.
45. The degree of God's wisdom in your life will eventually determine your degree of success.
46. Learning without thinking is empty. Thinking without learning is dangerous.
47. No man becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.
48. He who stops being better stops being good.
49. If your absence does not make any difference then your presence will not make any difference.
50. Control your tongue or it it will control you.
51. Worry destroys efficiency.
52. You have more to fear from friends than from enemies. Friends cover up their unpleasant qualities.
53. Say only what is necessary. The more words you say, the more words are available to be questioned.
54. The less you say, the more mysterious and profound you appear. You have more power when you shut up.
55. Do everything within your power to stand out. Be a pacesetter.
56. Become a divine magnet. Attach your name and reputation to quality.
57. Learn to use knowledge of the past. Climb on the shoulder of giants. Knowledge is Power! Use knowledge of the past and you will be a genius.
58. Associate with those who can move you forward.
59. While trying to help others do not allow yourself to be drowned.
60. Never associate with those who share your defeat because they will reinforce demotion. Do not associate with those who can not move 61. your destiny forward. Do not associate with those who have no plans. Do not associate with those who have no future.
62. Associate with those who will challenge your life, who will move you forward and who will make you think deep.
63. If you walk with the wise you will be wise
64. Know about your enemy. Find a way to know your enemy. The Bible says we are not ignorant of the devices of the wicked. Find out the secret and hidden intention of your enemy. Lack of adequate knowledge about the enemy is a disaster.
65. Do not stop halfway in crushing the enemy. The only peace and security from the enemy is their disappearance.
66. Never ignore a weak enemy! If you have a half viper crush it will bite you with a double dose of venom.
67. Practice the principle of line upon line, precept upon precept. Concentrate on a single goal or task and beat it to submission. No hunter can hit two target with one arrow so you must always have a goal.
68. There is something only you can do in this life that nobody else can do. There is a problem only you can solve that no else can solve. Find it!
69. There is an assignment God Has set aside only for you. God created everything to solve a problem. He created light to solve darkness. Hence there is an appointed place for you in life.
70. Mind what you do with yourself. Have a rugged determination to succeed. Shun sin. Get away from unrighteousness and pursue your destiny. Pursue access to the mysteries of God and the Almighty will move you forward.

God bless you in Jesus might name, amen!

In case you are not born again and would like to give your life to Christ, just say this short prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You now, come into my life, take control of my life and change my world. I say bye-bye to the devil. I enter into the Kingdom of Light. thank You Jesus, in Jesus name I pray, amen".



Culled from Dr. D.K Olukoya Sermon: Eagle Hour 27-11-2022

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