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Another attempt to quiet the NYSC members who manned the servers. APC actually robbed the entire voters of their Choice of President. 1 Like 1 Share |
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N24 billion and 6 years in jail, and yet his location is called 'unknown'. EFCC is a bastard son of Buhari. 22 Likes 4 Shares |
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Hedonisst: I thought I was a loner in my opinions. But it is time, Hedonisst, for you guys who have my perspective to also sacrifice your time to come to an anonymous forum of this nature to drum home sensibility into the minds of these seemingly ignorant bastards who think that by condemning yahoo yahoo without offering solutions that they are helping clean the image of Nigeria. Nigeria is irredeemable at this point. Until the Government provides 247 electricity, Capital financing options, Employment options, Basic Welfare packages and Medical AIds etc, people will scam, rob, kidnap, kill, maim and rape to 'survive'. The EFCC should go after Yahoo Boys who use their stolen money to buy luxury items from the foreign countries. Until they learn to investment and help the other unemployed people. Going into homes and hostels of poor students, arresting people with iphones and outrightly scarthing them emotionally with pictures online, condemns them into other violent crimes because they will they have no options in the employment market as their faces are splashed online. EFCC is further destroying Nigeria and I often wonder whether there is a conspiracy to destroy the future of all of Southern Nigerians and destroy any means of financial inflow to the inhabitants of the fighting Southerners who themselves have short term memory of the nature of the country they were birthed into. EFCC refuses to jail politicians, but when it comes to the children of the poor, they are very active. Since Life is not fair, I have personally decided not to be fair. It is wrong to be fair in an unfair system. And I owe no God, Devil Angel or Demon an apology. If I was a young man growing without options like the ones I see daily, I can not guarantee that I would allow poverty to be my surname than join yahoo yahoo. So for that reason, it is difficult for me to condemn them without offering them assistance on how to grow out of it. I have refused to be a hypocrite. Not now, not ever. 3 Likes 1 Share |
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vaxx:Shining your teeth is not an apology for being silly in your utterances. Always be guided. |
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lawman88: Allow the 22 yrs old to dress the way she wants. It is now your responsibility to control yourself. Stoping finding excuse for your rage of libido. |
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hakeem4: Yes. |
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vaxx: What is weed son? Why not log out and get some meditation time? 1 Like 1 Share |
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hakeem4: Evolution is a fact of course. Big Bang is not true. 1 Like 1 Share |
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vaxx: Seems we need a psychiatrist here. Is there something I can do to help you get better? I will be here, should you need assistance. |
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EmperorHarry: I researched these stuff for almost 30yrs daily and actively, so when I say most people will not get it, I really mean it. Because they have no resources in time and finances to focus on the research. I am not trying to make a point, because there is no point to be made in this forum, I do not seek to make a point here, as there is no one I can possibly argue with here. I am just stating the facts based on what I have seen, experienced and continue to experience. This is a simulated multiplayer reality within a larger conscious system, which must also be simulated. A world within a larger and more advanced world. And one can move from one simulation to another, taking different bodies for specific experiences. |
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vaxx: That does not sound daft enough, say something more daft than that, son. It might interest you to know that some characters in this reality are computer generated to keep the system engaging. I have suspected this all along, cos for such people, they will never 'get it'. |
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All the arguments seem to spring from the analytical faculties of the mindset while totally ignoring the intuitive aspects of the human system where true answers lie. Every designed system has a designer. Nothing exists without a Cause. And the Source of the Cause is always 'Conscious Entities'. So, I think the meat of your arguments is not realizing that you are arguing about a singular conscious entity when you have millions if not billions engaging in multiplayer reality experience from outside of it. Are you all really in this world or you are operating the avatar from a different location virtually? Since I do not like an argument for argument's sake, it is better to say, that I have been, on that spot before, it is tough to escape that egoic phase except and until 'experience' happens. And experience happened to me. And that is why I always ask: Have you tried stepping outside of your bodies to see the Nature of Reality outside of the so-called Physical Reality? This world is a Virtual Reality, a very immersive one. It is hosted and rendered from Cosmic Mainframe Computer and our bodies are just avatars being played by our 'Conscious Aspect' (HIgher Self). We are not in our body per sae, our experiences are just feedback loop of the decisions and actions of the Conscious Aspect that exist outside the limited spectrum of the Reality we experience now. The real you, does not look exactly like the you that physically is here. Well, it is hard for intellectual logical and analytical mind to understand fully, and it is also tough for an intuitive but sleeping avatar to figure this out. The right brain transceives intuitively and the left brain, logically/intellectually, but when both hemisphere syncs, then you stand a greater chance of experiencing the nature of this world from outside of it. This is NOT the real world, this is a Reality that is hosted and rendered for our experience and there are many other Realities outside this one. You do not need a God for this world to function the way it does, because the rulesets are computed and the system runs actively and is maintained from outside this reality. The Universe does not need 'God' as Religions portray to function the way it does, but it needs Consciousness, Conscious Entities, a Computer and a Deep Mind Database of probabilistic possibilities of choices for free will. If there is a God, it is unknowable at this level, because this is just a Simulation within a larger and more advanced Simulation. I have had an experience of the computer hosting this reality and saw the real me playing this Avatar. New Age people call that other self, the Higher Self. I have no language for it, but I know that is the real me. It is a beautiful world out there where this one is hosted on the other larger consciousness system. I have seen that world. And this one looks like a bad copy compared to the other Reality that this is computed from. 3 Likes 1 Share |
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Adakintroy: Good night. 1 Like |
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Angelfrost: As earlier stated. I have nothing against Yahoo Yahoo, especially since their interest does not conflict with mine. ![]() People who are catfished are largely participatory preys who want to reap money in boxes from plane crash victims. I think one of the reasons we are still able to sleep at night is because there is cybercrime if not, many deadly crimes like kidnapping, robbery, etc would have been more rampant daily. It is a lesser vice and should be ![]() If the Government does not do something about our population, and providing amenities and infrastructures and social security benefit, it is better to legalize the lesser vices including cannabis farming so the marlians can have lesser crime options. Hahahahahaha Just joking.... ![]() |
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Adakintroy: I do not take sides, just as I am not religious. And I also do not take party-side in Politics. I always stay in the middle, so I can balance my views. There will always be Yahoo Yahoo and other crimes like robbery, and kidnapping until the country has a leadership that knows how to tackle problems from the root and not jail, blame and provide nothing but manufactures poverty. I have nothing against yahoo yahoo, it is a lesser vice. As long as I am not stupid enough to be duped, those who are stupid will continue to be duped, whether I support them or talk against the crime. I am real. I have no time to save Nigeria. Nigeria is not salvageable. There are too many illiterates in leadership positions. 1 Like |
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Adakintroy: Nigeria will not work. Stop wasting your time. Until your leaders stop tribalism, nepotism and religoous poisoning of the minds of the teeming youth. Again, you can not stop cybercrime with hatred and arrests. How do I even know that you are not a yahoo boy? 1 Like |
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Angelfrost: Hahahahahahahahaa. These kids will not cease to amaze me. I got kidnapped and robbed at gun point by young boys who are not smart enough to go into Yahoo Yahoo. And those who can Yahoo Yahoo are actually Armed Robbers and Kidnappers with options. I am not saying all Yahoo Yahoo boys are potential armed robbers and kidnappers, but what I am saying is, that Yahoo Yahoo is a product of a failed system. And you morons have failed to see the connection between Poverty, Lack of Employment and Lack of Capital as the major cause of cybercrime. Those politicians you mentioned are not different from the Yahoo Boys, and the Pastors are also not different from Yahoo Boys. It is just that the Field of Operation is Offline. Until you seemingly intelligent people of Nigeria focus on the root of the causes and not the effects of the problems, you will not defeat this menace. You can not stop cybercrime with arrests and convictions. It has never worked on any planet and trust me, cybercrime is not just a global problem, it happens in other Virtual Reality matrix of different universes. We must provide the young people with basic amenities, capital and hope. Supporting yahoo yahoo is wrong, until you are kidnapped at gun point, you will be forced to inform them to go to a lesser evil since evil is what the government manufactures with their nepotistic political equations that destroy the teeming youths. |
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Adakintroy: If you can read, then why can't you engage your brain in the descriptive analysis of my writings instead of spewing morality lessons to someone who is holier than you. I have repeated countless times here on this forum of the ignorant that if Yahoo Yahoo is capable of generating money worth buying a private jet with, I would have joined the hustle and I am not afraid of sounding controversial. I have built many 9 figures annual revenue companies so I have no need for such monies that Yahoo Yahoo brings. A million dollars or two is really not money, and I hardly hear that they make upwards from $50m. That is the type of money that can even move my dicck ![]() So, engage your brain wisely here on this forum and inform the goddamn government if you are one of their a,ss-lickers to provide basic things like 247 electricity non-stop and even the kids I have in my Start Up and Incubation Centers - amazing young people with raw talents would have been the next big things in the world, but most of them are hanging around exploring alternative options due to chronic nepotisms spiced with religiously political leadership failure ina country now known as zoo by Nnamdi Crazy Kanu. ![]() By the way, what do you mean by justification? Does it even occur to you that the person you are addressing is above all laws? That I can do what ever I fuccking want in a world designed by wicked Gods Jehovah and Allah according to the lies of the holy books. I am not holy, and I do not pretend to be. And let me even shock you further. I do not aspire to be holy. It boring to be holy. But as for Yahoo Yahoo, it is a waste of time, cos there is more that can be done with the internet like researching and designs and searcing for the next big pusssy to put my dicck in, than telling people about Plane crash stories and black money in boxes. Have fun boy, you are taking life too seriously and becoming a judge. Life is just a Virtual Reality Game. So have fun and stop judging. You asked for it. 1 Like 1 Share |
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Cybercrime is the new type of crime and no one can stop it, only education on the part of those who are duped and providing means of livelihood to the youth is the way to manage the situation. As long as there is a hungry people out there who has gotten advanced knowledge on how to cheat the system, then they will fuccking do it than die of hunger suicide. I do not care about who the hypocrites are, but we must stop blaming the cybercriminals alone and blame the politicians who have destroyed the hope of the teeming youth. I started believing that cybercrime is a lesser vice when I was robbed at gun point and kidnapped into a 'middle-of-no-where' and I had to beg for my life. So, I have quit condemning cyber criminals for now, because the words that came from the mouths of those young men who kidnapped me clearly made me realize that we are wasting our time condemning the victims, and I dare say that the youths are the victims of the system that do not even provide them with electricity to explore their talents. All these celebrities are just plainly put, stupid. If they channel their efforts into fighting the politicians as much as they are criticizing the cybercriminals, then may be they would have provided these young bright minds with options to design concepts and processes that will lead to a greater engagement with the trends in the world. In my recent trip to Shenzhen, China. I have so far concluded that Nigeria is a curse on our young people. What I mean in essence is, that, in fact it is a crime against a Soul, to be birthed in Nigeria. That is my final input on this thread, whoever disagrees with this position will receive my full-blown wrath, cos I am tired of blaming the victims. Our young yahoo yahoo boys and girls are victims of a destroyed system that has given them no foundation to build on. It is stupid to be stupid. 8 Likes 2 Shares |
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This is not noise, it is worse. 4 Likes 1 Share |
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The Igbo tribe of Nigeria have been doing very well without political support. I have no doubts that the sky is their limit. But no one is talking about my small tribe of less than 5m people. Since Nigeria is now a Tribal State, can they tell us when all the tribes will have their own share of the Presidency? 1 Like 1 Share |
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That election needs to be nullified and a new election scheduled. If we allow that sham of election to remain a determinant of a dispensation, then we have finally surrendered our rights to vote to just anyone who can waste your time under rain and sun while they stuff-up ballot boxes at INEC HQ with pre-thumped ballot sheet. Even those ballot boxes will have identical thump-prints. The black man is a strange human species. |
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Geekamon: Metaphorically speaking, son. |
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kkins25: If you have an empty bottle and you cap that empty bottle without putting anything in it. Is the bottle really empty? Expand that analogy to the entire atmosphere, and space between you and your computer, is that space really empty? And if you say it is 'Air' that fills the space in the bottle and also 'Air' that fills the space between you and your computer, then does it really mean that 'air' is nothing? What is the nature of that thing you call 'Air' and what dynamics in the 'air' conduct sound? Because sound is energy and the fact that you hear a sound transported via Air, means there is a carrier for that energy called sound. What is the pressure, the temperature and the momentum of that medium called air. If you alter the temperature of that 'air', will it affect the speed at which sound is coveyed. Sound current is the charged fluid that transports several energy forms in space from a point to another and is connected to every other space in the Universe, In essence, there is really no vaccum. To understand the nature of our reality, we need to study the nature of waves, particles, the causation of vibration and the voltage present in the 'air'. What is the component of Air, is it just 'Air' or is there something within the mix that has capability to transform what we think of nature of reality? The answer is Yes. Until now Science could only track the 'components' of air by using specific tests designed to confirm the presence of certain gases, but there are other component of 'air' that is not physical in nature, of which the 'instruments' of qualitative and quantitative analysis can not detect. That 'unknown' aspect of air is magneto-electric in nature and using macroscopic coherency of microscopic phenomena, one can decode that what we call Air is simply fluid with energy spectrum outside the UV-RIGBOV-IR extending to other spectra. Ofcourse our physical eyes can only see things within our allocated spectrum of light. But how can you see beyond the physical spectrum of light and what instrument can be used to scientifically dictate this? Using Consciousness Technologies, one can deduce that the presence of orgone energy, the life force that pulsates all things and activate life in every living thing. It is the Life force that supports life and existence, and beyond orgone energy are other components of air which when understood can literally help us communicate to others across to other persons across continents, cos we are all neted individuated units of consciousness who do not really need telephones to communicate. This medium can be perceived using Extra Senses, so since we are all aware of Extra Sensory Perceptions, I think the greatest thing we can do is explore these extra senses and utilize that component of ourselves to see beyond the spectrum allocated to the 5 physical senses, because beyond the physical, can only be perceived with the extra senses. Sound current is the fluid that transports sounds, but it is not just sound that it transports, it transports data, information database in 1s and 0s and when you collapse the wave to particulate matter with your imagination and visualization, you can create your designs, your expectations and materialize those dreams and all these are transported using that field, a Unified field that connects all things in the Universe. So call Space a Unified Field. It is not an empty field, it is teaming with activities and life, and it is the Consciousness Database where all our thoughts and dreams are always present, and we can access them at will. 6 Likes |
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elated177: Man is the creator in disguise. Tuned down to a mere spirit in a lump of meat ignorant of what he is. So there is no limit to what man can achieve. Invariable man does not live in the body, but is piloted outside of the reality he calls life. |
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kingstarz: Why are we conservative with truth? Does she not look scary? Does being scary take away her courage and bravery? Are we going to aspire to be politically correct all the time even when truth stares us in the face. I admire her bravery and courage. She challenges me with such bravery, but heck, she is scary and I am proud of how she has turned her life around. Not her fault. |
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What money can not buy, more money can buy it. Money does not change people. Money makes the person what he is supposed to be. In essence, life without money is a fake life. The true nature of the individual can only be known in an abundance of money. 2 Likes 1 Share |
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Classless. 1 Like |
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The courage and confidence to advertise your weakness as strength scares the Jehovah in me, and I think we all have something to learn about the courage of this scary lady. May her days be long. 5 Likes |
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From all indications, INEC is a department in APC. And I am sure when PDP wins the next Election, INEC will also become a Department in PDP. The Cabal is so determined that they are prepared to destroy democratic institutions to implement a covet conquest vision. Those who think this is about INEC and APC should think deeper. INEC and APC, as well as CBN and NNPC are just vehicles needed by the Cabal to implement their Game Plan. We all know that Buhari stood no chance in that election. I can not be deceived. I am fully prepared, I just hope the masses are. 8 Likes 1 Share |
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