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Reminderz's Posts

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Computers / Please Recommend A Good Graphics Laptop Below #300,000 by Reminderz: 8:49am On Feb 11
Help recommend...
Crime / Re: Man Killed His Girlfriend For Cheating, Then Posted It Online (Photos) by Reminderz: 2:37pm On Dec 18, 2024
You now see the reason why we say simps are more dangerous to the society than feminists?


Romance / Re: Case closed by Reminderz: 9:56pm On Oct 17, 2024
You deserve to be sacrificed to the gods

27 Likes 1 Share

Romance / Re: Please I'm Having Issues With NYSC PPA Relocation by Reminderz: 7:05am On Sep 18, 2024
If she has any nysc hotline, she should call them or she should make inquiry through nysc sectarian or local LGIs..

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Romance / Re: The Most Dangerous Subject In The World. by Reminderz: 12:06pm On Sep 16, 2024
I've never seen a thread so derailed as this... Una nor even let the OP post wetin e wan talk.. which kind thing be this? Everyone is trying to prove his intelligence! Nawa!
Romance / Re: How Upwork Saved Me From Loan Sharks (400K Debt) My Girl Left…!!! by Reminderz: 11:49am On Sep 16, 2024
She came back after trying other gods 😂😂😂 and concluding that you are the softest.

Omo , you be Simp oo , forget
The guy is beyond redemption, he can't be saved... Can't you see him justifying the actions of a hoe?? Lmao, some men are just foolish
Romance / Re: How Upwork Saved Me From Loan Sharks (400K Debt) My Girl Left…!!! by Reminderz: 11:48am On Sep 16, 2024

Bro, are you in Lagos? Let's be friends. Our stories are similar, just that in my case, after my girlfriend broke up with me, I begged her for several months till we came back together. But I'm beginning to understand how women think.
You begged her to come back? That's the begining of your failures bro.. You don't beg woman to come back to your life, she will punish you with it sooner or later and will hit you with "did I force you?", "You begged me to stay with you" lines...

You can be anything in life but never be a pushover and a simp!!
Family / Re: Young Man Finds Out Child Isn’t His, Months After The Baby’s Birth by Reminderz: 11:40am On Sep 16, 2024
Trust a woman at your own peril...

38 Likes 2 Shares

Romance / Re: Why Do People (mostly Women) Cry When Proposed To ? by Reminderz: 4:19am On Aug 27, 2024
To deceive gullible men into thinking she's special... Person wey be hookup merchant...

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Romance / Re: Which Do You Prefer And Why by Reminderz: 6:38am On Aug 05, 2024
in the quest of fighting to be free, they didn't know they were losing their power and sanity... this is why Islam will overpower all religion as time goes on..

the West especially, have programmed women to be shameless and also useless under the guise of being free... when modesty is out of the window, when morality is just a joke, then prepare to have a community full of crackheads.. when you give women so much freedom and leeway, they self-destruct... it's just like a tortoise losing its shell thinking it's now totally free, not knowing it has also lost its essence and power..

8 Likes 1 Share

Romance / Re: Landlord Wahala by Reminderz: 11:05pm On Jul 27, 2024
I know this might sound harsh, but try to put yourself in your landlord's shoes. Your landlord also has needs and you had an agreement before he rented out the space to you. The only thing I can say is try as much as possible to pay up. it's not easy everywhere and I don't see what he did as a bad thing.

17 Likes 3 Shares

Romance / Re: Is It That New Churches Are Springing Up Everyday Nowadays? by Reminderz: 11:02pm On Jul 27, 2024
that's because churches are now a type of business venture, not created solely for worship but to make money and scam gullible people...

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Romance / Re: Man Takes Back Iphone & Wig He Bought For Lady After She Rejected His Proposal by Reminderz: 8:45pm On Jul 24, 2024
I will boldly tell my son that the day he kneels down for a lady is the day he becomes disowned.


Romance / Re: In My Current Relationship, my guy and I retaliate a lot by Reminderz: 2:52am On Jul 24, 2024
all I see is two kids in a relationship wasting away precious time doing nonsense...

212 Likes 21 Shares

Education / Re: MOUAU Lecturer In Tears As Her Students Surprise Her On Her Birthday by Reminderz: 10:21am On Jul 18, 2024
Hope they all wrote their names and reg numbers in a piece of paper and attached it to the gift. That way she won't fail any of them. grin

I remember back then in school one of my lecturer lost his mom. He then told us to attend the burial. When he saw that we weren't taking it seriously, he told us that he wouldn't be giving us quiz that the burial attendance is 40 marks. Omo the whole department including carryover students chartered buses to attend the burial.

At the burial, come and how we were struggling to write our names and reg numbers. Las las everyone passed the course. To be a student in Nigeria no easy o. grin
burial attendance 40 marks grin grin

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Romance / Re: Is My Partner Cheating? by Reminderz: 6:31am On Jul 16, 2024

Medically speaking, she may be innocent.

Women are bound to have vaginal infections at different points in their lives.

this might be the dumbest statement I've heard/seen this year......like wtf?? are you that dumb?

op if you're sure you haven't slept with anybody else except her, and you're also sure it's STD, she might have cheated as you said.. do not be deceived into thinking because she works she can't cheat.. it doesn't take a hoe anything to cheat... she will always create the time to do just that... dump that b!tch and seek medical attention asap... she went on a hoecation when you guys had an issue or probably she's been sleeping around while in the relationship with you... these hoes ain't loyal..


Romance / Re: Man Ends Marriage With Wife 2 Months After Traditional Wedding by Reminderz: 5:12am On Jul 11, 2024
you saw these red flags and you kept simping hard... foolish man... simps will always suffer... don't save her. she doesn't want to be saved. redpill 3v45


Romance / Re: Beware Of Organ Traffickers - Nigerian Girl Warns Other Girls (video) by Reminderz: 5:13am On Jul 07, 2024
na organ traffickers and ritualists be their main men now sef... you nor see say those cheap, lazy and broke gals nor dey ask you which type of work you dey do?

just fund their gluttonous lifestyle and you can use them to do whatever you want...

90 Likes 4 Shares

Romance / Re: Should I Break Up With My With Her, Take A Break Or Give Her Another Chance by Reminderz: 5:11am On Jul 07, 2024
This is what happens when a man has prioritised his feelings over logic. This is what happens when a man puts a woman on a pedestal. This is what happens when a man has no options. This is what happens when a man is blinded by lust. This is what happens when a man thinks her woman is special. This is also what happens when a man has overinvested in a fruitless relationship. They all end up heartbroken, depressed or suicidal over pvssy.

15 Likes 1 Share

Romance / Re: Please Help!!!! Somebody Is Threatening To Stab My Sister To Death (pics) by Reminderz: 7:12am On Jun 23, 2024
what type of WhatsApp UI and chat bubbles is this? it's likely this is fake to gain traffic or it has been so long...

but that aside, this is why simps are more dangerous to the society as a whole. Simpish behaviour should be punishable offence...
Romance / Re: One Thing That Smells Good But Isn't Perfume? by Reminderz: 7:05am On Jun 23, 2024
why are people saying newly printed money...? or they are equating its value to its smell? that smell is so fvcking awful.

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Romance / Re: Things Rich People Say by Reminderz: 6:46pm On Jun 19, 2024
that money doesn't buy happiness... and you'll never see them give out all their money...
Romance / Re: What A Girl Did yesterday by Reminderz: 6:27am On Jun 19, 2024
nothing is sensible from a man that have no moral compass except for what he sees in Europe and America.

For all I care, if they start eating sh*t over there tomorrow, you'll justify it as much as you can undecided
you don't need to reply foolish people...
Romance / Re: Transaction Is Successful But Amount Is Not Received by Reminderz: 6:26am On Jun 08, 2024
just hope it's not fake alert... did you receive any text or email alert? just go to the bank to complain.
Romance / Re: What's The Hype Behind The Game Of Chess? (Pic) by Reminderz: 12:59am On Jun 08, 2024

Nope!... Ludo is a game of luck. To get double six doesn't require a special thinking.
Exactly, I don't know why this is even a debate... Comparing Ludo to chess Bullshit... They are not even close...

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Romance / Re: What's The Hype Behind The Game Of Chess? (Pic) by Reminderz: 12:58am On Jun 08, 2024

Ludo and card games are games of chance. While These are the games that throughly reflect real life situations not chess. 'Cause you can't always have chances in your favor.
In chess, you win, lose or stalemate. Everything will not always go in your favour... But ludo and card games are simply the game of luck, not chess... Why would I always hope to get a 6 everytime I roll the die..? The outcome sometimes is even dependent on which angle the die is bent more... Ludo is a game of luck not wits, and if you always depend on luck in life, you'll lose because someday, your luck will run out....
Romance / Re: What's The Hype Behind The Game Of Chess? (Pic) by Reminderz: 12:54am On Jun 08, 2024

You gave few answers to your questions already and still….

Anyways, someone like you must have tried learning chess but your IQ is way too low to grab the concept. Now you have a problem with chess. Your IQ is probably in the lower percentile.

There are people who are smarter than you. Chess is one game that can draw that line. Even Magnus Carlsen has a one of the highest IQ.
when I see people talk down on the game of chess and hype some other assumed to be similar board games, I laugh.. it only tells me one of two things...

1) they only see with one eye
2) they lack critical thinking skills
3) they are simply dumb and their brain isn't capable to learn the beautiful game....

instead of you to see it as being "overhyped", it's better to see it as not being into it... chess is one of the greatest and oldest board games and it wasn't even brought from the West as some people claimed it was... no other board games comes close when it comes to analysis, theory, similarities to reality, lessons to be learnt from the game... it's not that they hate chess, they just hate that they can't grasp the concept and can't become better at it, so instead of to simply accept this fact, they hate it and their comments makes them sound foolish... Not everyone is a fan of football, but that doesn't mean a person who isn't a fan should talk down on the sport saying it's overrated... what you choose to do with what you love is solely your business... not everyone play football to make money from it or to probably "change the world" and so is chess... Chess is even more than just a board game, it is reality. this is why it's one of the oldest board game and ever lasting board games...
Phones / Re: The Xiaomi Thread. by Reminderz: 9:11am On Jun 06, 2024
what can be the issue of normal call works fine phone when on loudspeaker and direct contact with the ear but not with social media calls like telegram... people can only hear me on social media calls only when I put it on speaker...

Bluetooth works fine, voice message and everything else.
Phones / Re: The Xiaomi Thread. by Reminderz: 12:09pm On May 30, 2024

Yes true to the fact,

Even good quality 8k batteries perform well,you just need to have a good source,

Not trying to spoil your joy though

where can I get quality redmi note 7, 8 or 9 battery and where I can fix it? anyone...?
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City vs Manchester United: FA Cup Finals (1 - 2) On 25th May 2024 by Reminderz: 4:01pm On May 25, 2024
Again, Pep "over thinking " is about to cost City.
In champions league final against Chelsea,in numerous cl matches and other matches,he wants to come across as a genius tactician,tinkering unnecessary and at the end messing things up.
What in God's name is stones that has been out for a while starting in a cup final?
Even Ake,what is he doing?Ake is good no doubt,but akanji and Dias had formed a good, understanding central defensive partnership.
He has 2 defensive midfielders in Kovacic and Rodri is a single tie cup final!Is City defending any first leg advantage.
It should have been Doku starting with Foden on the flanks,Bernardo being free floating as usual(defensive and creative) and DeBruyne solely creative.
If City loses,Pep is the fault!!
It's also time Pep does away with these over elaborate back passes and very slow,boring play city play most times.
That is the reason he always finds it a struggle beating the likes of Madrid.
Madrid has an average team this year,yet Pep decided to be ultra conservative till they scored and he was forced to react by telling the team to be faster with the balls.
Imagine a below average Utd team leading by 2-0.I just hope by the time he introduces Doku,it wouldn't be too late
assuming he was winning with that same tactics now, all these your explanations wouldn't have been necessary...

you go explain tire...

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City Vs West Ham (3 - 1) On 19th May 2024 by Reminderz: 5:40pm On May 19, 2024
it is not about the club,but about the philosophy if the coach,pep is a serial winner and a perfectionist.loosing is never an option to him,and he imfuses that same winning mentality into his players.any club that hires him must be ready to dance to his tune and spend big.if he decides to join Chelsea he will definitely turn the club into another man city.a winner remains a winner any where he finds himself.
we said the same thing, you just expatiated further.
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester City Vs West Ham (3 - 1) On 19th May 2024 by Reminderz: 5:19pm On May 19, 2024
where was city before pep?any club that is ready to spend the kind of money pep wants will definitely succeed.
Chelsea have spent more... where has it led them? it's not just about money, that's what you guys don't understand... it's just an advantage but definitely not about having money alone... if you're good, you're good... EPL is farmers league and Guardiola has proved that, and it doesn't change anything even if City doesn't win the league today... EPL is just bunch of mediocre players competing against themselves... I never rated EPL as high anymore ever since Leicester came from relegation to win the league... never happened in Spain, Italy or German league before... and the number of European Cups won further proves this fact...


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