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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 9:26pm On Sep 29, 2015
God is good. I got a 2 person flat share in Bremen. Nicely furnished.

That is good... I will advice you act fast and make an appointment to visit the flat, if possible deposit or else tomorrow they will tell you it has been given out. talking from experience. bis bald!
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 10:37pm On Sep 28, 2015
hello everyone, i need help as regards change of school when i get to germany as am not planning to use the admission letter i used to get my visa because of all this east german crisis. on my visa, the name of the school is mentioned on it. i got 2 admission and am planning on going to the other. pls how do i go about this....

You should not have problem switching. You just need to head on straight to your desired school. However, note that the Alien Office in your new school will have to contact your former Alien office that issued your visa to transfer e-copy of your file with them (it could take up to 2 weeks) after which you can apply for the visa extension in your new desired School. Hope you get it? Same thing applied to me before i finally settle in Bremennn

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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 6:40am On Sep 12, 2015
[quote a NOT PERMITTED ". Is anything like that on ur visas too? I think tourist or visit visa shou uthor=XpensiveT post=37917657]Greetings to my bosses in d house...please those who have collected their visas nd those who are already in Germany, I really need an urgent response about my question. On my visa, they wrote " ERWERBSTÄTIGKEIT NICHT GESTATTET " wc means " GAINFUL EMPLOYEMENT ld have that kinda remarks not student visa. Shld I send a mail to d embassy to ask for clarification coz man must hustle ooo. I no wan hear story when I enter germo.

My ogas.. @Aibee01, @Oye50, @Hollaytan, @Obiwannn @Yusufftaiwo, @Dehonorable, @Kciano, @scofield03, @Twinkle1, @Pompido, @Obs3rver et all. Abeg make una see to my matter ooo

Still on d matter... #TeamWinter2015 #Freiburger

Vielen Dank[/quote]

Good observation mehn, it never oçcurred to me to check the meaning of the remark. Here is what I have on my visa : BESCHÄFTIGUNG GEM. AUFENTHIG GESTATTET. Meaning employment allowed. Polzin was the V.O in charge of my application.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 6:37pm On Sep 10, 2015
University of Gottingen is rated more than University of Hamburg or Bremen. Gottingen ones made the list of German Universities of Excellence Initiative but Hamburg and Bremen has not been able to make that list.

Says who? I think I must come in @ this junction. just check Uni Bremen website, the first thing you will see as part of their logo is EZcellent. i m not sure I got the spelling. they won the excellent award 2012 which has made them to be very strong. Plus.. Uni Bremen are the best in Germany for Marine Sciences. make your findings. will get back to you with links.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 9:56am On Sep 09, 2015

Congrats dear. I am happy for you. Pray for us that are yet to have our interviews. Regards and Stay Focused

Thanks, I appreciate. The Lord will complete what He has started. just believe

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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 6:05am On Sep 09, 2015
My e-family... Happy to announce to y'all that I arrive Deutschland safely yesternight. Mehn, the cold here is not funny @ all. For those that will join soon, try get a winter jacket from 9ja u can still get a better one when you arrive.
I flew Emirate to Hamburg and their hospitality was superb. I still intend strolling out now to explore the beauty of Deutschland. #teambremen

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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 3:00pm On Sep 01, 2015
Hi Vic. Can i get Royal Air Maroc going to bremen or where is the destination?

I am not sure you can fly air maroc to Bremen.. flights directly to Bremen are expensive, why not opt for Hamburg using Emirate, Etihad or Turkish. These are the cheapest I have seen so far in increasing order. hope this help
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 5:59pm On Aug 27, 2015

Congratulations chairman

Which bank did you finally use for the blocked account payment?

thanks man, I used fidelity, I did the transaction last week Tuesday, debitted on Thursday and db credit alert on Monday this week. Thursday, today Visa
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 2:49pm On Aug 27, 2015
LET SoMEBODY SHOUT HALLELUYAH.......(in Daddy Adeboye's Voice)

Come join me celebrate victory as the long awaited Bridegroom' just arrive... I have been asked to come with 3 month travel insurance and my passport. Words can not describe how I feel right now...I am soooooo happppyyyy! I just got my db credit alert on Monday (24/08), interview July 8th..

Thanks to everyone especially my #Teambremen @nellyb24, Kingsleymike, ogompaul, my boss Justcul. lmuhopeful, Williamso, obiwann. .. oga pata pata eke40seven and everyone reading this post. I love this family (forum) so much, its full of intellectuals.

I pray those that are still expecting will come out positive. Now I declare visa open for bremenite in the name of the Father, Son and..... GODWIN


Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 9:57am On Aug 26, 2015
Guys, i need help to make blocked account payment. i don't have any form of invoice from my school as requested by the 2 banks i went to. All i have here is the db account opening letter. who here has done this payment successfully in lagos? what bank did you use? did you have to provide a school invoice as well? please i need someone to talk to here (a phone number or email will be great) i need to make this payment today,. the embassy already sent an email stating that my db account funding confirmation is awaited.

Thank you..

b/s: who was at the embassy yesterday? how did your interview go?

Try Fidelity and Sterling bank HQ if you are in Lagos. you can open account same day and carry out your transaction as well. Hope you have a letter from your school highlighting the breakdown of your living expenses or confirming the 8040 Euro? if you have, there shouldn't be a problem.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 5:13pm On Aug 17, 2015
Union Bank charged me NGN228.50K per Euro as at last week

Okay, but its still high.... Good news everyone EURO has fallen small.lol to 216.5 according to CBN selling rate. So make hay while the sunshine
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 4:58pm On Aug 17, 2015
Union Bank is quicker less stress.

True, but currently one of the most expensive. Someone once said first bank is 231..it is not true only that their process is cumbersome, the rate as at Friday was 223.6. After showing this yeye first bank evidence of payment of semester fee (a friend in Berlin helped in paying) they still decline my application because my name was not shown on the receipt (my friend paid directly from his account) but reference number corresponds. I got so annoyed and transferred all my money to another account. Meanwhile, Madam Adeola said they now have funds. I intend zooming back to Fidelity to finally do the transaction. Bremen has given me a letter to show cost of living in Germany.
#Teambremen, those that are yet to fund their account can pm me, I will forward you the letter as it is a general letter and addressed to whom it may concern.

Congrats to all those that got their Visa. i envy una oo. lol..Enough visa were issued last week Friday, I know three peeps we did interview same day with also got theirs same day but they are not on NL.
As it is now, the funding seem to be the most tedious of this process. I am sure we will all scale through. Cheers
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 11:04pm On Aug 13, 2015

Do you need talex to pay in into their naira account in naija while they withdraw it here in Euros thru their ATM Card?
I understand you well sir, I am asking if my friend in Germany can generate a telex or confirmation of payment that can be accepted by our Nigerian bank as their eyes are seriously shining to fx transaction. Thanks cc: uchezdedon
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 7:19pm On Aug 13, 2015

International transfers are given extra 3 days for delays. I suggest you contact your friends in Germany, pay in the money into their naira account which we can even use our zenith bank or GTbank master card to withdraw here. Then they can help pay it here.

woww.. thanks, I never thought in that direction. I have two peeps that can help in Germany but, will I be able to get a telex for the transaction so as to show my Naija banks (sounds ridiculous) and will they accept it? thanks again
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 6:48pm On Aug 13, 2015

All I know is that Germans are very strict with deadlines but its best you contact the school. We were given enough time to do that thou.....

Thanks, I will mail and call them tomorrow. Gues
s you have paid yours. please, after payment did Uni Bremen send you any document to confirm payment?
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 5:48pm On Aug 13, 2015
M y fellow #team bremen. I hope you have paid your semester fee. I have been disappointed by our Nigerian banks ooo. Read my story:

I went to a nearby access bank branch in ikorodu to pay for the semester fee last week Wednesday. After many pressure on the branch manager to initiate the transfer, he said they will initiate it, I waited till Monday evening no feedback. I headed straight to Fidelity HQ to open acct and pay the fees plus blocked account on Tuesday. Madam Adeola said the semester fee will fly' but the blocked account cannot fly' saying I need a letter from my school stating the cost of living on a letter headed paper. I had to carry on with the semester fee processing. meanwhile I sent a mail to my schools to help with the letter.
From Fidelity, I head to First Bank Headqtrs in Marina (221.78 to an euro as at Tuesday), I showed them my credentials for blocked account, they said its okay that they can make my money fly'.

This morning on my way to fidelity to enquire about my transaction, I received a mail from FBnk that my transaction was declined. Reason: they need a proof of payment of semester fee. On getting to Madam Adeola, she said they are lack of FUNDS (I don't really undstand what she meant) until they hear from CBN. meanwhile semester fee deadline is August 15th. From there I went to confirm the mail I got from First Bank by meeting the transferring officer. He said if I can provide the evidence of payment there wouldn't be issue. I considered creating a new transaction with first bank to pay the semester fee since they have funds in treasury, which I did! though fidelity own is still in process. I don't want to take any risk that's why I opened the transaction in two banks (whichever one succeed first I will stick with and withdraw from the other account). I don't know if it has any consequence.

Advice to those that are yet to fund should get all necessary document in advance especially the letter from the school.

my question is, If this transaction is not successful tomorrow (which I believe will) what will be the consequence in Bremen and do I need to let my school know situation of things? please I need your input .

@ Nellyb24 you are mouthed for securing that Earth Science admission, I fear' when I saw the 10 limited slots when I wanted to apply then.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 9:22am On Aug 06, 2015

Gtb at ikeja

please, did you use a savings or current acct? I heard from one of their branches that they can only do form A transaction via current account.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 12:23pm On Aug 01, 2015
Wow! I just got a news that CBN has directed all banks to stop receiving foreign currency deposits into domiciliary accounts. Its a temporary directive though. Implication; we are all confined to using Form A to fund blocked accounts, even if u can afford buying euro at black market.
Hmmm! This country, new day new policy! I pray they don't wake up and make any funny policy about d Form A too.

confirmed! its an edge for form A transaction. see link below : http://dailyindependentnig.com/2015/07/banks-stop-receiving-foreign-currency-cash-deposits/

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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 6:55pm On Jul 31, 2015
I'm so happy to inform u guys that the long awaited email from the embassy arrived today***exactly 22 days after my interview ... Was asked to come with my 3month travel insurance...but shouldn't book to travel until 10th Sept...Not planning to travel until 30th though
BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE... eke47,obiwann, justwise and all others I can't mention now...eventhough I didn't always have to ask alot of questions on here but I've followed closely everything that transpired here...
Time to intensify my Language studies...
No plan to enter embassy until august ending

congrats Bro, ours is on the way


Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 4:25pm On Jul 30, 2015
how much does the room cost?
They are very cheap rooms compared to what you can get from landlords, you can also apply for shared apartment, available rooms will be highlighted below each housing unit. the price ranges from 201 to 280, 290 euro depending on the size of room and housing. the offer i have in Bremerhaven cost 220 euro.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 3:49pm On Jul 30, 2015
To my fellow #teambremen. Concerning the accomodation, i have made several applications and enquiries that will yield positive result soon. I have been on waiting list in 4 different housing unit via the studentenwerk dormitory. Simply download the form online and fill, attach admission letter and confirmation of account opening to different managers in charge of about 9 housing options. Currently, i have been offered an apartment to stay in the vacation resort center in bremerhaven but i may not go for it cos its about 30min from unibremen by tram., most landlords i meet via wg.gesucht wants me to be physically present to know how serious i am. The bottom line is just to keep searching, if you apply early you might get a place in one of the dormitories. Cheers!
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 3:32pm On Jul 30, 2015
were are the #team bremen people...have u guys paid the semester fee?
#Team bremen seems to be much this winter... I will be paying the semester fee next week alongside block account. I am begining to get worried oo, i didnt get a reminder from the embassy the very day of the interview till date (3 wks nw) and i have been waiting for this reminder to attach with documents to process db payment using form A. do i need to worry?.. Has anyone observed that the visa processing is becoming unusually prolonged compared to last year and those that applied very early? i may be wrong though.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 4:35pm On Jul 24, 2015
What if to say you chop 8 weeks like me
I used a pen at last because of the headache the stuff gave me but for this, just convert to Microsoft word and edit although filing it with it comes with its own headache too.

You don't need to convert to ms word, it may alter the arrangement of the document. There are two ways to edit PDF file (form)on PC, you can download the latest acrobat reader or foxit reader (that's what I used)
1. Once you open the form, you will see an icon on the top right corner of the screen prompting you to "enable Editting". just click and start typing on the form (black ink)
2. In case you don't have access to the latest acrobat reader or foxit reader, on your PDF reader menu click on "type writer". You can now drag cursor to the form dialog boxes and type (blue ink). it will appear like the one Eke40seven upload above.

for those that are yet to fill blocked account form too, the method also works with the account opening form. My oga, any news from the embassy? I did my interview exactly a week after you. So na your back I dey.lol. hope this help some1


Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 10:31pm On Jul 18, 2015

I got an email from unibremen stating that I have an offer of admission but the prob is my address. The address they have with them is all correct except that it shows Germany instead of Nigeria. I have given them my correct address, I also asked them to send me a PDF file but I am yet to get a reply.....please did u receive a PDF file or the hard copy and which strike are u talking about ?

yea, it was a PDF file, congrats on ur offer. I was talking about the German post office strike which has been resolved now...Once you have corrected the address they will send you a scanned copy of the admission letter and post to your address as well. contact your dept as well not the master@unibremen, my offer letter was sent to me by the course coordinator (PDF) and he explained the cause of the delay. You can as well call them through phone, they will surely attend to you. hope this helps.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 12:00pm On Jul 16, 2015

been expecting my admission but the portal kept showing "admission in progress". Material Chemistry and Minerology
Contact your coordinator asap to know the actual status of ur application. my online portal also shows the same msg even after acceptance. It changed to '..in progress' shortly after i was accepted. Though the letter was supposed to be posted via mail but was altered because of the strike. so contact your dept. best of luck
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 8:44am On Jul 16, 2015
Please any University of Bremen applicant onboard?
AI ONE'. any goodies? im heading to unibremen.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 5:22pm On Jul 14, 2015
Hi guys, I'm new here and about to go open the blocked student account at the embassy tomorrow.

I've downloaded the account opening forms & filled them but the issue is, the form specfies that I 'check that my online application has been completed'. I only downloaded then pdf and filled the it with my pen after printing & didn't do any online application

I've checked the deutsch bank website can't find a place to fill anything online. Could any one help me with this? Do I really need to fill anything online or its an oversight?

I'll appreciate a speedy response from anyone as I need to go to the embassy tomorrow.

Brother, you dont need to fill anything online. just fill the pdf form and head straight to the embassy tomorrow with your int passport +copy and admission letter. Danke
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 4:46pm On Jul 11, 2015

Seems like a very sound interview

Excuse me, this information about course structure, how did you obtain it?
Thanks, you can easily get it online. its usually a pdf, just download it study it vry well. you can nt escape it.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 3:14pm On Jul 09, 2015
You've been helpful whenever i pm you're always on ground to respond. I wish you the very best bros.
You are most welcome bro. Thanks, your good news is on the way.
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 3:09pm On Jul 09, 2015
scofield: badoo..congrats!

pompido, my Oga, I hail oo..na book I de go read for germany o..lol. so need to party all the party for here.

Thanks man, Congrats to you too, see you in Germany soon
Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 2:59pm On Jul 09, 2015

Guy congrats. Ur visa is guaranteed, I have d feeling. Just run ur block account.

See in germo.

Amen. thanks, I appreciate. waiting for the good news

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Travel / Re: General German Visa Enquiries Part 2 by scofield03: 1:34pm On Jul 09, 2015
in addition, Bremen is actually my choice but I used FREIBERG cos the Bremen offer have a condition stating that I should pay semester fee before August 15 (I will pay b4 den). as at last week I have made all research about FREIBERG I don't wanna mix it up with Bremen for interview.
I intend calling my course coordinator in Bremen to ask how to go about the swap. I am sure I will get a good feedback as no one has been able to hit the nail on the head as how to change school city after visa approval.

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