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Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:54pm On Jul 13, 2014
Today’s topic: Jesus, the light of the world. Jesus has existed from the beginning as the light of the world. God commanded presence of the light by His word and there was the physical light. Jesus does not exist only as the physical light; he is also the spiritual and moral light. Light disperses darkness and makes it disappear. No matter the thickness of darkness it can never overpower the light. Moral and spiritual darkness represents the sinful condition of the world as the Bible makes us to understand. God had provided the world with light from the beginning but with the coming of Jesus the light became more visible. John 12:46 – I am the light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness . We have the followings for discussion: The Light Revealed, Come to the light and The Light brings sight.

The Light Revealed: Whenever light is revealed it overcomes the darkness. Apostle John had already made us understand the source of the light when he took us to the creation: the life we have in Christ consists of the light energy of the creation as well as the moral and spiritual light, John (1:4-8, Genesis 1:1-3). God’s light has continued to shine and darkness has never been able to put it out or overcome it. This means Christ’s arrival into the world is an indication of the victory of light over the darkness. Acceptance of Jesus to one's life puts an end to all acts of evil.

All people are called to follow the Light (John 1:9 ; 8:12). John the Baptist declaration pointed the world to the genuine light. Christ declared, ‘I am the light of the world’ and made an invitation to the people to come and follow him. Following Jesus makes someone to be his disciple, walk in the light and have freedom from moral and spiritual darkness.

Come to the Light: Light exposes our spiritual condition. Man can choose either to walk in the light or darkness based on his spiritual condition. Anyone whose deeds are evil will love the darkness and hate the light (John 3:19-21). Sin leads to all forms of darkness: moral, spiritual and mental darkness. Whoever hates the Light of the World prefers the darkness. All evil acts are covered by the darkness. For instance wickedness, selfishness, rebellion, conspiracy and terrorism are acts of darkness. It is only by knowing the truth and walking in the light that people can be saved from falling into darkness

The truth has been made known and the Light revealed but it depends on individual to make the choice on whether to follow the Lord in his path of spiritual light and life or not. Jesus had stated that he did not come to judge those who choose to live in darkness, but to save them (John 12:46-50). Christ’s saving grace extends to all who are alive. It is when people reject Christ that they reject God’s offer of everlasting life, which leads to judgement and condemnation.

The Light Brings Sight: Christ was revealed as the physical Light when he opened the eyes of the man born blind (John (9:1-7). People asked if blindness of the man was as a result of his sin, or parent’s sin, but Jesus said it was for God to reveal His glory. Jesus brought sight back to the blind. He heals both physical and spiritual blindness (1 John 1:6-7)

After the man had been healed from the physical blindness he discovered the need to be healed of his spiritual blindness when he announced his faith in Christ and worshipped him (John 9:35-41). Christ provides for both physical and spiritual needs of people.

Those who are turning from Christ are moving away from the truth and following the spiritual condition that leads to darkness. Even, some Christians can remain spiritually blinded if they fail to fully understand who Christ is and follow him as such, esp those who continue in arrogance. May God help us. Lesson texts: John 1:4-9; 3:19-21; 8:12; 9:1-41; 12:46-50
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:44pm On Jul 20, 2014
Today's topic: Jesus the True Vine. Nothing compares with the peace and security that abiding in the love of Christ provides for the world. Abiding in him makes strong connection that results to fruitful Christian living possible. The productive Christian life is as a result of the strong connection with the True Vine. Christian that is attached with Christ will not produce fruit of bitterness. It is through our strong connection with Christ that we can produce suitable fruit in all good manners. John 15:5 - Jesus said, "I am the true vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much friut: for without me ye can do nothing" We have the followings for discussion: The vine Has Branches, Abide in the Vine, and Bring Forth Fruits.

The Vine Has Branches: As the True Vine Christ is the one through which all life flows - the moral, spiritual and everlasting life. Christians are connected with him for the life. God is the vine dresser. He prunes the branches and takes care of them so that they can bear much fruit. This means God is at work on us through His word so that we can continue to be fruitful. The teachings of Christ purges believers of all influences that disrupt good relationship with God ( John 15:1-3). The word of God cleanses believers and sustains them to be fruitful (Galatians 5:22-26).

Jesus wants all Christians to be fruitful. He doesn't want our being fruitful to be based purely on human efforts. It has to do with our connection with him. He said, "without me ye can do nothing". The Vine (Christ) is the source of nutrients and the support for the branches (those abiding in him) to bear the fruit. The rule is abide in Christ and then bear the fruit. Spiritual disciplines are required to remain in Christ and bear the fruit. These include Bible reading, prayer, fasting and daily meditation in God's word (John 15: 4-6). We must not ignore his warning and think we can do it on our own. Such decision will result to disconnection from him and inability to produce fruit. A branch that can no longer produce fruit is cut from the vine and burned, Matthew 7:16-20).

Abide in the Vine: When we abide in Christ his love will fill our hearts and his words will dwell in us. The result of this is that whatever we ask from God shall be done unto us John 15: 11-15). With Christ's love flowing through and around us we will posses his mind which makes it convenient to do the will of God. Also, we must not ignore his command to love others if we want his joy to remain in us. We are called to pursue Christ's modelled love, the greater love he showed when he left his glory, became human and gave up his life for the world. Laying down one's life for others shows the sacrificial love which involves putting the interests of others ahead of one's own. Jesus called his disciples his friends in order to establish the relationship of sharing with others. He shares the mystery of God's kingdom with those in him.

Bring Forth Fruit: Christ's followers are chosen and expected to bear the fruit, the fruit that will remain as a result of our obedience and connection with him. God chooses, cleanses, prunes and shapes us to bear the fruit. When we bear the fruit and continue doing God's will we have the assurance that He will hear and answer our prayers( John 15:16-20). Christ promised to give us Holy Spirit that will help us bear the fruit and witness for him. People may hate us as we become more like Christ, we shouldn't allow that to disturb us. Instead we should allow the real joy, peace and love of God to stir us up and prepare us for His eternal glory. May God help us. Lesson texts: John 15:1-27
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 9:01pm On Jul 27, 2014
Today's topic: Jesus Christ is Alive. This lesson gives the account of death and resurrection of Jesus from the records of the witnesses. Two prominent Jewish leaders, two Romans soldiers and some of his followers were the witnesses to his death and resurrection. Their records provided us with the evidence that will help strengthen our faith and lead others to receive Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. Revelation 1: 18 - I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. We have the followings for discussion: Jesus Died and was Buried, Jesus Rose from the dead and Jesus is Lord and God.

Jesus Died and was Buried: His death put an end to the intense physical and spiritual suffering on the cross. He was tortured and made to bleed under prolonged painful condition until he gave up his ghost (John 19:28-30). Some verses of Psalm 69 prophesied concerning the agony of the Saviour. His suffering was to accomplish the plan of God for salvation of souls of humankind. He had come to take the sin of the world on himself. And By his sacrificial death he paid the price of our sin. Christ was both truly divine and truly human. His conception was by the spirit and his birth was as human.

Jesus body was prepared for burial by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (John 19:38-42). Joseph was the wealthy member of the Jewish Council, and a secret follower of Jesus. He was the one that approached Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus to be buried in the tomb made for himself. Nicodemus was the Pharisee who prepared Jesus body with lots of spices for burial. The two Roman soldier were the guards who were watching to ensure that Christ's body was not taken away to prevent complexity about his stated resurrection. All these people testified to death of Jesus.

Jesus Rose from the Dead: Early in the morning of the third day Mary Magdalene went to the place where Jesus was buried but she saw that the tomb was open and empty. She rushed back to inform Peter and John about what she saw. Without wasting time they ran to the tomb and found it empty of Christ's body. What they saw inside were the cloths used to wrap his body and head laying separate in the tomb. All what they saw confirmed that Jesus had risen from death (John 20:1-8 ).John gave a good record as one of the first witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus. His record is vital to our belief in Jesus as the Lord.

The resurrected Lord appeared to many. Mary was the first person to see the risen Lord. On the same Sunday Jesus appeared to the whole group of his followers (John 20:20). They saw his wounds and heard his voice. With all evidences from his death to resurrection and testimonies of his appearance we shouldn't find it difficult to believe that Jesus arose from the dead.

Jesus is Lord and God: Thomas missed the first appearance of Christ to the disciples, so he couldn't believe in his resurrection. He might not be at fault for his doubt, he needed his own evidence and the firsthand information going by the extent of his relationship with Jesus when he was alive and the grief he felt for missing him. As such he gave the condition to believe in the resurrection. Christ wasn't offended for Thomas' state of mind. Instead of taking an offence he met Thomas' needs (John 20:24-28). At the susequent appearance Jesus provided Thomas with all he wanted. Then he believed and called Jesus both the Lord and God.

If we seek God by faith He will provide what we need. There are blessings attached with seeking and believing in God by faith. Jesus said, 'blessed are they that have not seen, and yet they have believed‘. The words of Jesus we are learning in the Bible are a blessing to those who believe. May God help us. Lesson texts: John 19: 28 thru 20:31
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:08pm On Aug 03, 2014
Today’s topic: Nature of the Church. The foundation of the Church is Jesus, and the Church is the living body of Christ for redemption of souls of men from eternal destruction. The Church is built to serve local communities of believers and do global mission work. The Church is also to participate fully in the Christ’s commission, to take gospel to all people. The Church shall continue to be relevant for as long as people are relevant in the presence of God. Ephesians 5:29,30 – No man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church; for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. We have the followings for discussion: Foundation of the Church, Symbols for the Church and Community of Faith.

Foundation of the Church: Before Jesus began teaching his disciples about his death and resurrection he asked them question about who they thought he was. They gave different answers similar to what anyone could say about Jesus today. Some of the disciples stated he was one of the greatest prophets (like Elijah, Jerimiah, John the Baptist or others, Matthew 16:13-19) . We too could have placed Jesus in the highest of human categories, but all these are still inadequate. Peter gave the real answer, “Thou art the Christ, the son of living God”. Peter’s confession was beyond human reasoning, it was divine revelation of God. Peter’s confession attracted divine and eternal blessing of God. There is divine and eternal blessing for everyone playing his own part of the mission work.

There is no other foundation that man can lay aside Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:10,11). Jesus has laid the Foundation of the Church; it is now left to believers to be wise ‘master builder’ according to the grace God has given to individual. An individual should build what can stand on Christ, the Foundation. If not there would be the danger of building upon weakened foundation which will result to falling down and condemnation. The enemies of Church have always attacked the Foundation, thinking they can weaken it and cause it to fall: they have ridiculed and rejected the deity of Christ, his birth, atonement death, resurrection and second coming. Despite all these the Foundation has remained unshakable.

The Symbol for the Church: Symbols or metaphors are used to describe the Church in the New Testament. The church is described as a Flock of Sheep (Acts 20:28) which means the members need a leader as a ‘shepherd’ who is to protect and provide for their needs. Apostles Paul committed the elders to oversee the affairs of the members of the Church – to provide for their physical and spiritual needs.

The Church as a Field; a Building means all ministers and workers are ‘labourers together with God’ (1 Corinthians 3:9). All labourers on the field or a building are working together with the Owner. We are working together with God to build His Church. No one owns the Church. It belongs to God. It is absolutely wrong to personalise a Church except you are referring and directing others to the physical structure you are worshipping.

The Church is Christ’s Body. Paul referred to the Church as a body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22,23). He revealed that God has put everything under Christ’s feet and made him the head over Church, which is his body. As the head Christ direct his people and through them he expresses God’s will for the world.Christians are expected to be an expression of Christ “the fullness of Him that filleth all in all”

The Church as Christ’s Bride is shown in Ephesians 5:25-27. Here the Church is described as the Bride of Christ. Jesus loved the Church and gave himself to it so that he could make it holy and acceptable in all good manners.

The Church is a Community of Faith, made up of people reconciled to God by Christ (Ephesians 2:13-18 ). Before the coming of Christ there was a separation between the Jews and the gentiles – those who knew God and those who did not know Him. It was the death and resurrection of Jesus that broke the barrier thus reconciling all people to God. Whether Jews or gentiles, all people now have access to God and build a relationship with Him.

The Church must be a Holy Temple. Paul said gentile believers were no longer strangers and foreigners. As many people as reconciled to God have right to citizenship in His kingdom. Through faith in Christ we are fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of the saints (Ephesians 2:19-22). May God help us. Lesson Texts: Matthew 16:13-19, Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 3:9-11; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:13-22; 5:25-27.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:34pm On Aug 10, 2014
Today’s topic: Global mission of the Church. God owns the Church and gives it the global mission. His plan for this started from the Old Testament and revealed by the prophets he gave the vision and the message. In His new covenant he sent Jesus and made him the head of the global mission. Christ commissioned the Church to take the gospel to all people. Mark 16:15 – (Jesus) said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. We have the followings for discussion: Foretold in the Old Testament; Emphasised by Christ and Enacted by the Early Church.

Foretold in the Old Testament: Isaiah 42:1,6&7 foretold God’s mission and revealed it to be carried out by His servant: the one in whom He is very much delighted, that would make His covenant known to the world, set the prisoners free, open the physical and spiritual eyes of the blind, get people out of darkness and bring them to the light. The righteous one that would deliver judgement with righteousness, filled with Holy Spirit and through whom many would receive God’s Spirit to minister His word and do deliverance. God executed His plans through Christ and blessed the Church with the outpouring of Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).

God desires that the Church should reach out to all people and make His mercy and blessing known to them. The Psalmist envisioned God’s blessing and praise for all nations (Psalm 67:1-4). God also spoke through His prophet that people separated from Him would be called His people, His beloved and “the Children of the living God” (Hosea 2:23; Romans 8:25,26). He provides the spiritual enablement for the Church to carry out the mission.

Emphasised by Christ: Jesus spoke about his mission when he read aloud what the Scripture stated about him (Isaiah 61:1&2). He spoke of Holy Spirit anointing him to reach out to the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to the captives, and bring the good news to all people (Luke 4:18&19). Christ’s mission also involves proclaiming “the acceptable year of the Lord”,

Participation of Christ followers in the mission involves preaching of repentance and forgiveness, deliverance of the oppressed and adoption of nations as the people of God (Matthew 24:14; Luke 24:46-49). Christians are promised with the power of Holy Spirit as they do this.

Enacted by the Early Church: The Early Church carried out the global mission. Despite the intense persecution and martyrdom of Stephen the early Church waxed stronger and preached the good news to both Jews and the gentiles. The members won many souls for God by preaching the good news. Through the ministry of Barnabas and Saul believers were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:19-26).

The global mission of the Church has no preference for cultures or people. The message is gospel for all. Christians are called for direct participation and sponsorship in the mission. God wants as many people as possible to be committed to preaching the good news and making others to know Christ, the light of the world and God’s salvation (Isaiah 49:6). May God help us. Lesson texts: Psalm 67:1-4; Isaiah 42:1,6&7; Matthew 24:14; Luke 4:18-20; 24:46-49; Acts11:19-26; 13:46-49; Romans 9:25&26.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 7:20pm On Aug 17, 2014
Persecution of the Church. Christians should expect persecution and get prepared for it. It is part of the experience of preaching God’s word and sharing the good news. Persecution aims to undermine justice and pervert faith. The Persecution can be in different forms: violent opposition, verbal assaults, mal treatment among others. Christ himself faced persecution but gave us an assurance of joy and hope over it. John 16:33 – (Jesus said,) these things I have spoken to you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good Cheer; I have overcome the world. We have the followings for discussion: Anticipate Persecution, Expect Help in Persecution and Find Purpose in Persecution.
Anticipate Persecution: 2Timothy 3:12 provided one of the reason for Persecution (a person who wants to live a godly life in Christ must prepare for persecution); 1 Peter 4:16 provided the encouragement (Christian suffering persecution should not be ashamed: but he should glorify God). Persecution aims to multiply evil and discourage loving others and God. It is done to make believers turn against and hate themselves (Matthew 24:9-14). By being committed and faithful to Christ, Christians are assured of victory.
The Early Church experienced persecution. The members were arrested, punished and jailed for spreading the gospel but God intervened and provided the way out. Just as the Early Church interceded for Peter without ceasing, today’s Christians should also pray for the brethren facing persecution (Acts 12:1-5). Our prayers can cause the release of those imprisoned for righteousness and provide for protection of believers on the mission.
Expect Help in Persecution: Jesus has promised to help the persecuted. He assured his followers of divine intervention against persecution (Luke 21:12-15). He promised to give those being persecuted the wisdom to say the right words while facing the authorities, the words which they will not be able to contradict or oppose.
Christians are encouraged to obey God in persecution. They should give all glory of divine intervention to God. Peter and John gave God the praise when they declared him as the One that healed the lame (Acts 4:7-10). Also, Peter made it known that miraculous deliverance of believers from the persecutors was possible as a result of obedience to God rather than the authority. Though Christians are called to obey and submit to the authorities they must do so only if such obedience and submission is not a disobedience to God.
Find Purpose in Persecution: Jesus spoke of heavenly reward for those being persecuted for righteousness (Matthew 5:10-12). He promised eternal life for those enduring in persecution in their efforts to witness for him and reveal God‘s will to others. Believers who are enduring persecution are blessed and being expected to rejoice, and be exceedingly glad for the eternal rewards.
Persecution provided the basis for expansion of the gospel as in the case of the Early Church. During the persecution the believers were moving and spreading the good news from place to place and their ministry was backed with miraculous signs and healings (Acts 8:1-4). Apostle Paul stated that persecution provided the opportunity to reveal the life-giving power of Christ. He too was formerly a persecutor of the Church before Jesus revealed himself to him and made him an important vessel in God’s vineyard. May God help us. Lesson texts: Matthew 5:10-12; 24:9-14; Luke 21:12-15; Acts 4:8-20; 5:27-32; 8:1-8; 12:1-5; 2 Corinthians 4:8-11.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:25pm On Aug 24, 2014
Christ’s Everlasting Kingdom. God will establish His kingdom through Christ. He had introduced and gave insights to His kingdom with the first coming of Christ. There has been rise and fall of kingdoms of human throughout the history, but the only kingdom that will stand to eternity is the victorious kingdom of Christ. Worldly kingdoms with fame and power had risen and fallen, but Christ’s kingdom is the only one that will never fail. Luke 1:32,33 – He shall be great, and shall be called the son of the Highest; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. We have the followings for discussion: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, Rise and Fall of Kingdoms and Christ’s Enduring Kingdom.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: The king’s dream and Daniel’s interpretation revealed divine mysteries (Daniel 2:1-30). The king called all his wise men and astrologers to either give an interpretation of the dream he did not discuss with anyone or be killed if they couldn’t. None of them could do the task that was humanly impossible. Daniel was a man of God and faith. He was wise but didn’t depend on his wisdom for information about the dream. He sought God and the secret was revealed to him.

The dream was about the future; it described the kingdoms of the world that would rise and fall with their end providing information about the time and coming kingdom of Christ at the close of human history. This spans Christ’s first coming, His redemptive work and his second coming to establish the kingdom of God. The statue of the dream described four kingdoms that would be formed and rule the world, starting from Babylon.

The kingdoms were described by the statue as follows – The Statue was made of various elements which value decreased but with increasing strength across its various divisions. The head was made of gold which represented the fame and splendour of Babylon. The last of the division, the legs and feet were made of iron, but the feet contained mixture of iron and clay, the materials that could not perfectly combine together.

Christ was introduced here as the rock that was not formed by human hand which struck and destroyed the statue, thus leaving it with no trace. Thereafter the rock grew to a mountain, filling the whole earth (Daniel 2:31-35).

The Rise and Fall of Kingdoms: Nebuchadnezzar was the first of the kingdoms. His dream described the kingdoms that would rise and dominate the earth. Gold of the statue described the splendour of his kingdom. Despite the fame and status of the kingdom it fell (Daniel 2:36-38).

It was succeeded by Medo-Persian Empire established by Cyrus which was symbolised by silver of the arm and chest, a less valuable metal (Daniel 2:39-43). This was also succeeded by the third empire, the Greek Empire which was described as the belly and thighs of brass of the statue. It was established by Alexander the Great in 330 BC. The empire was characterised by rebellion and resistance. It ruled, crumbled and fell in the end. The empire was succeeded by the Roman Empire - the legs of iron. This marked the extent of wickedness and harshness of the empire, crushing opposition without mercy. Yet it was inferior in power compared with Babylon.

All these kingdoms had what dignified them. The Babylon was dignified by idolatry and love of luxury. The Persian Empire was based on religion, Greek was based on human philosophy and the Roman Empire was based the social, cultural and governmental features of the West. Nebuchadnezzar's dream reveals that human kingdoms can never bring lasting peace no matter how well planned they are. The combination of iron and clay (non-stable structure) indicated the reason why the world cannot be united as a nation and people. There will always be tension as people struggle.

Christ's enduring kingdom: This kingdom will never fail or be destroyed (Daniel 2:44&45). At the end of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream a large stone, cut without human hand was shot from a mountain and crushed the feet of the statue, reduced it to powder and swept it away. This describes the prevailing power and glory of Christ over human authority, strength, wealth, creativity, worship of ideas and accomplishments.

All earthly kingdoms will be replaced by Christ's kingdom, God's own kingdom, the kingdom that will never be destroyed (Daniel 7:13&14; Matthew 26:64). All nations will be represented in this kingdom: all people redeemed by Christ will be part of the kingdom. Christ's triumph over kingdoms of the world will fulfil this prophesy( Joel 3:9-15; Rev 14:7,8, 14-20; 19:18-21). The kingdom will be perfect and never to pass away.

All Christians are called to live worthy of Christ's kingdom. Our lives should reflect the nature of Christ. All people are being called to live worthy of God in order to partake of the eternal kingdom of Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:10-12; Hebrews 12:28). May God help us. Lesson texts: Daniel 2:26-45; 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12; Hebrews 12:28.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:27pm On Aug 31, 2014
Christ’s victorious Mission Foretold. The Bible foretold Christ’s mission to bring victory over sin and Satan and made it known that by trusting in Christ believers will share in his victory. This lesson also helps us to understand the end-time events; to acknowledge the reality of spiritual warfare between Christ’s followers and Satan, and to strengthen our faith in Christ. Since Satan is working against God’s plan he will always threaten our determination to follow Christ and share in his victory. Revelation 12:10 – Now is come salvation, and strength, and kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ. We have the followings for discussion: The Anointed One; Christ’s Victory over Satan and Live in Christ’s Victory.

The Anointed One will Come: Daniel prophesied concerning the anointed One that would come and the specific purposes that would be fulfilled (Daniel 9:24-25). The purposes that would be fulfilled as revealed by angel Gabriel are: To finish the transgression; To make an end of sins, that is the coming post-sin society where righteousness will rule; To make reconciliation for iniquity; To bring an everlasting righteousness, pointing to when the world will conform permanently to God’s standards; To seal up the vision and prophesy; And to anoint the Most Holy, the One that would rule the nations.

The prophesies of Daniel 9:25-26 tell about events that would take place before and during the time of Christ in the order that was confirmed as being accurate by the dates. That revealed the duration of his ministry, when he would be cut off and the era of Christianity - the Church age.

Christ Victory over Satan: His victory was symbolised in Revelation 12:1-6. Here the nation of Israel is described as a woman in travail and about to be delivered. Satan is described as the Dragon waiting before the woman to devour her child as soon as it was born. The new born child was to rule the nations and share of the throne of God. Satan was defeated the second time in his effort to kill the child Jesus. The first time he was defeated was when he was sent out of the heaven for his rebellion. Christ will have complete victory because he is destined to rule all nations with a rod of iron. He will overcome his enemies in the end (Psalm 110:1).

The Dragon Defeated: Satan was defeated when he tried to take over God’s authority (Revelation 12:7-10). Satan has been defeated from the beginning and he cannot win against divine righteousness. Our experience of the new life in Christ works the victory (Corinthians 5:17). Therefore we should not fear Satan’s accusations; He is defeated for as long as we are in Christ. He was defeated in his effort to kill Jesus as a child through an attempt made by king Herod. He was also defeated when he tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11). Likewise he is destined for the final defeat at the second coming of Christ.

Live in Christ Victory: Believers are overcomers “by the blood of the lamb”. Our triumph is as a result of victory of the Christ’s sacrifice (Revelation 12: 11,12,17). The Cross signifies Satan’s defeat in the lives of believers. Believers must determine to follow Christ at any cost, having it in mind that the final victory is beyond the grave (1 Corinthians 15:54-57).

Because Satan knows his time is short he will continue to attack people and inflict sufferings without mercy until his final defeat. What we should do as believers is to allow Christ to live in us if we are to endure till the final victory. If Christ is in us we will never fall to deception of Antichrist and we shall be greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4 3-4). May God help us. Lesson texts: Daniel 9:24-26; 1 John 4 1-4; Revelation 12:1-17.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 8:47pm On Sep 07, 2014
Help for the family (part1)
God wants Christians to use their relationships as a family to honour Him. He instituted marriage and demanded that the family should reference Him. This lesson is about what God's people stand to benefit when they do things in His way whether they are married or not. It will also help Christians to live for God at various situations of life in singleness, marriage and parenting. Joshua 24: 15 - Choose you this day whom ye will serve; ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. We have the followings for discussion: On Being Single; On Being Husband and Wife, and On Being Parents.

On Being Single: Christians should understand that singleness is a gift from God and there are some benefits attached to it. Apostle Paul made it known that singleness is a gift if a person could contain his or her desire for sex and choose to remain single throughout his or her life for God's purpose (1 Corinthians 7:7-9). He realised that being single makes it easier to devote one's life fully to the work of God (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). He saw the greater opportunities for the kingdom building activities than distractions from family issues which are often experienced by the married people.

On Being Husband and Wife: Marriage is God's design for his people to be deeply related as husband and wife so that they can live to accomplish His purpose (Ephesians 5:22-24). Just as Christ is the head and loves the Church the husband is the head of the wife, and he must love her. The wife is called to willingly submit to her husband while the husband protects and provides for her needs. Her submission to the husband should be like submission of the Church unto the Lord.

The husband must show to his wife the kind of love that Jesus has for His Church, that is unconditional love (Ephesian 5: 25-32). The kind of love by which Jesus gave his life for redemption of people to himself. When the love is unconditional it brings about closeness and unity which attract blessing into the family. Loving husband and respectful wife make a successful Christian marriage.

On Being Parents: Apostle Paul continued with teaching from the benefits of being single and expectations from the married people to parent/child relationships. He encouraged the parents not to provoke their children to anger, but to relate with them in such a way to build confidence and assurance and help them to develop spiritually (Ephesians 6:1-4). Christian parents must nurture their children in sound doctrine and instill biblical principles for godly living in them (Proverbs 23:15-24): These are honesty, living to please God, self-discipline, respect for the parents and the authority, and encouraging them to seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding in their relationships with God and others.

Parenting under difficult circumstances involves lots of challenges which should be taken to God for a divine intervention. An example of this is seen in Hagar's experience when she was sent out of Abraham's house on Sarah's demand. While in the wilderness she received a divine visitation of hope and assurance in her plight (Genesis 21:14-21). She was protected and her generation blessed in the lonely and devastating situation. This tells us that God's love and mercy can reach out to people in difficult situation irrespective of whom they are.

God saw the need of Hagar and Ismael and provided for it. Circumstances can't prevent people from enjoying God's goodness if they truly depend on him. Therefore single parents facing numerous challenges should not give up, but they should put their trust in God. May God help us. Lesson texts: Genesis 21:9-21; Proverbs 23:15-24; 1 Corinthians 7:7-9, 32-33; Ephesians 5:22 thru 6:4.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:45pm On Sep 14, 2014
Help for the Family (Part 2)
Our God is on the throne to help overcome challenges of the families built upon Him. Families can be described according to how lively and functioning they are. What makes some families to function may be lacking in others and the grace that some families are enjoying may not be available to others. A Christian family is exposed to abundance of God's grace which helps to make a happy home and unite the members. The members are trained to reconcile differences with the fear of God, love one another with the genuine love of Christ, relate with others with respect, and to be patient in dealing with situation. Proverbs 24: 3 - Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established. We have the followings for discussion: Blended Families; Intergenerational Responsibilities and Grandparenting.

Blended Families: These kinds of families can be threatened by some challenges. This is because experiences from different family backgrounds are passed on to the new family. The new family is likely to be threatened by conflict of interests among the biological and step children and parents. In order to reconcile the differences and build a strong and united family God must be invited into the family (Psalm 127:1). All members must be committed to God's principle and allo His Spirit to work with the two families to be blended into a united and peacefully one.

A family based on the Scripture is established upon a solid foundation for success of the members. The Bible states what makes success possible in Christian family: love by the husband, respect and honour given by the wife and obedience of children to parent's direction (Colossians 3:18-21). It takes great skill to blend family and make it similar to the traditional family. The parents should avoid favouring certain children against the others. They must not create difference in dealing with the biological and non biological children. The children also should see the new parent as the one who loves and cares about them. In order to blend two families successfully members of the new family must depend on God, show love, and be patient with one another (Ephesians 4:2).

Intergenerational Responsibilities: Elderly members of a family are saddled with the responsibilities of caring for their parents while they have children to take care of. Such members are in the phase of life described as 'sandwich years'. Christians are taught to care for their parents. Jesus taught that people fulfil God's command if they care for the elderly parents (Mark 2:9-11). The Bible makes it known that if it is not possible to honour elderly parents we can not honour God and meeting the needs of elderly parents is an act of worship.

Aside the parents Christians are taught to care for the elderly relatives and all those in need who can be widows and orphans around them. The Church must also embrace the act of giving to the needy if she is capable of doing so. Grandchildren and the children are expected to care for the needy parents. People who refuse to care for the family have denied the faith and are worse than the infidel (1 Timothy 5:4-8 ). Children and grandchildren who can not provide for the needy parents are not matured spiritualy and selfish.

Grandparenting: Grandparents are duty bound to provide for the financial, moral and spiritual needs of their grandchildren. They must pass down wealth and property to their grandchildren if they are blessed to do so (Proverbs 13:22). Also, the grandchildren must be assured that they are loved, wanted and important esp if their parents are not available to take care of them as the situation might have dictated. In such a situation the Church and individual can support the grandparents, thus relieving them of burdens.

Parents and grandparents must be involved in the spiritual investment in the children. Apostle Paul admonished parents to emulate good examples of Timothy's mother and grandmother. Both invested in the spiritual life of Timothy. The grandmother taught and encouraged him to live out the principles of the Bible in order to live for God (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14,15). God passes on His love and mercy to generations of families that continue to love Him ( Psalm 103:17&18). Love God and honour Him in your family, He will help to overcome challenges and build a happy family. May God help us: Lesson texts: Psalm 103:17,18; 127:1; Proverbs 13:22; Mark 7:9-13; Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:18-21; 1 Timothy 5:4-8; 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14&15.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 7:30pm On Sep 21, 2014
Help with Finances
This lesson is to help Christians evaluate where they are on financial matters. It will also help to make right decision on spending money. All earthly resources are free gifts from God for our use. Therefore all we have as possession is by His grace and must be used to please Him. God wants us to trust and rely on Him to meet various needs. Our success is not a measure of our material and financial resources but how properly the resources are managed. Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; for else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. We have the followings for discussion: Put Money in Its Place; Make Wise Financial Choices, and Develop a Generous Spirit.

Put Money in Its Place: Right decision should be made on investments. According to Jesus the wisest decision is investing to secure the kingdom of God (Mathew 6:19-21). Earthly Investment can not last forever: anything can happen to it at any time. It can be stolen or destroyed by unforeseen circumstances. Global insecurity can also reduce its value or render it useless. The best place to keep investments for eternal dividends is heaven. By doing this we shall be focusing on building the kingdom of God rather than our own kingdoms which can fail at any time. Where your treasure is, there will be your heart also. Heaven is the best place to keep treasure.

Christians are to make a clear choice with money. What you do with it indicates its nature in your life; whether it is good or bad. Money is good if it is used to get what makes life meaningful and convenient. It is bad if it is used for evil, and if it is allowed to compete with your loyalty to God (Mathew 6: 22-24). Our quests for money reflects our spiritual conditions. God wants us to use our resources to advance His kingdom.

Make Wise Financial Choices: We are commanded to honour God with our substance and the first fruit of our increase. This further explains the importance of tithes (Proverbs: 9&10). Tithing should not be disregarded if we want access to God's free gifts as our possession. Giving the 10% to God is to appreciate his faithfulness and acknowledge Him as the Source and Provider. It also opens the door to His blessings. Tithes and offerings are not a means to pay for God's blessings: they are evidence of our faith and obedience.

Christians are taught to manage their financial resources very well and use it to invest in the future (Proverbs 13:11). In our efforts to do this we should design a plan to spend money for needs and in service to God. Christians should prepare a budget to analyse their finances. We must make tithes the first item of the list. Investing in our future means we should keep part of our incomes as savings either on weekly or Monthly basis until when the total amount shall be mostly needed. Failure to invest is an act of foolishness. If it is not easy to invest we must be forced to do so. We must give up some pleasures in order to invest.

Going into debt is contrary to the teachings of the scripture: debt makes the borrower a servant to the lender(Proverbs 22:7), and people in debt may not have the freedom to serve God freely. The resources that could have been used to serve God are lost to charges on debt.

Develop a generous Spirit: We must use our resources to take care of the needs of others. When we do this God's blessings of increase shall be available for us (Proverbs: 11:16,24&25). People who are blessed to provide for others should not withhold if they want continual access to God's riches. In God's economy, the best way to accumulate wealth is to share it with others. God repays those who meet the needs of others, and it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).

We must give cheerfully, and the more we give the greater we shall receive (2 Corinthians 9:6-11). Apostle Paul illustrated giving as an act of sowing which shall be reaped according to quantity sowed. If we expect God's blessing to continue we must sow what He has given us to the lives of others and give willingly to support His work. What we can give aside the tithe has no limit. Such offerings should not be given out of feelings of guilt or obligation. We are giving to meet needs and to appreciate God for His provisions. May God help us. Lesson texts: Proverbs: 3:9,10;11:16,24,25;13:11;22:7; Matthew 6:19-24; Luke 16:1-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 7:14pm On Sep 28, 2014
Help with the Life Hardships
We are to keep our trust in God when things are good or bad. He is the only One we can rely on in all situations. Hardships can come in various ways such as financial challenges, sickness, death among others as we face the realities of life. All People must prepare for hardships because no one seems to be immune to life challenges. Christians must see hardship as an opportunity for ministry because it makes it possible to get closer to God in prayers and provides the basis for sharing His goodness on answered prayers. Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. We have the followings for discussion: Facing Health Concerns; Earn a Living and Suffering Loss.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:06pm On Oct 05, 2014
Jesus, the Son of God
This lesson helps us to know that salvation is based on knowing Jesus as the Son of God and accepting him as the Lord and saviour. People who were given divine revelation of whom Jesus was declared him as the Son of God who held the key of eternal life. Resurrection to death or life depends on people's belief in him. He was more than a political or historical figure, ethical teacher and religious prophet. He was the One sent to reveal God to the world, what God demands from people and to give His salvation to those who believe in him and abide by his message. John 3:17 - God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. We have the followings for discussion: Great Confession; God sent His Son and The Son gives life.

The Great Confession: Some parts of the scripture testify that Jesus is the Son of God. Philip's confession was based on what the Old Testament had stated concerning the divine nature of Christ. When Nathaniel heard what Jesus revealed about him, he was also surprised and confessed Christ's divine nature: the Son of God (John 1:45&46). Going by what we have learnt about Jesus and the spiritual renewal that his message provides for the world, we should not fail to share the saving grace in him with others

God Sent His Son: God's love and His promise of salvation is summarised in John 3:16. His plan for redemption of people from the forces of darkness and salvation of their souls from eternal damnation is through the sacrificial offering of His Son (John 3:16-18). This gift of salvation can only be received when we believe in Christ and have faith in his gospel. Good work is not enough to receive God's salvation, confession of Jesus as the Lord and Saviour and receiving him into One's life is the only way to salvation. God's salvation requires spiritual rebirth (being born again) which is only available in Christ, and to which believers respond by faith.

John the Baptist's confession revealed Christ's divinity. He showed the greater ministry God sent Jesus for; to reveal God's love and lead people through His way of salvation. He also revealed that Christ came from heaven and possessed the divine authority. He was from the above, and not from the earthly; thus he spoke the very word of God in obedience to the Father and in cooperation with the holy Spirit (John 3: 27-36)

The Son Gives Life: Jesus is equal with God because he and His Father are One. By God's permission he shared the same status with Him. This was evident from various works he did and miracles performed. He talked directly to the creation, and the creation responded in obedience to his command. That ability in Christ revealed his authority over the creation - He is the same as the Creator. As God raises up the dead and gives live to them, so also is Christ to people who are received unto him (John 5:19-23). Everything done by Jesus was in perfect obedience to God's will.

The Father loved the Son and gave him the supreme power over death. God wants people out of the realm of darkness, sin and death to his kingdom of righteousness and eternal life. The ONLY bridge to cross over is His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus provided the way, and he has continued to invite people to follow him in order to be saved. Two types of resurrection await all people: resurrection to life for those who have done good and resurrection to damnation for those who have done evil (John 5:24-30). Doing good means believing in Christ, coming to and walking in the light of his message. May God help us. Lesson texts: John 1: 43-51; 3:16-18; 23-36; 5: 19-30

Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 4:47pm On Oct 19, 2014
Jesus, the Bread of Life
Human beings need food to keep the body and soul together for living activities. People need more than what sustains life for earthly activities. They need Jesus who takes care of the spiritual needs. He is the complete source of life. He is the One that provides the spiritual nourishment which is suitable for walking with and living for God. He is the Only One that shares the word "I AM" with God. His "I AM" statements in the Bible gives us the hope and assurance of eternal life in our relationships with God. John 6:35 - Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. We have the followings for discussion: Jesus Satisfies the Hungry Soul; Jesus gives everlasting life and Jesus is the living bread.

Jesus Satisfies the Hungry Souls: He provided the food that satisfied hunger. He fed five thousand (5000) people with five loves of bread and two fishes, yet there was left over. He commanded gathering of the left over to meet other needs - no wastage in God's provision (John 6:1-12). Jesus acted harshly against the people when they saw following him as an opportunity to fill their empty stomachs rather than souls. He stated the needs which are greater than physical provisions. They needed the eternal food that never perishes or runs out, and which could be obtained through spiritual unity with him (John 6:26-29).

He talked about faith as the requirement to continue walking with God and believing in him. When faith is being tested by trials and difficulties, it takes considerable effort to keep believing in God, but it is worth it (2 Timothy 3:12; Proverbs 24:10). It is now left to every believer to receive the true bread from heaven - Jesus Christ. He is the renewed manner which has been stated to come and fill people living for God (John 6:36-40). He revealed himself as the true bread from heaven - the Bread of life to maintain believers' spiritual health.

Jesus Gives Everlasting Life: Jesus came and performed numerous miracles with God's approval and authority. Yet people have continued to respond differently to the Father's invitation to everlasting life through him. Many people put their trust in Christ having learnt God's word and known the miracles performed by him. Some have refused to accept the invitation despite many proofs and God's promise of eternal relationship that will satisfy the hunger of their souls (John 6:36-40).

Christ claims of divinity - the One God sent from heaven and the only One as the offer for salvation of souls of people will continue to upset some people as a result of unbelief in their hearts. Such unbelief is what the Bible describes as the stumbling block to those who refuse to believe. Those who believe are assured of the resurrection and eternal life in Christ. Those who would not believe the spiritual truth about Jesus could only be taught by God himself (John 6:41-47, Isaiah 53:4).

Jesus is the Living Bread: The crowd misunderstood Jesus when he declared that he was 'the living bread', unlike the manna which God provided through Moses, and which people ate and died. He was offered as the spiritual food that will save whoever partakes of it from spiritual death (John 6:48-52).

Christ was offered as the bread of life, and all that is needed in order to partake of His life is to accept him as the Lord and Savour. The righteous and godly living that leads to eternal life is available in him (John 6:53-58). The physical bread can sustain for a while, but the real and true bread that can give spiritual life is offered by Jesus. May God help us. Lesson text: John 6:24-58.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:06pm On Oct 19, 2014
Jesus, the Good Shepherd
He is the good shepherd who provides, protects and leads people who believe in him through the right path. The world owes heartfelt appreciation to God for giving Jesus as the good Shepherd. Through Christ's guidance and care believers are assured of clear direction to his abundant life - a very rich life of close and growing relationship with God. Jesus clearly defines what he means as the Good Shepherd and what it means to be sheep in his flock. John 10:11 - I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. We have the followings for discussion: Jesus leads and saves; Jesus Lays Down His life and Jesus Gives Eternal Life.

Jesus Leads and Saves: The commonly known and recited Psalm 23 foreshadows what it means to secure needs under a caring shepherd (John 10: 1-6). Christians sing the Psalm to reflect on care, provisions and assurance of God's protection. If people are to be sincere about the strange happenings all over the places they would realize the need for a good shepherd. In the parable Jesus warns his followers to beware of thieves pretending as a shepherd to lead the flock. Those pretenders have no right to lead God's people. Their presence and work is scary to the flock, likewise it poses dangers to the ministry. Therefore Christians must reject any leader who doesn't make knowing and following Christ the main focus of his ministry.

This another 'I AM' of Christ reveals him as the One who truly protects and provides for those who put their trust in him. He stated further that he was both the Door and the Shepherd. As the door people must go through him for there is no other way, except those leading to doom and failure (John 10:7-10). Once again as the Shepherd, he is the only One that safely leads unto salvation. Christ's ministry is against the ministries and leaders who are leading at the expense of the flock for self enrichment. Christ's leading saves from dangers and provides for needs.

Jesus Lays Down His Life: When Christ was on earth he was available to teach God's word, heal infirmities and meet needs of various people. And when he laid down his life and resurrected he promised to always remain with his people (John 10:11-13). It is by his presence believers are saved from darkness, valley of death and evils that lurk all over places. This lesson sheds lights to our understanding of a Good Shepherd and hired hand about the flock. While the hired hand leaves the flock and runs to secure his life in the presence of dangers, a good shepherd will rise up to defend. Jesus stated he was the good shepherd that gave his life for the flock. He is with us and standing between us and evil in order to take care and safe.

The communities of believers are one flock through Jesus sacrifice. Also, believers are brought into a relationship with God because he willingly laid down his life. All people of God are now One flock with One Shepherd in Christ (John 10:14-18). This was the plan of God for redemption of the lost world.

Jesus Gives Eternal Life: Surprisingly Jesus was not the type of Messiah the people of Israel had expected. They had expected him to come like a powerful king that would win kingdoms and deliver them as a special people of God. That kind of expectation was no longer God's plan (John 10:22-26). His plan was to be God of all people and nations. Christ's coming renewed and rededicated certain global events to God's honour. He did not come to renew the same old way, but to show the new way of God. Christ's love, care and many miracles are a living testimony showing the way of God all people should find.

People today should recognise Jesus, the Good Shepherd, believe and follow him in total obedience to God's command. Jesus has spoken about himself, It is left to people to recognise his voice and be part of his flock. Those who are not part of his flock risk his wonderful promise: the promise of eternal life, spiritual security and daily protection from evils. Those who are saved in Christ are permanently saved from questionable characters because they are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Let's hold onto the his promise for victory over our strongest enemy. He promised that the enemy would not snatch us from his Father's hand. To God be the Glory. Lesson texts: John 10:1-29.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:15pm On Oct 26, 2014
Spiritual Rest in Jesus
Rest is a sweet experience after tedious work. It refreshes, revitalises and makes it convenient to enjoy the fruits of one's labour. Spiritual rest is found in God and requires the power of Holy Spirit to pursue and receive. It promotes glorious peace in the lives of believers. We can receive God's rest through application of biblical principles which are prayer, bible study, active service to God and fellowship with other believers. Hebrews 4:9 - There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. We have the followings for discussion: Guard Against Unbelief; Believe and Obey and Strive to Enter Spiritual Rest.

Guard Against Unbelief: Disobedience to God results in unbelief which leads to rebellion against Him. Christian are warned against all acts of unfaithfulness to God because they result in His severe judgement and punishment (Hebrews 3:7-11). Christian's labour to secure spiritual rest is likened to the journey of Israelites in the wilderness and requires Holy Spirit to lead and direct through the right way. Christians should listen to God when He speaks and accept His invitation to doing the right thing.

As Christians listen to God and continue relating with Him by faith, they are warned to guard against "an evil heart of unbelief" (Hebrews 3:12-19). Such attitude turns people from God and causes them to loose His salvation. Faithful living for God shows evidence of our salvation and it is possible through Christ. All we need is to partake of Christ's body. This will help to guard against temptation and sinful behaviours which prevent believers from entering to God's rest.

Believe and Obey: If we believe and obey God we will overcome all acts of rebellion, get direction to His blessings and experience His spiritual rest (Hebrews 4:1-5). God himself rested after the creation, which means He wants rest for people as a sign of right relationship with Him to enjoy His goodness. Our decision to either accept or reject His offer is a matter choice.

God has continued to invite people to His rest "if they shall enter my rest", which they must respond to by faith (Hebrew 4:6,7). If you are yet to receive the invitation this is an opportunity to do so, obey Him and enter into His rest. Waisting time and years before receiving the invitation may not help any longer. You can only have the assurance of the present moment, the next hour or day could hold something else.

Strive to Enter Spiritual Rest: Exercising faith and faithfulness will help in the struggle to enter to God's rest. We can never approach God on our own merit. Through obedient service to Him we can experience the true rest for our souls. Overcoming one's enemies can't bring about the spiritual rest. It is available to people who are redeemed to God through Christ, His sacrificial offer for eternal rest (Hebrews 4:8-10).

Christians are encouraged to labour to enter God's rest. Entering to God's fullness is not automatic, active step of faith must be taken. Seeking God's presence and blessings requires taking the step with zeal and determination. Unbelief keeps people from entering to God's spiritual rest. God sees through our thoughts, intentions and all we do in hiding. All deeds, sins, guilts and shames of man shall be revealed in His presence at the judgement. Therefore srive to serve and obey Him and enter to His rest. To God be the Glory. Lesson texts: Hebrews 3:7 thru 4:13.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 3:17pm On Nov 01, 2014
Dear heavenly Father I thank you for my faith in you and your works for believing in you. When my phone was stolen on 9th Oct I pray that you turn it to an ark of covenant. That it will never find a resting place until it gets back to me. You heard me and answered the prayer. Just yester night I received a message as regards its present location. Today (011114) after a comprehensive discussion with the person that secured it for me from the hands that stole it, I was promised to get it anytime it is possible to transport it. Having back the lost item that has passed many hands and gone thru many places is to me a proof of God's faithfulness.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:23pm On Nov 02, 2014
The Antichrist

The Antichrist shall be revealed after the rapture of Church to heaven. After the rapture the nations will be unified and ruled by a cruel leader defined in the Bible as Antichrist. In his reign of terror he will lead a fierce and unsuccessful battle for the kingdom of Satan against the kingdom of Christ. While the world is being prepared for emergence of Antichrist, his spirit is already in the world tormenting, persecuting and weakening the faith of those who want to live for God. Revelation 12:11 - They (believers) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. We have the followings for discussion: Rise of the Beast; Power of the Beast and Worshippers of the beast judged

Rise of the Beast: According to the revelation in the book of Daniel, the sinful world system will reach its peak and there shall be ten powerful nations that will pave way for emergence of the Antichrist, who will be so powerful and arrogant, and receive instructions directly from Satan to carry out evil schemes (Daniel 7:7 - 28). The Antichrist will force all people to do his will which only the Saints will not do. The Saints are those who will be saved after the great tribulations - the believers that missed the rapture but determined to face the terrible consequences to reclaim their salvation. The Antichrist will replace the law and custom of the society with his own and deny people of the fundamental rights. He will deal with believers without mercy and demand their worship of him.

The Antichrist will be given enormous physical and mental capability to deal with and win people to his side, except the Saints. It was further revealed that the Antichrist would emerge from the peoples of the world and his government will be the last series of the world government. He would claim divine power and try to substitute Satan for Christ (Revelation 13:1&2).

The Power of the Beast: The beast (Antichrist) will be given the power to lead and convince the world to worship him and Satan. He would promote himself to the Status of God, thereby using disrespectful words against God and denying the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 13:3-10). There shall be no limit to Antichrist power in dealing with people, even he would defeat some Saints (Rev 13:7). All people who refuse to accept God's offer of salvation and reject Christ's gospel will be deceived and defeated by him (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11). During the tribulation the Saints shall be saved by their patient and faith in Christ. The Antichrist has a very short time to accomplish his purpose and face the final judgement. While the spirit of Antichrist is at work in society, Christians are encouraged to remain faithful and be patient in the face tribulation and various trials of faith.

The False Prophet: It was revealed that the Antichrist will have a false prophet as an assistant. The false prophet will perform signs and wonders to promote worship of Antichrist (Rev 13:11-18). The false prophet will also oversee marking of Antichrist followers for identification and access to certain basic rights. The mark will allow its bearers to transact businesses. Those who reject the mark will face difficult economic consequences. The mark is the sign of control of the Antichrist followers, and it is to be placed either on the forehead or the hand.

Worshippers of the Beast Judged: All who worship the beast will be judged and gathered for eternal doom. Three angels shall be given specific work to do after the rapture. The first Angel shall continue with proclamation of Christ's gospel because the Church given the mandate would have been raptured and no longer existing to do so. The second angel will proclaim God's judgement on the world system - the religious and political rule of the Antichrist. The third angel shall continue to proclaim God's message of judgement and His wrath on people who fail to do His will.

Hard times, trials and temptation will surely come, but Christians are encouraged to maintain their faith in God. The eternal joy of living patiently for God should be our focus rather than giving chance to the devil to possess and destroy us. Christians should persevere, remain faithful to God and allow His Spirit to lead them for the eternal blessing. To God be the glory. Lesson texts: Daniel 7:1-28; Rev 13:1-18; 14:6-13
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:06pm On Nov 09, 2014
Times of wrath and Deliverance
Despite the truth about God that He is gracious and merciful, showing mercy to thousands of people, He gets angry, and His anger is against unrighteousness. He is God of grace and Judgement. By His grace people are delivered from evil and redeemed to Him through Christ. People who reject God's grace are waiting for His coming judgement and wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 - God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus. We have the followings for discussion: Prelude to God's wrath; God's Wrath Poured Out and Deliverance through Christ.

Prelude to God's Wrath: The 'Great Tribulation' of the reign of Antichrist will be followed by God's Judgement in the form of seven plagues (Revelation 15:1-4). Those who are victorious over the Antichrist will sing of God's victory similar to the song of deliverance of Israelites from the land of Egypt (Ex 15:1-18 ). The victors are those who stood for Christ throughout the time of persecution. They would overcome the persecution and get to the presence of God. There is no way by which people can pervert God's true identity. He is truthful, just and worthy of our praises. He is loving, caring, and willing to enact judgement. He will honour those who walk in His way and honour Him.

God will judge the world and unleash His wrath in the form of plagues which will be delivered by His angels. The heaven shall be filled with God's glory making it impossible for anyone to come to His presence until the completion of His wrath (Rev 15:5-8 ). During the time of Judgement and wrath human intercession will no longer be possible because the time of God's grace and patience would have come to an end.

God's Wrath Poured Out: Revelation 16:1-16 describes the intense and final judgment of God. His wrath contained in the vials shall be poured into the earth by His angels. It will bring about severe pains and sufferings in various forms. The first to fifth plagues will inflict people for rejecting Christ and and falling to deception of Antichrist. The sixth plague will cause Euphrates rivers to dry up thus preparing the way for Armageddon. The seven plague will cause massive earthquake that will destroy prominent cities of the earth. Jerusalem will also split into three parts and the shape of earth will be changed in preparation for Christ's second coming.

Deliverance through Christ: God's offer for deliverance is Christ. All what people need to escape His judgement and wrath is to live by the gospel of Jesus Christ. God loves and shows mercy even when he is being provoked by people's behaviours. He wants all people to come to Him and receive his salvation. Christ taught about end time events and what people can do to secure eternal life (Matthew 24: 1-22). God's wrath is as a result of people's rejection of Christ and their desires to continue in sin.

After the tribulation, those whose names are written in the book of life will receive God's Salvation (Daniel 12:1). While we still have the grace we should not hesitate to put our trust in God and work for his salvation in Christ Jesus. He loves and doesn't appoint anyone to his wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11). The signs of the end time have started manifesting with the increasing chaos, turmoil, pestilence, wars, rumours of wars, insecurity, threat to peace among others. Thus, Christians are encouraged not to loose focus in Christ. They should also continue to encourage others to live for God in order to escape the final judgement. To God be the Glory. Lesson texts: Daniel 12:1; 1 Thessalonians 5 1-11; Rev 15:1-8; 16:1-21
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 4:29pm On Nov 23, 2014
Christ's Triumphant Return
His triumphant return will involve two events: the rapture of the Church and the revelation of Christ. The rapture will put an end to the Church age and mark the beginning of the reign of Antichrist, also known as the reign of terror and great tribulation which will last for seven years, after which Christ shall be revealed with the saints to begin millennium reign on this earth. Revelation 19: 11 - I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. We have the followings for discussion: Christ's Return; Christ's Triumph and Christ's Reign.

Christ's Return: His second coming will be different from his first coming when he was humble and sought to reconcile people with God. He will come the second time as the conquering King and the righteous judge (Revelation 19:11-13). He will reveal the awesome nature and character he shares with God; he will thread on his enemies in victory. As the righteous Judge he will judge all people based on their faith in him. Good deeds and self righteousness can not make people righteous before God's judgement. What makes people righteous before Him is believing in his begotten son and doing His will.

Christ is coming as the conquering King with the armies of heaven (the redeemed saints of God) to destroy all evil and declare judgement on the nations (Revelation: 19:14-16). Within a moment he will overcome and judge the Antichrist and all his armies. Christ will come as the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.

Christ's Triumph: The Antichrist and his armies will wage wars against the coming Christ and his armies but they will be defeated. The battle will take place in a valley south of Nazareth which has been revealed as Armageddon ( Revelation 19:17-19). All people will be involved in the battle, and their involvement will be either for Christ or Antichrist; whether to worship God or to worship False.

The battle will last for a brief period of time because it will be to capture, judge, condemn and punish the Antichrist (Revelation 19:20,21). The brevity of the battle shows that the beast and his armies are no match for the Lord. All enemies of God will be struck down by the "word" proceeding from Christ. The Antichrist`s miraculous signs and wonders will deceive many and cause them to believe his lies. This reminds us that not all miracles are from God. True miracle leads people to Christ. False power deceives and destroys.

An angel with the key to bottomless pit will arrest Satan, bind him and cast him into the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). During the thousand years of Christ's reign on earth Satan will be kept in the pit. At the end of the thousand years he will be released for a very short time to serve God's purpose once again before his final judgement.

Christ's Reign: The victorious martyrs in Christ are those who refused to worship the beast or receive his mark; they are the believers who are resurrected and given priestly and kingly duties during Christ’s millennium kingdom (Rev 20:4-6). The martyrs, the raptured saints and and believers who survived the tribulation will be included in ‘the first resurrection’. They are the ones blessed and holy and have nothing to fear about ‘the second death’ which is described as the lake of fire(Rev 20:14;21:8 ).

Both Daniel and John were given similar revelation concerning Christ's kingdom and authority (Daniel 7:13, 14, 18 &22). Christ will receive those who are saved and give them the kingdom of God as a possession for ever. Those who are saved in Christ have the hope of spending the eternity with him in abundance of peace and fullness of Joy. To God be the glory. Lesson texts: Revelation Rev 11:15; 19:11 thru 20:6; Daniel 7:13-27.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 4:56pm On Nov 23, 2014
Rewards and Recompense
Everyone (believer, unbeliever, Satan and his agents) will stand before the judgement to receive the final verdict of God. It is known that no one can be fully righteous before God to escape condemnation, but through faith in Christ people can receive the grace to live a life which is pleasing to Him and suitable to receive His eternal rewards. If we hope for eternal rewards we should continue to invest our lives on things that have eternal values. Daniel 12:2 – Many of them that slept in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. We have the followings for discussion: The Reward of Believers; Satan’s Final Defeat and The Final Judgement.

The Reward of Believers: Daniel received the revelation about the end times that those who are saved will shine in heaven (Daniel 12:3). Having this in mind, Christians should be a good example of godly living and bring others to righteousness needed for right relationship with God for the eternal rewards.

It is also revealed that all works shall be judged for reward or recompense. Christ has been set as the solid foundation on which we can build our lives by faith. Whatever we are building upon him should be considered for eternal value (1 Corinthians 3:10-15). Our works shall be tested by fire of judgement to see whether they will stand or get burnt. God wants our works to stay like gold, silver or precious stone which gets refined and becomes more valuable when tested by fire.

It is stated that a worker shall be saved by faith in Christ and his redemptive work, even if his work is burned up (verse 14). Our deeds are not in vain, they are being recorded for eternal rewards. As we keep faith in Christ we should strive to enter heaven with good works (verse 15). While our works and deeds cannot save us, they are still required as evidence of our salvation.

Those who are rewarded are blessed for divine favour. God will give grace to and reward those who are redeemed to Him through Christ. His redeemed saints shall be invited to the ‘marriage of the Lamb’ Revelation 19:6-10).

Satan’s Final Defeat: Satan has been deceiving people from the beginning and accusing believers. He shall be bound and thrown to bottomless pit at the end of the Great Tribulation. At the end of one thousand years (Christ’s millennium reign) he will be released for a short time to trouble the nations again. Then those who follow him shall be gathered together on the earth to oppose God and His people around Jerusalem. But fire will come from heaven and devour his armies. At that time he will be defeated and thrown to hell as punishment of his final judgement.

Though the Devil is powerful and his influence is so strong Christians can resist him and make him to flee (1 Peter 5:8&9; James 4:7). The victory is in Christ.

The Final Judgement: All people will be raised to face the final judgement (Daniel 12:2). The righteous will be raised to everlasting life while the unrighteous will be raised to shame and everlasting contempt. Life does not come to an end on this earth; everyone shall be raised either to heaven or hell. Where individual will spend eternity depends on his or her attitudes to God’s offers of eternal life through Christ.

At the judgement the Book of Life shall be opened and everyone will be judged according to his or her deeds (Revelation 20:11-15). Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life will be cast into the lake of fire (second death). There they will join the beast, false prophet and Satan. The Final judgment will be righteous. It will not favour the rank, condition or profession. Hell is a terrible place to spend eternity, but people are assured of heaven if they place their trust in Christ and help others to know God and do His will. Lesson Texts: Daniel 2:2-3; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15; Revelation 19:6-10; 20:7-15.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:56pm On Nov 30, 2014
The New Heaven and New Earth
God will complete His redemptive work on the humanity with the creation of new heaven and new earth where those who are saved will reign with Him to eternity. Two glorious events will hold on the new earth when it is unveiled. These are the wedding supper of the Lamb and revelation of the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:1 – I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. We have the followings for discussion: All Things Made New; God’s Glory Manifested and The Great Invitation.

All Things Made New: With the creation of new heaven and earth God will make all things new. The former things will pass away and nothing will remain in the order of the first creation (Revelation 21:1-4). God will dwell with his people forever in the New Jerusalem. From that time on life will no longer experience sorrow, pain, mourning and death which are present in the old creation.

God will make those who are saved enter to eternal relationship with him in the new earth. There He will provide free access to the water of life and claim those who are saved as His sons and daughters (Revelation 21:5-8 ). Those who are saved will rejoice always in the presence of God while those who are wicked will share the pains of second death with Satan in the lake of fire.

God’s Glory Manifested: The splendour of the New Jerusalem was revealed to John. The City will occupy a very large space and the foundations made of precious materials (Revelation 21:9-27). All people will live in harmony and there shall be no need of any temple or natural light. There will no longer be day or night because the glory of God will fill and serve as light everywhere. All what people will do is bring glory and honour to God.

It was also revealed that the river of water of life will be flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb; it will supply the trees of life which is for the benefits of the nations (Revelation 21:1-5). Believers are encouraged to remain faithful to God in their services and prepare for the coming spiritual life when they will partake of the river and tree of life.

The Great Invitation: This has to do with the call and warning about the kingdom of God. Jesus is coming back to receive and bless those who hear and respond to his message (Revelation 22:6-11). Those who reject his invitation will be denied access to the new heaven. Eternal life is for those who believe in Christ and live a holy life.

Those who have received the invitation and accepted Christ should abide in him always. Those who still doubt Christ’s saving grace or being deceived by the devil need the help of Holy Spirit to make them accept Christ and live for God before it is too late. Only those who believed in Christ and died in him will be part of his bride and share in the life of his kingdom. To God be the Glory. Lesson texts: Revelation 21:1 through 22:21.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:33pm On Dec 07, 2014
Caring Christian Relationships
Christians cares for others by showing love and providing for physical and spiritual needs. We are commanded to care for our families and others. 1 Timothy 5:21 - Observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality. We have the following for discussion: Provide for Families; Respect Leaders and Model Good Works

Provide for the Family: All members of the Church are a family that Christians must take good care of. We are to show love to and respect the elderly . We must be kind to the older and younger members of the society, and in dealing with them we must not be careless (1 Timothy 5:1&2). People's relationship with God is judged by the relationships with one another. Relationship is an act worship to God. If it is faulty with others it cannot be smooth with God.

Christians must care for the widows, esp the widows indeed. The widows indeed are those without surviving children or grandchildren to care for them. In such a situation the Church should take care of the widows. While the widows indeed are enjoying benevolence of members of the Church they are expected to be steadfast in prayers, especially for the Church ( 1 Timothy 5: 3-8 ). By doing this they will be valuable assets of the Church and their contributions will make many things to work. Those who do not provide for their families are worse than unbelievers (verse 8 ). Christians must be good examples for others in all good manners. Conducts which bring reproach to gospel should be avoided.

Respect Leaders: Christians must honour and respect leaders in the Church. The leaders are saddled with lots of responsibilities. They are committed to teaching, preaching and supervisory works. While they do all these, other members of the Church are encouraged to respect and give them financial support (5:17&18 ).

The scripture provides the basis for disciplining leaders with sinful practices. Before a leader is found guilty of an offence his deeds must be thoroughly investigated. Leaders should not be condemned by false accusations; facts should be established by two or more witnesses (1 Timothy 5:19-22). False accusations can ruin minister's ability for effective ministry and tarnish the Church's reputation. But if a minister is found guilty he must be rebuked publicly in order to give opportunity for public confession, repentance and restoration. Also such discipline will serve as deterrent to others.

Model Good Works: Solid Christian lifestyle is based on sound doctrines. True word of God transforms lives and makes it possible to truly love and care for others (Titus 2:1). Wrong belief leads to wrong behaviour.

Godly lifestyle makes it possible to translate right believing to right behaving. In order to establish Christian caring relationships older and younger members of Christian families must be able to check their lifestyles and control their behaviors, embrace holy and righteous living, and they must be fair in dealing with one another. To God be the glory. Lesson texts: 1 Timothy 5:1-24; Titus 2:1-10.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 6:53pm On Dec 14, 2014
Help at Journey's End
Lots of issues come to the minds as people advance in age and get closer to the end of life. At times individuals have struggled to overcome life challenges the way best known to them, seeking or without seeking divine intervention. God created the life for a purpose and He wants all people to understand His purpose for their lives. Psalm 71:18 - When I am old and gray-headed, O God, forsake me not, until I have showed they strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come. We have the followings for discussion: Aging with Faith in God; Loosing Loved Ones and Leaving a Legacy.

Aging with Faith in God: People can maintain faith in God if they know Him as the Creator and the One they must honour all the days of their lives. We must acknowledge that life is short and should be lived well because all the days spent will be accounted for. We should be conscious of the realities associated with aging and old age; the stages involve some difficulties, but by keeping faith in God things become easier ( Ecclesiastes 12:1-7). As we age life slows down on us and we become less active. But the strength retained in serving God during the youthful years will sustain individuals when they are full of age. Young people are encouraged not to delay in their decision to live for God. We should be conscious of the present situation, the next moment may not provide any opportunity.

All stages of life are not a waste to Christians. God wants His people to remain fruitful throughout their lives (Psalm 92:12-15). Believers must get themselves planted in the house of God. They must see life beyond human perspective, which seems to be longer. But life is very short from eternal perspective. People planted in the house of God will live to please Him and bear good fruits until their old age. There are many ways people can serve God in their old age (Luke 2:36-38; Titus 2:2-5). There is pleasure in serving God at such stage.

Loosing Loved Ones: Loss of lifelong partner causes weeping and mourning because it is associated with termination of a relationship and feeling of loneliness (Genesis 23:1-4). Great comfort is still available in mourning for those who are in God (Matthew 5:4). Christians are blessed during the time of mourning because God is their comforter. He cares about the pain and sorrow associated with mourning. Christians understand that there is hope for the departed soul in Christ. Therefore they should not mourn like people without hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13&14). Departed souls in Christ will resurrect with Christ in glory (Romans 8:9-11). They will meet again in heaven.

Leaving a Legacy: Christians should understand that the greatest legacy they can leave is a spiritual legacy which is possible if they live God-centered life (Psalm 71: 5-9, 17,18). If God is involved in a situation the rest will be easier. He gives grace to those who believe in Him and fills their mouths with testimonies as they praise and honour Him. God is faithful no matter the circumstances of life.

Spiritual legacies are the heritage of faith that Christians must pass on to their children, grandchildren and others. Life of Christians is like embarking on a race that requires spiritual exercises to continue on the right track. Glory and honour await those who finish the race well. Those who drop out will loose eternal life. As difficult as the race was for Apostle Paul he has this to say at the end, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:6-8 ). To God be the glory. Lesson texts: Gen 23:1-4; Ps 71:5-18; 92:12-15; Eccl 12:1-7; Matt 5:4; 1 Thess 4:13&14; 2 Tim 4:6-8
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:45pm On Dec 21, 2014
Why Christ Came
The coming of Christ was not by accident. It was God's plan to redeem people unto Him and save human souls from eternal destruction. God gave revelations concerning Christ's coming and his humble beginning to some prophets of the Old Testament. Galatians 4:4,5 - When the fullness of time was come God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. We have the followings for discussion: The Timing of Christ's Coming; Purpose of Christ's Coming and Benefits of Christ Coming.

Timing of Christ's Coming: God could have sent his son at any time of the old testament revelation, but he chose to send him in the fullness of time, that is, the time suitable for His purpose (Galatians 4:4). The coming of Christ coincided with the time of modernisation of transportation and communication systems by the Roman Empire. It was the time Greek was widely adopted as the official language. The timing of Christ coming wasn't haphazardly planned by God.

Christ's mission was to bring salvation to the world and release people under the bondage of law. Though the law reveals God's holy expectations it can't make people righteous. Jesus stated that he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfil it (Matthew 5:17). God sent Jesus as the perfect representation of Himself to save mankind from guilt of breaking the law. Jesus is described as the true manifestation of the nature of God, the only One that makes it possible for anyone to see God (Hebrews 1:1-3).

The appropriate date of Christ birth was not recorded; he was born in a lowly place and his birth did not attract fanfare. The time of his birth seemed to be insignificant, but events that took place affirmed his birth place according to God's revelation (Luke 2: 1-7).

Purpose of Christ's Coming: He came to redeem those under the Law. The Law cannot save people or purify their hearts from effects of sin. Therefore Christ was made a sacrifice to deliver people from sin and its consequences (Galatians 4:5). Believers are given the freedom to be members of God's family through Christ's sacrifice. God promised to meet needs of those who are in Christ (Philippians 4:9).

Christ came to establish the eternal kingdom of God. He was revealed to Prophet Isaiah as the Wonderful, Counselor, mighty God, The everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7). All these attributes describe the eternal nature of Christ and lasting peace of reigning with him. Before he was born Mary received the revelation that he would not be ordinary Child, but the son of God, "Son of the Highest" (Luke 1:32&33).

Christ came to defeat Satan. It was foretold that Christ would become the seed of woman, and his mission would be to destroy works of the devil. The devil would bruise Christ's heel, but Christ would bruise his head thus, defeating him and his purposes (Genesis 3:15; Hebrews 2:14). While the final defeat of Satan is yet to come those who are in Christ can still experience victory over him (James 4:17).

Benefits of Christ's Coming: Believers are redeemed and reconciled to God. Those who are in Christ are accepted into the family of God and given the power to be His children (Galatians 4:6&7). Being made a child of God is not a licence to ignore His holiness and justice. He must be honoured always.

Our sins are forgiven if we are in Christ. This is one of the reasons for his sacrificial death. Our sins separated us from God and made it impossible to fellowship with Him, but through Christ we were brought back and made acceptable to Him (Hebrews 9:26-28). Christ is coming back to complete his redemptive work and establish his eternal kingdom. To God be the glory. Lesson Texts: Gen 3:15; Isaiah 9:6&7; Luke 1:32&33; 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4-7; Heb 1:1-3; 9:26-28)
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:36pm On Dec 28, 2014
Finish Well
Christian race to make the kingdom of God is more than how well you started, it is all about how well you are ending it. Christianity is about knowing and building upon Christ, the solid foundation for the strength that will sustain believer in the morally and spiritually falling world. While the spiritual collapse continues and people compromise faith in God, Christians are encouraged to be deeply rooted in the scriptures and heed warnings of the last days perilous times. Timothy 4:7 - I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith . We have the followings for discussion: Beware of Evil; Know the Scriptures and Complete the course.

Beware of the Evil: The society is fast breaking down with many tragic events in the recent times. Our society is battling issues that weaken moral standards. The society is falling to terrorist activities, political scandals, economic hardships and various forms of moral decadence. Paul warned against strange and abnormal acts of the last days. He stated, 'in the last days perilous times shall come' that is, when people will love themselves and things of the world more than God and life becomes dangerous physically and spiritually (2 Timothy 3:1-15).

The perilous times include when people boast about their accomplishments and in their arrogance reject God and disregard others. It is the time when people lack discipline, self-control and natural feeling of love and concern for others. They will be totally selfish and uncaring about others and God. Their worship of God will be for outward appearance instead of keeping and abiding in the saving knowledge of Christ. Dangerous people may also find their ways to the Church. They will act as believers, but without having life-changing power of Christ in them (2 Timothy 3:6-9). There will also be false teachers whose teachings will be against truth of the gospel.

Know the Scriptures: Sound knowledge of the scriptures guards against tendency of being led astray morally and doctrinally, it also protects believers from spiritual deception. One of the best ways to understand the scriptures is to follow good examples of the true teachers and ministers of the gospel. Apostle Paul was a positive role model for Timothy (2 Timothy 3:10-13). Paul showed good examples of a life above reproach and steadfast faith in God. He suffered a lot for faithfully preaching the gospel. In his sufferings he did not compromise faith, God delivered him out of them all. God will uphold and give grace to those who are living faithfully for Him.

The scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, correction and righteous instructions. The Bible teaches how to identify and avoid sin and live a life that is acceptable to God. It teaches about salvation and things that will help Christians to mature spiritually and do good in the society (2 Timothy 3:14-17). The Bible provides all we need to confidently serve God and earn His salvation.

Complete the Course: All Christians must receive the final charge which is to 'preach the word' at the right time; they are commissioned to reach out to the world, preaching and teaching God's word. Aside sharing the word of exhortation and admonition they may need to confront and correct some people. If they find themselves in such a situation, they must exercise great patience and pass the instruction carefully so that those who are being corrected will not misinterpret the message and turn from sound biblical instructions (2 Timothy 4:1-5). The messages must come from the scripture and the lessons drawn from the passages. The preaching should be Christ-centred and bring glory to God.

Believers are charged to finish their race of faith strong and well. They are required to enter into Christ's suffering as Paul did for repentance and Salvation of others (2 Timothy 4:6-8 ). Some people started Christian race very well but along the way they get discouraged and dropped out. Such was tragic end of them. They were overcome by trials and temptations, unlike Paul there would be nothing for them at the end of the race. Receive the challenge, stay on course in the race that leads to heaven and finish well. To God be the glory. Lesson texts:2 Timothy 3:1 thru 4:8.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:54pm On Jan 04, 2015
The Creation
All that God created are for His pleasure. The book of Genesis gives an account of creation of the heavens and the earth. The origin and presence of things in the universe is a mystery that people have discussed in theories for years without providing realistic information. The 'big bang' and string theories were developed to explain the creation, but the question still remains unanswered, how did substances involved originate? Our knowledge about God as the creator saves us the stress of unanswerable questions about the universe. Genesis 1: 31 - God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. We have the followings for discussion: The Heavens and Earth Created; The Heavens and Earth Filled, and Human Beings Created.

The Heavens and Earth Created: Genesis 1:1-2 makes it known that everything originated from "the beginning", which is God himself. He created the planets and universe from the formless void.

God created the dry land and sky and made the separation between day and night ( i.e light and darkness). He spoke to the firmament and there was division of waters above and below the firmament. He created the dry land on the waters below and named it 'Earth', and the waters 'Sea' (Genesis 1:3-10).

The Heavens and Earth Filled: His framework of the creation followed a sequence meant to achieve a purpose. After he had created the earth and made moisture available, he proceeded to creation of vegetation (Gen 1:11-13). He decreed that the earth give forth different plants which should reproduce after same kinds. Each plant would produce its kind.

God proceeded with creation of lights - the sun, moon and stars to serve the newly created planet 'Earth' and with the lights he separated day from night and distinguished between the seasons (Genesis 1:14-19). With this He caused the atmosphere to change, thus giving the warmth of sunlight during the day and cool breeze of the night.

God continued with creation of fishes, birds and animals after he had made provision for suitable environment for life. These creatures followed the order of dependence, that is, the feature that makes life continue. Again the Bible emphasized that the animals would reproduce after same kinds, each animal will reproduce after its kind. Reproduction must follow unique characteristics of the animals (Genesis 1:20-25).

Human Being Created. On the sixth day God created human beings, males and females (Genesis 1:26-27). He made human beings in his own likeness; they could reason and make decisions. Unlike the animals God breathed into humans and made them share of his spirit. Therefore humans are spiritual beings made up of the body, soul and spirit. For this reason humans beings are different from the animals. We are specially made to worship God.

Human being are commanded not to worship the creation under whatever forms. It is only God we must worship. After humans were created God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply to fill and rule the earth (Genesis 1:28-31). People and the universe are not product of chance, they are made by God for his pleasure. He is awesome God we must praise, honour and glorify in our lives. To God be the Glory. Lesson Text Genesis 1:1thru 2:7.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 7:12pm On Jan 18, 2015
The Fall
As a result of disobedience and fall of one man (Adam) mankind was cursed and made to fall, but due to obedience of another man (Christ) people are given the grace to rise again, receive God's blessing and salvation. Adam's sin might be considered as little disobedience to God's command, the consequence was just too enormous for all generations. It became the burden everybody must bear, while the way out was attached with a price no person can afford to pay. People should understand that they can't pay the price of yielding to temptation and choosing to sin against God. Romans 5:8 - But commanded his love toward us, in thst, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We have the followings for discussion: Yielding to Temptation; God Confronts Sinners and Far-Reaching Consequences of Sin

Yielding to Temptation: Eve was deceived by the devil who appeared to her and talk to her in trickery manner to ignore God's warning. Temptation comes in a subtle way with the devil trying all possible means to confuse and allure his victim to believe his lies (Genesis 3:1-3). Satan didn't force Eve to disobey God, but he managed to plant doubt in her heart, so that she would question God's character and disobey his command. Eventually Eve yielded to the temptation and caused her husband to disobey and sin against God

God cared so much for man at the creation. He settled Adam and Eve in the best place on earth and made provision for their comfort, likewise he warned them not to touch something that was potentially dangerous for their life. But the devil came around and deceived them to satisfy desires of the flesh (Genesis 3:4-6). We should understand Satan's tricks and guard against possibility of yielding to temptation

God Confront Sinners: Sin makes people to develop sense of guilt and find way to hide from God (Genesis 3:7-8 ), but nothing is hidden from Him. He is Spirit and sees everywhere, even the dept of the heart. After Adam and Even had sinned shame replaced their innocence before God. Instead of desiring to hear from God they chose to hide from him. Believers begin to hide from God when behaviours that weaken faith and reduce strong desire to serve God begin to manifest in their lives

People may derive pleasure in sin, but such pleasure will hold for a moment. There will be consequences that might result in shame, pain and death. Despite Adam and Eve attempt to hide from God, He still called out to them. He didn't abandon them to destruction they brought to themselves. This shows God doesn't give up on a sinner and leave him to face the terrible consequences. He seeks sinners to deliver from shameful lifestyle and eternal destruction (Genesis 9:1-13). Confessing one's sin to God is necessary to receive forgiveness and be restored (1John 1:9; Proverbs 28:13).

Far-Reaching Consequences of Sin: Sin alters life (Genesis 3:14-24). God's original plan for Adam and Eve was to make them enjoy fullness of life in the garden of Eden. But the moment they sinned and tried to cover their sins they were driven out and cursed to suffer and experience death. The serpent or the devil was cursed to crawl on the ground. This means its humiliation and defeat. God also pronounced hostility between Eve's offsprings and serpent's offsprings. This shows hostility and battle between good and evil that will continue throughout human history.

However God promised final defeat of the devil by the seed of Eve; He spoke to the devil, "I will put enmity btw thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). This shows obvious reference to Christ. The devil would inflict temporary injury on him while he (Christ) would inflict fatal injury that will result in final defeat and end of Satan.

The tree of life in the garden indicated God's provision for Adam and Eve to live forever, but they were driven from the garden and prohibited from returning to the paradise in which they once lived. Despite the fall of Adam and Eve God promised to defeat Satan and bring victory over sin to world through sacrificial death of Christ. Sin makes people naked before God, but sacrificial blood of Christ cleanses sin and replaces the covering of shame by the covering of righteousness and glory (Ephesians 1:7; Romans 5:18&19). To God be the glory. Lesson texts: Genesis 3:1-24).
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 7:30pm On Jan 18, 2015

The Flood

The story of flood is just a reminder of God's judgement of evil on earth. It calls our attention to judgement that awaits everyone who chooses to walk in sinful way. The loving and merciful God has provided us with right information on how to live for him and receive his favour whenever he judges the wicked. This lesson gives the warning and shows dangers associated with sinful lifestyle. 2 Peter 2:5 - God spear not the old world, but saved Noah, the eight person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. We have the followings for discussion: Wickedness brings destruction; God offers Mercy amid Judgement; Divine Promise and Restoration.

Wickedness brings Destruction: Sin makes God sorrowful. Sinfulness of people grieved God at the heart during the time of Noah to the extent that he destroyed the old world with water (Gen 6:5-7). Wickedness of mankind brought about destruction that didn't spear other creatures. This shows that the wicked do not bring destruction on themselves only when they are judged; the innocent will also be affected. God will not overlook sin because He is just, holy and righteous.

People must not think they can sin and do away with it. Sin results in judgment (Genesis 6:11-13,17). It is committed when people make poor moral choice that affects their relationships with others and God.

God offers Mercy amid Judgement: Before God judges wicked He will provide the way by which the righteous can be saved. He gave Noah warning concerning his coming judgement. Noah passed the warning across but people ignored it until destruction came upon them (Genesis 6:8-10,14). People can't bear the consequences of taking God's grace for granted. Noah didn't just receive God's favour among numerous people during his time, he met the necessary condition; he was a righteous, faithful and perfect man. His daily activities showed that he walked with God.

God's offer requires response of man. The response is an act of obedience to instructions that come up with the offer. He told Noah to make an ark with the given dimensions. He also told him to enter the ark with his family and bring other creatures inside (Genesis: 6:8; 7:. He obeyed God and did as instructed. He saved his family by his obedience to God's offer of salvation. During the time of Noah the ark stood as the offer of salvation, but presently Christ is God's offer of salvation.

Divine Promise and Restoration. God fulfilled His promise of saving Noah and his family from the destruction of his time. Noah wasn't ungrateful to the great deliverance he had received. He made sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God. Likewise we must see reason to give thanks to God for his goodness, saving grace and mercy he makes available to us daily. Christians daily offerings of thanksgiving to God should express their faithfulness and sincere worship of Him.

God makes covenant of salvation with people that obey his command and walk daily with him. He made covenant with Noah that he would never destroy the earth with flood in judgement again. He gave a sign (rainbow) as reminder of the covenant (Genesis 9:8-17). He has kept the promise since that time. This shows that God is faithful to His promise. Just as he made provision to save people from destruction during the time of Noah, He has made the most convenient and easiest way for all people to be saved through Christ. Those who receive Christ into their lives and find spiritual and eternal life in him are the ones walking in the way. To God be the glory. Lesson Texts: Genesis 6: 1 through 9:17
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 5:40pm On Jan 25, 2015
God's Covenant with Abraham
God called Abraham and made covenant with him. His covenant is about blessing and redemption of people. The covenant was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the One God sent to reveal His way, righteousness, love and salvation to the world. God makes those who share in Abraham faith and believe in Christ the heirs of His kingdom. Galatians 3:29 - And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to His promise. We have the followings for discussion: God calls Abraham into Covenant; God Reaffirms the Covenant; God fulfils the Covenant.

God calls Abraham into Covenant: Abraham was seventy five (75) years old when God called him to move from his home town to a place He would give him as a possession. God's plan was to make people know and serve Him for redemption of their lives. Abraham responded by faith and set out for the physical and spiritual journey to receive the blessing. Abraham obedience caused him to loose the comfort of living with family and friends and move to an unknown place (Genesis 12:1-3). His willingness to step out in faith and obedience was a matter of trust and submission to receive the blessing beyond imagination.

Abram embarked on the journey of faith to land God wanted to give him. He was directed towards the land of canaan where he was to be settled for the promise (Genesis 12:1-4).

God Reaffirms the Covenant: Ten years after Abraham started the Journey of faith God reaffirmed his promise that a great nation would emerge from his seed. He had thought of adopting one of his servants to fill position of heir after he had waited for long without having a child, but God reassured him of seed of Sarah's womb (Genesis 15:1-6). Abraham believed in God for the promise, he committed his life in God's hand and built personal confidence in Him, this made him to be a righteous man.

While he was expecting the child of promise, he began to question God about when and how to have the promised child at his advanced age, but God's answer was 'wait'. God can answer prayers in three different ways: yes, no and wait. Finally Abraham was led to the promised land, the land already occupied by nations that didn't know God, but which had to be claimed for God's purpose (Genesis 15:7,18-21).

God Fulfilled Covenant: God didn't break His covenant with Abraham even though Abraham and his wife Sarah disappointed Him when they planned to have a child through Hagar, their House Maid. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, but the boy wasn't the covenant child. When Abraham was ninety nine years and his wife, Sarah was eighty nine years God affirmed his promise that Sarah would bear the covenant child. That time Abraham repented of unbelief and strengthened his trust in God. Thereafter God changed his name from Abram "exalted father" to Abraham "father of a multitude", and at the age of ninety his wife gave birth to Isaac.

God's promise to Abraham has the ultimate fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Through Christ believers are made the seed of Abraham and heirs of God, not only through physical, but also through spiritual means (Galatians 3:6-9, 16&29). By faith Abraham believed and trusted God for the seed of his bowel that would be for redemption of mankind. The "One Seed" that brings God's blessing to all people is Jesus Christ. He reconciled people to God and thought them God's way. Those who belong to Christ are partakers of the eternal blessing God promised descendants of Abraham. To God be the glory. Lesson texts: Genesis 12:1-9; 15:1-21; 17:1-22; 21:1-5; Galatians 3:6-29)
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by alolatee(m): 8:29pm On Jan 25, 2015
I learnt last week in the sunday school, discerning God's will in ministry-how to discover your ministry-(1)through a burden- Nehemiah(2)areas where you are most fruitful...(3)through a voice-Moses and Samuel and Jesus-this is my beloved son, a voice utttered from heaven.Through spiritual leaders or mentor-paul and Barnabas-Acts13vs1-5.Through dreams and visions-Joseph...though the manual was about, Youth, marriage and ministry, i did not enjoy more than these points when we came to the ministry aspect of it.be blessed.
Re: Sunday School Lessons: What Do You Gain To Share With Others? by Rexyl(m): 9:43pm On Feb 01, 2015
God's Judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah

God doesn't judge and destroy the wicked without giving opportunity for repentance. Event before the Judgement revealed that God still shows mercy and gives grace to the righteous. While the sinners may not know the judgement that awaits them God can still give grace for their forgiveness and deliverance through intercessor. Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah saved some people from destruction. From the root of Abraham God sent an intercessor, Jesus Christ to redeem people and take away the punishment of sin. 2 Peter 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, but is longsuffering toward us, not that willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. We have the followings for discussion: Investigation into Sodom Sin; Abraham's Intercession and God's Mercy; Judgement for Sin.

Investigation Into Sodom Sin: The gravity of sin of people of Sodom and Gomorrah caused God to pass judgement. He judges sin when it becomes grievous h(Genesis:16-22). Before the destruction God made His intention known to Abraham so that he could understand reason for the judgement, and probably to intercede for the righteous.

The cities were judged for sins of homosexuality, perversion and lack of concern about the plight of others. The people were so arrogant, selfish and inhospitable, and pursuing immoral behaviours with their prosperity (Ezekiel 16: 49-50). The Church may live under the similar influence that brought judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah if believers are arrogant, unconcerned, self-centered and self-serving in their relationships with others. Such behaviours can make others miserable, poor and wretched.

Abraham's Intercession and God's Mercy: After the two angels had left for destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham was standing with God, interceding for the righteous of the cities (Genesis 18:23-33). He was confident that God was righteous and just, and would not condemn the righteous with the wicked. Thus, he was determined to seek an opportunity for mercy to be extended to those who know God.

In his intercession, Abraham continued to ask God to withdraw his planned judgement if it was possible to find certain number of righteous people in the cities. He asked for mercy if fifty, forty five, thirty and down to ten righteous people were found, but the righteous in the cities were not up to that. Only the family of Lot, Abraham's nephew escaped God's judgement. Christians are to follow good example of Abraham and pray with persistence for others to receive God's mercy and become saved from destruction.

Judgement for Sin: Total destruction of a place and people may come as a result of God's judgement for sin. Abraham's intercession saved Lot. Effective prayer of the righteous saves others from destruction. Instead of rejecting life pleasure and focusing on God's deliverance Lot's wife was mindful of the shameful past. She regretted seeing destruction of her wealth and comfortable city's lifestyle and was consumed in that process.

God's judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah was a strong warning to all that God judges sin. No one can stand God's judgement for sin. Jesus stated that God's judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah would be more tolerable than judgment on nations and people that heard his message and rejected it ( Matthew 11:20-24). As Christ's message is being proclaimed more widely and freely today through all media than before people are being called unto genuine repentance, and to follow the way that leads to deliverance and salvation of souls from horrors of divine judgement. To God be the glory. Lesson Texts: Genesis 18:16 thru 19:29; Ezekiel 16:49-50; Matthew 11:20-24.

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