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Religion / Re: The Truth Hidden Behind Makeup by asco15(m): 11:33am On Sep 29, 2013
Hey u can't say cos u av never been there B4...ok consider:
1) u wear make up(if it is wrong u go to hell,if it is right u'r safe)
2) u don't wear make up(if it is wrong,u ar safe,if it is right u are also safe)
which will our men and women chose? (1) or (2) to be on a safe side?
Religion / The Truth Hidden Behind Makeup by asco15(m): 9:04am On Sep 29, 2013
What is the truth about makeup? Most
women—even some little girls—wear it. Yet
few know its history. Even fewer know what
God’s Word says about it. Are cosmetics
addressed in the Bible? Does it approve their
use? Is makeup wrong—sin? What principles
apply? Patiently read through to know this hidden truth.

The cosmetics industry makes billions of dollars annually. Fashion and
Hollywood have set the standards for “beauty,” and most people agree
with their taste. Women of all ages wear make up! To most, it is important to be
fashionable. But is this practice right—or wrong? Could it even be sin? Is
painting your face “fashionable” to God?
Of course, some have no interest in what God says. The Bible has no
meaning or value to them. They are not concerned with pleasing God. They are
only interested in pleasing themselves or being accepted by people. Yet, others
are concerned with what God says, but do not know His will.
The Bible is God’s Instruction Book to mankind. It reveals all the essential
truths and principles necessary for salvation. However, most have rejected
it as a Source of authority in their lives. They are content to believe traditions
without actually taking the time to prove why they do what they do. Most are
also content to coast through life believing and operating on assumptions.
Others simply practice what they do because of habit—and old habits die hard.
Yet we must ask: Is the use of makeup something that only religious
extremists worry about? Are “fanatics” the only ones who would consider such
a question? Or is it something you should be concerned about?
You need to know what the Bible clearly states about this subject. If makeup
is important to God, it has to be mentioned in His Word—both specifically
and in principle.
Wearing makeup is a worldwide custom—yet it is one that has become
socially acceptable more recently than you may think. Therefore, to even question the use of makeup may seem old-fashioned or out-dated to countless millions
of women—and, of course, men—who have grown accustomed to and
comfortable with its widespread use.
If you must wear makeup, then you must read the entire booklet (13 pages) @
PDF file attached below.

The last two decades have seen make-up progress from its early
category of woman’s conceit to become an art and an integral part of feminine
beauty and psychology. Chief credit for this about-face in the acceptance of
widespread use of cosmetics should go to the motion picture industry, which
set new standards of beauty and…brought new products and principles of
application and use to the world’s women” (Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 18,
1956 Edit., p. 157)
At the turn of the twentieth century, makeup was viewed as something
only proud, even arrogant women wore. With the invention of movies and television,
Hollywood injected into the limelight the image of a movie starlet’s
face covered with cosmetics. Once this image was accepted by the masses, cosmetics
became commonplace.
The movie industry has been most responsible for associating makeup
with exquisite beauty, by presenting Hollywood actresses as sex goddesses. It
became natural that young girls and women would wish to be as attractive and
desirable as world-famous screen idols.
Hundreds of millions of adoring fans want to look like their favorite
movie stars. Even little girls can become obsessed with being pretty, when
they should be enjoying childhood and playing with dolls and toys. They can
easily become slaves to fashion trends that are inseparable from using makeup.
Vanity—the desire to look more beautiful—is what causes women to paint
their faces, and is perhaps the most powerful of human drives.
Psalm 39:5-6 states, “…verily [truly] every man at his best state is altogether
VANITY…Surely every man walks in a VAIN SHOW [an image].” Vanity is a powerful
force in all human beings, and it is far stronger than most understand.
The obsession with looking young, and turning back the clock, has now
gone beyond outrageous. Consider this: 1.6 million women, even some
men, are now injecting tiny amounts of a deadly poison, Botox (from botulism),
under the skin of the face to remove wrinkles. Within four days, the
toxin in the treatment literally paralyzes the facial muscles and temporarily
smoothes the skin. (The treatments only last for 90 days.) The goal is to“look the best you can for as long as you can”—for $150 to $1000 per treatment!
Botox is only the beginning of the threat from various harmful chemicals
and toxins that are latent in cosmetics. This has long been understood!
Consider the meaning of the word mascara. If we just accept the word for
what it is, then it becomes its own honest statement from the cosmetics industry.
It comes from the word mask, and the word masquerade also derives from
it. In essence, to wear mascara is to wear a mask—and to masquerade as something
that one is not—for the purpose of vanity and perceived beauty

Plainly, the use of makeup started nationally in Egypt. The Bible uses
Egypt as a type of the sins of this world, which Christians are commanded to
come out of.
Even before its use in Egypt, the original painted harlot was Semiramis,
the mother-wife of Nimrod, and the founder of the Babylonian Mystery
Semiramis is known as the mother of all harlots. She used makeup, as well
as suggestive whorish clothing, for various religious and sexual rituals.
They adopted this dress into their culture from Semiramis, in an attempt to appear more like the many gods and goddesses they worshipped. History shows how women applied makeup to change their appearance and seduce men. Harlots and “matrons” (the female leaders of prostitution rings)
were specifically recognized by their silk, jewels and cosmetics)
The first women to wear makeup were prostitutes! Changing one’s appearance
by facial paint is a custom ancient PROSTITUTES have dictated to the modern
age. Cosmetics were nothing more than a device used by harlots to, in
effect, teach men to break the Seventh Commandment.
Do you also know that the kingdom of darkness possesses makeup kits with demons and they use it to initiate many people unknownly? Do you know that it is the marine kingdom that uses makeups when they are going for a mission?

In The book of Hosea 4:6, the bible said that "my people perish for lack of knowledge". Many people perish everyday for lack of knowledge of the word of God. We must understand that the ways of God are not the ways of man. Remember that "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death"(Prov.16:25).
But let’s not play games with, or try to reason around, what God DOES
say. The apostle Paul wrote, “PROVE all things; hold fast that which is good” (I
Thes. 5:21). Let’s prove what the Bible said about makeups in the following passages;

1. Jeremiah 4:30, “…though you deck yourself
with ornaments of gold, though you rented your face with painting, in vain
shall you make yourself fair [beautiful]; your LOVERS will despise you, they
will seek your life.”
2.Exodus 33:5-6 "5 For the LORD had said unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee. 6 And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments by the mount Horeb.KJV"
3. Isa 3:16-22 "16 Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: 17 Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts. 18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, 19 The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, 21 The rings, and nose jewels, 22 The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins,KJV"
4. II Kings 9:30 “And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she PAINTED HER FACE, and tired her head, and she looked out at a window”. Jezebel put on makeup to try to seduce Jehu and escape impending death.
5. REVELATION 17:4-5 "4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.KJV"
In fact, there are many bible verses; read: Ezek.23:40, Gen.35:4, Hos.2:13, 1Tim.2:9, e.t.c. And you may be suprise that this things are in the bible, and they are obnoxious to righteousness.


Think carefully. Consider those who wore makeup: the false prophetess
Jezebel, two whoring sisters, Aholah and Aholibah, and the adulteress Judah
are the only Bible examples of women (real or by analogy) who wore makeup!
Now think of the most well-known, righteous women of the Bible. Name
a single one (Old or New Testament) who wore makeup. There is no mention
of Sarah, Rebecca, Ruth, Naomi, Mary (Christ’s mother), Deborah, Abigail,
Esther or any other virtuous woman ever applying or wearing makeup. The fact
that the only examples of those who wore makeup are adulteresses, harlots and
false prophetesses serves as a great warning to anyone who cares about the
Word of God and wishes to follow the Bible’s righteous examples instead of
the wicked.
Don't forget that God has wonderfully and carefully made you. (Ps.139:14), He made man in His own image and likeness (Gen.1:27) and God saw that everything He made was good.
Paul had to address this thinking in another context: “Who are you that replies against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why have you made me thus?” (Rom. 9:20). Is this something you want to ask God— either by word or action? Be careful that you are not guilty of questioning
God’s judgment in creating you exactly as He did.
Paul asks, “What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?” (I
Cor. 6:19). 1 Peter 3:3 tell us of the vanity of outward beauty.
In 1John2:15-17 tells us not to love the things of the world. while the book of 1 Thes.5:22-23 says that we must keep our body and soul blameless.
Remember: “There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end
thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 14:12; 16:25). This warning is for all who
have “ears to hear” (Rev. 3:13).
Paul writes, “And be not conformed to this world: but be you TRANSFORMED
by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom. 12:2).
In Rev.21:8, "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.KJV". Don't be among the unbelieving and continue in abomination.
Repent now, Remove everything that the great accuser (the devil) will use to accuse you before your creator on your judgement day.
You must burn all your makeups and ask God to show you mercy. Then you must locate a bible believing church, which teaches this truth to be delivered from the demonic powers of those makeups.
Read the full booklet(13 pages) in pdf format below.
Or visit: http://rcg.org/books/tthbm.html

Events / Re: Bride's Family Gives-out N1000 Packets As Wedding Souvenir To Guests!(pic) by asco15(m): 9:17pm On Sep 28, 2013
Mayb na blood money or mayb na 1 note put on a rectangular box. Mayb na wetin happen yesterday. Mayb na 1 guest dem give.
Religion / Re: What A Shameless World! Or Is It End Time Things? by asco15(m): 10:19am On Sep 28, 2013
Observe ur neighbourhood dis morning and quote me wrong. Especially a ghetto or densely populated area.
Religion / What A Shameless World! Or Is It End Time Things? by asco15(m): 8:48am On Sep 28, 2013
We are really in a shameless world where people are no longer ashame to showoff their inner wears.
I just woke up to discover that most of the women both young and old in my neighbourhood are half naked just because today is saturday and they are not going to school or work. Some will just put on only wrapper or towel, some will even just wear their undis, bra, skin-tight or bob-shot walking about the street.
Its really annoying, even some guys will only put on boxers and be walking down the street.
We should learn to be decent even when we are at home, cos we are not alone in our neighbourhood. Some people are naturally endow and they are tempting to odas, i just have to always look the oda way when i am talking to them.
Remember that God is every where and he is watching you, pls be descent even in ur room cos u don't know who will knock at your doors.
God bless you.

1 Like

Religion / Re: Agents Of The Devil Exposed! : Beware! by asco15(m): 10:42pm On Sep 25, 2013
Alfa Seltzer: you want to expose those that are already exposing themselves?
am exposing their mission.

1 Like

Religion / Agents Of The Devil Exposed! : Beware! by asco15(m): 3:58pm On Sep 25, 2013
Any girl or woman who wear short skirts, short gowns, sleeveless tops, show me your back, show me your cleavage which exposes her body or put on tight clothes, trousers, legense or pajamas which exposes the shape of her body is a SEDUCER. (Mathew 18:6), leading many souls astray for the devil. A seducer is AN AGENT OF THE DEVIL (knownly or unknownly). Likewise a guy who exposes his chest, put on boxers or sag his trousers.
So don't fool yourself, a christian is not a seducer, and a seducer is not a christian. A true christian lady glorify God in her body and in her soul (1 corinthians 6:20). She also acknowledges that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. She knows that God is everywhere not only in the church.
If your church is not against immoral dressing, change to a church that will help you to glorify God in your body and soul.
Remember that God will judge you with His standards and not the standard of your church. So repent now and burn all those evil clothes and material today, that God will show you mercy.
Help to spread the message and expose them.
Religion / Re: Linda's Story Used Many Truth To Becloud A Lie. by asco15(m): 4:44pm On Sep 24, 2013
I am a chosen, i can never be deceived, after see what God has done in my family through The Lord's Chosen or after recieving genuine salvation in Christ Jesus.
I would rather be a chosen that to go to my former church, where i was living in since but active in church activities.


Religion / Re: Nigerian Pastors And Their Many Contradicting Preaching Should Stop! by asco15(m): 7:26pm On Sep 22, 2013
The truth is that some churches are reducing the standard of God so as to get more members, remember more members, more money.
But Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13:8.
We have one spirit of truth, but people choose to interpret the bible literally without the understand from the spirit. Also, false spirit gives false meaning to those with a reprobate heart.
Ajibam: may God intervene....different denominations and doctrines
Religion / Linda's Story Used Many Truth To Becloud A Lie. by asco15(m): 4:34pm On Sep 22, 2013
The devil is very wise, and that is why the bible made us to know that we should not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy.
The devil has tried so many ways to pull down pastor Lazarus Mouka, who has been binding him and his agents and has been winning many soul to God, but couldn't, so he device another means which is the Linda's revelation.
The main target of the devil is to pull down pastor Lazarus, so he used many truth that many christians already know and included a lie about The Lord's Chosen Ministries.
The already known truth about other churches and a lie about Chosen made her revelation to seem true. ''The many truths have beclouded a lie''.
Many christians didn't seek counsel from the holy spirit, the spirit of truth, to guide them, but they just believed everything that Linda said.
Why can't christians study the bible which said that by their fruit we shall know them. Can a bad tree brings forth good fruit? the answer is no.
But lets consider the fruits that the Lord's Chosen is bringing forth, are they bad or good?.
Many people are confessing that they have left their formal sinful ways and have given their life to Christ in The Lord's Chosen (which am one of them). Can a devil call people to repent from fornication, adolatory, immoral dressing, stealing, and many other sins? or can a devil openly bind lucifer, queen of kingdoms and witches and demons?
I fully joined Chosen last month to go and see for myself and i even went to the headquarters church in Lagos and i can tell you that from the G.O messages my life has totally changed for christ, i can confidently tell you that he is a true man of God..
In this our world today, how many churches are preaching the total salvation messages? how many churches are calling every evils and sins in our society and asking people to repent? How many churches are confronting the devil and his agents openly like Pastor Lazarus?
Let me tell you that right now the church that is wedging great war against the devil and exposing his tricks is the Lord's Chosen, and the devil brought up this story to make the G.O angry so as to attack him, knowing that anger will make him to lose his annointing. The bible say that test the spirit to know if its true or not. and those of you that are criticizing what you haven't tested are committing sin against the Holy Spirit. And if you are still doubting listen to the G.O message on cable or visit the church, then you will get to know the truth for yourself.
Heaven @last is our aim.
Chosen must conquer.
Religion / Re: Is 'god Of Chosen' Same With 'god Almighty'?? by asco15(m): 12:37pm On Sep 17, 2013
JMAN05: @op.

Shine your eyes. satan performs powerful miracles o.

God or god is a general name. until they mention the name of the god they mean, you may not be serving the God named Jehovah.

Whether they mention the name of the god or not, let your bible guide you on what is really the truth.

specifically calling God of chosen is a hint that they have a different God.

people should open their eyes. miracle is really misleading many.
the truth is dat d miracle is not d most important tin in the lord's chosen but the salvation message. Try to listen to one of the G.O message, then u will understand what i mean
Romance / Re: Fake Hymen For Sale In Abuja From N9,000 to N15,000 by asco15(m): 4:24pm On Sep 10, 2013
Religion / Re: My Dear Alexleo I Beg To Differ With You On The Lords Chosen by asco15(m): 5:56pm On Sep 09, 2013
One question i kept asking and havn't gotten a good answer is, MUST the Lords chosen use 'god of chosen' or 'God of mouka'?? Since the use of 'God of chosen or God of my pastor' is now questionable, WHY can't the church just refrain from using it and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like the early apostles, since we say both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder WHY
Pls pastor mouka, u need to act quickly, cos many people, like me, like ur church and want to be full member, bUt this thought always keep me on-hold to see as events unfold.
God Bless you.
bizmahn: Some of the possible excesses in the chosen is largely due to overexitment & overzealouness by a young church that witnessed unprecedented move of God as of old & as at its fourth year they have become the fastest growing church worldwide with branches all over the world & many churches handing over their churches to chosen.
If you study history of church revivals you discover than when people encounter unusual move of God they overreact many times from exitment.Kumuyi had to do a lot to correct members at the height of deeper life revival fire still ablaze in the 80's & 90's.
My point of this thread is to try to correct the impression that because a young church is getting overexcited doesn't mean the allegation that the pastor is a satanic agent that covenanted with satan is correct.Yet I agree fully that the chosen has a lot of clean up to do.
Religion / Re: The double standard displayed By Past. Lazarus Mouka's Lord's Chosen Ministry by asco15(m): 5:38pm On Sep 09, 2013
One question i kept asking and havn't gotten a good answer is, MUST the Lords chosen use 'god of chosen' or 'God of mouka'?? Since the use of 'God of chosen or God of my pastor' is now questionable, WHY can't the church just refrain from using it and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like the early apostles, since we say both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder WHY
Pls pastor mouka, u need to act quickly, cos many people, like me, like ur church and want to be full member, bUt this thought always keep me on-hold to see as events unfold.
God Bless you.

so you want to continue forward ever to wallow into the deceit of your demon god of chosen? May God in his mercies deliver you and make you to see the real light which is Jesus Christ. Amen.
Religion / Re: The double standard displayed By Past. Lazarus Mouka's Lord's Chosen Ministry by asco15(m): 5:34pm On Sep 09, 2013
One question i kept asking and havn't gotten a good answer is, MUST the Lords chosen use 'god of chosen' or 'God of mouka'?? Since the use of 'God of chosen or God of my pastor' is now questionable, WHY can't the church just refrain from using it and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like the early apostles, since we say both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder WHY
Pls pastor mouka, u need to act quickly, cos many people, like me, like ur church and want to be full member, bUt this thought always keep me on-hold to see as events unfold.
God Bless you.

Romance / Re: Nigerian Ladies Worry Over Scarcity Of Men by asco15(m): 5:50pm On Sep 07, 2013
Promo! Promo!!
Husband Agent!!!
Do u nid a husband?
Apply wit ur credentials, stating ur idea man's looks.
Form is on sale @y2k.men.ng for only $1,000. Hurry while promo last.
barrysome001: Av always heard of fuel scarcity n all those scarcities,never knew my gender go follow join
Orikinla: [size=28pt]“What is happiness without a man in a woman’s life?"
~ Nigerian woman.[/size]
Romance / Re: Nigerian Ladies Worry Over Scarcity Of Men by asco15(m): 5:34pm On Sep 07, 2013
The truth is that we have many men who are also searching for a wife but can't find one, because most of our ladies this days didn't grow up to be a wife. They grew up as harlots, having sex recklessly, dressing nude, partyin daily, smoking, drinking, lacking respect, gold diggers and can't even cook. Tell me, which man will want to have such a lady as a wife. <not me offcourse>.
For Those that kept themselves undefiled all thru, God usually sent them their husband at the appointed time.
victorious1986: This is Bible prophesy coming to fulfilment. However WOMAN! if thou areth in Christ thou will escape all these things.


Religion / Re: Lord Chosen Members Protest Against Mrs Juliet's Confession DVD by asco15(m): 12:23am On Sep 07, 2013
Well, as for me, the Lord's Chosen are preaching the truth and calling people to repentance. They have saved many sinners which i knew from their sins and made them born again in Christ Jesus.
Also, the righteous and holy life practised by Chosen members is worth emulating. They are always decent unlike other so called christians. The world will be a decent and holy place if every body is either a member of Chosen or Deeper life or Watchman, seriously.
But since the use of god of chosen is now questionable, the church should refrain from using 'god of chosen' and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like other churches, if they claim both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder why
Pls pastor mouka, prove them wrong by stoping the use of 'god of chosen'. Since its not the source of your power, so as to clear the air. Tank you as you do so.
God Bless you.
Religion / Re: Lord Chosen Members Protest Against Mrs Juliet's Confession DVD by asco15(m): 12:21am On Sep 07, 2013
I'm a chosen, and i can neva be decieved.

Well, as for me, the Lord's Chosen are preaching the truth and calling people to repentance. They have saved many sinners which i knew from their sins and made them born again in Christ Jesus.
Also, the righteous and holy life practised by Chosen members is worth emulating. They are always decent unlike other so called christians. The world will be a decent and holy place if every body is either a member of Chosen or Deeper life or Watchman, seriously.
But since the use of god of chosen is now questionable, the church should refrain from using 'god of chosen' and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like other churches, if they claim both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder why
Pls pastor mouka, prove them wrong by stoping the use of 'god of chosen'. Since its not the source of your power, so as to clear the air. Tank you as you do so.
God Bless you.
Religion / Re: Lord Chosen Members Protest Against Mrs Juliet's Confession DVD by asco15(m): 12:18am On Sep 07, 2013
Well, as for me, the Lord's Chosen are preaching the truth and calling people to repentance. They have saved many sinners which i knew from their sins and made them born again in Christ Jesus.
Also, the righteous and holy life practised by Chosen members is worth emulating. They are always decent unlike other so called christians. The world will be a decent and holy place if every body is either a member of Chosen or Deeper life or Watchman, seriously.
But since the use of god of chosen is now questionable, the church should refrain from using 'god of chosen' and just use 'God almighty' or 'Jesus Christ' just like other churches, if they claim both are thesame.
Or must they use 'God of chosen? If they must, then it makes me wonder why
Pls pastor mouka, prove them wrong by stoping the use of 'god of chosen'. Since its not the source of your power, so as to clear the air. Tank you as you do so.
God Bless you.
Religion / Re: At Last, Linda Ngaujah Exposed! She Is An Agent Of Satan From The Pit Of Hell by asco15(m): 9:56am On Sep 05, 2013

I don laugh tire, that they should run for their life to deeper life church? anyway, deeper life is okay by me, cos I have heard their G.O preach.

as for the chosen, you have already testified that you dad has become born again now. well my brother, the God that saves sinner from sin and go ahead to establish them is the true God. Satan can't give salvation. the point is, everyone is calling God, Jesus these days. even the ooccult men are also calling the sAme God and also Jesus. but God the fountain of wisdom has come through the lords chosen ministry to make difference, and that is why we call him the God of chosen and also the God of my pastor( Lazarus). so, we prefer it like that because of His greater work through that ministry. when we refer to Him as the God of chosen, then we will know that, they are talking about the God that the chosen people are serving. but it is same Jesus in the hible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and jacob. no be Satan like that demonic Linda claimed.

Thanks 4 dis knowledge. But i will urge our Pastor Lazarus to make it plain by just using God or Jesus, so as to counter linda's claim. And if the signs and wonders continue even without the use of God of Chosen or God of mouka, then more people will believe him. Tnks
Religion / Re: Is 'god Of Chosen' Same With 'god Almighty'?? by asco15(m): 9:40am On Sep 05, 2013
Pastor Mouka should stop using God of Chosen or God of Mouka, so as to end all doubt.
if he do so, and miracles continue, den many will begin to believe him.
Religion / Is God Of Chosen Same With God Almighty?? by asco15(m): 6:21pm On Sep 04, 2013
Well as for me, chosen is preaching the truth and many sinners (including my father) have given their life to Christ through Chosen. But the controversy i have is in the source of the power in which they perform their signs and wonders. And my question is = What if 'God of chosen' is not the same with the 'almighty God' that we know?
I will advice pastor Lazarus to clear the air by using just 'God' or 'Jesus' instead of 'God of Chosen' or 'God of mouka' or 'God of my pastor', if really they are thesame with the 'Almighty God'.
Because the members of chosen are always using the former always, and they make me to think theirs is different from the usual God almighty.
Besides that, i like they way they mention every sins, calling all to repentance. I also love their modesty and holiness, its worth emulating by other churches like Catholics, Dunamis, RCCG, Living faith, etc. And i will urge those in Christ embassey, Synagogue, etc to run 4 dia life to the nearest Deeper life church.
Am waiting 4 ur replies cos am confuse and doubting wat to do? Though i have prayed to God to give me a sign and a direction, cos i do attend Chosen.

Religion / Is 'god Of Chosen' Same With 'god Almighty'?? by asco15(m): 6:13pm On Sep 04, 2013
Well as for me, chosen is preaching the truth and many sinners (including my father) have given their life to Christ through Chosen. But the controversy i have is in the source of the power in which they perform their signs and wonders. And my question is = What if 'God of chosen' is not the same with the 'almighty God' that we know?
I will advice pastor Lazarus to clear the air by using just 'God' or 'Jesus' instead of 'God of Chosen' or 'God of mouka' or 'God of my pastor', if really they are thesame with the 'Almighty God'.
Because the members of chosen are always using the former always, and they make me to think theirs is different from the usual God almighty.
Besides that, i like they way they mention every sins, calling all to repentance. I also love their modesty and holiness, its worth emulating by other churches like Catholics, Dunamis, RCCG, Living faith, etc. And i will urge those in Christ embassey, Synagogue, etc to run 4 dia life to the nearest Deeper life church.
Am waiting 4 ur replies cos am confuse and doubting wat to do? Though i have prayed to God to give me a sign and a direction, cos i do attend Chosen.

Religion / Is 'god Of Chosen' Same With 'god Almighty'?? by asco15(m): 6:02pm On Sep 04, 2013
Well as for me, chosen is preaching the truth and many sinners (including my father) have given their life to Christ through Chosen. But the controversy i have is in the source of the power in which they perform their signs and wonders. And my question is = What if 'God of chosen' is not the same with the 'almighty God' that we know?
I will advice pastor Lazarus to clear the air by using just 'God' or 'Jesus' instead of 'God of Chosen' or 'God of mouka' or 'God of my pastor', if really they are thesame with the 'Almighty God'.
Because the members of chosen are always using the former always, and they make me to think theirs is different from the usual God almighty.
Besides that, i like they way they mention every sins, calling all to repentance. I also love their modesty and holiness, its worth emulating by other churches like Catholics, Dunamis, RCCG, Living faith, etc. And i will urge those in Christ embassey, Synagogue, etc to run 4 dia life to the nearest Deeper life church.
Am waiting 4 ur replies cos am confuse and doubting wat to do? Though i have prayed to God to give me a sign and a direction, cos i do attend Chosen.

Religion / Re: At Last, Linda Ngaujah Exposed! She Is An Agent Of Satan From The Pit Of Hell by asco15(m): 5:30pm On Sep 04, 2013
Well as for me, chosen is preaching the truth and many sinners (including my father) have given their life to Christ through Chosen. But the controversy i have is in the source of the power in which they perform their signs and wonders. What if 'God of chosen' is not the same with the almighty God that we know? I will advice pastor Lazarus to clear the air by using just 'God' or 'Jesus' instead of 'God of Chosen' or 'God of mouka' if really they are thesame. Because the members of chosen are always using the former always, and they make me to think theirs is different from the usual God almighty. Besides that, i like they way they mention every sins, calling all to repentance, i also love their modesty and holiness, its worth emulating by other churches like Catholics, Dunamis, RCCG Living faith, etc. And i will urge those in Christ embassey, Synagogue, etc to run 4 dia life to the nearest Deeper life church.
Science/Technology / Re: Teenager Invents 20-second Mobile Phone Charger. by asco15(m): 4:58pm On May 20, 2013
U won't blame us in 9ja. Cos she went straight 2 her field of studies nd didn't learnt acient formula on dy/dx or integratn. Unlyk here in our sec/uni where u hv 2 learn alot of old jagons nd calculux in science while dis western world r 100 steps ahead in tech.


Politics / Re: Police Killing In Nasarawa: Gov. Al-makura May Be Indicted By Security Report by asco15(m): 2:11pm On May 10, 2013
Leebeedo: Nigeria is doomed! I live and work in Lafia and I want to give u guys a full gist of what really happened.
Everything boils down to 2015 gubernatorial race. The Egon people said they are tired of been ruled by foreigners (i.e migrants from Maiduguri) which the current governor Umaru Tanko Almakura and the emir of Lafia are and so they’ve started preparing for 2015 elections. The militia group actually recruited youths but they never did it forcefully, Egon youths voluntarily enlisted themselves because we never heard of such occurrence @ the church (Egons are predominantly Christians, say 98%). Sometimes, we see the militia group matching around Lafia peacefully with their black uniform not disturbing anyone or causing mayhem and even sometimes, we see their leader drive around his SUV robed with all sort of charms and we laughed.
The governor got scared because of the growing strength of the militia and even attacked them severally through Fulani herdsmen, they even killed a Fulani herdsman close to my house early this year.
The governor’s second shot was through the emir. He invited the chief priest to his palace and tried to charm him but the chief priest defeated him and it was even rumoured that the emir was dead that period. (RUMOUR)
Discovering that he couldn’t succeed with his Fulani herdsmen and the emir strategy, he decided to use the police, SSS and civil defence guys through the commissioner of police, one stupid Yoruba man that doesn’t know his job and really good at driving around Lafia with his dead BMW disturbing with siren sound. The commissioner fell for it and he sent his boys to arrest the chief priest of the militia. They claim to have gone there peacefully to arrest him, but ask why they went with machine guns. The killed some of the militia guys but the militia wiped them all, just about 6 of them escaped. I don’t think the militia group used guns because I went to the hospital where they deposited their remains (Dalahatu Specialist Hospital at Shendam road) and I saw deep cutlass cuts on them and I also saw stuffs like blue powder on them, they were burnt and were over 100 in number. Immediately this happened, the governor ran to Abuja and later ran to kano probably to meet with the emir. The commissioner cried all through but many don’t know why he cried. It’s because he’s to retire in 2 months’ time but now will likely face dismissal.
The candidate egons want to put forward is Solomon Ewugha (not sure of the spelling)

Nairaland / General / Do You Have A Plan? by asco15(m): 7:40am On May 04, 2013
PLANNING Bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
So, Do you have a PLAN? Wat is your PLAN? Are you working toward your PLAN? If not, then you are still far from where you dream to be. The earlier you plan, the earlier you will achieve your dream.
Business / Is All Bank's ATM Closed Nationwide? by asco15(m): 7:52pm On Apr 29, 2013
I went to almost all the banks in Makurdi to widraw money from their ATM and to my greatest suprise, all the ATM were out of service but some machines only check balance and no option for widrawal. Some persons said that its all over. Is it that the banks are protesting against the free ATM service as directed by the CBN?

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