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Religion / Christains Dont Need To Bribe People Because God Will Provide For Them by christainslove: 3:10am On Mar 26, 2023
We are in a test in this life. Bribery and corruption is a very serious problem in Nigeria. Most people in Nigeria grease the palm of government officials, inspectors,the police and the like. For example if government inspectors go to bakeries to inspect and most of the bakeries bribe them and they pass all of them,then it means that the bad bakeries are still in business. But Christians shouldn't involve themselves in bribery.The bible says-Matthew 6:26-Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
So it means that God is going to provide for us.Of course we will be tempted to give bribes and the like but it is only a temptation. If we resist the temptation to give bribe no matter the cost,God will move and provide for us.
Religion / Who Is The Real God In All The Religions? by christainslove: 4:39am On Oct 09, 2022
God is the God of Isreal. The bible says in John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God is love. God loved us so much that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Allah is not the true God. Mohammed received his revelation from a fake angel Gabriel who is clearly a demon.The bible says in Galatians 1:8- But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
Plus,Islam was spread through war which shows Allah is not the true God.
Believers in Jesus in Muslim countries need to start living openly as Christains or they won’t make heaven. The bible says in Matthew 10:33-But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
Of course Christains who expose Islam or other religions may be persecuted but the bible says-Matthew 5:10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Every true Christian that will make heaven must face persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12-Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Religion / Catholics Are Into Idolatry by christainslove: 3:23pm On Oct 01, 2022
Why do Catholics bow to statues of Mary and Jesus?. The bible does not tell us to bow to statues of anything. The second commandment says-Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
And Catholics also pray the Rosary which is wrong.Mary is not the mother of God.John 8:58-Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
Meaning Jesus existed long before Mary.Beside the bible is against repetitive prayer-Matthew 6:7-But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
The rosary is repetitive. It is wrong
Plus,there is no purgatory. The catholic church teaches that there is a place called purgatory.The Catholic Church holds that "all who die in God's grace and friendship but still imperfectly purified" undergo a process of purification, which the Church calls purgatory, "so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven".
But the bible says-Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Who are you going to believe- the Word of God or the Catholic church?
And I have to ask who is this Mary appearing to the Catholics? It must be a demon sent to deceive them. 1 John 4:1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
The Mary apparition does not follow the Word of God.
Religion / 4 Goals To Help You Make Heaven by christainslove: 8:26pm On Mar 11, 2022
4 goals to help you make heaven
1 Be kind and loving to everyone-Treat everyone well,even your enemies.The bible says love your neighbor as yourself.The bible also says we should love our enemies even those enemies who are persecuting us.
2.Be humble-The bible says-Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
3. Be disciplined-Work hard,eat moderately.Be chaste in mind and body.No bad habits. Avoid drinking,smoking and drugs.
4 Be brave-Learn to say no to people when they tell you to lie,cheat or do anything wrong.If they persecute you as a result,thank God.The bible says blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Religion / The Bible Says People Are Wicked. Are People Nowadays Bad Pretending To Be Good? by christainslove: 9:17pm On Sep 10, 2021
Proverbs 14:15-The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps.
Simple people believe in words but many people pretend to be good. Wisdom says-Actions speak louder than words. So we have to watch what people do not what they say because many people are liars and the bible says that the heart of man is desperately wicked.
I remember story of the ginger bread man. He escaped all his enemies but fell into the trap of a wolf because he was too trusting. Matthew 10:16 - Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Don’t trust anyone,not any friends or even family because people are evil wearing a mask of good.If you become poor,they will hurt you so work hard every day, okay. A little sleep, a little slumber and poverty will come like an armed man.
Religion / Is The New Coronavirus Booster The Mark Of The Beast? by christainslove: 2:52pm On Sep 01, 2021
Many Americans took the coronavirus vaccine to stop the disease from spreading but now a new booster is coming because they said the first vaccine is not long lasting. But you cannot work without taking this booster so this new booster might be the MARK OF THE BEAST. Christians,don't take it.
Health / Is The Coronavirus The Mark Of The Beast? by christainslove: 2:09am On Sep 01, 2021
There are stopping people from working in america who did not take the corona virus vaccine. Revelation 13 -
16It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. e That number is 666.
For those that took the vaccine early on,it is best to avoid the booster as that could be the real mark of the beast.
Religion / How To Tell If A Guy Truly Loves You? by christainslove: 10:02pm On May 23, 2021
Romantic love is so evil these days.What really is true love? The bible says love is patient,love is kind. A true gentleman is kind and patient with you,will wait a year for you to say yes and will never push you to sin.
A true gentleman will never give up on you because love never gives up. He will never act arrogant because love is not proud. He will help you when you are in need because love always gives.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A lot of men are out to deceive these days but true love conquers all.
Religion / Un Resolution Called For Isreal And Palestine War. Will Isreal Be Divided Now? by christainslove: 10:37pm On May 18, 2021
The war in Isreal is leading to a call on a Un resolution on the crises. Isreal might be divided meaning the end times is near. Is rapture going to happen before Isreal is divided? The Muslims are also calling for their Messiah who could be the antichrist. He would come with their prophet Jesus who could be the false prophet of the bible.
Religion / Abomination Of Desolation-image Of Kaaba In Mecca by christainslove: 5:21pm On May 03, 2021
abomination of desolation-Image of Kaaba in Mecca
Matthew 24-15“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. 21For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the [c]elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

IS THIS WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER?.Are the jews in trouble from this saying from muslims?
'The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and

kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the

rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind

me, come and kill him.' (Article 7)
But a certain tree will not cry out because it is the tree of the jews.
Religion / Abomination Of Desolation Is The KAABA Placed In Solomon Temple? by christainslove: 4:29pm On May 03, 2021
Matthew 24-“Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.

Is the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet going to be the image of KAABA placed in Solomon temple?
Religion / Is America Mystery Babylon? by christainslove: 10:27pm On Apr 11, 2021
America seems to suit the prophecy of the nation that would be consumed by fire at the end times of the Bible. What could America have done to end up destroyed at the end?
Revelation 17- 4The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication
The nation is dressed in purple and scarlet. Does this mean leadership?.The nation is also adored with gold and precious stones meaning it is a rich nation.
As for fornication,do you think this is about the sexual immorality,abortion, and homosexuality in America today or is it false religions.
Revelation 17-18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”
Isn’t America the country who rules the world?.
Revelation 17-6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
As far as I know, America hasn’t hurt many Christians yet. This could be in the future if they are the ones.
Religion / Four Qualities Of A Good Christain by christainslove: 3:52am On Mar 18, 2021
Four qualities of a good Christain
1-Kindness and mercy
Matthew 5:7-Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
We all need to be humble
Proverbs 16:18-Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.
James 4:6-But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
Work hard,eat moderately and be clean and chaste in mind and body.
Bible verses- Crucify the flesh, I die daily
Galatians 5:24-Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.
1 Corinthians 15:31-I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
4- Bravery-
2 Timothy 1:7-For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Matthew 10:28 -And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Religion / How To Be More Disciplined As A Christian And Achieve Our Goals. by christainslove: 9:28pm On Mar 14, 2021
How to be more disciplined as a Christian and achieve our goals.
Jesus Christ said that we should deny ourselves and take up our cross.
We all want to be successful,slim and protect our chasity and well as break any bad habits.
Words have power. There are some advice (Words of wisdom) we could use to be successful.
A-To be successful,you can use advice like
1-Procastination is the killer of dreams
2-If you snooze,you lose-maybe for a day or forever.
3- Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today
4-Work before play every day
5 Dream big,plan,pursue excellence, and be consistent.
6-Little drops of water make a mighty ocean-Some things are better done slow.
7-All effort is rewarded-There is profit in all labor.
8-Be flexible-Do your work whenever possible.
9-No harm in trying-It is better to try and fail than never to try at all.
10-Patient dog eats the largest meat-work slowly on a long project.
11 Half bread is better than none- Avoid perfectionist.
12- Keep moving forward any way you can-even by just reading on the subject.
13. Winners never quit. Keep trying.

B-To lose weight
1 Make a good plan-like 4 small meals every four hours of 400 calories with carbs,protein,fruits and veg and sweets and water.
2 If you give the devil an inch,he would take a mile- So don’t even take a bite between meals.
3 if you snooze you lose-maybe forever or maybe for a day so don’t take the risk if you want to be slim
4-Don’t procrastinate your diet-Just eat moderately every day and you will be slim.
Keep you mind and body chaste. If you snooze,you lose.

D-Breaking bad habits and addiction-
1- Stop the habit today- if you snooze,you lose
2- Stop the addiction immediately- if you give the devil an inch,he take a mile
3- You cannot backslide even a little-If you snooze,you lose
Bible verses-
Galatians 5:24-Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.
1 Corinthians 15:31-I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.
Religion / Jehovah Witness A True Religion? by christainslove: 3:14am On Feb 22, 2021
Jehovah Witness a true religion?

The Jehovah Witness is false doctrine.They are more like a cult.Do you know their bible is different?
They affirm that God—Jehovah—is the most high. Jesus Christ is God’s agent, through whom sinful humans can be reconciled to God. The Holy Spirit is the name of God’s active force in the world. But the bible says-1 John 5:7-For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
To them,Jesus is not divine but a created being. Jesus also didn’t rise physically from the dead.Jesus is the son of God and he died and rose from the dead for our sins.
They do not allow blood transfusion even though we are all from Adam and Eve anyway. I mean,a child growing up in the womb uses its mothers blood, doesn’t it?.
The whole thing is not right. We have to follow the Word of the Living God,not fake doctrine.

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Religion / Is Mormonism Another False Religion? by christainslove: 3:08am On Feb 22, 2021
Is Mormonism another false religion?
Mormonism is a religion started by Joseph Smith in America. Mormons consider themselves Christians but many Christians don’t recognize Mormons as a true religion. It is just a false religion that is leading lot of people away from Christ.
The religion teaches that God the father, son and holy Spirit are three separate God. But the bible says-1 John 5:7-For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.
An angel came from heaven giving Joseph Smith the doctrine. But the bible says-Galatians 1:8-But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Nobody can teach us another gospel or he will be accursed.
Mormons embrace four different texts: The Christian Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. They have added strange doctrine to the Word of the Living God.
Religion / Are The Buddhist Worshipping Buddha Instead Of The Living God? by christainslove: 10:14am On Feb 20, 2021
Are the Buddhist worshipping Buddha instead of the living God?
Jesus is God.
Isaiah 44-19And no one considers in his heart,
Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say,
“I have burned half of it in the fire,
Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals;
I have roasted meat and eaten it;
And shall I make the rest of it an abomination?
Shall I fall down before a block of wood?”
The bible says-John 3:16-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Buddhists worship images of Buddia.Buddia was a man who lived a long time ago. They do not believe in the true living God of the Bible.They do not believe in Jesus.
Exodus 20-4“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
This is wrong as Jesus is the only way to the father. The bible said-John 14:6-Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Of course,the Buddhists could persecute those Christians who speak against their religion. But the bible says- Matthew 5-10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Religion / Catholics Is False And Who Is The Our Lady That Appears? by christainslove: 10:09am On Feb 20, 2021

The Catholic Church is not the first church. The first church was actually mentioned in the bible. Acts 11-26And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
The Bible says we are not to bow to idols whether on earth,or in heaven or anywhere else.
Exodus 20:4-4“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5you shall not bow down to them nor [b]serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting[c] the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
Mary and Jesus are in heaven so making images of Mary and Jesus and bowing to them is a sin. A trap by Satan telling you that just because the images are of Jesus and Mary, it is okay to bow to them.
Mary had other children beside Jesus. After she gave birth to Jesus,Mary had other children by Joseph.
Matthew 12:47-Then one said to Him, “Look, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak with You.”
There is obviously no place like purgatory.After death,it is heaven or hell for everyone.
Hebrews 9:27-And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,
And who is this Our Lady that keeps appearing? The Catholics are so easy to deceive.
The apparition wants devotion to the Immaculate heart of Mary.And she adds Mary worship to worship of Jesus.
They even worship this image of Mary that appears. But the bible says-Luke 4:8-And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve
The bible says-Matthew 6:7-And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.
But the image of Mary apparition told them to pray the rosary repeating the Hail Marys,Our Father many times and calling Mary mother of God while Jesus always existed before the world was formed and she was the chosen vessel to bring him to the world.
I was reading once that those little girls that Mary appeared to once went in to meet the apparitions and saw Satan in Mary clothing and she changed back to Mary and they believed the story she told. I guess they wanted to believe that Mary was really appearing to them. Reminds me of the wolf in Goldilocks story.
I heard the Catholics used to persecute those who wanted to follow true Christianity. However the bible says- Matthew 5-10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Religion / Are The Hindis Worshipping Idols Instead Of The Living God Of The Bible? by christainslove: 9:19am On Feb 20, 2021

Jesus is God.
Isaiah 44-19And no one considers in his heart,
Nor is there knowledge nor understanding to say,
“I have burned half of it in the fire,
Yes, I have also baked bread on its coals;
I have roasted meat and eaten it;
And shall I make the rest of it an abomination?
Shall I fall down before a block of wood?”
The bible says-John 3:16-For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
The Hindu has a lot of idols that they worship. They make images and they worship them even if these images are not alive. They do not believe in the true living God.They do not believe in Jesus. The bible says in Exodus 20-4“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
This is wrong as Jesus is the only way to the father. The bible said-John 14:6-Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Of course,the Hindi can persecute those Christains who speak against their religion. But the bible says- Matthew 5-10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Religion / Facing Persecution As A Christian by christainslove: 9:13am On Feb 20, 2021
Facing Persecution as a Christian
The bible says we Christians are going to be persecuted. It is something we just have to face, I guess. 2 Timothy 3:12-Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
But the bible says-Matthew 5-10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
This means that those who are persecuted for the sake of Christ will go to heaven.
I feel when it comes to persecution, we Christians have to take it one day at a time. Many bad things are going to happen. Matthew 6:34 -Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
We also have to have the right attitude. Jesus was silent with his persecutors and forgave them. We have to copy Christ example. Matthew 5:44-But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
They do say that A coward dies many times before their death.We are all going to die someday so why should we be afraid of what humans will do to us?. What does it matter if you get persecuted by your family or other religions like the Muslims or the Lgbt movement.
Everyone is afraid but they say the brave act despite their fear. The bible says- Matthew 10:28-And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body.
It is best not to procrastinate facing temptation and I heard of a guy who believed he could repent just before he dies, so he kept procrastinating his repentance and trials that come with being a Christian and chose to repent just before he died but he then ended up in hell because well, God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7-Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
We can’t be fearful of exposing the truth of false religions that every religion that isn’t biblical Christianity is.
Proverbs 24-10If you faint in the day of distress,
how small is your strength!
11Rescue those being led away to death,
and restrain those stumbling toward the slaughter.
12If you say, “Behold, we did not know about this,”
does not He who weighs hearts consider it?
Does not the One who guards your life know?
Will He not repay a man according to his deeds?

Exposing the truth of all false religions is our duty,even if we get persecuted.
As for persecution,well you just have to stand up not once,but over and over again like Daniel did. Winners never quit.
Daniel 3 -17If the God whom we serve exists, then He is able to deliver us from the blazing fiery furnace and from your hand, O king. 18But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden statue you have set up.”
So even if God allows us to suffer persecution,we will still serve him.
Revelation 21:8-But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
The cowards are like the first on the list. We can’t be among them.
Religion / Homosexuals-a Sin by christainslove: 9:08am On Feb 20, 2021
1 Corinthians 6-
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
The bible said we should not be deceived-homosexuals shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven but a lot of people are deceived these days. The Lgtb movement are now bullies that now persecute Christians in some places.They try to make bakies make their cakes and florist arrange their flowers for their weddings even though they don’t support the gay movement.
The bible did says that Christians will be persecuted so the Lgbt movement could just be one of the groups Satan uses to persecute true Christains who don’t accept it.
A man being married to a man and a woman being married to a woman is against God law. And the transgender movement is just crazy. I mean,we are all going to die some day and then we would face the consequences for our sin. We need to repent and put our faith in Jesus now.
You were born a male, change to a female and expect everyone to accept it and some are willing to bully people if they don’t accept it. It is obviously Satan work.
However we Christains are told to hate the sin(homesexuality) but love the sinner.
But it is Okay. If we suffer persecution from the LGBT movement for Christ sake,we would reign with him. Matthew 5-10-Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Literature / Re: What Do You Think Of My Novel-the Cute Ceo by christainslove: 4:19pm On Jan 21, 2018

The next morning,Ivy woke up with a slight fever. ‘I think I should take the day off’she told Fleur.
‘No, what if you get a bad record because of this, I insist you go to work’said Fleur immediately.
Ivy thought for a while. ‘But I feel really ill’
‘Ivy,we really need this job’ said Fleur.
Ivy felt better after a quick shower then she got ready for work. She made it just in time.
‘Want some coffee’ Chloe was already making coffee. ‘You look weak’
‘Thanks’ said Ivy taking the coffee she was handed. ‘I need a nap’
Ivy spent most of the day cleaning untill evening. She felt very very tired. The two girls soon went to clean the staff room.
‘Can you clean the tables while I wash the floor?’ Chloe voice sounded very far away. ‘Ivy,Ivy are you all right’
Ivy woke up in an ambalance. ‘Are you all right’ said a voice.
Ivy gasped. It was the Ceo. ‘What happened?’ She asked
‘You fainted and an ambulance had to be called’ He said,letting go of her hand.
‘But why are you with me?’
‘A friend,Oscar told me he saw you being carried and I came to help’ He said. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘I am feeling better now’ She said. ‘Thanks for everything’
The ambalance soon came to a stop in front of the Center hospital. Ivy smiled at Lucus as she was helped down.
Fleur was waiting. ‘Ivy, are you all-right?’
‘I am fine,I was just very tired’ She tried to pacify her mother.
‘Who is this?’ Fleur asked,looking at Lucus.
‘Mom,this is my boss,his name is Lucus’ said Ivy.
Fleur gaped as the doctors wheeled her away.
A hour later, after she had been put on bed rest, Fleur came in to see her. ‘Your boss just left, I can’t believe he came to help you like that’
‘He is very kind’ said Ivy.
‘Maybe he likes you’ said Fleur.
‘Mother,this is not some movie,so don’t start dreaming’ Ivy said. ‘He doesn’t like me,he was just looking after me as a member of his company’
Fleur still looked like she got her hopes up.

A week later, Ivy showed up at work . ‘You are back’ Chloe came to hug her.
‘Yea, sorry for all the trouble’ Ivy said.
Kurt came over. ‘I heard you were ill’ He told Ivy.
‘Yea but I feel better now’ said Ivy. ‘I want to work hard’
After work that day, the girls walked down to a street stall. ‘Let’s have some chicken’ said Chloe.
Ivy bit into a chicken leg. ‘Thank you for the food’ It tasted delicious.
‘By the way,Ivy,everyone in the company is talking about you’
Ivy gulped. ‘Why?’
‘The Ceo escorted you to the hospital the other day,didn’t he,everyone is wondering why he would do that’
‘Thats is because he cares a lot about the staff at his company’ said Ivy.
‘People are saying there is more to it than that’
‘That’s not true’ said Ivy.
‘Just be careful,okay,you might get bullied by the higher-ups’ Chloe said,leaning back against her chair.

The next day, Ivy entered a bathroom she was supposed to wash and found a pile of dirt on the floor.
‘I wonder what’s up’ She thought as she got down to cleaning.
But a pile of small incidents kept piling up. Eveywhere she was to clean seemed double messed up.
‘I wonder what is happening today’ She thought to herself.
That afternoon,Kurt came to meet her. ‘You are wanted by the Staff Head’ He said. ‘Come along’
Ivy followed him to an office on the third floor. He opened the door and sitting inside was the big lady,Gwen.
‘You sure took your sweet time’ Gwen said ,looking her over.
‘I am sorry’ said Ivy,trembling.
‘The staff room in the top floor was not cleaned properly and I heard it is your duty’said Gwen.
‘I am sorry,I try and clean more carefully next time’ Ivy said,shakily.
‘I know you are friends with the Ceo but try to do your job properly’ Gwen snapped.
Ivy could only tremble.
‘You are dismissed’ said Gwen.

‘What happened?’ Chloe asked the moment she came back.
‘I got scolded by Gwen’
‘That’s horrible,you need to be more careful’ said Chloe.
Kurt came near. ‘Are you really friends with the Ceo?’
‘We are not that close’ said Ivy.
‘The Ceo is my hero’ Kurt eyes sparkled. ‘He founded this company from scratch and made it the mega company it is today’
‘Really’ Ivy said.
‘Yea,he also owns it 100 percent,he is a billionaire’said Kurt.
‘Wow’ said Chloe. ‘Wish I had some of that money’
Ivy looked down,worried. ‘Are you still worried about what Gwen said?’ said Chloe.
‘I don’t want to lose my job’ said Ivy.
‘You won’t,it is just bullying, that what it is’ said Chloe.
‘But the Ceo is just a friend,why would she want to bully me over him’ Ivy asked.
‘Because she is jealous that’s why’ said Chloe.
After work,Ivy picked her bag and headed out.
‘How is the Ceo friend?’ said a voice behind her. Ivy turned.It was Eric.
‘Hey’ She said.
‘How are you doing?’
‘I am fine,thank you’
He came to her side. ‘I hope work hasn’t been too hard on you’
‘I am allright’ She said quickly. ‘Are people saying I am weak?
‘Not at all,I am just concerned about your health’ He said.

Ivy opened the door to her living room to find it in tatters. ‘Mom’ She cried. ‘Mom’
‘Be quiet’ said a mean voice. A man came forward holding her mother.
‘Let her go’Ivy cried,wanting to faint. ‘What do you want?’
‘I have been sent by your creditors’ said the man,flinging her mom to her. ‘You need to pay your debt’
‘I have been sending my salary everymonth’ said Ivy,whimpering. ‘We barely have money to live on’
‘You should have thought about that before you took such a large loan’ said the man. ‘You have to send more money’
With that,he withdrew.
Ivy wept. ‘What are we going to do,mother?’She asked.
‘We need to find a way to make more money,you need to get another job’
‘But I am super tired as it is,working at Skywear,and still helping you cook for your home deliveries’ said Ivy.
‘It is the only way’ said Fleur
Ivy sighed and rested her head on her mother shoulder
The next morning,Fleur pressed a box of freshly baked cookies to her. ‘Give them to your boss,it is my thank you for helping you the day you collapsed at work’
Ivy nodded. ‘Okay’
At Skywear, she took the lift to the highest floor. I hope Lucus doesn’t mind receiving food from my mom, she though as she made for his office.
‘Come in’ He said when she rang. She entered the office quietly.
‘My mom baked you some cookies as a thank you for helping me the day I went to the hospital’ She said.
‘Thank you’ He took the box,smiling. ‘How have you been,I hope you have been getting enough rest’
‘I am allright’ said Ivy.
‘Please sit down and tell me,your opinion on how the company is being run’ He said.
‘Why,I think it being run well,Sir’ said Ivy,sitting down. ‘I see nothing wrong with it’
‘What part of the company do you like best?’ asked Lucus.
‘I like the co-operative you set up for the staff’ said Ivy. ‘And I like the computers the company makes’
‘Any criticisms’
‘None at all’ said Ivy. ‘I think everyone works hard and is great’
‘Thank you’ said Lucus,smiling at her warmly. ‘Can you please remain alert and tell me about any objections you may have about the company’
‘Of course’ She said,standing up.

After work that day,Ivy walked to her father gravesite. ‘Father,how have you been’ She dropped flowers on the ground.
‘Father, we have a lot of problems, the creditors are harassing us,please help us’ She cried. ‘I wish you were here,Father’
It was no use. There was no one to help them. Where would they get the money to pay a million dollar debt, she wondered. There seemed to be on way out.

The next evening, Ivy went upstairs to clean the top floor. She was moping the corridor in front of the Ceo office when he came out.
‘Want some icecream’ He held out a cone of chocolate icecream. ‘I ordered some’
‘Thanks,I love icecream’ Ivy said,smiling. She took the cone and licked it,tasting its sweetness.
‘Here,you got some on your mouth’ Lucus reached out and cleaned her mouth. Ivy felt her heart began to race.
‘I …’ She didn’t know what to say anymore.
Feeling dizzy,she felt herself sway a little. Lucus caught her immediately.
‘Are you all-right’ He said,carrying her up.
‘I am all right,I can walk’ said Ivy,blushing.
But Lucus carried her into his office and laid her on the couch. ‘You need to rest’ He said.
‘I am allright’ She tried to insist. But the couch felt so warm that she sank into its softness.
‘You are working too hard,not taking good care of your health’ said Lucus
‘I have to work’ She said.
‘Yes,work is good but everything should be done in moderation’ said Lucus. ‘You need proper sleep and rest’
Ivy keep quiet and continued licking her ice-cream.
‘How long have you been working here now’ Lucus asked.
‘Two months’
‘What qualifications do you have?’
Ivy shifted uncomfortably. ‘None,I dropped out of high school’
‘Have you ever thought of getting a GED’
‘I don’t have time’
‘You could earn so much more if you go back to school’
Ivy stood up quickly. ‘I need to get back to work’
Lucus nodded. ‘Okay’

Ivy opened the door and walked out of the Ceo office only to find Helen,the company secretary staring at her.
‘Were you cleaning the Ceo office?’ Helen asked.
‘No’ Ivy said.
‘So what were you doing there?’ Helen face twisted.
‘I was just talking to the Ceo’ Ivy said.
‘It is unusual for the Ceo to be friends with a cleaner,what really is going on’ Helen asked,voice rising.
‘We are only friends’ Ivy held her hands up in defence.
‘Do you want people to call you a golddigger?’ Helen said. ‘Do you know what you look like?’
‘Sorry’ Ivy didn’t know what else to say.
‘Keep your distance from the Ceo’ Helen said. ‘He won’t fall to the likes of you’
With that,she walked away. Ivy watched her leave with a sad look.

Helen was right. Why is the Ceo paying attention to a nobody like me, Ivy wondered as she finished her cleaning. She wasn’t exceptional in anyway. Her looks were normal, her grades in school had been average and she was poor. He had nothing to gain for it.
Maybe he just liked a damsel in distress,she had to conclude as she walked home.
Literature / Re: What Do You Think Of My Novel-the Cute Ceo by christainslove: 4:18pm On Jan 21, 2018
Ivy woke up to yet another day of work. It was cold so she pulled the covers over her head.
‘Darling, it is morning’ Fleur sing song voice came though the door. She was already cooking.
Ivy dragged herself from bed and headed to the kitchen when her mom stood, steaming meat.
She hugged her heavy mom from behind. ‘I don’t feel like going to work this morning’
Fleur frowned. ‘You have to,you can’t afford to lose your job’
‘Yea,I know’ Ivy headed for the bathroom. ‘I will take a shower now’
She arrived at the office early and made for the cleaning department. Kurt was already there.
‘You are early’ He said,turning to her.
‘There has been a spill in Eric office,can you go and clean it for me’
Eric was the redhead,right. Ivy found his office close to Lucus office and knocked.
‘Enter’ said a voice.
Eric sat on his desk, typing into his computer, a spill of water on the floor.
‘Good afternoon,Sir’ She said.
‘Good afternoon’
She set about cleaning the floor. The typing on the computer stopped.
‘You are new,right’ Eric said,looking at her.
‘Yea’ She said,shakily.
‘You look really young to be working at the company, may I ask how old you are?’
‘I am twenty’ She said,looking at her feet.
‘I am sorry for asking,it is just that you don’t look a day over seventeen’
Ivy smiled. With dark hair and dark eyes with a small frame,she had often been told that.
She found Chloe in the cleaning department when she returned. ‘Where have you been?’Chloe opened a novel.
‘Cleaning’ Ivy said. ‘Kurt sent me to Eric office’
‘What! You met that whiz kid’ Chloe said. ‘Did he speak to you?’
Ivy told her what Eric had said about her looking young. ‘Great he must like you’ Chloe concluded.
‘What are you saying?’ Ivy said. ‘He only just noticed me’
The rest of the day passed quickly away and soon it was time to go home. ‘See you tomorrow’ She told Chloe as she headed out.
She walked quietly toward the bus-stop.It was a still quiet day.
Someone stepped by her side. ‘Hi’ It was the Ceo.
‘Good evening, sir’ Ivy said shakily.
‘Good evening, how was work?’
‘Very fine, Sir’
He smiled his dazzling smile. ‘I hope you are not being overworked’
‘No,of course not’
They walked along in silence for a while. Ivy turned to look at him and almost hit a rod.
‘Are you all right?’ He asked, guiding her to safety.
‘Yes, thank you’ She couldn’t believe she was embarrassing herself in front of her boss.
‘Hey’ Someone called. It was Oscar and Ivan,two of the company best workers.
‘Lucus’ Oscar came forward. ‘What are you doing here,and who is she?’
‘I am taking the bus home today, and this is Ivy, she is a new cleaner in the company’ Lucus said.
Both men looked her over. Ivy bowed, feeling really self conscious.
‘Well it is good we met here as I want to talk about the new brand of computers coming out’ Ivan said.
Lucus laughed. ‘You work too hard,Ivan’ He smiled at her. ‘See you later’
Ivy watched the three men walk away,deep in thought. She couldn’t help remembering when her father died and she had to drop out of high school because she had been so depressed. She would have been a normal company employee just like them.
No,I shouldn’t get too depressed over that again,she decided,moving forward.

The next day, Ivy entered the company to find everyone talking excitedly. ‘What happened?’ Ivy asked Chloe, dropping her bag.
‘The company has just released the much awaited Sky Note computers’ said Chloe. ‘And they have climbed to Number 1’
‘How great’ Ivy said. ‘I would love to buy one’
‘Why don’t you save up for it?asked Chloe.
‘I try’
Work that day passed slowly, Ivy kept an eye on the clock but the time moved so very slowly.
‘Kurt’ said a voice. ‘Kurt’
Every one in the cleaning department looked up. It was Helen,the company secretary.
‘The computer exhibition is holding tomorrow and the junior staff needs to be there to serve the guests’ She told Kurt. ‘Can you make arrangements?
‘Yes,of course’ said Kurt.
‘Thank you’ She said,walking away.
‘Well, everyone let get busy’ said Kurt.
Chloe dropped the book she was holding, looking unhappy. Ivy laughed.
The next day,Ivy came to work early.
‘You look nice’ Chloe met Ivy in front of the hallway. Ivy was wearing a yellow dress on her small frame
Ivy smiled. ‘So do you,will everyone be at the exhibition?’
‘Yes of course’
Soon people began to arrived in front of the main hall.Ivy looked around. ‘There they are’ she said. Lucus,Ivan, Oscar and Eric had arrived.
‘The four of them,so cool’ Chloe gasped.
Everyone turned at the sight of them. Reporters followed them. ‘Can we ask you a question, Lucus?’ they asked the Ceo.
Ivy watched them go until Chloe grabbed her arm. ‘We got work to do’

Everyone gathered around to see the new computers displayed round the massive room.
‘Wish I could have one’ Ivy thought to herself inside the hall. She looked at the screen of the large computer in the middle of the hallway.
‘I need to save up money to buy a Sky wear computer’ She told Chloe edging closer.
‘Hello’ said a voice. It was Eric. ‘Do you want a computer?’
‘Very much’ said Ivy.
‘You can go on a payment plan with the company’ said Eric.
Ivy was shaking with excitement. ‘Is there a payment plan available?’
‘Yes,of course’ Eric said. Ivy turned in excitement and ran ahead The computer in front of her fell.
Ivy looked in horror to see that the computer screen had broken. Everyone was staring.
‘What have you done?’ It was a big,dark haired lady looking very very angry.
‘What is happening?’ asked Helen the computer secretary.
Chloe came forward. ‘We are sorry,so very sorry’
Ivy was shaking in terror.
Lucus came forward. ‘Are you all right?’ He asked politely.
Ivy could only stare. ‘Why don’t you take a break? Lucus said.
‘We will, thank you very much sir’ Chloe said pulling her away.
Outside the hall, Kurt was fuming. ‘You are fired,pack your belongings and leave’
Ivy was in tears. ‘Please forgive me Sir,I really need this job’
‘No’ said Kurt.
‘Give her another chance’ said a voice. Ivy turned to see Lucus standing there.
‘Good evening Sir, I apologize for what happened earlier’ said Kurt
‘It is okay,let Ivy keep her job’ Lucus said. ‘I shall cover the cost of the computer’
‘Please let me pay for the computer with the payment plan’ said Ivy.
‘No,I will cover the cost’ said Lucus.
‘Thank you very much,Sir’ said Ivy
‘Thank you very much Sir’ said Chloe as well.
Lucus nodded, smiled at her and withdrew.
‘You are a very lucky girl’ said Kurt, also leaving.
Chloe turned to her. ‘Girl you need to be more careful’
Ivy cried,resting her head on Chloe shoulder. It had been a terrifying day.
That evening after work,Chloe came over . ‘Are you doing okay?’ Chloe asked the moment she entered Ivy home.
‘I almost lost my job so I am still feeling a little shocked’ said Ivy.
‘You almost lost your job’ Fleur dropped the donut she was holding.
Ivy told her the whole story. ‘You really need to be more careful’ Fleur said.
‘It was an accident’ Ivy said. ‘But the Ceo helped me, he really did me a big favor’
‘I shall bake some pies and go and thank him’ said Fleur.
‘That’s a great idea’ said Ivy. ‘Let me take it to him’
‘Fine’ said Fleur.
It was then decided. And the next morning,Ivy walked down to the company carrying a basket of freshly baked pies.
She took the lift to the top floor and stepped out. It was very early and a little cold.
She stopped suddenly. Just ahead was Helen,her arms around Lucus neck.
Lucus pulled away from her. ‘Sorry about that’ said Lucus when Helen left.
‘It is all-right’ Ivy forced herself to say,looking pale.
Lucus nodded and made to walk away. ‘Please wait,Sir ,I brought something for you’ She said,holding out the basket. ‘It is thank you for yesterday’
‘There is no need to thank me’ Lucus said.
‘Please take it,Sir,my mom made it specially’ said Ivy. ‘She wants you to eat it’
He took the pies and smiled. ‘Thank you’

‘Do you think the Ceo is dating Helen?’ Ivy asked Chloe later that morning.
‘Why would you think so?’ Chloe asked.
‘I just want to know,have you heard anything?’ asked Ivy.
‘Well,all the girls in the office like the Ceo,he is young,handsome and rich,what women wouldn’t want to be with him,but I hear he has no time for females’
‘I see huh’ said Ivy feeling down for no reason.
Her mother noticed her foul mood when she got home. ‘Is something wrong?’ She asked over the frying pan.
‘Nothing wrong mom,I just go to my room to paint a little’ Ivy said. ‘Or do you need any help in the kitchen?’
‘No,I don’t’ said Fleur
For the rest of the week,Ivy felt down. What Lucus and Helen did was none of her business. She was just a cleaner after all.
It couldn’t be possible that she had a crush on the Ceo. Impossible,she told herself.
Life continued as normal as possible except she was upset.On Friday,she finally made her way upstairs. ‘I just causally ask and find out whether he is dating Helen’ she decided.
She stopped in front of the Ceo office,pacing around. ‘ What are you doing here?’ said a voice.
Ivy turned to find the big lady employee nearby. Her name was Gwen,she finally saw from her nameplate.
‘Did the Ceo send for you?’ Gwen asked in a hard voice.
‘No,he didn’t’ Ivy said shakily.
‘Than what are you doing here?’ Gwen gave her a piercing stare.
‘I I I’ Ivy wanted to run.
‘I want to see her,come in’ Lucus had opened his door.
Gwen looked at her suspiciously as she entered the office.
‘Are you all right?’ Lucus asked her once they were in the safety of his office.
‘You can come to my office whenever you want,we are friends’ said Lucus.
‘Thank you Sir’ said Ivy.
Lucus directed her to a seat. ‘So how have you been? He asked.
‘I have been fine’ She said,looking down at her feet.
‘Did you see me and Helen earlier in the week,we are only friends,nothing more’He said,smiling.
‘But you both were hugging’ said Ivy.
‘She was hugging me,not the other way round’ said Lucus.
Ivy wanted to dance. ‘Really’ She said,breaking into a wild smile.
‘Yea’ He said. ‘Now you best get back to work’
‘Sorry for taking your time’ Ivy said,getting up to leave.
He was single,still unattached. But it didn’t matter anyway. Because he was the Ceo and she was only a cleaner.
Literature / What Do You Think Of My Novel-the Cute Ceo by christainslove: 4:16pm On Jan 21, 2018
Ivy woke up to face another day in the middle of June. There was so much to do.
‘Isn’t it time for your new job?’Fleur, her mom called from the kitchen counter.
Ivy looked over at the time. ‘I still have an hour, mom’
‘You can’t afford to be late,so you should get going’ said Fleur
Ivy nodded,picked up her bag and made for the front door. It was freezing outside the apartment .Today was a very big day for her. She had finally gotten a job at the prestigious Skywear Company after being jobless for several months. She wanted to do her best.
The company building was a tall skyscraper on Main Street. It was big and breathtaking with twelve floors. The bus drove her right to the sidewalk.
She took a deep breath. She was only a cleaner but she wanted to make a good first impression. The receptionist on the ground floor smiled at her.
‘I am the new cleaner,Ivy Dane’ She said,twisting her dark hair nervously.
‘Welcome, just head straight ahead to the cleaning department’ said the lady.
The head of the cleaning department was a young man in his twenties named Kurt.
‘Clean, clean, everything must be clean’ He said, looking fierce. Ivy trembled a bit as he was so big and fierce looking.
‘Kurt lives to clean’ said a petite girl with fair hair. ‘Hello, my name is Chloe’
‘Hi, my name is Ivy’ Ivy said, shakily. She felt so afraid.
‘Hey,don’t worry so much, working here is great ‘Chloe continued, playing with a novel she was holding. ‘Let’s do our best’
Kurt soon got to sharing duties. Chloe and Ivy were assigned to clean the top two floors.
‘Wonderful’ Chloe said,dropping the novel she was reading. ‘We would get to clean the CEO office’
‘CEO’ asked Ivy, face tense.
‘Yes,the CEO of Skywear company,Lucus Howard is like a prince,he is so handsome and a renowned genius as well’
‘Yes,he is considered the most desirable male in the country,most girls in the company are in love with him’
‘Well I am sure he won’t spare a gaze for cleaners like us’ Ivy pointed out.
Yea,it’s is a pity he is so far out of reach’ Chloe returned to reading her novel.
Kurt came to meet them. ‘Chloe would you stop reading at work,you two are handling an most important job so you have to do your best’
Ivy jumped. ‘Yes,sir’
‘You can count on us’ said Chloe.

Chloe led her to the top floor. ‘Well, we are here’
Ivy looked around in fear. The corridors, the carpets and rooms all looked so lavish.
‘The place has to be cleaned every day after the staff leaves’ said Chloe ‘We will clean together since this is your first day’
‘Thank you’ Ivy said.
The girls got to work, cleaning the rooms one by one. Finally they got to the last office. ‘This is the CEO office’ said Chloe.
Chloe opened the door and they entered into a massive office. Sitting on a chair was a young man, typing into a computer
‘Oh excuse us, CEO’ Chloe gasped. Ivy froze. The man looked too young to be a CEO. He was handsome with blonde hair and lovely blue eyes.
‘Please excuse me, I have a lot of work to do so I stayed late’ He said.
‘We come back, later’said Chloe, excitedly
‘Oh don’t mind me,you can just clean’ said the president.
Ivy nodded and they got to cleaning. As she crossed the floor, she slipped and fell.
The CEO helped her up. ‘Are you all right?’
‘Yes, thank you’ What was she doing?
Chloe came over. ‘Oh we are so sorry,sir’
‘It is okay,she nearly had an accident’ He said,smiling at her. ‘What is your name?’
‘Ivy’ She whispered.
‘Are you new in the company?’ He asked.
‘That’s great,hope you enjoy your time here’ He said,returning to his desk.

‘Didn’t I tell you he was a hunk?’ Chloe said as they made their way to the elevator. ‘And so kind too’
Ivy heart was still beating faster. ‘But he must have a girlfriend’
‘A lot of girls have tried to be with him but they all failed’ said Chloe. ‘I wonder what lucky girl would get him’
Ivy couldn’t wait to see as well. ‘I bet she must be gorgeous and smart’
They retreated to the cleaning department for some coffee. ‘What happens next? Ivy asked.
‘We make a report to Kurt before leaving’ said Chloe, picking her novel again.
Ivy nodded. ‘Thanks for all your help’

Ivy soon got used to the routine of working in the company. Every weekday she went to the company and worked hard.
‘Today there is going to be a board meeting’ Kurt said one Monday. ‘We are going to be serving the board’
‘Will I be serving too?’ Ivy asked, twisting her hair.
‘Yes’ said Kurt.
Chloe pulled her aside. ‘We would get to see the higher ups,it is going to be great’
By two in the afternoon, it was time for the board meeting. Ivy made sure her blue outfit looked neat.The girls soon reached the front of the large doorway.
‘Let’s serve the coffee’ Chloe led the way in. Around a long table the board were sitting,the CEO at the head of the table. Ivy trembled.
‘Coffee,please’Ivy voice and hand were shaky as she passed the cups.
‘I have mine black’ said a small red haired guy who was typing into his mobile phone.
Ivy made to pour the coffee but it spilled over the table. She shank back in horror.
‘What are you doing?’ said a hard voice. It was a big lady with dark hair.
‘I am sorry,we will clean it up’ Chloe said.
‘How could you be so careless’ the lady said to Ivy
‘Let it be,let it be’ The president smiled a reassuring smile at her.Ivy cleaned the table then bowed and stepped out.
‘What did you do? Kurt looked furiously at her.
Ivy bowed. ‘It was an accident,I am so sorry’
‘You made a big mistake,try to be more careful in the future’ said Kurt

‘Why do you look so sad?’ Fleur asked her later that evening. Fleur was cooking dinner.
‘I made a mistake at work’ Ivy told her mother.
‘Oh cheer up,everyone makes mistakes’ Fleur said.
‘I just wish I wasn’t so scared’ Ivy said. ‘ I want to be more brave’
‘You can be ,my love,just believe in your self’ said Fleur.
Her phone rang. Ivy signed and picked it up.
‘How are you’ It was Chloe voice.
‘I am still recovering from what happened’ said Ivy.
‘Cheer up,I am sure you would do better next time’
‘I want to do well on my new job’ Ivy said, entering her bedroom.

The next morning,when she got to the office, Chloe was waiting excitedly.
‘Have you heard,there is going to be a ball tonight’ She took Ivy arm. ‘Everyone in the company is going to be there’
‘And we are going to be serving the guests,right’ said Ivy.
‘Yes of course but that is beside the point,we are going to see the company best tonight’ Chloe continued. ‘There is Eric,he is a fun loving redhead who is a whizz kid,Ivan is a normal looking guy who is a workaholic,Oscar who is a white haired sleeping geniuses, and then you have met the CEO’
‘They sound weird’ Ivy said.
‘Yea,but they are at the top of the company,and thanks to them,the Skywear company has been the best company in the country three years in a row’
Ivy nodded. ‘Point them out to me’

The ball started at seven that evening,with guests filling the large ballroom on the first floor.Ivy entered the towering room carrying glasses of sparkling grape wine.
‘Welcome, everyone’ The blond CEO was standing at the centre of the room. ‘To our fifth year celebration’
Ivy passed around the glasses of wine nervously. The guests all looked so elegant.
It was so scary having a job in such a grand company. Everyday she watched the staff perform their jobs with such skill.
After the CEO speech, Ivy retreated to the Company restaurant. ‘Everything going well’ Kurt said. He was in charge of the party.
‘Yes’ She said.
Chloe came in then. ‘Let’s go together to serve the food’ She told Ivy.

It all looked delicious,Ivy thought as the guests helped themselves to plates of rice,soup, noodles and cake.
‘Table four need some spoons’ Kurt sent her on another errand.
It was the middle of the ball. Everyone seemed to be having a grand time. Ivy got the spoons and headed to table four.
When she returned,Chloe drew her back ‘There they are’
‘Table nine,the four company stars’
Ivy looked at table nine. Seated there was the company Ceo,a blond handsome young man.And next to him sat the red head she had spilled coffee on at the Board meeting typing in his phone again,a white haired young man with his eyes closed and another who must be Ivan the workaholic as he had papers spread in front of him.
‘Wow,they look great’ Ivy said.
A blonde lean lady made for the table and sat down next to Lucus.She put her arm on his shoulder.
‘Who is the lady’ Ivy asked.
‘Her name is Helen,she is very popular in the company,she is the company secretary’
‘She seems very close to Lucus’ Ivy said.She felt odd all of a sudden.
‘Yea they are close’ Chloe said as she got called to attend to another table.

The CEO sure is cool,Ivy thought later on as she removed her blue outfit and put on her green dress. He seemed to have everything,good looks,charm and talent rolled in one.
Kurt stopped by her side. ‘Please can you go on an errand for me before leaving?’
‘Of course’
‘Please take this package to the Ceo townhouse’ Kurt said,handing her a small white package. ‘Here is his address’ He wrote it down in a piece of paper.
‘Okay’ Ivy took the paper and package and headed out

It took ten munities before getting to the beautiful district. Ivy looked around at the beautiful townhouses that dotted the place.
‘Here we are’ Lucus home was a large townhouse with a small rose garden. It was lovely to behold.
She rang twice before the door opened and the blonde appeared. ‘You’ He recognized her immediately.
She bowed. ‘I have brought a package Sir’ She said, twisting her hair.
‘Thank you’He took the package from her. ‘Will you like to come in for some tea’
‘No thank you’Ivy managed to stammer.
‘It wouldn’t take long,you know’ He smiled a dazzling smile.
‘Em okay’ Ivy managed to say.

Lucus led her to a lavish sitting room. ‘Please have a seat’ He left and returned with a tray with two tall glasses of tea.
‘Thank you’ Ivy sipped the iced tea gracefully.
‘How do you find work at the company?’ He asked,seating opposite her.
‘It is great’ She said,smiling. ‘I got no complaints’
‘That’s good,can I ask you a favour?’
‘Yes,Yes of course’ Ivy said.
‘I like to know to learn more about the company problems from a junior staff,so can I ask you to keep your eyes and ear open for me’
It was great to see a Ceo who cared so much for his company,she thought to herself as she made for the bus-stop.
Religion / Should We Love Our Enemies? by christainslove: 11:57am On Dec 29, 2017
Matthew 5:44 -But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

The Bible says we should love our enemies and pray for them who hurt us. This is good.

God has forgiven all our sins. He has forgiven us sinners who were his enemies and reconciled us to himself through Christ. If God has saved us from so great a death (that not one of us can ever bear) why can’t we forgive others?

Forgive or else God won’t forgive you. Not matter what pain the enemy put you through forgive and pray for him-I believe God means we should pray good prayers for them like for them to repent and make heaven and not bad prayers for God to punish them.

God loves our enemies so let’s pray good prayers for them.Look at what Stephan prayed when he was being killed. Acts 7 -59And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 60And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Do you know what God wants? He wants us to help our enemies. If we see our enemy in any trouble and we can help, we should help them.Your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat,your enemy is thirsty,give him water to drink.

Satan tempts you to hate your enemies-We resist with-It is written-Love your enemies.
Religion / Abortion Is A Sin by christainslove: 1:39pm On Dec 27, 2017
God told Jeremiah-"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

This means God knows everyone

before they existed and he even has a purpose for them. Babies are alive from the moment of conception.

God loves children. He can see them in the womb. When there is an abortion, He can see those killing them.

I know that God hates wickedness. It is very wicked to kill an unborn child. It is better to give them up for adoption.

Satan is the one tempting people to kill unborn children as he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He wants God to be angry with them and send them to Hell. Be careful as Hell is millions of years and it still won’t end.

There is this lady who was helping in an abortion when she saw the baby on the computer move away from the abortion instrument. The baby must have been trying to save its life. The lady later quit her job.

God is everywhere. Let’s not kill innocent babies.

Satan tempts you to commit abortion-You resist with-Shedding innocent blood is one of the seven things God hates.

Satan tempts you to plan to commit an abortion then later repent-Resist with-Shall we continue to sin so that grace may abound. God forbid.

However, if a Christian has

committed abortion, you can still repent as God is a merciful God. He forgave David in the Old Testament after David knowingly killed Bathsheba husband, Uriah.

God will forgive if you truly repent without ever going back. Godly sorrow leads to repentance not to be repented off. Glory to God.
Religion / Should Christians Care About Outward Appearance? by christainslove: 7:17pm On Dec 26, 2017
I think it is important to have a neat appearance and to be clean as cleanliness is next to godliness.

The bible says in 1 Peter 3 -3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

This means God doesn’t want us to concentrate on outer beauty but wants us to focus on inner beauty.A meek and quiet spirit is important to God

So should Christians use makeup, jewelry and braid their hair? I think not. There is no need for it. I think african women can just keep their hair short.And we can care for our lips with lip-gloss. Instead let us concentrate on improving our character and being loving to others.

1 Timothy 2:9 -In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

So there is no need to braid the hair,wear gold or pearls or costly clothing.Just keep it simple,clean and neat.
Religion / What Can We Do To Inherit God Kingdom? by christainslove: 3:45pm On Aug 03, 2017
Life isn't easy.Even though we want to obey God,we can find ourselves being pushed to lie or do something wrong.But the bible says the wages of sin is death. However the bible says-the race is not to he who runs or he who wills but it is God who shows mercy.We need God mercy to inherit the kingdom. How do we get God's mercy? By being merciful ourselves.The bible says Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.

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Religion / God Sees Everything by christainslove: 10:58am On Aug 03, 2017
God loves everyone.God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes should not perish but have eternal life.God has given his son life for us. We need to repent from our sins and give our lives to God.Many people do not believe that God exists but he does.He sees everything that is happening in the world.There is nothing hidden from his eyes We should do our best to love others and do God will
Religion / It Is Written by christainslove: 10:10am On Aug 02, 2017
Satan came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness and Jesus said it is written.
Matthew 4:4-But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Whenever we face temptations from Satan, what we need to do is rely on the word of God
God loves us very much. He had provided a way out of every temptation. Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus.
Even if you have made mistakes you can still repent and start doing good. A person who does good would inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Psalm 119:11- Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
We are to take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. This is what we rely on in our fight against the evil one.
Don’t give in to the wiles of the evil one. Don’t forget that God will never leave nor forsake you.So just carry your cross and follow Christ.
Religion / A Good Heart Is The Most Important Thing by christainslove: 11:07pm On May 15, 2017
A good heart is a heart that loves others.Love is the greatest gift a human can give.Riches is good but love never dies.
        Which should a woman prefer?A man who loves her or a man with lots of money.Love conquers all.You may be rich today and tomorrow you may lose your wealth  but love will never die.
    Someone with a good heart is kind in thought, word and deed.The bible says a virtuous woman is worth more than rubies.Beauty fades but a loving heart never fades.As women we should concentrate on inner beauty not beauty.What matters is the heart.Fighting.

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Religion / Re: Help On Demonic Possession by christainslove: 7:02pm On May 15, 2017
Whoever is possessed can preach the gospel by writing and giving away flyers to people to spread the gospel faster

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