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Travel / Re: How To Make It As A Nigerian In America In 2014 by jakaiso(m): 6:54pm On Jan 09, 2014
codebrew85: Please, can ¶ get to study to become a nurse if ¶ came in through 2years visiting visa?
If accepted to study nursing-yes you can study-just get your papers in order. As to working with the qualification-thats another step.

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Travel / Re: How To Make It As A Nigerian In America In 2014 by jakaiso(m): 7:36am On Jan 08, 2014
ezo4fta: To live there. Pls how can I extend my student visa,incase of expiration or how do I get their papers. Thanks in advance.
I dont know too much about immigration issues-thus you might want to get more facts from an expert. But if you have a student visa for 2 years-thats a lot of time to do something good.Most student visas preclude you from working-but sometimes you are allowed to work on campus.
I suggest that during that time-explore various options to extend your stay including but not limited to:
1) Extend your course of study-like a further 4 year course.
2) Seek opportunities for employment after you graduate-such that the employers can hire you and get you a visa.
3) Establish a business while in the US -people with businesses in the US-have a path to permanant residency-(and if by any means-you have a business worth $1 million-or have $1 million to invest in the USA-then you have an almost automatic green card-through the business path-although one might ask that if you have $1 million-why are you leaving naija!!!)
4) Contact an immigration lawyer when you get to the USA and explore other options.

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Travel / Re: How To Make It As A Nigerian In America In 2014 by jakaiso(m): 7:39pm On Jan 07, 2014
ezo4fta: GOD bless u for ur post. Please I want to ask if it is advisable to come to USA with a student visa..I mean a 2 years student visa.

What are your intentions? To come and live or basically study?
Any visa you can get is good to me. Just use the Visa well-so that you can get extensions. I think student visas dont allow you to work-except on campus (Im not sure)-but that doesnt stop you from doing business-including selling on ebay/craigslist or shipping to Nigeria. You will be suprised how many Nigerians make money from this.

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Travel / How To Make It As A Nigerian In America In 2014 by jakaiso(m): 7:07pm On Jan 07, 2014
Its Easy to Succeed in America
For so long-I have heard about how difficlult it is for Nigerians and black people to succed in America. With evidence I have come to the conclusion that this is actually the opposite. Indeed a new book by Yale law professor Amy Chua lists Nigerians amongst 7 other culural groups as those most likely to succeed in America-this has only confirmed my observations.

I have lived in Nigeria,the UK, Ghana and been to other several countries-but I can tell you that IT IS EASY TO SUCCEED IN AMERICA. By success of course I mean- the ability to prosper financially and earn enough money to allow you to live comfortably.
Bros-if you are planning to come to America-please come, abeg come...there is milk and honey flowing here!

Dont get me wrong-you can succeed in Nigeria as well-but if your dream is to come to America-please come. All you need to do is to follow some simple rules-and success is yours.
Forget about all the so called bad things you hear happening in America-its less than 0.00001% of life in America and bad things happen every where. White people are not going to go make life difficult for you. Just obey the rules (and I know sometimes Nigerians find it diccult to obey rules), work smart, not just hard,save money and THINK.

You might have heard that blacks are discriminanted against here. The truth is that sectionalism whether it be racism, tribalism, neoptisim occurs everywhere in the world. There are Ibos who hate Yorubas and Yorubas who hate Hausas and Hausas who hate Ijaws and Ijaws who hate Oginis. There are even Ibadan people who hate Ijebu people (yet there are both Yoruba). In Anambra-there are two communities- both speaking the same languagae who have been at war with each othere for decades-with many lives lost.


1)Education is good-but regardless-you will still have to go back to school. Aquire skills in carpentary,mechanic,plumbing,computer repair, electrical repairs or any other hands on skills. These are things that we look down on in Nigeria. But in Yankee-these guys earn up to $100 an hour. The carpentar who is going to repair my door wants me to pay him $160 for labour for a 30 minute job!
Combine this with your job and you can earn mega bucks.

2) Open a GT or an other bank account that gives you a mastercard-this will help you when you start sending things home to sell -so that you can get your money easily.

I dont advise anyone to do this. I know a popular musician who came here in the 90s-and is now stuck here. It can be difficult.


1) Get a job. Get a job. Get a job. Dont make the mistake some like me who were self employed in Nigeria made. Get a job. There are jobs in America-ignore the stats. There may not be office jobs-but there are jobs. Target states with low unemployment like Minneosta-currently about 4 %!
With a school cert from Nigeria-you can get an entry job with pay of like $8 to $12 an hour. Walmart will pay you like $8 an hour-while Boston Scientific temp job will pay you like $10 an hour. With overtime-you can make as much as $500 to $700 a week-thats up to $2000 a month. Offer to do overtime-work yourself bro.
Nursing seems to be the easiest way to good pay these days. With a 2 week course-you can be on track and within 2 years -you can be an RN -earning $35 to $50 an hour and working just 3 days a week (12 hours a day). Giving you days to work over time or another job. I know many Nigerian Nurses earning $5000 to $8000 a month.
Then go ahead and get a bachelor degree and Masters.
And this is for men too.

2) Live below your income. Ignore the offers to buy new gadgets or iphones-discipline yourself and save at least 30% of your income. Forget about sending money to ANYONE in Naija for your first year or maybe your first few years. DOnt be like me-sending money to people who are not even hungry. Its better to send them 200,000 naira in 5 years time then $100 now (with them telling you that its too small!)

3) Get a second job if possible-even if its 10 hours a week. There are many of them-especially at the stores or schools.

4) Go to school-get a degree-if you plan to work all your life-it will make the difference in what you earn.

5) Start a small business. The easiest to start-is simple buying and selling to Nigeria. Electronics, clothes, books, computers, phones etc. $300 from your paycheck used to buy some items every month and shipped to Nigeria can be turned into $1000. I have done it before and still do it. With consistency -you can earn more from this then your paycheck.

6) Acceralate your credit status. The American life is made easier with the credit system. Its not an issue of borrowing money. Without a credit report and credit score,there are many things you cannot do-including renting an apartment in some places, buying a house and even getting a job these days. It takes about 2 years for the average immigrant to qualify for credit-but you can accelerate this process. Within your first month -apply for and get 1 or 2 secured credit cards-these are cards which you place a deposit to get. There is 100% approval on these cards as its your money.
For example the Capital One Card only requires $99-and you get the card with $99 to $200 on it. Your aim is to make sure that on your statement 80% of the money is still on it. You mustnt leave all the money there-YOU HAVE TO SPEND SOME. What I did was to allocate the card to a specific bill-maybe your phone bill or gas bill (petrol). Just make sure that on a $200 card for example-you have $160 there on the statement day. If you do this for 6 months to a year on two cards and combine this with a telephone bill or small car note -you can move your credit score from non existent to 700 in a year and 750 in 2 years. Within a year-you will start getting credit card offers of $1000 to $5000 or more. By your 2nd to 3rd year-you can use this credit score to buy a house/get up to $100,000 personal loan or more.
The average American uses their credit to buy clothes, go on vacations, pay bills. Use your credit for business-so that you can make money from it. I see no sense in borrowing money to eat or buy clothes.

7) Buy a House and turn it into Money-when I was in University in Nigeria-I was reading Ovation maagzine and in the edition-I saw pictures of Waisu Ayindes (KWAM 1-the Fuji muscian) opulent house in Cananda or USA-I cant remember. They said it was worth about N100 million (that was way back in 1996). I was like wow-this guy has made it o!
The first day I arrived in America -one of the first things i noticed was how the houses looked so much the one I had seen back in 1996 in Ovation. I later came to realise that even a messenger can own a 50 million naira house in America. Have a job with moderate income and good credit-and the house is yours. The secret is the mortagage. It was very easy before 2008-when ANYONE could buy a house,with the 2008 crisis-its a bit more difficult and you need at times up to 10% down payment.
But the point is-buy a house and plan to sell it within a year or 2 or use it for collateral. If you buy a house for $160,000 -you can sell it for up to $200,000 in a few years-the $40,000 is yours. In some areas-it could be more.
Or rather than sell-get a loan on the house (THAT IS IF YOU HAVE A SOUND BUSINESS TO PUT IT INTO) and make profit on the money.

cool Obey The Law
Dont drive without a liencse. Dont over speed. If you obey the law-you are 99.9% sure of not getting into trouble. Bad things sometimes happen to 'good people' and not just black people. Dont be driving and smoking hemp or driving while drunk or beating up your wife of girlfriend.

9) Become a Citizen
If you come here with a migrant visa-you can be a citizen in a few years and you can still keep your Nigerian citizenship.

America is still the greatest country in the world. The things we struggle for in Nigeria are taken for granted here. Buying a car or cars, buying a house etc. Armed robbers are not holding your estate hostage going from house to house, policemen are not waiting for you on the road, NEPA is not taking off the light at will,a rich man is not slapping your face and telling you to do your worst, you dont need connections to get a job......

I love Nigeria and one day I pray that Nigeria gets there-but if you can, come to YANKEE-make your money and go back if you must.
The one thing we need in Nigeria is order-if order comes, then every other thing will fall in place-the police, light, good roads, true democracy, justice , economic boom for all.

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Politics / Nigerians More Likely To Succeed In America Than Others-new Survey by jakaiso(m): 5:45pm On Jan 07, 2014
Controversal Author and Yale law professor Amy Chua says Nigerians-and seven other groups are more likely to succeed in America-. She revealed this in her new book, ‘The Triple Package'. The seven other groups are: Jews, Jewish, Indian, Chinese, Iranian, Lebanese-Americans, Nigerians, Cuban exiles and Mormons.

According to her -Nigerians earn more doctorate degrees than any other group.

Another survey done some years ago by CNN in Texas-actually showed that Nigerians were the most educated group in Texas-having more education than even white Americans.

Aside from the fraudsters-there are many Nigerians making it in America-primairly because of the thirst for higher education and the Nigerian drive to succeed. Its very hard to find a Nigerian in the USA without a University education and I would say impossible to find one without a high school education.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/tiger-mom-races-better-article-1.1567501#ixzz2pjQOi7xU

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/tiger-mom-races-better-article-1.1567501#ixzz2pjPmI3sR

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Romance / Re: How To Guard Your Man Properly By Michelle Obama (Pictures) by jakaiso(m): 6:55am On Dec 16, 2013
me_for_you: u should rather praise his speechwriters. And remember that Kerry is Sec of State today because helped prepare Obama for debate

The debate Kerry prepared Obama for was his first and worst debate. He didn't prep Obama for the other debates. Some people were even thinking then -that that was a minus towards Kerry becoming Sec of State. In the end-Kerry was 2nd choice and only got the job because the Republicans absolutely were not going to accept Susan Rice based on her supposed role in the Benghazi incident.
Romance / Re: How To Guard Your Man Properly By Michelle Obama (Pictures) by jakaiso(m): 4:29pm On Dec 15, 2013
drnairalov: michelle tho.dissappointed mewith d pictures ...se just cudnt hide her jealousy, waz bad in Obama taking a selfie wit another leader!!! it was even in public, of course he wasnt flirting wiv d white (wetin b her name)..

D pix irritates me..Michelle's expression is full of hate, like she wanna slap d woman or Obama, Whaz it with women and jealousy Dis is uncalled for, she shud even v tried to join d pix takin instead of boning and exchanging seats..some women tho dey cant bear a lil discomfort smh!!

Plus d burial was a celebration of a life time, not mourning!!! so i dnt see a reason why dey cant be free..it shows dey re humans mehn..take a chill pill michelle ur husby try self say e still kiss ur hand... if na me yu re on ur own babe!!

The responses i have read here are to say -suprising at the least. If you go through hundreds of pictures of Michelle Obama over the years-you will know that this is the way her face looks most of the time. Thats why as far back as 2008-before Barack was elected as President -Michelle was portrayed as an "angry black woman" by the right. Check the controversial cover of the New Yorker Magazine piece in July or August 2008 -not only did Michelle's face look angry-they drew her holding a AK 47!

I have a female cousin like that-who always seems to look angry-but when you get to know her-you discover she's as nice as anyone can be! Its most likely a genetic trait or defensive mechanism developed in childhood.


Politics / Nigerian Man Survives 3 Days Under Water by jakaiso(m): 6:15pm On Dec 03, 2013
A Nigerian man-Harrison Okene working for an oil related company as a cook survived 3 days underwater when the tug boat he was working on capsized and all the crew members were believed to have drowned. He was only resuced when a resuce team went underwater to look for the bodies of the 12 man crew.

The tug boat had capsized when it was assisting an oil tanker near a Chevron Platform

Okene survived by sipping from a can of Coke and breathing from a small air pocket. He was underwater for over 60 days-the other 11 crew members died.

Source: The Today Show (NBC)

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Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 7:17am On Nov 29, 2013
Rehn: PLs I need this help badly, don't just ignore me please.

Send me an email via Nairaland and include a phone number.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 9:16pm On Nov 26, 2013
da ceo1: its hp compaq bro am concerned abt d ba3r life is it worth it??

1 hour 41 minutes battery life for a used laptop- is not bad. But since you are using it in Nigeria-where there may be no light for hours-even days-in future you want to get more from your battery.
I know you said HP Compaq -but look at the plastic that goes around the screen of your laptop (the bezel) the exact model number should be there-it should read like hp compaq nc6400 or hp compaq nc6120. That way I maybe able to advise you where you can get a used battery for less than N4000 ( that is if possible).Some used batteries suprisingly hold over 2 hours of life.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 6:14pm On Nov 26, 2013
Anniettie ufia: My laptop battery life is maximum of two hours 2hrs,
does this means it is not ideal,
is the problem peculiar to the set or i can change the battery and have a new life ?

Pls i need sincere answers to help me. .

A brand new sealed laptop only gives about 2 to 3 hours with a 6 cell battery-which is standard with most laptops. If you are ordering your laptop direct from the manufaturer like dell-you can upgrade to 9 cell or 12 cell and get up to 6 or more hours.

If you thus have a used a laptop with 2 hours-that to me is good.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 6:08pm On Nov 26, 2013
pls I'll like to knw hw much a hp laptop with dual core i5 would cost. Anyone with an idea pls??

Used in very good condition-around N60,000 to N75,000.- HP ProBook or Elitebook would be good.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 6:06pm On Nov 26, 2013
gidzbobby: Am a fan of apple, I think 150k should get me an apple laptop.

With 150K-dont settle for anything less than a macbook pro 2008 or after and if you do your home work well-you can get as far as a 2012!
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:46pm On Nov 26, 2013
ollykay619: I av N45,000 nd I need suggestions on which type of laptop (uk used) I can buy as a computer science student.

45K dont settle for anything LESS THAN a dual core with at least 3 gigs of memory and over 160gb hard drive. Possibly a webcam. Also battery life of over 2 hours.

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Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:44pm On Nov 26, 2013
da ceo1: hey guys... I jst bought a belgium hp laptop core i2, 1gb ram, hard disk 110G, batterylife 1hr 40mins for 41k... Pls did i make d right choice??

Do you mean Core 2 Duo? What is the exact model number of the HP? As in HP Pavilion dv4 or HP Probook 4520s?
41k doesnt look bad for a dual core laptop-although you could have gotten more memory for that price.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:38pm On Nov 26, 2013
trigar12: If am to buy a fairly used laptop for 40k in computer village, wot kinda specs should i be looking for?

40K should give you a dual core laptop and if you can bargain well-it should have a webcam and at least 3gb memory.-I am not speaking for computer village though-but the value of your 40k.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:36pm On Nov 26, 2013
webpower84: beware of motherboard problem. I don talk say i no go use dell again

All laptops eventually have motherboard problems at one point or the other. If you ask some people -they will tell you its only HP laptops-some will say Dell-and others will say only those with amd chips.
But sincerly its all laptops-thats how people like me make money-we buy laptops with motherboard issues and fix them-and -I have encountered motherboard problems on every kind of laptop!
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:33pm On Nov 26, 2013
Briel33: pls with less dan 25k, can i b able to get a nice laptop?

Yes- 25k is about $150-you can get a good Pentium M or Pentium 4 laptop from a professional-if buying from a user just looking to offload his laptop-you could even get a dual core. Also netbooks fall in that category.
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:32pm On Nov 26, 2013
Am about buying a dell610 for 22k, is that a good deal?

Dell D610 is every good at 22k IF there are no issues with the laptop ( e.g. low battery life etc)-I sell D610s for 25k to 30k. If the D610 laptop you have is a 2.0Ghz with 2gb ram -then you have a sweet deal in your hands!
Computers / Re: Things To Consider Before Buying A Laptop by jakaiso(m): 5:30pm On Nov 26, 2013
OP, what have you to say about HP elitebook 6930p Intel Duo Core 2?

While the Core 2 Duo is a 6 years + technology-it is very good and reliable. All elitebooks were designed to be premium business laptops and durable-the 6930p is very good-I am assuming you bought this used-thus you may want to consider changing the hard drive-especially if your laptop starts running slow.
Politics / Re: Modified ** by jakaiso(m): 10:58pm On Nov 10, 2013
Your write up reads ok and very optimistic-but some things come to mind:

1) This statement


We need a Nigeria where Gbenga leaves the entire Yorubaland
and comes down to the East and picks a wife with
pomp and pageantry in spite of the Yoruba hatred of
the Igbos planted by Obafemi Awolowo, the worst
ethnic jingoist in human history

seems to suggest that you have preconcieved ideas and fallacies of your own. I know many Yorubas who do not hate igbos and I know many Igbos who were members of Awolowo's close inner group. I have read almost all Awolowo's books and almost every history book on Nigeria and have not read one place where he urged Yorubas to hate Igbos.

The average Nigerian lives in peace with his neighbour irrespective of tribe. Its those who pretend to be leaders that always stir up the pot so that people fight each other. I have never met Amechi or Obasanjo nor El-Rufai. Neither have I met Chief Clark or Tinubu nor Babangida-and as far as I know none of them has personally contributed to my success or progress in life-why would i now start fighting someone else all in an effort to defend them or attack them. Ojukwu when he was alive was one of the special guests at the funeral of Obafemi Awolowo and wrote the best eulogy- The Babangidas and Abiolas are family friends-Obasanjo and President GEJ have tea and maybe even wine together-then when they disagree-I am supposed to pick a side? Life is too short for such rubbish.

Secondly-inasmuch as I am happy to see Nigeria do well and I am a fanatical supporter of the Super Eagles-I always ask myself that is corruption so ingrained in Nigeria-that we all seem to turn a blind eye to the reality that most, if not all the members of our 17 team are way more than 17. I remember one of the goalkeepers of the U17 team in the 1990s-he was a classmate of my cousin at FUT Minna-was 30 years of age and father to a child-yet he was in the U 17 team! There is no country in the world where corruption does not exit-but any nation where corruption is celebrated like ours will find it hard to succeed.

What the Golden Eaglets have done is a great achivement-but it is no indicator of the future or present success of our country-otherwise Brazil would be the greatest and richest country in the world today! I do hope that Nigeria succeeds as this is my country; but the victory of these boys is absolutely no indication that hope still exists for Nigeria.
Events / Re: Photos From The Opening Of Intercontinental Hotel In Lagos by jakaiso(m): 4:20pm On Oct 09, 2013
Politics / Re: Ribadu Testifies On Ibori's $15m Bribe & Attempts On His Life by jakaiso(m): 10:53pm On Sep 20, 2013
Seriously, why is LUCKY NOSAKHARE IGBINEDION not in jail ?
This Ribadu guy is sick. Cos if he is genuine as he claims to be, Lucky the son of Igbinedion should be in Jail.

Igbinedion was arrested and charged by the EFCC -.Later when Ribadu was no longer at the EFCC-the goverment struck a plea bargain with Igbinedion and he was given 1 year in jail plus a refund of about N300 million or so.- and that was counted as time served.
Health / Re: Please Any Remedy For Stammering by jakaiso(m): 12:04am On Sep 15, 2013
Yes stammering can be cured. I was a stammering from the age of 7 till my University days. I remember in Akure one day-standing on the road waiting for a taxi-I was going to Oja Oba-and all I had to do was shout Oja-Oba -so the passing drivers would hear and stop if they were going my way. And there I was saying ooooooooooooojaaaaaaaaaaaa-for almost minute. Embarrasing and frustrating.
I started public speaking way back in secondary school as in my school-elections were held to become a school prefect-and one had to campaign and likewise I was active in student politics in the University.
What helped me conquer stammering was to always recite and practice anything I was going to say. So before the taxi in Akure approached -i would repeat in my mind "Oja Oba" Oja Oba" and when the taxi-came it was easier to blurt out in a one swoop and it became easier and easier.

In the last 10 years -if I have stammered at all-its when Im angry or trying to rush all my words.

Most stammerers if not all-tend to be people who are either shy, introverts or people with short tempers.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Sambo Flags-off 2013 Airlift Of Hajj Pilgrims In Borno by jakaiso(m): 12:03am On Sep 15, 2013
Can people go on Haji privately without going through government programs.
Business / Re: 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 1:20pm On Sep 05, 2013

Am interested in this laptops/phones importation. Throw more light pls. Thanks!

2 Simple ways:
i) Do it yourself. All you are doing is taking use of the economic theory of Comparative Advantage. -Laptops and other electronics sell cheaper where they are made. Visit any US A website and compare prices -if convinced-import using e bay or any other website or find someone in the US A you can work with.

ii) Do it through our company.We can help you buy whatever you want-import to Naija and help you maximise profit.

Send me an email or check my website.

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Business / Re: 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 5:30pm On Sep 04, 2013
Simply Alfy: Thank you i really appreciate,do u still use ur number it rings but u never pick.9 sumtin(dont want to diclose here)

Yes-its a 612 number. Email me and I will send it to you.
Business / Re: 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 5:30pm On Sep 04, 2013
whatalife: @op i would not mind if u help with source of cheap laptops in usa

E bay is one source if the seller is willing to ship to Naija. If you have someone on ground in the US A-then you can get amazingly cheap sources on the website craigslist and also at recycling centers.

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Business / Re: 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 7:22pm On Aug 31, 2013
dowjones: Oya O.P, use your second nairaland account to post a "legit import business" like the one your alter ego mentioned. Lol. Nice one.

Legit import business? I already import computers and Im dabbling into cars now-Im looking for new ideas from people who might already have gone through the ups and downs of the business.
Business / Re: 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 7:20pm On Aug 31, 2013
Simply Alfy: Apologies that i a derailing from the thread.Please which courier service company to Nigeria can u recommend,reliable and competitive price(please how much per kg)-Atlanta GA.awaiting your response and Thank u.

There's a guy I used in Atlanta 3 years ago-but I dont remember his name. I think its Mr Emeka.
Business / 4 Years & N15 Million After-this Business Works!!! Any Other Testomonies? by jakaiso(m): 6:56pm On Aug 29, 2013
Life is truly not a bed of roses (sometimes it is though).Back in 2009-I was broke-despondent and beyond financial bankruptcy-my own case was SPECIAL. Yet-just years before that-I was making millions and employing graduates. Through a series of errors and mistakes that many young businessmen make- my ship encountered troubled waters and shipwrecked. But like any sailor (master or apprentice)-I couldn't cry over spilt milk-I either had to lick the one that spilt or go get another cup!
That's when I encountered the import -export business. I had come across a material in 2009 that was advertised on Nairaland and took up the offer. It was all about importing cheap and/or free electronics from the USA. I followed through and after many storms, bountiful harvests,famine,joy and pain-I can say that this business is feeding my family, building my mansion and helping those that cant help themselves.

Between 2009 and today-I have made not less than N15 Million in profit from this business. I pick up cheap electronics (especially laptops) from the USA and sell in Nigeria and online in the USA.

Its a simple business-with a very high rate of guaranteed profit.

Now I ask myself-what was I thinking -that I didn't know about this business back when I was broke!

So Im asking nairalanders to share with us any business opportunity that they have put their hands into and made money from-because I am ready to create multiple streams of income and move from tens of millions to hundreds of millions.

Life is too short to learn from experience-one needs to network and fast track progress.

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