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Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? - Religion (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by victorv12(m): 12:43pm On Sep 03, 2013
All you Christains or theist that keep lying on the devil regarding homosexuality are all bloody lairs! Is it the devil that allow men to explore their an*l interest again? Assuming we're debating about men and women now, you guys won't be swearing and blaming him for our madness.

Even, there are reports that state the rate at which ladies wanted to be satisfied anally is on the rise, still, we're still blaming the devil for our dysfunctional behaviors. We should all remember one thing, human beings are explorers, and for us to get high at times we must try the abstracts. We should stop blaming the devil for everything!

Any homo being caught in Nigeria should be beheaded!
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 12:58pm On Sep 03, 2013

they are influenced usually at the tender age by mostly matured gay people. Secondly, there is a spirit that possesses them once they do it for the first time unless tthe kid has a strong christian background. Most of them were forced into it as students especially in our boarding schools by their seniors and with time, it becomes a norm. Parents should endevour to have close relationships with their kids so they can open up to them earlier. When the bible said'' train up a child in the way he should grow so when they are old they'll not depart from it'' God knew these will come up. Remember he sees the future , more reason we shouldn't neglect his words ( the devil will always bring in the counterfiet).
Rubbish answer.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by gentmint(m): 1:30pm On Sep 03, 2013
k @op u can be,but if ur goal is heaven i would say abstain'flee' from homosexual acts, caution and discipline ur tots and let God in.He knows u love Him dats why im seeing dis post,its difficult to abstain but its not impossible especially when its from birth.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by gentmint(m): 1:33pm On Sep 03, 2013
as for those spewing hate leave dem alone just smile dont bother about them,God knows where they are going butfor you OP ask yourself 'is my name in this book of life?' dats d most important.you mite not be able to change but u can strive to abstain from all such acts.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by 2sa2: 1:57pm On Sep 03, 2013
Hezron Lorraine: aw come I didn't see this. Well,the bible made us understand Mary gave birth as a virgin. @Everyone,thanks for your kind contributions.
the bible did not say mary gave birth as a virgin. she conceived as a virgin. stop quoting the bible to suit ur abnormal and sinful ways.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by architectB(m): 2:09pm On Sep 03, 2013
If u claim to truly believe in Jesus then you will ask him and he will make u free from this gay demon instead of trying 2 justify being gay. If u must know, u r actually not gay because God created u 2 be straight and anything contrary to what God does or says is obviously UNTRUE.

The devil is always out to make u think what God has done or said is a lie hence u think u should be sleeping with your kind but God is not deceived and i sure hope u don't let urself be deceived by the devil.

Just ask Jesus to help u and begin to declare with your mouth that u r straight and not gay, then start acting likewise; i assure u that every negative feeling will dissipate provided you have truly given ur life 2 Jesus.

God bless u as u do and congrats on ur deliverance...
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by abu0710102013: 2:42pm On Sep 03, 2013
Christains neva cease to amaze me when talking about christainity and quoting biblical verses. Do i need to tell anybody whether homosexuals are welcomed in islam. Use google

Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by harmless(m): 2:54pm On Sep 03, 2013
Romans 1:21-32:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


1 Kings 14:24:

'There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites'

To crown it up read,

1 Corinthians 6:9

'Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality':
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by 2sa2: 3:15pm On Sep 03, 2013
mkmyers45: Very Poor Knowledge of Biology
poor knowledge of biology hun? so the anus is not for deficating? and u hav seen gay animals? its your generation yet unborn i pity for, people will stone them when they find out that one of their ancestor was gay. retar d.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 3:43pm On Sep 03, 2013
I dey madt?
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 4:11pm On Sep 03, 2013
I believe in prayers. The truth is you cannot be a gay and still be a christian. If you are being tempted, its a different thing entirely though you must still pray. GOD loves gays but he hates gayism. So if you discover you indulge in it and cant do without it PRAY! Prayer works wonder. Let us be frank with ourselves, many of us have done this thing(mostly when we were young) its just that some people probably went indepthly and find it difficult to come out. We may be homophobic but we did something like this but when we see others do it we are disgusted. Now Many people have given their lives to CHRIST because of this(very many people including some of us that our mouths are sharp. Remember the same measure you use to judge others, GOD will use it judging you and even with a greater measure). Many big pastors have indulged in this before they gave their lives to CHRIST. And trust me CHRIST delivered them all. They may not want to share it because probably we will stigmatise them(though they've repented 'o'!) you know we christians are good in hypocrisy forgetting that JESUS CHRIST is our righteousness and that our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags before GOD. This gay thing is serious 'o'! And christians have to start a non discriminating counselling to people who think they cant change. Out of 10 guys just may be 2 or even 1 may not have engaged in this. Im a guy i know what im saying. Of the remaining 8 or 9, 3 or 4 especially may have done it indepthly, 2 of the 3 or 4 may give their lives to CHRIST when they discover they cant do without it and trust me, such get delivered(when they keep to JESUS) though temptations may come. Just 1 or 2 remaining from the 3 or 4 may be left with the thinking 'i can never change' so they may choose to either marry early to remove people's eyes from their status, or go after 'serious' chasing of girls, or come out to say they are gays. The rest 4 or 5 may show serious hypocrisy to it. Now bible says ask and you shall be given. In sin we were conceived abi. We were all born into sin. Just sit GOD down one on one to deliver you and he will. Ex gays are usually a threat to the kingdom of darkness as GOD empowers them with his power. The devil knows this and he has chosen to deceive men with such problems that they can never change. The truth is he doesnt want his kingdom to be attacked by this people whom GOD loves. GOD loves them but hates their sin. I tell you when a gay repents, he does more exploits than a straight fornicator who repents and stands a higher chance of making heaven than the straight fornicator who repents.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by vickyO(f): 4:30pm On Sep 03, 2013
there is a difference between sin and abomination. homosexualism is an abomination before God that is it is worse than sin. that means an homosexual is someone God doesn't even want to look at. so don't you try to justify that abominable act, homosexualism, its vile and disgusting before God and me.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 4:34pm On Sep 03, 2013
abu0710102013: Christains neva cease to amaze me when talking about christainity and quoting biblical verses. Do i need to tell anybody whether homosexuals are welcomed in islam. Use google
you dont need to but dont your brothers in kano do it? Their own is even worse they stand on the road. Even in kd along murtala square arent they there. I reside in the north and im telling you out of 30 to 40 abokis just 1 (who may have mixed with a southerner) may be straight. When some guys drive here, they fix some part of their leg on steering, mostly left. Why is that so? You people's own state is even critical because you need redemption which you cant get unless you believe in CHRIST as the son of GOD, SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD and GOD THE SON. Give your life to CHRIST it will do you good. GOD bless you IJMN. AMEN
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by minute(f): 5:12pm On Sep 03, 2013
People don't get a choice about whether they are gay or not, they either are, or they're not.

That need to be understood first of. There is no sin in having homosexual tendencies. There is

nothing sinful in being attracted to the same gender. What is wrong in Christianity faith is

acting on those tendencies. Many Christian churches choose to interpret the Bible differently

and so choose to justify their sin, but many do not. Many Christian churches choose to ostracize

gays as choosing this path, and thereby drive them away from their church.

The trick is acknowledging their existence, and then supporting them in their trials.

Homosexuals have hard trials. They either need to live a totally celibate life, or else they need

to learn to love someone of the opposite gender. I can't tell which is harder. I have a close male

homosexual friend who married a homosexual woman, who was his best friend. He loved her as a friend

and as a person, and he has since learned to love her as a wife. They have two children together.

I have another homosexual friend who will never go on a single date with anyone of either gender. That

is what she decided she needed to do in order to keep herself free of sin. Both of these people have a

hard life, and why God decided they needed this particular challenge in their life, I don't know. But both

of these friends are dealing with it, in a righteous way, and I am very proud of both of them.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by abu0710102013: 5:28pm On Sep 03, 2013
@ sbaks can u prove to me dat islam allows homosexually, dats is what i am saying incase u didnt understand my simple english.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Purist(m): 5:31pm On Sep 03, 2013
Any homo being caught in Nigeria should be beheaded!

What is their crime that they should be beheaded?

For choosing to have consensual sex with each other that does NOT in any way affect another person, they should be decapitated?

Some of you Nigerians are really scary.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by MistadeRegal(m): 5:50pm On Sep 03, 2013
Yungwizzzy: [Mr man God created
Adam an Eve and not
Adam and Steve

Adam and Eve and not
Adamma and Eve
if he wanted it that way he wouldn't have created women. trying to counter creation is a sin so is transgender and bobbi surgery!! [/b]
Just what was about to say! So tell them more. How could you be a follower of Christ and still be gay? CRUSH ALL GAYS!!
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by bee444: 5:58pm On Sep 03, 2013

Thank you very much for this.

Honestly it's exhausting and there's absolutely no point trying to educate people most especially Nigerians about homosexuality ...the country is apparently still underdeveloped and still wallow in its ignorance, for a country with soo much potentials that was founded since what year now ?? and to still be in the third world rank with its citizens beats me and its very very sad.
What annoy me most are some people who placed themselves on pedestal and cast the first stone as they deem.

I watched Lisa Ling on OWN .. Alan chambers of the Exodus International ( church) where a Reparative therapy is done to change Gays to straight ( deliverance session ) ... These poor young men who are grade A believer than any yeye Naija fake pastor , struggled for years and decades with no avail and never changed... Some are still there struggling , crying, day and night to God and still waiting for that miracle for a change.

Have I witnessed how they struggle , thrown out of churches they grew up in for decades as a result of this ? Absolutely.

I've studied and be educated about this orientation and I've concluded to accept and embrace them for who they are.

But whether you accept them or not, something is very clear to ALL of us:

As long as Nobody and I mean NOONE hasn't been to heaven or HELL and came back with a testimony YET ... Then WE are ALL in for the same Haul.

Let God ONLY be the judge of what is Good or Bad.

So Yes Hez you can be a Christian and Still be Gay Period!!

This is the only place where Boko Haram and the rest of the Arab world would be justified when it comes to Western education. So you want to educate Nigerians on homosexuality, abi? What sort of education would that be? Who would blame Boko Haram for rejecting your so-called education? It profited nothing on the basis of morality.

It used to be modest dressing in Africa. Now what do we have; our girls going unclad on the street; Nollywood copycatting Hollywood on sexual scene; lawmakers lobbying for legalization of infant and gay marriage; Fashola deporting own citizen based on some Texas law; Churches springing up everywhere based on white-man idea, Social sites collecting information of every one for govt purposes, and the rest goes on and on.

Now, tell me, what education are you really talking about here? Do you want to teach me Physics, ooh maybe quantum physics, what about sex education or even sociology of life. I might even tell you more; the psychiatric theory of Homosexuality assert that homosexuality is a regression of the earliest. And maybe you haven't heard of Sexually antagonistic selection.

Homosexuality is a condition viewed as a effect of female evolution. And anything that doesn't lead to reproduction dies a natural death!

Yes we are underdeveloped as a nation, and yes education is still needed in some larger part of the country, but what we have is common sense and morality. The norms and teachings of our heroes past shall never be in vain.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:47pm On Sep 03, 2013
abu0710102013: @ sbaks can u prove to me dat islam allows homosexually, dats is what i am saying incase u didnt understand my simple english.
no insults but you seem to me like a fanatic. Did you see any quoted scripture from the Bible placed here that supports homosexualism?
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:17pm On Sep 03, 2013
Movingcoil: u ar only seeing complicated things cos ur life is complicated and as u said itz confusing u, if u want to worship God, u do and if u don't want to serve him, just Bleep off and stopping confusing others as uve done to urself. that I fornicate does not give me the right to use bible to back it up. inshort gerrot

It's funny how, in trying to tell someone that he's wrong, people get all so defensive to the point of insulting that person and probably beating that person for having a different belief.

The difference between you and the boko haram extremist isn't that far-fetched. It takes just a little bit more before you start doing same. All because of what you believe in. In their minds, they are right, and fighting for a just cause...in your mind too, you are right.

That is religion for you. It can wasp your mind and blind you from looking beyond what you've been told, or what you think you feel.

I wouldn't reply you further.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by jkross(m): 9:50pm On Sep 03, 2013
daprince: Hey Hezron,

God's foundational love is unconditional, but that's not all that's required. What do I mean by this? God's foundational love was shown when Christ died on the cross for ALL. Yet, not all will make Heaven. Go read Ephesians 2:1-5 about God's salvation. Read Rom. 1:24-28 and vs 32...I'll go ahead and quote vs. 27 and 28 (ESV) here: "and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what out not be done."
If Romans 1 doesn't do it, how about this? "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality." 1Cor. 6:9 (ESV)
"What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?" Rom. 6:1-2 (ESV)
God loves you just as you are, but you do not present at the foot of the cross needing salvation without transformation. You just can't remain the way you were prior to asking the Spirit of God to fill your heart. If any church teaches anything different from this, run for your dear life because they do not care about your soul, but on the approval of men! Be blessed, sir!
May you prosper in this life that God has given you..people are perishing for lack of true knowledge of the word..You have said well..Romance 1:20-28 deals with the issue very well..
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by fredie107(m): 9:53pm On Sep 03, 2013
sharap my friend
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by onoja12: 10:13pm On Sep 03, 2013
[quote author=Hezron Lorraine][/quote]
my guy don't come and write rubbish,cause u want to find a way to justify your sick,twisted minded way of life,the bible says gay people should be killed not just killed,isolated then killed,didn't u read that part
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by free2ryhme: 11:15pm On Sep 03, 2013
to hell with gays / lesbian
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Klinee: 1:12am On Sep 04, 2013
victorv12: All you Christains or theist that keep lying on the devil regarding homosexuality are all bloody lairs! Is it the devil that allow men to explore their an*l interest again? Assuming we're debating about men and women now, you guys won't be swearing and blaming him for our madness.

Even, there are reports that state the rate at which ladies wanted to be satisfied anally is on the rise, still, we're still blaming the devil for our dysfunctional behaviors. We should all remember one thing, human beings are explorers, and for us to get high at times we must try the abstracts. We should stop blaming the devil for everything!

Any homo being caught in Nigeria should be beheaded!
yea i support u
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 1:15am On Sep 04, 2013
crush them all
Africa, get rid of homosexuals.

to all straight , please stop using the word gay. thank u.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 1:20am On Sep 04, 2013
abu0710102013: Christains neva cease to amaze me when talking about christainity and quoting biblical verses. Do i need to tell anybody whether homosexuals are welcomed in islam. Use google
Christians are educated, highly educated, they know about their religion that's why they can defend their religion using scriptures/quoting the bible, unlike u moslems who are terribly uneducated, don't understand Arabic, yet have to pray in Arabic, or should I say senseless recitations, this is also why u more oftenalways resort to violence ,like they say violence is for the weak and for those who don't have any argument. yes moslems are goats follow follow that's all u guys know..u know there's something wrong when Nigerians muslims can kill their countrymen over a cartoon that have no connection whatsoever with the people they killed.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Klinee: 1:49am On Sep 04, 2013
Thuo shall not kill is not for gays. That is what a good christian should know! They should beheaded! Kill them! U did not committ any sin because that is what God ask u to do. When jesus came he didnt tell us not caste stone on gays. Then why will u people mercy 4 this devils. If u caught anyone just behead him! Infact God will bless your 4 that! Its because that people are preaching 4 mercy on gays that is why this thing is getting out hand. Kill him! If u cant kill please dont judge those who kill them here "THOU SHALL NOT JUDGE" instead blame the gay for doing what cause his death. Gay is evil in eye of everybody. Anybody that is trying to debate with this devilish op dosnt know what he is doing.

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by gentmint(m): 6:20am On Sep 04, 2013
truthfuly @op if you watch closely all the bible verses say you MUST not practice homosexuality so if you want to enjoy God's glory and do exploits for him like i'm enjoying now(and believe me God's presence is glorious),you must abstain.you must free ur heart from the lust and yes you can.......For those prescribing death for the op God's laughing at you.you will keep hating gays till your death and with hate in your heart Hell is sure,when Op will be saved hate will erase all your names from the book of life dats why im here to warn all of you.Again i say ask yourself 'is my name in the book of life?'
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by topatee: 8:50am On Sep 04, 2013
Dear NL, please read very carefully befor you judge me
What differentiates a Christian’s life from a non-Christian’s life is the struggle against sin
The Christian life is a progressive journey of overcoming the “acts of the flesh” (Galatians 5:19-21)
and allowing God’s Spirit to produce the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23).
Yes, Christians sin, sometimes horribly.
A true Christian will always repent, will always eventually return to God, and will always resume the struggle against sin.
But the Bible gives no support for the idea that a person who perpetually and unrepentantly engages in sin can indeed be a Christian. Notice 1 Corinthians 6:11, "And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by gozie4: 9:25am On Sep 04, 2013
U r doomed
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 10:13am On Sep 04, 2013
mkmyers45: Very Poor Knowledge of Biology
yes you have poor knowledge mr gay

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