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Religion / Lastly On This. by Kingdomtruth: 5:09pm On Sep 14, 2021
I believe it is very clear now, why they are called spirits and the lifestyle they live is called spiritual life. Because, just as Aaron and the people, saw Moses and could not come close because of fear; and the disciples (Peter, James and John) marvelled and became amazed when they saw Christ's transfiguration experience; so much that he told them not to tell anyone until after His resurrection. In the same way, I bet you will run faster than a Usain Bolt; when you have any of the heavenly beings coming to live as your next door neighbour, in your neighbourhood. Smiles! Stay blessed.
Religion / Update To My Last Post. by Kingdomtruth: 4:05pm On Sep 14, 2021
The primary reason, that accounts for this difference in our body types is SIN. While the heavenly beings live in HOLINESS and free from sin; we, here on earth reign and live in SIN. That is why, we cannot have this shekinah glory's experience (the dwelling of the presence of God upon us that transforms us into the heavenly image, until the flesh is completely destroyed in our bodies. See the example of God and Moses on mount sinai in Exodus 34:29-35.

When Moses spent 40 days and nights with the shekinah glory (in the presence of God) on Mount Sinai; while coming down from the MOUNTAIN, his face was already shining like light; because of the shekinah glory's effect (glory of the presence of God). As a result, the people were afraid to come near him. This was so, because, when Moses was admitted into the presence of God on the mountain; God removed SIN out of him; but after the experience, on his way down the mountain, SIN was restored in him. That was why in verse 33, Moses would always cover his face with a veil after talking to the people; so that: they do not see the brightness of the light fading away. But would however, remove the veil when he goes into the tent to meet the Lord in order to renew the brightness of the glory of God shining on his face as light. I must also mention that: the veil here, symbolizes SIN. So that: when Moses faces God, He (God) removes it (SIN) in him; but when back to the people, it (SIN) is restored in him.

But notice the similarity in Christ's experience with that of Moses in mark 9:2-13. At the transfiguration experience, when Christ was with Moses and Elijah; while Peter, James and John watched from a distance; God descended on HIm (Christ) in the form of cloud. Notice that: immediately, his face and clothes shone like light as the glory of God descended upon Him in the form of cloud. This was so, because, from the period that Christ was baptized by John and the spirit came upon Him in the form of dove, to the period under review in Mark 9:2-13, Christ was completely HOLY. Unlike Moses, whose SIN needed to be taken away; Christ was readily HOLY. And so, the spirit of God found a clean house in Christ to transform Him into the same image and glory of light that God represents. The similarity here is that: just as SIN was taken out of Moses by GOD, before the shekinah glory's effect rubbed on him; in the same way, Christ had to be without SIN , for that shekinah glory's effect to rub on Him also.

Finally, this is me revealing the major difference between the type of bodies that we have as human beings to those of the heavenlies. While theirs, is more beautiful, stronger and radiating the brightness of God, because of the presence of God that they are with and the lack of SIN; ours is weaker, less beautiful and in the dark, because of the flesh (Devil) and SIN that reign in us. So, for us to have same experience as they have, we must die completely to this FLESH and SIN; so that: we can be transformed into the same GLORY and NATURE as they are, by the SPIRIT. See 2corinthians 3:18. The Lord bless us all I pray.
Religion / Mind Blowing Truth. by Kingdomtruth: 12:11am On Sep 14, 2021
There's a truth, I'd like us to be reminded of. It is about the fact that: in the beginning, God created both the HEAVEN and the EARTH.See Genesis 1:1. The heaven was firstly created, before the earth. And the heaven, is where God, His throne and the first people He created live; while the earth, is the place, where the subsequent people He created should live. See 1Corinthians 15:48. Contrary to what I used to think, those in heaven, just like their counterparts here on earth; see, hear and interact with one another.

Their spiritual nature, only applies to us who are on earth here. Because, when they come down to us here on earth, we cannot see, hear or touch them; unless they take our form, nature or any other object, before they can manifest themselves. This is so, because, their body type is different from ours. Theirs is called SPIRITUAL BODY; while ours, is called PHYSICAL BODY. The difference is that: theirs, is more beautiful and stronger; while ours is weaker and less beautiful compare to theirs.See 1corinthians 15:40-43. Hitherto, I used to think that: the people up there, were a contingent of people living in the breeze. Smiles!

This post, is a build-up to a very deep truth; that is based on profound revelation by the GRACE of God, about the reality of our lives as individuals. I besiege that: you continue to watch this space going forward; as mind blowing truth, will be revealed here. The Lord helps us all I pray. Bless up!

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Religion / Re: Our Call To Serve. by Kingdomtruth: 1:13am On Sep 02, 2021
Well stated, brother, praise GOD!

Humbly - a core principle is a person's need for the Lord JESUS, the CHRIST - The Word; in all things!

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-7

The Lord be praised brother! Nice one as usual.
Religion / Our Call To Serve. by Kingdomtruth: 1:48pm On Aug 31, 2021
I find this topic an interesting one to write about and I think you should see it. My points on this, will be drawn from these two(2) major scriptures: Jeremiah 1:5 and Colossians 1:17. Even though not all of us will be saved; however, all of us have our destinies and purposes in God through Christ.

So, Jeremiah 1:5 says,"I chose you before I gave you life, and before you were born I selected you to be a prophet to the nations". While Colossians 1:17 says,"Christ existed before all things, and in union with Him all things have their proper place".


1) I chose you before I gave you life.
2) I selected/anointed you as a prophet even before you were born.
3) Only in union/together with Christ will your life have its proper place.


God is saying that: See! I had you in mind for a purpose before I created and brought you to life. And your priority now going forward, should be to discover why I chose and had you in mind even before I created you.


Here, God is saying that: just shortly before your mother born you, He blessed you and gave you an area of strength in your life, with which you will prosper and succeed; as you serve in the capacity He created you for.


God is very clear here. Letting you know that: before He created you, He created someone; and in that person (Christ), He put you (joining your minds together); so that only when you remain/abide in Him, will you discover your purpose and then, your life will begin to make sense. John 15:4.

Now I want to say this. The truth is that: before God created us, He blessed and anointed us with a particular blessing and an area of strength in which we will all measure up. And these blessings are found ONLY in Christ Jesus for those who are the chosen ones. John 1:6. However, instead of going back to the manufacturer through Christ, to discover our area of blessing and strength; what I understand we do a lot of time is that; we just settle with the little crumbs that life is able to throw at us and we seem OK with that. Quite unfortunate! I hope you see why we will continue to suffer Abi? If only we knew! I bet you there's a mind blowing blessing about your life that you are yet to discover and tap. Rather than settling for less, I challenge you to go all out for it; it is waiting for you in Christ. And do not continue to deceive yourself saying,"but I'm OK and comfortable na! I don't need that ". Well, you just have to understand that; in the eyes of God, you have not started living until you get connected to Him through Christ Jesus. And it may surprise you to discover that:

* while you have chosen yourself as an APOSTLE; God is waiting for you to fill-up your position in the capacity of the next PRESIDENT of your country to serve His people.

* while you have elected yourself as a MEDICAL DOCTOR; God is waiting for you to fill-up your ordained position in the capacity of a PROPHET to serve the nations.

* while you have elected yourself as a BARRISTER; God is waiting for you to fill-up your ordained position in the capacity of an EVANGELIST to evangelised His people.

* while you have chosen yourself as a GOSPEL artist; God is waiting for you to fill-up your ordained position in the capacity of a NURSE to touch lives and care for His people. And vice-versa.Furthermore,:

* As you abuse a BASKET, when you try to use it to FETCH WATER; so also, you abuse yourself; when you try to measure in an area you are not call to serve.

* Just about the same way you abuse a VEHICLE, when you try to make it FLY like a PLANE; in the Same way you abuse yourself, when you try to work in an area you are not GRACED.

It is very important to state at this point, that: while the man, created not to inherit ETERNAL LIFE; may not necessarily need to know God and His ways to become what God created him for; you, however, whom God chose and destined for such an experience ( ETERNAL LIFE); MUST know Him and His ways in order to come into full possession of such experience. And whether or not you have found your purpose in life as God's elect; it is only a matter of time; you too, will re-align yourself and let go of whatever HUSTLE you have chosen for yourself in order to begin to do the will of God for your life.


There purpose being there, is to be used, in achieving the overall purpose or objevtive of God's plan in your life as His ELECT. Romans 8:28.

Finally, stop abusing yourself! Get on and begin to live out the purpose of your life as God created you. Remember, there are people, whose destinies and salvation are attached to the decisions you make everyday and for those, you will be required to balance your account. So, stop the fear! 'Na small suffer you go suffer, you no go DIE' Smiles! God helps us all. Xproducer over to you!
Religion / Re: Who Are The Elect? by Kingdomtruth: 10:49pm On Aug 29, 2021


Truly GOD is good and lovingly kind for so great a salvation.

Indeed brother man! Stay blessed please.
Religion / Re: When You Are Chosen For Eternal Life. by Kingdomtruth: 10:46pm On Aug 29, 2021
"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day." - John 6:44

"And He said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.” - John 6:65

"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." - John 6:37


"The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy." - Psalm 145:8

Thanks great guy for the scriptural verses again. Stay blessed.
Religion / Re: Discipleship Relationship. by Kingdomtruth: 10:41pm On Aug 29, 2021
[quote author=xproducer post=105305929]"Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." - 2 Timothy 3:12

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." - 1 Corinthians 10:13

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33


Thank the Lord JESUS that He is "the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2), "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" - Philippians 1:6

Thanks xproducer, for always coming through with these scriptural verses. They are always a blessing sir.
Religion / Discipleship Relationship. by Kingdomtruth: 8:53pm On Aug 29, 2021
Even though God is always at work in us; to make us willing and able to obey His purpose for our lives as His CHOSEN ONES; you MUST however, understand that as His ELECTS (CHOSEN ONES), there is a NEW way of life. And this NEW way of life, is patterned after the image and likeness of Christ Jesus. See 2corinthians 5:17. And that each of us, MUST come to be conformed to His image and likeness; so that He (Christ) will be the first born son among many brethren. See Romans 8:29.

Furthermore, the only way the CHOSEN ONES can be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ Jesus; is through a SPECIAL kind of relationship called DISCIPLESHIP RELATIONSHIP. A discipleship relationship, is a special type of relationship whereby, a disciple (CHOSEN ONE), willingly and voluntarily submits and surrenders himself to the leadership, guidance and control of Christ Jesus; with the aim of becoming conformed to His pattern, image and likeness. I want you to note that: Christ disciples did not go to Him on their own. He CHOSE them first among many multitude, before He called them and gave them the opportunity to follow Him; which they (disciples) in turn responded and willing followed.

The main objective of this type of relationship, is to be able to TRANSFER life from one person (Christ) to another (a disciple).


You will appreciate that the transfer of life, from one person to another, will certainly not be an EASY task. However, it is also not an IMPOSSIBLE task with God. So, for this to be successfully achieved, there has to be the power of FOCUS and COMMITMENT at play by the disciple; in order for this to be actualized. Hence, the disciple MUST learn to let go of everything that serves as a distraction; so as to be able to FOCUS on the master (Christ Jesus) and His lifestyle by diligently and carefully studying the word of God everyday. Because it is always at the point of breaking God's word daily, that you will find Him.
Christ, wants you to deny everything that serves as a distraction including yourself (old life) and take up your CROSS daily and follow Him. See Luke 9:23.

Just as He said to Peter and Andrew,"come with me"; and they responded and left everything including their fishing business and followed Him. See Matthew 4:18-20, He is also saying the same thing to you.

And just as He said to James and John,"follow me" and they left their nets, boat and Father and followed Him Matthew 4:21-22; He is also saying the same thing to you as you read this. Telling you to leave everything and follow Him.

In the same way He told the RICH man to go and sell off all that He had and give the proceed to the poor; then, come and follow Him Matthew 19:21; He is also saying the same thing to you.

As he said to the disciples," those that come to me MUST love me more than they love father, mother, brother, sister, wife, husband, children, friends and self; and carry their CROSS and follow me; else, they will not be fit to be my disciples". See Luke 14:27. In the same way, He says to you also, that: if you love all these people and things more than Him; then, you are not fit to be His disciple.

Yes! You may say,"but how can you feed your family"?; "how can you pay the children's school fee"?; Oh!" my wife is pregnant o"!. Yet, Christ is saying to you, look at the birds: they do not sow seeds, gather harvest and put in their barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them everyday; how much more of you? Aren't you worth more than many birds.?Matthew 6:26. God is FAITHFUL, and I know He will do what He says He will do. Just test and see.


1) Christ will ONLY reveal Himself and the secret of the kingdom to those He has CHOSEN to be with Him (disciples); but to the others (crowd), it will be by means of parables; so that: they look but will not see; they listen but will not hear; and their minds will be dull so that they do not come to Him and be saved. See Mark 4:10-12.

2) You will receive the blessing of a hundred folds more than the things you forgo even here in this world first; then, above all, you have the 'FREE GIFT' of ETERNAL LIFE credited to your life in a kingdom of everything. See Matthew 19:29.

3) Christ will reveal the will of God for your life and what God created you for, ONLY when you are a disciple. See Romans12:2.


To be honest, it will not be EASY at first. You will experience both good and bad, sweet and sour, rough and smooth paths etc. Suffer? Yes, you will suffer a lot! But at the end, it will be an experience you will wish to have over and over again. Because you know that," everything (good or bad), works together for the good of those that love God, and to them who are the called according to His purpose". See Romans 8:28.

Finally, it is very important to know that: the NEW LIFE you live now as a disciple is not your own. Yes! It is not your own but Christ. Apostle Paul says,"as far as I'm concern, I'm dead; killed by the Law itself and the NEW LIFE that I now live, it is no longer I (the old life after Satan) that live but Christ ( the new life) who lives in me". You must understand going forward, that Christ is in you and He is the one in-charge of your life. He is now the source of your life. Meaning, whatever He provides, is what you will EAT; whatever He says through His word (bible), is how you will SPEAK; the clothes He provides, are what you will WEAR and the places He leads, are where you will GO. The scripture says,"the spirit gives us life and it must control it". May God GRACED us more I pray.

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Religion / When You Are Chosen For Eternal Life. by Kingdomtruth: 2:22pm On Aug 28, 2021
You may be wondering what next, now that you have been CHOSEN, if indeed you have. This is just to put things into perspective; that, while it is TRUE that all of us in this ERA of GRACE (New Testament) are called; however, not all of us will be chosen for ETERNAL LIFE. In fact, only few will be chosen for such ETERNAL EXPERIENCE according to Matthew 22:14. And it is the truth.


Don't struggle for anything, it will happen EFFORTLESSLY. Though it may seem like you've heard the GOSPEL a thousand times; yet, no fire seems to be sparking in your heart deep enough to want to draw you to salvation. Do not worry! Two things will happen at the right time. They are:

1) A day will come when the message will speak to you and it will be the sweetest thing you've ever heard. And your ONE desire afterward, will be to WILLINGLY and SINCERELY surrender your heart to Christ Jesus, acknowledging Him as all you need at that point. OR

2) A day will come, when you will find yourself in a condition that ONLY Christ will be the answer. It will be either you surrender or you live with such a life threatening condition forever.

Finally, if either of these, is your experience; then, jump and celebrate for the SALVATION of the Lord is upon you and the next thing you will be led to do, is to enter into a SPECIAL kind of relationship with Christ called DISCIPLESHIP RELATIONSHIP. I will write about this DISCIPLESHIP RELATIONSHIP when next I come this way.

I REPEAT: Salvation is FREE and is of the Lord alone. John 1:12-13 says," as many as have received Him (Christ), to them He gave the power (spirit) to become the sons of God...... But notice verse 13, it says," which were born, not of BLOOD, nor of the will of the FLESH, nor of the will of man, but of GOD'S WILL NKJV. Meaning this is purely a devine thing. You have no power to decide where to live your after life. ONLY God will choose who spend ETERNITY with Him. The ESSENCE of this write-up, is to make you understand what is happening to you when you begin to experience this. God helps us all I pray.

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Religion / Re: Who Are The Elect? by Kingdomtruth: 11:06am On Aug 27, 2021


Spot on!

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." - John 1:12-13

"For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy." - Romans 9:15-16


"Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; Let such as love Your salvation say continually, “The Lord be magnified!” - Psalm 40:16

Great brother! I should also say 'spot on' too, for this great piece. More GRACE I pray broda.

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Religion / Re: Who Are The Elect? by Kingdomtruth: 9:37pm On Aug 26, 2021
The Bible speaks a lot of the elect

Who are these elect?

Who elected them?

When were they elected?

Are all elected?


The elects (the chosen ones) are those whom God has destined for salvation by GRACE according to His ETERNAL PURPOSE and not on account of anything they have done.....so that no man should boast. See Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 11:6. It is important to mention that anyone irrespective of trybe, religion, ethnicity, race or language could be CHOSEN for this. However, only God chooses who ever He wants and it is done according to His purpose...Finally, I must also mention that it is a 'free gift' freely given by God to whoever He chooses regardless of their works. Stay bless ma and God bless you.
Religion / The Purpose And Will Of God For Creation 3. by Kingdomtruth: 6:03pm On Aug 25, 2021
My final post on this write-up, will be anchored on John 3:16. As I build it up, you will find more scriptures imbedded in it to drive home my point.
John 3:16,"for God loved the world so much that He gave His only son, so that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in Him should not PERISH but have EVERLASTING LIFE.

1) Whosoever
2) Believes
3) Perish
4) Everlasting/Eternal life.
All these mean that: there has to be someone who believes, so that he should not perish but have everlasting life. Please understand that:

1) WHOSOEVER means that: not minding who you are, your trybe, your religion, ethnicity etc, you will be saved and have eternal life if you believe. Because in this ERA OF GRACE, Christ is all, Christ is in all. Meaning Christ is for everyone.

2) BELIEVE (FAITH): This is where the problem is. So please pay attention to this part. First off, I want to establish that our believe (faith) is a function of GRACE and this GRACE is found in the word of God. Paul addressing Ephesians in Acts 20:32 says,"I commend you to the care of God and the WORD OF HIS GRACE......." Here, we see clearly that GRACE is found in the word of God.

Then, in Romans 10:17, it says,"faith comes by hearing and hearing, by the word of God". So if faith (believe) comes by hearing the word of God according to this scripture; and in the above scripture, we read that the word of God is the word of GRACE. It means that it is the GRACE in the word of God that gives us faith (believe) as we hear the word. Putting it simply will be: WORD OF GOD= GRACE= BELIEVE (FAITH). By the way, GRACE is the devine power you receive to help you do what you cannot do by your human power.

Now since our faith is a function of GRACE and GRACE is found in God's word; the same God's word now tells us that even our SALVATION is by GRACE through faith (faith). See how all these terms have arranged themselves in Ephesians 2:8-9. It's crystally clear here that our salvation is by GRACE; just as our faith comes by GRACE also, according to Ephesians 2:8-9. Putting this simply again will be: WORD OF GOD= GRACE= BELIEVE= SALVATION.

Again, the same word of God tells us that our salvation is a FREE GIFT. See Romans 5:15-18. And if I understand what a 'FREE GIFT' is, it means that you do not do anything to deserve it. It is simply a FREE GIFT as the phrase implies that is given by the giver to whoever he chooses to. And with this in mind, Romans 11:6 makes more sense to me now more than ever before. It says,"His CHOICE is base on His GRACE not on what they have done". Meaning that we are CHOSEN for salvation only by GRACE not because of what we do. Confirming the fact that it is a FREE GIFT that is base on God's CHOICE by GRACE and not our works......so that no man should boast about it.

I will also like you to see how Romans 9:6-18 nailed everything I've been talking about. Please find time and go through this for yourself; don't just take my word for it. In summary, what this scripture is saying is that: even God's choice of you, is base on His purpose. See the example of Rebecca's children (Esau and Jacob). God said of them that," the elder will serve the younger.....". See Romans 9:11-12. Notice that this was said of them while they were still in their Mother's womb, before they had done anything good or bad. And it went on to say that," this was so, so that the CHOICE of one son might completely be the result of God's own purpose rather than on anything anyone has done either good or bad.

Finally, the secret is that: no one has a part to play whatsoever in our quest for ETERNAL LIFE. The simple truth is that: you were created just like Christ Jesus and the Devil were. And through them, you will be CHOSEN either for ETERNAL LIFE with Christ or ETERNAL DESTRUCTION with the Devil. And all these things have been arranged and planned by God according to His ETERNAL PURPOSE; And there is nothing anyone can do about it. The best you can begin to do now, is to pray for His Mercy. It is a matter of whether you're part of His PURPOSE for creation. If indeed you are, you'll be CHOSEN and it will be according to His purpose at the right time as planned even before the world began. Therefore, true salvation is thus: God's purpose= Mercy= CHOICE= GRACE= BELIEVE(FAITH)= SALVATION and all these are His FREE GIFT found in His word (Christ Jesus); so that no one can boast about it. Ephesians 2:8-9. May God helps us all.

A quick one: if you have followed up with the write-up; and you feel this speaks to you in anyway, then, I want to believe you are part of God's PURPOSE and He has CHOSEN YOU: the only thing you need is GRACE and this GRACE is found in Christ who is the word of God.

All you need to do right now, is to confess Him out with your mouth as your Lord and saviour; and believe in your in your heard that He died and was raised by God. If you respond to this, then, you are saved and the bible should be your friend forthwith...You can chat me up for further guidance. May God help us all.
Religion / The Purpose And Will Of God In All Creation 2. by Kingdomtruth: 5:10pm On Aug 24, 2021
Both the spiritual lives of FLESH (evil spirit) and the spirit of God; were LIFESTYLES first and foremost without powers, before the powers later came to make people live the LIFESTYLES.

* God created a man in His image (visible likeness) in Collosians 1:15 and named Him Christ. He breathed the breathe of life in Him (Christ) just as He did to Adam in Genesis2:7 and Christ became alive. This breathe of life, breathed into Christ was the life (lifestyle/nature) of God. Since Christ was created in the visible likeness(image) of God as in the quoted scripture above, and God is light with no evil in Him; it then means that: Christ too was in the light before He came into the world and later become the light of the world. See John 1:9.

*God also created a man in His image (nature) and called him Lucifer (Devil). He breathed the same breathe of life into him as to Christ; and the man(Lucifer) became alive as well. Just as Christ, the man (Lucifer) also started off his life in the light. However, the man (Lucifer) was made to lose the purpose of his creation ( in the image of God); though not of his own will, but according to the will and purpose of God. See Proverbs 16:4. It important to mention that: it was along the line, while the Lucifer was still in heaven that he was made to lose his spiritual life after the image of God; as a result, he was thrown down to the earth and became the Devil (accuser of the brethren) from the name Lucifer. See Revelation 12:10. This was how SIN was introduced to him. This too was according to the purpose of God.

Please note that: both Christ and the Lucifer did not start their lives with the spirit of God domiciled in them. The SPIRITUAL LIFE they lived, was the livestyle of God, before they were sent into the world. The LIFE is called spiritual, because it is the NORMAL LIFE the heavenly beings live in; Opposite to the one we live here on earth called the PHYSICAL LIFE. It was after they had come down to earth that they each received their respective spirits (THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE FLESH).

Now, please come with me to see this truth. In proverbs 16:4, it says that,"everything the Lord has made, has its destiny/purpose; and the destiny/purpose of the wicked is destruction. Meaning that: the destiny/purpose of God creating the wicked (Devil) is destruction.

You may ask: why would God create one (Christ) for ETERNAL LIFE and the other (Devil) for ETERNAL DESTRUCTION?. Answer: It is all according to His purpose for all of us as human beings. And this is what I seek to reveal at the END of this write-up. So be patient as you come with me please.

Proving this further: in Romans 9:17, apostle paul wrote about how God was referring to Pharaoh; He said," for this purpose I made you king, in order to use you to show my power and to spread my fame over the whole world". Just as He (God) made the Devil according to his purpose; in order to destroy him. As seen in proverbs 16:4.

Also read the ensuing verses of 19-22. Therein, apostle Paul was clear enough when he said,"who can disobey God to make God want to find fault with him"? again he asked,"who can reject God's will"?. Verse 21 says,"just as a clay pot maker,has the right to make two(2) pots with the same lump of clay; one for SPECIAL occasion and the other for ORDINARY use"; in the same way, God has the right to create two(2) people; one (Christ) for ETERNAL LIFE and the other (Devil) for ETERNAL DESTRUCTION as seen above and no one can question Him.

Lastly on this, see Isaiah 45:7. It says,"I create both LIGHT and DARKNESS; I bring both blessing and disaster. I, the Lord, do all these things". From the scripture quoted above; it is clear that God Himself created both LIGHT (CHRIST) and DARKNESS (DEVIL); in order to bring blessing upon one ( CHRIST) and to bring disaster/curse upon the other (DEVIL). All according to His purpose as well, not because anyone has done anything good or bad to deserve his place.

Finally, this is me trying to reveal that: contrary to the belief that the Devil intentionally became PROUD and CONTENTIOUS; and as a result disobeyed God, the truth is: everything that happened and is still happening today; whether the Devil's disobedient and the chaotic world that we live in today; are all happening and unfolding according to the purpose of God for creating this world. It's like a movie, where we are the casts and God is the producer and director at the same time. All of us are Just acting our roles; whether good or bad according to the purpose of God.

Be expecting a very deep SECRET to be revealed in my next update. Until i'm instructed to come this way again. Stay well and God bless us all.
Religion / The Purpose And Will Of God In All Creation. by Kingdomtruth: 2:03pm On Aug 22, 2021
Waoh! To be honest, I just can't be waohed enough, about the person of God. I feel there should be no one adjective or word whatsoever to describe or qualify His being. The word for me I think is INDESCRIBABLE. Yes, He is indeed INDESCRIBABLE. I've actually come to discover that: everything in the universe was created and put in its place; not by mistake, but according to how God destined it to be, i.e according to His will, plan and purpose. See proverbs 16:4. Meaning that, He had everything in mind; before creating them. Even before the world began. See Jeremiah 1:5.


I've always been tutored and had this belief as a achild and even in the recent past; that the Devil was cast and thrown down to the earth from heaven by God; because he (Devil) grew PROUD and became DISOBEDIENT. Always trying to contend with the ALMIGHTINESS of God. While that might be true on the literal level; connotatively, it is not. I've come to discover a hidden truth to this; that is very much supported by both the BIBLE and the SPIRIT. And I think you should see it too. No wonder Christ said," you will know the truth; and only the truth will set you free" See John 8:32.


First off, the TRUTH that runs through this write-up, is anchored on these following scriptures. Ezekiel 28:1-19 and Isaiah 14:3-21. Carefully going through these scriptures, you will discover the following:


1) He was first called LUCIFER while in heaven with God. And the name LUCIFER means: 'bright morning star'. You've ever heard of that phrase?, that's who he was.

2) After he was thrown down to the earth, he became the infamous DEVIL that we all refer him as today. The name DEVIL means: 'accuser of the brethren' Revelation: 24:10

3) You must have also heard of the fallen angels. Yepp! That's one of them right there. When he fell, he fell with a host of his kind (other angels, about 1/3 of them to be precise) and together, they constitute the band of all the fallen angels that began to torment the world. See Revelation 12:4-9.

4) He was the chief angel.

5) He was about the most beautiful person that has ever been created by God.

6) Also one of the most powerful.

7) By far one of the most honoured.

cool He was a symbol of perfection.

9) A man of exquisite wisdom.

10) He was immortal (meaning he would have lived forever)


1) He became sinful.

2) He became violent.

3) He became proud.

4) He became disobedient.

5) His wisdom was corrupted.

6) He became boastful and showy.

7) He became selfish.

cool He moved from an angel in-charge of other angels to a demon in-charge of other demons that fell with him.

9) He became a lier.

10) He became mortal (meaning he will die(second dead)).

Now, I'm aware that you may want to think in the opposite according to those scriptures mentioned above; that there was no where the prophets highlighted the name of Devil.


Therein those scriptures, were two(2) prophets(Isaiah and Ezekiel), sent by God to the kings of Tyre and Babylon. Now take note to see that: the characteristics of the Devil as given above, perfectly fit each of those kings ( the kings of Tyre and Babylon) as described each, by the Prophets in those scriptures. You must also understand that; God in His wisdom knew that the Devil was the one functioning and operating through those kings; the very reason why He (God) sent those prophets to address them each as such. Not enough right? Go down!


Bring your mind, to the example of Christ Jesus and Peter in Mark 8:31-33. When Christ began to reveal to them how He would go to Jerusalem and suffer there; even to the point of dead. Then, Peter responded and said, "God forbid that this should happen to my Lord" Like how can the SON of God be killed by mere mortals?Smiles! In all honesty, as human beings that we are like Peter; nothing seemed wrong with that remark. As Peter was only expressing a genuine concern and love for Christ when he said that. But notice what Christ said,"Get away from me, Satan" Really? Smiles! Like how can you just tell someone to get out; even to the point of referring to him as 'Satan' just because he supposedly had you for good at heart. We all probably would've thought of that, as a 'mean' thing to say by christ. But Christ actually reacted that way; in order to address the Devil that spoke through Peter rather than Peter as an individual; Just like the prophets did, to the kings of Tyre and Babylon as instructed by God in those quoted scriptures above. So in general, whenever you come across any wicked or evil person or ruler; either in the person of Pharaoh as in the bible or any other person around you; then, know that the person, is a figure or a product of the enemy (Satan).

Let me drop my pen here and allow this part to digest. One sure fact is that: this write-up, promises to be a pretty long and continues one. So just sit back, relax and grab for yourself a bag of popcorn with a plastic of soft drink to your side as we ride along in this journey together. Will be right back to continue. Thanks and stay blessed.

1 Like

Religion / Re: I Lost My Dad by Kingdomtruth: 12:45pm On Aug 14, 2021
I lost my dad yesterday .
Since the incident alot
Of things has been coming
To my mind.
Am frustrated don't know
What to do

If this is how life is I wish
I was not even born in the
First place v

This life is like strange place for me now cause I don't know what to believe or what to do ..

It's normal as human beings to feel this way; but we know that in Christ, we have the strength to face every situation by the power that He alone gives. We also know that: everything will turn out good in the end, because this right here is to make you experience Him better. Stay strong and look up to Him. Even though you are sad now; I assure you, you will be glad. After the rain, the sun will shine on you again. My condolences!
Religion / Re: Sex In The Church by Kingdomtruth: 5:04pm On Aug 01, 2021
I thought of this just yesterday. Its a sorry situation. You mentioned genuine repentance as a way forward towards this sin. Please explain how one can engineer, inculcate and put this into practice.
Thank you.

I was drawn to your comment because of its sincerity. Instead of putting out an excuse thereby defending such evil act, yours is a sincere and a genuine quest to overcome it. Please do not give up brother. Just BELIEVE in Christ Jesus and hold on to him firmly. Always read the bible, listen to good messages from his servants and pray as well. Whatever you see happening around you, do not bother but be consoled with Romans 8:28. You will surely overcome, if only you continue to BELIEVE in christ Jesus regardless...God bless you bro. in Jesus' name
Religion / Re: Sex In The Church by Kingdomtruth: 4:55pm On Aug 01, 2021
. Shatap. Just justifying nonsense. Dont allow God use this ur comment against you on ur day of judgment .95% of we youths are guilty as sexual immorality reigns in the church of God .even me is much involved in this sinfulness. May God deliver us all who are willing to change

I was drawn to ur comment because of your sincerity. If I were God, you've earned urself an automatic ticket to the kingdom of God just like the thief hung on the cross by the side of christ, just by that one comment of yours...However, I plead that you do not give up bro. Hold on all the more. Christ will give you the GRACE you need to over I believe in Jesus' name...God bless you brother
Religion / Re: Sex In The Church by Kingdomtruth: 4:49pm On Aug 01, 2021
so in your mind, people just want to have sex sex abi? When nature is calling for it after years of abstinence then what do you expect us to do? All abdomen will be paining someone just because you stay away from sex...see if sex sin is what will make someone go hell then so be it as people will plenty there #no big deal#

I laughed so hard to your comment bro. Because through it, I saw sincerity and a man who is helpless under the power of FLESH. But to be honest with you bro, the O P was right. I beg you not to give up please. Believe in Christ and hod firmly to Him. He will surely give you the GRACE to overcome I believe in Jesus' name...God bless you brother
Religion / A Follow Up To My Last Post. by Kingdomtruth: 9:28pm On Jul 25, 2021
You would've noticed by now, how I always compare both the OLD and the NEW COVENANTS together. It is intentional and the reason is this.: The OLD COVENANT is a foreshadowing of a spiritual reality. I.e the OLD COVENANT revealed /told much of the events that are to happen/come in the NEW COVENANT through Christ Jesus. You heard that these things will happen a long time ago and they are here with us already. So please, I beg that you do not take these messages for granted; because they are true and can be trusted.

You might have thought or continued to think that these words are mine. Well, you may as well have to change your mind; because these words are not mine. The Lord says,"He does not do a thing here on earth without revealing it to His people". Amos 3:7. So in line with that video, l'd like you to see Jeremiah 18:1-12 yourselves. But in case you have difficulty understanding what that scripture means, then, this is it. it means that: when God says He will do something, He will surely do it; only if the people believe and obey. However if otherwise they disobey, then, He will have to step aside and watch them destroyed.

Now, the good news is that: God is aware of of all the persecutions and troubles we see and hear happening all around us and He is actually here to save us all; from this pending destruction hovering over our heads that we are blind to and yet to understand. Make no mistake friends, coz you've not seen anything yet. Like I said earlier, God is here to help us; but He has done it already through Christ Jesus and we need to BELIEVE. He says, "whoever believes, irrespective of their RELIGION should turn away from their SINS and be saved". Else, much as I hate sounding like a prophet of doom; but the truth is: we stand the risk of being destroyed if we disobey. So please I beg us all, do not harden your hearts; but BELIEVE and turn from your SINS, so that you and your family will be saved.

Oh! You may say," who is he"?, "what does he know"? or "if he knows as much, why has he not been healed"?, at least a doctor should be able to heal himself na. Well, my response to that would be Ecclesiastes 3:11. And if you ever had to think that way, then, I'm afraid that would be a fatal trap set for you by the ENEMY himself. And to be honest, not like I like doing this anyway. If you know me too well, you will know how much I like my space and quiet zone. If it was about me, I would just keep mum and bottle everything up; but this has clearly gone beyond me and has become necessary for me to let it out; at least for my sanity and peace of mind.

Finally, the message is clear and simple; and it goes thus: "if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and turn away from their SINS, I will heal their land and deliver them from their troubles". See 2chronicles 7:14. And " whoever wants to save his own life(life in the FLESH) will lose it; but whoever loses his life(life in the FLESH) for my sake, will find it". See Matthew 16:25...The Lord helps and bless us all.
Religion / What Is To Come In Nigeria. by Kingdomtruth: 9:06pm On Jul 25, 2021
I've been trying to upload a video I made concerning the time we are in Nigeria; but it wouldn't be uploaded. However, I'll just summarize what I said in the video and then post what I have to say today.

So here is the summary.
1) That the promise of God was made to Abraham and to Christ Jesus also.
2) That just as the mark of circumcision was a sign in the OLD covenant that God would fulfill his promise of giving the promise land to the Israelites; in the same way, the gift of the spirit is also a sign in the NEW covenant that God will fulfill his promise of giving us the new heaven(our promise land) if we believe.
3) As the mark of circumcision was what determined a child of God in the OLD covenant; the gift of the spirit is what also determines a child of God in the NEW covenant.
4) As the Israelites were made the children of God through Isaac because of the spirit by FAITH; we too are made the children of God because of His spirit by FAITH in Christ Jesus just like Isaac. See Galatians 4:28.

At this juncture, I'd like you to note that: the Israelites became slaves for 430 years in Egypt where they suffered and were treated cruelly in the land they referred to as their land of bondage. And then, there's also a country call Nigeria; which I consider our land of Egypt, also our land of bondage with her people being treated cruelly.

Also observe that, while in Egypt it was a king in the OLD covenant; but in the NEW covenant it is a president. Because the figure of a king in the OLD covenant, is the same as that of a president in the New covenant.

See also that, while the king(a very stubborn one at that) in Egypt with all his people sought to destroy the Israelites who were the people of God because of His Spirit, in the same way, the president with his people are seeking to destroy the people who are God's children because of his spirit in a country call Nigeria. This is the persecution and the troubles you heard would come and they are already here with us.

However, the good news is that: just as God raised a man out of the people in Egypt in the person of Moses who led the people to freedom; in the same way, God will raised a man out of the people in Nigeria who will lead the people to victory from this pending destruction hovering over our heads. I do not know who the man will be or where he will come from; but I do know that he will be a very powerful man of God, who is filled with the spirit of God. He will lead the people to this spiritual battle.

Finally, it is imperative to note: that the Israelites did not depend on their strength or arms, neither did they depend on any mystical power. Instead, they believed in God and He single handedly picked them by the hand and led them to victory. In the same way, we MUST believe in God to help us fight our enemies with the power of His might; rather than with our guns, weapons and any mystical power we may be depending on. God bless us all in Jesus' name.
Religion / Our Inheritance In God. by Kingdomtruth: 5:37pm On Jul 20, 2021
God appeared to Abraham and said;" this is the land/country(promise land) that I am going to give to your descendants.........."Genesis 12:7. And then He said to Abraham;"......look at the stars and try to count them; I will give you as many descendants as that" Genesis 15:5. At the right time, God, did keep His promise to Abraham and blessed him with many descendants through Isaac, just as He blessed him materially with silver and gold because Abraham believed in Him. I'd like us to take note to see that; God did not bless Abraham first, until Abraham believed in Him though he(Abraham) did not SEE nor HEAR Him(God). See Genesis15:6 and Romans 4:3. At this point, it is clear that only by Faith in God we are made righteous and then qualify to receive His blessings, just as we saw in the case of Abraham who believed in God and was accepted as righteous and also qualified to receive God's blessings.

However, a lack of Faith in God, disqualifies us from God's blessings. See Hebrew 3:19. Because the Israelites did not believe God, they were not able to enter the land He promised them. Though, He blessed their ancestor(Abraham) because he believed in Him, however, the children did not receive the overall blessing(promise land) because they did not believe. Now, if you have followed me carefully to this point, you would've noticed that: all these promises and activities, took place in the OLD COVENANT for Abraham and his descendants, and you may want to ask; how do all these things affect us we who are in the NEW COVENANT?.

The scripture says: For God has made all prisoners of disobedience, so that He might show mercy to all.See Romans11:32. This means that: both Jews and gentiles have disobeyed God, so that His mercy might be shown to all through Christ Jesus. Now the truth I want to establish is that: Because the Jews have disobeyed God through their lack of faith in Him, just as the Gentiles did, we all have received His mercy as a result. So that; whether Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists and all, regardless of your religion, it is by FAITH in Christ Jesus that we are saved and are made the children of God through Abraham and will receive the blessings(promise land) that God gave to him(Abraham) through the promise of the Spirit in Christ Jesus. See Galatians 3:14. So that, Just as Abraham had FAITH in God and was blessed with Isaac who INHERITED his father's blessings and the promise of the promise land, we too irrespective of our religion, will also INHERIT the blessings of God to Abraham(the promise land and everything) through our FAITH in Christ Jesus and the spirit as his(Abraham's) children Just like Isaac. The scripture says:just as Isaac was, we too are children because of the spirit.See Galatians 4:28. By this, it means all of us are the children of Abraham by FAITH through Christ Jesus in this NEW COVENANT and are qualified to share God's blessings on him through our FAITH in Christ Jesus.

Because the Israelites had failed in the FIRST COVENANT through their unbelieve, we, the Gentiles together with them have been given the second chance to become the children of Abraham all of us through Christ Jesus in this NEW COVENANT so as to receive God's blessings and what he promised His children. This is the INHERITANCE we have in God through Christ Jesus. Regardless of our RELIGION, we have the assurance that we are the HEIR of God and will receive what He promised and will also come to posses everything that He is through Christ our Lord.

Finally, it is imperative to mention that: in the OLD COVENANT, it was the promise land(the land of Canaan) but in this NEW COVENANT that was wrought by Christ Jesus, ours is the promise of a NEW HEAVEN. So, we MUST be very careful that we do not receive that promise/blessing just as the Israelites did through UNBELIEVE(lack of faith)...God bless us all.
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 11:39am On May 05, 2021

I am talking about the almigjty, all powerful creator of the universe, you are talking about one small aspect of the creator.....i had to live you alone, before you insult him by ignorance..

smiles! it's alright bro...I pray for more understanding on all of us in Jesus' name.
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 10:46am On May 05, 2021

Then you clearly do not know anything about God....
Bye bye
If that's your conclusion, then I respect it...Stay well broda
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 10:43am On May 05, 2021
My brother, I just wanna correct some few things.
(1) mind is not another entity in man,if you read my post recently you will understand.. You would be more accurate if you said man is a spirit, dwelling in a body and has a mind... The centre in your brain that process all input info, and can also output info is your mind. Sir.

(2)there is not like your spirit controls your mind, you are responsible to control your mind. Paul said brethren gaurd your heart with all diligence, mind you he is talking to brethren filled with the Holy spirit.
Your spirit is telling your mind what to do, hope your mind not playing tricks on you.. Holyspirit can instruct you, put something in your mind.. But it's unique(there's a special way it occurs) that you can diffentiate it.. (only people that are alive in the spirit can relate to that) Many people play with their mind and say the Holy ghost instruct them. Smiles.. The surprising thing is that many such people may not even be filled with the Holy ghost sef.

(3)how do you know, spirit don't have mind, where is the bible reference for that, or have you been to the spirit realm. Even if you've seen spirits before, where you able to discern their innermost if there's mind or not. Let stop sitting at the corner of a room and exercising our imagination, boastfully come out to say it...if spirit where programed as you said how come Satan was able to figure out a way to deceive eve, and executed it against the will of God..
Pls sir no offence, are you filled with the Holy ghost Cuz if so.. He will reveal things in the true light to you...do you pray for understanding when you can't understand some stuff in the bible.. If you don't start doing so.
AND if you aren't yet filled with the Holy ghost, pursue that first.. Before you come out to teach.. No offence. But that the bitter truth..
God bless you sir.

Good morning brother. Trust you're doing great.

So, I'll just go straight to the point sir.

don't you think you are contradicting yourself in a way...You said:"man is a spirit dwelling in a body and has a mind". Then, in another breathe you also said:"there is nothing like spirit controls your mind, you're responsible to control your mind". If you agree that man is a spirit, so, why don't you agree that: that same man being a spirit has the power to control his mind?. Don't you think that: the man being a spirit has the power to control his mind?. Well, it's not about what you think, but what the truth is. And the truth is that: we are all spirits, either you're possessed by the FLESH(evil spirit) or the SPIRIT of God(HOLY SPIRIT) and they both control our minds depending on the one that indwells us. The spirit is power, so, it has the power to control our minds.

Furthermore, Satan was able to deceive Eve because she did not have the power of the spirit in her to give her the strength/power to resist him and to reveal to her what he was about. Remember it was just a breathe of the spirit that gave her life, not the fullness of the spirit in her.

Finally, I want you to know that: even the holy spirit and Christ Jesus have minds, bodies and the spirit of God in them as the source of there lives...Though, there bodies are the spiritual bodies that are stronger and more beautiful than the physical type we have. Stay well brother
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 10:31pm On May 04, 2021
[quote author=sonmvayina post=101386378]

Where did you get the info that Satan challenged God. This is new to me.. Please tell me.

From my own research, satan is a son of God and works for God. God is the one who creates both Good and evil, light and darkness. Satan does nothing without first taking permission from God.

Except the god you believe is not all powerful. Is it?[/quote

Satan challenged God in so many ways bro.

1) By trying to take the place of God.

2) By seeking to be worshipped as God.

3) By creating his own kingdom called the kingdom of darkness.

As a matter of fact bro, he continues to challenge God every single day.

SECONDLY, Satan used to be the Angel not even the son of God. And YES, a worker of God only before he became unruly. After his act of insubordination, he stopped being an Angel and a worker of God and is now an ENEMY.

FINALLY, I outrightly object this claim of God creating good and evil, light and darkness bro. That's not scriptural. The scripture in Corinthians clearly tells us that: good and evil do not meet. likewise light and darkness do not live together as much as the SPIRIT and the FLESH cannot cohabit.

I also want you to know that: the kingdom of God, is the kingdom of light and it is that light that God represents that the devil turned it upside down and you have his infamous kingdom today called the kingdom of darkness. Just as he turned the TRUTH of God in the opposite and you have the LIES that people celebrate and live in today. God is light, darkness does not dwell where He is, just as He is good and evil is not a part of Him. Whatever evil you see today comes from the ENEMY but not from God. So, God cannot create evil, nor darkness. That was why out of the darkest world, He created Light and made light to shine across the surface of the world...I will stop here as my eyes are heavy already...Good night and stay well brodaman...Shalom
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 9:14pm On May 04, 2021

When did the relationship between God and satan change?

Secondly only humans were given free will, spirits dont have that luxury. God gave us a brain to think and choose. But spirits dont have brain or body.

Life is a choice. ...whatever choices you make, learn to leave with it, if tou cant make a good one next time. Your destiny is in your hands..

The relationship between God and Satan changed, the moment Satan made it a point of duty to oppose and challenge God. After which God cast him out of His presence and then, he became the ENEMY of God.

I agree with you absolutely that spirits do not have BRAINS AND BODIES. However, they do need bodies and brains to function. Reason why Satan baptises/circumcises our minds with his EVIL POWER to live in our mortal bodies to be able to unleash his evils...The same way God the invisible spirit, became visible through Christ Jesus in order to appear to mankind when He wanted to reveal Himself to the world...So that's it bro. Stay well brodaman
Religion / Re: The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 7:42pm On May 04, 2021
Whether Evil spirit or good spirit, they are both the property of God..satan or whatever you want to call him is a son of God. Whatever power he has was given to him by God and the power MUST be used as God dictates...end of the day, the will of God must prevail.

Yeah, you've spoken well in your comment I must commend...But, I've got few things to correct from your comment.

1) Satan is no longer the son of God, though he used to be.

2) God will not dictate or control how we should live and use what He has given us including Satan, even though He created....Because His gift for us are without repentance.

3) Finally, I agree that the will of God will surely prevail...But one must know His WILL and His TRUTH first for a successful life in Him...John8:32: you will know the truth and the truth will set you free...Thanks for you comment bro. I enjoyed it...Stay well
Religion / The Reality Of Our Lives As Human Beings by Kingdomtruth: 2:17pm On May 04, 2021
Because this is my life, my experience and all that I'm about, I have come to share it with us.And by God's GRACE, I'll never stop, until as many people as possible have come to see and experience this wonderful life in Christ Jesus. I do not have any other message than the message about Christ and Him crucified. For it is the POWER and the WISDOM of God to the salvation of all who believe. 1corinthians 1:24.

And the message is that: there are two(2) different lifestyles. They are:

1) Life in the FLESH(I.e life as controlled by the SPIRIT of Satan(evil spirit) and

2) Life in the SPIRIT(I.e as controlled by the SPIRIT of God.(Holy Spirit).See Romans 8:6-8.

It is very important to know at this point that as human beings, we have three(3) important aspects of our beings. They are:


2) The MIND

3) The BODY


Again, there are two(2) different SPIRITS actually. They are:

1) The SPIRIT of Satan(evil spirit) which is a life of its own. And

2) The SPIRIT of God(HOLY SPIRIT) which is also a life of its own.

As human beings, no one has the two(2) SPIRITS in him at a time. Who ever tries to be possessed by the two(2) SPIRITS at a time is calling for a serious conflict as the two(2), do not and cannot live together. It is either we are controlled by the SPIRIT of Satan (evil spirit) to live in SIN or we are controlled by the SPIRIT of God(HOLY SPIRIT) to live in RIGHTEOUSNESS/HOLINESS.

As a matter of fact, everyone as human being, born of flesh and blood is a carrier of this evil spirit(Satan's spirit) to live naturally in SIN. However, you should know that: we share this nature(evil spirit) at birth, not because of what we've done or fail to do, but because we inherited it from our first ancestor/Father Adam and his wife Eve at birth.


Just as important as the SPIRIT is, the MIND is also important. I want us to know that: the MIND is the centre of everything. It is in the MIND that both the SPIRIT and the BODY interact i.e the spirit controls the MIND in other for the MIND to further control the BODY. You should also know at this juncture that: no two(2) people share the same MIND. We all have independent/different MINDS. Not even our MINDS and that of God or Christ Jesus are the same. When God created us, He did that independent of Himself, Christ Jesus and every other person through our different MINDS. Finally on this, while we have the same SPIRIT depending on which one is controlling us at a time, our MINDS are not the same at a time.


The BODY is the frame of human beings. It is the physical aspect of our beings. It contains different parts and is like the house, that houses both the SPIRIT and the MIND. While the BODY will die, the SPIRIT and the MIND will never die. That is why God does not care very much about the body as much as He does about the SPIRIT and the MIND. However, because the SPIRIT is holy for us as Christians, the body that carries it must be affected too and be HOLY.


Not the MIND actually, but the SPIRIT is the seed of our LIFE, POWER, WISDOM and TRUTH. While the MIND, is the seed of our THOUGHT and REASONING. The SPIRIT is like the power house; it is actually that which gives us LIFE and all that we need in life. However, it is in the MIND that everything is processed. While the BODY, finally responds to the activities of the two(2) I.e the SPIRIT and the MIND. The spirit communicates to the MIND, the MIND processes it and further gives the SPIRIT'S instruction to the BODY, and the BODY then implements or carries it out. This is likened or can be understood better from the relationship that co-exist between the three(3) arms of government. Say: The LEGISLATURE, JUDICIARY and the EXECUTIVE. While the LEGISLATURE arm makes the LAW, the JUDICIARY interpretes it and the EXECUTIVE finally implements or carries it out. Thus, the SPIRIT is liken to the LEGISLATURE, the MIND is liken to the JUDICIARY and the BODY, is liken to the EXECUTIVE.


Surely, this is going to be a long post; But, I'll just stop here and allow this part to sink and digest very well before I complete it in my next post...Thanks and God bless us all.
Religion / Re: The Love For God VS The Love Of God by Kingdomtruth: 11:46am On Apr 14, 2021

Good morning my brother, I hear you loud and clear but I am beseeching you and begging you and everyone else out here, that the way you go, which is in Contravention of Any of God's Law, Is Wrong and you would be Condemned There by The Law which you could have kept but you failed to do so. What in Law is Called the Sin of Omission!

Alright, thanks for the advise bro. Stay bless...Thanks
Religion / Re: The Love For God VS The Love Of God by Kingdomtruth: 10:33am On Apr 14, 2021

Thereby Proving My Point that beyond the Definition of it, You Do not Know the Application of Faith by the Living and as you have Truly Confessed Above neither did y care to Know About it, or rather you were not able to figure out what it Truly and Practically means, As Abraham Did.

It is sufficient for you to just use your living for living sakes and living "outside" The Law ("As I do not live by any rule"wink meanwhile, "Outside" The Law is still Covered by Law, ditto: "The Law that says that you are Outside The Law!"

But it is your own bed you make and you shall lay on it as you have made it.

However, it is Established and Written that Abraham, LIVED by Faith and living is and has always been A PRACTICAL ACTIVITY REQUIRING ACTIONS and CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS!

It is Written "My people perish for lack of knowledge; where No Counsel is, the people fall"

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach A Just Man, and he will increase in learning.
but fools reject (despise) wisdom and instruction.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

These and Many More, are The Laws I Choose to Consciously and Willfully Live By, not just just living for living sakes or as some others would say, "not just existing"!

I Choose to Consciously and Willfully Live and not just live because I have been given life to live!

Good morning bro.

Like I said before, it's a good thing that you have your SURE way that you BELIEVE is the GOSPEL TRUTH, I equally do though differently. I advise that you stick to what you believe in and I will do same. Wishing that we'll all come to know the TRUTH one day i PRAY in Jesus' name...Stay well brother
Religion / Re: The Love For God VS The Love Of God by Kingdomtruth: 10:30pm On Apr 13, 2021

Yes it is Truly by Faith but I bet that beyond the Definition of Faith, you do not Truly know the Practical and Usufactory Application of it, just like Thattallgirl, or do you?

well, there is nothing to be applied for in the first place. As I do not live by any rule, regulation or ritual as far as my faith and life in Christ is...My FAITH is in Christ and Him crucified alone. He is the LIFE that I live and my one desire, is to continue to behold Him and His example everyday in order to become conformed to His image and likeness...So, I do not have to know how to apply anything. I live by GRACE

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