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Politics / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Soldiers And Militant Exchange Heavy Gunfire In Bayelsa by PapiWata: 2:03pm On Aug 08, 2016
The arrival of ground-attack jet aircraft in the Niger Delta marks the official commencement of a full-scale, no-holds-barred shooting war, the outcome of which will define the very destiny of Nigeria as a nation.

The advance of technology puts many precision tools of war in the hands of federal forces battling today's marshaled aquatic militias, BUT, for purposes of context, the Niger Delta occupies an area FIVE TIMES the size of Vietnam's Mekong River Delta, where, half a century ago, the might of the United States of America's military offensive capability met its match amid the creeks, triple-canopy rain forest, lagoons and deadly swamps that were home to the resilient, resourceful, fearless and determined Vietcong guerrilla forces sent there to wage a prolonged and tortuous war of attrition, under the guidance of seasoned and tested combat strategists of communist north.

Weighing the benefits of advanced combat technology, against the home-turf advantage on the side of the defending amphibious militants, during the prosecution of Nigeria's watery war in the Niger Delta, it is as yet way too early to tell which side of this clash will ultimately prevail when the smoke clears. Suffice to say, however, a new chapter in Nigeria's troubled history has opened on this day, as war's roaring birds of prey unleash their annihilating fire down in tracer-lit arcing streams from above the restless black waters of the Niger Delta.

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Celebrities / Re: Nikos Adeleke Dancing With His Father Like They're Lovers (video,pics) by PapiWata: 10:12am On Apr 21, 2016
She just fat full everywhere

But in Nigeria fat is GOOD, and the more the better.

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Car Talk / Re: Propeller Shaft ( Drive Shaft ) Spin Balancing In Nigeria ? by PapiWata: 7:08am On Apr 21, 2016
How about buying a replacement shaft? unless it's not available.

This was the first option I considered, Hotario, but, due to the vintage of the 1985 Mercedes W126, and the extreme rarity of V8 versions of this car in Africa, finding a replacement drive shaft anywhere in the world has turned out to be one very difficult task.

Anyway, for now, the shaft has been handed over to a lathe shop where a rudimentary balance has been carried out by simply turning the shaft at slow lathe speeds, and shaving off any aspects that are obviously out of round. Road test comes up soon, as I set this project aside for a while in order to handle other obligations.
Health / Re: Pristine Muscles by PapiWata: 11:52am On Apr 06, 2016
I throway salute to we Oga Pristine, the Nairaland Director General-At-Large, of Iron Resources.

Summer weather means BEACH weather in Europe and North America, so 'yall need to get on up out that TV armchair, and hit the gym, so you look good with your shirt off, BEFORE you go out on those all important bikini inspection tours where the sea meets the sand.

Say NO to a pot belly, and say YES to healthy living with regular weight lifting.

You have only ONE life to live, so build yourself a Ferrari hard-body that makes beautiful women smile, so as not to end up with a city-bus overload-body that no fine girl wants to see.

No better way to fight off Old Father Time, than to lift weights. You can jog for miles, and swim the Atlantic Ocean daily, but youthful toned muscles that can be SEEN to be in peak condition, can ONLY be created and maintained in the weight-room.

Start light, and pile on the weights when it starts to feel lighter, so as to bulk up with prime USDA beef that COMMANDS respect on sight.
Celebrities / Re: Olajumoke Stuns In New Close Up Pix by PapiWata: 8:47am On Mar 10, 2016
To paraphrase that wise old saying, you can apply lipstick to certified bush-meat, but bush-meat will still remain so, regardless.
Health / Re: Women Now Pay £147 To Allow A Stranger Rub Their Vaginas? by PapiWata: 12:14pm On Mar 09, 2016

Oh really!

Yes sir indeed. There was a documentary program about it aired on Discovery Channel a few weeks ago. Fascinating stuff.

Imagine being such a professional, and filling out your resume in detail, to land a new higher paying gig.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Muslims On Suicide Watch As Trump Cruises To White House by PapiWata: 12:08pm On Mar 09, 2016
I have greater chances of being installed as the King of Sweden than Donald Dump has to become the next US president.

Like it or loathe it, Donald Dump will run against Hillary Clinton, who will defeat the man in the wig by one of the widest margins ever recorded in the history of democratic elections.

Hillary Clinton is indeed destined to become the first female president of the United States of America, and she will walk into that post by first stepping on the balding head of Donald Dump, who will be forced to file for yet another bankruptcy when the dust settles and he has to go back home a loser.
Celebrities / Re: Olajumoke Stuns In New Close Up Pix by PapiWata: 11:55am On Mar 09, 2016
The Emperor has NO clothes, y'all, and this woman is as plain and indeed UGLY as they get. Furthermore she is mother of several rug-rats, and we all know how child-birth ravages the female body, meaning that no matter how much air-brushing and photo-shop enhancement of her pictures is carried out, she will STILL be loose and saggy underneath her clothes, and as such would never warrant even a fleeting moment of serious consideration for a modelling job, from the fashion industry operating in most of the civilized world.

Nigeria is blessed with some of the most spectacularly beautiful, fit, busty and FIRM young women who have never borne any kids yet. Many of those breathtaking African beauties can be seen on university campuses, and indeed on the streets engaged in menial tasks such as hawking food items, BUT this woman is NOT one of those fine specimens. Whoever elevated this very poor example of African womanhood to the status of a fashion icon is either deranged, or has a really cruel and sadistic sense of humor.

The whole brouhaha over this very unremarkable housewife is reminiscent of the fawning adulation showered on the very old, fat and out-of-shape mother-of-five called Mrs.OMO-DARUGBO, whose depressing image is pasted in this forum and in the press so often as to be quite offensive to discerning eyes.

Pretty soon I will post a picture of my grandma on this forum, so those with ZERO appreciation for true youthful feminine beauty can drool and swoon over her. Grandma would love that sort of hysterical attention, even at her advanced age of 75 years young.

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Celebrities / Re: Omg!! See What An Anambra Based Millionaire Kept In His House As Pet by PapiWata: 11:39am On Mar 09, 2016
So this gentleman has 3 dogs as pets ? Great. I will alert the world press about this monumental discovery. Thank you for the inside scoop, OP.


Celebrities / Re: HABA! Ex- MBGA, Stella Charles Puts Her Boobs And Assets To Mark Mothers Day by PapiWata: 11:31am On Mar 09, 2016
Too much tucking in stomach

Ha ha yes she is taking in a DEEEEP breath to hide that loose and droopy gut as best as is possible, for sure.

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Car Talk / Re: Propeller Shaft ( Drive Shaft ) Spin Balancing In Nigeria ? by PapiWata: 11:26am On Mar 09, 2016
Your project sounds awesome. Nothing that tickles me more than an older, stock-looking family sedan that surprises much newer (and expensive) cars on the road.

Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of any shops that perform dynamic propshaft or driveshaft balancing in Nigeria. Of course here in the UK, just like in the US it's pretty common, and a routine procedure. I always get all mine checked, and balanced if required each and every time I remove and reinstall them, even if I marked the couplings at each end for correct orientation.

Is it best to get one balanced in the US and shipped? That's a long haul, and of course if it's dropped or rough handled, it may render the balancing it received pre-shipping useless.

Your reply is much appreciated Oga Siena. Your mention of possible damage to the drive shaft's balance during shipping is something I didn't factor in at all, and that, added to the cost and time considerations, makes the shipment of the drive shaft a lot less attractive of an option now.

As a last resort, there is a workshop close to where the car is located that simply uses a lathe to perform a very rudimentary, and of course imprecise version of balancing for drive shafts, where the lathe operator visually notes and corrects any obvious out-of-roundness on the shaft, so I may in desperation go ahead and try that option if it turns out that a drive shaft balancing shop just cannot be found in Lagos.
Health / Re: Women Now Pay £147 To Allow A Stranger Rub Their Vaginas? by PapiWata: 11:10am On Mar 09, 2016
I hereby volunteer to perform this vital task FOR FREE. The only limitation is that I will not be available to treat old, married, overweight or ugly women.

By the way this profession is NOT new, for the practice was first introduced in the early 1900's Europe.
Car Talk / Re: Propeller Shaft ( Drive Shaft ) Spin Balancing In Nigeria ? by PapiWata: 11:04am On Mar 09, 2016
It is so hard to believe that Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, cannot boast of one single engineering workshop, in its commercial capital, that is equipped to perform dynamic spin balancing of car drive shafts.

A drive shaft that is out of balance will cause major vibrations through the entire drive train, so I just don't want to believe that absolutely NO facilities exist in Lagos Nigeria, that are capable of performing this vital fix.

As a last resort, I suppose I could either purchase a new drive-shaft for the vehicle here in the US, for export to Nigeria, or, if one is not easily found due to the age of the car, I could ship the unbalanced drive shaft to Europe for this very routine balancing operation, and then ship it back to Nigeria to round off that very cumbersome and costly adventure, but that drastic step would only be necessary IF it is in fact true that there is not one drive shaft balancing workshop in Nigeria, a nation of 200 million people.

The project I am working on is a 1985 Mercedes saloon that started out as a 280SE, with a puny little 6-cylinder lawn mower engine, but is now a 500SE, fitted with a newly rebuilt 5-liter M117 V8 motor that makes this car take off and fly like a bat out of hell. All that needs to be tamed is that annoying propeller shaft vibration, that would take just ten minutes to remedy in a properly equipped workshop such as the one in the link I posted above.

I would have addressed this question to Engineer Siena right away, but he resides in Blighty, so may not be aware of such a facility in Nigeria. All the same I have invoked his much respected name in the hopes that he may know someone in Nigeria who is familiar enough with the engineering workshops operating in Lagos, to point me in the right direction for a workshop equipped with a propeller shaft balancing rig.

Once again thanks in advance to all yee car gurus, and here's hoping y'all can help a brother out.
Car Talk / Propeller Shaft ( Drive Shaft ) Spin Balancing In Nigeria ? by PapiWata: 1:44pm On Mar 07, 2016
Mark 4 Engineering in Lagos was in the past cited as one of the very few workshops in Nigeria where spin balancing of drive shafts was performed in the past, but today that service is no longer offered at that location.

If any of Nairaland's automotive gurus are aware of any facilities located in Lagos, where reliable equipment for spin balancing of drive shafts is available, I would be very grateful for any details that can be offered on a reputable workshop location and company name.

Politics / Re: Abba Kyari Meets Ambode After The Rescue Of Kidnapped Lagos Schoolgirls by PapiWata: 1:14pm On Mar 07, 2016
Absolutely brilliant police work from this living Nigerian hero. This iconic giant of a man deserves a LARGE cash prize, to serve as inspiration to other members of the force to redouble their investigative efforts.


Politics / Re: Melaye Arrived National Hospital In His Motorcycle To See Body Of Late Ocholi by PapiWata: 1:07pm On Mar 07, 2016
Of all the arrogant pricks who got rich overnight as a result of stealing and embezzling via creative accounting with state funds, Mr. Melaye is by far the most vain, self-important and self-absorbed braggart of the lot.

This semi-literate monkey spends inordinate amounts of time on social media posting pictures and breathlessly boasting about the fleet of overpriced and impractical cars he bought with looted public funds, and truth be told, more than a few observers would applaud with amused relief if this cretin Melaye is kidnapped, and then summarily butchered for fetish body parts, never to be seen intact again.

Even the road accident death that claimed a fellow traveler of Melaye did not interrupt the boastful agenda of this deranged simpleton, who showed up at the morgue riding his latest vehicular toy, in order to impress the electorate whose interests are subverted every day by the relentless kleptomania of sub-humans like Melaye.

May you die soon and in utter, prolonged agony, Melaye. Your days as a career thief are numbered, and you WILL be terminated with extreme prejudice, when you least natural expect justice to come calling.

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Politics / Re: Dino Melaye To Nigerians- When I Am Ready, Una Go See My Made In Nigeria Wife by PapiWata: 1:23pm On Mar 05, 2016
Why are people so jealous of our illustrious looting Governor Oshiomole ? The man measures a mere 4 feet tall in boots with heels, and is also a proud grandfather several times over, so you can only imagine his rabid drooling excitement when he saw his future bride selling her well- worn red snapper at the rate of $50 per half-hour, in that Dubai luxury hotel.

Being a self-styled "man of the people" who purports to have devoted his life to uplifting the poor, it is only right and fitting that after wetting his shriveled noodle with his tenured hooker over a glorious 15-second period of carnal bliss, our man Oshiomole made a hasty marriage proposal that was instantly accepted by his lovely high class ho', who recognized an accomplished treasury looter ready for the fleecing when she saw one.

The rest, as they say is history, given that the one time call-girl and pleasure consultant is DONE turning tricks in the Dubai Hilton, and has now been elevated to the status of a First Lady to a kleptomaniac state governor freely helping himself to state funds in Africa's most corrupt nation.

Haters stop hating PLEASE, because y'all would do the exact same thing if you were travelling the world on a government treasury expense ticket, and were lucky enough to score some hot nookie that is worthy of "privatizing" and taking home as an instant upgrade to replace the overweight old ball-and-chain you reluctantly keep at home.
Politics / Re: Oshiomhole Replies Dino Melaye, Says 'you're Empty' by PapiWata: 9:04am On Mar 05, 2016
Why are people so jealous of our illustrious looting Governor Oshiomole ? The man measures a mere 4 feet tall in boots with heels, and is also a proud grandfather several times over, so you can only imagine his rabid drooling excitement when he saw his future bride selling her well- worn red snapper at the rate of $50 per half-hour, in that Dubai luxury hotel.

Being a man of the people who proclaims to have devoted his life to uplifting the poor, it is only right and fitting that after wetting his shriveled noodle with his tenured hooker over a glorious 15-second period of carnal bliss, our man Oshiomole made a hasty marriage proposal that was instantly accepted by his lovely high class ho', who recognized an accomplished treasury looter ready for the fleecing when she saw one.

The rest, as they say is history, given that the one time call-girl and pleasure consultant is DONE turning tricks in the Dubai Hilton, and has now been elevated to the status of a First Lady to a kleptomaniac state governor freely helping himself to state funds in Africa's most corrupt nation.

Haters stop hating PLEASE, because y'all would do the exact same thing if you were travelling the world on a government treasury expense ticket, and were lucky enough to score some hot nookie that is worthy of "privatizing" and taking home as an instant upgrade to replace the worn out old ball-and-chain you reluctantly keep at home.

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Car Talk / Re: 2003 Nissan 350z Restoration by PapiWata: 11:48am On Feb 28, 2016
Autofreak you have done a very thorough and skilled job of bringing this 13-year old Nissan Z car to life. There is an enormous satisfaction that comes with restoring a vehicle to its past glory both mechanically and cosmetically. You spent some serious money to revive this beast, and you will be rewarded with many miles of high performance driving. Yourself and Engineer Siena are educative inspirations to all readers of this forum who appreciate those fine performance automobiles from the recent past, and who like to see such mechanical icons given new leases of life at the hands of seasoned experts.

Back in the day I drove a 1974 Datson 240Z that I bought used and souped up with custom flared fenders, wide tires and a metallic blue paint job. I recall wheeling that Z car along US Highway 395 northbound towards Mammoth Mountain ski area in northern California.

With the exception of a couple of times when I slowed down a taste so as to avoid pursuit by CHP patrol cars laid up in ambush, I maintained a constant speed of 105 miles per hour, for well over 4 hours straight across the burning deserts and up the steep winding roads into the winter chill of the northern Sierra foothills, and brother, let me tell you, that old Z car did not complain or overheat one single time all the way there and back to SoCal.

Your Z car is a direct descendant of my old 240Z, and as such is GUARANTEED to serve you well, at all highway speeds from the mundane to the insane, with even more technological enhancements to the sterling credentials of its great ancestors comprising the Z car dynasty.

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Health / Re: Pristine Muscles by PapiWata: 6:32am On Feb 22, 2016
Mr Pristine, I seem to be adding weight, I can tell because I see myself in the mirror and I knw I have added some weight since december.
But my confusion is this, when I check my self on the scale, I still weigh the same, not even a single Kg added from what my scale says.
Why is this so?

As you gain muscle, Mr. Figur, you also lose fat, so the change you notice on the weighing scale may not be as dramatic as the change you can see in the mirror, meaning that so your progress is real, and not an illusion.

Oga Pristine I throway salute. Looking good, brother man. Keep hittin' them irons, and the world will turn. Little by little, pioneers like yourself will gradually educate the Nigerian male that a huge gut is NOT a sign of wealth, but a sign that the person who looks like that is lazy, un-informed, and headed for an early death from any of the numerous diseases that kill off the lazy and the fat, all over the world.


Politics / Re: Buhari Is A Useless Nonentity Kunu Drinker And The Worst President In The World by PapiWata: 1:59pm On Feb 15, 2016
Chai ! Jajnaweed ! Ya Juju strong o. How manage dis ya topic never get cutlass mark yet ?

I beg I wan come work as gate-man for ya mansion, dey take blanla and stick dey drive enemy of progress dem all.


Celebrities / Re: Kanye West Becomes Twitter Begger, Begs Mark Zuckerberg For Money. by PapiWata: 1:45pm On Feb 15, 2016
The only "talent" Mr. Kanye West has EVER had, is self-promotion, and now it looks as though the novelty of his bone-headed antics has finally worn off, just as the short-sighted ape squandered all his savings on pointless crap.

Kanye West, your hooker wife with the huge udders will drop you like a bad habit when you truly run out of cash, so you had better go ahead right now and apply at your nearest Wall Mart to become a minimum-wage greeter at the door, since you ain't about chit no more, you scowling chimpanzee ha ha ha.

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Education / Re: Teacher Beats 3-Year-Old For Urinating & Defecating On His Body (pics) by PapiWata: 1:23pm On Feb 15, 2016
This type of sadistic and brutal child abuse WILL persist in Nigeria UNTIL laws are enacted to protect the Nigerian child from demented bullies with sticks, be they teachers, parents or guardians.

JAIL child beaters after a fair trial , and throw away the key so they can rot and die behind bars. Child beaters are sick and demented sub-human mutants that are better off dead, so the Nigerian legislature should URGENTLY follow the lead taken by former Lagos State Governor Raji Fashola, who OUTLAWED the beating or torture of children in ANY context, thus protecting GENERATIONS of Lagos State children from falling victim to attacks perpetrated by psychopathic and demonic individuals who delight in the infliction of pain and injury.

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Celebrities / Re: Sira Kante Celebrates Her 20th Birthday With Braless Photos by PapiWata: 1:09pm On Feb 15, 2016
This woman is drop-dead gorgeous, and Davido is certainly a man of excellent taste, to have wooed her in particular, out of all the female fans throwing themselves at him.

The girl reminds one of a younger and far more beautiful version of singer Ryanna, and most men would give anything to wake up beside a breathtaking beauty like this. I cannot take my eyes off that amazing body displayed so delectably by this super fine girl, because that figure of hers is just utterly mesmerizing.

Now here is what baffles me completely. In a country such as Nigeria where you can walk down the street and see beautiful black women of this caliber literally in droves, why oh why on Earth is it that the Nigerian public still regards fat old mother's-of-five such as the very plain and aged Mama Bomboy Omotola, as "sex symbols" ?

Why not gently encourage all those middle-aged long-expired matrons currently so revered by the public to retire into well-deserved obscurity, so that some of these fit and sexy YOUNG women rise to prominence and mega-income in the fashion, movie and advertising industries ?

A girl with the looks of Davido's current lover could command SERIOUS money as a fashion model in the West, so why is it Africa fails so badly in recognizing its own human treasures, in order to celebrate and elevate fat ugly old women ?
Car Talk / Re: #valentinesday: Special Volkswagen Spotted In Kano State Today (Photos) by PapiWata: 12:27pm On Feb 15, 2016
Baja Bugs such as the ones in the above pictures were popular during the 1980's on America's West Coast. Those heavily customized desert racing Volkswagen beetles were named after the famous Baja Desert Race held annually for many decades. The fenders and other after-market body panels were generally made of fiberglass.

Baja is pronounced BAHA.
Car Talk / Re: Mercedes-benz GLS 2017 Review: Luxury SUV by PapiWata: 12:22pm On Feb 15, 2016
I must buy half a dozen of these for me and my harem.
Car Talk / Re: Miley Cyrus White Mercedes Benz Convertible by PapiWata: 12:20pm On Feb 15, 2016
R230 Roadster. Nice to look at, but costly and unreliable to run.
Car Talk / Re: Mercedes Benz Thread by PapiWata: 12:15pm On Feb 15, 2016
All dis Benz dey are sharing.
Car Talk / Re: Mercedes Benz Golden Age 1985 To 1999 by PapiWata: 12:13pm On Feb 15, 2016
Diariz God
Politics / Re: Buhari Is A Useless Nonentity Kunu Drinker And The Worst President In The World by PapiWata: 12:00pm On Feb 15, 2016
It is truly astonishing to see that this discussion thread has avoided the censors' axe. The language used is extreme, and unrestrained. I love it.


Politics / Re: Obahiagbon Comments On Obasanjo Greeting Ooni Of Ife by PapiWata: 7:59pm On Feb 06, 2016
The Always Mighty Grammar-Meister Extraordinaire Obahiagbon never fails to deliver robust and illuminating effusions of profoundly evocative verbiage audaciously launched along a progressively more confounding gradient of trajectory, whenever events of transcendental significance roil the swirling cross-currents of Nigeria's socio-political seascape, enrapturing, inspiring, befuddling, bemusing and mesmerizing once dispassionate observers who line the serpentine shores of existential nihilism, beneath the reddening skies of an African sunset, lost in the moment, and lapped by the gentle foamy wavelets of understanding and enlightenment, caressing their bare feet planted in the sand, while Patrick Obahiagbon, The Master, holds them spellbound, once again.

Nihil carburendum illegitimi.

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