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Health / Re: My Brain Is Not Shoting Down At Night Pls Help. by wetu: 4:15pm On Jan 15, 2012

I always dream all night non stop, i see my self singing,seing my old school frnds,from one dream line to another, it gose on like dat til d brake of d day, and when eva i woke up it luk like i hav neva had a slip dat night, it luk tiring and frustrating. Any advice pls, sum say is bekus i always stay on net 2,4,7. Pls any advice

Please contact we on this e-mail: saintwetu@yahoo.com

Religion / Re: Goodbye Nairaland Christians! by wetu: 10:29pm On Jan 13, 2012
If you would like to get in touch with me, post your e-mail address here. I will be reading but this is my last post on Nairaland.

May God grant repentance to those who come here and lie and may He bless the hands of those who serve Him in Spirit and in truth. Shalom.
Religion / Goodbye Nairaland Christians! by wetu: 10:27pm On Jan 13, 2012
During my time here at Nairaland, I have tried at all times not to attack any Pastors or Churches or any Nairaland member personally, be it a Christian, Muslim or Atheist. I have tried, I am not perfect but if you go through my postings, you will find me quoting the Word of God and desisting from personal attacks at all times. However, where I know that this or that man is a false prophet (Deuteronomy 18:22 and Deuteronomy 13), I will always point that out.

Some of you might be offended by my parting shot here but I'm doing this only that perhaps someone might be convicted and turn away from iniquity and truly follow Jesus.

I have found that there are a few true Christians on Nairaland but many are idolaters who worship "men of God" and will go to any extend to defend their favorite MOG. It's sad that a Christian will lie, deny the truth, ignore the scriptures, twist the scriptures, insult, call names and whatever else it takes to defend a "man of God". It's as if their very salvation doesn't depend on knowing the truth and being set free by the truth but rather in their MOG. It is sad really that a Christian can stoop to that level. Such a person is only a Christian by name but in reality they are a stooge of MOGs.

I want you as Christians to understand that looking at the Church from the inside, the Church is the habitation of the Holy Spirit. From the outside, the Church is the light of the world. In order for the Holy Spirit to dwell in your Church (in you as a Christian, or as congregation), you must be holy because the Holy Spirit cannot dwell with sin. He is the Spirit of holiness:

Psa 93:5 Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever.

1Pe 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
1Pe 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

In order for the Church to be the habitation of the Holy Spirit, in order for the glory of God to shine forth from the Church and so that the Church may really be the light to the world, we must get rid of leaven in the Church:

1Co 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
1Co 5:8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

The leaven in the Church is lies and hypocrisy. As long as false prophets are tolerated in the Church ("let God judge"wink, the Church cannot fully radiate the glory of God. Lies in the Church must stop. The pastors lie ("God said this", "God said that"wink, the prophets prophesy deceits of their own hearts and the people love to have it so. Why is it so acceptable now for a Christian to lie (even pretending not to know certain things) and in most cases they do that in the defense of false prophets?

Who has bewitched the children of God that they no longer obey the truth but fall for the lies of those pastors? (Galatians 3:1)

I sincerely plead with Christians on this forum who lie to defend falsehood to know that they might win a debate here but they will appear before the judgement seat of Christ. Will you receive the Crown of Life? Will you receive the Crown of Righteousness? Will you receive the Crown of Glory? Those are the rewards in heaven that Christ promised His Church and not those earthly things that the proponents of the prosperity gospel are promising you. We are talking about eternal rewards here. Will you receive those crowns while you continue in lies?

Let us walk in holiness if we want to be worthy to be called to the marriage supper of the Lamb because only those whose gowns will be found clean and white without spot or blemish will be called.

You must really think very carefully if you want to walk in holiness, can you do that while having to do with "pastors" who lie to defend falsehood? A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

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Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 9:31pm On Jan 13, 2012
stop shouting.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 1:37pm On Jan 13, 2012

@ wetu
you are blowing your tops off for being called pathetic (which i think you are!) but you have the audacity to name someone false prophet?!?!

this guy is a kid!!! who is very religious and quick to quote verses he has no clue about!!! or has God appointed you as a church inspector who knows and picks true and false prophets? leave the man alone, if you cannot match what he is doing, what basis do you have to criticize him?  

You are in the same category with your friend. You call people idiots on this forum. That is not Christianity. But I understand why you are attacking me personally, it is because you cannot attack what I say because I am quoting the Lord Jesus Christ and not some random guy who claims to be a prophet. Again let me remind you:
Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

I did not attack TB Joshua personally, just pointed out that what he is doing is not according to the scriptures. And if a man claims to be a prophet, it is not wrong to call him out to be a false prophet if you think he is one.
Rev 2:2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

Did the Lord say "You waited for me to show you that they are false apostles"? No! He said "You tried them".

You must desist from personal attacks.

I thank you for listening and that is my last word. He that hath an ear let him hear.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 12:04pm On Jan 13, 2012

If a minister does not do charity,people will complain. If a minister does charity, people will read wrong meaning into it. Asking why he showed it grin
Nothing is wrong with Showing what you do. It depends on the motive. If the motive is to inspire others it should be applauded and emulated but if the motive is for self glory, let God judge. He is the only one who sees the motive.

Jesus didn't talk about motives. He said don't do it to be seen.

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
The only reason why cameras of TB Joshua would follow TB Joshua when he gives is because he wants it to be recorded on TV, to be aired on TV, to be seen. If there was no motive to be seen, the cameras would not be there.

Mat 6:4  That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
It's very clear that TB Joshua's giving was never meant to be a secret.

Jesus said "Your giving must be in secret", now you want to change it to "your motives must be pure". Nay, that must be another "higher revelation" and every Christian must reject it (Galatians 1:cool
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 11:57am On Jan 13, 2012

are u a christian. if yes, how do your church help the needy

Are you a Christian? Do you have a Bible? Read Matthew 6:1-4
Religion / Re: Tb Joshua Spoke Of These Protests Back In October - Nigeria, Wake Up! by wetu: 9:37am On Jan 13, 2012
Who is the greatest pDude or TB Joshua?

I say pDude because his prophecies are specific and detailed.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 8:08am On Jan 13, 2012

@ wetu
and you complained that someone insulted you?

do you even know what pathetic means? how old are you? funny enough you still are pathetic!!!

anyway, Prophet T.B. Joshua did something heaven is proud of!!!

Heaven is proud of false prophets? hahaha.
You have a habit of calling people morons and all sorts of things on this forum. You should seriously consider toning it down.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 11:22am On Jan 12, 2012
You said:
You are so pathetic
Mat 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

You need to spend more time in the Word and less time watching those charlatans.
Religion / Re: Proof Of Plagiarism In The Christian New Testament From The Jewish Old Testament by wetu: 11:19am On Jan 12, 2012

LagosShia needs help!
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 7:44pm On Jan 11, 2012

A true moral action is an altruistic action performed for its own sake, and not used as a vain attempt to proselytize a wicked and sadistic religion. From time immemorial, religion has always chosen to take advantage of the so-called downtrodden, weak, and vulnerable members of society in its sadistic attempt at glorifying itself, but alas, the enlightened members of the same society already know religion for what it really is, the opium of a hopeless and hapless people!

You know religion, now get to know Jesus, He will show you a better way.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 6:19pm On Jan 11, 2012

One requirement for these acts of kindness is that the cameras must always be present; just an observation.

They are acts of marketing.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 6:17pm On Jan 11, 2012

@ wetu
what is really your probs? is it the kind gesture the MOG showed to the elderly people? or the fact that he put it on his satellite channel? or that he forced people to watch him give out those things? dude, what is your hassle about?

so what is your suggestion? instead of thanking God that someone was so benevolent to share gifts with the neglected elderly people of our society, you are here passing lame judgement because you got to hear about it. you are so pathetic.

lovely pix, men MOG is handsome ooo, see levels!!!

I don't think I have a problem. I just posted what Jesus said. If you have a problem with that, turn it over to Jesus. He will heal you and show you His way.

I don't have any suggestions. I cannot make suggestions. I follow Jesus and as such, I will not insult you back.
Religion / Re: Prophet T.b. Joshua's Kindness! by wetu: 2:03pm On Jan 11, 2012
Mat 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Mat 6:2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Mat 6:3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
Mat 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

TB Joshua this, TB Joshua that. Is there nothing else to talk about? Is it biblical to give and blow your own trumpet? It's not! Why does he do it? To deceive even the very elect if was possible!
Religion / Re: How God Busted Boko Haram Plot In Winners' Church, Kaduna by wetu: 11:40am On Jan 11, 2012
How do we know David Oyedepo is not lying?
Religion / Re: Where Is Our Pastors? by wetu: 11:35am On Jan 11, 2012

2Ti 2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Religion / Re: Tb Joshua by wetu: 7:00am On Dec 29, 2011
who is more of a man of God?
Someone cannot be more of a man of God. He is either a man of God or a son of the devil.
Religion / Re: Why Is It That Some Church Leaders Have Not Been Speaking Out Over Boko Haram? by wetu: 6:40pm On Dec 28, 2011
What should the pastors say about Boko Haram? I think remaining silent is the best response. Boko Haram are unbelievers, they will not listen to pastors. What can happen is that the pastors can open a war of words and inflame the situation.

The Christian response should be prayer. If any of you have Muslim friends, remain quiet and act as if it doesn't bother you. If they bring it up, use it as an opportunity to preach the gospel of love. This is how Muslims can be won over to the truth and not by engaging them on their violent religion. They will argue that it is a "religion of peace" -which is a lie. True Muslims are violent. True Christians are peaceful.
Religion / Re: False Prophet: Uebert Angel by wetu: 1:51pm On Dec 28, 2011

Urbert angel is a minister of Jesus christ.

You maybe right
Religion / Re: The Fastest Growing Church by wetu: 7:36am On Dec 28, 2011
So many preachers of righteousness on Nairaland. I love it! Carry on, and be examples to the flock, you will receive a[b] crown of glory![/b]
Religion / Re: False Pastors That Are Leading People To Hell. by wetu: 7:31am On Dec 28, 2011
Thumbs up OLAADEGBU and the rest! We must fight the good fight of faith in order to receive the crown of righteousness!
Religion / Re: Dr. Sign Fireman Is A True Man Of God! by wetu: 9:41pm On Dec 05, 2011
taskgirl Posted on: Yesterday at 10:04:27 PM
ademiro Posted on: Yesterday at 10:00:39 PM
watkind Posted on: Yesterday at 09:51:12 PM
taskgirl Posted on: Yesterday at 09:47:21 PM
grin grin grin
Religion / Re: TB Joshua Vs Dr Sign Fireman: Who's Faker? by wetu: 7:41am On Dec 03, 2011
He is a liar. There's no record of his books or companies.
And a miracle is not proof of the truth. It doesn't matter how many miracles you post here, the man remains a charlatan.
That line "You are supposed to be a christian" is used even by fornicators and drunkards. It's an old line and I don't fall for it.
Religion / Re: TB Joshua Vs Dr Sign Fireman: Who's Faker? by wetu: 7:32am On Dec 03, 2011

What is the lie?

You wont know it, even it fell on your head, Pastor Joe
Religion / Re: Dr. Sign Fireman Is A True Man Of God! by wetu: 2:10pm On Dec 02, 2011
if Joagbaje is a pastor, then anything is possible in Nigerian christianity
grin grin grin
Religion / Re: TB Joshua Vs Dr Sign Fireman: Who's Faker? by wetu: 2:10pm On Dec 02, 2011

Why ask me? That's your assignment . I'm not even aware he changed his name , thou sayeth. If you have information he had another name ,check up on the source. I judge by the word of God. And I haven't seen anything thing contrary to Gods word that he has done.

Lying is not contrary to God's word?
Religion / Re: Dr. Sign Fireman Is A True Man Of God! by wetu: 10:25am On Dec 02, 2011

Quote from: wetu on Yesterday at 01:46:06 PM

Taskgirl, are you on the payroll of this charlatan? You say you are defending the truth? Haibo! the truth is JESUS CHRIST, you are defending a charlatan.


At least that is new! Look, i am not on any ones payroll.

But there is one thing i know that you don't know which is that Dr. Sign Fireman is not what Mr Seyi Rhodes painted him as.

So it is my right to make sure that reasonable people hear the other side and know that one doesn't criticize what one knows nothing about!#

Get to know this man of GOD, what is all about then not with an unbiased mind okay!

Hey adanam (other name), You forgot to change IDs. The response was directed to taskgirl.
Religion / Re: Dr. Sign Fireman Is A True Man Of God! by wetu: 1:46pm On Dec 01, 2011
Taskgirl, are you on the payroll of this charlatan? You say you are defending the truth? Haibo! the truth is JESUS CHRIST, you are defending a charlatan.
Religion / Re: Sign Fireman -- True Man Of God by wetu: 11:57pm On Nov 30, 2011
lol, you are trying really hard. Are you on the payroll?
Religion / Re: TB Joshua Vs Dr Sign Fireman: Who's Faker? by wetu: 4:48pm On Nov 30, 2011

They are both men of God ,not fakes.

If a man who promotes HOT GIRLS is not a false teacher, then the Bible is wrong there are no false teachers. What do you say?

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Religion / Re: One Day We'll Kill All Jews by wetu: 8:56am On Nov 28, 2011
Is the Pope a Christian? I thought he was Catholic?

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