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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:53am On Jun 01, 2022
Thanks Mr Silver, God bless you for this wonderful story
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 3:49pm On May 19, 2022

The end is here...

A congregation of clouds lit up the blue, each of them pursuing the sun from the sky..., From dark clouds comes sleek rain, strong enough to reach the skin in moments....., Maxwell tilt his head up, he was in a sort of daze as he watch the water drops from the dark sky drench his body in bits.....

In the rain Maxwell felt there's serenity, a sense of peace that offers to resonate with the peaceful elements of the soul. Walking among those drops is his meditation, a way to fully become present in the moment, a way to feel free......, And as the rain became more intense, it began to soak the bottom of each pale blue jean leg, deepening the denim to a stronger hue, bringing his black boots to a glossy water-shine, becoming a kind of natural cocoon......

He stood there for what felt like eternity but was just few minutes relishing the prospect of walking in the rain, the peace and calmness it bring to his mind....., not until he heard a snarl like sound that he realise he shouldn't be there..., dark clouds mount above him and with the thick darkness that engulfed his sight comes the horrors of the night...

In that moment he turned around to leave but quickly realise how futile it was when he couldn't find a way out.., wondering where he is.., he stood frozen as his eyes caught a bird launched herself, instantly immersed in the dark night......

Dread propelled him to take a step back as he watched the bird flew over him.., the bird with features he has read in books look down at him with it's two bald ears, a snout-like nose and fangs nestled within its mouth making him jostled backwards with fear.....

He would have stand if it was just a bird but this was a bat and he wasn't ready to watch to see what the bird does to him..., inclined to run away, he noticed the bird wasn't alone, just few paces from him, In flamboyant silhouette, a ballet of bats flew towards him...., running was the only logical thing to do, he knew it but his legs failed him.., unable to move his feet, he fell down as the bats hovered around him....

He screamed for help but other than the echoe of his voice, no response was heard..
Horror mount on his face as once again he tried to get up, then he heard a scream, a cry for help, it wasn't him but someone else in agony...., getting up he looked forward, there he saw the bats feasting on someone..., he wanted to run but then he recognised the voice.., he took a step forward.., his heart nearly crushed in his chest when he sighted Derek, the bats devouring him of all flesh......

"Derek..."Maxwell screamed..

He couldn't go for the rescue, he couldn't move and it was as if his legs were caught in a trap.....

Little by little, the screams began to cease until it completely stopped, in that moment he realise Derek was gone, flesh stripped from his body....., he tried to walk to him but he couldn't.., there again he heard the loud snarls.., the bats were coming for him again and Derek's fate might be his....

A loud cry made way from his mouth when he couldn't move..., his life flashed in front of his eyes as the bats came for him.., wholly vulnerable.., he stood, fear and terror licking at the bottom of his stomach..., he lost all hope of survival, realise too quickly no one was coming to help him......

In that last second, when all hope was lost, he saw a bright light shone from above and the darkness gave way..., a tap came on his shoulder and that was when he woke up......

He pants and breathe heavily oblivious of where he is..., another tap on his shoulder got him shivering before he could find the courage to look at the person.....

"Who are you...?"He muttered before he eyes roamed around....."Where am I...?"


Light and darkness have nothing in common....

IYAWO MAMMY-WATER.... The last ride...

Hey guys, sorry for the long absent.., I would have love to explain the reason behind it but is of personal nature..., thanks you all for your understanding, thanks for the calls and the messages.. and thanks for still sticking around....
Thanks silver, waiting till 23
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 11:30am On Mar 15, 2022
Silver pls come and update us
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:07am On Feb 19, 2022
Wait o, is Maxwell dead. And Derek will die too.

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 9:01pm On Jan 25, 2022
Can't wait.
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 9:01am On Jan 20, 2022
Mr Silver I hope you're okay.
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:36am On Dec 06, 2021
Bro or pastor Wilson is the latest simp and idiot in this story , defending and trying to fight for a lady you definitely don’t know if she’s guilty or not , and wishing jail doom on your fellow man because you want to own Erica all to yourself .

Pastor Wilson wan inherit problems wey nor concern him , na so Erica problems take start so .
The worst part is he's not even sure if Erica likes him abi na by force to marry


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 12:14am On Dec 01, 2021
I really feel Derek pains now chai

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 8:52am On Nov 20, 2021
Next pls, can't wait to see what befalls Derek and Maxwell
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 7:21pm On Oct 17, 2021
Silver oya o., am tired of imagining how Derek will get rid of Nerissa

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:45am On Oct 10, 2021
Pls i dont want a Nollywood ending to these story,tell them the truth,so that they will know the dangers of casual sex.Most people are suffering today because of casual sex.Derek must reap what he sowed,so that ur readers will knw the dangers in that type of lifestlye.
My Neigbour is Mentally unstable till today after Sleeping with an unknown lady.A fine young guy,that was during well,he changes lady then like cloth.Nice update Mr Silver,but ur readers especially the young ones need to knw how bad casual sex is.
Lol, even me will be mad if this wonderful story gets a religious ending. grin but we never know what is running in silver's head.

And as for the danger of casual sex, I think the op has point out so many things that accompanies casual sex, Maxwell lost what is most precious to him, and Derek is still suffering, he has even lost his peace of mind and silver keep saying he's cursed, if you remenber vividly the fight between Nerissa and that priest(I've forgotten his name) I think the priest said it, the implications of sleeping with a mermaid., just go back to that episode, you'll understand what am saying.

So I don't think Derek will even end well, intact I see no perfect ending for any of the characters, silver fit just kill Erica to shock us self grin.

Nice update man, keep up the good work


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:12am On Sep 21, 2021
This officer Justin and Martin, are they the only police in the city.

Erica should be careful, Nerissa is dangerous


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 9:55am On Sep 02, 2021
Thanks for the update

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 8:56am On Aug 26, 2021
What's your problem, you did this before and you were warned and corrected and now you're doing it again. Bia take your time o, I thought silver has updated, you just raise my hopes up for nothing.
You to correct, oil dey your head @silver1996


Anger roused every part of Nerissa when she couldn't find Derek anywhere.., after looking at every angle of the house, she returned to the parlour, her attention followed the ringing tone of Derek's phone, she quickly pick it up and Stare at the caller...

"Erica...."She mutter the caller's name....

Her thoughts catch up and she quickly realise she has heard the name and been to her house, the house she could not enter that night, the fact that Derek could have gone back there angered her to the core, she digged her nails into her palm before she vanished from sight......

"What do you think happened here....?"Officer Martin ask Justin when they were in the compound. ...

"Well it seems somebody burnt some things.."Officer Justin replied as he walk over the ashes and head towards the door.....

"Something doesn't seem right. ....."Officer Martin said...."The cars, the open gate and then ashes from burnt items....."

Officer Justin sighed heavily, without a word, he knocked on the door

Inside the house, the black Mamba snake threw it's head forward while the rest of it's body followed as the knock came on the door again, the wide scales on its belly grip the ground while pushing forward with the others as her eyes roam around looking for any possible place to hide....

Infuriated, Officer Justin turn down the door knob and the door open...., he shift his gaze to officer Martin before he took his gun out and walk in..., before he took another step, he stood and observe incase of any surprises. ...

"Was there a fight. ..?"Officer Martin ask lowering his gaze to the broken bottles and drop of blood on the ground. ..

"Obviously" Officer Justin replied taking a step forward

"I don't think anyone is at home..."Officer Martin said

The snake hid herself and watch them with the eyes of a predator..., she flicked her tongue and the moment she felt one of the officers was edging close, she slither backwards and fold under the couch...

Officer Justin sighed heavily realising there's no one in the house.....

"Something happened here man" Officer Martins said

Officer Justin nodded in agreement. ..."I guess we'll come back. .."

Officer Justin walk towards the door, when he turn back to look at Martin, he saw him staring into space as if he was seeing something he's not.....

"Are you coming. ..?"Officer Justin queried

"I thought I saw something. .."

"What..?"Justin ask with shrugged shoulders..

"I don't know..., I just thought I saw something moving...."

"Can we go now...?"

"Sure.."He replied and step out with Justin. .

The black mamba snake came out from hiding and glided forward pushing it's belly against the tiles, she tilt her head before she tense her belly muscles as she gripped the rough patches of the chair, she slithered up and release movement and crawl it's way to the top of the chair, she flicked her tongue before she poke her head on the opening in the window curtains......, there she watched as the two officers stepped outside the gate, entered their car and drove off, she needs to choose her next victim but until then, she needs to know the human that have told her truth........

She quickly fold part of her length around the window protective bars and basks in golden rays, absorbing sunlight into her scales......., soon enough she will be taking the bright stars of four hundred men and leave their pitiable souls for their maker to judge...., the world shall know the return of the black mamba. .....

To be continued....


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 9:19pm On Aug 17, 2021
Thanks for the update
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:58am On Jul 27, 2021
Mean, this Nerissa is strong o, only the power of God can destroy this one.

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 9:54am On Jul 10, 2021
Thanks for the update

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 10:34am On Jun 22, 2021
It's becoming more interesting, I am just wondering what will become of Derek now that Nerissa have taken him underwater.

Silver thanks for the update and happy belated birthday


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 2:50pm On Jun 15, 2021
Na spiritual wife be this so.

This is scary
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 12:51pm On Jun 01, 2021
Silver I've been reading your stories, no offence but the kind of harsh words you use on ladies makes me wonder how you treat your girlfriend/wife.

Derek your own is finish.
You should know it's just a story..., don't judge him by the kind of stories he writes or the words he uses., everyone have their own unique way of writing


Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 12:43pm On Jun 01, 2021
Come to think of it, Silas didn't do anything to her, she wasn't the target, why did she kill him..

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 7:41am On May 26, 2021
Fear women!!!
Thanks for the update

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Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 8:51pm On May 25, 2021
Thanks for the update
Literature / Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by petersononome: 7:09am On May 14, 2021

Derek plays the game so well to be considered your average playboy, and guess what, he was winning too... but things change when he met Nerissa, little did he realise that the same shovel that dug him from the dirt could as well bury him.

Be careful who you sleep with, not everyone on clothes is human.......

The consequences was only the beginning.........

Waiting patiently
Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 8:39pm On Apr 27, 2021
Wow Mr Smith is a badass, after all the atrocities he committed, he's actually the one walking free.

I don't blame him though, there was no evidence to tie him to Nurse Titi's death.

Silver thanks alot for this great story...

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Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 7:26am On Apr 12, 2021
Dead was way too good for Samuel

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Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 12:24pm On Apr 03, 2021
Anticipating for the end.., well done my favorite writer


Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 7:32pm On Mar 26, 2021
I love the twist, thanks for the update
Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 9:05pm On Feb 26, 2021
With everybody against Samuel, I fear for his safety

Thanks for the update
Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 10:02am On Feb 21, 2021
No peace for the wicked.

Thanks for the update

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Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 8:58pm On Feb 03, 2021
Amilo might get killed in the crossfire and Samuel will end up escaping again.

Rachel is the real vip, risking your life and your job for someone you barely know, she's a life saver and it'll be heartbreaking if anything happens to her.

Anita, suffer nor dey tire you, I really feel for you, if you eventually break out from the mental asylum, you'll get the biggest shock of your life, the death of your father and siblings.

Who hit Matthew's head.?, I'm suspecting it could one of Vialo gang member, possibly one on the look.

Silver, infact gold thanks for the update


Literature / Re: PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) by petersononome: 7:44pm On Jan 27, 2021
I don't think Samuel will survive these multiple attacks.

Thanks for the update

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